Young Turks: Feds to phase out for-profit prisons.
Nightly Show: Super depressing deep dive into America’s opioid epidemic.
Jonathan Mann: Good use of polling, bad use of polling.
John Oliver: American Petroleum Institute.
July was the hottest month ever recorded.
Bassem Youssef: America First!
What is a digital passport?
The 2016 Breitbart-Brand White Nationalist Drumpf Show:
- Maddow: Drumpf receives first intelligence briefing.
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf wants his goons to intimidate minorities at the polls.
- Sam Seder: Triumph conducts hilarious focus group with Drumpf supporters.
- Drumpf Spox: “Obama invaded Afghanistan.”
- Joe Biden does an incredible, epic take-down of Mr. Drumpf:
- Maddow on Biden’s epic Drumpf takedown.
- Young Turks: #LoserDonald, “I don’t trust US intelligence”
- Trevor Noah: Drumpf’s flawed take on law and order.
- David Pakman: Drumpf’s medical letter is fake.
- Young Turks: Drumpf continues to illegally solicit foreigners for campaign contributions
- Lawrence O’Donnell with Gary Kasperov on Donald Drumpf’s call for “peaceful regime change.”
- Daily Show: Donald Drumpf’s anti-terrorism policies
- Jimmy Dore: Trump lawyer barks ‘Says who?’ at CNN host, hilarity ensues.
- Young Turks: #LoserDonald says goodbye to Paul Manafort.
- Sam Seder: The back story behind the Manafort’s resignation.
- Young Turks: “Says who?” Drumpf surrogate makes fool of himself on TV.
- Nude Drumpf statues pop up in US cities
- Daily Show put Drumpf supports through some EXTREME VETTING.
- Sam Seder: Anchor can’t stop Katrina “bullet necklace lady” Pierson from talking nonsense.
- Drumpf ROAST!
- David Pakman: EPIC fail as Drumpf lawyer confused that Drumpf is losing in ALL POLLS.
- PsychoSuperMom: Trumpenfreude!:
- Maddow: “Rally effect” convinces Donald Drumpf to deny polls.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf’s chief strategist is a real problem for him.
- Young Turks: Drumpf reboots his campaign AGAIN…this time with a white nationalist.
- Michael Brooks: Trump lawyer busts out old “Says who?” defense when told Drumpf is losing
- Maddow: The
ManchurianManafortian Candidate. - Have you noticed there are two Donald Drumpfs?
- Slate: Drumpf’s “dangerous” new campaign head
- Sam Seder: Drumpf says Hillary is a bigot taking Black voters for granted
- David Pakman: Breitbart News CEO takes over as Donald Trump’s campaign manager.
- Where did Drumpf get his money?
- New Drumpf advertisement
- Young Turks: Naked #LoserDonald statues popping up in multiple cities
- Maddow: Racist red flags follow Donald Drumpf’s Breitbart hire, Steve Bannon.
- The many flip-flops of Donald Drumpf.
- Trevor Noah: The hardest job in the world—Donald Drumpf’s campaign surrogates
- The Racism Olympics:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Donald Drumpf goes after George Bush and Dick Cheney for Iraq war.
- That Darn Drumpf: Episode 1, Not a Racist.
- Solemn responsibility.
- Young Turks: How #LoserDonald buried the Taj Mahal
Mental Floss: 46 odd and surprising stats and figures.
Hillary ROAST!
Minute Physics: The Twins Paradox primer.
Sam Seder: Bill-O-the-Clueless-Clown suggests #BlackLivesMatter is like KKK.
Robots for President?
Bad Lip Reading The Democratic National Convention.
Eric Schwartz: Don’t Vote:
Liberal Viewer: Larry Wilmore suggests Drumpf & Hillary are different kinds of liars
Susie Sampson gets Weiner-ed.
Bassem Youssef: How can Muslims act “normal”.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Manefort failing to register. Although PR people are not spies. In Bridge of Spies, the Russian spy, when told of the charge of being an unregistered agent of a foreign power, asked, are their any registered agents?
