Starbucks responds to War-on-Christmas-Cup-gate.
The adventures of Young Hillary: One Woman Play.
Seals help scientists study climate change in Greenland.
Mental Floss: 52 facts about popular cities.
Paris Attacks Turn Wingnuts into Blubbering Cowards:
- Mark Fiore: Keep Calm and Panic On
- SNL tribute to Paris.
- Parris attacks: Three misguided reactions.
- PsychoSuperMom: Where is the Judeo in Judeo Christian?
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the Syrian refugee debate
- Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder: Obama says refugee debate is un-American
- Thom: How Western militarists play into the hands of Isis
- Maddow: Wacko Republican refugee bill passes House
- Ugly Islamophobia after Paris attacks.
- David Pakman: Attacks notwithstanding, France will admit more Syrian refugees.
- Huh…France is still welcoming Syrian refugees.
- Trevor: The three stages of political grief.
- Stephen: No country for anyone not already here.
- Thom to Republicans: Please stop helping ISIS
- Nancy Pelosi on Anti-Syrian refugee bill.
- John Oliver on Paris attacks
- Obama slams GOP on refugees.
Adam Ruins Internships.
Congressional Hits and Misses of the week.
The Adventures of Young Hillary: Sleepover games.
Stephen does Bill Maher
The 2016 Cascade of Clowns:
- Seth Meyers: Late night Republican debate.
- Inciting fear isn’t presidential
- Friday hot takes
- David Pakman: Goodbye Jindal
- In Memoriam: Jindal campaign
- Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder: Ted Cruz issues school-yard taunt
- Farron Cousins: Why does Rubio get a free pass for his scandals?
- Young Turks: Chris Christie still thinks terrorists were Syrian refugees
- Cowards Paul Ryan and Donald Trump say no to refugees
- Larry Wilmore: Ben Carson’s messed-up map.
- David Pakman: Carson’s Sarah Palin moment.
- Sam Seder: Ben Carson needs briefings to “make him smart”
- Trevor: Ben Carson’s public break-up.
- David Pakman: Ben Carson warns of the severe dangers of free college
- Trump and Carson insanity: ‘Register’ the Muslims and keep out the ‘dogs’.
- Pap & Farron Cousins: Trump calls American’s stupid. (And if he’s winning…he might be right!)
- Sam Seder: Trump wants to database all U.S. Muslims. It’s just “Good Management.”
- Maddow: Worlds collide…Reading poetry at a Donald Trump rally
- Stephen: Start getting used to saying “President Trump”.
- John Mulaney (with Seth Meyers): Donald Trump to a really good family feud contestant
- Young Turks: Donald Trump wants to tag Muslims like cattle
- Maddow: Trump endorses tracking Muslims in U.S.
- Sam Seder: Jeb Bush is pretty sure people can prove they are Christian
- Trevor: Mike Huckabee’s food-based politics:
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about the brain.
White House: West Wing Week.
Farron Cousins: Is there any group the FAUX News doesn’t hate.
Unintended Consequences:
- Matthew Filipowicz: Study suggests over 100,000 women have induced their own abortions after clinic closures
- David Pakman: Back alley abortions in Texas.
- Young Turks: Self-induced abortions in Texas.
Stephen: You know nothing, Barack Obama.
The adventures of Young Hillary: Teaching the less fortunate.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Here we go with the War on Christmas. Not much on the War on Thanksgiving, with stores starting Black Friday even earlier.
Way to go Mark! Tell them fuckers to shut the fuck up!
From Open thread. Great comment.
“@36 If you Republicans don’t like that put a declaration of War or an authorization of military action on the Presidents desk. If not some shutting the fuck up would be helpful.”
Republican = nothing but fakes and frauds.
It’s unfortunate that Boob is radiologist and not a shrink, otherwise maybe he could help them with their fucking schizophrenia bi polar problems.
Maybe that’s why they like the pyramid grain silo guy, they are looking for free brain surgery.
