Democrats hold mock hearing on Judge Garland.
Samantha Bee: The victims of SuperPACs.
What is behind the G.O.P’s elephant and the Democrat’s donkey.
Stephen: Hillary Clinton goes full ’90s nostalgia.
Mark Fiore: Cheap-Labor-For-You, Inc..
The 2016 GOP Clown Show:
- Red State Update: Dunlap Publicist.
- Young Turks: Idiot Drumpf demands apology from The Onion
- Megyn Kelly kicks Donald Drumpf’s ass.
- Songify: Drumpf goes hard.:
- Jimmy Dore: “People just don’t care” about Drumpf’s lack of principles says RNC chief.
- Michael Brooks: RNC Chair Reince Priebus, “People just don’t Care’…about Drumpf’s misogyny
- David Pakman: Drumpf spokeswoman implodes on live TV in talking point coma
- Kimmel: Donald Drumpf talks about his money
- Donald Drumpf’s hair secrets revealed.
- Does Donald Drumpf speak for you?
- Sam Seder: Drumpf fat shames Chris Christie, just for fun.
- Young Turks: Drumpf to Christie…”no more Oreos.”
- Michael Brooks: “Drumpf not interested in Marla Maples” says Drumpf spokesperson “John Miller.”
- What a con-man.
- Drumpf’s pathological fear of germs.
- Chris Hayes: Drumpf’s Woman executive says, “He has to be STOPPED!”
- Slate: Meet Drumpf’s new energy adviser.
- Young Turks: Drumpf delegate produced child porn
- Thom: Drumpf’s Southern Strategy on steroids
- Seth Meyers: The Donald responds to Hillary ad
- Maddow: Donald Drumpf’s Cabinet.
- Sam Seder: Republican Sen. Bob Bennett spends his dying days apologizing to Muslims for Donald Drumpf.
- Young Turks: Drumpf releases his list of Supreme Court nominees
- David Pakman: Drumpf’s list of Supreme Court picks is an utter disaster
- Donald Drumpf paid $0 in taxes in 1981.
- Thom: The ghost of 1968 haunts our elections.
- Bill Maher: New Rule – Don’t blame Liberals for Drumpf:
- Stephen with Breaking News: Drumpf makes women uncomfortable
- Respect.
- Daily Show: Donald Drumpf set his sights on the Latino Vote
- Michael Brooks: Everything in 3—How to beat Donald Drumpf
Stephen: A man named Ralph Nader.
David Pakman: Why are the highly educated so liberal?
White House: Calling all kid scientists.
Daily Show: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomes Syrian refugees to Canada.
Mental Floss: 25 facts about the Indy 500.
Stephen explains this election to kids.
Farron Cousins with Howard Nations: Republican obstruction is decimating our justice system.
Seth Meyers with A Closer Look: Democrats divided on Hillary and Bernie.
Nightly Show: The origins of America’s lead poisoning crisis.
State Sanctioned Discrimination:
- Matthew Filipowicz: Meet North Carolina’s bathroom body guard.
- House erupts in chaos during LGBT vote.
- David Pakman: Anti-transgender extremist utterly confused by simple bathroom question
- Seth Meyers with A Closer Look: Bathrooms as battlegrounds.
- Samantha Bee: The new religious right.
VP candidate Kimmel discloses his personal finances.
Maddow: Alabama political clusterfuck. Will drag queen Ambrosia Starling rescue the state?
Stephen: Political week in review.
Sam Seder: Sorry Nutburgers…Trey Gowdy (R-GA) confirms that Hillary didn’t give a “stand-down” order over Benghazi.
White House: West Wing Week.
FAUX News anchor fights text on screen: misstating Supreme Court victory for religion.
What is the busiest airport in the world?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Very intreresting about former Senator Bob Bennett, but being a Mormon helped provide the perspective religious persecution.
Bike lanes, like college in Bernie’s world, are free.
The Real Costs of Biking to Work
@2 As they both once were, in a lot of places, and goddamn well should be now.
Back in 2005, Trump discussed with Howard Stern his plans for a racist version of his “Apprentice” reality show that would pit whites against blacks. And all the whites had to be blonde.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given what the GOP has turned into, it’s not really surprising this guy is the Republican nominee for president.
The GOP should change its name to the Racist Party USA.
