What you need to know for the 2018 elections.
Seth Meyers: Point, counter-point.
The Трамп Shit Show:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп tax returns
- Late Night: Трамп Mingle dating app
- Jimmy Fallon and Rachel Maddow: Трамп tax returns.
- Young Turks: Spicer blames British intelligence…
- Trevor: Thanks for the civics lessons, Трамп
- James Corden: Трамп tax returns.
- CNN Liberal gets “owned” by by soaking wet Трамп surrogate
- Stephen reaches out to Obama via the microwave oven.
- Randy Rainbow: MICROWAVES (are watching you!)
- Late Show: Cartoon Donald Трамп announces his March madness bracket picks
- Olbermann: Russia! Russia! Russia!
- Samantha Bee: Deepest State
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Трамп with bad news.
- James Corden: No NCAA bracket for Трамп
- Stephen: Трамп’s tax returns were released by… Трамп?
- Jimmy Fallon and Rachel Maddow on Трамп’s ties to Russia
- Kimmel: Did Obama use Microwave ovens to spy on Трамп
- Daily Show: 3rd Month Mania: The greatest Трамп tweet of all times.
- Bill Maher: President Crazypants
- Kimmel: Трамп cuts funding to PBS
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s cruel budget caps a very bad week.
- PsychoSuperMom: Build a wall and screw the poor.
- Steve Bannon: what you need to know
- Olbermann: Трамп can’t even watch TV properly.
- Conan: Трамп calls Obama to talk about microwaves.
- How to fix tie situation in one step
- Donald Трамп’s ultimate March Madness bracket.
- Stephen meets Russian hacker Guccifer 2.0
Armchair Presidents: The Feral Government
Bill Maher and friends: Russia investigations and stuff.
Samantha Bee: Checking in with the #Resistance.
An American Racist:
- Seth Meyers: A couple things about Rep. Steve King
Meet the designer cats.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
- Jimmy Dore: Awkward! Paul Ryan doesn’t understand insurance!
- Seth Meyers: Can we believe anything Трамп says?
- Sam Seder: Host Ali Velshi DESTROYS conservative talking points on healthcare
- Trevor: Who is health care insurance for?
- Olbermann: Gutting health care will kill Americans
- Ezra Klein: Under Trumpcare, the more you need the less you get:
- Jonathan Mann: 24 million people dying
- Stephen: Paul Ryan has surgery
- Trevor: Should we just let poor people die?
Minute Physics: How to teleport Schrödinger’s cat.
Samantha Bee does Bassem Youssef.
The economics of beards.
Stephen pulls a Rachel Maddow.
Rep. Steve King is a Fucking Racist:
Bill Maher and Jake Tapper on the 4th estate.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So now our allies are being dragged into the wiretapping allegations? Very interesting.
@ 1
I think the allegation, accurately stated, is that our allies were dragged into wiretapping. As in they did it at Team Obama request last year. Past tense, not now.
If you show YLB a lipstick case it triggers a shower of exclamation points.
Kurt Eichenwald ✔ @kurteichenwald
After a 3 month investigation, the FBI this morning arrested the man who assaulted me using a strobe on twitter that triggered a seizure.
8:02 AM – 17 Mar 2017
And there it is, folks.
The precise moment when Doctor Dumbfuck surpassed the idiot loon for sheer detachment from objective, fact based reality.
Expect any moment for him to begin posting caps-lock, multi-post seizures, and haha head explosions.
Im afraid this is the fate of every hillbilly.
@ 4
What, by referring to it as an allegation that occurred last year?
@2 No, accurately stated, Trump is dragging our allies into his wiretapping fabrications.
@3 So now you’re going to regale us with your legal expertise in cyberstalking, similar to what you did with fleeing felons?
Searching for ways to attack science, conservatives are adding air pollution denial to their repertoire.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They don’t need to work this hard at turning America into a third world country. We’re already there.
@3 HA! Troll weirdo fantasy life for all to see… and laugh at.
So pushing granny and grandpa off a cliff is a little too unsubtle.. That’s so Randroid Ryan “policy” wonk era…
Just starve them to death…
That’s the alt always wrong way..
