Colbert: Political week in review.
Young Turks: GOP loses it over Tim Kaine’s lapel pin.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Glass Ceiling Broken:
- Stephen: Hillary breaks the glass ceiling.
- Daily Show: The DNC’s rocky start.
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at DNC Day 2:
- Stephen: an herstoric achievement–240 years in the making.
- James Corden: First Lady Obama wins the DNC opening night.
- Susie Sampson: Drump’s Campaign Manager on Donald Trump’s Penis
- The Late Show “Fight Song” feat.
- Songify Hillary’s historic night.
- Stephen: Obama, Biden and Kaine speak on night 3 of the DNC
- Maddow: Obama speech ‘politically priceless’ for Clinton
- Thom: Drumpf gets his talking points from Storm Front
- Trevor: Hillary’s acceptance speech.
- Bill Maher: New Rule — The notorious HRC
- Young Turks: Obama’s speech was so good even conservatives liked it.
- Stephen: The last O’Malley supporter
- Young Turks: Best lines from Hillary’s speech.
- ONN Lesser DNC Speeches: Walking in on Hillary and Bill
- Stephen: Clinton overcomes insurgent “fart-in,” accepts Democratic nomination:
- Hasan Minhaj: Why Hillary Clinton needs to beat Donald Drumpf
- Hillary prepares for her acceptance speech.
- Stephen Colbert and John Oliver Chat about Tim Kaine
- Daily Show: DNC Wrap-up
- Sam Seder: Michael Bloomberg rips Drumpf to shreds.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Bill’s sexy DNC speech
- PsychoSuperMom: “I’m With her”
- James Corden’s Glass ceiling and tip of the day for Bill-O-the-Clown
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Hillary Accepting
- Stephen: Cartoon Hillary answers Republican questions.
- Mark Fiore: The Kremlin Convention
- Stephen: Hillary’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
The actor that every politician needs at rallies.
Mental Floss: 39 facts about the middle ages.
How a city’s economy depends on airports.
Young Turks: Republicans go BONKERS over Bradley Cooper (Sniper) at DNC.
What FAUX News aired Instead of the speech by fallen Muslim soldier’s father.
White House: West Wing Week.
Kimmel: Trump and Clinton puppets.
The Drumpfsputin Affair:
- Stephen: A question about Drumpf
- Seth knows why Drumpf won’t release his tax returns.
- Samantha Bee: Midnight in America.
- David Pakman: Drumpf takes 5 positions on minimum wage in 45 seconds.
- Maddow: Drumpf is a “unique and present danger”…
- Young Turks: Father of fallen American soldier delivers powerful speech against Drumpf
- Sam Seder: Drumpf wants to “hit [DNC] speakers so hard”.
- Thom: If Drumpf can’t handle a mean tweet, should he have the nuclear codes?
- Donald Drumpf is not allowed in America…according to Donald Drumpf.
- Young Turks: Drumpf’s response to DNC is classic PROJECTION
- Swagasaurus: Fuckboy Drumpf.:
- David Pakman: Drumpf defends serial harasser Roger Ailes.
- Thom: Pence may be more dangerous than Drumpf
- Young Turks: Drumpf asks Russia to commit crime against political opponent
- Sam Seder: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Drumpf burn is beautiful.
- David Pakman: Hundreds say Drumpf doesn’t pay his bills
- Nightly Show: Backstage with Drumpf.
- Young Turks: Drumpf is not in favor of freedom of the press
- Slate: Counting arbitrary things in Drumpf’s speech
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Trumpf on napping.
- Trevor: Drumpf’s shady ties to Russia
- Samantha Bee: Fear mongering
- Young Turks: What is the best way to attach Drumpf?
- David Pakman: Drumpf denies meeting Putin after bragging about meeting Putin
- Try on a Drumpf hat and tell us how it feels.
- YG and Nipsey Hussle: “Fuck Donald Trump”
- Young Turks: Dumbshit Drumpf takes a swing at Tim Kaine (D), hits Tom Kean (R)
- Bad Lip Reading: Cruz talks Drumpf.
