People who won’t speak to Red State Update.
Jimmy Dore: The Week in Political Jokes.
Bill Maher does Goldy’s boss.
Jihad Solution’s new Breathe Easy:
White House: West Wing Week.
The 2016 Drumpf Clown Show:
- Hillary slams Drumpf.
- Young Turks: Hillary has harsh words For Drumpf’s foreign policy
- Mark Fiore: Drumpf News Tonight
- Sam Seder: Drumpf makes the same old “Freudian slip”
- Ann Telnaes: Actually, Drumpf does have Presidential characteristics.
- Jimmy Dore talks to Donald Drumpf
- Young Turks: “Look at my African-American over here!”
- Maddow: Drumpf buried by his own words
- The Drumpf doctrine
- Sydney Robinson: Details of Drumpf’s fraudulent “university”
- Slate: The Drumpf “University” court documents are incredibly damning
- Young Turks: Trump U. was a fraud.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf’s meltdown over the “unfair & sleazy” Press
- Kimmel: Drumpf talks to bikers (slowly).
- Jimmy Dore: Drumpf rocks the veteran vote despite crapping all over them.
- PsychoSuperMom: Trump U Fight Song (Cheat, Cheat, Cheat!)
Mental Floss: 31 facts about music festivals.
Jimmy Dore: Ron Paul calls in.
Obama on the economy.
Bill Maher: New Rule–Capitalism eats everything:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Clinton opens up a double digit lead over Drumpf.
So fast?!
Is it time to get on board with a third party candidate? Or how about this – could we get Crusty Crud back?
I wonder what Crusty Christie will do? I haven’t really seen him lately.
This could get funnier than a Benny Hill show or The Three Stooges.
I haven’t heard much in the news lately about the TEA PARTY anymore. Shhhhhhh.
Now that Drumpf has told everyone that he got hymzself a African American (ewwwww), I wonder if his supporters will reach for thier favorite Brother P-Touch label maker and label the Donald a RINO (Racist in Name Only) (ewwww again).
Next! Drumpf might not be Racist enough.
@1 Merely shows how fickle low-information voters are. Among people with an ounce of education, brains, and common sense, Hillary should lead Drumpf 100%-0%. And any political party that nominates anyone like him for any public office ought to go out of business.
Well lookee here, the terrorists who hijacked a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon don’t like being in jail.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They’d better get used to jail routine, because they have so many charges against them, they’ll never get out.
The Bundy Klan want special rule for prison.
Oregon Militant Leaders Unhappy With Jail Rules, Want Facebook
Yeah and that special rule should include no tv and only one loaf of bread for thier entire food plan.
How about putting these criminals on some sort of chain gang.
R.I.P. Muhammad Ali.
He stood up, toe-to-toe with the assholes, and won. He may have been a jackass, he may have been a raging egotist, but the man could box and the man knew how to speak his mind and wasn’t afraid to do so. I remember watching him fight Joe Frazier on TV when I was a kid. My grandfolks hated boxing, but when Ali was going to fight, it was on the TV at their house. He was the only boxer they had any real respect for.
S’long champ.
Going after the judge’s ethnicity, seems to be a new low.
Sorry Roger – I didn’t see your post on the Bundy fuck-ups before I posted the same link.
In the 70s there were TV commercials with athletes quoting poems or singing to advertise men’s care products. Mickey Mantle and Brylcreem. Larry Czonka and Mennen Speed Stick (that one I have memorized).
And this from the former Cassius Clay:
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
The great smell of Brut and the punch of Ali.
Over on Althouse there’s a post drawing parallels between the self-promotional bragging of Ali and Trump.
I guess I can see some similarities.
None of which explains the self-promotional bragging of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 10
You get your fat hairy ass spanked by everyone in here on a daily basis, and that’s the best you can come up with?
You TeaFuckers just don’t have the wit to compete. Guess what, your guys perpetually campaign on phony slogans and mush-mouthed racist, jingoist and sexist jargon, but in the real world, people really don’t buy into that. If everybody voted, that shit just wouldn’t hang. People may nod, and smile, and humor you, but in the end they know you’re just utterly full of shit and too damn ignorant to take seriously.
You morons are too stupid to ever understand how stupid you look to the people in the reality-based demographic.
@ 11
Yeah, but I can keep a job, ‘froggy.
“Clean Energy is a pipe dream. Without coal and oil the economy won’t run. Everyone is going to be unemployed” Conventional Wisdom, or words to that effect.
Jobs in Clean Energy in the U.S. have surpassed jobs in Oil and Gas extraction.
Jobs in Clean Energy in the U.S. have surpassed jobs in Coal extraction.
There are now 8.1m people in the United States working in Clean Energy fields.
Maybe those industry titans complaining about the “War on Coal” should invest in clean energy instead of milking a dying industry for every last dollar until there is no more.
Those leftist pinheads at Bloomberg!
“Clean Energy is a pipe dream. Without coal and oil the economy won’t run. Everyone is going to be unemployed” Conventional Wisdom, or words to that effect.
Jobs in Clean Energy in the U.S. have surpassed jobs in Oil and Gas extraction.
Jobs in Clean Energy in the U.S. have surpassed jobs in Coal extraction.
There are now 8.1m people in the United States working in Clean Energy fields.
Maybe those industry titans complaining about the “War on Coal” should invest in clean energy instead of milking a dying industry for every last dollar until there is no more.
Those leftist pinheads at Bloomberg!
@ 13
Keep those massive subsidies and you can keep those clean energy jobs.
Jobs in clean energy might have surpassed jobs in oil and gas extraction, sure. Now tell us how many energy units are produced, per job, in each of those categories, and calculate the job cost per energy unit produced.
Then we’ll have a more accurate picture of the true costs and value of clean energy vs. traditional energy.
Natural gas isn’t ‘clean’?
Is it better for the environment if ‘froggy gets fired from a clean energy job than if he gets fired from a job in the oil services industry?
