Stephen: “O” Presidents.
Armchair Presidents: The CPAC Report.
The Trumputin Chronicles:
- Trevor: Media falls for Trumputin (again!).
- Olbermann: It’s time for a Grand Jury on Trumputin and Russia
- Young Turks: Fact-checking Trumputin’s speech
- Jimmy Fallon: Trumputin on his own speech.
- Kelly Conway is deeply sad.
- Stephen: Trumputin lays out his vision for moving forward
- Late Show: Waiting for Godot’s Obamacare replacement.
- Conan: Trumputin calls Obama to brag about his speech:
- Seth Meyers: Democrats call for Jeff Sessions’ resignation
- Trevor: Melania litmus test.
- Young Turks: Pence used private email and got hacked.
- Jonathan Mann: Sean Spicer Phone Check
- Olbermann: Why Trumputin is refusing to confront reality.
- PsychoSuperMom: If Trumputin’s lips are moving…
- David Pakman: Trumputin’s staff leaks story about Sean Spicer’s hunt for leakers
- Late Show: Jeff Sessions day planner
- Trevor: Sessions lied and must recuse himself from Russian probes.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the media fawning over Trumputin’s new tone
- Sam Seder: Jeff Sessions in 1999 tells us just what to do when a Lawmaker commits perjury
- Stephen: Jeff Sessions can’t recuse himself from the monologue
- Susie Sampson: Fake News; Real Dictatorship?
- Stephen: Late Show’s presidential leak-crets
- James Corden: Are we still applauding Donald Trumputin’s speech?
- Olbermann: Let’s be honest, Trumputin is banning Muslims and purging Hispanics.
- Watch Sessions lie to Congress.
- Stephen responds to Democrats responding to Trumputin.
- Young Turks: Trumputin lied about US steel for pipeline, everything
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Jeff Sessions, Trumputin and Russia
- Conan: Trumputin calls Obama about Oscars and more.
- Jimmy Fallon Trumputin speaks
- Sam Seder: Trumputin announces “VOICE,” a Nazi-inspired way to persecute immigrants
- David Pakman: Trumputin told 51 lies in a 61 minute speech!
- Trumputin’s tremendous think about the Oscars.
- Trevor: Trumputin dresses up his act.
- James Corden: The secret behind Trumputin’s well done steaks.
- Stephen: After well-received speech, Trumputin’s team basks in the afterglow.
Jon Batiste and friends: Hey White people!
Trevor: The GOP versus constituents.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Listened to part of the speech at work, I figured the bar was set so low, the media would give it good marks. Still, wonder if Van Jones changing his tune had anything to do with the merger?
Republicans being jackasses. They don’t have to work at it; it comes naturally to them.
“Muslim high school students requesting to meet with a Republican Oklahoma lawmaker were presented with a lengthy and hate-filled questionnaire that asked, among other things, ‘Do you beat your wife?’ … The incident occurred during Muslim Day at the Capitol, an annual event hosted by CAIR that aims to connect Oklahoma Muslims with their representatives.”
High school students, for crying out loud.
Some light reading for a Saturday morning.
Rise of the Robots
The cost savings for a well-placed robot can be substantial. According to an example cited by the Robotic Industries Association, a trade group, a typical $250,000 installation, including training and parts, can pay for itself in two years in reduced payroll costs and increased productivity. Seven or eight years in, the cumulative cash flow gained can reach $1.5 million. Once the upfront costs are paid, medium-size robots can cost just 50 cents an hour to operate, and large robots, $1.
That coming corporate tax cut will pay for a lot of robots.
Gee, it’s too bad the Fucking Moron isn’t around anymore.
Of course, robots can be harmful if misused. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s internal hemorrhaging no doubt
was caused by one.
Goldy on HA, 3/11/14:
Write fearlessly, or don’t bother writing at all.
Goldy on 5/27/16:
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
Doesn’t take long to learn to sniff thrones like a pro.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
The Stranger ✔ @TheStranger
State Democrats are helping the GOP undermine Sound Transit. The time to call your local representatives is now: …
Those who might be calling Sen. Guy Palumbo might have a bit of a challenge. In addition to supporting the just-passed bill, he is a charter schools supporter.
Dems have less leverage these days in the WA legislature than their numbers might otherwise suggest.
