Olbermann with Arizona state Sen. Steve Gallardo on protecting the Voting Rights Act.
Pap: Republicans continue to fail on national security.
September 11th, Ten Years Later:
- Aloyna’s Fireside Chat: Talking about all the costs of 9/11.
- Ann Telnaes: Our 9/11 response.
- Gen. Eric Sinsheki remembers.
- Eric Holder remembers.
- Leon Panetta remembers.
- Janet Napolitano remembers.
- Young Turks: Ground zero students sick ten years later.
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Rep. West uses 9/11 to spread Islamaphobia
- New recordings released.
- Cafferty: 10 years later, did the terrorists win?
- ONN: Rembering 9/11 a pleasure for nation compared to remembering past 10 years.
Pap and Harry Shearer on “The Big Uneasy,” six years later.
Mark Fiore: Tea Party tradition.
Roy Zimmerman: The Unions Are to Blame:
Joint Address:
- Ann Telnaes: Which Obama will we see?
- Obama’s jobs speech leaked
- Jon: Tales of manufactured conflict. (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Boehner makes golf small talk with Biden before speech (via The Political Carnival).
- President Obama introduces the American Jobs Act:
- Kimmel: Republicans during the address (via HuffPo).
- Sam Seder: Breaking down Obama’s jobs plan.
- Young Turks: Pros and cons of Obama’s jobs plan.
- Obama discusses The American Jobs Act in Richmond, VA
FAUX News’ Roger Ailes dissembles his way to Worst Person in the World.
Tea Party Zombies:
- Newsy: The Tea Party Zombies Must Die video game.
- Aloyna’s Happy Hour: Tea Party Zombies must die!
Sam Seder: Anti-immigrant NM Gov. Susana Martinez admits that her grandparents were illegal immigrants.
Young Turks: Koch Bros caught on tape…..
Olbermann with Faiz Shakir on the impact of Islamophobia in the U.S..
The G.O.P. Primary Asylum:
- Young Turks: Reagan dominates debate.
- GOP debate in 45 seconds (via AmericaBlog).
- NPR: Science skeptics among GOP presidential hopefuls
- GOP 2012: Chasing the Tea Party.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Sarah Palin is still not running.
- Young Turks: Michele Bachmann lies about stimulus and jobs.
- Ed: Bachmann doubles down on her “$2 gas” promise.
- Newsy: Bachmann wants to eliminate Dept. of Education.
- Young Turks: Michele’s dubious immigrant statement.
- Michele Bachmann’s back to school message:
- Dick Cheney tells candidates to
go fuck themselveswatch their mouths. - Thom and Bill Press analyze the G.O.P. debate.
- Stephen: Why T-Paw dropped out. (via Political Wire).
- Young Turks: Hooray for executions!
- Thom: Rick Perry’s “ponzi scheme” campaign slogan
- Sam Seder: Rick Perry on Social Security.
- Ed with Pap and Brad Friedman: Koch bros. would love a Perry presidency.
- Jon on the Mitt Romney versus Rick Perry debate.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Mitt’s sci-fi job plan—tax cut after tax cut.
- Jon: Mitt’s plan to create jobs for smartphones or something.
- Maddow: Mitt Romney is threatening to bring back the architect of bush’s economic disaster, Part I and Part II
- Ron Paul on his “altercation” with Rick Perry during the debate (via Mediaite).
- Young Turks: Rick Perry’s “assault” on Ron Paul.
- Surprise, surprise: Orly Taitz for Rick Perry (via The Political Carnival).
- Stephen on the debate and Rick Perry’s Texacution miracle
- Young Turks: Perry cut fire fighting in TX.
- Newsy: Obama tells Congress to pass his jobs bill.
- Ann Telnaes: Perry on Galileo and climate change.
- Young Turks: Mitt v. Rick.
- Sam Seder: Rick Perry’s death penalty record receives thunderous applause from sick-ass Republican.
- Young Turks: Rick Perry and Social Security.
- Stephen on Parry with an “a”-gate.
- Newsy: How’d Perry do in his debut?
Pap: Tea Party hate boils over.
Thom with Ari Berman on The GOP War on Voting.
Obama with a labor day message.
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann crazies her way to Worst Person in the World.
Ann Telnaes: Obama—Boehner silliness.
NPR: It’s All Politics, week in review.