We all thought Bush was bad back in the day. We all called him WORST.PRezNIT.EVER…
Ok, maybe he was the third or fourth worst…
But now? Shit..
that’s it. Don’t settle for merely stepping in that steaming pile of hillbilly insanity. Smear it all around on your hands and face too. Looks good on you!
I must have missed something. What is the reference to trump with TpamΠ from?
Zags handle Northwestern, off to Sweet Sixteen.
That was one hell of an ass-whupping Chrome gave the loon last week.
@13 Wisconsin dethroned Villanova.
@14 He’s still in hiding.
@ 2
Repeating a naked lie doesn’t dress it up as anything but a repeated lie. Repeating a lie is still lying y’know. But lying is the whole of the Conservative informational paradigm. Without making shit up out of whole cloth all the time, you have no way to enter a discussion.
Fuck off.
@8 long live Ireland – true home of the free and the Brave. America third world with fakes, frauds and phonies.
Roger thank you for your service.
@17. See @18.
Good to see Steve is keeping it Superior.
I keep arguing with trump republicans who don’t want a dime of their money and taxes being spent on other people. This could explain it.
I found this insightful as a way to see some of the political choices being made.
“One of the key indicators for sociopathy is a lack of empathy. So you just don’t care for people other than yourselves. “
‘Bout them zags tho….yo
This fat hillbilly could use more than a cut in her diet. Put a bag over her face and not because she’s ugly.
Hopefully this links correctly because the title of the link is Wong.
She was under the influence that he was going to help… wtf, yeah maybe under the influence of drugs bitch.
Correction – add stupid to America is home of .
Sniff! Carl hates me because I drive a pickup. Pisscan hates me because I have blueprints behind the passenger seat. SAD!
Zags rule!
Hiding early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit?
shitstain steve,
Chrome allows Puddy to doublepost whenever Puddy wants!
hanging human teabag sucka is just one dumb mutt!
shitstain steve,
Chrome allows Puddy to doublepost whenever Puddy wants!
hanging human teabag sucka is just one dumb mutt!
Uh, oh! Looks like Chrome is giving the loon another ass-whuppin’.
Seems Google keeps videos that HA DUMMOCRETINS love to view… http://www.thetimes.co.uk/edit.....-t83x06d2v
Poor Van Jones on that Fake News Network. http://dailycaller.com/2017/03.....man-video/
Ireland is not now, nor has ever been, the land of the free and the home of the brave. Ireland’s history is on end oppressor on top of another, over the millennia.
It’s biggest oppressor has been the Catholic Church. That organization was more than willing to help enslave the Irish in the British Empire as long a clergy never had to suffer. The Catholic Church is an evil entity, and the Irish will finally be free when they rid themselves of that onerous creed.
The babbling buttbrane shows.. Time for some republican shit:
Phew! Does that republican shit STINK! Take that STENCH to the salt mine babbling buttforahead!
Ralph Shortey:
“legislative priorities include personal liberty, fighting illegal immigration and strengthening public safety in Oklahoma.”
“wrote a bill to ban the use of aborted human fetuses in food, even though he didn’t know of any company that used such a practice”
“an early endorser of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, throwing his weight behind Trump in October 2015. He was listed as part of Trump’s “leadership team” in Oklahoma,”
“posted on Facebook how honored he was to have had lunch with Donald Trump Jr.”
“The state’s Republican governor, Mary Fallin, called for the conservative senator’s resignation”
Solicited “sexual stuff” from an underage male.. What a “role model”..
A new Pew Research Center survey indicated that the number of Republicans making below $30,000 a year who believe the federal government has a responsibility to ensure health coverage for all had risen to 52 percent …
Gee. Sounds like some ignorant, racist, backward, sister-fucking hillbillies fucked themselves good and hard this time. They can fuck straight off pleading with us young, healthy, well educated, affluent Coastal Elites to come to their rescue this time.
Maybe Gary Johnson will come to their rescue.
Meanwhile who these two are jock strapped by HA DUMMOCRETIN fools:
Paid professional DUMMOCRETINS. Who knew? http://dailycaller.com/2017/03.....als-video/
@18 You’re welcome. Knowing I did it for people like you made it worthwhile.
@23 How did she live in this country for 56 years and not learn the GOP is NOT the party you look to for help if you’re poor, elderly, or disabled? Republicans certainly make no secret of their feelings that people like her are leeches and “takers.”
