Al Franken explains the “Minnesota hot dish”.
Kimmel: Drunk Hillary Clinton on ups and downs.
Stephen: Lady liberty gets a well-deserved night off.
Putin’s Shit Show:
- Obama admits wiretapping Trumputin.
- Olbermann: Trumputin’s amazing speech sure didn’t age well
- Maddow: New facts on Russia influence on GOP platform
- Sam Seder: Idiot EPA Director Scott Pruitt says that CO2 produced by human activity hasn’t been proven to impact the climate
- Trevor: Trumputin’s unfounded accusations of wiretapping
- Conan: Trumputin talks to Obama about the tapp:
- Get out of the White House
- Late Show: Cartoon Donald Trumputin is visited by ghosts of Presidents past
- James Corden: White House tourists review Donald Trumputin’s appearance
- Jonathan Mann: 45
- Young Turks: Trumputin will believe anything aides put in front of him
- John Oliver: Trumputin’s Obama conspiracy
- Conan: Trumputin’s new and improved travel ban
- Olbermann: The crisis of Trumputin’s conspiracy theories.
- Four Trumputin cabinet nominees who are in limbo
- Kimmel: TMZ has all the Trumputin gossip.
- Maddow: Pence story on Mike Flynn “impossible” to believe
- Stephen: Ben Carson wants to put something in your head.
- James Corden: “Healthcare or a new phone” is the new “repeal & replace”
- Trevor: No, Ben Carson, slaves were not “immigrants.”
- Why FAUX News just can’t quit Drumputin.
- Stephen: This diagram makes sense Of Trumputin’s relationship with Putin:
- James Corden: President Trumputin tweets about the tapps
- John Oliver: Trumputin and the Russian connection
- Young Turks: Dan Savage DESTROYS Melania Trump on Savage Love
- Sam Seder: Al Franken says it is not okay for Sessions to commit perjury.
- Olbermann: The Russian developments that matter most
- Trumputin’s V.O.I.C.E. tip line for
brown peopleillegal immigrants.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Professor has some difficulties with children.
Kimmel: The most and least sexually diseased states.
VOX: The Doomsday Clock explained.
Republicans Work Hard to Kill Poor People:
- Jonathan Mann: The G.O.P. are going to kill people.
- Kimmel: If you want health care, don’t buy an iPhone
- Trevor: The GOP still hasn’t figured out health care
- Mark Fiore: ObamaCare Lite.
- Stephen: The creators of TrumpCare on TrumpCare, “Don’t call it TrumpCare”
- Samantha Bee: Trumpcare bill, nasty, brutish and short
- Sam Seder: Paul Ryan demonstrates he has no idea how insurance works.
- Kimmel: Drunk Sean Spicer on Health Care.
- How is the Obamacare repeal bill being received on the Hill
- PsychoSuperMom: (Health Care’s) Complicated
- The Late Show: Doctor office signs discuss GOP health care plan
- Jonathan Mann: Paul Ryan doesn’t understand health insurance.
- Samantha Bee: The week that WTF:
- Maddow: Donald Trumputin weakens, hollows out State Department
- David Pakman: G.O.P. ObamaCare lies are blowing up in their faces.
- Stephen: TrumpCare, Russian ambassadors and other things bad for your health
- Trevor: Paul Ryan’s health care bluff
- Ezra Klein: The Republican health care bill makes no sense
- Stephen: Republicans release health care plan, and we are all gonna die.
Democratic strategist explains Party’s redistricting plans.
Late Show: TSA airport pat-downs are getting WAY more intimate.
James Corden: Meet Arizona’s sex positive political candidate.
Space from Maui.
Samantha Bee: Scott Walker is a human garbage disposal.
International Women’s Day:
- Late Show: A show without women.
- A day without a woman
- Full Frontal: A day without a woman
- Young Turks: NOBODY respects women more than Trumputin.
- James Corden can’t get the show going
Kimmel: Obama’s new relaxed outfit.
Armchair Presidents: Hip hip hypocrisy.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Seems the ACA spent more time in committee than what the GOP is proposing. The GOP Had just one long meeting in the two of committees it has been through so far.
@1 The GOP proposal, which is little more than a huge tax cut for the rich,
is intended to go down in defeat.
Meanwhile, Trump sacks America’s top corruption fighter.
All the best people.
