Ann Telnaes: Another Haley Barbour controversy .
Young Turks: G.O.P. Rep.’s ‘Olive Complexion’ controversy.
Roy Zimmerman: “To the Victims of This Tragedy We Send Our Thoughts and Prayers”:
Mark Fiore: Military math boot camp.
Young Turks: Poll shows FAUX News viewers are most frightened of Muslims.
Boehner’s Boner:
- Newsy: “So be it”.
- Young Turks: Boehner is okay with Americans losing jobs.
- Ann Telnaes: Read Boehner’s lips.
- Pelosi blasts G.O.P.’s “so be it” attitude (via DailyKos).
Newsy: Government shutdown looming.
The past or the future?
Jon: I like big cuts (via OneGoodMove).
Funny or Die: NPR pledge drives.
The Republican War on Workers:
- Thom: WI Governor declares war on workers.
- Newsy: Wisconsin workers protest.
- Democracy Now: On Wisconsin, Part I.
- Democracy Now: On Wisconsin, Part II.
- Young Turks: Does Obama watch network news?’>WI Governor holds jobs hostage.
- Rep. Ryan: It’s like Cairo has moved To Madison (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- GritTV: Protests for workers spreading.
- Maddow: Wisconsin & union rights.
- Ed: Gov. Walker (WI) is lying about budget crisis.
- Pap: What Wisconsin has learned from Cairo.
- Thom with The Nation‘s John Nichols: 35,000 strong and more to come.
- Wisconsin protesters on FAUX News: “FAUX Lies” (via TalkingPointsMemo).
ONN: Report finds troubling rise in teen uranium enrichment.
Newsy: Facebook accepts LGBT partnerships (thereby undermining the very fabric of the intertubes).
Obama in Portland: Out-educating the competition (8:45).
Jon: Pyramid scheme (via OneGoodMove).
Young Turks: How Dan Savage destroyed Rick S******m.
The Republican War on Women:
- Cenk: The G.O.P. hit job on Planned Parenthood.
- GritTV: Killing doctors by redefining personhood.
- O’Donnell Thank you Jackie Speir.
- Rep. Jim McDermott on anti-women Republicans:
- Newsy: The South Dakota “Kill an abortion provider” bill?
- Democracy Now: G.O.P. bill targets abortion and family planning, Part I
- Democracy Now: G.O.P. bill targets abortion and family planning, Part II
- Democracy Now: G.O.P. bill targets abortion and family planning, Part III
- O’Donnell: Palin attacks Michelle Obama over breastfeeding.
- Cenk: Michelle Bachmann on breast pumps (and other batshit crazy Republicans).
- O’Donnell: Bachmann goes after Michelle Obama on breast pumps.
Daily Show: The QOsby Show (via DailyKos).
Pap: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spying on you.
Ann Telnaes: Obama takes on defense spending.
Young Turks: Nut case Glenn Beck gets his Google hate on.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
And the HA leadership still reverts back to the MSNBC talking heads on Friday Nights. Pathetic.
If Charles Rangel and Nancy Pelosi did their jobs last fall of 2010 and created a budget as stipulated there wouldn’t be any looming budget crisis. But she punted being the chicken she is.
But I digress… let’s visit some facts from the US Government web sites… You know where I get my facts. You can find the same information. If your puny mind has issues with Google, ask the HA databaze fool yos lib bro. It’s how Roger Dumb Rabbit gets smacked around…
During the 12 years Republicans in control of the House Ways and Means (1995-2006) added $4.034 Trillion to the national debt (averaging $336.17 Billion per year)
During the 4 years DUMMOCRAPTS were in control of the House Ways and Means (2007-2010) added $5.355 Trillion to the national debt (averaging $1.34 Trillion per year)
Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House Jan 4, 2007
National Debt = $8,670,596,242,973.04
Nancy Pelosi ex-Speaker of the House Jan 4, 2011
National Debt = $14,025,215,218,708.52
Delta = $5,354,618,975,735.48 additional debt while she controlled the House and the criminal one Charles Rangel controlled the purse at Ways and Means.
Now the semi-erudite will try and argue Nancy had to deal with Bush while the Republicans dealt with Clinton. The Republicans dealt with Bush for 6 years. Pelosi dealt with Obama for 2 years. So even the most stupid here Lib Unscientist, ekim, ylb, proud of his very fat ASS, many other leftist fools and rujax bringing up the rear can see how the 60th Speaker of the House Pelosi, added more to the national debt in 4 years than the first 57 House speakers combined.
