Millions of us. Fighting corruption, and winning.
Why cartoon characters wear gloves.
- Jonathan Mann: He’s gonna take us to war.
- Stephen: Beyoncé and Trumputin celebrate Black History Month in very different ways
- Armchair Presidents: Executive orders
- Samantha Bee: The Not-A-Muslim-Ban Muslim ban
- Trevor: Trumputin’s Muslim-targeted travel ban
- Mark Fiore: The soul of Steve Bannon
- Stephen: How much damage can a president do in 1 week?
- The alternative Constitution:
- Samantha Bee: Refugee ban
- Olberman: Donald Trumputin is aiding the enemy
- Conan: Trumputin calls Obama to discuss Black History Month
- Indivisible: A practical guide to resisting Trumputin.
- Jon and Stephen: Reading Trumputin executive orders.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trumputin’s second chaotic week.
- Kimmel: Drunk Trumputin—Tough phone calls
- WA AG Bob Ferguson on Judge Robart’s temporary restraining order.
- Late Show: Cartoon Trumputin has a few thoughts for Australia
- Armchair Presidents: We heart Justin.
- Trevor: President Trumputin tangles with foreign leaders
- Bill Maher: Trumputin did what?!?
- Liberal Viewer: Bowling Green “Massacre” is Fort Knox attack Zombie lie!
- Seth Meyers has a lot of questions about Melania’s Vanity Fair cover
- Jonathan Mann: Rex Tillerson is an actual villian.
- Stephen: Trumputin prays for his haters at national prayer breakfast.
- Trevor: The disastrous rollout of Trumputin’s immigration ban
- Don’t feel sorry for Australia.
- Late Show: Trumputin gets to use his favorite catchphrase.
- Conan: White House is photoshopping Trumputin’s hands.
- How should the media cover a White House that isn’t afraid to lie?
- Trumputin’s ban actually makes it harder to fight terrorism.
- PsychoSuperMom: We are (mostly) all immigrants, you shmucks.
- Stephen: Pres. Trumputin…we are putting you on notice.
- Kimmel: Trumputin TV
- 20 lies the Trumputin administration told THIS WEEK:
- Late Night: Amber reads Donald Trumputin’s Black History Month speech with commentary
- Samanth Bee: Loyal to a T
- Bill Maher: New Rule–Cheer no evil.
- Armchair Presidents: Hillary Tweets.
- Liberal Viewer: Trump Administration sees 5-year-old as possible threat?
Paul Ryan’s Diary: Letting the right people into your heart (and country).
Stephen: Alter egos.
SCROTUS Nominee:
- Stephen looks at Washington and wonders…What’s happening?
- Trumputin is running America like a reality TV show.
- Kimmel: Trump hires a new Supreme Court justice
- Roll Call: Who is Judge Neil Gorsuch?
- Trevor: Profiles in tremendousness–SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch
- Seth Meyers: A couple thing about Trumputin’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch
- Kimmel: Drunk Sean Spicer—Supreme Court nominee edition.
- Stephen: President Trumputin asks Judge Gorsuch, “So you think you can SCOTUS?”
Waxing presidential with the Late Show road show.
Second City on immigration.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting how Canada handled the Quebec City attack. The shooter turned himself in. They did also arrest the guy who first called the Police. Probably why Fox News had the wrong suspect. I do wonder if I it had not been a line wolf, would Prime Minister Trudeau had done the same thing his father did with the FLQ?
I also noticed that some tried to use the Mosque attack to Justify the Trump policy.
I really can’t believe the folly of some Californians wanting to secede from the U.S. Do they know they live on the world’s largest cracks in the earth? Only the federal government can marshal the necessary resources needed to rebuild a major city. And I know I don’t want them all running up here. Well, maybe the cute one’s would be o.k. Brian Gosling could stay with me as long as he likes but he’s Canadian. That’s an idea I could get behind: the Canadian province of Calorington.
It’s another great day in Elite America!
The borders are open. Queer rights intact. Same sex marriage is law of the land. $15 min wage is growing the economy. Obamacare marches on unchanged. Not one single brick of some hillbilly idiot wall has been laid. No new federal sales tax on consumer goods. NAFTA right there where it’s always been. Iran still nuclear weapons free.
And the baaadest blaaaackest 2.25 term President you ever saw is still 95% in charge!
A consumer has never been born that Republicans didn’t want to fleece.
“A group of seven Senate Republicans are moving to gut consumer protections for prepaid debit cards …. The rules, aimed at providing many of the same safeguards that consumers take for granted with credit and debit cards, would require fee disclosures, fraud protections and limits on overdraft fees.”
@2 The way things are going all 50 states will want to secede and join Canada. Well, maybe not Oklahoma.
What is it with these bloodthirsty Republicans? If they enjoy killing so much, they should join the Army and fight their own damn wars.
“A Republican Party official in northern Michigan has issued what amounts to a death threat against American college protesters, calling for ‘another Kent State’ in the wake of protests at the University of California, Berkeley.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And, of course, he went scuttling for cover when the criticism began flooding in.
Even dogs aren’t safe anymore.
“The U.S. Department of Agriculture has removed a slew of animal welfare data — including inspection records for institutions like zoos, laboratories and commercial breeders — from its website.”
The stench surrounding conservative idol Kenneth Starr just gets ranker and ranker. Phew. Smells like rape around here.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
Walking back her idiotic remarks about a “Bowling Green Massacre” that never happened, Kellyanne Conjob says it was “an honest mistake.” No, it wasn’t, it was a careless mistake.
When you work for the POTUS you’re supposed to fact-check before opening your mouth. Believe it or not, the Alternative Facts Queen is a lawyer (Georgetown no less); does she do this in court, too?
She’s obviously a bright person, so you can’t chalk it up to stupidity, which leaves mendacity as the only possible explanation.
This thread has not only been loon-free, it’s also so far devoid of pro-Putin hashtags being littered here by a fascist traitor.
