Young Turks: Prosecutor throws case in Tamir Rice case.
Obama: What is really important in life.
Jesus was a refugee points out the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Young Turks: NSA caught spying on Congress, Israel, everyone.
The 2016 Festival of KKKrazy:
- Ben Carson’s top campaign staffers resign.
- Trevor does Ben
- David Pakman: Trump spokeswoman appears on CNN wearing bullet necklace.
- Young Turks: Trump spokesperson wears a bullet necklace.
- Hitler hates Donald Trump.:
- Thom: Should we blame Trump for the Christmas Mosque burning?
- David Pakman: Trump’s massive FLIP-FLOP on wages after Sanders destroys him.
- Young Turks: Donald Trump is the Twitter Troll-in-Chief.
- David Pakman: Unhinged Ted Cruz supporters rival trump supporters in insanity.
Michael Brooks: Black Panther Obama?.
Thom: The big lie on the war against drugs.
Young Turks: The surprising story of the bearded woman.
Office Space: Dave Reichert’s Washington Precinct.
Watch 25 years of arctic ice disappear in one minute.
Obama: Making America safer for our children:
Young Turks: Open carry laws are not for Black people.
2015 Leftovers:
- Congressional hits and misses: Best of 2015.
- Mark Fiore: The year in one breath.
- PsychoSuperMom: 2015 musical year in review.
- David Pakman: How many people overdosed on pot in 2016?
- Chris Hayes and friends: The power of Black Lives Matter in 2015
- Jonathan Mann: New Years eve 2015
- Liberal Viewer: Scariest political clip of 2015.
- Young Turks: 2015 Turk Of The Year.
- Why are there so many calendars?
- Jimmy Dore: Ron Paul’s holiday wish.:
- Strange New Year celebrations from around the world.
- David Pakman: funniest foreign policy statement of 2015.
Thom: Should Gov. Rick Snyder (R-MI) be in jail for child abuse?
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: Surprising new poll on abortion.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Yay for the millionaire who hired a plane to tow a banner over the Rose Bowl saying “Trump is digusting!”
Well Said by the Archbishop of Canterbury, are their any politicians who are Anglicans here opposing taking in refugees?
When I was catching the train home from Portland Thursday night, saw something odd in the taxi queue at Union Station. A Tesla operating as a taxi! Thought I would see a Volt operating as a taxi, but not a Tesla.
It’s unfortunate that Boob is no longer with us, I hope someone gave him a good and respectfully eulogy. And hopefully now his wife finds the freedom a dignity to run with the wind.
But due to his passing we now will never know how he felt about this.
Uber angers New Year’s Eve revelers with surge pricing
But I’m sure he would be ok with it – it’s American Capitalism, that has made this Country the greatest nation in the universe.
But just imagine in other times of shortages, like a day before a big snowstorm or a disaster such as a tornado or hurricane or earthquake, or when this Country went through a gas shortage in the 70’s. It would be fun and mortally appropriate to gauge the American public of things like be a water bottle, or snow melt salt and shovels, or generators, or gasoline.
Über, Uber, Uber. Let’s all get ready to enjoy the days of Uber.
It was the day before Xmas eve, and I invited my cousin Nd her family to go see a Brooklyn Nets basketball game. After meeting them at a restaurant we took Uber to the Barclay Center, at their desire, I would have tried to walk to nearest subway station and taken it right to the Barckay Center but ok, let’s take Uber. Well let’s start hailing an Uber, notified it was a busy time and price increase of 1.5x normal rate. My cousins husband hits a little ok button without even considering. Now just imagine, would that have worked if he was on a store and buying something like a watch and it was advertised at x or no price was given but then at check out the person said to you oh by the way today it is 1.5x because it’s Tuesday.
That State Department spokesperson is hilarious. How can anyone in government make a statement saying we have a “long standing policy against non-democratic regime change” anywhere in the world, but most especially in South America, with a straight face? You can’t fool all the people all the time. Although you’d never know it.