Pap: Republicans celebrated Labor Day by embracing sweat shop capitalism.
Super Committee:
- Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) on Super Committee rules.
- Sen. Patty Murray: Super Committee opening remarks.
Sharpton: U.S. ranks 19th among 19 industrialized nations in ‘avoidable mortalities’.
Thom vs Matthew Vadum: Is registering the poor to vote un-American?
SCTV: Jesus lover:
White House: West Wing Week.
Susie Sampson: Tea Party on labor and jobs (via Crooks and Liars).
Maddow: Obama and Biden come out big for unions on labor day.
Sam Seder: How the right wingers destroyed the U.S. Post Office.
Olbermann and Ken Vogel: Gov. Christie’s relationship with the Koch brothers.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Donations to Rachel’s charity now stand at $1,240.733 with 20 days to go.
There are so many things wrong with Republicans I’m forced to conclude there must be something wrong with people who vote for them, too.
@2 -it is called being ignorant and stupid, dumb as a door knob, I can’t smell the coffee, and the act of being a prick.
Speaking of pricks, Margaret Haugen’s 72 y/o husband convicted of fondling her 28 y/o former campaign manager:
Now why did Darryl not post this Friday Night Funnies link?
Here is Rachel MadCow in action. At 1:09 she called him “boy king”. Hmmm… Where is the screaming and shouting from the rabid HA libardo moronic crew? Calling Obummer the Boy King! Nary a peep!
Ooooops my bad… Rachel is held in the highest esteem here on HA. She works on PMSNBC, the most used source of HA libtardos.
So with that boy king theme…
All hail from his TOTUS, magnificent Obummer the Boy King magnanimous majesty! (emineminem)
Thursday evening on American TV, Per Rachel MadCow, Obummer the Boy King, after 961 days saved the US economy. That’s what the PMSNBC libtardos claimed!
The next day we saw the economy just doesn’t understand or comprehend Obummer the Boy King. Wall Street doesn’t get it. Dow drops over 300 points. Roger DOPEY Rabbit blamed it on Europe. Of course he had to!
Remember how Al NotSoSharpton reacted to Pat Buchanan? Did Al discuss this with Ms MadCow yet?
That is always on Gman’s “mind”!
Clicking on Maddow: Obama and Biden come out big for unions on labor day link… I found this blog entry!
Obummer the Boy King was golfing dude! Obummer the Boy King is above all that!
Once again Puddy demonstrates his irrelevance.
He seems to think that criticizing Obama around here results in some sort of unassailable, irrefutable ‘Gotcha!” – as if we consider his, ahem, thoughtful criticisms to be pithy and persuasive.
I think that this reflects some rather mundane right-wing authority worship. We all criticize Obama – he’s a total disappointment, from a leftist analysis, IMHO. I don’t think that he comprehends that we could feel this way about our ‘leader’ – it does not compute that we are not all lock-step with the gentle corporatist in the White House.
As such, his raving, cackling, sophomoric droolings are just that – so much tepid spittle.
I think Puddy would agree with me in saying,
(h/t SCTV above)
No you ALL dont Lib UNscientist. Most here still worship at Obummer the Boy King’s throne.
Yes you are goosestepping to Obummer the Boy King. Obummer the Boy King hates corporations like 98% of the libtardos here!
Notice in all his lunatic ravings did Lib UNscientist call out Rachel MadCow for using KKK language?
Nope cuz Lib UNscientist is a dope!
You know what I find shuts me down every time, crushes my rebuttals, smashes like a tsunami my every leftist opinion??
Puddy’s powerful powerful use of the neologism – Obummer, MadCow, PMSNBC, RogerDopeyRabbit, and all the rest.
Gosh, that kind of stuff just leaves me speechless and without retort. I’ve got to learn that so I can be a more powerful and effective debater.
You are insane. And your father was a hamster.
…and you mother smells of elderberries.
Sam Seder… Scare America has been. No wonder the perfesser using him! Someone gotta here the dope alive!
The PMSNBC news gang, whom the NY Times called
And da perfesser Darryl loves posting that carousel of liberal opinion along with the swirl of excitable guests.
Goodness Darryl, is that the best you can do for your Friday Night “lineup”?
Venture back to when this blog started and see which side of the HA political spectrum initiated the name calling ya moron! It wasn’t us who think right!
