Bad typography has ruined more than just the Oscars.
Stephen: A week older.
Трамп’s Pussy-grabbing Plutocracy:
- Olbermann: The most telling thing about the FBIs probe into Трамп
- Seth Meyers: Comey hearing adds to chaos of Трамп presidency.
- Jimmy Dore: White House advisor goes nuts!
- Schiff on “…more than circumstantial evidence….”
- James Corden: Donald, The Musical:
- James Corden: Other #DonaldtheMusical ideas.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s Campaign Chairman’s ties to Russia.
- Seth Meyers: Трамп monologue
- Olbermann: Only one reasonable conclusion. Трамп is an IDIOT.
- Stephen: The WERD, screw unto others
- PsychoSuperMom: Crimea River
- Young Turks: Трамп stooge spectacularly undermines investigation
- Samantha Bee: Dr. Sebastian L. v. Gorka, Трамп whisperer.
- Conan: Трамп calls Obama about Chancellor Merkel.
- Seth Meyers: Late Night White House press briefing.
- Samantha Bee: The man with the ISIS plan.
- Young Turks: Ivanka moves into the White House.
- Stephen: Jeff Sessions tackles weed and the White House’s paranoia.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Ivanka Трамп’s new office.
- Mark Fiore: House Committee on Leakers.
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп, Russians and Manafort lies.
- Olbermann: The truth of Трамп’s “I alone can fix it” canard
- Late Show: America’s favorite new game, Трампboo:
- Samantha Bee: Трамп’s hard power budget.
- Young Turks: Трамп is coming after your Pell grants.
- Seth Meyers: Breaking nonsense from Sean Spicer.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп is President and you’re not.
Trevor with So much news, so little time.
What life is like near the border wall.
This is your brain on terrorism.
Трампcare Phaylez:
- Jimmy Dore: Paul Ryan braggs about screwing newly unemployed & the elderly
- Bill Maher: Трамп and the long con game
- Maddow does Sen. Chuck Schumer.
- Sam Seder: Elizabeth Warren challenges GOP to explain Трампcare to millions hurt by it
- Young Turks: Old White men plot to take away maternity care
- Suzie Sampson: Does ANYONE like Трамп or Трампcare??!!
- Jimmy Dore: Shep Smith is stunned by GOP healthcare bill
- Young Turks: Трампcare is DEAD ON ARRIVAL.
- Health care victory
- Jimmy Fallon: Congress delays vote on Трампcare
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп fails to “repeal and replace”.
- Bill Maher: Repeal and Disgrace
- Trevor: Republicans can’t get their shit together on healthcare.
- Maddow: Трампcare fails. 24 million Americans are not going to lose their health insurance.
- Young Turks: Трамп didn’t know what was in the Трампcare bill
- Stephen: ТрампCare’s new ‘three-bucket strategy’… Buckets full of what?
Bill Maher: Overtime.
Seth Meyers: Mostly political monologue.
Steve Bannon’s Bathtub Musings.
The Garland Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing:
- Seth Meyers: Other jobs Neil Gorsuch has had.
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz gushes all over Neil Gorsuch
- Sam Seder: A compilation of robot Neil Gorsuch’s PAINFUL attempts at “humor.”
- Robert Reich: No Supreme Court pick for Трамп
- The
GarlandGorsuch hearing in 4 minutes. - Michael Brooks: Sen. Chuck Schumer says Gorsuch hearing a bit ‘unseemly’ since Трамп administration is under FBI investigation
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Трамп’s Russia and wiretapping scandals overshadowing the Supreme Court hearing.
- Rep. John Lewis’ amazing Трампcare-killing speech.
- Sam Seder: Al Franken exposes Gorsuch’s ‘apolitical judge’ myth with one question
Why the rehabilitation of George W. Bush needs to stop!
China’s Panda diplomacy explained..
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So the vote failed because the bill was not mean enough? So they removed protections for pre-existing conditions?
@ 1
And most of the Obstetrics/Gynecology provisions. Plus one of the major sticking points that McConnell and Ryan were insisting on were the total removal of the limits on tax deductions that corporations could take for executive pay.
Seeing as how the “pay” that the CEO of some of the major health insurance firms take out is well into 9 figures already this would just eliminate the ability for the government to restrict how much money those companies could strip out of their own systems to hand over to their Presidents and other high ranking officers.
So, Superior Steve thinks he is the know all on what creepy is and isn’t creepy.
And he claims the Loon is his friend. Which one – Puffy or the one he blows. Wasn’t he who claimed that he felt threatened by Puffballs and wanted him banned, and went to great lengths to say to Goldy and all that they wood essentially have blood o thief hands for letting him to continue his hate filled comments? Is it he who is creeping on Boob being a traitor? Hmmm, The self righteous Steve seems to have an infatuation with creepiness. Hypocrite? No, just a cock sucking Superior being, superior intelligent, superior in every way, including superior cock sucker.
Next the Superior one will be saying that he’s best friends with Boob.
Goldy ban PissCan, ban PissCan! He can’t Schedule! Us West Coasters are so great!