@2 While you’re bashing “free stuff,” why don’t you also deride universal free public education, a 19th century progressive idea that turned America into the richest and most powerful country on earth.
@ 6
Um, I @ 2 did.
“Bike lanes, like college in Bernie’s world, are free.”
And you link to an article about a cheap bike and accessories costing $525? You could at least go through the trouble of finding something to post about 2nd Avenue and how much it costs taxpayers to give Carl his own fucking bike lane. That one might draw my sympathies.
@ 8
Actually, this is working out better than I had hoped, Steve.
I have to wonder how much it truly does cost Joe Taxpayer to give that perk to a few biking Berniebros. Is it more, or less, than giving free liberal arts degrees to kids who then won’t be able to find jobs that utilize their degree?
More, or less, than the cost of those solar panels that I didn’t need, don’t produce much energy, and will have been subsidized to zero cost to me in about two more years?
It’s what liberal Washingtonians wanted. Now they have it.
Happy Saturday to you, Steve. Get on a bike for a few while it’s drying out.
” You could at least go through the trouble of finding something to post about 2nd Avenue and how much it costs taxpayers to give Carl his own fucking bike lane.”
You have to be careful when you decide to attempt such an analysis. So that rules out journalism.
You see, a pretty significant percentage of the cost of any “dedicated” bike lane goes into planning, engineering, and construction of features designed to protect bicyclists using those dedicated lanes from… you guessed it, motorists. Those features while typically associated with budgeting for such lanes, and typically accounted for as part of the “cost of bike lanes” in most reporting, might also be regarded as belonging to the cost of the motorized right of way. It’s a fair perspective assuming you start with the premise that bicyclists have the same right to safely use the roadways as motorists, and that bicyclists aren’t responsible for motorists being relatively incautious while hurtling around in a two ton block of metal.
First DeRay McKesson doesn’t get to be Baltimore mayor, now this.
#BlackLivesMatter Leader Charles Wade Arrested for Sex Trafficking
Unlike OWS, no murders or rapes, yet. That we know of, anyway.
@ 10
The IIHS is consistently the best source of bicycle fatality statistics on the web. Their picture of a “typical” bicyclist killed on our roads would be a sober male over 16 not wearing a helmet riding on a major road between intersections in an urban area on a summer evening when hit by a car.
Oh, and this:
Nearly one fifth (23%) of the cyclists killed were drunk. (Blood alcohol over .08 g/dl)
How am I doing so far, Steve?
Am I the only one who finds some irony in the frequent media comparisons between the Democratic Party internal struggles over “populist inclusiveness” and the Republican Party internal struggles over “populist inclusiveness”?
While neoliberal establishment Democrats are conceding to make room in the tent for populist “social justice warriors”, neoliberal Republicans are conceding to make room in the tent for populist white supremacists.
is there a point related in any way to your premise that “motorists” bear a disproportionate cost associated with bike lanes? Can’t see one from here.
You’ve simultaneously established that getting drunk and going fast is stupid (duuuuuuh), and that nearly 80% of cyclists killed by motorists (assuming we can rely on your stats) were sober and otherwise only guilty of getting in the way of another incautious motorist hurtling around in a two ton cube of metal.
Maybe you’ve got an agenda you want to work out, so go for it. And if you intend to establish that bicyclist behavior is the principal reason bicycles and motor vehicles struggle to share the roadways safely, I’m anxious to see that.
@ 13
Was it popular social justice warriors in Seattle last year, yelling obscenities at those two #BLM chicks who interrupted Bernie?
Did you see Goldy’s tweet about it?
You can’t tell the players without a scorecard.
I don’t find the two struggles ironic. I find them similar. Neither side has been listening to what it doesn’t want to hear.
what part of white supremacist doctrine are you suggesting ought to be listened to?
Is that the part Paul Ryan is mulling over, or is it some other part?
@ 14
My premise? I said nothing about who bore what costs. I alleged @ 2 that there were no costs.
You’re preaching to the choir, DR. I’ve shaved my legs since 1985, which was when I did my first race. And I’ve been on the road with two skinny wheels long enough to observe that there are numerous instances in which stupidity should be painful.
We don’t put guardrails on highways to protect hillsides from drivers. We put them there to protect drivers from the hillsides they would otherwise roll down when they fuck up.
