Conan and Zach Galifianakis talk about shushing the president.
Will humans be obsolete after the new industrial revolution?
Seth Meyers: Late Night Demopublican presidential debate:
Stephen gets a straight answer from Donald Rumsfeld.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about animals.
The microbes of New York.
Trever Noah: Getting personal at the CNN Democratic Town Hall.
Honest political ads: Puppets.
The 2016 Lunatic Asylum Squad:
- Young Turks: The Debate’s biggest loser.
- Young Turks: Worst line of the debate.
- Young Turks: Worst fail of the debate.
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Even without Trump, GOP debate manages to sink even lower
- Francesca Fiorentini: Has the GOP always been this off the rails?
- Michael Brooks: Creepy Ted Cruz video from his high school days.
- Young Ted Cruz outtakes.
- David Pakman: CBS hosts laughs in Ted Cruz’s lying face.
- Michael Brooks: Trump thinks the Ted Cruz Canadian thing is very serious.
- Sam Seder: Bizarre Video of Oregon militia sumo guy to Chris Christie
- Young Turks: Sumo militia person threatens Chris Christie.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie yells at woman, basically calls her a liar.
- Young Turks: Carly Fiorina sold baby parts.
- Daily Show: Ted or Donald…who is marginally less awful?
- Stephen: GOP edition of “Would You Rather”
- Maddow: Donald Trump vet stunts hurt real veteran outreach
- Seth Meyers with A couple of things: Trump and FAUX.
- Sam Seder: Was Trump justified in skipping the debate?
- Trevor Noah: Kelly v. Trump.
- Young Turks: Trump fans viciously swarm Megyn Kelly.
- Harry Reid is “pulling for” Donald Trump. (I guess that’s better than pulling for Santorum….)
- Inside the mind of a Donald Trump speech writer.
- Stephen moderates an all Trump debate.
- Farron Cousins: Is the GOP really this dumb?
Maddow: Who is to blame for Flint’s water problem?
A different kind of rape control.
Seth Meyers polls some Iowans.
Stephen holds a town hall meeting.
Matthew Filipowicz: Military games in Washington state Part I.
Matthew Filipowicz: Military games in Washington state Part II.
Young Turks: Will Obama become a Supreme Court Justice.
Planned Parenthood Surprise:
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the Planned Parenthood indictments.
- Young Turks: Planned Parenthood cleared, two indicted over doctored tapes.
- David Pakman: Carly Fiorina loses it after “baby parts” filmmakers indicted
Stephen: Bernie Sanders promposals.
Farron Cousins: Is Sarah Palin the worst parent EVER???
Stupidest laws in the United States.
White House: West Wing Week.
Mental Floss: Life hacks tested and debunked.
Malicious Militia:
- Young Turks: Militia member killed by police.
- David Pakman: Unhinged militia lunatic promises bloodbath.
- Arrests and one dead in Oregon standoff.
- Young Turks: What is the right punishment for Oregon militia?
- David Pakman: Oregon militant went for gun twice before being shot.
- Young Turks: Oregon shootout leaves one dead, militia threatens “bloodbath”
Stephen: A Simon & Garfunkel tune for every candidate.
Florida politicians sell out sick babies.
Why does Iowa get to pick first?
Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Obama finally fights back against Republican obstruction.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So Trump was afraid of Megyn Kelly? I thought FOX News was the GOP?
Uber, Uber, Uber, I got Uber on my mind.
‘I nearly passed out’: A $640 Uber ride for a 30-mile trip to the airport
Uber is the model of what people want , cheap when they don’t need it, gouging expensive when they do need it.
@1 Fox isn’t Republican enough to satisfy the teabaggers.
@2 She can deduct it as a business expense.
I don’t get cable TV. I don’t watch television as I get no channels at all here. I use my TV machine to watch DVDs and tapes on. But I watched a little of the “debate” (really, just a pissing contest between microcephaletics, but what do I care) on YouTube and it’s pretty obvious that the purported candidates all seem to be scraping the barrel at this point with regard to their carefully memorized set of platitudes. They’re all parroting each other while each is also trying to expand on the various concepts they promote. They’re just trying to out-derp each other.
How anyone can take anything these people claim to sincerely believe, with any real seriousness is beyond me.
@ 3
Uber is the model of what people want , cheap when they don’t need it, gouging expensive when they do need it.
So, like lane fees and bridge tolls.
Goldy @GoldyHA
In fact, the authors suggest that it’s in the interests of restaurant owners to support modest min wage hikes.
