WaPo: The 2016 conversation Paul Ryan wanted to keep private.
The surprising pattern behind color names around the world.
Trevor Noah: So much news, so little time.
The Man-Baby Трамп and his Handlers Sitters:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп asked Comey to end Flynn probe & gave Russians intel
- Bill Maher: Orange Sphincter to the rescue
- Stephen plea: “Please don’t take Sean Spicer from us.”
- Minute Physics: Ring around the earth.
- The President Show: Inside the President’s mind:
- Трамп cannot be destroyed!!!
- PsychoSuperMom: Obstruction!
- Трамп revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians
- Stephen: Comey and Трамп had a heart-to-no-heart
- Jimmy Kimmel: Exclusive footage of Трамп’s media lunch
- Sam Seder: Mitch McConnell’s response to Трамп question is actually funny to watch
- Keith Olbermann: What’s happening in Donald Трамп’s head?
- Seth Meyers: Трамп complains about unfair treatment
- Late Show: Breaking: Трамп and Bannon’s high-speed getaway
- Guided meditation to survive Трамп leaks.
- FAUX News’ 5 steps for handling a Трамп scandal
- Stephen finally agrees with Donald Трамп on something
- Seth Meyers: Трамп and Republicans react to Comey memo bombshell
- David Pakman: Трамп EPA approves nasty chemical, immediately poisons farm workers
- Trevor: President Трамп can’t be trusted with secrets
- The Late Show: The other classified secrets Трамп bragged about
- Jimmy Kimmel’s guide to spotting fake news.
- Stephen: Трамп uses a commencement speech to congratulate…himself!
- The death of the White House press briefing???
- Full Frontal: Ivanka’s new book is dangerous.
- How Трамп made it hard for the US to fight terrorism
- Stephen: White House staffers have gone into hiding
- David Pakman: Ways Трамп and Nixon are alike.
- Seth Meyers: Donald Трамп warned us about himself
- Donald Трамп’s Yanky Yanky
- Roy Zimmerman: Fired:
- DHS chief caught on hot mic suggesting Трамп use sword “on the press”
- Bill Maher: Pres. Batshit is at it again.
- Young Turks: Трамп’s Coast Guard speech turns into personal pity party
- Stephen: How to childproof your home before a visit from Трамп.
- New Трамп-inspired Coast Guard recruitment ad.
- Jimmy Fallon: Pros and cons of working at the White House.
- Sam Seder: Трамп plagiarized speech from ‘Legally Blonde’ (yes, really)
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The fight to rethink (and reinvent) nuclear energy.
John Oliver: Dialysis.
Straw Men of the Apocalypse: How to deal with your climate change denying uncle.
Mark Fiore: Taxcutiva.
The ТрампRussia investigation gets “Special”:
- WaPo: The Justice Department’s decision, explained
- Jimmy Kimmel on Donald Трамп’s witch hunt
- Maddow: James Comey recounted inappropriate pressure from Donald Трамп
- Five myths about Watergate
- Is Трамп really Nixonian? four similarities.
- Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD): “This is about the fight for the soul of our democracy.”
- WaPo: Sen. Blumenthal, “A lot of the credit goes to the free press”
- Trevor: A special prosecutor steps in & FAUX News doesn’t get the Comey memo
- David Pakman: Senate Panel accepts James Comey’s offer to testify publicly
- Untangling the web of Michael Flynn.
- Justice Department appoints special counsel to investigate Трамп and Russia.
- Keith Olbermann: Here’s how Трамп could already be prosecuted
- Investigation of Russian ties to White House now focuses on current official
- Maddow: How might Donald Трамп try to end the investigation?
- Stephen isn’t ready to let it go.
- Sam Seder: Comey was “DISGUSTED” by hug from Donald Трамп
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Watergate Lawyer says obstruction of justice evidence “overwhelming”
- Sen. McCain: Трамп controversies reaching “Watergate size and scale”
- Here is how impeachment works.
- Stephen: Трамп’s Special Counsel is the most special
Ducks aren’t using the “gold plated” ramp yet.
Full Frontal: George W. Bush gives at speech.
Young Turks: Women’s rights are human rights.
Sam Seder and friends: Mike Huckabee is STILL stuck on gay marriage.
Jimmy Kimmel: Schoolhouse Rock – I’m Just a Lie:
Ailes Kicks It:
- David Pakman: Disgraced former FAUX News chief Roger Ailes dead at 77
- Young Turks: Remembering Roger Ailes.
- Michael Brooks: Roger Ailes is dead.