@1 I wonder if Jews, the ones that Republicans so support, are offended when RepubliCONS bring up the war on Christmas?
I one time worked with a kid that wanted me to where a badge that said “It’s ok to say Merry Christmas”. I told him to take his badge and stick it on his fucking forehead.
As a Christian, I think it is particularly offensive to say to a Jewish person “Merry Christmas”.
Sure – it is ok, says the gay mafia with the evil and sinister but ingenious plot to end all civilization!
Should Terrorist Watchlist Members Be Able To Buy Guns? GOP Speaker Won’t Say
Didn’t some evangelical type claim that the Nazis were all gay and they were the responsible ones who killed all the Jews? Ohhhh how right he was, and now the rest of civilization is to follow!
If a stadium full of Republicans caught fire, all the women and children would be trampled to death by the men trying to escape.
@3 I don’t think they care all that much about Jews. Sure, it bothers them that 90% of the Jewish vote goes to Democrats, but it’s difficult to shout “Israel!” and hate Jews at the same time. That requires more subtlety of distinction than most Republicans are capable of.
The real targets of the “War on Christmas” are, of course, Mooslims; and, to a lesser extent, atheists, agnostics, Wiccans, etc. The fact that many native-born African-Americans have chosen to re-identify with their ancestral Muslim roots adds a nice racial fillip to the religious discrimination.
The challenge for rightwing religious bigots is how to spot the white folks who don’t subscribe their firebrand Christianity on the street, so they can keep their children at a safe distance from these people. (With black people, whether Mooslim or not, it’s easy to see them coming and cross the street in a timely manner.)
They should thank Starbucks for solving this problem for them. If they see a white person with a plain red Starbucks cup, s/he is a liberal heretic for sure, and to be avoided like the plague because, as you know, liberal thought is highly contagious, although holding up a Bible is widely believed by them to be effective at fending off contamination.
@5 What about the lions and gladiators? What will happen to the lions and gladiators down in the arena?
In Alabama, a pregnant woman can go to prison for 10 years for taking a legal anxiety medication prescribed by her doctor.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Lots of states have screwy laws on their books, but this one is actually being enforced, and not just against its intended target: Meth abusers. Here is what Alabama cops and prosecutors have done with it:
“Nearly 500 women have been arrested on related charges since the law passed in 2006. The law has been criticized by civil rights groups and public health experts for being harmful to those who need the most help—women who are faced with poverty and addiction—and for unfairly prosecuting women who were not drug users at all, but who might have simply taken a small dose of medication that eventually appeared in the blood test of their new babies.”
This is reminiscent of backward countries like Guatemala that sentence women to life in their filthy prisons with subhuman living conditions for having miscarriages. Of course, Alabama is about as close as you can get in the United States to a backward, undeveloped, third-world economy and society. The question is, why does anyone choose to live there? Why hasn’t everyone left Alabama by now? You don’t need a passport or papers to get across the state line; and once you’re out of their jurisdiction, they can’t do that to you anymore.
As for Alabama cops and prosecutors, and the GOP legislators who invent these laws, I suppose they don’t want to give up what they undoubtedly see as a useful tool for harassing the poor blacks who haven’t fled their state yet.
I see a great irony in the religiosity of conservatives and their embrace of a brutal social ideology that permits human exploitation for personal gain.
For an atheist who doesn’t believe there’s a divine power in the universe or an afterlife, the only restraint on man’s ruthless exploitation of his fellow man is whatever moral expectations people are able to devise and enforce; the uncaring universe furnishes no disincentive for behaving badly. If you don’t believe there’s a divine being or afterlife, then it doesn’t matter what you do in this life, except for the judgment of your fellow humans.
Unfortunately, religion doesn’t seem to, either. The people who owned slaves, violently suppressed labor strikes, opposed child labor laws, fight workplace safety regulation and minimum wages, etc., are all churchgoing “good Christians” practically to a man. If they’re right about a divine being who holds people accountable for their conduct in this life, then Hell must be a crowded place.