@ 4
All the best sourcing.
@ 2
Yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, as the article states, the benefits of the repeal of the Obamacare taxes are aimed straight at the top.
Why? Because that’s the same target at which the taxes themselves were aimed.
How ya feeling after your TURP? Cath itching much?
One post-procedural complication that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit won’t be experiencing is impotence.
It’s not a post-procedural complication if you’re impotent before you have the procedure.
I trust you bought the Mrs. a set of rechargeable batteries and the charger for them several years ago, RDR.
Why? Because that’s the same target at which all Republican tax cuts ever are aimed.
Ftfy; you’re welcome.
Meanwhile, Trump sacks America’s top corruption fighter.
A mediocre real-estate developer from New York/New Jersey doesn’t like crusading anti-corruption agents on the public payroll?
Nobody could have predicted.
Looks like we’ll need about nine billion more fictional hashtags to fight this piece of reality. Calling all Fox News watchers!
Those of us who’d rather forget the W years appreciate seeing your reminders of what “compassionate conservatism” really
lookssmells like.Thanks for putting your best bedside manner on public display.
Meanwhile, Trump sacks America’s top corruption fighter.
Left-wingers fight corruption.
Right-wingers fight corruption fighters.
See? It’s Fair & Balanced.
Obama is the real guy in charge. While he’s off windsurfing with Branson, and despite the GOP being in charge of the Legislative and Executive branches and a majority of State houses, It is really Barack Obama the real guy in charge. That’s what these assholes are saying. He’s so competent at governing he’s doing it right under their noses and doing a much better job than them.
Sounds like a get-things-done kind of guy you would want in charge of things.
These morons are not even competent at lying about their own incompetence. They’re so focused on consolidating their power structure and cementing own positions in the public view that they can’t help but trip over their own bullshit. I swear these people would nuke an American city just to keep attention off themselves.
Y’know what that is? It is really the desperate flailing that drowning people do in their last moments of life. It’s the evasive non-sequiturs and double-talking that both tyrants and criminals do when they’re being cornered by the authorities. The problem is that they presume themselves to be adequately armed to defend themselves when the people they’ve been fucking over start to become visibly annoyed and respond to it in kind. The trailer trashies and the semi-wealthy rapacious types who cannot ever understand the basics of human behavior when people start getting to the point where they cannot do anything without being fucked over.
And Godwhiner @ #6?
The sourcing is just fine. The source is his own daughters. Manafort supported a man who was utterly beholden to the Russian regime, who robbed his own country of several Billion dollars over several years and who is now hiding in Russia under Putin’s direct protection because he’s wanted in Ukraine for treason. Manafort was one of his most important personal advisers and representatives in the US government.
Got to hand it to you, Doc, those were pretty funny.
This one was also kind of funny.
Sean Spicer, “I mean, don’t make me make that podium move!”
GOP 2008-2016:
Obama is:
Going to take everyone’s guns; implement martial law and end elections to allow him to become dictator for life; invade Texas via Jade Helm and other secret military operations; create government death panels to permit the government to terminate the elderly and infirm; impose Sharia Law; use illegal immigrants and CDC Scientists to bring diseases to create a pandemic; create his own personal army to start a war against white christians and put them in FEMA camps where they’ll be enslaved and gassed with Zyklon B.
GOP 2017
Obama is running a shadow government and secretly controls the intelligence services, the FBI, the diplomatic corps and the Federal court system. Yet he remains the most incompetent man to ever hold the office.
Yeah, the GOP. The party of personal responsibility.
12) He brought down the power broker in Albany, but he also brought down a state senate leader or two. Does New York County need a new District Attorney?
remember this whenever you find yourself stifling the urge to smash in the teeth of any other “moderate” progressive pleading to “find common ground” with the sister-fucking hillbillies.
The only thing they get out of their act of pure treason is the briefest moment of triumph over “fucking liberals”.
That’s it. Well, that and permission to use the word “nigger” again.
No ACA repeal.
No $30/hr factory jobs.
No infrastructure investment.
No establishment of an imaginary European male christian hetero paradise with bratwurst subsidies.
No disentanglement from Middle Eastern money pit death factories.
No end to deficits.
No dignity, with or without peace.
No return to “personal responsibility”.
No school prayer.
No mandatory pregnancy-shaming/banishments for dirty girls.