Yeah, Bob. You just keep on, keepin’ on.
Stupid fuck.
@ 16
Hey, bub. That’s “stupid, employed fuck”, to you.
When the machine shops started going to shit, and the manufacturing industry started being shipped offshore by the likes of Reagan and Bush et al, you sat back and laughed at your fortune.
Now even your job is being shipped overseas. All you are is a machine operator. You just take the pictures. The diagnostics are being handled by nameless specialists in India and Taiwan.
Of course, it’s all about being trickled down on isn’t it. You TeaBaggists just love your watersports.
less than 5% of Planned Parenthood clinics are located in neighborhoods with 1/3rd or more black residents.
“Doctors” can be pretty fucking stupid.
@ 18
“Bending the cost curve downward.”
How did you think that was going to happen, ‘froggy?
why do you think he’s so opposed to ACA.
Of course ACA doesn’t go nearly far enough, but that’s only because Republicans wrote the law. Still ACA is a huge first step towards rationalizing the market payment systems in health care. For the entirety of Boob’s career, up until ACA, none only was there no direct way to establish market pricing in health care services, and not only did practitioners like Boob not even know what their pricing was, but nobody really cared (outside of Medicare). Providers routinely falsified and inflated pricing as a negotiation and tax avoidance strategy, insurance companies went along with the scam (more tax avoidance) and employers got stuck with higher premiums every year.
Now that some pricing signals are propagating in these markets (albeit weak signals) dreaded price competition for services is emerging. Boob’s yacht club professional guild won’t be able to protect him from the market against the effort of insurance companies and their lobby.
Wherein a deliberately stupid statement is made pretending not to know that the fossil fuel industry is far more heavily subsidized.
No indirect subsidies fossil fuel enjoys enjoys either. I hate traveling in the southwestern U.S. And having to stop on those I-10 drawbridges when the carrier groups keeping the shipping lines open for solar panels come through. Takes a lot of firepower to keep the San Gabriel wind farms from being hijacked. But not gonna lie. When I see the F15 Hornets patrolling Ellensberg watching out for Iraqi warplanes threatening wind power…..those planes are really cool.
@ 22
Easier to write that with a straight face in June with a clear blue sky, than if you were in North Dakota in January and your panels were under three feet of snow, at night, I’d imagine.
I don’t expect to see F15s patrolling wind power installations anytime soon, you’re right. But then I don’t have an alarm system to protect the five bucks in small bills and spare change I keep in my bike’s saddlebag, either. Why spend so much to protect something of so little value?
@ 20
Ah, now you’re claiming to support reducing costs.
Theres only one real problem with that. The only “costs” you Corporatist bootlickers recognize as being legitimate are all about money. Money is all that matters, and the only important thing worthy of discussion amirite?
So what are you going to do when your job is automated out of existence? When your “skillset” is reduced to something they can teach to high-school dropouts in a six week course at some phony job training school, ala ITT Tech or Trump University??
“Well Bob, we tried to support you in the board meetings, but I’m afraid that your position with this firm is pretty much obsolete as this new equipment eliminates the need for manual diagnostics, works much faster and is by far much more accurate than any person could be. I’m sorry Bob, but we’re going to have to let you go. Best wishes for the future Bob. Maybe you should go to Barber College? I’ve heard the future is in hairstyling.”
Gee, thats a Dilly of a Pickle, isn’t it.
@ 24
I’m barely a year from retirement. Then I can hang around here all day like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, regaling y’all with tales of my day-trading hoard and opining that work is the way to an early grave and the only true good life is to not work and be a capitalist, as he claims to be.
You don’t object when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit does it. Why would you object if I start doing the same thing, ‘froggy? Especially since you could do it as well – you seem not to ever have a job for very long, if’n at all. Hang out here with us with all that time on the government cash you seem to claim permanent entitlement to have handed to you.
I just wish I didn’t have to wait nearly seven years before I could start drawing Social Security. God knows those Tesla upgrades don’t come cheap.
All that does is allow you to rest on your laurels and permit you the luxury of sneering at all the hungry and homeless around you while you cheer the Police for keeping the riff-raff out of your neighborhood.
That is, if you have any income to speak of after your 401Ks have evaporated, your pension plan has been expropriated by some third-party foreign Bank for the Greater Good of the Corporation, and your reverse mortgage gets called in. Then you’ll be one of those riff-raff your neighbors will be spitting on when they’re going to their hair appointments.
And you know what? I’ll be there, pissing all over your little campfire and chuckling.
It’s always fun when someone clings tightly to a dying argument.
Renewables were about 7% of total production in 2010. Just five years later it’s 11%. Wow, there’s an industry that captured 4% of total market share in just five years. Better laugh it off irrelelvent.
Other greatest hits on this theme:
Cars kill more people than guns so we should outlaw cars.
Gay marriage will tear apart the fabric of society.
Cutting the top marginal tax rate spurs economic expansion.
@ 27
Most renewables are stuff that has been around a long time – hydropower, for instance.
Renewable consumption in 2015 (US) was less than 10% of total energy consumption, and solar and wind were only a quarter of that.
So, being a little generous, you’re at 2.5%.
Meanwhile, Winter is still a quarter of our annual calendar.
You’re using massive subsidies to take baby steps.
@ 26
And you know what? I’ll be there, pissing all over your little campfire and chuckling.
So, you’re already homeless, then.
The Fisher name is well known to well read investors, and Ken Fisher just tarnished it for all time.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: People are known by the company they keep and this makes Ken Fisher a scumsucker.
@5 “The Bundy Klan want special rule for prison.”
They’ll take over the laundry folding table until their demands are met.
@7 Only temporarily. The racist nominee of the Racist Party and his racist supporters will figure out a way to outdo themselves, it’s just a matter of time. Meanwhile, the Republican politicians and voters who used to constitute the mainstream Republican Party are falling into line behind the racist parade leader like good little brownshirts. After all the handwringing and angst over the takeover of their party by white supremacists, there’s not a scrap of moral courage to be found anywhere among that bunch.