“Was it popular social justice warriors in Seattle last year, yelling obscenities at those two #BLM chicks who interrupted Bernie?”
They looked like pretty typical free trade, tough on crime,limousine liberals to me.
you know, there are some litigators who argue that the design of those guardrails is inherently unsafe for bicyclists.
Just kidding.
Actually I’m not.
Well in a way I’m a bit disappointed. I was really hoping you were going to lay some seriously mind expanding data on me about bicycle – motor vehicle collisions. Ride defensively.
@7 My mistake. I thought you were talking about college. Don’t know how I got that impression.
The U.S. has killed the Taliban leader. Score another one for Team Obama. Unlike Republicans, who stand around picking their noses and talking about it, he gets results.
@9 “Is it more, or less, than giving free liberal arts degrees to kids who then won’t be able to find jobs that utilize their degree?”
When I see a doctor write this, I can’t avoid thinking of the medical school he attended as a trade school. (Ben Carson’s performance on the campaign trail confirmed this for me.) Now read these articles:
It’s simple: Liberal arts teaches two skills employers want — how to think, and how to communicate. It’s clear that all Boob got from medical school was a vocational education.
Every now and again something works out the way it should. The theater where the Colorado shooting occurred during the screening of that Batman movie did not get held liable in the civil suit. The jury saw the suit as poppycock.
The only think that would have made this better would be for the plaintiff to have to re-imburse the theater owners for all the legal and other expenses. Loser-pay is a damn good idea.
Liberal arts degrees are really nice for communication and thinking skills. It’s important to communicate clearly with the customer and make his/her coffee correctly when one gets his or her liberal arts job as a barista at Starbucks.
@24 Obviously you don’t read many CEO biographies. By the way, how much good did GWB’s MBA do him (or the rest of us)?
Sonics fans being jerks makes national news.
Oklahoma’s Republican politicians hate Obamacare almost as much as they hate abortion. But now that their Republican austerity budget is blowing up in their faces, guess who’s panhandling for federal Obamacare dollars?
“Despite bitter resistance in Oklahoma for years to President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, Republican leaders in this conservative state are now confronting something that alarms them even more: a huge $1.3 billion hole in the budget that threatens to do widespread damage to the state’s health care system. So, in what would be the grandest about-face among rightward leaning states, Oklahoma is now moving toward a plan to expand its Medicaid program to bring in billions of federal dollars from Obama’s new health care system.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I have a suggestion for Oklahoma’s voters. Instead of reacting to these problems after they occur, it might be smarter to avoid them in the first place, by not voting for Republicans.
@27 Instead of reacting to these problems after they occur, it might be smarter to avoid them in the first place, by not voting Republican.
That would require thought and vision. It would require abandonment of a blind adherence to an ideology that consistently leads to catastrophe. Conservatives are no longer conservative in the traditional sense. They are no longer capable of pragmatism.
Bickle, or Boob, how much is it costing me for school (lower Ed and higher Ed) to build stadiums, ballfields, your traditional high school gymnasium, athletic departments and coaches? Maybe if your kids wan to play sports during gym class or after school, then that should be the parents problem. This seems to be that start of socialism to me, but you were too gullible at the time.
Why have you bought into this notion. Schools should be for math, English, Science… want your kid to well rounded with a sports education then pay for it on your own after school, same thing with Music.
The cost to build a high school or lower Ed gymnasium, pool, or auditorium is quite a bit of wasted money in my opinion with little to no benefit or return, unlike some riding to work and being greener.
One can argue any point. The question is what is the benefit or savings in the long term.
Also take Gym or recess out of the school day, and cut the school day shorter and save money by lowering operating costs to educate by having a shorter school day, say 4 or 6 hours instead of 8.
Free stuff, like having your 7 year old be coached by a perverted coach – that’s the free stuff Boob likes. Taxes too Dam High!
@11 shut down Frats. Not a lot of raping going around there, is there?
Boob’s excuse for taxes being too high – “I’m a rich greedy cheapskate that wants to be left alone or only bothered when it’s for me”.
Boob likes freedom to have guns so people can kill themselves and each other (called crimes), but then a BLM or OWS individual commits a crime and he gets all snarky stupid.
Oh and your Presidential candidate cans be a scum bag and a thief, but to Boob that is being a good business person or good negotiator.
People are against doctor assisted suicide but no problem just get a gun and the NRA is happy for you to just kill yourself – keep the middle man out of it.