No dismantling of The Fed.
No reduction of government.
No “transparency and accountability”.
No “fight for the rights of workers”.
No “restoring checks and balances”.
No “fight to maintain sanctions”.
No “fight to reduce spending”.
No “end to Congressional top-down, backroom dealing”.
No “entitlement reform”.
Just a brief opportunity to dance drunkenly around a burning effigy of “lesbian, Femi-Nazi Sowflakes”. The only thing the hillbillies really stand for anymore is that single objective, laid out for them fifty years ago by Richard Nixon, of defeating the dirty hippies. Every other principle has been left by the side of the road. For that reason, it is fundamentally flawed to believe that they can be negotiated with. When their only real objective is to reject and defeat everything you hope to gain or even protect, there is nothing you can compromise around.
Doctor Dumbfuck is strangely obsessed with my execretory functions. His goats must be on vacation.
According to Doctor Dumbfuck logic, if you raise taxes on the wealthy because they’ve received one massive tax break after another, and are hogging virtually all of the economy’s gains for themselves, then it follows that you should give the wealthy a tax break by taking health care away from the working poor whose labor produces their wealth. And he calls ME a “dumbfuck”??? Whatever …
You can always tell when his goats aren’t around to give him policy advice and fulfill his need to sniff butts. My worst day with a catheter is better than his best day without his goats.
The FBI agent who a couple of weeks before the election alleged a quid pro quo over reclassifying Clinton emails was at the time on a $28,000 retainer to Mike Flynn.
The FBI agent who a couple of weeks before the election alleged a quid pro quo over reclassifying Clinton emails was at the time on a $28,000 retainer to Mike Flynn.
The right wing spent a quarter of a century slandering her, and they still felt it necessary to manufacture the e-mail case against her.
Why all the bother? As our local trolls exist here to demonstrate, Hillary-haters are nothing if not painfully gullible.
I guess it’s like the old Soviet Union, which kept on manufacturing propaganda about the Workers’ Paradise long after the only people who still believed it were chumps like David Horowitz.
LONG LIVE IRELAND – TRUE HOME OF THE FREE AND BRAVE. No fakes, frauds and phonies loving the bare chested pony riding man.
Irish And American Progressives Are Organizing A St. Patrick’s Day Rally Against Trump In New York
LONG LIVE IRELAND – TRUE HOME OF THE FREE AND BRAVE. No fakes, frauds and phonies loving the bare chested pony riding man.
Irish And American Progressives Are Organizing A St. Patrick’s Day Rally Against Trump In New York
Hey. I did it, Chrome.
Called it.
Under the republican health care plan, it sucks to be older and poorer. Imagine.
Taking a break from snowboarding and snowmobiling across the state line.
Howz your weekend tensor? Did you take a “road trip” on ST? Do some exiting stuff like…..a slam poetry session? Or silent reading party? Lol…so just what do urban pussies like you do for fun?
Us? Us 4 couples loaded up the trailer with four snowmobiles, hitched to the f350, and headed out of town for some real fun….amazing cabin in the woods, cuban cigars, the best scotch(honestly not my thing), and some real fun…..
Sux to be trapped in the city…..
Ya, thats what us losers do…
@ 28
And what are you going to do when motor fuels start tipping the $5/gal range again? Or more?
If theres one thing Russians hate, it’s low oil prices, and the American Banks are getting itchy for the loans they handed out to them when Bush was President.
If you knew how to read, and why you should on occasion, you’d probably have already seen that.
/Cubans. Meh. ‘Bout as useful for wiping your ass as sticking in your mouth. Reusable that way, too.
Another Tea Party Hero.
@ 28
so just what do urban pussies like you do for fun?
They do this.
I can afford it…..can you?
You still jobless? And then you trying to throw shade?
You aint got 2 nickels to rub together, and you gonna talk shit to me? Lol.
Get lost loser.
Can’t really say if I miss snowboarding.
And last I bothered to check, wasn’t any more quality outdoor recreation in Black Diamond than in Belltown. Just a lot more fucking trailers. And a lot more sister fucking hillbillies.
Nobody snowboards in belltown or black diamond….your point, trailer boi?
Hows moms basement?
You gwt that yuuuuge raise to $20 an hour yet?