Amazing!!! Drumph is so incredibly healthy he’s outlived his doctor by six years and counting! More amazingly, said doctor is so brilliant that he’s still issuing diagnoses from the grave…
Fuck you Drumpf….you tell everyone you are the only one who is being honest in this fucking Country…..but you are no fucking better, actually you are worse. You are as dishonest as a con man and as stupid as they come – I’d rather buy a used car from Bernie Madoff.
All you morons who think this guy is the only one telling you the truth, as he tells you everyday, then your are the most stupid God damn mother fuckers in the World.
Enjoy Zika!
The problem in this World (or our little microcosm of Exceptionalism) is that there are too many stupid people… this wench, and others that want to make an issue of this.
Maybe Republicans and Conservatives should talk about and address Global Warming than just want a symbolic Presidential visit of “Look, you motherfuckers got a lot of water here. The American people are pulling for you. Louisiana, is resolute. We will comeback. Stay Strong Louisiana!” talk.
And was Bush criticized for his response and assistance or because he didn’t visit (fly over). Don’t blame him. His feet would have gotten wet.
Hey look it is Puffy’s boyfriend in the news again….what an attention whore. And a fraud, like the rest of the conservatives….hey but they aren’t lazy people!
Ohhhhh. you mean you want that big bad Liberal Media to cover your story…..drown you dumb fucks!
@4 “The problem in this World … is that there are too many stupid people…”
That’s what I’ve said about you stupid humans all along. I’ve met insects who are smarter than your species. The intelligent life on this planet is waiting for the dumb species to die off, then things can get back to normal.
And nothing is more ignorant than racism. It is self defeating and destructive to a society as pluralistic as ours. It is why the right is melting away into a pocket of impotent rage that grows smaller and less powerful with every passing year.
The New York Times dug into Trump’s business debts, and discovered that China owns his ass.
Sound Transit Caught Breaking Campaign Laws
“Sound Transit improperly gave the email addresses of nearly 173,000 ORCA cardholders to the political campaign promoting ST3, the fall ballot measure seeking to expand regional mass transit, a spokesman for the transit agency acknowledged Friday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, yeah, I know it’s for a “good cause,” i.e., getting people out of their cars (reduce global warming) and reducing traffic congestion by building mass transportation. Let’s review how this “good cause” is treating Puget Sounders.
1. Let’s skip over the cost overruns, mismanagement, and unbelievably expensive tunnels and get to the essence of things, to wit:
2. Remember when ST was promoting Phase 1, and told us how much it would cost us? That was a lie.
3. Remember when ST was promoting Phase 2, and told us how much more that would cost us? That was a lie, too.
4. How that ST is promoting Phase 3, we’re beginning to get a glimmer of what this out-of-control agency is really going to rip us for: The advertised tab for Phase 3, $54 billion, undoubtedly has been lowballed too, and the final tab for the whole schmear is likely to reach $100 billion. To put that in perspective, that’s roughly $50,000 for every man, woman, and child in Pugetopolis. You can make that number look a little less intimidating if you spread it around more by also counting dogs, cats, parakeets, and backyard chickens.
Think I’m gonna vote for another 54 BILLION DOLLARS of Sound Transit taxes? Guess again. I’m a rock-solid NO vote against this bleeding boondoogle. Why should I pay those kind of taxes for something I’ll never use and won’t live to see built? Senior citizens should be exempt from this shakedown. Commuters and businesses, above all businesses, should pay for it.
Call this the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit Effect:
NPR Website To Get Rid Of Comments
In July, recorded nearly 33 million unique users, and 491,000 comments. But those comments came from just 19,400 commenters, Montgomery said. That’s 0.06 percent of users who are commenting, a number that has stayed steady through 2016.