Six years in prison isn’t enough for this yahoo. He should be serving twenty on a rockpile.
@9 “…it doesn’t matter what you do in this life, except for the judgment of your fellow humans.” I would add- and know happiness and to leave a substantial pile of fertilizer for other living things. I think there is a benefit to deriving joy from kindness and generosity that goes beyond what other people know or think. It is and of itself a good enough reason for living. And it matters very much to me.
With 15 point swing, Trump surges past Carson in Oklahoma.
The loon’s head will implode.
“Was Ben Carson Just the Republican Flavor of the Month?”
“At the heart of Carson’s rise has been the support of white evangelical voters…But in the last three weeks, Carson has lost a quarter of that support. At the same time, Cruz has leaped from 7 percent to 22 percent among white evangelicals…”
“The movement is even more striking with Republicans who describe themselves as “very conservative.” With this group, Carson’s support has been sliced in half in the last three weeks…”
@10 sure, he didn’t kill anyone or only victimized one man that we know of, but this guy is no less of a thug than any member of ISIS.
@11 cheers
@13. I find Cruz scarier than Carson. I have to jump Trump gets the nomination at that point. As crazy stupid he is, the others are all loonie Nazis. Palling around with “Christian Pastors” calling for killing of American Citizen, like they were drinking water, and saying it in there presence. This is beyond s new low. In is Nazism.
Accepted Nazism by the people. Constitution? What fucking Constitution. Freedom? What fucking Freedom?
Almost certainly the troll will arrive to attain peak hate for “inspiration” to labor in the salt mines…
The troll has reached total nutso mode as Carson circles ever more furiously the inside of the toilet bowl.
3)Good point. It is a holiday season, with Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s. Holidays both religious and secular.
Just got the AP alert on my phone, John Bel Edwards is the Governor-elect of Louisiana.
@19 Fait accompli with krackpot Jindal DISapproval at 70 percent.
When klownservatic policies are tried, the result is Democratic victory.
If this were a Union conservatives would be up in arms. Never mind that tax money is going to support this bullshit at the expense of getting an education.
Damn Mexicans, leaving this Country in droves, leaving here the real rapists.
An Open Letter to Florida State University President Thrasher
@6 What if you cover a bible in holiday Starbuck cups and hold it up? Seems so wrong to me.
I do think consumerism is a threat to Christmas. Yet it is and has been an American part of the holiday.I’ve enjoyed Christmas in Europe and it’s less commercial and oddly less religious. I don’t have a problem going to a mass or if asked to go to a Christmas celebration at a church. Seeing nativities and festivals in Europe is interesting.
Maybe this should be a Kwanza Christmas.
I remember one Christmas eve with my parents we were on the big Apache reservation just passing through and were at the fort of F Troop fame off the highway and we got to hear some Apaches talk about Christmas and their holidays. Now that was an eye opener to hear people talk about Christmas as not being so important, but a nice day off an they got to see family ect. And part of the reason why Christmas wasn’t such a big deal was because these were not rich or even middle class, they were doing well compared to their neighbors, but these poor people put things into perspective.
@9 What Religious people and even liberals have a problem with is what Greek (Socrates? Aristotle?) said we humans are social animals…that we are political animals. Whether or not there is a heaven these are truths. These truths are not easily found in the bible. Then again neither is the concept of zero or algebra. I believe even the most agnostic or atheists have had religious moments in their lives. Some will admit it. Nature is pretty awesome. And you survive certain things like an earthquake or volcanic eruption, tornado, flooed, ect. There is a tendency to be thankful. Maybe god will be mentioned even.