@ 33
You know, smarmy, phony nouveau riche cheesedicks like you are hardly worth the time to interact with. You just don’t have the basic intelligence to be educated about anything. All you care about is your own tiny little worlds, and you spend your days staring into that mirror in wonder at your own apparent success that came in spite of you being dumber’n a sack of dog shit.
Says the guy who couldnt succeed at college..even after us taxpayers footed the bill.
Go eat a dick loser. You failed. The guy cant keep a fucking job, then flunked out of free college has the sack to call other people losers…..
Irony…its whats for dinner.
Go pitch your tent under I5.
Lolz @ chronically unemployed…loser
Bluff, called.
Councilmembers voted unanimously Feb. 7 to direct officials to end the city’s contract with the San Francisco-based bank once it expires. Wells Fargo responded, giving the city of Seattle the chance to break its contract now.
The city officials wrote that the complexity of banking services used by the city will require a lengthy process to secure a new vendor.
I guess this is something urban pussies @ 28 do, too.
There was no ‘bluff’ to ‘call’. The City of Seattle will obtain a new bank once the contract with the current bank expires. That decision has not changed.
The current bank offered to terminate the contract now, but that does not suit the City of Seattle, so the current contract will run for the full term.
Here’s where we lost you:
…the city will honor its contract through the expiration date..
Taking a break from snowboarding and snowmobiling across the state line.
I prefer Crystal Mountain for weekend board-riding. The bus goes from downtown Seattle to the base of the lifts — no slog up from the parking lot, like you suckers who drove– and rooms at the hotel there make extending the stay easy.
Of course, I’m not dragging a pollution-spewing motor with me, so I can go to places where they are not allowed — I don’t have to go anywhere as far as the state line.
So, if I do make just a day trip of it, I can dine in Seattle that night and maybe catch a show, too — not going to the state line means I have no need to choose between indoor and outdoor activities.
I do hope the cost and time required for you to maintain all those motors leaves you able to ride the board now and again.
“Here’s where we lost you….honor”
Alas, the pro-Putin traitor doesn’t know the meaning of the word.
Doctor Dumbfuck still struggles with the law of contracts.
Good for him hes got malprac carriers to back him. So long as he can keep up the premiums.
Let Wells breach. That’ll be lucrative for more than just lawyers.
Dont underestimate the quality of evening diversions available to the average Trump voter.
Hahahhahahahhaha, the ski bus?!?!?! What are you, in high school???
Doctor Blahblahblah still struggles with the law of contracts.
Wrong again moronic twit Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom. Seattle decided to “make a statement” and Wells Fargo said “Why wait? Go and leave now.” Great move by Wells Fargo. If you don’t like us why wait until 2018?
Too bad you are too stoooooooooooooooopid to see the brilliance of Wells Fargo’s move Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom! Your stoooooooooooopidity is legion on this blog! That’s because being a libtard is a mental disease Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
If you don’t like us why wait until 2018?
Because CONTRACT dumbshit.
Think of it like the lease on your filthy $75/month meth lab trailer in Sedro Wooley. You could break the lease and move into Tom Vu’s Plymouth Voyager now. Or you could stay put and let the term run while you shop for something even cheaper. Its your choice. Because… contract.
“Doctor Blahblahblah”
Nice one, loon. That’s almost as good as “Doctor Dumbfuck”.
Another Trumpanzee is caught “doing his part for America.”
“A 64-year-old Florida man tried to set a convenience store on fire because he thought the owners were Muslim, St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara said. Richard Lloyd told deputies he wanted to ‘run the Arabs out of our country’ so he pushed a dumpster in front of the Port St. Lucie store and set the contents on fire, Mascara said in a news release posted on Facebook.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you’re going to be a racist thug, at least learn the difference between “Arab” and “Indian,” although for these people “nonwhite” suffices in all circumstances. Is there more of this thuggery since Trump’s election? Yes, absolutely, because Trump ran a racist campaign and that makes these morons think they now have permission and there won’t be consequences. Trump built this, and if you voted for him, you built it, too.
@ 49
If you’re going to be a racist thug, at least learn the difference between “Arab” and “Indian,”…
Like Joe Biden. Because it’s a convenience store you know Biden would be aware who works there.
Facing criticism, potential 2008 presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden has been forced to explain his recent remark that “you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”
Joe knows at least one mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, too.
Wrong again moronic twit Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom.