Social media symbols forming noise around woman plugging earsi
Dan Sipple/Getty Images/Ikon Images
When NPR analyzed the number of people who left at least one comment in both June and July, the numbers showed an even more interesting pattern: Just 4,300 users posted about 145 comments apiece, or 67 percent of all comments for the two months. More than half of all comments in May, June and July combined came from a mere 2,600 users. The conclusion: NPR’s commenting system — which gets more expensive the more comments that are posted, and in some months has cost NPR twice what was budgeted — is serving a very, very small slice of its overall audience.
Too many old, pathetic, male Democrats being subsidized by resources intended to have a far more useful benefit.
Biggest losers: America’s Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbits.
The Ku Klux Klan candidate’s support among blacks is down to 1%.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Which means he still has Puddy, but that’s about it.
@ 2
While I’m as suspicious about the letter as you, I think it’s appropriate to point out that the name at the top of the letterhead isn’t the same name as that of the physician who signed the letter.
Corporations commonly retain names of famous dead people.
One other curious thing. There might be, or might not be, a resemblance between the younger Dr. Bornstein
and, um,
@11 Sez the kettle to the pot.
@13 What?? You’re suspicious of THIS guy?
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Maybe we should add a few more justices under President @HillaryClinton so that SCOTUS is never overworked again? …
Can we wait until she’s confined to a wheelchair? Just for consistency.
@16 I think your implication is that somebody with a disability is incompetent. That would fit in with your woefully prejudiced world view. We had a president in a wheelchair. On a bad day he was twice the man of our enemies.
You look at any news or political website and their disqus threads – awash in batshit always wrong wing meme spinners.
Alt-always wrong, white nationalist/supremacist, forced-birthers – you name it, you find it there.
@ 17
We had a president in a wheelchair.
We did? Really?
Did he try to pack the Supreme Court?
Do you understand the meaning of my @ 16 post yet?
@19 I don’t understand it, and I’m not sure it’s worth trying to understand it. Don’t you have anything to do? You must be getting pretty lazy waiting for retirement.
What did you do to Puffy? When are you going to release him?
It’s hard to believe that a President Romney could have engineered an economic recovery any more lopsided than the one we’ve had.
The wealthy have nearly healed from recession. The poor haven’t even started.
It’s why I’m really not very unhappy with the Obama years. Or as YLB would refer to him, TWO-TERM PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s also why I don’t fear a Crooked Hillary Clinton presidency. Goldman Sachs invested wisely. And this year, for the first time and not coincidentally, I invested in Goldman Sachs.
It will be a long time before people figure out that it was under Obama that all those young adults borrowed so much
Those families have also borrowed heavily for education, the report notes: “Over that period,” CBO says, “the share of families with student debt increased from 25 percent to 36 percent, and the average amount increased from $24,000 to $36,000.” By contrast, the share of those low-wealth families with credit card debt actually declined.
in order to stay in school for so long, all for jobs that won’t be there when they finally finish their degrees. Plenty of YLBs in the world to tell them t’ain’t so.
Kind of sad, actually. For those still in school, some sage advice:
Christina H. Sommers @CHSommers 10 Nov 2015
Want to close wage gap? Step one: Change your major from feminist dance therapy to electrical engineering. #NationalOffendACollegeStudentDay
Apparently I need to up my game from referring to “Crooked Hillary Clinton”.
For both target sexes, remarks referring to homosexuality and physical unattractiveness were among those rated as the most insulting. Least insulting were slurs referring to unethical acts, lack of intelligence and cowardliness.
Scand J Psychol. 2013 Jun;54(3):236-42.
I’m gonna have a hard time transitioning to “That Butt-Ugly Dyke Cunt”, tho.
