Thom: The Good, the Bad and the VERY, VERY Ugly.
On Wisconsin:
- Thom: What’s next for Wisconsin?
- Shuster: What’s next for Wisconsin.
- Thom and Ben Manski: Fighting back against Citizen United.
White House: West Wing Week.
Sam Seder: Al Franken confronts anti-gay group’s lies.
Olbermann with Markos: Obama’s “plan” to destroy the Mittster.
Stephen: Liberal media’s big temperature.
Sam Seder: How the American Legislative Exchange Council uses taxpayers money to destroy our government.
Commissioner Dean Foster on redistricting Washington.
Following the Hostage “Situation,” S&P Downgrades U.S. Political Process:
- Obama on credit downgrade.
- Olbermann: Economist Robert Kuttner on the credit downgrade.
- Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) on S&P downgrade.
- Mark Fiore: Numbers-n-stuff.
- Maddow: What hurt U.S. credit rating? The ignorant Teabaggers.
- Sam Seder: Teabagging morons cheer S&P downgrade.
- Jon with Larry Wilmore: Obama’s credit problem.
Greenman: This is not cool—heatwave 2011:
Thom: Is FAUX News now a bastion of Socialism?
Rep. Michael Burgess of Texas resolves his way to Worst Person in the World.
Obama: Celebrating Ramadan at the White House.
The Onion: Week in Review.
Ed with some major psychotalk from Hannity.
Sam Seder: Job are missing from the discussion in Washington.
The week in presidential campaign.
Olbermann: The GOP downgrade.
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) on workforce investment act.
The GOP Primary Funny Farm:
- Extremists: All GOP candidates would walk away from a 10 to 1 deal!
- Jon: The Ames, Iowa straw poll.
- GOP candidates’ extreme ideas
- Sam Seder: Katherine Harris previews the GOP debate
- GOP candidates: Pledging allegiance to the Tea Party.
- Tim Pawlenty: Extremist.
- The Mittster and the luckiest “people” in the world.
- Young Turks: Mittster, “Corporations are people, too.”
- Mitt Romney: Extremist.
- DNC Chair on FAUX News on Mitt Romney.
- Young Turks: Romney — cut Social Security, Medicare
- Sam Seder: The Mittster, “Corporations are people, too”.
- Maddow: Perry is dominating!
- Colbert Superpac’s ads for Rick Parry
- Ed and Pap: No-show Rick Perry wins Republican debate.
- Stephen: America’s credit downgrade and Rick Perry’s ColbertPAC upgrade.
- Stephen: Superpac (not affiliated with the Colbert Report) advertising for Rick Parry
- Maddow: Gov. Rick Perry’s ‘Army of God!’
- Young Turks: Bachmann crushes pawlenty.
- Olbermann: Ryan Lizza on covering Ms. Bachmann.
- Bachmann’s qualifications? Defending light bulbs.
- Michele Bachmann: Extremist.
- Behind Michele Bachmann’s Newsweek cover:
- Jon: Michele’s Newsweek photo.
- Ed and Pap: Michele Bachmann is the GOP’s newest fraud.
- Michele’s migraines
- Young Turks: Bachmann was before collective bargaining before he was against it.
- John Huntsman: Wrong for seniors and middle class.
Young Turks: Another gay Republican hypocrite.
Greenman: Lord Christopher Monckton brings the crazy to New Zealand.
Second City: The Bachmann Institute for curing gayness : .
Obama at Johnson Controls battery plant.
Thom: The Good, the Bad and the VERY, VERY Ugly.
The Friday Funnies.
“Concerned parent” Amber Hahn is Worst Person in the World.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Republicans may believe gays to be second class citizens but take heart, as they do love to hook up with gays in hotel rooms for a good time.
Donations to support little Rachel Beckwith’s last birthday wish, clean water for those who don’t have it, have topped $1,040,000. If you haven’t kicked in yet, you can do so here,
Why does anyone take “Lord” Monckton seriously? His outright lies are regularly demonstrated to be such, whenever they are pointed out he turns very nasty and ends the interview. He’s a total charlatan. Michelle Bachmann regularly quotes him at a “scientist” but he has no credentials as such, and has never attended University.
You teafascists are just too obvious in the lies you tell so frequently.
TEA: Terrorists Eviscerating America.
A clever comment I read at the “Teabagging Morons” link,
“In other news, teabaggers have been downgraded to KK+”
@2 At 20 bucks per person, that’s enough to provide safe drinking water to a city the size of Bellingham! Not bad for a 9-year-old.
If anyone ever put clean drinking water on a ballot around here, the rightwingers would bitch about flouridation and vote against it.
This Asimov guy supposed to be an expert or something? With side burns like that? Please. He looks like he should be on a Brit Com.
@3 Never heard of him before, but after looking him up, he’s simply the British version of an inherited-wealth, unscrupulous and self-promoting rightwing crackpot.
The Truth About Texas Job Growth
Rick Perry boasts his state has created more than a million new jobs while he’s been governor.
That’s true, but Texas has something most other states don’t — oil and gas.