Wells Fargo gave Seattle an out for the contract. If the contractor allows the contractee to break the contract which Wells Fargo did offer! Wells Fargo was willing to state the agreement of both parties to “mutually terminate and cancel” said contract effective on stated date. Seattle blinked!
You proved to everyone how stooooooooooooopid you really are. And Shit Pressure Packed Steve goes along like the sheep it is!
Puddy saw that the hanging human teabag licker used chrome to double post. Can you do it on demand?
Puddy saw that the hanging human teabag licker used chrome to double post. Can you do it on demand?
See how easy that was!
RR, you’ll want to read today about how Mike Brown didnt rob the convenience store that morning. S.L. County knew from the begining. They witheld the video.
“Contracteeeeeeeee” Wheeeeeeeee!
Sometimes this hillbilly’s stupidity is almost painful.
Any party may at any time waive it’s right to enforce.
That does not grant them a right to breach. The contract terms cannot be altered except by mutual agreement. Just like he typed with his very own thumbs. Otherwise, the parties remain obligated by the terms. Wells remains obligated, despite any PR driven stunts. They must fulfill or risk paying damages.
They will lose another customer. For being assholes. And don’t think for a second that this isn’t being observed by municipalities everywhere. Hostile PR driven stunts paid for with the customer’s money are seldom viewed positively by public agencies, irrespective of partisanship. Banking is supposed to be about “relationships”. And when any bank signals to its customer base that it places its ego driven publicity image ahead of those relationships, customers who must be elected periodically to retain their jobs grow wary very quickly.
That does not grant them a right to breach.
Who claimed breach of contract ya moron? NO ONE!
The contract terms cannot be altered except by mutual agreement. – EXACTLY! Wells Fargo offered Seattle to break the contract immediately. Seattle blinked and balked!
They will lose another customer – The City of Seattle is an ASSHole, run by ASSHoles! Remember the lady attacked by the homeless? ASSHole move by Seattle! Don’t remember? Well you have 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady being a libtard!
DAYUM U B stooooooooooooooopid!
The mis-selection of insane klown preznit drumpf has to be the ha trolls finest moment..
It behaves the same way.. Just bleats the latest from always wrong wing bullshit and calls it a day. It’s one of them – a troll.
So??? The customer is always right.. They’ll walk when the proper arrangements with another vendor are made.
Wells Fargo behaved like assholes to their employees and ripped off their customers – and like clockwork the ha trolls support Wells Fargo.
One week into the WIRETAP CONSPIRACY and a WH official says the PRESIDUNCE DRUMPH’s source was a story in Breitbart.And Breitbart’s source? Radio host Mark Levin.
Talk about flaky information sources.
When I was taking a ferry boat ride to Bremerton yesterday, the boats holding down that run, are the Walla Walla and the Kaleetan. The Hyak had become a regular on that run, and on the boat watch app, the Hyak was in Eagle Harbor. Turns out, good reason for one of the most reliable boats in the Evergreen Fleet to not be running. This year the Super Class ferries turn 50, and boats 50years or older, get gold bands on the funnel. Due to a cancelled refit, she will be retired next year. Budget cuts from the late 1990s led to only an engine upgrade. The Laleetan and Yakima might make it to 60.
Hahahhahahahhaha, the ski bus?!?!?! What are you, in high school???
No, but that lame-stain of a failed retort was.
Another advantage to riding the bus was getting the lift tix en route — no stopping at the resort entrance with you suckers who’d driven.
Have fun driving all day back from the middle of nowhere.
@ 59
The customer is always right..
Written by an androgynous individual with mantles and closets full of participation trophies.
When Doctor Dumbfuck declares “Bluff, called” these are English language words that have real literal meaning – except of course to completely ignorant, illiterate, beer drunk, sister-fucking, Putin Puppet, rapist, backwoods, country-assed hillbillies. Notice the comma. Doctor Dumbfuck is labeling the city’s announcement of its intention to choose a new banker at the end of the contract term a “bluff”. Followed by his declaration that Wells has “called” the city’s bluff.
Except a bluff is a threat you can’t really follow through on. The city obviously can choose a new banker. And most likely will. Especially now that Wells Government and Institutional Banking div has chosen to destroy its relationship with the city with publicity stunts. Wells has had months to address this. And their response has been either silence, or phony corporate smarm. It’s no bluff. So it can’t be “called”. For Doctor Dumbfuck’s idiot declarations to have any coherence, Wells would have to set out to breach – in order to “call” what Doctor Dumbfuck erroneously labels a bluff.