- Kimmel: The Troompa Loompas on hacking
- Young Turks: DNC speeches gave Drumpf a Twittergasm
Seth Meyers with Lenny Kravits on the Clintons.
Young Turks: Voter ID laws struck down.
Stephen: What’s the nicest thing you can say about your opposing party’s candidate.
How did the U.S. end up with a 2-party system?
Young Turks: All cops walk in Freddie Gray case.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Capt. Khan’s parents remember their son
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Bradley Cooper at the DNC? I thought American Sniper was a movie, and acting is basically pretending to be someone else.
@1 just imagine the janitor at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland who had to clean up after those Grand Old Pigs.
Bunch of dumb fuck Grand Old Pigs.
Not all cops are good cops. The vast majority are, but the rotten apples don’t deserve our support, they deserve to be in jail with the other criminals.
“Officials say an off-duty Indianapolis police officer shot a detective investigating a reported domestic violence incident involving the officer and his estranged wife. The off-duty officer fled to Ohio before being taken into custody.”
@3 Too stupid for words, but that describes their entire tribe. They should all resign.
The Border Patrol, arguably America’s worst law enforcement agency, has a new chief. A guy from the FBI. Hopefully he can clean up the corruption and abuse.
Sound Transit proves how venal it is by trying to sabotage the campaign against its monster $54 billion ballot measure. How? By appointing Tim Eyman to write the opposition statement for the voters pamphlet!
A hot air balloon has crashed in Texas. At least 16 people were aboard. Authorities say there are no survivors.
@ 4 RR
I’ve often pondered that phrase, the whole thing being: “One bad apple spoils the whole barrel.”
I wonder what that barrel would look like if it had so many bad apples in it for long enough and then was allowed to rot for an entire century?
NYPD and CPD come to mind immediately.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Just because a lot of things had to go wrong in 2000 to hand the White House to Bush doesn’t absolve Nader from being one of them.
You know who else shouldn’t be absolved?
Bill Clinton.
Who knows? Lightning might strike twice.
Cheap shot Bob strikes again with another nonsensical mis-analogy!
Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.
@9 The cider would make you very drunk.
One would expect a big segment of the GOP to build a faith around Bradley Cooper. Kris Kyle rose from the dead and showed up among the unbelievers at the DNC. And this time it was on the TerVees not just a rumor in a book.
That’s a bonafide miracle right there i tell you what.
Darryl @ 11:
All the opportunities, and this was the one you chose?
Not an exact analogy in the candidate sense, but my point was that it was Bill Clinton’s behavior that resulted in Al Gore choosing not to use the greatest campaigner in our lifetimes as one of the Gore team during the 2000 election season.
And in that sense it was one of the ‘things that went wrong’ that year.
Besides, in a year in which one of the two major Democrat candidates isn’t really a Democrat, the GOP nominee isn’t really a Republican, and the Libertarian nominees for president and VP aren’t really Libertarians, direct analogies are increasingly hard to come by.
Bill and Bill’s Behavior might or might not be a positive to Crooked Hillary Clinton this election season. After all, who is to say that the Russians didn’t also hack Jeffrey Epstein? Epstein was probably hacked by Anonymous.
“Epstein’s Second Law: The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose.”
I do appreciate the opportunity to bring up Bill Clinton’s history again, and this time to allude to his close personal relationship with a pedophile. Enjoy your afternoon.
So the one time Trump wants to hear from a woman…
Nate Silver’s “538” now gives Trump a 50.1% chance of winning the election, but has both Trump and Clinton below 270 electoral votes.
@14 “Crooked Hillary Clinton”
If she’s “crooked” what do you call a guy who uses bankruptcy as a business tool, has stiffed thousands of creditors (including three little girls who sang for him), and has been involved in over 3,000 lawsuits? Somehow “crooked” seems inadequate to describe a guy who makes Bernie Madoff look like a shoplifter by comparison.
@ 17
“Mr. President.”