@ 30
Ask yourself why Fisher moved the company from California to WA – the article didn’t say.
Then ask yourself where his company will be located if an income tax in WA becomes reality.
Consider the cost of relocating his company from WA to a lower-tax state.
Consider the cost to WA state, and to the community of Camas, if an income tax in WA becomes reality. Here, let me help you:
Fisher is essentially buying a naked put to protect against the possibility of a downturn in income and/or to avoid the expense of another relocation. Smart money.
Ken Fisher can live with being called a scumsucker. You seem to have little difficulty living with knowledge that you’ve been called out as well, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@8 The more, the merrier. When you’re done kicking them, let me know, and I’ll kick them again.
@12 I don’t need a job, toad.
@14 Coal is subsidized by the blood of miners. Just ask Don Blankenship.
@17 Here’s a photo of Boob’s “employment.” He’s the one in the middle. The sow’s name is “Medicare.”
Add another one to the clinging to dying arguments file:
No one rides light rail.
Daily ridership on Link is now greater than all ST buses routes combined. Interesting to look at the chart and see that as Link Ridership spiked since it’s opening, ridership on ST Buses also rose.
Sounder Trains, while still struggling are also up in ridership by 5%.
KING Co Metro doesn’t have data for 2016 yet so I’ll concede it is possible that the increase in LINK ridership is maybe the same as a drop on buses. Remains to be seen.
Nice to know what TexASS does in spades. Just think what Ted Kruzz would have done to fix that.
Oh well. The Republicans will have to settle for a bullshitting asshole and “the art of the deal”.
“Bullshitting asshole”… Heh. Boob can relate.
@23 “if … your panels were under three feet of snow”
Just tilt them and the snow will slide off. (Why do I need to explain this to a doctor?)
Oh and yes boob, TexASS is still on top as of end of 2015.
In the not too great state of TexASS, as the war of attrition on women and the poor gets ever so much more nasty, the “massive subsidies” get ever so greater.
@25 “I’m barely a year from retirement.”
You fooled me. I thought you’re already retired.
“Then I can hang around here all day like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit”
You already do. That’s why I thought you’re already retired.
“regaling y’all with tales of my day-trading hoard”
As I said yesterday, in reply to a similar post, I don’t day-trade. I accumulate and compound. In fact, I’ve explained this numerous times on this blog, but you’re evidently a slow learner.
“and opining that work is the way to an early grave”
I don’t remember saying that. I said working is the worst way of getting money there is. But since you mention it, yes, the millionaire corporatists are perfectly willing to work people to death (see, e.g., Don Blankenship), which is another good reason for not working.
“and the only true good life is to not work and be a capitalist”
I guess it depends on how you define “good life.” I’ve never said being a capitalist is “good.” Obviously, living off other people’s work has something wrong with it. I’ve always made clear that for me being a capitalist instead of a worker is a strictly pragmatic decision.
“as he claims to be”
I feel no need to prove it to you. I’ve explained what my investing methodology is. Anyone can judge it on its face, or try it themselves. I don’t see even you arguing that it doesn’t work. Nor do I see you arguing that slaving in a sweatshop for $7.25/hr. is somehow preferable to owning the means of production.
In fact, your whining is amusing given that, as a doctor sucking on the Medicare teat, you have almost as cushy a deal as I do. And apparently just as much time to waste posting on HA as me.
Too freaking funny how many years of seeing klownservatic bullshit cut and paste in these threads, from the fuckwad, boob, mr. klynical, marvin stamn, proudass, little maxy…
where all that bullshit, from hotair, american stinker, gateway asshole, murdoch publications, WSJ editorial page, etc, et freaking cetera has led.
To the Drumpfhole. Yours truly cannot stop laughing about that.
“You morons are too stupid to ever understand how stupid you look to the people in the reality-based demographic.”
I think that is finally being corrected (the term related to the stock market escapes me at the moment), but I think they are starting to realize what stupid dumb fucks they are. They’ll never admit it but you can see it in thier eyes.
@28 “Meanwhile, Winter is still a quarter of our annual calendar.”
And unless you live north of the Arctic circle, the sun still shines in winter. Just not as much, but you can make up for that by adding more panels.
@29 No, just a visitor to your homeless camp, one of those do-gooders who brings donated groceries.
@25 “I just wish I didn’t have to wait nearly seven years before I could start drawing Social Security.”
Has it yet occurred to you that if Trump and Ryan constitute our next government you may wait forever to draw your Social Security?
@33 For the same reason Microsoft and Amazon aren’t California corporations. Because Washington doesn’t tax rich people, dummy.
@12 unlike any other dumbfuck Republican – you should share your secret with Bonehead, Palin, Scott, and the rest of your idiots. But I think they would prefer no to work unlike you the moron.
@44 “(the term related to the stock market escapes me at the moment)”
reversion to the mean
You could he a look at how much new hydro has come on line during the growth period of renewables and pretty quickly see why your ‘analysis’ doesn’t work.
Yep. We’re subsidizing renewables. And it’s working. It’s creating jobs. It’s creating domestically produced energy. It’s reducing dependence on foreign oil.
But hey. There are some places where weather conditions aren’t viable for solar or wind ergo Q.E.D. Renewables shouldn’t be installed where weather is conducive. The sun isn’t out in winter anywhere.
@49 I wouldn’t call what those people do “work.” Especially Palin. She gets paid for being herself. Being hyper-dysfunctional is very marketable to TV these days.
If it was up to Boob, Elon Musk would be working with a horse and cart today, or probably a mule instead of the horse because Boob would want to keep the horse home in the stable where he had quicker access to its long hanging 5th leg.