Doesn’t sound like capitalism to me.
People drive cars drunk and kill themselves and others but buckle doesn’t call out that fact to speak about building a road for a car. And some people use the roads to break the law and speed and recklessly cause accidents but no call for Boob to stop building roads.
Truck companies don’t keep up maintenance because ther are greedy and cheap like boob but boob doesn’t say let’s not build roads. Ohhhh boob likes roads because he doesn’t like getting his fat ass to ride a bike and God wasn’t smart enough to give him wings.
Speaking of wings, planes crash because pilots are drunk or they just crash. So boob how about we stop making and flying planes.
How am I doing Steve?
Oh and air bags might save lives and seat belts too but fuck those things, Boob doesn’t like those thing…..but chastise the drunk bicyclist for causing a statistic that boob likes.
How am I doing Steve?
@2, 6, and 7. I didn’t know that colleges weren’t free. I think some of my tax dollars are going towards colleges, private and public, in many forms.
its not free if you are taxed for it, why does Boob like to use the word Free?
Soon Boob will be drinking my piss. Free, of course.
I think sometimes an intellectual (or is that an eletist who doesn’t want to be one because it is mostly hijacked by Repukes for the liberals) or one that thinks they are, like Boob, thinks that saying something smart is better than something more meaningful than a less educated person.
Like his condemnation of “do you want fries with that”. Ohhh the value of life – Whether you are a radiologist or a McDonald’s cashier.
@23 too bad GWB didn’t feel that way when he gave out billions to 9/11 survivors. To bailout the airline industry from lawsuits.
I was against it then and would agree, unless the theater did something maliciously wrong that they weren’t liable. But even still it is a fine line between being liable and not in this case.
But I wonder if it were one of your family members killed in the theater or on 9/11, if you would feel differently.
@25. Funny, I was just thinking that the other day. Not a damn bit.
I guess this is proof of valuing someone smartness or pragmatism on whether the received any education or an MBA (Masters of Bullshit Artists or Masters of Big Asses).
@28 or an MBA would be required.
Obviously Boob or PI didn’t watch the Bill Maher clip. Must be working on or brushing the dust off their MBA.
@40 “Whether you are a radiologist or a McDonald’s cashier.”
I don’t see any difference, based on my experiences here.
The Drunkest Cities In America
Pretty much all read States or in areas not if major cities (you know – where all the liberals Democrats hang out).
At what cost to the tax payers?
@41 A person or entity is not liable for injury suffered by another party unless s/he breached a duty of care owed to that party. This is normally an issue of whether the defendant committed ordinary negligence, although liability also attaches to intentionally tortious conduct. For example, the theater shooter’s actions were intentional and tortious. As for the theater, the question is what duty of care it owed to patrons. Provide emergency exits? Probably yes. Provide security guards? Depends on the situation, but probably no. If the shooting couldn’t have been reasonably foreseen, the theater wasn’t required to anticipate and prepare for it. The jury concluded the theater’s duty of care didn’t extend to expecting a crazed gunman to shoot up the audience.
Bitch will be drinking my piss (and more). Soon too for free, but I’ll bet she’ll have a smile on her face doing and saying it.
Kim Davis: Gay Couples Tried To ‘Make Me Eat’ SCOTUS Ruling For Dinner
Thanks for explaining further.
Wasn’t bailing out the airline industry, by GWB, to avoid litigation a waste of money then in you opinion or do you believe the airlines industry was negligent in providing for thier safety on that day? And if so, just for the people on the planes or for even the people in the buildings.
And I know this can be looked as compensation to citizens as an act of war, but let’s call it what it was – a bailout to the airline industry that few Americans wee against, I guess to be politically correct.
There are a few incremental ways that the tort laws could be reformed. But “loser pays” is definitely not one of them.
Most of the tort reform horror stories are either gross distortions or outright lies. And it’s well worth remembering that on the all too frequent occasions that undeserving parties are granted limited favorable financial judgement it is the insurance companies that drive settlement. They deem it more efficient to hand limited sums of premium dollars over to nuisance litigators rather than pay for a defense verdict at trial. That calculus nurtures the cottage industry of “frivolous” lawsuits.
Hey, speaking @ 50 of limited sums of premium dollars:
This year, Sanders has averaged more than $40 million in spending per month, underlining how quickly he could blow through the cash he had on hand at the beginning of May.