“…the GOP nominee isn’t really a Republican…
I’d say if he won the Republican primary that makes him a Republican. Can’t run from that, even if you run from the party. You can take a gap year with the Libertarians and think it’s all fun and games. And who knows? Maybe between now and 2024, after a couple more “blue prints” and “special commissions”, after another few rounds of “reforming” the primary process, the Republican Party will come back with a candidate capable of not scaring the shit out of “conservatives” like you and George Will.
But you’ll still be going into that election depending upon making common cause with the same “subgroup” of disenchanted, entitled, uneducated, aging, white, male racists. Trump losing won’t change that. Cheating him out of the election with your fantasy about throwing it to the House could only make those people angrier and more determined to purge the ranks further. There’s a new Republican in town. And it’s you who doesn’t belong.
@ 19
You can take a gap year with the Libertarians and think it’s all fun and games.
Start with the possibility that a guy who would fill Reagan’s jelly bean jar with Cheeba Chews get to put his finger on the nuclear trigger switch.
Add comments this week by Bill Weld that justices like Breyer and Garland are they type he and Gary would nominate.
Throw in a weak-kneed defense of religious liberty.
Yeah, I’m trying to get my mind around a Johnson/Weld candidacy as one most deserving of my support. Fun and games is far from how I would describe it.
That sentiment may help explain an apparent skew that recently emerged in the Reuters/Ipsos poll results.
The results highlight how poll designs and methodologies can yield significantly differing results, and how important differences can emerge from the way a question is framed.
Well, we wouldn’t want a result we wouldn’t want, would we?
Especially if
More recently, the “Neither/Other” option appeared to lead to an under reporting of Clinton’s support in the run-up to the Democratic convention, said Cliff Young, pollster and president of Ipsos Public Affairs, which partners with Reuters on the poll. The pollsters estimated the Clinton shortfall at 2 to 4 percentage points.
Going forward, all Reuters/Ipsos polls will also include this question:
“When do you think Donald J. Trump stopped beating his wife?”
A much better-argued commentary by someone also struggling with Gary Johnson:
Is Johnson-Weld a Libertarian Ticket?
And so, what we’re left with is a Libertarian Party ticket that’s positioning itself as “moderate” more than anything else. Again, that may well be a clever political ploy – though it makes the dubious bet that there are more #NeverHillary Democrats than #NeverTrump Republicans…
Yeah, I doubt that as well. An awful lot of us on the right sick to our stomachs right now.
Out: Kochs want to buy the White House.
In: Kochs want to buy the US Senate.
Koch brothers network rules out anti-Clinton ads
COLORADO SPRINGS (CNN) —The powerful political network helmed by Charles and David Koch is ruling out running advertisements intended to hurt Hillary Clinton, another sign of their insistence on avoiding the presidential race.
The Koch network has previously said they will not back Republican candidate Donald Trump, but on Saturday officials told reporters that they would not run negative Clinton spots, a position taken by some Republican groups that are uneasy with the controversial GOP standard-bearer. The group is laser-focused on maintaining and expanding the Senate majority — in the midst of a $42 million television advertising campaign focused on a half-dozen states — and would only use Clinton to bash Senate Democratic hopefuls.
I suppose this might create some problems in Democrat messenging, should Crooked Hillary Clinton lose. After all, ya really won’t be able to blame it on the Kochs, will ya?
Each time a progressive challenger like Sanders, Dennis Kucinich or Jesse Jackson has inspired hope for real change, the Democratic Party has sabotaged them while marching to the right, becoming more corporatist and militarist with each election cycle.
Jill Stein, in her comments about the Sanders
capitulation toendorsement of Crooked Hillary Clinton.Not sure I remember Koochie being sabotaged. Not by the Democrat Party, anyway. Maybe by Shirley McClain.
Trump on how he has sacrificed for our country by stiffing thousands of American companies and their workers.
“I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.”
Tens of thousands of jobs created. Too bad nobody got paid.
Roger @ 16- Silver’s polls plus forecast tells a different story http://projects.fivethirtyeigh.....cast/#plus
@17 @18
How about Adolf Hitler?
Did Adolf have the Title of Presisent?
This NFL letter is kind of like the same letter that I got from the national inquirer say that they think Boob might be Nazi. I’m not sure I believe them, because we all know Boob loves the gays, the Jews, and the blacks…how can Boob be a Nazi?