So either Doctor Dumbfuck is calling on Wells to breach.
Or Doctor Dumbfuck is just that… a dumbfuck who can’t differentiate a credible threat from a bluff.
@ 60
Talk about flaky information sources.
When the traditional sources choose not to do their jobs, sometimes it falls to the less traditional ones to do so.
“Keep rockin’,
And if that wasn’t a sufficiently clear hint, there’s always this:
In Newsweek’s final print edition, Michael Isikoff writes about when the magazine decided to hold the story of Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky. “The decision was final: Newsweek would hold the story,” Isikoff writes, saying that “the brass wanted more work” done on the story before going to print with it.
A few days later, the story of the decade would be broken by the Drudge Report. “It didn’t take long, of course, for it to explode,” writes the former Newsweek writer. “Early Sunday morning, Internet scribe Matt Drudge popped his screaming ‘World Exclusive’: ‘NEWSWEEK KILLS STORY ON WHITE HOUSE INTERN … SEX RELATIONSHIP WITH PRESIDENT.'”
Comment 63 is written by a clearly self-worth challenged individual with nothing to show but dollar bills and bleats of hateful always wrong wing memes in the ha comment threads to show for its miserable existence.
“No, but that lame-stain of a failed retort was.”
Yours truly has always regarded little maxwipe’s style as more junior high..
@ 67
And when you banter with Puddy, YLB…
What grade would you regard yourself as being in then?
, did the rest of the 9th graders on the ski bus buy their lift tickets on board too?
And really, lift tickets? LOL. Sorry nerd boy we went all backcountry, why the fuck you think we brought snowmobiles.
And it’s been an awesome drive back
How was your weekend trapped in the city without a car?
YLShx is just jealous. I would be too if I was her.
@50 Still running against the Obama-Biden ticket, I see, even though you lost twice.
@55 The cops lied and withheld evidence? You don’t say. Who would’ve imagined that could happen. Not Trump or Doctor Dumbfuck, that’s for sure.
@64 “For Doctor Dumbfuck’s idiot declarations to have any coherence” would be a first.
@65 “When the traditional sources choose not to do their jobs, sometimes it falls to the less traditional ones to do so.”
In other words, when NY Times or CNN don’t tell Doctor Dumbfuck what he wants to hear, he turns to Breitbart …
@66 Hopefully he didn’t kill too many patients along the way.
@68 Several grades ahead of you, at the very least.
6 out of 10 points
Wow early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit @76, such a witty retort!
3rd grade maybe?
No doubt.
Which begs a rather obvious question.
Just how drunk on ‘shine does a hillbilly idiot have to be to choose to fly to Doctor Dumbfuck’s defense? Especially when Doctor Dumbfuck holds that hillbilly idiot in such low regard.
ylshx is 1 in 428 – or 0.00233645 correct!
“And when you banter with Puddy, YLB…
What grade would you regard yourself as being in then?”
Higher than the following would indicate:
“She comes home at 13 and says: “My clueless father, I lost my virginity today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut? Oh… that’s right she’s the offspring of a librul, she can do anything she wants!”
And how about this boob?
BTW KArmaboy, is your daughter turning tricks yet?
Still want to stick up for your fellow always wrong winger? Would you be “honored” if it talked about your daughter that way?
Oh silly me! You’ll just follow suit!
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom farted… The city obviously can choose a new banker. And most likely will. Especially now that Wells Government and Institutional Banking div has chosen to destroy its relationship with the city with publicity stunts.
Ummmm wrong again Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom…
Seattle to cut ties with Wells Fargo over Dakota Access pipeline
Providing funding for the pipeline is not a publicity stunt. WHat Seattle is doing is the publicity stunt! Once again everyone can see that Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom possesses 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
“The legislation does not call for divesting any investments Seattle may already own in Wells Fargo stocks and bonds.” – So why didn’t Seattle get rid of everything with Wells Fargo? Maybe because the city is a capitalist and are getting a good return on their investment!
DAYUM U get more stoooooooooooooooooopid every post!
@70,80 bottom of the barrel trolls putting the hand first!