Question for the moronic crew: Who were Speakers 58 and 59 of the House?
Butt let’s go back to January 4, 2007 and here you can see Nancy Pelosi in action…
The Muslim Brotherhood…
Sound like a chant from the HA leftist faithful. Well we saw what happened to a good looking white CBS News lady Lara Logan around those Muslim brothers. She was assaulted. Butt that doesn’t count to the HA leadership and their fellow travelers on the dummy road!
Now regarding the “Google Hate” posting above, how many of you use wireless in your home? How many of you remember how Google’s picture car went through your neighborhood taking street photographs and the car “illegally” sniffed your wireless MAC addresses? How many of you realize Google still has that stored and can track your Internet “movements”? How many of you first read how Eric Schmidt of Google claimed they didn’t sniff MAC addresses? Then you remember the mea culpa in 2010? How many of you realize Google never got rid of that “information”? Did the Obama sadministration make Google trash that data? Nope you Dopes! BTW they never got mine as it’s not connected on purpose. JSA of Beacon Hill knows what I’m talking about. He’s one of the few who has a clue on this site. If you don’t know what a MAC address is then you are really of the rujax, ekim and ylb mental caliber.
This is why most of you are Cass Sunstein’s naturally manipulable Homer Simpson idiots. And to whom did Google deliver their $largess in the last two election cycles all the while capturing your personal data? DUMMOCRAPTS.
Stay stupid. Cass Sunstein can continue to manipulate you all!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Their brain cells are on dope!
Despite President Obama’s insistence that his proposed $3.7 trillion federal budget for fiscal 2012 includes major spending cuts, most voters (55%) don’t think the cuts go far enough. A plurality (40%) of voters don’t think the congressional GOP is cutting enough either.
Yet voters clearly don’t have much confidence in their elected leaders to make the spending cuts necessary to reduce the nation’s historic-level budget deficit. Seventy percent (70%) think voters are more willing to make the hard choices needed to reduce federal spending than elected politicians are.
And oh my how dare any city ask its Union hacks to pay 5.8% of their own lifelong retirement plan, or heaven forbid 12% of their medical for life, where state budgets are on the brink of disaster.
It was just shown that teacher benefits cost 46% above their base salary, and top 100k compensation per teacher, up 5% since last year
Heaven forbid we ask anyone in Government to share in this fiscal solution.
BTW January 2011 Fox News beat MSNBC and CNN combined. Been on top for 9 years now. So if real American peeps were so quick to dismiss Fox News as the HA moronic crew does, why is MSNBC still in the “toilet“? The delta is from January 21, 2011 to Feb 10, 2011. Gotta love the HA Leadership using failed news methods to make their “points”!
And this is classic too…
Stay classy HA leadership! You use really “classy” news organizations to make your “points”!
Now this was rejected at Time Magazine! It didn’t make the Friday Night Funnies…
Only 28% of voters believe the federal government today has the consent of the governed, a foundational principle of the United States. Thirty-seven percent (37%) even think a group of people selected at random from the phone book could do a better job addressing the nation’s problems than the current Congress, although 41% disagree.
Republicans now hold a six-point lead over Democrats – 45% to 39% – on the Generic Congressional Ballot.
Somehow Darryl missed this in his Friday Night “Extravaganza“.
Notice most of Darwhyles links are from far left people/websites.
ya Darwhyle, Rachel Carput-Munching-I-wish-I-was-a-man Madcow-chip is really a non-partisan person who cares about reporting the truth, and not just spin. cough bullshit.
That dumb gash is no better than Beck or Big Eddie jealous-of-everyone-elses-success Sgt Schultz.
if these are the sources you get your info from, no wonder burp out the same leftist screed day after day.
oh sure, we should believe our universities are non-partisan and only interested in teaching our kids rather than brainwashing them with bullshit.
fuck..was Baghdad Jim McDedermott drunk again?
fuck dude, lay off the scotch!
LMAO! Some of us definitely had BETTER things to do this morning!
Hilarious – a cavalcade of batshit insane moronic hate from the right wing contingent!
One for the ages.
YLB, Government Pension Reform is crossing all states, be ready to join the real world soon regarding pensions in this country, the train is racing down the tracks, and I hope you have the sense god gave a turnip green to lay down on them…
10 – zzzzZZZzzz.. I reject the blatherings of all pathetic tools of Koch brothers financed lies..
koch brothers! bawk bawk! koch brothers! bawk bawk!