More to the point, over half of those new jobs pay $7.25 an hour, or less, without any benefits. Who can live on that?
And despite a million new jobs over 10 years (an average of 100,000 a year), the unemployment rate in Texas is rising, because job creation can’t keep up with population growth.
Finally, Perry touts his state’s low taxes to businesses, but Texas has lousy schools and public services — so why would families want to live there?
Here’s an interesting take on Thursday’s debate.
“Mitt Romney appeared … presidential next to the seven dwarfs who stood beside him.”
“Michele Bachmann … she is a talented debater, but her preferred tactic is … to keep repeating baseless statements as if the rhythms of her words would provide the underlying logic. They don’t.”
“Newt Gingrich … spent much of his time complaining about legitimate questions like why his entire senior staff fired their candidate. That isn’t a process story — it is a question of competence, judgment and substance.”
“Foreign policies defended by conservatives under George W. Bush now [are] controversial because they are carried out [by] Obama.”
“The lowest moment for responsible governance occurred when all the candidates on stage raised their hands to say that they would reject a 10-to-1 spending cut to tax hike split as a deal to reduce the deficit.”
“Watching the debate, it was tempting to say that President Barack Obama was the … winner because the Republican field is so weak.”
Texas is a mess. I really hope Perry doesn’t get away with the lie that Texas is doing great. Texas lead the nation in child murders for a while. Not sure where they’re at on that one now.
@11 “Texas lead the nation in child murders for a while. Not sure where they’re at on that one now.”
The Supreme Court doesn’t let them execute innocent children anymore.
Now that Rick Perry is in the race, the first thing to discuss is his corrupt fundraising practices.
Female Officials Coming To NFL
The NFL vice president in charge of officiating told NBC Sports today he expects to see female officials working in NFL games “soon.”
There’s not much going on in the news today until the first results of the Ames Straw Poll are released starting about 4 p.m. our time, so to keep you busy until then, here’s a brainteaser to help you pass the time.
Amjad Farooq Alvi is:
[ ] 1. A Pakistani politician
[ ] 2. An Al Qaeda terrorist
[ ] 3. A London rioter
[ ] 4. An Obama foreign policy adviser
[ ] 5. The guy who wrote the world’s first computer virus
(Note: Four of these answers are throwaways.)
Is the Ames Straw Poll important? Yeah, sort of, in a way — because it has a track record of forcing weak candidates out of the race, and has also been a fairly accurate predictor of who will win the Iowa caucuses: Most (if not all) eventual caucus winners have placed in the top two of Ames. It should give us an idea of who Iowa Republicans like — and don’t like.
It didn’t take long for Democrats to start running “corporations are people too” ads:
I saw a comment on Rachel’s site posted by her grandfather saying that he had nominated Rachel for “CNN Heroes 2011, People Changing the World”, and expressed hope that others might do the same.
I thought that was a great idea so I went ahead and did it. It requires her city (Bellevue), zip (I used 98052 – close enough) and email address (I used – again, close enough) in order to submit the nomination.
It only took a moment. So if anybody cares to, that’s a small gesture one can make towards this remarkable little girl and her selfless birthday wish. Entries close at the end of the month.
Here’s Perry’s announcement speech laced with bumpersticker phrases:
“Navy SEALs”
“35 bombing missions over Europe”
“small town”
“rural school”
“Eagle Scout”
“flying C-130s all over the globe”
“hard work”
“personal responsibility”
“sweat and toil”
“central government”
“spreading the wealth”
“punishing success”
“record debt”
“entitlement reforms”
“tax and spend and borrow”
“kill jobs”
“right to work”
“reckless spending”
“America’s security”
“our borders”
“European social values”
“president who apologizes for America”
“vigorously defend our interests”
“cutting government spending”
“frivolous lawsuits”
“lawsuit reform”
“Washington D.C. is broken”
“balanced budget”
“lower taxes”
“less regulation”
“civil justice reform”
“generational theft”
“record debt”
“amen, brother”
“private enterprise”
“shackles of overbearing federal government”
“windswept prairies of middle America”
“hearts and minds”
“central planners”
“God bless the United States of America”
Didja notice how militarist this guy is? I did.
@18 Done.
It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything about the 2004 Ohio vote, but the issue is still alive and working its way through the legal system in a federal court lawsuit.
The case is King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell, Case 2:06-cv-00745-ALM-TPK, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio. The plaintiffs accuse former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, a Republican, of administering that state’s election laws in a manner that illegal discriminated against black voters.
Wikipedia’s summary of recent filings in the case is:
“In July, 2011, the plaintiffs filed a document purporting to be a contract between Sec of State Ken Blackwell and Republican computer consultant Michael Connell, specifying the computer architecture that would allow the White House to have access to Ohio vote counts in real time as they were reported on election night, including the ability to modify those numbers remotely.”
Late in the evening of the 2004 election, it appeared John Kerry had won Ohio, and therefore the election. But then the vote count swung to Bush in a way that exit polls and other rational evidence can’t explain. It’s been known for years that Ohio’s vote tally was run through computers operated by a private firm with close GOP ties.