@ 5
“Dems have less leverage these days in the WA legislature than their numbers might otherwise suggest.”
That might change in a real hurry. It seems that with several notable exceptions, the entire GOP has hitched its wagon lock, stock and barrel to Donald Trumps three-ring circus. It seems though the ALEC has gotten its hand bitten a few times and they are entirely focused on working through the GOP. The two of these have identically parallel goals if they aren’t actually working together. At any rate, The Don is going to do for the Republicans pretty much the same thing that Hoover did for them in 1928. Probably worse. The sheer totality of corruption in the Don’s three-ring-circus is there for anyone who wants to look. He’s in debt. Serious debt. Wars have been started for less debt than he carries.
Shit rolls downhill, remember? Donny isn’t on the top here. Every State Legislature in the country is going to reflect that in 2018 and 2020. They’re fixing their own little red wagon.
Now that The Don has admitted that he is now, and has been under criminal investigation since last October for his connections to Dmitry Rybolovlev including several “coincidental” happenstances where the Don’s and Dmitry’s planes have sat for a time alongside each other in various regional airports around the country. The day that he stashed the Press Corps in the daylight basement at the airport, with black plastic taped to the windows was one such occasion.
Now that The Don has admitted that a FICA warrant had been issued for his communications with Rybolovlev and several other individuals, everyone and his mother’s sister wants to see that warrant.
The Trumptanic has just hit a giant turdburg and the inevitability of that was there for anyone to see.
Case Mountin….
Yeah like The bare Chested Horseyman mounting his little Pony.
Giddy up, giddy up,
@3 serious question. Do you see any negative issues related to Robots and the existence of human beings?
I kind of think humans will become extinct sooner or latter but most probably sooner, but I only celebrate this cause I know many will be Republicans. How about you?
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Saturday said he is “very worried” about President Trump’s accusation that former President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.
“I’m very worried that our president is suggesting the former president has done something illegal,” Graham said at a town hall in Clemson, S.C.
“I’d be very worried if in fact the Obama administration was able to obtain a warrant lawfully about Trump campaign activity with foreign governments. It’s my job as United States senator to get to the bottom of this.”
Trump early Saturday wrote on Twitter that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower before the election, but did not provide any evidence.
“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” Trump said.
“Is it legal for a sitting President to be “wire tapping” a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!” the president added in another tweet. “I’d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!”
Graham also said that if Obama legally obtained a warrant, then it would be the biggest political scandal since Watergate during former President Richard Nixon’s administration.
“The other side of the story … If the former President of the United States was able to obtain a warrant lawfully to monitor Trump’s campaign for violating the law, that would be the biggest scandal since Watergate.”
I think the reality is starting to sink in to some of these morons. To me at first glance, from those quotes it sounds as though Sen. Graham is saying the scandal would be that Obama was able to get a warrant, not that Trump did something wrong. The keyword here being lawfully. But the reality is that, it makes more sense with the understanding that Graham hates Trump with a bloody passion ever since The Don publicly revealed Graham’s private phone number. It also makes sense that it would be entirely likely that Rybolovlev and his organization was what was being monitored at least previously and any such FISA warrant would have been issued as part of the continuing investigation. When the spooks start looking around for turds they’re going to poke their little fingers into whatever little hole they can find. It is exactly their goddamn job to find and connect the dots.
It’s certain that Rybolovlev’s bank was regularly communicating with the servers that Trump was using for his own financial operations. It’s certain that Trump regularly had business with Rybolovlev and his organization going back at least a couple of decades. The Don’s debts to Rybolovlev, Deutsches Bank and others are already established as known. Rybolovlev bought a shitty mansion in Florida from Trump just a few years ago for several million over market, that neither Trump or Rybolovlev ever lived in. Then that turned out to be a personal scam that Rybolovlev used to hide his money from his wife who was in the process of divorcing him, and ready to take half of his entire fortune. Some 6-6½ Billion dollars.
No way Graham is taking Trump’s side on this. I think he wants to see The Don burn before The Don burns the whole GOP down and takes their phony Conservative ideology with it. The real implication is that either Obama or Trump is fucked and I think we all know that Obama won’t have any problems sleeping or be talking to his lawyers tonight.
Good to see you’ve learned about the Industrial Revolution. Being a mere quarter-millennium behind current events is a real accomplishment for you.