Too funny!
Sheesh. The city began negs w Wells last year before the election when Wells got caught stealing from customers and fired 2000 employees to cover it up.
Hillbillies are just gonna hillbilly.
Suck it hillbilly. I think it was a few weeks later that Sawant proposed an ord to end the relationship altogether. DAPL is just another straw.
“What grade would you regard yourself as being in then?”
So states our dumbfuck nazi who has posted over 3,000 pro-Putin hashtags.
Notice how Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom changed its tune @85& @85 when Puddy delivered FACTS from the FAKE NEWS NETWORK CNN?
Apparently the hillybilly really is Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Opines our dumbfuck nazi
Do we try and shut down people who disagree with us Shitstain Steve?
Do we attack those who disagree with us Shitstain Steve?
The answer to both questions are NO!
So look in the mirror and say hello Nazi because that’s who you really are Shitstain Steve!
Sux to be a shitstain!
@68 maybe the same grade as you, when you banter with YLB
What we need now is for some superior being like Steve to come along and tell us how he and Maxipad are so superior to everyone, as Maxipad shows everyone. Maybe he brought his construction drawings with him on his ski trip….with Suuperior Steve in tow behind him.
@87 right on cue.
@87 right on cue.
How’s that Puffballs.
Just fine hanging human teabag licker!
Just fine hanging human teabag licker!
Ive changed nothing.
Doctor Dumbfuck cant grasp the simplest concepts regarding contract law. He shoots his dumbfuck mouth off. And you fly to his side to lave his ball cheese with your tongue. That makes you not only just as stupid as him but also pathetically subserviant.
Does he keep you in a crate in his basement wearing a leather zipper mask, Gimp?
, did the rest of the 9th graders on the ski bus buy their lift tickets on board too?
Of course 9th graders are smarter than you. They have their parents buy the package deal before the trip, and then walk right past you suckers who drove whole you’re obediently standing in the resort’s ticket line.
(This is why the closest thing you’ve ever seen to fresh powder has my tracks all over it, sucker.)
Oh, and there are plenty of back-country riders on the bus. They also take the lifts to get there. (You don’t really have any idea what “backcountry” actually means, do you?)
And, as for your Cuban cigars: yes, normalizing relations with Cuba was yet another winning policy pursued by President Barack Hussein Obama. You’re welcome.
Do we try and shut down people who disagree with us
Do we attack those who disagree with us
See @81
How is that hanging human teabag licker or is that sucka?
What a useless tool @99.
When have any of us on this blog tried a Middlebury Vermont or Berkeley California action or University of Washington monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch?
Another useless tool of Goldy!
Awwwww poor ylshx, still sporting those moist panties over #81!
Suck it up fool! We know you are a simpleton! Crying over blog posts!
In Hollywerd one can see if you are conservative you are attacked…
Of course shitstain steve and the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch can’t comprehend this!
That makes you not only just as stupid as him but also pathetically subserviant.
More delusions of “grandeur” from the Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom! You were busted by the CNN link and now you are in CYA mode fool! Seems shitstain steve jumps when you fart so what does that make him; subserviant to you!
The only “hillbilly” here is you Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
The only one busted was Doctor Dumbfuck.
First when he claimed the city was bluffing.
And second when he busted his nut down your throat, Gimp.
Hes done with you now so I guess its back into the crate, eh Gimp?
Love the Chrome-challenged loon’s double-post head explosions. And it looks like Doctor Dumbfuck lit the loon’s fuse this time, comparing the loon’s comments to those of a grade school kid.
And second when he busted his nut down your throat, Gimp.
WRONG again. Keep sucking on that though!
Wells Fargo called their bluff to leave the contract immediately and Seattle isn’t giving up their investment vehicles in use either!
Too bad your stooooooooooooopidity causes you to self-fellatiate!
Keep on sucking man! Your post really suck too!
Looks like Pisscan really, really hates blueprints. Hmm, I wonder if he knows that Puddy’s my friend, too?
… their bluff to leave the contract immediately…
Now you are just making this shit up wholesale. Such an obvious and easily disproven lie is just pathetic.
Oh poor tensor, trying so desperately to make the ski bus sound “cool”…lol
Bet that ski bus works awesome for dates…
Ski lift….ya, there wasnt a sli lift within 25 miles of us….dork.