In fact, following your link to the Cornell piece enables one to find this:
They caution that their conclusions apply only to the mostly modest minimum wage increases implemented between 1995 and 2014. Much larger increases, like the $15 minimum wage recently enacted in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle and contemplated elsewhere (including New York), may have more substantial negative effects on the industry.
Apparently there may be a significant difference between “modest” and what’s happened in Seattle.
@7.false equivalency, as usual from you. The Tacoma narrows toll does not change 5x more when you desperately need it.
The key word was “may”, not “does”. The positives of a living wage is like proof of climate change for them! Inequity conservatives will always find a may or might or could to cling to.
@ 9
The Tacoma narrows toll does not change 5x more when you desperately need it.
The 520 bridge doesn’t charge at all when there’s little demand – toll is zero between 11p and 5a. So one could say that the 520 bridge toll is infinitely higher when there is significant demand.
People aren’t forced to use Uber. One may always wait for a taxi, or leave later, or not leave at all.
If I had a gun I think I would shot the author of this article, and any author of any Zika related article.
Zika Virus Is At Least 50 Years Old: Why You’re Hearing About It Now
I have yet heard anyone say how the virus spreads. Is it solely by mosquito? Or can person to person spread? Who does it fucking spread? Sweat? Mucus? Seman? Blood? Air?
Not one fucking article after days and weeks hearing about has said how it spreads. Just that fucking pregnant woman who are infected give birth to babies with brain damage.
I know it is labeled as a virus, so I would assume it can be spread from Hunan to human. And I think I read one article once that said that they weren’t sure but thought that it could be sexually transmitted.
But I don’t want to read another one of these stupid fucking stories that doesn’t explain anything but just say – virus, mosquito, pregnant, birth defects.
Ok, I get it but….. How does it spread? Are the fucking mosquitos migrating to the Americas?
I think I can assume the answers or assume they don’t have any clue, or they are just fucking stupid reporters.
@7 Lane fees and bridge tolls are just one more way to abuse the working class. The thing to do is be a capitalist so you don’t have to commute. No job, no tolls, no alarm clocks. Just cash dividend checks.
Bad news for Bickle: Even $15/hr. isn’t enough to pay Seattle rents, so local workers will need more increases.
A conservative is someone who wants to pay workers $5/hr., and then after no one applies for the job, complains the unemployed are lazy and don’t want to work.
3)One of the reasons I stay with Yellow Cab. Although the latest app upgrade has had a few snags. A driver not used to the app’s pay feature accidentally charged me twice. It’s been resolved.
3)One of the reasons I stay with Yellow Cab. Although the latest app upgrade has had a few snags. A driver not used to the app’s pay feature accidentally charged me twice. It’s been resolved.
Oops, accidentally posted twice.
Nothing on Bernie calling out Heilary’s henchman?
Nothing on Heilary’s campaign trying to make out she’s talking to large crowds
Speaking of high rents, this is P R I C E L E S S!
Nothing on SAG only being white privilege?
Why is this blog based white privilege? Why not ask
– rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears – to cover the racist and bigoted DUMMOCRETIN black view
– monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch for the DUMMOCRETIN his panic view?
Why is this missing from the Friday Night Comix?
checkmate’s head exploded!
Looks like Marco Rubio outsmarted himself by getting too full of himself:
“Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, said Sunday that the Republican establishment ‘thought I needed to wait my turn or wait in line’ to run for president, but he thought the situation in 2016 was too urgent to delay. ‘I just felt that after seven years of Barack Obama, this was no time for patience. It was a time for action. And so I ran,’ he said in an interview on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation’ Sunday. Rubio said his determination to run this cycle explains why his rivals, including fellow Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush – who was his political mentor – have spent millions of dollars attacking him.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yup, uh-huh, so here we have a young, wet behind the ears, single-term junior senator who can’t manage his personal checkbook and whose senate record consists of not showing up for work deciding the country can’t wait for him to be president, and the only things his impatience accomplished are (1) making himself look like an immature jerk, and (2) damaging his brand, possibly fatally, by attracting intense media and public scrutiny before he was ready to be scrutinized. Senator, I have news for you, you’re no JFK and you’re not gonna be president either now or in the future.
If Rubio becomes the GOP nominee, and it’s still possible (although increasingly unlikely) he might, Hillary will take him apart in the debates. It’ll be like a fresh-out-of-law-school kid going up against a highly capable veteran lawyer in a courtroom. I wouldn’t want to be the kid in that scenario. The dummy should’ve waited for his turn.