You still have a ways to go, however:
That coming corporate tax cut will pay for a lot of
robotsinflated executive salaries.Ftfy. You’re welcome.
In addition to supporting the just-passed bill, he is a charter schools supporter.
So, a real proponent of failure, eh? We understand your reflexive admiration.
Dems have less leverage these days in the WA legislature than their numbers might otherwise suggest.
Wishful thinking and projection will get you through the dark
daysyears ahead. Reality is not your friend, viz:Pay no attention to that re-elected Governor with a line-item veto.
@3 Yeah, I read that article too, Doctor Dumbfuck. Gotta do something to pass the time while lying in bed waiting to bleed to death. The article goes on to say robots create more jobs than they destroy and they’re generally good-paying jobs. Sorry, but you won’t get fewer jobs or lower wages out of this, doc, so if that’s what you’re lusting after, try some Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics blog, maybe you’ll have better luck there.
@8 You can make robots that operate and repair robots, but who’s going to operate and repair those robots? You’ll always need human workers, and because it takes knowledge and skill to build, operate, and maintain machinery, these jobs will pay better than hamburger flipping. But why even worry about the impact on jobs, when nobody should work in the first place, especially if we have robots to do the work? The thing to do is own the robots, or at least stock in companies that design, build, and own them.
The miracle of stock ownership is that I don’t have to worry about racking up a pile of $20 copays when I get sick.
So, the latest conspiracy theory making its way to Drumpf’s desk from the alt-right fever swamps is that Obama spied on the Trump campaign and staged a “silent coup.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What coup, exactly? I don’t see a coup. All I see is Trump, not Hillary, sitting in the White House.
The article goes on to say robots create more jobs than they destroy and they’re generally good-paying jobs.
Really, we just got him to recognize the Industrial Revolution exists. Getting him to understand the finer points will take a few more centuries.
Sorry, but you won’t get fewer jobs or lower wages out of this, doc, so if that’s what you’re lusting after, try some Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics blog, maybe you’ll have better luck there.
For someone who is always bragging about how much money he makes, it takes a special kind of churlishness to wish the worst upon minimum-wage workers. (As if the entire restaurant staff making at least $15/hour is going to detract at all from the experience of the overpriced lunch he and his buddies enjoy in Seattle.)
@16 Boob’s hatred of livable wages is hard to fathom. Maybe he’s a partner in a failing Herfy’s outlet somewhere out in the weeds.
The establishment Republicans such as McCain and Graham don’t like Trump one bit. They don’t care for him taking first prize in the contest they all though they were supposed to win. Trump won’t win re-election because the heavy-hitters of the Republican Party are working behind the scenes to insure he does not get there. Of course, they’ll all deny it, but, hey, they’re politicians and they don’t like an outsider pissing in their punch bowl.
Those Republicans are working out a deal with the Democratic leadership to hamstring Trump in 2020. My guess is that the Republicans will trade the White House to a Democrat but act like they’re supporting Trump, and the Democrats may have to nominate a moderate in 2020 to make sure the Repubicans honor their end of the deal. In short, it’ll be politics as usual.
That’s what I think about it all.
Oh, one lasting: isn’t it about time Lindsay Graham comes out of the closet?
@18. Yeah, it is about time Graham should come out, as well as many others and other Republicans.
@18 Interesting speculation, but I don’t see the Republicans working with the Democrats, even if it would be in their self-interest to do so. What I think WILL happen is Trump, if he survives until 2020, will face a primary challenge from within his own party.
Many have speculated that Graham is gay, but there’s no evidence he is. He has described himself as “unlucky.” When Graham was young, his parents died, and he assumed responsibility for raising his younger sister, which didn’t leave him much scope for dating. He says he had two serious relationships while in the Army, one with an Army JAG lawyer and another with a Lufthansa flight attended, but both those women married other people. Of course, since then he’s had plenty of opportunity to meet women, but may he’s been too busy or maybe he lost interest. The fact someone doesn’t marry doesn’t necessarily mark them as gay. Some people prefer the solitary life. As you get older, and grow accustomed to living alone, it gets more difficult to adjust to having a partner. It seems to me if he were gay, he would have male partners, and it would be pretty hard to hide that.
Woke up again in Southern South America, and see the same fools being the same libtard fools. Didn’t miss a thing these two weeks.