Good ole tensor, hangin with the 9th graders…blahahahahah.
Oh poor tensor, trying so desperately to make the ski bus sound “cool”…lol
No, I’m showing how effective it is. I ride the board anytime I like, and need no car to do it. (How much gas money did you spend to haul your blueprints to the state line and back, sucker?)
Bet that ski bus works awesome for dates…
Yep, it sure does! She and I snuggle all the way up and back. (We drink as much as we like apres ski, too, since neither of us are driving.)
Good ole tensor, hangin with the 9th graders…
They can ski circles around you, too. Try not to let your jealousy show too much.
So — it was six hours each way, out and back for you this weekend, every minute of it burning your gas money. Hope you had a good time, trapped in your vehicle for half your waking hours this weekend.
” ….and need no car to do it. (How much gas money did you spend to haul your blueprints to the state line and back, sucker?)”
Good thing Steve subsidizes him.
oh lordy, where to begin…
“No, I’m showing how effective it is. I ride the board anytime I like, and need no car to do it.”
-wrong – you are limited to the schedule that the 9th grader ski-bus runs on. dont be late! you might miss that bus!
Gas Money – you make it sound like its a yyuuuuggee burden., lolz. We towing $40k worth of snowmobiles – I think I can afford a $150 gas bill for the weekend.
There is a reason people pay $$ to ride first class, instead of coach…you should try it some time.
“Yep, it sure does! She and I snuggle all the way up and back.”
hahahahahah, you really do sound like are you are still in 9th grade. Did you two work on your pre-algebra homework too?
“They can ski circles around you, too.”
-Yes, I am sure they can. your point?? Hell, my kids can board circles around me too. My girls can also ride the shit out of snowmobiles, whereas someone like you is probably too scared to even get on one.
“So — it was six hours each way, out and back for you this weekend,”
-it was more than that! See, we decided to make stops along the way – check out a few places, grab a meal, do a little site seeing, etc…thats called having flexibility. Ever heard of that term?
Were you able to get the 9th grade ski-bus to stop so you could hit a winery or cool tap-house along the way? OH wait, I forgot, the 9th grade ski bus doesnt stop anywhere…wow, bummer.
again with the gas money thing…lol. OH NOZE! it will break the budget!!! If you cant afford the gas, then dont buy the toys.
Sure, the 9th grade ski bus can be done, just like hitch-hiking to work everyday can be done too I….I can just see you now, lugging your skis/board and all your gear around Seattle, jumping on a metro bus or 3, just trying to get to the location where the parents are dropping off their kids at Ski-Bus Central. You gotta look like the biggest fucking clown out there.
No Tensor, here is what really happens when you wanna hit the slopes: you bum a ride from your friends or have your GF drive you – like a true man. You are like every loser without a car, always bumming a ride – living a life where you operate on a bus schedule or choo choo schedule, never having any freedom to be spontaneous or go wherever the hell you want. how depressing….you never know, maybe someday you will grow up to be an adult rather than a child pretending to be one.
and hey, is it hard boarding in skinny-jeans?
Man-card REVOKED!
He sounds like a real connoiseur of men.
No Tensor, here is what really happens when you wanna hit the slopes: you bum a ride from your friends or have your GF drive you …
No, I take the bus, just as I wrote. It’s quite amusing, watching you flip from belittlement to denial as you refuse to admit you were wrong. You can tell yourself all the tales you want about how I am “trapped” in Seattle, just as you told yourself the tale about me making minimum wage (Sadly, making up tales about guys on the internet may actually be a good use of your time.) Your ever-more desperate craving to believe my life has lower quality than yours because I choose not to own a car has no effect on how I actually live.
– like a true man.
This from a guy who voluntarily told us about his F350, snowmobile, and cigar! Paging Dr. Freud for size issues.
besides, all that boasting and dick measuring puts the lie to the “Great Myth of Underprivileged Whtes”. They’ve painted themselves into a corner.
Their current political identity and any claim they have to political legitimacy is dependent upon the myth of the “Aggrieved White Working Class Male” beset on all sides by cultural relativism, feminism, political correctness, and sweeping racial quotas.
But their personal self identity depends upon conspicuous and competitive acquisition and consumption. It is impossible for them to reconcile the two.
Does this one sound “downtrodden”? Forgotten? Underprivileged? Disadvantaged?