I’ll be happy to sell gold to Ron Paul at $1060/oz. and buy it back from him next year for $860/oz.
Hitler hates Donald Trump.:
It’s good to see how DUMMOCRETIN still love Hitler after all these years!!!!!
Well there you go!
Young Turks: NSA caught spying on Congress, Israel, everyone.
Sure is amazing what the Obummer sadministration does these days!
So yesterday – “Israel is a beacon of freedom and democracy in a region of the world that is filled with darkness. America’s foreign policy should be one that strengthens our relationships with our allies and treats our enemies as our enemies. These new details about the NSA’s spying does nothing to strengthen our relationship with Israel and other allies around the world. If only the Obama administration would channel a fraction of its bias against Israel towards more responsible policy towards Iran, America would be made more secure today and in the future.” – Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y
Naaaaaaah Obummer loves Iran! “We didn’t say, ‘Do it. We didn’t say, ‘Don’t do it.’”
“The House Intelligence Committee is looking into allegations in the Wall Street Journal regarding possible Intelligence Community collection of communications between Israeli government officials and members of Congress. The Committee has requested additional information from the IC to determine which, if any, of these allegations are true, and whether the IC followed all applicable laws, rules, and procedures.” – House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif.
“this administration views Congress, Republicans and sometimes even Democratic members of Congress as their enemy.” – Sen. Ted Cruz
“[W]e do not conduct any foreign intelligence surveillance activities unless there is a specific and validated national security purpose. This applies to ordinary citizens and world leaders alike.”
Of course there was a validated national security purpose to Obummer. Israel is dead set against the Iran deal and Obummer hates Israel!
Remember when HA DUMMOCRETIN heads exploded over this?
– “The call records collected by the government are not just metadata – they are intimate portraits of the lives of millions of Americans.”
– “Metadata isn’t trivial. Collected on a massive scale over a broad time period, metadata can reveal your political and religious affiliations, your friends and relationships, even whether you have a health condition or own guns. This is exactly the kind of warrantless search the Fourth Amendment was intended to prevent.” – EFF Legal Fellow Andrew Crocker
Seems the DUMMOCRETIN Klayman haters were wrong again! This past week proves it,
@7 Hitler doesn’t hate anyone. River sediment has no feelings.*
* The KGB burned Hitler’s corpse and tossed the ashes off the Schweinebrucke Bridge into the Ehle River in 1970.
On Thursday, when I was coming home from Portland, I observed a combination of track improvements, and less freight traffic because of the holiday in action. Train 508 got into King Street Station 20 minutes early. It was one of the newer trains, with the in coach speed display, and it was in the 70mph range, sometimes higher(perhaps not noticed by the dispatcher, it was already past midnight in Fort Worth). Going down on Wednesday, 501 was delayed three times by opposing traffic, a SOUNDER that was late being backed into the yard, a freight that was blocking the main near Point Defiance, and a late freight crossing the Columbia River. When the Point Defiance Bypass is complete, one of those bottlenecks will be eliminated.
Whoops! If only somebody could have foreseen this!
13) Would be great if the Russians came clean on that. Recently declassified documents showed J. Edgar Hoover was obsessed with reports of Hitler sightings in South America years after he allegedly committed suicide.
15) Trump probably won’t get his apology now. Clinton was probably a little early.
@9 We spy on the Israelis and they spy on us. What of it? This has been going on for 60 years.
Not nearly enough. We should treat Republicans like they treat us.
@12 Putz cites Klayman? BWAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAA!!!!!!
That would get you laughed out of any U.S. court, including small claims court.
@16 There are multiple and conflicting accounts of what happened to the remains. It seems certain the Soviets, not East Germans, had possession of them, kept their location secret, and moved them several times before finally cremating and scattering them in 1970. That date seems pretty certain. Cranial and jaw fragments that ended up in KGB archives in Moscow, which the Russians believed were Hitler’s, but DNA testing indicated they were from a female under age 40 (which would rule out Magda Goebbels and point to Eva Braun).
21) The History Channel just ended a season of a show about that. They tracked down one living relative of Eva Braun, but declined to do a DNA test.