The stench surrounding conservative idol Kenneth Starr just gets ranker and ranker…
The Clintons were always good with their choices in enemies. Every Clinton-hater eventually gets revealed to be exactly the same (or bigger) moral catastrophe than he had accused the Clintons of being.
Which reminds me — where are our trolls?
@11 Sleeping off their hangovers.
Kellyanne Conway ✔ @KellyannePolls
Bosnia lie a Great reminder. And 2 @ChelseaClinton & others, you can’t “invent” quality candidates either. I misspoke; you lost the election …
10:15 AM – 3 Feb 2017
I do like the cut of her jib.
Conway’s right, of course. #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
And, just as we were speaking of Clinton-hating moral failures:
Conway’s right, of course. […] Hillary [Clunton] will never, ever be president.
I guess if you can convince yourself that first statement is true, then you can convince yourself the second statement is true as well.
Of course, we’re talking about someone convinced that a real-estate developer from New York City was the less corrupt of the two candidates.
So I guess you really can believe anything.
Live on your knees.
Man freed early from life sentence by Obama back in jail
Of course he is.
A San Antonio man who was freed from life in prison by President Barack Obama is back behind bars after allegedly crashing his vehicle into another motorist and undercover police cars while fleeing from a drug deal Thursday.
Gill is charged with possession with intent to distribute 500 grams or more of cocaine.
He again faces a potential sentence with a mandatory minimum, five years, and could get up to 40.
I’m thinking it’s a good thing #CrookedHillary lost, because if this guy offered The Clinton Foundation enough money she’d probably be inclined to pardon him a second time.
@ 14
Of course, we’re talking about someone convinced that a real-estate developer from New York City was the less corrupt of the two candidates.
Stronger together.Less corrupt.@14,
give the hillbillies a break. They’ve gotta scratch around for some positive somewhere. Given Preznit Putin-Puppet’s rate of success we shouldn’t be at all surprised if our trolls are still drunkenly dancing around the Clinton grave blowing their dicks off with firecrackers years from now.
@14 Cut Boob some slack. He’s still hung over. Or maybe he’s starting early on tonight’s drinking binge.
@17 If they survive that long.
Cheri Jacobus, a GOP consultant who was once asked to head up communications for Trump, who is suing him for defamation, and who is made of better stuff than our treasonous fascist doctor.
“When Trump/Bannon overreaches, all must call them out. When they lie, all must expose them. When they are treasonous, say so. Loudly.”
Hillbillies are tough. They can survive just about anything.
Except themselves.
reminds me of something a govt. scientist I know said:
“Democrats took Trump literally without taking him seriously. And Republicans took Trump seriously without taking him literally. They were both wrong.”
“Conway’s right, of course.”
“Bowling Green Massacre”.
@21 Don’t overlook this one.
They were thrilled when Gore “lost” (robbed), too. Look at the mess that left. It’s their retirements the Republicans steal and it’s their kids that get killed. And still, they luxuriate in their delusions.
“This thread has not only been loon-free”
“Which reminds me — where are our trolls?”
The babbling butthead loon was let out of its cage at 5:16pm
A martyr to the cause of the HA trolls:
Will the babbling loon, boob and little maxwipe visit it in prison?
Oh look, yet *another* legal smackdown:
Judge Robart, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, declared in his ruling that “there’s no support” for the administration’s argument that “we have to protect the U.S. from individuals” from the affected countries — Iran, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan and Libya.
A judge appointed by President Reagan, and approved by the Senate 99-0 with no dissent, notes the entire justification for this order was groundless.
And where does he rule?
Live on your knees.
She should have bought a Unimog 404.
But first she’d have to find where she lost her dick.
Tweets of the day.
Final score: NIU 45 BGSU 14
“guys, i found the 2011 bowling green massacre. stop pretending this didn’t happen.”
@bomani_jones loling bc that’s bowling green, Ohio…… the “bowling green massacre” is talking about bowling green, Kentucky
@MereChaffin @bomani_jones Accept it, that’s an alternative fact.
So, any tally on the economic damage — so far — from the unjustified* travel ban?
*For those who think a jurist appointed by a Republican president with no senatorial dissent should be believed.
Another successful local company weighs in:
“We literally have thousands of employees who are first and second generation immigrants. Every one of your unique qualities brings a richness that allows us to better reflect and serve the multi-cultured communities we’re a part of and ultimately makes us a better company. We are a better place with you here, no doubt about it.”
That’s how a successful business is run.
Little wonder a Republican administration has no idea.
The Ape is busy eating Bananas.
Nice try dip shit. This dumb ass judge said black lives matter, during the Seattle police bullshit. This is the same judge who in his spare time does immigration work pro bono. He should have never heard this case. Didn’t take him long to turn into a socialist living in your shit hole.
It’s so nice to see that Puddy PWNS the fetid gaseous arschloch for another week.
Very interesting these so-called “organic protests”. Staged with pre-printed signs, internet calls to action, attacking those whom it disagrees with (just like HA DUMMOCRETINS do on this blog)
In the Friday thread SPPSteve went KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO over the knowledge these anarchists are DUMMOCRETINS. SPPSteve can’t fathom why these anarchists only appear when a conservative or libertarian plans to speak at a university setting. They were no shows at the Pink Pussy March two weeks ago. Of course the hanging human teabag licker wouldn’t know pink pussy even if it was getting a local moustache ride.
President Trump sent out a tweet to the UC Berkeley crowd that should wake up the leftist professor fools.
Imagine the loss of Federal Funding to the UC system! The police stood around and finally arrested one person. Yeah real libtard police work! And from above, we now know this was staged and planned since last November 9th. Must be the UC Berkeley police are ignorant, stooooooooooopid and not well connected in DUMMOCRETIN libtard social media circles!