10)would have been cheaper 50 years ago. I have been upset at the delays, and this overly broad response to a public records request, but also, if they had built it on the cheap, would have gotten what Portland has. They may have more mileage, but have more choke points, Downtown, Steel Bridge, and a slow curve for the line to the airport at Gateway Junction. Right now with LINK, the only choke point, the DSTT, and once North LINK and East LINK have come on line, Routes 41 and 550 can be eliminated or truncated, and the South County routes can be rerouted to the surface. They are doing a bad revision to the 106 running it down MLK instead of route 38, supposedly to appease Asian Counseling and Referral Services. It’s going to boost ridership on Link and the 101. Link only makes stops at Ranier Beach, Othello, Columbia City, while the 38 services the stops the 42 and 48 once did.
Also, LINK is not Light Rail, but Light Rapid Transit. The former is akin to the Interurban of old, while the latter is largely grade separated. Also, Sound Transit did not order enough rolling stock to handle the crowds they are handling. They are rectifying that, and I think they should drop the cabs from mid train cars in three and 4 car trains, it could add a few more seats per train.
Right now, aboard a ferry from Bremerton , seeing the effect of Washington State Ferries chronic vessel shortages. One ferry is over 30 minutes late because it is doing the work of two, as the Seattle-Bremerton run is down 20 cars capacity, with the Kitsap replacing the Kaleetan, out with a rubrail problem(like a bumper), which runs scored against the wing walls while docking.
The vessel I am currently on, is the Hyak , one of the most reliable, and is a floating time capsule.
Interesting commentary on train crew size. The FRA seems headed for a two man rule, possibly at the behest of the Transportation Division of the Sheet Metal, Air and Rail Transportation union.Same union that negotiated behind the BLET over the use of Remote Control Locomotives in the yards. The fight could be entering a new phase, the Conductors are protected by the current labor agreement, and it expires when thever last people who weread employed when ratified retire, and those retirements are picking up.
BNSF and a local of SMART-TDC had a good compromise but it was voted down.
Interesting commentary on train crew size. The FRA seems headed for a two man rule, possibly at the behest of the Transportation Division of the Sheet Metal, Air and Rail Transportation union.Same union that negotiated behind the BLET over the use of Remote Control Locomotives in the yards. The fight could be entering a new phase, the Conductors are protected by the current labor agreement, and it expires when thever last people who weread employed when ratified retire, and those retirements are picking up.
BNSF and a local of SMART-TDC had a good compromise but it was voted down.
The compromise was that the conductor would be abolished, and a new category would be created, Master Conductor, and they would monitor several trains each, only in territory covered by Positive Train Control, and two man crews would still cover hazardous materials trains. This agreement would only have covered a portion of the BNSF network.
@ 24
If not for Southworth 10 miles away or Kingston 20 miles away you would have something to whine about.
If no Whidbey ferry, it’s a hundred miles give or take to get into south Snohomish County from Clinton.
Summer traffic loads and tourists who don’t know how to load and unload. You had a beautiful trip. Would you rather be in Iowa?
@ 21
Mitt (R)Money campaigned on promising to all but eliminate taxation on the wealthiest 5% of the population, while also pandering to the rabid Seven Mountains theocrats as personified in 2012 by Edwardo Cruz.
Mitt (R)money was the man who was so overjoyed at the notion that the Benghazi action was going to put him into the White House, he couldn’t contain his glee at the press conference where he announced it while smiling like a little kid who had just learned how to pull the wings off of a fly.
If Barack Obama was eligible for a third term, he would be re-elected quite easily.
It is your candidate that is pandering to the open neofascist/racist/deathcult christians who he doesn’t understand aren’t actually enough of the population to elect anyone but people like Michelle Bachman or Louie Gohmert.
One doesn’t get to be President by telling 5/6 of the population that they’re lazy, stupid, unpatriotic scum.
27) The triangle has up to three boats, Bremerton two. I think both routes have room for improvement. The Triangle could get an overhead walkway, and Colman Dock could be reconfigured to offload walk ons faster. Perhaps a second overhead walkway connection, but only used when boat is near full capacity.
As an aside, I like the Hyak, but I saw some younger people shocked that there were no outlets for cell phones. Only newer boats, and ones with a recent refit have rnough. One of the reasons I bring a power pack/ Portable Charger along.