It looks like they have a circumstantial case for a flight to Argentina via plane and U-Boat, through Spain, and the Spanish owned Canary Islands. It was German aircraft and weapons(and possibly soldiers), that helped Franco’s Nationalists take power in Spain at the end of the Spanish Civil War.
@7 Hitler doesn’t hate anyone. River sediment has no feelings.*
Then why did Da Perfessa leave this above Roger senile?
Hitler hates Donald Trump.:
Puddy didn’t write that! 2016 starting off like 2015 ended. U continue to prove that U truly R senile every day!
R senile shortened Roger senile!
Join the three lines!
Roger senile @1
There goes your meme about Alabamans being racist white people!
ACLU and EFF cite Klayman Roger senile! Sux to be you!
If these characters were antiwar or Native American protesters, the cops would move right in, club and mace them, and haul them off to jail but instead they’re being treated with kid gloves. More proof that cops are rightwingers.
Heads up, Putz, your link @24 is as defective as you are.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.):
“A man shot and killed his wife and two others in his home on New Year’s Eve before his son wrestled the gun away and fatally shot him in a chain of events apparently set off by a dispute over a washing machine, authorities said. … The father was a heavy drinker with a large gun collection, and authorities had made dozens of previous trips to the home, the sheriff’s department said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Responsible citizens say, “let’s keep guns out of the hands of people like this,” but Charleton Heston said, “From my cold dead hands!”, so people like this continue to kill innocents with guns. Go figure. What are the rightwingers who support this organization (NRA) thinking? Were they all born without brains?
@26 “ACLU and EFF cite Klayman Roger senile!”
No, they didn’t; they filed an amicus brief in an appellate case in which Klayman is a named party, which is not the same thing.
Did you log in Roger senile? Puddy will help you…
Here is one for you R senile…
ACLU and EFF didn’t have to file the brief R senile. That’s your EPIC FAYLE! So they did cite Larry Klayman! Amicus briefs require proper citations (Larry Klayman’s original law suit) to direct DUMMOCRETINS why they support Larry Klayman’s law suit! You can’t bamboozle Puddy with useless made up law crap since there is a lawyer now in the Puddy family!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Being senile sux! Being a lazy Wabbit and being senile sux worse! Sux to be you!
@31, 32, 33….
Noted Legal Illiterate ‘the fuckwad’ gets schoo;ed by a fuzzy bunny.
When are those Bundy fucks going to be sent to prison?
Apparently rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears can’t comprehend FACTS!
Did it evah?
Oh babbling jackass ! One hopes the bookoo bucks legal beagle never ever sees this utter stupidity from his JERK of a daddy!
See you klownservatics NEVER cared about principle – all you care about is POWER! You want power so bad you make shit up about your beloved Supreme Court justices having POWER that the Constitution explicitly DENIES THEM.
There is not a single state in the U.S. where a minimum wage employee working full-time can reasonably afford a one-bedroom apartment at the fair market rent. While 29 states, plus the District of Columbia, have taken steps to raise the minimum wage above the federal rate of $7.25 per hour, affordable housing remains out of reach for the country’s low-income workers.
What have the klownservatics in the kraptastic krackpot kongress done about this? What do they plan to do?
All they care about is power. VOTE THE SCUM OUT!
@31 No, I did not log in, because I don’t have a FB account and don’t want one. So if you want me to read your FB crap postings, you’ll have to copy and paste them. I suspect I’m not missing anything worth reading, though.
@33 The lawyer in your family clearly isn’t you, and apparently isn’t on speaking terms with you, either.
The people of Burns, Oregon, really don’t need or want right-wing terrorists and batshit crazy loons hanging out there.
“One episode in particular has upset the community.”
“The sheriff said three militiamen and one woman, one with a gun strapped to his hip, engaged his 74-year-old mother and 78-year-old father at a yard sale being held at the American Legion. When the men criticized the sheriff, his mother bristled, and said she didn’t need their protection from the government.”