Since he started his presidential bid, Sanders has spent nearly $207 million, about $25 million more than Clinton’s $182 million in expenditures. For her part, Clinton has averaged $26 million in spending per month since January.–election.html
I can see why Democrats bemoan the influence of money in elections. Look how much they won’t have available by the time the general rolls around.
A Massachusetts cop has been killed during a traffic stop. I don’t understand the mentality of cop killers. They all get caught and receive society’s harshest penalties. Whatever they’re running from, killing a cop can only make their situation worse. They’re probably impulsive people who don’t think about consequences. This incident also reminds us of how thin the veneer of civilization is. Despite our gleaming cities and stunning technology, you stupid humans live only one short hop away from the jungle. RIP, Officer. We mourn you.
What if they build a city in the desert and no water comes?
I didn’t know Don Benton was Drumpf’s state campaign manager in Washington, but I know he isn’t going to Cleveland. At the GOP’s state convention in Pasco yesterday, Ted Crud nabbed 40 of Washington’s 41 delegates, even though he dropped out of the race several weeks ago. It’s going to be lonely in Washington’s Drump delegation at Cleveland.
All winter and spring GOP poobahs, electeds, and leaders decried the misogynist racist the Republican masses elevated to standard bearer of their party. Now watch all these moral cowards go silent and fall into line behind him.
“NBA owner and billionaire investor Mark Cuban said he’s open to a conversation about running for Vice President in 2016 with either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.”
Now read what some of history’s great wise men said about people like him:
Also, what makes this arrogant fuck think anyone wants him?
@53- I tell you, my piss isn’t that bad, filtered or unfiltered.
Trump flip-flops on guns in schools.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You can’t trust anything this guy says, because it could change tomorrow. If you vote for him, you don’t know what the hell you’re getting.
@57 Can you fill Lake Mead?
Interesting aspect of the Australian electoral system. After opposition and crossbench Senators rejected an attempt to reform Labor laws, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a double dissolution election. All members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are up for election. Which since the Senate is elected using a form of proportional representation, means the electoral threshold goes down. It is helping the Green Party, which on primary vote alone, was not going to get too many more seats had it been a normal election. Now they are in position to hold the balance of power. So much, the Center-left Labor party and Center-Right Liberal/National Coalition are accusing each other of cooperating with the Greens. Will be interesting to see how the preference deals go, usually the major parties put their arch rivals last.
Besides compulsory voting, voters are also required to rank all House candidates in their districts, in order of preference, which lead to these deals. There has been one attempt at voter suppression, mainly reducing the enrollment periods following the election call, to the close of business on that day, during Liberal PM John Howard’s tenure, but it is back up to 2 weeks.
Two sisters attend the U-Dub. They are identical twins. One majors in theater and the performing arts and the other majors in electrical and computer engineering. Four years later, they both graduate with bachelors degrees. Both also have $80,000 each in student loan debt to repay.
Which sister has the higher likelihood of paying off her student loan debt of $80,000 before age 30?
Loser pay: Allow the judges discretion in how to apply it. If there is a good faith lawsuit, not just a money grab, then the losing side may get a pass on saying the other side’s costs.
Isn’t it great the courts are sick and tired of Obummer’s immigration lies and misrepresentations!
Just like all those misrepresentations from R senile on this blog all these years!
Meanwhile Andrea Mitchell is definitely in the Heilary tank. Suprisingly for once Vox disagrees with her.
Fox News, WA Post, and now ABC News
How Facebook characterizes pro-life people… They are anti-abortion of course…
Political bias… B U S T E D! . This has nothing to do with a man-made programming algorithm. This was a deliberate libtard act.
@61 The question can’t be answered from the information provided.
One think is clear, though: The poster of the comment @61 is a fucking idiot whose analytical ability doesn’t go beyond labeling, stereotyping, and reading bumper sticker slogans.
@63 “… the courts are sick and tired of …”
Well, that part of “the courts” appointed by George W. Bush, anyway.
@64 I guess it boils down to whether or not you believe Juanita Broddrick. In this connection, it should be noted that Broddrick’s lawsuit against Bill Clinton was dismissed. But Puddy, being the credulous fool he is, will believe anything that supports his partisan agenda, whether or not there’s any evidence for it — the truth has nothing to do with it.