12 – bawk! bawk! tehchickenshit alert! bawk! bawk!
“Republicans love to SILENCE Americans…”
Exactly.. Thank you Jim McDermott – you’ve had my vote since ’92 and you have my vote as long as you want to serve.
Wow, the righties are all going bat-shit. I thought they said they had the war won?
If you don’t know what a MAC address is then you are really of the puddybud, tehchickenshit and ld(iot) caliber.
Pffft… Wow. A mac address from a wifi ap is about as useful as the street number of your house. Any script kiddy can get that. And the payload?? Only a dummy doesn’t have WPA2/AES turned on.
As predicted – moron Puddybud is channeling his master Beck yet again. Good Puddybud, good tool..
Hey Puddybud – now that your master Beck is attacking Google are you going to brag about your “teh bing skillz”?
This tool is too hilarious.
Again all can see the whatamoron ylb in action. Who was discussing WPA/AES fool? Not me! Just you fool! That has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the MAC Address snooping Google was doing. You love to place BULLSHIT trying to make yourself look good and you EPICALLY FAIL again. First Google knew it was gathering MAC addresses and SSIDs.
Get that ylb? Nope cause you a dumb bitch! SSIDs and MAC addresses of PROTECTED NETWORKS. No one knew what Google was doing with their vehicles back in 2007 DIPSHIT. Whatadickhead. IGNORANT too!
Oh and I love how you copied me by taking a statement and “correcting” it. You haven’t had an original thought since you first picked your nose and damaged your single brain cell at 5 years old.
You are the missing link ylb. 100% stupid every day!
Watch now for some brain cell comment. Another Pavlov prediction.
Maybe ylb needs to find a job because his all day viewing of HA and left-wing whack job sites hasn’t lifted that 0.IQ level yet!
Watch now for some IQ comment. Another Pavlov prediction.
Like cleaning your snot off mommy’s bathrobe ylb?
Wow this MSNBC Nut was missed in the Friday Night Extravaganza.
19 – LMAO! I struck a chord! Let’s see…
No one knew what Google was doing with their vehicles back in 2007
Heh. Not surprised there fool. That idiot simian you voted for twice couldn’t be bothered with the August 2001 pdb – whatever deal Google had cooking with whoever – not his concern.. That was for “the help” to figure out.
Heh. I appreciate your appreciation of my “correction” job. You fit in nicely with those other stooges.. How ripe you all smell – those who “stink” right…
Lesee.. What else..
Oh yeah tech talk.. blah, blah.. Hmmm. Protected networks.. I see.. Oh but Puddybud, in keeping with your usual M.O. you leave a little something inconvenient out:
Ooops.. Just turn on the wpa2/aes and the problem goes away.. Even Glenn Beck can handle that can he? Too busy bossing his minions with those chalkboards..
I doubt it… Lessee what else??
20 – LMAO!! Man was I surprised where YOU “got the memo” on that Pavlov attack.. Heh. It shall be revealed in due time.
21 – I was living the good life with the wife and kids fool. You were apparently in “afterglow” after your usual hate eruption.
Heh. Well, to each his own…
@ 23
in keeping with your usual M.O. you leave a little something inconvenient out
Yes. I believe I’ve already coined the phrase, Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry. Another example: all the talk about deficits never includes this picture. Talking about Obama deficits while ignoring two Bush tax cuts and a Bush economic collapse–partial punditry in it’s most blatant form.
Ahh yes Don Joe, right on time with more stupidity.
Watch and learn more fool!
LOL! Old Puddybud is preparing a Beckian “chalk-talk” Don Joe..
Too entertaining.. Now watch…
Heh. Not surprised there fool. That idiot simian you voted for twice couldn’t be bothered with the August 2001 pdb – whatever deal Google had cooking with whoever – not his concern.. That was for “the help” to figure out.
WTF? What does 2001 have to do with 2007 moron? Google was part of the August 2001 PDB? Who knew ylb? Did you get that from Daily Kooks like most of your BULLSHIT? Google has been leftist since they incorporated. Butt then again you wouldn’t know. You get all your high tech crap from the web.
Heh. I appreciate your appreciation of my “correction” job. You fit in nicely with those other stooges.. How ripe you all smell – those who “stink” right…
Appreciate what moron? You COPIED ME. You haven’t had an original thought since you picked your nose at 5 years old. We who think right have something on morons like you. Liberalism is a mental disorder. You have it deep sucka.