“Later, the men showed up at the sheriff’s office to complain about the exchange involving his mother.”
“She had, they said, threatened them.”
A bunch of armed terrorists right here in America, all huddled together alone, no hostages. Hmm, smart-bomb their treasonous asses? It’d at least give them something real to whine about rather than all that right-wing conspiracy bullshit they feed on.
It’s all Obama’s fault. If he had followed through on his plans for FEMA camps and Walmart Detention Facilities, we would never have reached this point.
@41 So these armed-to-the-teeth militia nuts, who spend their weekends in the woods honing their survivalist and battle skills, feel threatened by a 74-year-old grandmother? God help us if People’s Liberation Army parachutists drop out of the sky into our backyards.
I found this article by a Mr. Goodman and I’m not the only one less than excited about Hillary Clinton and question whether she can win the Presidency. Though if she wants to put on “Haters Gotta Hate” she has to do the dance. Maybe the singer will stand or dance in for her. That would be a show at the National Convention.
@2 The only problem is there isn’t a whole lot of proof that the whole story wasn’t just added much later. In the book of Mark there is nothing about Jesus early life before his baptism by John the Baptist. It’s only in the gospel of Matthew that one can argue Jesus was a refugee. Under US law he and his family would probably be sent home. As there isn’t much truth in the story of Hared, and no current leader of any nation is killing the first born. Still it’s the power of the Roman Empire of that day and age that allowed free passage to and from Egypt if that is what happened.
Is the Bishop also in support of how the Romans dealt with terrorists? Taking of slaves? Salting of fields? Killing the men of the city and all that?
Heteros even rape animals too. What next? They going to want to marry an animal too?
This guy looks like a Duggar child molester.
@5 The same way a government official says with a straight ace that he can’t tell you he is where he is even if he’s standing under the buildings sign or a local street sign.
More fun if they are wearing a black suit and black shades.
Unfortunately they don’t have the force so the whole these aren’t the droids you are looking for spiel doesn’t work well see previous posting.
‘m pretty that is the official answer to those kind of questions when asked. I don’t think we would be too upset with some non democratic regime change in North Korea depending on who comes out on top. Might just be a long eye roll.
@7 That’s right it’s “Springtime for Hitler.” Catchy tune by Mel Brooks.
I wonder if knives make alarm clock noises?
Somebody should roll this guy down a steep hill, with a might push.
@9 This is also the reason Jimmy Carter uses snail mail when communicating with foreign officials.
Gotta love Chicago style politics. You come on my turf to my town and talk to those guys that I didn’t want you to talk to and told you that.
@10 Ahhh but congress people get upset when it’s their communications being spied on.
@10 Ahhh but congress people get upset when it’s their communications being spied on.
What is a couple less NRA members. Who says guns are bad?
@14 Something local so you think local leaders supporting these track improvements deserve some applause?
Heh. It’ll be HILARIOUS to see the grifter Karson go through the motions until Feb. Lots more krappy books to hawk!
The idiot will have to “suspend” at some point. It was part of the bidness plan after all. Will it make it to Super Tuesday? Who cares at this point?
The real fiend is Kruz. Kruz is running a halfway competent campaign. Kruz is the fiend the nutcases really want. Kruz is the guy who followed through on what they all wanted – the nutcases couldn’t care less if Kruz couldn’t deliver any real results.
Kruz has been compared to Nixon who was never part of the religious nutkase krowd. Kruz is one of THEM.
How could such a nutjob as Kruz fly under the radar for so long? Everyone has laughed at him. He’s probably gonna win Iowa. He’ll show credibly in New Hampshire and he’ll do well in South Carolina. A Kruz-Rubio ticket is a credible threat.
The only thing that can defeat Kruz is his own inherent unlikeability. The fiend lacks Nixon’s “charm”..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yours truly should not laugh. If there’s anything scarier than a Mitt Romney/Randroid Ryan in the White House it’s Kruz and a neo-klown sidekick like Rubio.