It’s ok for Boob because he could move to Oklahoma where there is plenty of fracking going on. He could be closer to his love of old energy and pay more for earthquake insurance (one of the many benefits of fracking, aside from great tainted water).
than if you were in North Dakota in January and your panels were under three feet of snow, at night,
There is never a small problem that a good doctor could solve. But when you have dumbfucks you can’t expect them to walk and chew gum at the same time. Boob, think we put a man on the moon (so they say) and you can’t figure out how to keep 3′ of snow off a roof. I hope you didn’t spend too much money on an education. Did you major in liberal arts? I know college wasn’t free then.
Maybe Boob could help out the Bundys once retired.
@37 lmfao of Boob suckling from the public teet.
@39 funny but true
@40 once again you beet me to it. I wasn’t thinking of tilting the roof as much as some type of snow melt cable or net that could be out over the panels (although I didn’t want to give away my secret because it’s not patented yet. But fuck it – I have enough money – let someone else figure it out and make millions). See Boob would rather stick with something that is dying and not breed ingenuity or entrapenourship, even if that is their punch line to American Exceptionalism.
@45. Some of my best generating days were in March and April but only on a singular day basis.
@55 “Boob …can’t figure out how to keep 3′ of snow off a roof”
Buy the man a ladder and shovel.
@59 “See Boob would rather stick with something that is dying and not breed ingenuity or entrapenourship”
Actually, I think his real motive is to destroy the planet. That is, he’s so miserable he wants to commit suicide, and he’s so homicidal he wants to take everyone else with him. At least that’s how he comes across whenever he rants about climate change.
Here’s an interesting take on the future direction of Supreme Court jurisprudence. Spoiler alert: This article contends a popular Broadway musical may influence constitutional law more than the presidential election. It also argues the Supreme Court will become more progressive no matter who wins.
“It would be a mistake, however, to think that the association between originalist methods and conservative substance reflects some straightforward correspondence between the Constitution’s true original meaning and the preferred values of modern Republicans. The Founders were not an 18th-century incarnation of the Federalist Society, or the Cato Institute, or the Family Research Council, or any other modern conservative group. To be sure, the Founders did not imagine the modern regulatory state. But it should not be surprising that the framework they established developed into the robust form of central government that the United States has now had for nearly a century. The Founders’ project in making the Constitution was fundamentally about strengthening centralized governmental authority. Many delegates to the Philadelphia Convention had strongly pro-regulatory orientations. They wanted government to do more, not less. So to invoke the Founders as small-government conservatives is to misunderstand who they actually were. The point here is not that original meanings, properly understood, support a left-leaning modern agenda rather than a right-leaning one. The Founders were also not an 18th-century incarnation of Planned Parenthood, Occupy Wall Street, or the Center for American Progress. The point is that the ideas of the Founders often direct no clear resolution to the questions Americans face today.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is for intellectuals. Not you, Puddy. This is too deep for a pea-wit like you. Same goes for Boob.
In a TV interview yesterday, Drump claimed U.S. generals are losing against ISIS:
“‘Do you still feel like you know more about ISIS than the generals?’ Dickerson asked. ‘Well, they don’t know much, because they’re not winning,’ Trump said. ‘That I can tell you.'”
He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Could this be the beginning of something big?
An alternative interpretation of original intent: “I’m goin’ ta go meet the Sheriff. You back down or you kill me now.”
I like Roger’s better.
@66 hopefully.
It would be a great statement for this Country, and turning point of stopping the bickering and bullshit that we have today. And maybe we could just finally put forward some bi-partisan solution to the problems and needs of this Country.
Sounds like some Republicans have had enough but not willing to throw everything down the toilet like our own Boob.
One minute of President Drumpf would be terrible. One minute of him being the presumptive nominee has been terrible.
A pile of vomit @6 was left… He may have been a jackass, he may have been a raging egotist
Once again the vomit producer’s true racist colors come through! Ali was neither of those as you spewed vomit producer. Mrs Puddy met Muhammad Ali face to face when she was younger. The nicest person with the softest hands she told Puddy last night.
Yet even today you still are an ASShole!
“Who are to be the electors of the federal representatives? Not the rich, more than the poor; not the learned, more than the ignorant; not the haughty heirs of distinguished names, more than the humble sons of obscurity and unpropitious fortune. The electors are to be the great body of the people of the United States.” — James Madison, Federalist 57
Except in Texass, where you need a gun permit and can’t be a college student to vote.
@69 “with the softest hands”
Hey idiot, did he kiss Joe Frazier on the lips?
in the reality-based demographic.
If you really think you are part of that demographic vomit producer… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Reality based people aren’t racists… Oh wait a minute… That would exclude most HA DUMMOCRETINS here.
R senile,
Apparently you’ve never been in the ring ya moron. Boxing gloves. Puddy has a set. They are blue lots of padding. You wrap your knuckles with gauze and elastic wrap.
DAYUM you are as stooooooooooopid with boxing knowledge as you are with finances. Puddy already mentioned to worser a heavy bag is a great workout. Your lackluster brain these days needs help as it ain’t getting no workout anymore with horses ASS manure like that @71! You don’t even think before posting anymore. Been that way now for three years. Must have been the iron frying pan you claimed Mrs Wabbit slapped side your head. Killed that last working brain cell!
Once again the Oregon moron is not a reality based DUMMOCRETIN… Of course ACA doesn’t go nearly far enough, but that’s only because Republicans wrote the law.
Where does this Oregonian moronic fool receive its information?
DUMMOCRETIN Nancy Pelosi – “We don’t need their help.”
DUMMOCRETIN Max Baucus – Received the most money from the health care industry per Center for Responsive Politics. “We got this”.
Those and other quotes can be found by axing (Jesse Jackson speak) the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for a crazed databaze replay. Butt then again fools like checkmate will not ask for the facts! Maybe they don’t want their IP Addresses attached to the salt mining fools worthless blog site!
April 1, 2016,
Coal still provides 33% of America’s electricity. So per checkmate, 33% of America doesn’t need that electricity!