A couple of weeks ago, an article on that examined the July 2011 court filings quoted a computer expert as saying the GOP-friendly company had the ability to change the vote count.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This doesn’t prove they did, but it does show that Democrats’ suspicions that the 2004 election was stolen aren’t just a baseless conspiracy theory. If, in fact, Kerry won the 2004 election — which seems likely — there’s not much anyone can do about it now. But the court has an opportunity to at least set the historical record straight.
@19, Roger and Darryl:
Perry “militaristic”? See this pic via Digby.
Note the brown shirt and shiny, shiny jackboots.
Fascist douche…
@ 22
The only thing that brings to mind is this.
What’s the uniform from? Look kinda neo-WWI to me.
Those are just riding boots, btw. Go to any English style equestrian event and you’ll see lots of them.
The uniform’s from the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. Those are senior year boots.
What we have here is yet another Air Force, Christianist, war monger. Nice.
To the extent the Iowa Ames Straw Poll means anything, Michelle Bachmann (4,823 votes) won as expected, Ron Paul (4,671) finished second, and Tim Pawlenty (2,293) got a sorely-needed boost by finishing third. Rick Santorum (1,657) and Herman Cain (1,456) were back in the pack. Newt Gingrich (385) was a huge loser. Mitt Romney, who did not compete in the straw poll, got 567 votes and I believe those would all be write-ins. Rick Perry got 718 write-in votes.
Sez it all!
And now you know why Stenk is no longer on PMSNBC!
Oh my this was missed by Darryl…
I bet this person read rujax’ blog! Hate inspired Horseshit!
Rick Perry, the GOP’s latest savior. Does he even know how to tie his shoes? Oh, wait, he only wears boots, he doesn’t have to do loops. Lord, thank you for the weak bench of the GOP. Amen.
Now how did Darryl miss this one?
Had to junp the pond because MSNBC didn’t carry it when I posted this. And… the HuffPo only has it as blog threads, no story so far.
First, Dr King apolitical. Some said he was a DUMMOCRAPT others said he was Republican. He disliked Massachusetts Senator JFK for voting against the 1957 Civil Rights Act. He disliked Johnson for escalating the Vietnam war. He denounced Goldwater for his stances in 1964. And it was JFK who gave RFK and JEH the go ahead to the FBI to bug his hotel rooms so we found out King was a ladies man after he died.
BTW HA lunatics, about those DixieDUMMOCRAPTS who “jumped” Republican: Let Puddy remind you… “Dixiecrats” declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican because the Republican Party was know as the party for blacks.
This describes most HA leftist pinheads today!
Second, Dr King would never hang with Jeremiah Wright for 20 years.
Third, Dr King was for non-violence. What is Obummer for?
Fourth, Dr King would never hang with anarchists and and avowed bombers.
Fifth, while the American common folk are struggling Dr King would not be attending #36,000 a plate dinners with the whitey power brokers of media and Hollyweird!
Damn another link missed by Darryl…
Did these 50 read rujax’ blog too? All hate 24×7!
Another link missed by Darryl…
Union thuggery in action.
From a Brit right wing jerk rag.
Heh. That Keith Koffler is a hoot – has a host of right wing idiots in his blogroll.
Michell Malkin? “The Blaze”????
What lefty said this?
Oh the miserable failure Puddysilly voted for twice! Teh evil CRA made him do it!
Barney Frank made him say it!
ACORN made him do it!
ummm, I dont think anybody reads rujaxoff’s blog…..and for sure nobody listens to his shitty musak. what a failure.
@27 et seq. incl. @36: Yawn.
All I want is social and economic justice.
The puddybitch and emperor max-minidick think there’s something wrong with that.
The puddybitch thinks it’s hateful. That isn’t what his jesus, his lord and savior said.
What is WRONG with that puddybitch?
Heh. Gov Bridgefail is out of it:
Good freaking riddance.
Heh. Puddybud favorite “leftist kook” aka right wing tool does another bit of hagiography – this time with Shrub’s shrublet:
“He Speaks” – LMAO!
BART Draws Fire Over Cellphone Shutdown
San Francisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system is being criticized by citizen groups and First Amendment lawyers for deliberately shutting off cellphone service in its system Thursday to thwart a protest against a BART police shooting of a 45-year-old man.
Civil rights experts said it’s troubling that a public agency interfered with the free speech rights of BART riders to shut down a political protest against the agency’s actions.
Once again the arschloch proves he’s all arschloch.
The moronic arschloch forgets it was a design flaw. NTSB said so.
This is why the HA arschloch is all arschloch and I call him on his chronological arschlochness!
Well Roger Dumb Rabbit,
BART is in disarray. And since it’s located in Nancy Pelosi’s area you’d tend to think most of the BART heads are libtardo.
The recently resigned GM was 100% DUMMOCRAPT in her political contributions!
Moron @ 42 – The bridge was flawed? So why wasn’t it fixed? Easy. The bridge failed on TPaw’s watch because of his stupid “don’t tax me” ideology.
Now the stupid TPAW is OUT OF IT!
Stay moronic till the end of your days fool!