@ 19 & 20
Make no mistake, Graham, McConnell and the rest of the GOP establishment want Pence as President and they always did, at least since last year or so. They’ll do pretty much anything to make that happen. Pence had zero chances to be elected on his own terms because he’s a lunatic who talks like Pat Robertson and listens to Bryan Fischer. They knew this before the election and saw the opportunity to put their man in office. I suspect Pence was selected as a running mate for Trump by the GOP, as it was extremely unlikely that The Don even knew the man’s name or what office he held before Priebus or someone introduced Pence to The Don as his running mate.
The Don is an imbecile, pretty much everyone can see that now. Except of course for the hard-core fanatics that are now going around beating up and shooting Sikhs and Hindus and vandalizing Jewish graveyards. He’s always been an utter buffoon who just doesn’t have the basic intellectual wherewithal to deal with making important decisions, especially in the context of the Law. The man has no leadership qualities whatsoever, no sense of nuance, subtlety or even the ability to discern the basic details in the dumbed-down reports the various departments have tried (and failed) to get his stupid fat orange ass to read. He is almost totally illiterate in any case. He might be able to read at the level of a 6 or 7 year old, but that’s it.
The real GOP want Pence. They always did since before the last GOP Convention. Pence is a true-blue dyed in the wool Seven Mountains Dominionist. A real Aryan Christian. They know they can pull whatever shit they want to as long as everyone is watching The Don’s antics on television, because he’ll sign anything they put on his desk the way Reagan did. But he is not an actor like Reagan was. He can only play himself and his own personal character. That will wear out pretty quickly with the electorate, even many of the people that voted for him. Pence is a True Believer®. He knows that it would just be a matter of time, with the “right” people in place to realize the Christian dream of burning the whole world down, getting rid of all the Kikes, Wops, Spics, Niggers, Gooks, Japs, Chinks, Pinoys, Wogs and pointy-headed Liberals in the process and then bring Jesus back from the dead to rule over the ashes. They will realize their dream of having Dominion over the Earth and all it’s treasures.
Nuclear weapons are Gods own bomb. Bryan Fischer and Rick Joyner have pretty much said this outright. Nukes are that “fire next time” the Christians have been praying for for the last 1500 years and now with a man like Pence, they would have the right man in the right place at the right time in history to make it happen. Jesus will come back and set things right after everyone non-white and unchristian is dead and burning in hell.
Even our pet schizo supports this ideal.
9, 18,
A Hillbilly feud for the entertainment of enlightened, educated, progressive, affluent, coastal elites. This sort of thing is to be encouraged. But it certainly won’t redeem them. They’ve allowed a perverted reality show con artist with a micro-penis to trade away their base in exchange for oil leases and urinating prostitutes. There’s no going back to normal for the hillbillies after Comrade-Pissident PussyGrabber is through. This is who they are now.
Jeff Sessions, China, North Korea: Your Weekend Briefing – The New York Times
The picture of the Great North Korean Dictator in the link above makes this guy look so much more Presidential than Drumpf! You go Girl! So much happier too. And simple, not like the elegant elaborate pictures of fake-lago.
You go Girl!!
@21 We didn’t miss you, either. Snort.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck has taken the title “most batshit insane dumbfuck troll” away from the loon as he’s now over in the Bible thread accusing the Clintons of murder.
Way to become a comment-posting joke, dumbfuck.
Authorities could not say whether the demonstrators who were arrested were pro-Trump or anti-Trump.
Oh, I dunno. The face-shielding kerchief worn by the guy being cuffed might be a bit of a clue.
@27 Arrested for assaulting the cops? Sounds like yours.
If there were pictures of Drumpf blowing the Horsey riding man, Boob still wouldn’t reject Drumpf. He’d continue his assault on Clinton instead.
Comey Tells Justice Department To Publicly Reject Wiretapping Claim
From the psychotic’s @ 29 link:
Along with concerns about the potential attacks on the bureau’s credibility, senior F.B.I. officials are said to be worried that the notion of a court-approved wiretap will raise the public’s expectations that the federal authorities have significant evidence implicating the Trump campaign in colluding with Russia’s efforts to disrupt the presidential election.
Maybe it’s because they don’t have that evidence.