So SPPSteve, were any leftists hit with shovels and left on the street unconscious? NO eyewitness REPORTS of that! Where any people NOT wearing #MAGA red hats pepper sprayed? NO eyewitness REPORTS of that either!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. SPPSteve and its cohorts will call this hate of course because FACTS and TRUTH are 100% hate to them!
This is why DUMMOCRETINS like SPPSteve are SCUM!
Meanwhile here’s a real funny…
Now didn’t some worthless jackASS named “K2” tell Puddy the use of the U-6 unemployment number isn’t a true unemployment measure? Wanna see the “K2” post again HA DUMMMOCRETIN fools? Well, the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit loves to brag about its stock prowess using CNBC web sites so Puddy used this senile libtard approved web site.
Puddy used to have a LexisNexis account so we could have performed a LexisNexis survey and find out how many libtard DUMMOCRETIN FAKE NEWS locations ever mentioned the U-6 rate from 2009 through 2016, AKA The Obummer Years. How can you have an employment rate at 4.9% when 94 million Real and LIV DUMMOCRETIN Americans are not working? Now that Obummer is out of office CNBC (arm of NBC FAKE NEWS) decides to use the higher number. DUMMOCRETINS must think the rest of America is LIV like they are. NOPE!
SPPSteve and its cohorts will call this hate of course because FACTS and TRUTH are 100% hate to them!
Looks like that 35-page dossier about Trump so gleefully used by Da Perfessa on a recent Friday Night Comix rant and his useless Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Mysterious Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Raving Lunatic cohorts is falling apart. Remember the tired insipid daily rants from Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom focusing on its need to experience warm skat and golden showers in a bed? NO? Search HA DUMMOCRETINS, DUMMOCRETINS! So where is that video with Trump involved in lewd sexual acts in a Moscow hotel room in 2013?
SPPSteve and its cohorts will call this hate of course because FACTS and TRUTH are 100% hate to them!
SPPSteve and its cohorts will call this hate of course because FACTS and TRUTH are 100% hate to them!
LOL! There goes the babbling loon.. What did yours truly say?
1) IT KNOWS it’s a babbling butthead loon..
HA comes first before the weekly duty in the salt mines with its salt miner buddy.
Too funny! Back at 11:30 pm
Once again…
It’s so nice to see that Puddy PWNS the fetid gaseous arschloch for another week. Needs to have people visit the fetid blog no one cares to view because, well, one view a week is needed to keep its blog viable!
If Puddy put HA first why was Puddy visiting at 7:25 PM, over two hours later monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
YLShe. The foo shits perfectly!
Once again…
It’s so nice to see that Puddy PWNS the fetid gaseous arschloch for another week. Needs to have people visit the fetid blog no one cares to view because, well, one view a week is needed to keep its blog viable!
If Puddy put HA first why was Puddy visiting at 7:25 PM, over two hours later monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
YLShe. The foo shits perfectly! The pink lace panties are getting moist again!
FAKE NEWS no affect on the election! DUMMOCRETINS not happy!
Didn’t take him long to
turn into a socialistput your impotent GOLDEN SHOWERING PERVERT Hillbilly Jesus in his place.ftfy
It looks like I caused four loon head explosions to YLB’s three. But YLB got himself a sweet loon double-post which earns him an extra point, so it’s a tie so far, four to four.
That must be how poorly educated hillbillies misspell it so as not to be reminded that their perverted corrupt impotent Hillbilly Jesus is so overwhelmed and has fallen so far behind that he has left the baaadest blaaackest 2.25 term President ever still running things. While the bloated Putin Puppet hides away working up his impotent rage on pointless Twitter rants and meaningless executive orders, and the paper tiger Senate majority capitulates to the liberal mobs, President Obama still staffs 95% of the government they must obey!
Let’s see if the babbling butthead loon “needs” more HA FIRST before the weekly duty..
“It’s ‘a goat rodeo’: Connecticut Dem rips Trump for chaotic, out-of-control first two weeks”
Goat rodeo? He doesn’t know the half of it! Maybe I should clue him in to what the loon and Mr. Klynical have been doing out in the barn.
“what the loon and Mr. Klynical have been doing out in the barn.”
Too funny! That Klynical goat fucker once hallucinated in its pinhead that yours truly was a tweaker…
What a mean spirited POS that freak.. Good riddance to that troll.
If only the babbling loon freak would follow suit, butt it “needs” HA too much on Saturday nights. It can’t short change its kult by buying the little blue pills.
HA costs the freak nothing..
No sign of the babbling freak.. So that can only mean:
went the babbling loon.
SNL cold open is next!
@34 I take it, then, you believe black lives don’t matter, and putting restraints on police violence against citizens is “bullshit”? And you all ME a “fraud”??!!! Nice try yourself, little maxie asswipe.
Status Check: He’s a federal judge, and you’re a cockroach scouring the kitchen floor for whatever crumbs you can find … sounds fair to me.
@36 Oh boo hoo, the “we have 200 million guns” crowd is crying about being victimized again.
@49 That’s as good an official name for this administration as any.
@38 So a spy denying he’s a spy proves what — ?
The fun thing about federal judges is that once they’re in there’s not a fucking thing you can do about them.
Well well, lookee who just joined the ACLU. Let’s welcome newest members Chris Vance and Dan Satterberg. They have plenty of company:
“Satterberg and Vance are part of the largest surge in ACLU membership in the local chapter’s 85-year history. The group had only 18,000 members statewide before the election. As of Friday, that had soared past 50,000.”
57)Reminds me of President Shephard’so response when asked if he was a member. He asked his opponent, why wasn’t he?
56) I wonder, is the judge from NFL vs USFL still on the bench, even if just Senior Status?
Last year’s Amtrak derailment near Chester, Pennsylvania, it seems that the maintenance crew was not following procedures. I find that hard to believe. Usually their is a daily safety briefing, and the crews are subject to drug screening. I was once a certified flagged, when I was a temp, and I had to go through the safety briefing, and I was only with UP’s highway traffic contractor for the job they were needed for here.(Grade crossing protection on the Duwamish Industrial spur during tie replace). They went through everything at the briefings, radio frequencies, position of the derails, everything.