CAUGHT LYIN’: NFL Denies Trump Claim That It Complained About Debate Schedule
I really don’t know who is a bigger scum bag Drumpf or someone who votes for Drumpf. I kind of think it is the person that voted for him.
He kind of has to do what he’s been doing and still doing, like something like this, in order to become President. But a Drumpf voter doesn’t have to vote for him – they have three choices. The are making a decision, but Drumpf has to do what he is doing otherwise he loses his face and pride.
Donald Trump Goes After Grieving Mother Of Killed American Soldier
Boob go fuck yourself.
How many days before the election? All we need is this to happen everyday from now to the election and I don’t think many people will vote for this fuck. Boy are they stupid fucks for even considering.
Right Before Trump Attacked Fire Marshal, Firefighters Rescued Him
@18 I doubt it. I believe America’s voters, as a whole, are made of better stuff than you, Boob.
“CAUGHT LYIN’: NFL Denies Trump Claim That It Complained About Debate Schedule”
Caught lying again. “Claims He Turned Down Koch Request. Koch’s: Didn’t Happen.”
Very unfortunate story. Unfortunate that these three may have to serve time. Hopefully there is a good judge?
, one of those conservative ones and not one of the Libbie ones, that will let these three live and go free.
Shit, their only crime is that they should have been police officer so that they wouldn’t be the victims here.
They were surely just standing thier own ground, protecting free market capitalism.
3 Walmart Employees Charged With Manslaughter In Shoplifter’s Death
Caught lying again.
“Trump Busted For Huge Lie About Helping To Build The Vietnam War Memorial”
I’m not sure his religion or hate for cops had anything to do with him killing. Maybe it was a sexual orientation problem.
Army Investigation Of Dallas Gunman Reveals History Of Disturbing Behavior
“All the opportunities, and this was the one you chose?”
It’s the only thing I’ve read by you for months.
“Not an exact analogy in the candidate sense, but my point was that it was Bill Clinton’s behavior that resulted in Al Gore choosing not to use the greatest campaigner in our lifetimes as one of the Gore team during the 2000 election season.”
Terrible analogy. Stuff that happened pre-election season is irrelevant. Gore decided to run KNOWING about the ML scandal. The discussion was about third party candidates with the potential to change election outcomes. Think before you comment.
@34 The difference between Donald Trump and Forrest Gump is that Gump did it.
2)I know how thankless the janitor’s job can be.
“The Koch network has previously said they will not back Republican candidate Donald Trump…”
And now this.
“…but on Saturday officials told reporters that they would not run negative Clinton spots”
It’s not so much about politics making strange bedfellows. This is more about saving our nation from a raving megalomaniac.
The loon’s doomsday death cult is busy tonight fucking goats and helping the loon put his head back together. No small task. It blew up real good this last week.
Mark Cuban calls Drumpf “bat shit crazy”.
Hey I wonder if Cuban knows our bat shit crazy loon Puffy the Pukeballs?
Is crazy loon redundant?
Hey I guess Kenyan Muslim isn’t as bad as Bat Shit Crazy!
Im sure Drumpf, the Pathological liar, has about 5 Dollars.
Drumof supporters in Comiraso whining about how they had to walk between Drump protesters to get to the Drumpf event.
I wonder if she cares how it feels to be black, gay or Mexican amongst bigots?
She should count her bleesings she didn’t get mowed down by a car.
Someone like her never take any responsibility in thier lives – maybe she should blame herself for deciding to go to the Klan rally.
Trump said that Putin isn’t going into the Ukraine. Stephanopoulos asks, “Isn’t he already there,” and the resultant word salad reminds one of a former Governor of Alaska.
And, Bob, want’s to call this guy, “Mr. President.”
@ 44
The man doesn’t even know how to operate a fucking elevator for fucks sake. How the hell does anyone consider him qualified to sit in the Oval Office?
What are you doing to influence the hearts of the trump supporters you are in contact with?
How are you reducing their anger and sense of helplessness?