Ted Crud must be scared ahead of the Iowa caucuses, because his campaign is resorting to scare tactics, which have drawn the ire of Iowa’s Republican elections boss:
“Iowa’s secretary of state on Saturday blasted Ted Cruz’s campaign over a controversial mailer that aims to drive voters to the polls for Monday’s caucuses ….
“The mailer gave the recipient, along with their neighbors, poor grades based on their individual voting history. On one side, the mailer reads: ‘ELECTION ALERT: VOTER VIOLATION,’ ‘PUBLIC RECORD’ and ‘FURTHER ACTION NEEDED.’ The other side of the mailer says ‘VOTING VIOLATION’ in red letters at the top before text that reads: ‘You are receiving this election notice because of low expected voter turnout in your area. Your individual voting history as well as your neighbors’ are public record. Their scores are published below, and many of them will see your score as well. CAUCUS ON MONDAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SCORE and please encourage your neighbors to caucus as well. A follow-up notice may be issued following Monday’s caucuses.’ Cruz campaign spokeswoman Alice Stewart confirmed to CNN that the mailer was from the Cruz campaign.”
This is just sooooo Republican. You can spot this piece of work as a GOP campaign mailer from a mile away. And then we have GOP senator, former presidential candidate, and senior statesman John McCain calling Ted Crud a liar:
“Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Saturday urged Republicans to do something that he claimed had never been done before: nominate a Republican who supported Ronald Reagan for president in the 1980 primaries. … Is it really true that all of the other Republican nominees since Reagan’s reelection contest in 1984 were not only Johnny-come-latelys to the Reagan Revolution, but opposed Reagan in those primaries? ‘It’s an outright lie,’ Arizona Sen. John McCain told CNN in a phone interview ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More popcorn! Man, I love to watch Republicans eat each other! Republicans are the most cannibalistic species on earth. They’ll devour a fellow Republican faster than a river full of piranhas can strip a water buffalo carcass. Fun! Fun! Fun!
R senile @24,
Yes that reminds Puddy of some unvetted junior senator from Illinois who voted present numerous times with no managerial experience and didn’t offer any worthwhile legislation before running for preznit. Now we see what has happened to America since then.
Enemies laugh at us
Friends question us
Economy sux for us
Jobs are lost from us
Maybe he wasn’t dark enough?
Per Obummer, coming to America soon. Not covered in the Friday Night Comix!
Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRETINS go at it.
– Two Missouri Democrats got into a brawl outside a Jefferson City restaurant last week, because one of them was upset about the other’s support for a right-to-work bill limiting union powers.
Remember when Bernie Sanders was sick and tired of hearing about those “damn emails”? Now That is, I think, a very serious issue”.
Apparently super secret emails changed his mind!
Sanders also would not address reports that the Clinton campaign is training its caucus leaders to potentially throw some support behind long-shot candidate former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley in order to blunt potential Sanders gains as a means of exploiting the complicated Iowa caucus rules.
Gotta love it when socialism strikes back! Like The Empire!
And of course DUMMOCRETIN debate chaos! Gotta love it.
@27 Yep, and that junior senator went on to become a two-term president who saved the American people from another Great Depression, brought their sons home from two wars that Republicans started and couldn’t finish, and passed the first significant healthcare legislation in 50 years. I should’ve added that Rubio is no Barack Obama, either. The parallels are between them are only superficial in the most meaningless way. Your problem is that your party doesn’t have a Barack Obama. Really sux to be you.
@28 From your link:
“Soltani was on the team that won a Pulitzer Prize at The Washington Post for investigating surveillance initiatives of the National Security Agency. … Many on Twitter speculated that his work about Snowden’s leaks might have predisposed the security staff to distrust him.”
Nice try at trying to smear the Obama administration with a totally unfounded racism dig, but THAT’s why he was denied a security clearance. This is okay with me. I don’t like to see journalists moving back and forth between media and government employment. They should choose one or the other. You not only can’t be a journalist and government flunky at the same time, it doesn’t work in tandem, either.
Yes, Iran snubs the Obummer nose again…
@30 That’s nothing compared to National Guard troops and private security guards working for employers machine gunning strikers and their wives and children.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In the aftermath of the Ludlow Massacre, investigations (which upheld the strikers’ version of what happened) and congressional hearings ultimately led to child labor laws and the 8-hour work day. Conservatives have spent the 100 years since that massacre (one of many against people who fought for labor rights) trying to repeal or water down those laws, and they’re still trying. In other words, the mechanical windup troll pals around with the scum of the earth.