As for the drug use, the industry and railway unions have a non-punitive procedure for impaired employees to follow, and get help. It’s called Operation Redblock.
As for the drug use, Amtrak has a way for employees to ge
The 9th Circuit just told Drumpf the U.S. is not yet a dictatorship:
“A federal appeals court has denied the Justice Department’s request for an immediate reinstatement of President Donald Trump’s ban on certain travelers and all refugees. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco instead asked both the state of Washington and the Trump administration early Sunday to file more arguments by Monday afternoon.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now let’s imagine how this might play out. First, it looks like the 9th Circuit is fast-tracking it, which means it could reach SCOTUS before Drumpf’s new man is installed. So let’s say the 9th Circuit upholds the so-called judge, and then SCOTUS splits 4-4, that means the 9th Circuit’s ruling stands. It sure as hell looks like Drumpf’s Muslim ban might go down in flames.
Drumpf’s Muslim ban
And yet the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit write last week that Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan were not part of the “ban”.
See how the evil senile mind works everyone?
Wow, YLShe’s pink lace panty gussets were really moist and dripping last night. Look at 48, 50 and 51. It must feel really good to the fetid gaseous arschloch to be PWND by someone so strong and powerful that you have to show up and demonstrate that PWNAGE!
You better get some panty liners today YLShe!
Wow, YLShe’s pink lace panty gussets were really moist and dripping last night. Look at #48, #50 and #51. It must feel really good to the fetid gaseous arschloch to be PWND by someone so strong and powerful that you have to show up and demonstrate your servitude to that PWNAGE!
It better get some panty liners today YLShe! Better yet maybe some tampons because the flow is heavy in this one!
Wait for the latest installment in SPPSteve duplicity! Those are DAYUM funny!
Six head explosions where YLB lit the loon’s fuse and five for me. Pretty close match. YLB nearly got a second double-post from the loon @64 and 65, but a last second edit by the loon robbed him of a point. Only one loon head explosion credited to Roger so far, but could change quickly. So don’t count him out!
“we have 200 million guns” …
which the hillbilly filthy lice ridden toddlers get more actual use out of.
“The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco instead asked both the state of Washington and the Trump administration early Sunday to file more arguments by Monday afternoon.”
Good thing for the hillbillies that their microphallus orange Putin Puppet was too preoccupied with scat porn and Russian hookers to do his job and replace 2.25 term President Obama’s attorneys.
Otherwise they’d be preparing to file by Tweet!
@ 68
The original opinion is in Anna Diggs Taylor territory.
WA’s AG Fergie, on CNN:
“I’m prepared for this case to go all the way to the Supreme Court whichever way the Ninth Circuit Court of appeals goes,” he said, anticipating a challenge to Robart’s ruling.
“It’s a case of that magnitude, it’s a case that frankly I think will ultimately end up before the U.S. Supreme Court, so that would not surprise me one way or the other.”
HA libbies should not be surprised, either, when the most-often-reversed circuit courts’s decision goes to the US Supreme Court, on which newly confirmed Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch will be seated, to deliberate whether an executive order not found to be in violation of any part of the US Constitution is, in fact, constitutional.
This hasn’t been argued, yet – both Seattle and Boston judicial opinions are poorly sourced. At some point libbies will have to get past “We don’t like it.” as an argument and will be forced to look at whether Trump has the authority to issue it.
My guess: He does.
As a hillbilly expert on Supreme Court history, how long do you expect a grant of cert to take and then a reversal in the midst of a nom battle?
In the mean time, while you hillbillies are sitting on the porch playing banjoes and whittling butt plugs…
2.25 term blaaaack community activist President Barack Hussein Obama will look after things.
Robart’s opinion @ 69 is here in its entirety:
and takes very little time to read.
Having just read it I realize my mention of Anna Diggs Taylor is very incorrect in this context and I retract that comment @ 69 with apology for same.
That having been said, the TRO is only a delay and offers no argument that the EO at issue is unconstitutional, only that the plaintiff (WA state, in this case) is likely (in Robart’s opinion) to succeed based on the merits of the case and that the question at hand is a serious one.
It also orders a filing of briefing schedules from the parties so that an actual preliminary injunction hearing can be scheduled.
Small wonder that Ferguson expects the case to move up the ladder. The issued order isn’t even Step 1 of that process.
@66 Yeah we got the babbling loon’s pin head exploding going into its cage on Friday to pay the weekly insurance premium and coming out of its cage on Saturday when it puts HA first to combat “the softening”..
@ 70
As a hillbilly expert on Supreme Court history, how long do you expect a grant of cert to take and then a reversal in the midst of a nom battle?
1. The “battle” of which you speak is unlikely to be the battle you want. Dems have learned from Harry’s Folly and don’t want to see this seat, and then two more, filled by Trump appointees because they force McConnell’s hand. Most Dem Senators will keep their powder dry on this one.
2. This case doesn’t come up, at least not successfully, in the nomination battle because Gorsuch, as have previous nominees before him, will decline to comment on matters that might come before him if he joins the Court. See Kagan and ACA for the most recent example.
3. I think this case will first be heard by Robart himself and it takes him a few weeks to torture the meaning of the US Constitution in order to determine that an actual violation occurred in the EO. Then it gets appealed and, what, three Nutty Ninth justices weigh in? Then it gets appealed for en banc hearing before the Nutty Ninth. Then an appeal for re-hearing, maybe. Then an appeal to SCOTUS. Unless one party claims emergency and wants it to go all the way to the top, bypassing the intermediate steps. I think it at least goes through the three-judge opinion stage before SCOTUS weighs in, as SCOTUS probably really does not want to unless forced.