Puddy suggests that DUMMOCRETINS take the hit if by some devilish reason Heilary gets off the email scandal and gets erected. DUMMOCRETINS don’t need their iJunk charged because look who makes it… Foxconn and everyone knows how they treat their employees. Yet DUMMOCRETINS continue to buy iJunk!
Did you see that Chris Jansing interview with Susan Sarandon? DAYUM funny!
R senile @35,
Did Travis claim you needed a job R senile? Senility is a shameful disease and R senile gets more shameful each day!
Stoooooooopidity has a new name; R senile!
R senile @48,
The last time Puddy looked for those WA State taxless billionaires Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates were in the DUMMOCRETIN column.
There goes another useless R senile argument! Senility is an insidious disease and having no working brain cells is insidious to R senile!
Straw man. Meet a Liar. Liar. Meet straw man.
The U.S. Uses about 4 billiont KW hours of electricity per day. There are probably overly optimistic studies that say the U.S could generate 4 billion KW hours per day just from existing and proposed wind installations
Plus solar exists but isn’t yet widespread. Hydro already exists. Add those to the total. Add in some small regional geothermal…
This is all easily googleable.
Hey , Liar! Nice straw man. Can those 33% get electricity from some other source in the very near future if investment in the technology and construction goes forward? You know the answer but will probably spew some crap asking for links instead of asmitting it.
Nice try Luar. Irrelevant straw man. A
PiddlesLiar specialty.QED – Quite the Egotistical DUMMOCRETIN checkmate is…
Here it is in simple terms (levelized energy costs) so even checkmate can figger it out being the simpleton it is:
Power Plant – – – Cost
– -Type ——-$/kW-hr
Coal ———-$0.095-0.15
Natural Gas—$0.07-0.14
Nuclear ——$0.095
Wind———$0.07-0.20 ( includes HA DUMMOCRETIN gases?)
Solar PV——$0.125
Solar Thermal-$0.24
Biomass——$0.10 ( Does this include the vomit left here by the vomit producer?)
Coal emission scrubbers keep those emissions down.
So funny watching the checkmate head explode. US Department of Energy are liars checkmate? So Obummers DoE are liars checkmate? 33% of American electricity is still coal produced. Apparently when the foo shits checkmate can’t stand the smell. Still loves its iJunk made by Foxconn!
Awww your strawman exploded? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
P.S. checkmate continues to scream “use Google” yet the same moron can’t find the simple link so he continues to call Puddy names all through this blog. Seems checkmate can’t use Google after all!
Cheaper is always better? Nice try LIAR!
Not factored in, Deaths caused by coal extraction. Medical treatments caused by Fossil Fuel emissions.
But note that the lowest cost of wind is lower than the lowest cost of coal.
Way to blow up your own claim. Well done.
Too damn funny.
So riddle Puddy this checkmate:
Why do DUMMOCRETINS like those in the marshlands of the south and those around Martha’s Vineyard so against wind farms in their back yard? Why are solar grids not in DUMMOCRETIN areas? Where is the big capacitor to store all those generated megawatts from wind and solar? Renewable energy is still more expensive and there is no where to store it since DUMMOCRETINS are NIMBYs!
Remove the politics and the costs will drop. Except to DUMMOCRETINS everything is political. The ends always justifies the means!
Another head explosion @80
Puddy used the DoE ANALysis you moron! Puddy even gave the link.
Once again checkmate checkmates itself.
Hey Liar, Meet Strawman.
Did you just learn that NIMBYism exists?
Here’s a thought. Go back and take a look at John McCain proposing to build more reactors but vehemently opposing Yucca Mountain. But you’re right. Republicans put energy policy above politics. Drill, here, drill more, pay less or something.
So you hate Donald Trump and his, “I’m going to close up all my businesses in Scotland if you build that wind farm anywhere near my golf course?”
Of course not. You’re simply a LIAR who will say anything stupid that seems like it can paint one side badly.
But, but, but, Democrats aren’t doing it because they are NIMBYs
“Solar panels are ugly and I don’t want them in my neighborhood”
Piddlesa LIAR imagines a Democrat screaming.San Francisco requires solar panels on all new construction.
Freeedoms! If I don’t want solar I shouldn’t have to. Jackbooted Thugs, Harumph.
Too damn funny.
Not factored in…
Deaths and poisonings from solar panel construction due to exotic chemicals used
Deaths from solar panel installation
So checkmate @84, why does checkmate and DUMMOCRETIN cities like SF hate firefighters?
Solar panels can make it more difficult for firefighters to maneuver on rooftops
Firefighters find it hard to de-energize solar panels because light can keep them energized when trying to fight electrical fires
How about the solar power storage batteries containing lead and sulfuric acid checkmate? Ever seen a lead battery explode from the exothermic reaction when it gets wet?
See how that silly argument works checkmate?
Helluva effort from checkmate @84.
Puddy and the DoE aren’t talking about individual houses you moronic twit. Puddy is talking about small city generating solar farms.
This is why having a discussion with a DUMMOCRETIN is like talking to a brick wall. DUMMOCRETINS are a dumb as brick walls!
Helluva effort from checkmate @83.
Just another train wreck. Now we are revisiting John McCain’s views from yesteryear. Puddy brings up Obummer’s DoE June 2015 report!
This is why having a discussion with a DUMMOCRETIN is like talking to a brick wall. DUMMOCRETINS are a dumb as brick walls!
Nice google Liar. You did know that Firefighters and Solar Industry and UL have addressed the issue?
Nah, course not. You just googled solar dangers and picked one.
Like I said, a Liar will say anything.
I’m going to go enjoy the sunny day poolside now.
Did you all read #88?
checkmate just admitted Puddy knows how to use Google. Butt checkmate got it wrong. Puddy didn’t pick one. There are many to choose from!