I dare you Lib UNScientist. You can ask the serial arschloch plagiarizer to deliver his “cataloged crazed HA databaze”, starting with his name calling.
Ummm… You finally figured out one of your weaknesses!
As usual, spud’s got nutthin’.
Not surprising, really, as he resides in a fact-free fascist paradise, where Jesus’ and Sean Hannity’s dulcet tones waft through the air, and Glenn Beck sets the intellectual standard.
And, of course, the earth is 6256.5 years old and God teleports Emperor Penguins from the Antarctic to his peep Noah’s party boat.
Notice how the Lib Unscientist throws another train wreck up as a post. When he has nothing useful to respond with, change the subject quick! Wait a minute… That’s all the time.
Ummm… As stated earlier you to everyone one of your weaknesses!
Nothing on Rachel MadCow either. You proved my point:
P E R F E C T L Y!
P R I C E L E S S!
> We all criticize Obama – he’s a total disappointment, from a leftist analysis, IMHO
Right, sure. A far cry from those heady “Hope and Change” days when you were singing his praises on HA for the deliverance he would bring America. And it’s not that there weren’t skeptics on HA, but they were shouted down too. You should know . . . you were one of them, right along with the other HA lockstep faithful.
Spare us your analysis now . . . once was enough.
Cool new game:
Tea Party Zombies Must Die
http://www.dailykos.com/story/.....bs anyway
Geez…this is the emperor max-minidick wet dream!!!
@10 “Most here still worship at Obummer the Boy King’s throne.”
@9 Have you noticed the royalist fetish these people have? For years, they’ve called Gregoire “Queen,” and now pussybutt calls Obama “King.” Reminds me of a bit of the “English Bob” character in Clint Eastwood’s movie “The Unforgiven.”
is there anyone here who has not kicked puddypussy’s ass yet?
…didn’t think so.
@14 “Venture back to when this blog started and see which side of the HA political spectrum initiated the name calling ya moron! It wasn’t us who think right!”
It wasn’t? Then how come my tagline was, “I’ll stop when you stop, but you started it, so you have to stop first.”?
Pussybutt, the name-calling started before you were born. It was started by your side, by banding around the word “commie” and its derivatives, and degenerated from there. Remember HUAC? And rightwingers of McCarthy’s ilk running around tried to brand the scarlet letter “C” on people’s foreheads? No, of course not, you’re too young to remember the rightwing slanderers of that era. Name-calling is what you guys DO, puddinghead. I mean, it’s not like wingers actually FIGHT commies or anyone else …
bandying not banding
@21 His problem is he’s too stupid to know when he’s been kicked to the curb.
Puppet Puddy is proof of @2. He doesn’t understand economics unfortunately (as spoken in @5).
Puppet Puddy knows the DOW lost 300 points on Friday, but he forgets millions of jobs were lost under monkey Bush. Pathetic loser he is.
Seems like Puppet Puddy has penis on his mind more than he realizes.
@5 “Wall Street doesn’t get it. Dow drops over 300 points. Roger DOPEY Rabbit blamed it on Europe. Of course he had to!”
Spam. Delete.
@5 (continued) It wasn’t me who blamed it on Europe, puddydope. I merely regurgitated what every fucking stock analyst and financial journalist in the whole fucking world is saying. If you disagree, take it up with them.
What an ignorant illiterate fuck. See what we have to put up with on this blog? Not just trolls, but also spammers.
On this 9/11 anniversary, I noticed the media is running interviews and articles about the 2 pilots of the 121st Fighter Squadron, 113th WIng, District of Columbia Air National Guard. These two fighter pilots took off on September 11, 2001 on what could have been a suicide mission. THey barely had enough time to get into the air, as their unit was not standing NORAD Alert(I think it was another squadron of the Virginia Air Guard), their planes were not armed and did not have the time to arm them up. NO live rounds in the gun, no live missiles on the wing. The plan to intercept Flight 93 if it had got close to Washington D.C? RAM it! One pilot going for the cockpit, the other going for the tail. Thankfully, the plane crashed in Pennsylvania, before the two F-16s would have met up with it.
In documentary on the anniversary of 9/11 last year, made by the History Channel, called 9/11:State of Emergency, they alluded to what had happened to the jets that should have been over D.C, immediately from the Virgina Air Guard, they headed to the coast, following their existing plan.