Hey babbling jackass:
Here’s a picture of Kruz munching on a pork sammich:
Another one of Kruz eating bacon fresh off a machine gun barrel:
Makes you wanna throw the lever for the tool, eh jackass? And the tool goes to church on Sunday. HAHAHAHAHA! You’re stuck with him you damn fool!
@22 The boring truth is probably history has the story right and Hitler died at the bunker. His body was burned in gasoline along with Eva, and it was messy. It happened in Berlin while it was a war zone so that leaves plenty of room for what ifs. There was enough mistrust between allies that things were less than open. It’s also the reason why we have General Patton was killed by the Russians. It’s a possibility but the truth is his driver goofed and wrecked the car in a slow speed crash, and Patton specifically stated he did not want the driver punished. The truth is boring while the story of an amazing assignation plot and assignation is sexy and cool.
@27 Maybe but it’s Oregon and they didn’t do anything about the Bhagwan for a long time. How many Rolls Royce’s did he have?
@29 Well the ancient Greeks would argue it’s a case of hubris. Can we or should we do anything about hubris and if so what can you do? Am I my brothers keeper?
@35 I hope the government takes it time it’s cold out there and in the middle of no where. Let em stew out there. Depending on the reason for the preserve it will probably not be until spring they could disturb the protected species. As long as they don’t kill no government antelope. That might make them like Robin Hood and his merry men. Will they look good in nifty little hats and green tights?
@38 It’s about family values. With the low minimum wage you gotta have a working sweetie. The two of you barely make it and while you maybe shacked up together there is no time for sex or other shenanigans a big win for conservatives. Gotta keep people together.
@42 Dealing with the PLA is easy just hand em booze and a joint when they land and point them in the direction of some good old hash. They won’t expect that kind of reception and ought to give us time to get the National Guard geared up, the FBI, the Banditos or your local Sheriff.
@56 He might be stuck running as the FEC could actually lie enforce the law about how campaign money has to be used certain ways. I know politicians retire sometimes with some big kitties built up, but there are some unresolved issues there as to if they can just appropriate the money even at that point.
@35 “When are those Bundy fucks going to be sent to prison?”
When their skin turns black from too much sun.
@43 If we liberals can’t put Hillary in the White House, most of us will be satisfied with Bernie as a consolation prize. {irony}
@44 I sorta agree with you; under Trump, Jesus wouldn’t stand a chance.
@50 I suspect if President Obama really wanted to come and take Governor Abbott’s guns he could do so, and without much difficulty. Unfortunately, Gov. Abbott wouldn’t be around to witness it after the first wave of cruise missiles.
@51 Right, spies don’t steam open envelopes.
We need smarter trolls.
@57 Is that his secret weapon against ISIS?
@58 What’s an assignation plot? Sounds like a real estate transaction.
Barrons magazine, despite its very consrvative editorial slant, has no use for Donald Trump. This week, they devote their editorial column to denouncing him as the “King of Whoppers.” After quoting a long list of Trump lies, they say this: “All candidates should be judged by their principles—and we should presume they have no principles if they can’t tell the truth …”
Apparently finally realizing that his loose-cannon persona is jeopardizing his campaign, Trump promises to change after we elect him president:
“Donald Trump said he would be ‘a much different person’ as president of the United States compared to his persona as a Republican presidential candidate.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nope, sorry, I’m not buying it. WYSIWYG.
Oh poor R senile @40. The lack of oxygen is very telling to that old rusty brain cell! The only brief you are aware of anymore are the ones worn on your head as your “fashion statement”.
Once again everyone can see how Puddy PWNS the clueless crazed databaze cretin! It’s all ad hominem attacks against Puddy! That’s all the cretin has left!
Stoooooooooooooooopid as evah!
The clueless crazed databaze cretin is as dumb as evah! Puddy could care less what Ted Cruz eats. It has no affect on what Puddy eats.
Stoooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Nobody commented on Obummer’s sadministration not knowing how many illegal aliens overstay their visas. And, those who violated their visas were never told to Bush!