@20 “When are you going to release him?”
No, please don’t.
@27 Back in the old days, if you wanted to live in the islands, you had to get around by canoe. So quit complaining. Urban drivers are subsidizing the ferries.
@28 Romney gets that wages are a handout. What he doesn’t get is which direction that goes.
30, I only take a boat ride once a week. At Port Orchard, I saw the prototype for Kitsap Transits POF boats. Personally, I agree with some of their opponents, to a point. They should put their priorities into restoring Sunday service, and better Saturday service. Although Kitsap Transit’s rebuttal is that thos new sales tax will only go to Paasenger Only ferries, and the existing Port Orchard and Annapolis runs will be funded through the new tax as well, perhaps it woll free up existing resources so they can hire drivers for their buses. I doubt that the tmeasure will pass. Its a shame, they got a boat that may have solved the wake erosion issues in Rich Passage. As far as value for money, Kitsap Transit’s existing shuttle ferries are a good example. One is a holdover from the Mosquito Fleet era, turns a 100 next year.
@ 30 RR
Seems to me the individual being referenced there would be quite happy wearing a gimpsuit and locked in a footlocker.
What goes around, comes around.
Stay classy, Republicans.
33) I meant once a week to get away for awhile, and for the adventure, of making the last bus to the last boat.
Hmmm. So the idiot’s politics are all about tribalism nothing to do with self interest.
Greatest good for the greatest number? Ha! What’s that?
Mitt said he’d aim for a 6 percent unemployment target. It’s at 4.9 percent now.
So Boob would be so much happier with a President Jindal or a President Brownback. Not to mention the empty suit it voted for twice – the empty suit just brought made in Texas to the Oval Office for an 8 year spin ending in a 700k jobs per month bleed out. It’s got the R next to its name! The states are the laboratories doncha know!
And the krappy kongress the boob tool’s cool with has put what on TWO TERM President Obama’s desk to help with the college debt?
Yawn. G’night.
Economic data always lags behind perception. We’re just now getting a look at 2013-2015 job data, and the Federal Reserve says, yes, the Obama recovery is working and middle-class jobs are coming back.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why would anyone in their right mind trade this for the GOP’s failed economic policies? Republican stupidity created the problem in the first place.
Looks like Drumpf is fixing to backstab his core supporters on the issue that attracted them to him.
“It’s still undecided whether Donald Trump will continue to support forced deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants living in the US, his campaign manager said Sunday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Like countless small businessmen, Drumpf’s fans are about to find out he’s a liar who stiffs those who trust him. He can’t even be an honest racist.
@ 39
Looks like Drumpf is fixing to backstab his core supporters on the issue that attracted them to him.
Looking forward to your spin when TPP passes early in a Crooked Hillary Clinton administration.
It’s a safe bet that the police department has seen the video footage.
Cop who fatally shot Philando Castile is back at work
Oh the klownservatics in the randroid-ryan kook-haus will stop that dead.
It’s their job to say no, no? See the gang of eight’s (Rubio’s triumph) immigration bill.
They’ve been trained well by many years of Flush Limpbone’s many hate talk radio lectures about “femi-nazis”..
(rolls eyes)
It’s too fucking funny to see klownservatics like Ben Shapiro eating these alt-always wrong idiots like Steve Bannon..
Heh. Breitbart is such a freaking hate site and its nasty kingpin Bannon now runs Drumpf’s very stoopid reality tv show playing out daily on the tv.
One klownservatic said the Drumpf fantasy flop of a campaign is in “hospice mode”, gathering only loved ones around for the final hours.
It’s a train wreck that’s too awful to watch. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch – the Republicans who relied on these fever swamp zombies to keep showing up at the polls cued by their dog whistles. Now the lunatiks run the asylum.
@40 Expecting to lose the House and Senate, are you?