Well, as y’all know, Puddy only releases certain finds when they are really useful to DESTROY checkmate farts… http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.c.....ouse-fire/
Apparently the UL message wasn’t passed onto these firefighters. Yep, right in SF where they are making it mandatory…
checkmate checkmates itself again! Be sure to self flagellate while at the pool. Wear your life jacket because all the BULLSHITTIUM you spew will cause sinkage! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
C H E C K M A T E!
An new book DUMMOCRETINS can’t wait to have on their bookshelves…
How to kill half of ISIS with a single drone.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These fuckers are even more paranoid than Drumpf. Drop a bomb on them and they’ll kill their own fighters to root out “spies,” which has an amazing effect on morale among the survivors: They’re all fleeing. Pretty soon there’ll be only a half dozen of them left.
@73 If you’re no good at intellectual pursuits, there’s always blood sports to fall back on.
@75 “Coal still provides 33% of America’s electricity. So per checkmate, 33% of America doesn’t need that electricity!”
Which is interesting, in that the two largest U.S. coal companies both filed bankruptcy this spring, following in the wake of many other lesser coal companies. Better build more windmills because there’s nobody left to dig that coal.
@77 I’m not so sure you’re correct about that, especially regarding Bezos, but in any case they’re not above taking advantage of Washington’s Republican tax policies (tax the poor, the rich skate).
Loads of yet more stoopid from the babbling jackass troll.
Did it not know that blood red klownservatic state of TexASS leads the country in electricity production from wind?
Yeah what a bunch of dirty hippies down there in TexASS.
@79 Well lookee here, nearly every other source of electricity is cheaper (not to mention cleaner) than coal, so no wonder coal generation is disappearing.
@83 I have a feeling most Scots would take him up on that promise.
@87 “Now we are revisiting John McCain’s views from yesteryear.”
You have a point. Republicans’ views on anything are subject to change without notice. See, e.g., Donald Trump. Not to mention all the GOPers now distancing themselves from our last Republican president’s military disasters.
@90 That belongs on a shelf right next to the book written by former Trump University employees.
Even if it were hard to tell which major party’s presidential candidate has worse character, it’s not hard to tell which is more competent.
@81. “Where is the big capacitor to store all those generated megawatts from wind and solar? ”
So Puffy, you don’t know the answer yourself? Or are you implying that there is no possible present or future answer to that question?
I wonder if before going to the moon they asked “Is it possible to fly a man occupied rocket to the moon, land, and then return to earth”? Just imagine if they said no it is impossible,
Puffballs apeman go back to sucking on a pacifier in your crib. Man, Ms. Puffballs must get tired of having to change your diaper. When Boob retires maybe she could start changing his too.
Puffy is one insane mother fucker. Twists everything one says only to fill pixels. What a fucking moron.
Jack be quick. Jack be nimble. Jack jump over the solar panel but Jack no be NIMBY!
Puffy is more fucking retarded than Drumpf.
@79 Well lookee here, nearly every other source of electricity is cheaper (not to mention cleaner) than coal, so no wonder coal generation is disappearing.
So sad that the loss of mental capacity of R senile is apparent above.
HHTL @102,
Learned it well from R senile.
Sux to be HHTL!
HHTL you really own the IDIOT medal. Go back and read checkmate’s solar BULKLSHITTIUM. You never comprehend conversations, always taking a comment out of context.
Still sucking after all these years. Literally!
@95 still has that hard on for Puddy!
@107 Any chance your candidate for President is going to release his high school transcript?
After all your candidate asked the same of all his opponents in the Republican primaries? Right?
WRONG! The Drumpfhole asked for a high school transcript from only one man: the current TWO TERM President, Barack H. Obama who happens to be African American.
YOU SUPPORT A RACIST! You can’t help yourself! You practice WHITE IDENTITY POLITICS!
sez da fool salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS whose party only offered five whitey peeps for president while Republicans had three minorities!
FACTS suck when you are the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Still sporting that woody eh salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
And at the top: a woman and a jew!
Where’s the woman and the jew from the Republicans?
Noooo! It’s a angry white male asshole – the kind of guy you always to be with your stupid WHITE IDENTITY POLITICS.
You’ve made common cause with DAVID DUKE and other white nationalists who support the Drumpfhole!
You’re stuck with them because you’ve become one of them!
I just saw Dick Van Dyke call the Drumpfhole a cross between Charlie Sheen and Benito Mussolini..
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Too funny!
Nice candidate that WHITE IDENTITY POLITICS (the politics of the babbling jackass) has put up!
Still sporting that woody for Puddy eh salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
So Jews are a minority in America salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS? You can walk down the street and spot a Jew salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS? R U kidding me?
DAYUM U B weally weally stoooooooooooooooopid!
Name a Jewish President asshole! You are claiming Jews are a “majority”?
Wow so much more numerous than blacks in the USA!
Dumb as a brick you are!
Glad you asked salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, the HuffPo claimed Obummer was that! Seems it is as stoooooooooooopid as evah!
Apparently you have 24 hour moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
All the idiot squid ink in the universe can’t cover or obscure the naked race hatred spewed by that Fuckwad troll before the sundown deadline for goat fucking.
Didn’t your superstitious church elders tell you dumbshit?
You can’t unring a bell.
Decoder ring needed @117.
Can someone decipher the Oregonian moron? Seems goatse is on its mind again! QPPS knows all about goatse!
@116 HAHAHAHA! Written by a Brit “humorist”..
The only joke is a part jewish, part black kult-kontrolled, karson kook-koo worshipping ASSHOLE troll of these threads who has joined hands with David Duke and other white supremacists to support a white bullshitting asshole who is a cross between Charlie Sheen and Benito Mussolini.
No surprises here.
“Donald Trump’s campaign is paying its male staffers roughly a third more than its female workers, according to an analysis by the Boston Globe. … Female workers made up just 28 percent of Trump’s total staff, and of the top 15 highest-paid employees that month, just two were women.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s surprising is that there are women willing to work for him.