@75 Yeah, know-it-all, go ahead and educate me about law. Show everyone how stoopid you are (though we already know). Jackass.
@77 “It has no affect on what Puddy eats.”
It has no beneficial effect on your literacy, either. This is an example of the damage that phonetic thinking does to spelling and writing ability. What a dummy.
this is what it has come to. They want Cruz to win the nomination but not the general. They hate his guts. And after suffering his intolerable abuse during Jr’s campaign and then more lately in the Senate, not a single Republican of any prominence would want to find themselves answering to this prick. But they also know that they’ll lose down ballot if Trump is the nominee. So they’re pulling for Cruz until the convention. After that, he’s on his own. And they won’t release any of their money or fifty state ground resources to him either. They don’t want him to be in charge. They’d rather deal with Hillary. They hate him that much. An added bonus is that Cruz seems to have hoodwinked the thumpers. And they’ll be needed to pull out narrow wins for vulnerable Senate Republicans in November. Oughta be amusing watching Ted debate Hillary. She’ll crush him with patronizing kindness.
CNN is calling things by their right name. Their headline says, “Gunmen seize federal site in Oregon.” Their editorial says, “Face it, Oregon building takeover is terrorism.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You know what would happen if this was an antiwar, Occupy, or BLM group. Why should these characters get special treatment? I say surround the place so no one can enter or leave, turn off the water and electricity, and starve them out. And when they finally cry “uncle,” arrest and jail them, don’t let them walk away as free birds (cuz they’ll do it again someplace else, and maybe kill someone the next time).
Canterbury’s wrong; biblical scholars regard the supposed flight into Egypt was simply a Christian legend. Jesus’s parents (whoever they were) were not refugees, and Jesus himself was an itinerant preacher in Israel, of which there were many at that time.
@74. And if Trump DID somehow change his persona after being elected would the primary republicans go into armed revolt because he’s not living up to the asshole they voted for? Another bait and switch politician?
@82. The double standard between Black Lives Matter and White Privilege Demanders is amazing.
You do realize that right wing hate radio would go into a frenzy if the federal government didn’t treat the White Privilege Demanders with deference. The conservative media want people they cast in the role of martyrs, like ruby ridge, to rile up the base even more!
Is there an organization that should be coordinating getting more democrats elected in all 50 states? We should also be trying for 50 states being run by democrats. Seems the party lost sight of getting dems elected every where instead of just the president.
Why did we give up on that?
Food for thought
Don’t suffer internet trolls gladly
“Ignoring it won’t make it go away.”
“Internet trolls live to upset as many people as possible, using all the technical and psychological tools at their disposal.”
“In short, trolling is the obstacle to a kinder, gentler Internet. ”
“Their goal was to goad and get delight out of disruption. ”
I have no problem with conservative opinions. I would freaking love it if conservatives would discuss the validity of ideas.
Poor R senile@79.
Has no clue on how the ACLU and EFF cited Larry Klayman for the NSA lawsuit! Just makes up worthless blather when confronted with FACTS. This is what senility does to the brain!
Poor R senile@80.
Doesn’t know the word difference between being influenced and a result. This is what senility does to the brain!
Visiting a known liar site for their food for thought.
It will be fun watching Ted Cruz debate Heilary.
Ted is a master debater and will demonstrate to all what an empty orange pant suit Heilary is. All of Heilary’s feckless failures as SoS will be front and center. Her “accomplishments” as senator will be enumerated on one finger! Her “war on wimenz” will be destroyed by then. It will also demonstrate the worthless debate experience Debbie Blathermouth Schultz put Heilary through with these Saturday night specials in 2015 that no one watched and her two opponents were just props for the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP). The lack of funding for her $13 Trillion of Bernie Sanders giveaways Heilary agreed to will be front and center!
Yes Ted Cruz will eviscerate Heilary in any debate! She will scream misogyny as her only hope!
White privilege demanders by another name?
Funny post regarding the situation in Malheur County: “VanillaISIS waging a YeeHawd to form a Cowliphate with help from YallQueda and Bozoharam.”