Calling them stupid for wanting change is not going to help them feel differently about voting for trump.
The anger stems from a reasonable psychological reaction to relative economic comparisons and the very real difficulty that stagnating wages cause. The Democratic Party and everyone trying to convince her family and friends that Donald Trump cannot be the next President must keep this data in mind.
We need solutions to these real problems. I personally believe that Hillary Clinton is offering them through increasing the minimum wage, sharing more profits with employees, maintaining many aspects of free trade, reducing the debt burden of college, continuing the work to make healthcare affordable, and much more. These are the issues that impact people who feel left behind, and we need to make this logical argument and maybe even forget about the party or the candidate and just talk about the solutions that will help them recover a bit in this changing economy.
@ 46
“Calling them stupid for wanting change is not going to help them feel differently about voting for trump.”
That is a major part of the problem. They do not want “change”, they want everything to change back to what it was in 1850 before all the faggot book-reading liberals got ahold of it.
This ‘Trump is Bad for Business Video” gives people an idea to see how Donald Trump does business with the small business owners “little guy” and also gives you an idea as to what type of person you will be voting for when election 2016 comes in November.
If this is what he acts like then, it’s an indicator of what he will act like in the future as president.
@48. That’s part of it, but I think that’s too simplistic, to easy a reaction. For me, it’s all about the economics. If people feel like they are prosperous and secure, they won’t fear the Other and change so much. People who are scared about their economics, lash out.
Take sloppy as an example, he’s terrified of his money being taken away, he’s scared of being economically insecure. So he’s embraced cheap labor conservationism, as a way to protect what he’s got at a cost of everyone else.
That’s a lot to ask of a tribalist.
klownservaticism: lunatic klown servililty/sycophancy to the american hyper-wealthy greed class.
@48 You can’t give these people what they want, because they want a world that never existed.
This guy shouldn’t have been a cop.
“Authorities say a former police officer killed himself after a chase with police that led state troopers to finding the body of the ex-cop’s wife in his trunk.”
while I agree that much should be done to address economic inequality in our system, particularly with taxes, I don’t agree at all that there is anything we should do to address the concerns of Republican Trump supporters.
To begin these people are not economically disadvantaged. There’s lots of data to support the hypothesis that inequality breeds discontent. And there’s lots of data to support the hypothesis that less educated whites have fallen behind economically in recent years. But Mr. Boxer’s conclusion that economically disadvantaged white Republicans are supporting Trump because they feeeeeeel inequality is not supported in any of the data.
Trump’s Republican primary voters are better off economically than the average of all voters, and better of than the average of all white voters. Yes, there have been losers in our economy in the last two decades. No, these losers do not make up the back bone of Republican Trump supporters. There’s plenty of data supporting this on 538 and elsewhere. It’s not hard to find.
The two characteristics that identify the Trump Republican primary voter most directly are racism and affinity for authoritarianism. These are the personal characteristics of Republican primary voters that Trump appeals to and that have bumped his turnout relative to his primary opponents. Poor working class white support for Trump is largely a myth. Most poor whites still vote for Democrats. But they have been breaking to Republicans for a long time. What characteristics of poor white working class voters best predict whether or not they switch their voting patterns? You guessed it. Racism and affinity for authoritarianism. These are not good human impulses. They are bad. Neither government policy nor Democratic Party policy should be tailored to appeal to such impulses. Racism and authoritarianism simply have to be confronted, not catered to.
Turns out he’s just not very good at this.
Trump added: “And as far as the Ukraine is concerned, it’s a mess. And that’s under the Obama’s administration with his strong ties to NATO. So with all of these strong ties to NATO, Ukraine is a mess. Crimea has been taken. Don’t blame Donald Trump for that.”
Does this man even know what NATO is?
Or Ukraine for that matter?
How is it that this man has become a Presidential Candidate again? Christ, he’s so fuckin’ dumb that I don’t think he could pour sand out of a boot if the damn thing had the directions on the heel.
The super big list of everything Hillary has ever done.
I was not aware they perfected cloning so Hillary could kill Vince Foster so many times for so many reasons.