Lesee.. What else.. Spare me the drama
Oh yeah tech talk.. blah, blah.. Hmmm. Protected networks.. I see.. Oh but Puddybud, in keeping with your usual M.O. you leave a little something inconvenient out:
“But it’s now clear that we have been mistakenly collecting samples of payload data from open (i.e. non-password-protected) WiFi networks, even though we never used that data in any Google products,” wrote Alan Eustace, Google senior VP, engineering & research.
And that proves what? Who is discussing payload data besides you ylb? MAC Addresses and SSID’s are different from payload. Are you really this stupid? Do you understand the first 64 bytes of any wireless message? And you believe them fool? Of course Google is left wing. Just like your comments on Bill Maher being a Birther… “As long as they are progressive… blah blah blah…” you said. It’s about the MAC Address. Now you went to the “payload”. Who gives a rats ASS about the payload moron? You laptop MAC address is your unique signature. Man you are 100% stupid. No 100000000000000000000000000000000% stupid.
Ooops.. Just turn on the wpa2/aes and the problem goes away.. Even Glenn Beck can handle that can he? Too busy bossing his minions with those chalkboards..
Since you are the wireless genius how does your MAC Address and SSID go away with WPA-WPA2/AES enabled? Have you ever installed an industrial wireless network for the Federal Government? Are you certified wireless ylb? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You? You sit it on your ASS looking at leftwing manure sites. MAC Addresses have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with WPA/AES? That happens later after the AP connects with the end device. And anyone worth his salt knows about products such as this moron. So keep searching for your answer ylb and of course Don Joe will be right there to cheer your next moronic answer.
I doubt it… Lessee what else??
20 – LMAO!! Man was I surprised where YOU “got the memo” on that Pavlov attack.. Heh. It shall be revealed in due time.
21 – I was living the good life with the wife and kids fool. You were apparently in “afterglow” after your usual hate eruption.
Eruptions. You jacking off again ylb?
Heh. Well, to each his own…
Yes, to each his own. Your own is moronic all day every day!
In a few minutes ylb will be searching Google to look at how to hide MAC Addresses and SSID. If you ever took a Cisco wireless class ylb? What do they tell you about those addresses ylb?
Well how could you know? You sit on your ASS all day!
Keep searching fool!
Help him out Don Joe. Look it up on MSDN or TechNet. Give ylb some pointers.
LMAO! I called it!
Another incoherent, rambling, forrago of hate from the fool who has been hating in these comment threads since April 2005.
How do you go on about “payload”, Puddybud. Payload carries all your worthless blather dummy! Thanks for admitting no one gives a “rat’s ass” about your worthless comments Puddybud.
Keep on wondering WWGD Puddybud. Not God – Glenn… It’s all entertainment to us.
Notice how the fool has no clue on wireless communications. Yet he’ll jump into the fray at a moments notice making a fool of himself.
Don’t worry HA leftists, your ylb is a living wireless fool!
Heh. So apparently you disagree that “payload” as discussed in almost all the articles about this google flap does NOT encapsulate your miserable right wing tool blather..
And according to you, no one gives a “rat’s ass” about what carries your batshit insane comments.
Wireless ap mac addresses and ssid’s like “Puddy’s Hate Shack” are more important. I see.
Fool@31, To you your batshit insane comments.
No article discusses payload as the MAC Address or SSID. Here is SeachNetworks discussion since you are as dense as a dumb brick
So creepo@30 how can you read the MAC Address and SSID of a “protected network”? The data is protected.
No article discusses payload as the MAC Address or SSID.
Did I say it did?
Again I repeat for the dishonest, simpleminded moron that you are, that most articles about this controversy mention payload. Payload is what the Germans got excited about etc. i.e. content matters. What people transmit with the IP packets.
And you implied that no one gives a rat’s ass about payload and by extension no one gives a rat’s ass about your right wing bullshit and namecalling.
I agree with that.
how can you read the MAC Address and SSID of a “protected network”
I guess it can’t be too hard silly since Google was able to accomplish it.
Going back to the original article:
Which is it moron??? “Protected” or “unsecured”??
I interpret “protected” in the German legal sense..
@35: Morons, by definition, are too stupid to be embarrassed. Even morons, though, have an inkling. Throw in mental illness and there’s simply no way.
26 – excellent point..
Ooops. 36 I mean..
Self owned! Thanks for admitting your strange fantasies in these threads about Goldy wearing a “butt-plug” and other such is creepy indeed..
Its even more creepy that you would search through the databayze for such threads.
get a life.