@35 “Maybe Gary Johnson will come to their rescue.”
Then again, maybe their new Republican “friends” will let ’em die on the curb outside the emergency room.
Hey, remember when y’all used to like Greenwald?
Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion
The principal problem for Democrats is that so many media figures and online charlatans are personally benefiting from feeding the base increasingly unhinged, fact-free conspiracies — just as right-wing media polemicists did after both Bill Clinton and Obama were elected — that there are now millions of partisan soldiers absolutely convinced of a Trump/Russia conspiracy for which, at least as of now, there is no evidence.
Well, the principal problem for Democrats was believing that #CrookedHillary was a good idea in the first place.
There’s Morell:
But on Wednesday night, Morell appeared at an intelligence community forum to “cast doubt” on “allegations that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.” “On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians here, there is smoke, but there is no fire at all,” he said, adding, “There’s no little campfire, there’s no little candle, there’s no spark. And there’s a lot of people looking for it.”
Yeah, he’s ex-CIA and might not be privy to everything. Except he probably was being prepared to be CIA chief under #CrookedHillary.
Ya know who was privy to everything?
Clapper, DNI chief, who told Meet the Press last week that during the time he was Obama’s DNI, he saw no evidence to support claims of a Trump/Russia conspiracy. “We had no evidence of such collusion,” Clapper stated unequivocally.
Gee, Steve, take away any prospect for evidence behind your Trump-traitor allegation, and there’s pretty much no reason for you to have existed on HA in the past two months.
Which makes you, for most of 2017, like YLB, except you don’t have any of us wondering whether your DNA includes a Y chromosome.
When we see how desperate Doctor Dumbfuck is to get PutinGate into his rearview mirror it really hardens his image as an utterly obsequious Trump fanboy.
Trump is treason, with or without Putin.
Trump doesn’t even have to commit treason to have a disastrous impact on our country. Fortunately, though, the consequences will fall most heavily on the dopes who voted for him.
there’s pretty much no reason for you to have existed on HA in the past two months.
Past two months? How about since the shitstain first arrived. It’s a recurring diarrhea event in each thread!
This Fake News Network employee could write as a DUMMOCRETIN on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
This Fake News Network employee could write as a DUMMOCRETIN on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
But Steve is the best construction worker in the United Fakes, he and Max. 17 million on the East Coast can’t even hold a candle to his superiority.
See how that works Steve. You and Max go play now, try not to get anything on your face, and I’m not talking about Max’s snots. Not sure how a so called progressive can be hanging out with Max. Who’s the Traitor (wink wink).
The Ape needs a new Internet Browser. Max help the taker out.
Puddy found some more of the hillbillies loved by Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @43.
American Spring Breakers Chant “Build That Wall” In Cancun – Mexican Locals Freak!
More of the hillbillies loved by Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @43.
This federal judge will be attacked by libtards.
Federal Judge Green-Lights Lawsuit Against San Jose By Trump Supporters Beaten and Bloodied After Rally
Most unpopular preznet EVAH:
Doing the wrong things at the wrong time for the wrong reasons for the wrong people..
Looks like Pisscan has issues, something about an inferiority complex involving blueprints, Chrome is laying yet another ass-whuppin’ on the loon, and Doctor Dumbfuck still has hope that he and Trump might get away with selling out to Russia. SAD!
Wtf are you babbling about now scheduler? You beggging to have your ass kicked….again?
Somewhere in NYC, a glory hole is missing its faithful operator..
Trump approval takes a nose-dive.
“Wtf are you babbling about now scheduler?”
Our using blueprints makes us traitors.
In Australia, not much gerrymandering can be done, but last year’s Senate Elections showed that conservatives can still tinker with it. Actually, what the Liberal party did was a good thing. Microparties, which were often one-issue, would game the system with preference swapping, and several senators were elected in 2013 with a low primary vote.
The changes backfired, but partly due to the lower threshold of the Senate being dissolved as well. 20 crossbench senators, a record.
@58 not sure who is loonier, you or the loon.
Where did I I say you using blueprints makes you a traitor? You mis characterize and twist more than the fucking loon. Pretty soon you will be double posting, right after your done blowing Max.
The guy is a clown.
@61 LONG LIVE IRELAND – real home of the free and the brave, not home to the fake, frauds, phonies and dumbfuck.