So now we learned Obummer knew of Heilary’s private email server because Obummer emaild Heilary 18 times.
And Obummer claimed he only learned of it through the libtard lamestream press!
@ 31
Apparently super secret emails changed his mind!
Doubtful. He’s known the Clintons long enough to have understood months ago that they’re lying liars and that the data on their server was going to be bad.
Scent of victory might have changed his mind. Hillary agreeing to all those extra debates isn’t something she’d be doing if she knew she’ll squash Sanders come SC.
This is okay with me.
He was a DUMMOCRETIN loving journolist R senile! What you claim is speculation too!
NYT’s Peter Baker on CNN’s Inside Politics this morning:
“Her problem at this point is NOT the Republicans. Her problem is the FBI and the Obama Justice Department. And what Democrats are quietly, absolutely petrified about is that come summer, … you find an indictment of people around her, of her, or a request for a special prosecutor — SOMETHING that just basically turns this into a complete DISASTER for the Democrats in which it’s too late to change horses.”
I can wait.
How come during Heilary’s entire 2009-2013 term as Secretary of State there was no Inspector General on staff? Obummer had to assign one for this email fiasco! Let’s review the PuddyLink again…
The State Department is lying for Heilary! It’s so clear Heilary did not want to be subject to internal State Department investigations so don’t give me a email account! This woman knew what she was doing. Rules don’t apply to Heilary! Heilary was never ever given a e-mail address. This was proven in the 2011 email trail with Huma rejecting the state BlackBerry!
For the ingorant DUMMOCRETINS like checkmate, SIPRNet maintains the identity of all users and their log-on and log-off times, among other activities. Like documents visited checkmate. Hence this totally eliminates Heilary’s continually false premise that she got nothing marked classified since either she, Huma, Cheryl or Jacob were the classified information acquisition culprits!
Get out the popcorn Martha, because this is getting curiouser and curiouser! The lamestream libtard Heilary Super PAC knows this and is still covering for Heilary!
There are four DUMMOCRETIN wimens who have the power over Heilary
Leslie Caldwell – Assistant Attorney General
Sally Yates – Deputy Attorney General
Loretta Lynch – Attorney General
Valerie Jarrett – Consigliere to Obummer
We will see if these wimens vote with their vaginas!
PuddyCommentariat: Maybe that’s why checkmate is so cocksure of itself. checkmate knows it will be voting with its vagina too!
@39 “What you claim is speculation too!”
Even if it is, and I’m not conceding the point, that’s still worlds superior to the packs of lies you post daily in your ceaseless rants.
Speaking of lies, oops. Egg. On. Face.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In this case, the anti-immigrant rightwing liars are Germans and Russians, but fascists don’t recognize boundaries and are pretty much the same everywhere.
worlds superior?
Well R senile, you post out of this world BULLSHITTIUM every day!
@45 Sez HA’s chief bullshitter …
So the death of Alexandra Mezher, at a Swedish immigrant center last week was trumped up too by anti-immigrant right-wing liars R senile?
Egg on the illegal immigrants?
@47 Changing the subject, eh? A/k/a squid ink.
Seems this libtard moron professor getting off with a slap on the wrist…
And here is the libtard fools response to her getting off easy…
Changing the subject R senile? The girl lied. It was documented she lied. The C BS story made it out all illegal immigrant issues are false. Why didn’t C BS reference the Cologne sexual assault arrests in those sexual assaults R senile? They started arresting illegal immigrants 13 days ago R senile
Puddy has a very good friend for over 25 years who lives in Titz Germany with his family. It’s a little over 50 KM from Titz to Cologne. The illegal immigrant sexual attacks were real R senile! Same immigrant groups sexually assaulted those German girls and killed the Swedish immigrant worker! You didn’t even know about the dead Swedish immigrant worker R senile. It wasn’t on those left wrong sites you love to peruse! Sux to be you R senile!
No, you post out of this world BULLSHITTIUM every day! You scour the nets to find something that fits! Cuyahoga County and Stafford County still ring a bell R senile!
What’s goin’ on with that kook-a-nut Karson?
Not lookin’ too good eh?
Must be all that “white privilege” in that miserable stinkin party. All those klownservatics who go to church on Sunday. Heh. Guess they’re all goin’ to hell!
This silly season gonna be fun!
@49 20 hours of community service seems proportionately appropriate for a verbal assault not resulting in physical violence, and she could still lose her job.
@50 “Changing the subject R senile? The girl lied.”