I have heard by others on these pages that I am not a practiced attorney. But I think – a layman’s opinion – this is bottled up in lower courts until long after Gorsuch is confirmed. And I know enough to realize that a dude shot multiple times in the chest wasn’t fleeing
at the time he was shot, which gives me a leg up on at least one so-called lawyer around here.
Nice try, tho. Keep fooling yourself into the concept that Dems did not suffer a devastating loss in November due to their blind devotion to a horribly flawed presidential candidate, whatzhername.
Yes YLShe and SPPSteve, you own each other while Puddy PWNS you both!
Exploding head under pressure and the moist panty one!
So the resonse to Trumpian impotence is…
Constitutional inside baseball?
You were better off stuck on your recursive Nov 9th loop.
I obviously have a pretty low opinion of the intellectual heft of the stategically located festering bolus of low info WWCM voters who handed the White House to Vlady Putin because… Benghaziii!
But even an unreformed apologist like you should be able to admit that this is giving these people waaay too much credit. Regardless of whichever one of the angry robot mouthpieces is assigned to recite these excuses before a TV camera, rest assured that not 5 min into it gunshots will ring out at trailer parks across America. And the next day WalMart will sell a bunch of new televisions.
And 2.25 term President Obama will still be running most of the federal gubmit.
@62 Oh, I’m evil now? I’m not the one banning people, dipshit. If this isn’t a Muslim ban, then show me the Christian country on the list.
Sheesh. Fucking idiot.
this is bottled up in lower courts until long after Gorsuch is confirmed.
You dont even get the point when you make it.
Perception is everything thanks to modern conservative politics. This is particularly so where the low info WWCM hillbilly voters the Putin-Puppet depends upon are concerned. The perception is that Hillbilly Jesus isnt getting anything done (also that he’s a sick pervert with a tiny penis).
Authoritarianism delayed is authoritarianism denied.
@66 Yeah, and every time, he goes off like a string of ladyfingers on the Fourth of July.
@69 “to deliberate whether an executive order not found to be in violation of any part of the US Constitution”
So now you’re a lawyer? Let me help you. Ferguson framed the issue as a constitutional violation, and it’s unlikely Judge Robarts would have granted the TRO unless he thought the state was likely to prevail on the merits.
Even if you knew absolutely nothing about the case, by sheer random statistical chance, there’s a 50% chance that anything Trump does is unconstitutional, that same as a monkey throwing darts, because Trump’s knowledge of constitutional law is identical to that of a monkey throwing darts.
You also might want to take into consideration the possibility that Trump is so blatantly wrong that even the Republican justices won’t vote in his favor.
This would, by the way, be an excellent opportunity for the justices to teach Trump that there are still two other branches of government, which may be especially appealing to them in light of Trump’s professed disrespect for judges; surely they realize their turn, including those appointed by him, will come too.
After spending the Bush 43 years loving his executive orders modifying laws passed by congress that he didn’t like, then eight years hating Obama’s executive orders, which were fewer in number than both Reagan and Bush 43, as Obama audaciously and with contempt for his oath of office tried to protect employee rights and labor agreements.
“This threat that the president’s going to run the government with an ink pen and executive orders, we’ve never had a president with that level of audacity and that level of contempt for his own oath of office,” Rep. Steve King (R-IA)
Of course, now the nation’s fascists want the Supreme Court to take on executive orders so Trump can rule as a fascist dictator. In other words, American fascists like the doctor above, obviously lacking a moral, ideological or philosophical compass, hate America and everything for which it stands.
@71 “offers no argument that the EO at issue is unconstitutional, only that the plaintiff … is likely … to succeed based on the merits of the case”
Try connecting the dots.
Oh the irony…
Progressives are finding religion as they pray for the health of liberal SCOTUS justices
Wow, look at post #76. Major head explosion caused by Puddy of course! It seems when the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit is reminded of the insipid revisionist commentary left by the right side of its femtometer sized brain, the left side of said cell explodes.
Did Puddy force the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit to write that the original order did not include Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan? NOPE!
Did Puddy for the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit to write that insane inane comment @61? NOPE.
FACTS… When you remind said early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit of what it writes because the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit can’t remember anything over an hour the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit head explodes!
Sux to be early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit!
Even CNN can’t create Fake News here!
Butt we all know CNN DUMMOCRETIN are SCUM!
If only the GOP had control of the Senate.
Washington (CNN)Americans’ first impressions of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch tilt positive, and a plurality say the Senate ought to vote to confirm President Donald Trump’s selection to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.
Overall, 49% say the Senate should vote to confirm Gorsuch, who is a federal judge. That’s roughly the same share that said so about Samuel Alito in 2005 and Sonia Sotomayor in 2009 shortly after their nominations were announced.
Looks like the FASCIST indoctrination of DUMMOCETINS starts in middle school!
FACTS sux eh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit?
Meanwhile it seems another George Soros led activity will be called “organic” and “spontaneous” by the libtard press and Da Perfessa will brag about it Feb 17th.
Puddy calls it 12 days early!
@83 Nice head explosion. Now, where’s the Christian country on that list? And I shouldn’t have to explain why Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan aren’t on the list.
@85 He’ll be confirmed. Don’t be so impatient. It’ll get done by the end of this year.
Looks like Roger lit the loon’s fuse for two more head explosions @83 and 86 and has two aftershocks, which count as one loon head boom. That makes the score YLB 6, Steve 5 and Roger 4, and Roger is only just getting started!
Somewhere I recall hearing that 12 months was not too long to wait.
@86 Middle school fights happen. “All the students involved have faced ‘consequences.'” Situation handled.
@90 It’s going to be a long Sunday. Maybe I should have gone to church instead.
@ 88
And I shouldn’t have to explain why Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan aren’t on the list.
Apparently it is because they are Christian nations, if your rationale be believed, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Because it they were Muslim nations and you are trying to make the point that Trump is targeting Muslims with no further selection process, then those countries would necessarily be on the list as well.
Nice own goal, asswipe.
Where’s the Christian country, dumbfuck?