This foundation-as-front-for-fraud stuff might have something to it.
Foundation Ties Bedevil Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign
Team Clinton is certainly trying to downplay it:
Leonardo DiCaprio abruptly has dropped out of hosting a Tuesday fundraiser for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at his Hollywood Hills home, sources confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter. The $33,400-per-guest event, part of a series of late-August fundraisers for Clinton in Los Angeles, now will be held at the nearby residence of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel.
On Saturday, an unidentified source close to the event told People the reason DiCaprio backed out was work-related — that his current project will keep him in New York until Wednesday. He is taking his documentary The Turning Point to the Toronto International Film Festival next month. He currently is not filming a movie as an actor.
But the move comes as DiCaprio, 41, has become linked in press reports to a $3 billion Malaysian embezzlement scandal. Last month, the U.S. Department of Justice filed an asset-seizure complaint in federal court pertaining to a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund called 1MDB.
The latter coming just days after THR published this:
Leonardo DiCaprio, the Malaysian Money Scandal and His “Unusual” Foundation
According to the Justice Department, certain donations to the Oscar winner’s charity came directly from a multibillion-dollar embezzlement drama in Southeast Asia.
Why am I sourcing THR?
Because others are mouthpieces for Team Clinton on this one:
Heh. That miserable babbling jackass turned tail and ran when all the pro-Drumpf zombies on Breitbart and elsewhere started spewing their anti-semitism on twitter.
@10 I think I might be with you on this one, Roger. Remember also that this time around, both of us will be pushing up daisies long before it’s done.
And we wonder why there are helicopter parents.
@10 You are sounding very Republican here RR. You having some Goldwater moments here? Perhaps you should be using the public system from time to time in case you need to depend on it. Might come a time you can’t drive or are you really Daddy Warbucks rich and can Uber or a Chauffer?
And incidentally I don’t like my taxes going to jailing or imprisoning people. There are some who deserve it and are dangerous to the rest of us. Still there are many in our prison system who are there because of our politicians having to be tough on crime, and putting people away for victimless crime. Drugs, prostitution ect. Plenty spent there at all three levels of government to pay for schools and some really great transportation systems. And fewer guns for our warrior cops could provide bucks for transportation.
I see a lot of lashing out, but not one whit of any alternative or are things supposed to remain as they are? Is that your solution? Any solution is going to come with a large price tag, some level of mismanagement, and a few black eyes. And somewhere in here it’s supposed to be a government by, of and for the people. So yeah it may not be something you use or support, but you get the bill or will you be joining those Ann Rand types in their mythical island refuge from the rest of us?
@3 Bernie Madoff would like to sell you a used car. He’s got fines to pay and restitution and every little bit helps. You can write him at the Federal Corrections Center in Butner, North Carolina.
@16 Or maybe the President could play politics and invite a retired Supreme Court Justice to sit on the bench because the Senate won’t act on his nominee.
Or heaven forbid with Congress on vacation put his nominee into office, and have one heck of a fight with the Senate. With a court very likely to rule in the Presidents favor if the Senate wants to take the legal road. Or the Senate will have to actually like take a vote or allow the new Justice to get to work. Still this is Get Along Obama even to the freakin last.
The Tea Party (or as we know them as Teabaggers) are to the Repiblican what the Iraq War was/is to ISIS.
Now that’s really what I would call getting bagged.
You guys don’t think that Puffy’s disappearance is a Chrome problem?
49)Today I saw what has been built so fat doing a great job, handling both a Mariners and Sounders FC home game on the same day. Didn’t know that BNSF allowed Sounders service to night games, but seems they do for Sounders FC games at least.
Sometimes the sweep of your ignorance is breathtaking.
U.S. Senate floor schedule
Tuesday, Aug 23, 2016
4:00 p.m.: Convene for a pro forma session.
Previous Meeting
Friday, Aug 19, 2016
The Senate convened at 3:00 p.m. for a pro forma session.