What does your post @47 have to do with the girl who lied? Your post @47 says nothing about her. It talks about a Swedish girl who was murdered. Different girl = different subject.
@51 And here he thought they would vote for a black guy just because he thumps their Bibul while never realizing he had to dye his skin white to have a snowball’s chance. This is, after all, the party of the Confederacy.
It would be fun to watch Piddles run for a public office as a Republican and see how many votes he gets from the racist party before which he so fervently prostrates himself.
Your story discussed “Arab” men on line #7 R senile. Europe’s right wing has been attacking all European countries for their open borders. “Arab” men are thought to have killed the Swedish immigrant woman worker just like those who did the Cologne sex assaults! C BS is claiming this is all hysteria from right wing people which of course you chose to highlight without knowing all the sex assault arrests happening whom happen to be “Arab” men R senile!
Apparently connecting the dots is something senility has robbed you of!
Sux to be you!
The whack job nutcase Mizzou professor took a swing at the reporter person and then called in muscle to have them forcibly removed. Of course R senile condones anyone being removed because they don’t agree with R senile. That’s the DUMMOCRETIN way! Of course the R senile one would excuse that behavior!
That’s why you are R senile!
It would be fun to watch Piddles run for a public office as a Republican and
R senile is such a nutcase. Immediately these came to mind.
Tim Scott
JC Watts
Allen West
Gary Franks
Ludmya Bourdeau “Mia” Love
Will Hurd
Then Puddy remembered Edward Brooke.
Yes those white peeps eh R senile?
DAYUM U B stoooooooooooooopid and and R senile!
@56 My story is about a girl who lied about being attacked and rightwingers who tried to score propaganda points against immigrants by exploiting a story that wasn’t true.
What’s your story about?
blah blah blah You forget R senile this sentence… “which happened to be right as the hysteria over a series of hundreds of sexual assaults in Cologne on New Years Eve by “Arab” men had reached its peak.”
The Swedish woman was attacked and killed R senile by “Arab” men!
Dot connecting is lost in the R senile mind!
HA’s clueless crazed database cretin farted about white privilege. Seems all three DUMMOCRETIN candidates are recipients of white privilege.
Brain Surgeon Dr Ben Carson
Senator Ted Cruz
Senator Marco Rubio
are white privilege recipients?
Libtards at UConn going back to segregation. Seems all their other libtard ideas have failed college black men graduation rates so lets go back to that tried and true DUMMOCRETIN concept!
What will DUMMOCRETINS come up with next!
@60 Different story. It seems Piddles doesn’t know what “different” means. Should we buy him a dictionary?
@57 “Of course R senile condones anyone being removed because they don’t agree with R senile.”
Really? When did I become a Republican? I’ve never heard of a Democrat doing that, but lots of Republicans do it. See, e.g. …
Sure looks like the GOP nominee will be either Trump or Cruz.
Sadly R senile @64 continues to exhibit senility. Why do these facts continue to elude the sad wabbit?
HAHAHAHAHA! And who’s on top in Iowa?
A white Trumphole!
Real Clear Politics says 30.4 for the Trumphole vs 24.2 for Kruz, 15.2 for Rubio and a whopping 8.8 for Karson.
While we just had the first of three rail lines or extensions open this year, other cities that will be doing the same this year, are Los Angeles, and Denver.
In Denver, it will be up to 4 New rail transit lines, including electrified commuter rail, and the reopening of the suburb to suburb line, but expanded. Looks like Denver is on to something, building a very extensive and effective network.
Heilary Clinton
Bernie Socialist
Martin Who?
The Republicans have minorities in the race moron! There are no minorities in the DUMMOCRETIN race. In fact there are very few minorities in all their campaigns!
Sux to be clueless as evah!
@66 So now you’re a LaRouche supporter? Now that your SDA candidate is sinking like a rock without a life jacket? Figures.
@69 True, but you have the option of supporting our incumbent two-term POTUS, who still has another year left in his term of office.
@69 Hummm America voted for the biracial Democrat to be president twice. How much support did the republicans give the token black republican candidates in the last cycles? Cane? Carson?
Wrong party and politics suck!
Libtard msm went digging up dirt on Herman Cain. Cain lost support. Of course worser forgot that. 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!
Ben Carson ran in the previous cycle worser? Really?
@74 “Libtard msm went digging up dirt on Herman Cain.”
That wouldn’t be a problem if there was no dirt to dig up.
@75 Thanks. I thought it was pretty funny, too. We finally agree on something.