Our resident loon troll is so controlled by white identity politics, all Donald Drumpf has to do is spew “Mexican” at Gonzalo Curiel and the troll spews “La Raza”.
It’s a stupid fiend I tell you! Stupid!
Good try salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Puddy answered your question! DUMMOCRETINS only want white people! All five are white people! Not a Ben Carson black man or woman among the DUMMOCRETIN scum!
Sux to be the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Good try salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Puddy answered your question! DUMMOCRETINS only want white people! All five are white people! Not a Ben Carson black man or woman among the DUMMOCRETIN scum!
Sux to be the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Has anyone tracked that “my african-american” spew by the drumpfhole?
Someone said that’s a count of african american support for the Drumpfhole – on one freaking hand!
Well, this Cheadle fellow has stated that he’s not a Drumpf supporter.
So that leaves three fingers on the hand: Omerosa, kook-koo karson and the babbling jackass troll.
Ahhh La Raza really bothers the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS! Seems to hit home since Marvin Stamn identified the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS racism against blacks since 2009.
No wonder why the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS comes with such vehemence against Puddy!
Wait for it!
Yep, they rejected the black guy, the woman and the two L/HINOs.
And they selected an old, angry racist white guy who is a “successful” bidness man who for some reason always files for bankruptcy.
“Bankrupt” white identity politics – that’s Republican politics. A politics that the babbling jackass troll is in thrall to – body and soul.
@125 Nice try whitey identity politics fool and tool.
The cause – effect is documented. Drumpf points to a guy that pisses him off, costs him money and spews “Mexican” – you spew “La Raza”.
You are Drumpf’s fool. Now that this Cheadle guy is on the record as not a Drumpf supporter, you are one spot closer in line. That must make you dance like an idiot in front of your computer!
However, we all know your beloved karson kook-koo is really “his african-american”.
This is too f’in funny!
“Drumpf U”
Drumpf U babbling jackass troll. U been Drumpfed in the BUTT! So much for working on being a whitey identity politics tool since April 2005.
Drumpf U boob. No we know you’re not a supporter, until November maybe. You won’t even bother to hold your nose. You’ll be well accustomed to the stink. And you’ll be Drumpfed just the same!
Drumpf U trolls!
Wow. This jerk is really threatened by Hillary Clinton’s gender.
Hmm. And I don’t see a black man or woman being chosen by Republicans. I just see an old, angry, white male jerk with a trophy wife to give it comfort in its old age. That’s the Republican’s choice.
Oh and asshole. Democrats rose an African American to the highest office in the land – back in 2008. He’s served TWO TERMS.
Just in case you hadn’t heard. So typical that would escape you. Hate does that to a person.
Clarence Thomas is a shitty Supreme Court Justice.
That’s my opinion. I have a bunch of reasons I could share for why that is my opinion.
But among those reasons is not the fact that he’s black, Catholic (didn’t even know that until about 10 seconds ago), or that he was a founder of the Black Student Union at his alma mater.
Those wouldn’t be good reasons. They’d be the reasons of a worthless fucking bigot.
That Fuckwad troll has insisted that Judge Gonzalo Curiel who is presiding over federal fraud and racketeering cases against the Republican nominee for President Donald Trump, is a bad judge because he is Mexican. That Fuckwad asserts that because Judge Curiel celebrates his family’s Latino heritage and affiliates with a bar service organization that recognizes Latino lawyers, judges, and law students, the Judge is not fit.
But we shouldn’t be concerned about that. After all, what’s another angry unhinged worthless fucking bigot on the internet, eh? What we should be concerned about, and in particular what “conservative” voters should be concerned about, is that you could take that statement above, replace every instance of “that Fuckwad” with Donald Trump, and it would still be true.
An angry unhinged worthless fucking bigot in the White House is something to be concerned about indeed.
establishment elites in the GOP ran Carson out of the campaign on a rail. At a point where Carson was leading in the polls, they met, they negotiated, and they pulled support and funding from Carson and gave it to Ted Cruz because they preferred his race over Carson’s. Carson plummeted in the polls soon after and his campaign never recovered or led in the polls again.
The salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS still has a woody for Puddy!
Four entries and nothing new was posted. Just repetitive BULLSHITTIUM!
The clueless fool forgets Carly Fiorina. The salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS was really fearing a woman who excoriated Heilary!
The clueless fool really hated Dr. Ben Carson. The salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS could not stand a black man who on his dumbest day would still be light years more intelligent than itself!
The salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS forgets the illegal aliens don’t belong here. That’s okay to the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS because the La Reconquista philosophy is strong in that arschloch!
establishment elites in the GOP ran Carson out of the campaign on a rail.
And what did they get Oregon moron? A person they detest and a helper who isn’t playing establishment rules!
“Carson plummeted in the polls soon after and his campaign never recovered or led in the polls again.”
For Carson it was all about selling the book.
Carson plummeted because he didn’t have a good foreign policy platform and he admitted it!
“Top Republican officials and donors are increasingly worried over the threat Donald Trump’s attack on a judge’s Mexican heritage could pose to their party’s chances in November — and about the GOP’s ability to win Latino votes for many elections to come.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey Republicans, you created this fever swamp, now wallow in it!
Clarence Thomas is an EXCELLENT Supreme Court Justice. DUMMOCRETINS hate Justice Thomas and that makes him an EXCELLENT justice!
@131 “establishment elites in the GOP ran Carson out of the campaign on a rail”
Why wouldn’t they? He has no qualifications to be anything other than a doctor.
@132 Carly Fiorina! Bwaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
@135 Actually, that doesn’t explain why Carson fell out of favor with GOP voters, because no GOP candidate ever has a coherent foreign policy, but that doesn’t stop Republican voters from voting for them.
@137 “Clarence Thomas is an EXCELLENT Supreme Court Justice” … and I’m Donald Duck.