FoxNewsSunday ✔ @FoxNewsSunday
.@ChrisCoons on evidence of collusion between Trump campaign and Russians: I have no hard evidence of collusion
6:25 AM – 5 Mar 2017
Which is, of course, not exactly what Andrea Mitchell reported a couple of days ago:
Andrea MitchellVerified account
ICYMI: @ChrisCoons says FBI has transcripts that could show Russian leaders colluding w/ Trump campaign @MSNBC #AMR
12:47 PM – 3 Mar 2017
Clapper, similarly, had no evidence that Team Trump was colluding with the Russkies:
Additionally, when asked if Clapper has any evidence that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russian government while the Kremlin was working to influence the election, Clapper said, “not to my knowledge,” based on the information he had before his time in the position ended.
I got stuck breifly yesterday in a protest standoff and noticed that both groups included masked participants.
But it was relatively easy to tell even them apart.
The hillbilly Trailer Trump protesters were the ones yelling “YOU’RE ALL NIGGERS AND JEWS”
30, 31,
That’s a huge relief!
No gubmit investigation needed. We’ll just let the “truth” come out on the Sunday shows and wait for this beer drunk racist hillbilly piece of shit to fill us in on the details.
If only we’d known b4 Whitwater.
Defamation lawsuit coming?
“FBI Director Comey asked Justice officials to refute Trump unproved wiretapping claim”
Sucks to be the loon*.
*Both of them.
Make Russia Great Again
“Trump Reverses Pledge To Mandate U.S. Steel For Keystone Pipeline. A Direct Beneficiary Is A Russian Oligarch With Close Ties To Vladimir Putin”
@30 oh doctor dumbfuck – always look for that silver lining. If you want to discuss whether evidence exists or not on anything them maybe discuss how Drumpf reveals no evidence that Obama wiretapped him, what Irony to be talking about non existent evidence.
What a mess Drumpf can create and needs others to help clean himself up – the poor guy cant even wipe his ass by himself.
We should have just kept America Great as it was, seems like we are one fucked up place today, you know because of Hillary.
Ohhhh, I hear helicopters – I better go, I think it is Drumpf!
@ 35
Hey Steve:
You do know that the steel your link is referring to was steel on the ground in Canada back in 2009 and 2011, don’t you?
Click on some of the links. Your links.
“You do know that the steel your link is referring to was steel on the ground in Canada back in 2009 and 2011, don’t you?”
So fucking what? You’ve been betrayed again. And pathetic dumbfuck that you are, you’re taking it on your knees. Again!
“In a meeting with small business leaders, Trump clarified that he not only wants pipeline companies to purchase pipes fabricated in the United States, but also expects the pipe suppliers to use raw U.S. steel.”
What a bunch of idiots.
Did Obama get criticized for not being a good negotiator? And didn’t Drumpf claim to be the greates negotiator and deal maker, but he couldn’t get them to supplement the project with new American Steel? Or maybe he could have got them to import some coal from West Virginia to do something with it.
Excuses Boob, excuses for this Fuck.
Did he say it would be built with American steel? Does he even know what fucking tweet he’s on?
“Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser”
They should let Chief Cheeto know that at least Doctor Dumbfuck fell for it. He falls for all of Trump’s bullshit. And when the truth comes out, he takes it on his knees.
After a record nine head explosions in a row, it looks like the loon finally found all the pieces to his skull! Still looking for his brain, though. Poor sap. Maybe someone should give the loon a clue and tell him he never had one. SAD!
@41 Boob believes him!
Boob send Humpty Dumpty a tweet telling him that Hillary instructed Barry to do it.
Trump – making American businesses great again.
“‘We’re going broke’: West Palm Beach business owners want Trump to spend weekends somewhere else”
Of course, Trump had reason to betray you, Doctor Dumbfuck.
“A Direct Beneficiary Is A Russian Oligarch With Close Ties To Vladimir Putin”
Russian oligarchs get what they want, American coal miners and steel workers get betrayed, and Doctor Dumbfuck leads them in taking it on their knees.
Way to go, you fucking traitor.
@ 41 Steve:
I find it interesting that people in other forums are arguing mostly about the nuances surrounding the word “evidence”. Most people seem to acknowledge the notion that Trumppp has had some, shall we say, unsavory contacts with certain Russian mobsters, including their habit of apparently sharing tarmac space in obscure regional airports around the country at various times. Both planes, sitting there parked next to each other and no activity around them that anyone can see.
Nope, nothing to see there, either.