I notice a pattern, that The Superior One has to follow Max, after Max spews his non-sense. It’s ok so Superior One, you can do it.
Max your last post regarding me didn’t include “gloryhole” or “bath house”. You are getting weak in your posts. I know, in the midst of getting a blow job, from the superior one, knees tend to buckle.
Over in reddit, the trump supporters wont let themselves see that trump failed, it’s all Ryan’s fault, for promoting ryancare. Trump is the victim there
Ken Jennings ✔ @KenJennings
“We campaign in racist poetry, we govern in the shitty, incomprehensible prose of a Chinese appliance manual.” –Paul Ryan
All speech is free speech, even what the snowflake call “hate” speech.
Will Reichert and McMorris Rodgers be allowed to run for re-election as “moderates” despite voting yes to take health care access away from 24 million people?
“Moderate” hiillbilly: no such thing.
“This isn’t a drip-drip-drip…”
The Government of Cypress has just announced that it is turning over all its information concerning the Bank of Cypress that is relevant to Manafort and Ross to the Justice Department. Apparently, there is also an active warrant for the arrest of Manafort in Ukraine on charges of embezzlement, money laundering and bank fraud.
It’s a gun, it just isn’t smoking. Yet. But you know damn well that the Trumppp is sweating bullets right now.
If 1/2 of 1% adds up to half a $Billion, what was the deal worth in total?
Donald fucking Trumppp sold us out for $500 million and all we got was a cheap Chinese made hat with a stupid logo screenprinted on the front and a morbidly obese phony billionaire playing games that a five-year-old has already lost interest in.
@3 Well, that was certainly creepy.
Isn’t the Randroid Ryan kookhaus freedumb kookus the best?
Heh. Damn. A solid block of jerks that even a freak like Hugh Hewitt condemns as a bunch of Republicans who can’t get anything done.
Imagine a bunch of idiots you have to placate with making a mean-spirited piece of legislation even MORE mean-spirited and it’s never enough..
Nothing else suffices for those freaks save for a return to the BAD OLD days, the days of cheap insurance (that doesn’t cover shit), the days of coverage limits (oops, you’ve hit your maximum, you’re on your own now), the days of not covering pre-existing conditions (we can’t help it if you let your old insurance lapse).., etc..
And the BAD OLD days of course aren’t limited to health insurance.
@7 “All speech is free speech”
Actually, that’s not true. Not all speech is protected by the First Amendment. Also, there are certain kinds of speech which, while not subject to government censorship, can subject you to private sanctions, such as walking into a bar and saying to a stranger, “Is this your wife? She looks like a whore.”
@8 If that’s who our state’s Republicans want to be represented by, fuck ’em, they deserve what they vote for.
@12 What makes you think they want ANY insurance? Of course, we’re not talking here about THEIR insurance; their beef is with other people having insurance. And you know what I mean by “other people.”
When you get right down to it, they don’t want to sit with those “other people” in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. They think that room should be only for folks who are just like them.
We’re not going to lessen the cost of medical care until we have two or three times as many docs. Back in the 1930s, the AMA did its best to start limiting the number of docs to protect their cash flows. We’re still living with the effects of those efforts.
Of course, I’m sure the AMA would deny this now.
You really think it requires someone with 12 years of post grad training to provide simple interventions for morbidly obese diabetic hillbilly shit stains wallowing in their trailer parks surrounded by bourbon empties and HoHo wrappers?
In America we wait. We wait because… FREEEEDUUUMB! And when we finally do intervene it involves surgical amputation, motorized wheelchairs, prosthetics, ramps, seeing eye dogs, and modified vans.
It’s getting nearer to the end game.
“Sources say Mike Flynn may have turned on Trump and become a witness for the FBI”
Zags and Ducks are Final Four bound! One more win for each and they’ll face off in the championship game.
Yet more evidence for why it makes no sense appealing to these people.
“Angry Trump voters blame everyone but the president for US healthcare fail”
FAKE News…
FAKE News…
@19. Brilliant! We’re you able to figure that out all by yourself?! Good boy!
In Louisiana, a jury has convicted a cop of manslaughter for the shooting of a 6-year-old boy who was a passenger in his father’s car following a police chase. The biggest fault, of course, lies with the father for running from the police. But cops are not fault-free when they become trigger-happy.
Russia is being swept by anti-Putin protests this morning. Multiple protests, multiple cities. Russia’s main opposition leader has been arrested.
A little-publicized fact: The GOP “health” bill would have stripped $1 billion of disease prevention funds from the Centers for Disease Control’s budget.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans also want to massively defund Medicaid, and because Medicaid pays for two-thirds of all nursing home care, one of the implications of that is kicking old sick people to the curb. I sure wouldn’t want to be an old sick person in a nursing home in Alabama, Louisiana, or Texas if Medicaid were converted to a block grant program like Ryan wants.
If the “Trumpcare” debate established one thing, it proved the GOP is incredibly inept. How did a long-established major political party become so incompetent at politics?