The answer is the twin that got the degree in electrical and computer engineering will have a job with the cash flow to pay off her student loan debt, probably before she’s 30. The other twin will have difficulty turning her degree in theater and the performing arts into a position that can generate the cash flow to pay off the $80,000 before she turns 30.
But that’s OK. Bernie will forgive the $80,000 for the twin that can’t repay the loan. Just like when the young women were playing soccer – everybody got a trophy at the end of the soccer season because they participated in the game. There were no champions, just kids with meaningless trophies for showing up at the games.
BTW, I’ve never seen a bumper sticker concerning this topic. Maybe that’s where you get your ideology, but it’s not mine.
Speaking of CEOs, Jack Welch has a BS in chemical engineering from U.Mass – Amherst, and a MS and Ph.D. in the same subject from the University of Illinois. He was the CEO for GE from 1981 to 2001.
@70 Is this the “twin” you’re talking about?
“In less than two years Slack Technologies has become one of the most glistening of tech’s ten-digit ‘unicorn’ startups, boasting 1.1 million users and a private market valuation of $2.8 billion. If you’ve used Slack’s team-based messaging software, you know that one of its catchiest innovations is Slackbot, a helpful little avatar that pops up periodically to provide tips so jaunty that it seems human. Such creativity can’t be programmed. Instead, much of it is minted by one of Slack’s 180 employees, Anna Pickard, the 38-year-old editorial director. She earned a theater degree from Britain’s Manchester Metropolitan University before discovering that she hated the constant snubs of auditions that didn’t work out. After winning acclaim for her blogging, videogame writing and cat impersonations, she found her way into tech, where she cooks up zany replies to users who type in ‘I love you, Slackbot.’ It’s her mission, Pickard explains, ‘to provide users with extra bits of surprise and delight.’ The pay is good; the stock options, even better.”
Executive Summary: You’re full of shit.
R senile @68,
And that sticks in your craw…!
R senile @69,
Seems VOX doesn’t reject it!
And we all know about the leftists at WikiPedia R senile!
And that sticks in your craw…!
And then there are the liberal arts grads who don’t become a Starbucks CEO or graduate from theater classes to a hot Silicon Valley startup, but spend their lives studying history, literature, art, music, and teaching these subjects to others. How intellectually and culturally impoverished would our society be without them? if we had only engineers, MBAs, and computer programmers? You’re not only dumber than shit, you’re a shithead, too.
@73 No, it doesn’t. I’m fine with Republicans winning some elections and appointing some judges. I don’t want to live under a one-party system, and I don’t want our judiciary reflecting only one line of thought. It would be nice, though, if we could get some Republicans who aren’t batshit insane cokehead felons who molest children and steal everything that isn’t nailed down. Oh and thanks for the squirt of squid ink; my supply was getting low.
Hey politically incorrect,
Seems you struck a real nerve with R senile over your twins comment! Did a senile spawn come home and leach off the dumb wabbit for a while?
China being a bully.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: China is arming for a war against the United States, which they see as inevitable. Most Americans don’t understand this. We need to increase our defense spending so we have the weaponry and force levels needed to deter, and if necessary fight, Chinese aggression. China is spending huge sums to upgrade their military and build sophisticated weapons capable of sinking our aircraft carriers, hitting our forward bases, attacking our most advanced aircraft, and destroying the satellites we rely on for navigation, communications, and targeting our weapons. See link below.
We can’t afford to be complacent. This is what President Obama’s “pivot” to Asia is all about.
@77 Yawn. Stretch. Scratch.
Republicans hold only 1 statewide office, but it’s an important one — secretary of state, which oversees elections — so we’re going to take it from them. Our candidate is Tina Podlodowski, an early Microsoftie who left the company with $40 million to call her own, then won a seat on the Seattle City Council. She’s recently gotten back into politics by working for Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, and she’s outfundraising her Republican opponent by 2-to-1. At a minimum, she’ll give the Republican incumbent a run for her money.
If Obummer had a cohesive foreign policy back in 2009, this pivot wouldn’t have been necessary. When you are weak and feckless you are a doormat. Obummer has been a foreign policy doormat to communists since he took power in 2009!
Republicans hold only 1 statewide office…
And we see what that has done to Seattle, being a single party town. Some really strange decisions lately!