And yet there those racist Republican elites are, presiding over the convention, writing the platform, negotiating the terms of El Douche’s coronation, spending that Fuckwad’s money, and sending Kult Kook Karson out to get their town cars buffed.
Reap what you sew.
“Carson plummeted because he didn’t have a good foreign policy platform and he admitted it!”
And that makes Kult Kook Karson different from the winner because….
This just in: in an interview with CBS, Republican strongman billionaire party boss Presidential nominee Donald Trump added “Muslim” to the list of races, ethnicities, genders, and religions disqualified from judging him.
Are Chinese next? Are SDAs next? Stay tuned!
Nope see 126. Blind this troll is…
HAHAHAAHAHA! Yours truly voted for an intelligent african american man in 2008 – Barack Obama. Given the current offering from your ilk? Would happily do it again. Yours truly would never vote for some idiot who believes the pyramids were for grain storage among other silly stupidities and grandstanded so shamelessly at a prayer breakfast that Cal Thomas demanded he apologize.
Hmmm. Unless they’re here due to a Republican guest-worker program eh whitey identity politics tool?
Fine. No need to go NAZI – just don’t hire them!
I thought up a great new name for you: BLEACH.
But maybe whitey identity politics tool and fool is better. Tough choice.
Looks like I didn’t miss anything while bobin’ and bakin’ on a boat anchored in Andrews Bay. Thought I’d just sit by the pool but it’s good to have friends.
I see that
Piddlesthe Liar spend most of his Sunday spewing his bullshit which I don’t care to read. I guess he either didn’t take advantage of the gorgeous weather or he doesn’t have friends. Or maybe both.Yours truly voted for an intelligent african american man in 2008 – Barack Obama.
The jury is still out on that. Obummer hid his college transcripts. Now if he was as intelligent as claimed, where are those transcripts salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!???!!!???!
Ohhh checkmate got its ASS handed to itself over solar energy and has no response. Hence the fake outrage over getting the silly ASS smacked silly!
Oh yes Puddy enjoyed the weather. Saw some friends, help someone move their new couch, took Mrs Puddy out!
Sux to be checkmate!
HAHAHAHAA! You mean the karson kook-koo couldn’t get boots on the ground against ISIS, cancel the Iran deal and bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb IRAN and wage endless war right?
Any idiot reader of your beloved always wrong wing bullshit can do that.
Heh. karson kook-koo is most stoopid indeed! One would guess that karson is a bigger “pussy” than that crazy always wrong wing lady called ted kruzz.
HAHAHAHAHA! Barack H. Obama whipped ass on a Republican war hero and wealthy big bidness man when the economy wasn’t doing all that well.
Barack is smarter than the Republicans. That’s a fact.
And you forgot that the Drumpfhole went after Barack’s high school transcripts too.
Just like he did for ALL his primary opponents right babbling jackass?
Wroooong.. Drumpfhole asked cuz he’s a racist and didn’t think a black man should serve the highest office in the land…
BE PROUD of your choice – BLEACH.
Still swinging? From a quick glance at the timing of you posts all day you either are lying or Ms. LIAR must be very patient while you are typing screeds on a smartphone while you’re “taking her out.”
Still trying to figure out how solar is going to be the death of us all? How did firefighters ever deal with electric lights when they replaced kerosene lamps? Well, they must have because no one threw out their light bulbs and just said, “Well that’s too dangerous so we might as stick with these,”
Does the person playing
piddlesThe Liar actually have a wife or is she George Glass to a loser sitting at a computer commenting on blogs nearly every hour. Are we sure he’s not in a relationship with Lennay Kekua?Liar loser and Luddite, that’s a lot of alliteration.
No transcripts… No proof…
Just conjecture salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
You lose! You voted for a community organizer whose economy sux, foreign policy is in a shambles, and had to lie to Americans to get the Iran nuclear deal passed.
Yes we are soooooooooooooo better off salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
With three out of four engines burning, the jack screw stripped, the landing gear stuck, losing altitude fast, and Donald Trump at the controls, Republicans like our troll Boob just discovered their parachutes have been sold.
Next up for “intellectual” Republicans? Chocolate covered Gary Johnson!
Wow, checkmate still coming back after is ASS was kicked by so many FACTS.
Luddite… Oh The Bern! Still hasn’t found the audio. Butt checkmate did admit Puddy can Google FACTS! Did you call those two firemen checkmate? Made national news, yet you live in your libtard cocoon reading libtard douche rags!
Keep screaming… Everyone laughing!
Oh checkmate,
Where did Puddy claim solar would be the death of everyone? Absolutely no where! Your debate skillz are so week you make up BULLSHITTIUM immediately sitting down to respond.
Puddy does suggest you libtards take a hit for America and volunteer to be part of the 33% of the population to give up your electrical needs! Be bold for once in your life checkmate! Why? Because you all hate coal like Heilary so step up to the plate! Show the world you have a set of cojones!
“Gotta get on HA as soon as I wake up. Gotta have some breakfast. Gotta get back on HA gotta drive to work. Gotta get back on HA and pretend to be a smart man. Gotta pretend to win an argument.”
Too damn funny. I’m taking the day off and taking down Mailbox. It’s good to be the boss.
BTW hyperbole is the Best THIng EVER!
Q) How does Mrs Puddy know when Puddy is finished?
A) When he starts asking “Where did Puddy… ?”
What was R-Money? Stanford? BYU? Harvard? Did well I’m sure.
Yes it was because of Romney’s transcripts he lost per salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
No transcripts, no proof he’s the smartest man on the planet!
Poor poor checkmate…
Still trying to provide a useful comeback. So the Oregon moron say’s “I’ll help”.
EPIC FAYLE help that is! Still can’t find that audio file! Over a month now.
Well checkmate did acknowledge Puddy has Google search skills!
That’s all checkmate has left. FACTS can’t support any of its arguments.