The arguments on the Trumppp side all seem to focus on the nature of a FISA warrant itself. They’re still saying that it exists even in the face of open denials by the FBI and CIA. A FISA warrant only permits Federal investigators to gather evidence, not to initiate any prosecutorial action. If there is a FISA warrant, and now there doesn’t seem to even be a whiff of one actually existing except in Trumppp’s mind, it would likely focused on the Russians, adn anything from Trump would have been incidental to that.
But, the reality is that Trumppp has deeply internalized a literally fabricated story from fucking Brietbart. The author has now admitted to just making the story up. Trumppp is now jumping on a bandwagon that his own unofficial publicists have created.
The man is fucking nuts.
With the coal jobs issue, it’s the market, with cheap natural gas. Coal had 4 major uses: steelmaking, fuel for ships and railroads, heating, and electricity generation. Although some integrated mills survive in the US, many steel mills use electric arc furnaces, like the one in Seattle. Coal as a fuel for ships and locomotives declined by the 1960’s as railroads dieselized, and some railroads used oil as a fuel in steam locomotives(especially Southern Pacific) before that. Oil and natural gas displaced coal as a heating fuel.Leaves power generation as it’s major use, and most new thermal power plants are taking advantage of cheap natural gas.
With the coal jobs issue, it’s the market, with cheap natural gas. Coal had 4 major uses: steelmaking, fuel for ships and railroads, heating, and electricity generation. Although some integrated mills survive in the US, many steel mills use electric arc furnaces, like the one in Seattle. Coal as a fuel for ships and locomotives declined by the 1960’s as railroads dieselized, and some railroads used oil as a fuel in steam locomotives(especially Southern Pacific) before that. Oil and natural gas displaced coal as a heating fuel.Leaves power generation as it’s major use, and most new thermal power plants are taking advantage of cheap natural gas.
@ 47
Those coal jobs are gone. Now that Trumppp is “President”, the local yokels have stepped up their push for the construction of the bulk loading facility at Cherry point, between the BP Refinery and Alcoa. This has already been rejected by the County government and the local tribes who do have a bit of pull with the State.
Building the facility makes no sense in the context of the world market for coal, as the Chinese, who seem to be the promoters primary focus of the export market have announced that they aren’t going to commission any new coal-fired power plants and are going to concentrate their efforts on solar, hydroelectric and wind power.
Not to mention the fact that their largest coal mine is now in full operation, apparently it has enough coal in it to feed their current domestic consumption for the next thousand years and they say, (emphasis on say) that they’ll be halting imports of foreign coal sometime in the next 5 or 6 years.
The local yokels all seem to believe that the facility is going to generate several thousand jobs around the county with all the new restaurants and car dealerships and such.
I’ve stopped trying to reason with them. They don’t want to hear about the facility being almost completely automated, and the control/operations center for it will be located in Texas. They don’t want to hear about the facility costing upwards of $80 million in taxpayers money. They don’t want to hear about any of the environmental concerns, as such concerns are communism and propaganda from the Chinese government anyway. Don’t try to make sense of that in the above context.
They focus on the imaginary riches that the company is promising them with it’s fingers crossed behind its back.
They don’t want to hear about the facility being built and left mostly unused, as there is no real future worldwide market for coal and any market that exists will pretty much cease to exist sometime in the next 20 years as new wind and solar facilities come online, even in Australia.
They’re focused entirely on that imaginary money.
They aren’t the only ones going broke
At the current burn rate Teh Hillbilly Jesus will have cost Elite Coastal Educated Progressive taxpayers over $400 million dollars for his lonely guy getaways by the time we are rid of him.
It’s worth noting that this is probably more than his total net worth was before he sold the Presidency for Russian oil leases.
@ 49
That’s about half the cost of #CrookedHillary’s wardrobe. During the primary season.
@ The Liar @ 50:
Even if that was remotely plausible, it would be entirely likely that she’d at least have paid for it herself instead of hitting the taxpayers up for staying at her own hotel, at twice the normal rate.
Face it dickcheese, your man is so criminally corrupt and stupid, he’ll be lucky if he’s not in prison by the next 4th of July.
$97 million is the total estimated cost for Obama family travel during the two terms. But they didn’t choose to spread their family out across three different states and travel separately every single weekend. Trump Tower security alone is over $3 million per week.