Roger Rabbit Quiz
If you were a refugee, and had to spend 48 hours locked in a cell with another refugee, which of the following foreigners would you LEAST want to be stuck in a cell with?
(1) Iranian
(2) Sudanese
(3) Iraqi
(4) Syrian
(5) Yemeni
(6) Libyan
(7) Somali
(8) Saudi
(9) Egyptian
(10) Pakistani
“you are trying to make the point that Trump is targeting Muslims with no further selection process”
Selection process? Follow the money, or as in this case, Trump hotels and golf courses. And if it’s not about Muslims, why prioritize the entry of Christians?
It isn’t like Trump and our radiologist are the only Republicans giving Putin a golden shower of love. Kasparov hasn’t been murdered by Putin yet, so freedom abounds in Russia!
“Steve King: Putin allows freedom of dissent because he hasn’t murdered Garry Kasparov in New York yet”
And I shouldn’t have to explain why Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan aren’t on the list.
Butt the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit called it a Muslim ban, Now the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit is running away from its own words.
Senility, a very insipid disease!
@86 Middle school fights happen.
Really early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit? Seems the little FASCIST middle school DUMMOCRETINS attacked the #MAGA child.
@90 It’s going to be a long Sunday. Maybe I should have gone to church instead.
Heh heh heh… When’s the last time that threshold was crossed by the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit?
which of the following foreigners would you LEAST want to be stuck in a cell with?
“Follow the money”
“President Trump’s Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire”
For example,
Saudi Arabia: “Trump registered eight companies tied to hotel interests in the country shortly after launching his campaign in August 2015, according to The Washington Post.”
Egypt “His latest Federal Election Commission filing lists two companies in the country, Trump Marks Egypt and Trump Marks Egypt LLC, both of which are most likely connected to a development venture.”
Turkey: “Trump also currently licenses his name to two luxury towers in the Turkish metropolis of Istanbul. He received as much as $5 million from the deals last year, according to his latest financial disclosures.”
Pakistan? They may be expendable, even though they are a strategic partner in the fight against Islamic militants. Why? Because of Trump investments in India.
“Trump’s investments in India may make him take a hardline with Pakistan”
Follow the money.
Scoring three loon head explosions @99, 100 and 101, Roger takes the lead over YLB, 7 – 6. Nice comeback! I’m still stuck at 5, and am now in third place.
I’m still stuck
Yeah SPPSteve, Stuck on Stupid!
DUMMOCRETIN are Stuck on Stupid SCUM!
@9 Come on it’s early in the administration, hopefully she will learn from the experience. Not like oh Vice President Biden occassionally suffered from hoof in mouth. In fact had President Obama handled the whole birther questions more directly, and seriously he could have killed the whole issue. And he’s a constitutional attorney and I will give him a pass as maybe he had not gotten out of the ivory tower in a while. I doubt he would have handled it in a court room the same way, but I’m sure this person would have been more prepared, And actually there was a Bowling Green massacre it’s in a song about slaughtering a giant hog. It’s country/folk so you probably never heard it.
Lets hope our fourth estate gets off its ass as it’s been lulled to sleep these past eight years.
@104 It’s so easy it almost feels like cheating.
@106 “Come on it’s early in the administration, hopefully she will learn from the experience.”
By the time you work in the White House, you’re supposed to be past the training wheels stage.
“Not like oh Vice President Biden occassionally suffered from hoof in mouth.”
With her it’s daily.
“In fact had President Obama handled the whole birther questions more directly, and seriously he could have killed the whole issue.”
This is a joke, right?
“And he’s a constitutional attorney and I will give him a pass as maybe he had not gotten out of the ivory tower in a while. I doubt he would have handled it in a court room the same way, but I’m sure this person would have been more prepared,”
“And actually there was a Bowling Green massacre it’s in a song about slaughtering a giant hog. It’s country/folk so you probably never heard it.”
She wasn’t talking about country music.
“Lets hope our fourth estate gets off its ass as it’s been lulled to sleep these past eight years.”
Which press sycophants are you referring to, the ones who kept the birther bullshit alive by giving it a veneer of legitimacy it never had, or those who spent eight years treating Republican sabotage of our democracy as nothing more than mere political opposition?
@70 I’m disappointed that the Appeals court did not go ahead and pull the stay. They maybe trying to give the Judge in Seattle an opportunity to reverse himself. Things have only been held up because of the timing of the ruling late on Friday, and someone in the Trump administration is trying to not to piss off the Appeals court judges too much. In the end Washington state does not have standing, though other constitutional issues are there like Washington state has no control over International trade. The President controls how immigration happens and can place a hold on immigrants or travel from any country. there is the small point that we are bombing six of these countries so where the heck are you all and Washington state on that. Not that Washington State would have any standing on that issue, the courts will say your all need to go to Congress. And well we and the Iranians are shooting across bows of ships, and speedracing in front of ships and other such fun.
I also object to Washington States Attorney General putting down that corporations in Washington state are being hurt by employees being waylaid. Since we are progressive democrats be asking why aren’t these Washington corporations hiring American citizens. If Americans don’t have the skills why aren’t these American corporations hiring capable American citizens and giving them the appropriate training for the job rather than hiring American citizens. We should be asking what will it take to get American citizens to work in our orchards, dairy farms, farms, ect. Why aren’t folks supporting American workers?
Score one for the loon’s head explosion @105! Now I’m only one behind Roger and YLB.
@108 when set this high standard then you must insist that all Democratic officials also meet this high standard and never suffer from foot in mouth disease when dealing with the press. You must perfection from them then. Or are you playing politics over a somewhat silly statement, but a statement that has legitimate national security concerns. Or are you trying to hide those concerns from the public as those concerns were shared by the Obama administration and the current policy is a continuation of those policies. Where were you then and why are you now poking at this with a stick.