- Young Turks: FARX Hosts who weren’t threatened for sex mourn Roger Ailes
Bill Maher: I don’t know it for a fact…I just know it’s true.
ONN: Scientists capture audio of beetle colliding with paper clip for first time.
Profiles in swearing: Three recent high-profile examples.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So we got a special prosecutor? I did not expect it, because of the people who would appoint.
Valley Metro in Phoenix ordered more light rail vehicles and several streetcars, from two builders, one American, one the US subsidiary of a German company. 11 Siemens S70 LRV’S with an option for 67 more. Although Siemens is a German company, production will be in Sacramento.
Also, Pennsylvania based Brookville received an order from Valley Metro for six Liberty streetcars for the Tempe Streetcar project.
@1 They had no choice after Herr Drumpf blatantly invited it.
I recently finished the book “Shattered.” I thought it was going to be a snarky hit piece on Hillary Clinton, but it was actually a pretty good summary of the 2016 Clinton campaign and what went wrong.
For those with a liking of such things, I recommend it for a fairly even-handed account of what happened.
Sweet so we’re going to stabilize the region by selling more arms to the oppressive regime who’s radical Islamists actually attacked America on 9/11.
It’ll work THIS time.
Didn’t DerTrumper see the thousands of Saudis celebrating on that day. Allahu Akbar
@4 480 pages later, you realize Hillary is a less astute politician than Bill?
It’ll work THIS time.
Brits and Yanks have been persuing that policy with the House of Saud for almost 100 years now– ever since the Brits helped the House of Saud shoot their way into power, in fact.
All we care about is oil. Everybody knows this, and nobody has the integrity to do anything about it.
“@4 480 pages later, you realize Hillary is a less astute politician than Bill?”
484 pages, if you include the notes and index. The basic text is 402 pages.
Yes, based on the outcome, Bill Clinton was better politician than Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump was a better politician than Hillary, too, in the 2016 election. (Full disclosure: Politically Incorrect did not vote for Clinton or Trump.)
Robby Mook was too focused on data and analytics and watching how the money was spent, and Bill Clinton and John Podesta were more interested in the “grip and grin” campaigning than number crunching. There was a lot of infighting in Hillary’s campaign. Black voters voted for Hillary, but they were not nearly as excited about her candidacy as they were for Obama and getting him elected. Some didn’t even bother to vote at all. There was a sense of entitlement and inevitability in the Hillary campaign, and that turned off a lot of voters. It came across as elitist. The nail in the coffin was forgetting about non-college educated whites in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania and how the Electoral College works.
7 – No kidding. It’s time for us to withdraw from the area. Muslims don’t like a bunch of mostly white, mostly Christian faces running around their “holy” lands.
Islam is not going to change until Muslims decide to change it. The more “infidels” they see in the Middle East, the less likely they’re going to change at all.
This guy would sell his sole to be a scumbag.
He knew what he was signing up for. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....0c51a1?jha
@8 “Yes, based on the outcome, Bill Clinton was better politician than Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump was a better politician than Hillary, too, in the 2016 election.”
If election outcomes are your only yardstick of political skill — and I won’t go into the deficiencies with that line of reasoning here — then Trump was a better politician than Hillary by minus 2.9 million votes.
Correction Soul.
@9 You’re right, we don’t need to run around in the Middle East. If we’re patient, the Middle East will come to us. See, e.g. 9/11/01. Are you really so dense that you actually believe if we adopt an isolationist foreign policy the rest of the world will leave us alone? Even Trump isn’t that stupid.
11 – “…then Trump was a better politician than Hillary by minus 2.9 million votes.”
It’s the electoral votes that mater.
13 – ” …adopt an isolationist foreign policy the rest of the world will leave us alone?”
I’m all in favor of trade and travel between us and the rest of the world. What I’m against is the dissipation of our treasury and our young persons’ lives and limbs that continues forever. Islam is not going to change until the West gets out of the way. As far as leaving us alone, Muslims know that we have some really, really big firecrackers in the missile silos of Kansas and in the weapons bays of nuclear submarines. If they attack us or attempt to attack us, the pay-back will be terrible.
Why did Bin Laden develop his craziness? Well, he objected to the infidel westerners coming into the holy land of Saudi Arabia back in August of 1990 to kick Saddam out of Kuwait. It’s just plain insanity, but Muslims won’t change until they’re left alone and get to experience what Sharia Law truly means. Right now, the only thing Muslims are united about is their hatred of the West.