Rachel Maddow personally was not/is not an Obama supporter..
This is news???
Some of us who aren’t leaking rotten smell between the ears (see PuddyIdiot) remember that very clearly from the 2007/2008 days..
Golly Roger DOPEY Rabbit, when did you ever post that?
Pavlov calls it… watch who posts an amswer!
Condemnation serial arschloch plagiarizer?
Yeah none seen!
P R I C E L E S S !
Typical leftist pinhead response from a typical HA leftist pinhead Zitz!
This once again proves liberalism is a mental disorder!
Everyone can see misogynist cinder block rujax’s source for “news”.
This is why rujax is a moron! Things totally missing from the Daily Kooks discussion, which by the way, proves how much of a real jackASS rujax is. This has been discussed ad nauseum on this blog before. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
1) Oil company profits go up every time the price goes up idiot. I posted on this blog how much profit the oil company makes per $ of gas. It’s less than the middle man makes on a gallon of milk for the same price. What a tool.
2) I posted the taxes paid by the big oil each year. Ask your crazed HA serial arschloch plagiarizer for the databaze details. Except no one has the BALLS to ask for the details. It’s simple. Leftist pinheads don’t like facts, just conjecture and shouting!
3) So here is where headless Irv Kupicet, No Time for Fascists lucy gets “his” zero sum game argument for 2011.
4) The $$$Billions in taxes paid by Big Oil each year are more than those from GE, Berkshire Hathaway, Apple and Google combined. Why did I choose those 4? Well:
– a) GE is Obummer’s poster child. He elevated Jeffrey Immelt as his Job CZAR. GE paid little or no 2010 Taxes (Source: NY Times – Previous Puddy Post) They are shipping around 18,000 US jobs overseas (Source: NY Times – Previous Puddy Post) and Immelt has tanked the stock wile making big bucks salary. Nothing from Kos on this.
– b) Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway is everyone’s tax poster child. Yet why does BH have unpaid taxes since 2002? I posted two links last week. Pull down your pink lace panties, turn around bend over and look in the mirror and ask your serial arschloch plagiarizer for them. Why doesn’t WB just write a $5Billion check and pay some extra taxes to the guvmint? Nothing from Kos on this.
– c) Apple – we now find out Apple’s manufacturers are big polluters overseas. We knew Apple outsourced jobs overseas. Nothing new move along. Nothing from Kos on this.
– d) Google – Their data centers use 260 million watts of power a year. And they are big time leftists. Gizmodo Science blog determined that is enough to power a city of 100,000 to 200,000 people. Salt Lake City, Utah, was used as the example, has a population of 186,440. Nothing from Kos on this.
So when this Laura person writes about DUMMOCRAPT loving companies, maybe I’ll take notice. Until then, more class BULLSHITTIUM!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Calling rujax an idiot or moron does a disservice to idiots and morons!
No.. Maddow is no idiot…
Unlike YOU!
@37(4)(b) “Yet why does BH have unpaid taxes since 2002?”
Maybe because Berkshire Hathaway and the IRS are still haggling over “adjustments” to previously filed corporate returns? Maybe because BH is a giant corporation with a complex corporate tax return? Maybe because BH’s unresolved tax issues aren’t all that different from those of other corporations?
You know, puddykins, a corporation’s management has a legal and fiduciary duty to maximize returns for shareholders. This means the company is not only entitled but obligated to claim all the tax deductions and tax credits legally available to it, and to try to minimize its tax liability with respect to items disputed with the IRS.
It’s just routine accounting work, pudidiot.
Interesting that Obama only got about a 1 point bounce in the RealClearPolitics Poll of Polls on Job Approval. He’s now at -7. The FoxNews Poll only has him at -3 so I guess they are biased, huh? http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....-1044.html
The other interesting development is in NY where Bob Turner is getting huge support from Jewish voters. Turner is a Catholic running against Weprin a Jew! It’s fascinating and a real moratorium on Obama.
Obama’s anti-Israel, anti-Business actions have outraged the Jewish community. Ed Koch and Dov Hikind are actually actively campaigning for Turner. Hikind today came out and called Obama “CLUELESS” on the economy and Israel. Ouch.