The next constituency to get fucked over by Trump and his cabinet of Wall Street tycoons is … our combat troops.
Surveying the comments, I see that the loon has given us a couple of righteous double-post head explosions and Pisscan is still creepy.
After having to watch the AHCA crash and burn this week, this should cheer up our doctor.
“Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says”
The mocking has gone into overdrive.
I though Republicans were against late-term abortions.
House Majority – Republicans
Senate Majority – Republicans
President – Republican
Can’t pass their own bill – Dems fault
Republicans are so angry right now it’s like they saw a public school kid eating a free lunch.
followed by…
Republicans are so angry right now it’s like they saw a girl learning.
Brave Sir Trumpkin ran away
Bravely ran away away
When freedom caucus reared its head
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Yes, brave Sir trumpkin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir Trumpkin!
Trump kept promising that he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare, but if you look closely at his tiny hands as he says it I think you will see he is making air quotes.
The new art of the deal: “if you run away, it’s not a loss!!!”
Never send a republican to do a man’s job (image of Obama)
‘We are going to win so much we will get tired of winning’. How’s that working so far?
I’m drinking a beer this evening to celebrate and then it’s back to pestering my Senator and Congressman about everything else.
“Thats a nice Republic you have there. Too bad if something bad were to happen to it.”
Vlad the Cad stands to make a half Trillion Dollars, yep, with a fucking “T” if the Obama period sanctions are lifted. Vlad is almost certainly the “purchaser” of the Russian national oil company that controls something like 30 million acres that would be opened up to drilling if they could get the cash to build the infrastructure. The profit from that stands to be around $500 Billion or even more. All they needed is a clear, untaxed pathway to the Black Sea for the pipeline. Ukraine for example. The Crimean Peninsula.
If that happens, Donald Trump and Paul Manafort et al stand to share 19% of that. That is $95 Billion. They already have the stakes reserved and their down payment is being held in escrow in the goddamn Bank of Cyprus or the Caymann Islands or some shit. When the sanctions are lifted that money is released and goes straight to Qatar and Russia and Singapore and all sorts of other gnasty little dark corners. The only thing holding anyone back is the Law.
Is anybody concerned? That the President of the United States, is apparently selling out his entire country for a chance to make himself one of the wealthiest people in the world? The fact that some pretty serious people are making some pretty serious noises about impeachment, not just of the President, but the Vice-President and most if not all of the top level Cabineteers, in just the third month of the Administration is very telling. That’s never really happened before.
Now Trump and his surrogates are blaming “Washington” and calling the place “rotten” because some GOP congressmen with a sense of self-preservation wouldn’t vote for a bill that took $600 billion of health care away from real people with real needs to finance tax cuts for giant corporations and billionaires.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Goes to show how totally out of touch these people are.
This may mean Trump’s promised tax cuts go “Poof!” because now there’s no money to pay for them, which in turn may mean the stock market stops going up. So what? The stock market has already gone up a lot, and the rich (and yours truly) have made a trainload of money from that, while Main Street and Working America got zip. So, I think the rich can afford to forgo this tax cut, even if it means their stock portfolios won’t get any fatter than they already are. I don’t know about them or Doctor Dumbfuck, but I can live with that.
33)They even were running commercial thanking their yes voters.
That was the case where the cops were black and kid was white. In the south. Did you think they would get off?
Ryan makes a Freudian slip. Oops.
I though Republicans were against late-term abortions.
We liberals have told them many times: always have Plan B.
Ouch! Well, since the ACA is still intact, they can get treatment for those burns.
Blast from the past:
“Puddy supports the Republican plan. That’s my final answer. It’s cheaper and works more efficiently.”
Heh. Google it. And what just happened? The Republicans can’t work a flush toilet to save their lives!
kablammo! Too damn funny indeed…
It’s still 40 minutes until Doctor Dumbfuck’s 8:20 am market analysis, and we don’t have a new Open Thread yet, either. I’m waiting to see how he spins Drumpf’s first big legislative failure (which is a harbinger of more big legislative failures to come, because they’re all interrelated) into a market melt-up. As for me, what I see right now is a triple-digit Dow loss, which makes perfect sense, because political leadership failures shouldn’t be good for stocks.
@39 Actually, there was no Republican plan, just more tax-cutting and government-slashing at the expense of ordinary Americans needing health care because they’re sick or pregnant. Oh and vaccines are a Chinese hoax.
Health care? Who needs health care? You can get cured by rubbing your face with herbs, chanting, and dancing around a fire, just like we’ve always done it. If it was good enough in 5000 BC, it’s good enough today! Same goes for the rest of government — it’s ALL waste, fraud, and abuse! Except the military part: You can never have too many soldiers, swords, spears, or helmets.
What, no 8:20 am stock report from Doctor Dumbfuck? How am I supposed to manage my portfolio without his daily (and hourly) insights? Ah well, I guess I’ll just have to manage that on my own.
I still have no idea why Trump is referred to as Tpamπ. Can someone PLEASE tell me I’m very curious.