@99 So why aren’t Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria on the list. Oh perhaps there is not a Muslim ban. To have a true Muslim you gotta exclude Muslims from one of the top 5 nations with the greatest numbers of Muslim adherents.
Hmm, I foresee many alternative facts in our future, as well as countless loon head explosions and a daily dose of our fascist doctor’s pro-Putin hashtags.
“‘It’s really bad’: Trump says Mike Pence will head investigation of 3 million ‘illegal’ 2016 votes”
@71 Only at the appeals level or Supreme court level so the courts don’t have to actually deal with any real issues the Appeals or Supreme court will rule the States of Washington and Minnesota have no standing. A classic court punt. This is in part due to a President Jackson (Democrat) who would tell this judge now you go enforce what you are saying meanwhile we won’t be issuing any more visa’s to immigrants from these 7 countries. Or we send these folks to Gitmo.
@103 So why aren’t Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and India on the list? I see you say it’s not possible for India and Pakistan to both be included. Yet these 5 nations are where the most Muslims lives. To have a ban you gotta include them. And since foreigners are not American citizens they don’t have all the rights as we have under the constitution. It may indeed be possible to exclude for no reason, good reason or bad reason immigrants from any nation. And we have in the past. At least in WWII it was simple as in we are bombing Germany, Italy, and Japan so until they surrender we aren’t accepting just anyone from these countries unless they are a prisoner of war. The world was so simple then. Though having the Soviet Union as an ally suggests the world wasn’t so simple. Ah politics burnishes the truth and also hides the messy truth of history. Isn’t politics wonderful and fun? So many university political scientists are making the big bucks, well no it’s the football and other couches that make the big money these days.
Goldie folks on here keep going after each other and I do support the first amendment yet I think many folks on here of Democratic, Republican and Progressive are occassionally using the fact they are here under a fake name to attack people and act like trolls. There is some trollish behavior, but a lot of accusations of trollies behavior that don’t hold water.
I think everyone on here should adult enough to be using their own name. The moniker they are known by publicly. There is supposedly an attorney on here and a radiologist that should be on here using their own names per the rules of their professions. Or perhaps one or both are lying about who they are. If they are those folks should be at least temporarily suspended. I think folks here are using anonymity to attack other people on the list, and being by true names will eliminate some of that, and at least then if people are swinging verbal brick bats at each others then individuals can take appropriate action and know who to take it against.
Though perhaps you prefer it to be the wild wild west on here.
If President Trump were a really Machiavellian guy he would have nominated President Barrack Obama to the Supreme Court.
This ain’t a Superbowl, it’s a Super Slaughter. Atlanta 21, New England 0, with 2 minutes left in 1st half.
@ 103
“President Trump’s Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire”
Trump doesn’t have investments in the 7 countries on the list created by the Obama administration last year.
Not a good argument for you, Steve. Think it through.
It’s halftime and the HA trolls and their beloved man-child, putin-puppet preznit – they WANNA GRAB!
Yeah, it’d be nice if Atlanta won, otherwise ehh…
This is a joke, right?
No. That is not a joke.
And thats all anybody needs to know to understand Trailer Trump America.
Um, well, you’re an idiot. Go away now please. And dont ever talk to me in front of other people.
If only the GOP had control of the Senate.
What is this GOP you speak of?
I think the question is whether Vlady Putin has control of the Senate.
New England 34, Atlanta 28, in overtime, final.
@116 Adults? You talk about adults? Goldy, who’s been reported as a child molester and had manure dumped in his driveway, understands why we want to remain anonymous. We’re not dealing with adults.
We’re not dealing with adults.
I made my first-ever comment at (u)SP under my own name, citing facts which contradicted the posted opinion. It was immediately met with an entire post (!) attacking me. At least one comment in this attacking post gave a location which I then-frequented, with the hint I should be physically assaulted there.
I went with pseudonyms after that.
@73 ” … a horribly flawed presidential candidate” who got nearly 2.9 million more votes than Drumpf, so what does that say about Drumpf, who won because of a quirk in the Constitution that was put in there to preserve slavery?
“Trump doesn’t have investments in the 7 countries on the list created by the Obama administration last year.”
Wingnuts. Always making shit up. Try imagining what Trump might do if ISIS gained control of the world’s supply of Propecia.
@ 125
Gee, thanks for that, Roger.
’cause all of the rest of us were out knitting chastity cages for next weekend’s protest.
@ 116
It’s 35 to 2 (or maybe 3) most days around here.
It’s enough of an echo chamber here as it is. I use a pseudonym so there’s less worry about gman or ‘froggy showing up at my door at 3 a.m. wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and carrying a crowbar.
It’s easy to be brave when you’re in a group of 30, wearing masks and carrying baseball bats, and surrounding a couple of guys who don’t think the way you think, isn’t it?
Maybe you could join YLB and request that people who espouse opinions you don’t agree with simply be banned.
On instapundit:
Seen on Facebook: “Right now, Atlanta fans have got to be feeling like Hillary supporters on election night.”
Although unlike #CrookedHillary, Falcons still have a prayer of winning The Big One someday.
@ 129
Try imagining what Trump might do if ISIS gained control of the world’s supply of Propecia.
He’d cut Proscar.
Why, what would you do?
Trump doesn’t have investments in the 7 countries on the list created by the Obama administration last year.
As Roger Rabbit correctly predicted in a previous thread, apologists for humiliating failure by the current administration will always try to blame it on someone else. In the case of this travel ban, the blame is miscast specifically the previous administration.
As CNN reported, the Obama administration created the list for a far more limited purpose, and differentiated between various countries within it, and noted differences amongst travelers. That the current administration just lazily used the same countries for a broad ban speaks to their governing incompetence, and nothing else.
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr 3h3 hours ago
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted Wall Street Journal
Where have I seen stats like this before??? 😂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Donald Trump Jr. added,
Wall Street Journal @WSJ
The Falcons now have a 91.6% chance of winning Super Bowl LI. Live analysis:
Remember that short video of Bill Clinton jumping up and down when he thought she had it in the bag?