Let’s see what happens. Hikind thinks Obama will be lucky to get 60% of the Jewish vote in 2012. He got 78% in 2008 and polls are trending to back that up. Even African-Americans, especially businesspeople, are deserting Obama at a growing pace. Ouch again.
puddypussy didn’t “prove” anything. Doesn’t seem to be tired of being the house bitch.
Interesting commentary from the serial arschloch plagiarizer… He agrees with MadCow, calling Obummer the Boy King !
This will be added to the list of serial arschloch plagiarizer infamy!
Sad, so sad!
So why do you continue to post that conceptguerilla hosemanure?
Blows apart another Roger DOPEY Rabbit commentary!
Wait for it… the excuse of it’s different or another DOPEY reason.
Poor poor poor misogynist dumb cinder blockhead rujax. When proven facts are delivered he
And you wonder why you are considered a bottom dweller too?
Damn, looking in da mirror again huh moron? I’m not stuck in da house, bitch! That’s your problem. Puddy all over da world all da time, which means I have something to offer. We heard all about your rejected “offerings”.
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
pussy @ 44…
Does anybody know what the loon is raving about now?
Nope. I didn’t say that at all..
Only an IDIOT would draw that conclusion..
I respect Rachel Maddow and the first ammendment gives her the right to say whatever she wants. I knew from back in 2007/2008 that she wasn’t (personally) an Obama supporter. She probably was a Hillary supporter.
What the fuck does that even mean? What is he trying to convey, or say, or argue?
What is with the incoherent, raving word salad coming from the fascists today?
47 – Conceptual Guerilla invented the “cheap labor conservative” meme.
Ok corporations are expected to do whatever they can to maximize shareholder return. However cheap labor conservatives say that no one should should stand in the way or push back against that like labor unions or consumer activists and especially governments that might want to act in their citizen’s best interests.
CG said “cheap labor conservatives” is an effective meme because ultimately cheap labor is what right wingers in this country are all about. See 11 million+ undocumented workers being here in large part because this country is addicted to their cheap labor.
Cry me a river. From the fool who uses the crazed HA databaze and does that above all the time. I see you went back to posting in capitals originally as the chronologically monomaniacal moron you were and still are. You forget what you wrote above when you HAD A CHANCE to clarify which YOU DIDN’T of course.
WHen asked for a condemnation you said “NO”. So if “MadCow is no idiot” then that means you feel she was right. You didn’t write what you now claim when you had your chance.
EPIC FAIL! WhatajackASS!
See ya moron.
Wow, you mean the Lib UNScientist admits to being a moron on conceptguerilla? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR. A quick Google search would return multiple Roger DOPEY Rabbit conceptguerilla entries on this blog over the years. But Lib UNScientist delivers the un prefix to scientific thought. He HAS NONE, to go along with his many useless blog entries. And it takes the serial arschloch plagiarizer to set him straight by using his crazed HA databaze. So to conclude, this is another of those who has Liberalism is a mental disorder. No memory whatsoever!
Thanks Lib UNScientist for proving my point again. Somehow you manage to prove me right so many times over the years on this blog.
Wrong… They are illegal aliens or illegal immigrants moron. Every foreign country I visit every year calls them illegal aliens or immigrants. It’s libtard US DUMMOCRAPTS who changed it to undocumented workers. Two quick examples from the country’s own news services not translated into DUMMOCRAPT!
For instance Germany: “There are approximately 1.000.000 illegal immigrants in Germany, 250.000 alone in the capital Berlin.”
For instance England: “Cardinal suggests UK amnesty for illegal immigrants.”
Maximize profits. Yep. Nancy Pelosi used illegal immigrants to maximize profits in her wineries. So she must be that cheap labor DUMMOCRAPT argued by conceptguerilla!
Thanks serial arschloch plagiarizer for proving me right again!
51 – I call whatever I want. Go F yourself.
Go dry hump the cheap labor conservatives who profit from their labor.
Like Lou Dobbs and that moron Weissbach.
50 – LS is a relative newcomer here and a LOT SMARTER than your silly dumb ass..
NO.. How stupid are you.. I respect her right to have her own opinions. I may disagree with some of them.. I also respect Rachel Maddow because she isn’t an idiot. She has a freaking Phd.
Do you agree with these guys fool?
They were all for lower taxes on the rich before they went to jail right? Shit I bet they’re still for lower taxes on the rich.