Twitter co-founder: ‘Very bad’ if Twitter helped make Trump president
Well, it’s certainly possible Twitter shares some blame, but it’s people like Goldy
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
who really made it happen.
From sniffing out FEMA director padded resumes to sniffing padded thrones. In little more than a decade. Well done, Goldy.
@14 “It’s the electoral votes that mater.”
Electoral votes count for purposes of getting elected. Popular votes matter for purposes of governing, unless you’re content to be a weak, toothless, chair warmer. Losing the popular vote by 2.9 million is indicative of an inferior candidate with an inferior message, and that certainly affects his ability to enact his agenda. It may also affect his ability to stay in office.
@16 “sniffing out FEMA director padded resumes”
That, by itself, is a greater accomplishment than anything you’ve ever done.*
* Have you ever done ANYTHING besides whine about the minimum wage?
So here’s a doctor with money to burn on big pickup trucks and horse trailers and such, who brags about sitting down to a $386 restaurant dinner, but can’t stop whining about paying restaurant labor $15/hr. Why don’t you divide $15 into $386 and see how many hours of kitchen labor it would take to sit down to that meal, and then insist the help behind the double doors is overpaid? If you’re interested, I’ll tell you who’s overpaid …
@ 17
Losing the popular vote by 2.9 million is indicative of an inferior candidate with an inferior message…
Well, perhaps, although it’s also indicative of being outspent 2:1 by the party which was so upset with the Citizens United decision.
If Trump’s tally is viewed in terms of campaign dollars spent per vote, he actually did quite well.
However one chooses to view it,
All together now,
#CrookedHillary will never, ever become president.
Oh Jeb STFU. That wasn’t some great prediction – it was the obvious.
You should have spoke up during the election and told Texans and Foridians to vote for Hillary. Right now you’re just as much of a bigger loser than Hillary and Drumpf. Go fuck yourself. Serves you and
Your stupid Ilk that Drumpf is a disaster.
Jeb Bush Delivers Huge ‘Told You So’ About ‘Chaos President’ Donald Trump
I wonder how Saudia Arabia “investing in America”, as Drumpf puts it, keeps America from staying out of the Middle East like PI would like. Seems like you have to come to their aid now when they need the help.
@20 Glad to see that you’re back on track to having posted 4,000 pro-Putin hashtags, Doctor Dumbfuck, you fucking traitor.
Seems life still sucks for shitstain steve @23.
Seems life still sucks for shitstain steve @23.
Meanwhile we now learn what really happened in China during Obummer’s sadministration. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/20/world/asia/china-cia-spies-espionage.html?_r=0
Seems like the loon can’t stop double-posting his head explosions. SAD!
Seems to me that the loon might be getting lynched soon by his wingnut friends. SAD!
“We’ll hang all you niggers!”
“You’ll be hanging from a tree!”
Us liberals are better than that. We’ll give you a trial first, then hang you proper, as in, from the gallows. For treason.
I got a better one for all you doomed hillbilly traitors:
#PutinPuppet DID become President. Oops.
Na, na, na, na, etc.
It’s only for liberal ni@@ers calling for impeachment you moron! You always get FACTS mixed up with facts!
Wait for the silly comment…
Musn’t leave out all the Derp State “establishment conservative” counterrevolutionaries scheming away in beltway luxury hospitality suites to betray trailer ‘Murika.
And those who would trade your blind loyalty for a SuperPAC money dump or an oil lease.
The NAACP jettisoned its president this past week. Apparently getting arrested protesting Jeff Sessions’ appointment to AG wasn’t enough, and might have even been a contributing factor.
If no one minds, I’m taking credit for the loon head explosion @30. And it was a very nice one, too.
@ 33
What liberals call winning in 2017.
Milk it for all it’s worth, Steve.
Swiss voters can get a referendum on the ballot for anything. This time, the Government ‘s phase out of Nuclear Power. Looks like the voters endorsed it. Although to make up what domestic wind and solar may not have, they would have to import. From France it would be Nuclear, although renewable sources in Germany are making great strides, especially in the Chancellor’s home state.
@ 35
France might not have nuclear energy to spare for long.
The newly appointed energy minister is a well-known anti-nuke guy.
French energy minister must stick to Macron’s programme on nuclear energy – govt
In British Columbia, control of the BC Government could come down to recount in the district of Courtney-Comox in Central Vancouver Island. Right now, the NDP leader is ahead by 9 votes. If the recount and absentee votes reverse it, the BC Liberals have the 44 seats needed for a majority government. If the results stand, the BC Liberals will be one seat short, and the BC Greens come into play.