Yeah. Me, too.
@109 “I’m disappointed that the Appeals court did not go ahead and pull the stay.”
Why? Have you studied the case? Can you explain to us why Judge Robarts is wrong?
“They maybe trying to give the Judge in Seattle an opportunity to reverse himself.”
More likely because TROs aren’t appealable.
“Things have only been held up because of the timing of the ruling late on Friday … ”
Held up? The case is proceeding with extraordinary speed.
” … and someone in the Trump administration is trying to not to piss off the Appeals court judges too much.”
To do that, they’ll have to muzzle their boss.
“In the end Washington state does not have standing ….”
This issue will be argued and ruled upon.
” … though other constitutional issues are there like Washington state has no control over International trade.”
They’re arguing the state has no control over immigration, not trade. The state argues it’s protecting the due process, equal protection, and freedom of religion rights of its residents.
By the way, in case you didn’t realize it, constitutional rights apply to all residents, not just citizens.
“The President controls how immigration happens and can place a hold on immigrants or travel from any country … ”
Statutes control how immigration happens. The president’s authority to modify those statutes is a question of law for the courts to decide.
” … there is the small point that we are bombing six of these countries so where the heck are you all and Washington state on that.”
What is the legal relevance of this?
“Not that Washington State would have any standing on that issue, the courts will say your all need to go to Congress.”
The question is whether Washington residents are affected by the travel ban, which they arguably are, and whether the states has authority to represent them in parens patriae, which it arguably does.
“And well we and the Iranians are shooting across bows of ships, and speedracing in front of ships and other such fun.”
Not relevant.
“I also object to Washington States Attorney General putting down that corporations in Washington state are being hurt by employees being waylaid.”
So protest outside his office.
“Since we are progressive democrats”
You are neither progressive nor a Democrat.
” … be asking why aren’t these Washington corporations hiring American citizens.”
Which corporations are you referring to? Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, et al., hire lots of American citizens.
“If Americans don’t have the skills why aren’t these American corporations hiring capable American citizens and giving them the appropriate training for the job rather than hiring American citizens.”
Companies used to hire workers and then train them for specific job functions. They used to offer lifetime employment and pay pensions, too. The economy has changed. Now, workers have greater responsibility for acquiring marketable skills, managing their careers, and providing for their health care and retirement.
“We should be asking what will it take to get American citizens to work in our orchards, dairy farms, farms, ect.”
Better wages, and even then, most Americans won’t want to do backbreaking outdoor stoop labor.
“Why aren’t folks supporting American workers?”
Folks don’t make hiring decisions. Bosses make hiring decision. Talk to them about it.
FAKE Globull Warming data? Really?
@135 Does it really matter who wins a “none of the above” election? Trump is proving, yes it does, sometimes the “least worst” is a whole lot better than the alternative. Meanwhile, Doc obsesses over Hillary like a stalker. He must have a crush on her.
@131 Nobody forces you to be here, and you’re not a victim. You volunteer for this. You’re free to leave at any time.
I do believe I covered all that at 123.
I was just a bit more concise.
@140 You did indeed.
@137 I prefer to go with the peer-reviewed stuff instead of your crap.
“If they are those folks should be at least temporarily suspended.”
Neither Roger nor the doctor should be banned. The loon should be banned, of course, but that’s only because of his severe mental health issues. Call it a mercy banning.
@134 As others have pointed out, it’s good to see Obama is still running the country. It could be a lot worse if the Dumpster started having original ideas.
By the way, in case you didn’t realize it, constitutional rights apply to all residents, not just citizens.
Of course he didnt realize it. Moreover, he wont believe it. And so now, unless we are all exceptionally lucky, he will subject us all to yet another one of his ponderous exercises in 8th grade civics, generously seasoned with History Channel wisdom. This will be painful. For godsake Carl. Start a new thread! Hurry!
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Okay, whatever, but why is it again that we need a rock concert in the middle of the Super Bowl?
You’ll notice Goldy never wondered why rock stars were a necessity at #CrookedHillary rallies.
@ 146
#CrookedHillary had Beyonce, The Boss, and Katy. She lost.
Trump had this:
He won.
“Trump had this:”
The USA Freedon Kids? Not sure what your point is, seeing as how Trump stiffed those girls same as he’s done to so many others.
“USA Freedom girls sue Trump campaign”
I’ve said for years that our trolls love Putin. Here we have yet another thread filled with troll hatred for Americans and America coming to a close and not one troll has uttered a single word of criticism about Vladimir Putin and Russia.
[The candidate who received millions more votes] had Beyonce, The Boss, and Katy.
Still smarting over how all of those A, B, and C list celebrities snubbed the tackiest, trashiest Inaugural flop in the history of our Republic, eh?
Why, it’s almost as if ordinary human beings can snub your president with impunity. How dare they!
Now there’s an entire world itching to tell your president he’s not all that.
Enjoy one humiliating snub after another after another after another, each capped with a ringing chorus of “I told you so” from the majority who were not easily, completely, and helplessly taken by a con man on reality TV.
Live on your knees.
“helplessly taken by a con man”
The doctor wasn’t conned. The traitor knowingly sold out to Putin.
The doctor wasn’t conned.
Well, maybe panicked, then. His ongoing expressions of pure terror at the thought of Hillary Clinton winning a future presidential election indicate he was shopping for a Big Tough Daddy to save him from the frightening mean lady. Since the big con on the reality TV show was the host’s self-manufactured image of strength and authority, we can safely assume some level of swindle was involved.
@146 I gotta say, I wouldn’t take that leap of faith off the roof. I’m not especially a Gaga fan, but that woman has cojones. What if the wires broke or the harness came undone? I sure hope she had a couple of Republicans test that rig before strapping herself in it.
@148 Last I heard his campaign staffers were still waiting to get paid, too, and I predict it’ll be a long wait.