For human beings to survive and pass down our genes which is really what life is about, if religion helps get those genes passed then more social humans who have a tendency to believe in god will pass their genes on. And say you get your genes passed into say a family with the name Bush or Clinton hey you have scored big time in the genetic game. There could be a god gene or a religion gene or other genes involved. Could be all social, which suggests getting rid of the whole religion thing is possible, but Communism as practiced in the Soviet Union seems to have replaced it with a religion of the state and the soviet man. The North Koreans seem to be practicing some real old time religion in devotion to their great leader. If there is a ghost of Adolf Hitler he’s got to be jealous.
In any case religion is part of our world. Bagel Mr. Rabbit?
@21 College football has been a public subsidy to professional football ever since professional football was established. The NFL should create a credible minor football league that would operate similarly to baseballs or hockey’s. This would take some of the air out of college football but college athletics aren’t supposed to be professional.
We are all paying these subsidizes. The highest paid public employees in Washington State are football couches followed by the basketball couches. I think it’s shameful for couches for any sport at the college level to be paid more than the governor.
@25 Yes I do plan on watching the Seahawks play after all some of my tax dollars are at work. While it was upsetting at the time I’m glad WWU decided to get rid of the football program and concentrate more on a more equitable sports program for men and women.
This is Funny….
Reminds Puddy of someone’s wife who belongs to SEIU. Another unprincipled and short-sighted DUMMOCRETIN with the crazed databaze!
Hopefully some HA DUMMOCRETINS live near here…
So what will the DUMMOCRETIN cars run on? Their owners’ hot air from their owners arschlochs?
Puddy loves it when students react to the lies being taught in high school and college go after those who teach it…
And what do these professors and university administrators do? They bend over and shout back to the students… Drive me to Newark!
Puddy suggests both. The students are FASCIST snowflakes.
Puddy demands a safe place on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@12 Well waddya know, the Bibull candidate is losing to Mammon in the Bibull Belt. It seems the faithful worship nickels as much as the rest of us. Of course, we knew that all along.
@16 Don’t overlook the possibility of a Trump-Cruz ticket, although frankly I can’t see a Cruz-Trump lineup happening. The Donald is temperamentally incapable of playing Second Fiddle in any orchestra. The single thing we can say with absolute certainty is that Trump won’t be the GOP vice presidential nominee.
@20 Actually, it was Vitter he defeated. Jindal was term limited. Now both of those losers will be out of office. And we can be fairly certain they won’t both end up working for the same think tank, because they hate each other’s guts.
@24 With fresh lettuce, please.
@21 @25 just imagine if that was Obamacare or the USPS.
@27 et seq.: Looks like it was a short night in the salt mine.
It would be fairly easy to interpret the comment @28 as wishing “death to Democrats,” but I’ll give Puffy the benefit of doubt on that one. Quoting from his linked article:
“Neither President Obama nor other officials in his administration, however, have spoken of shutting down radical mosques in the U.S. But U.S. reticence about taking actions now being implemented by France and Belgium isn’t for a lack of mosques in this country in which hatred for American values and support for jihad terrorism are regularly heard.”
No, it’s for the presence of a thing called the First Amendment, which says in so many words that our government can’t shut down churches just because somebody doesn’t like your religion. France and Belgium don’t have a First Amendment. We do. That’s the difference.
Didn’t they teach the writers for these conservative blogs this stuff in junior high? Did they all sleep through civics class?
It would seem so.
A conservative is someone who believes the Constitution gives crazy people the right to have guns, but doesn’t give Muslims a right to pray.
@29 “The fossil fuel divestment movement is an attack on freedom of inquiry and responsible social advocacy in American higher education. The movement impresses on a generation of students an attitude of grim hostility to intellectual freedom, democratic self-government, and responsible stewardship of natural resources.”
Who would’ve guessed? And here I thought it was about deciding which stocks to own. So now we’re all to be politically judged by the contents of our stock portfolios?
There is, of course, a purely investment thesis for not owning fossil fuel stocks if you believe that industry is facing permanent decline. Of course, Republicans will never admit that for political reasons, and it probably was a Republican who took one of my coal stocks off my hands; it’s now worth about a fourth of what he paid me for it. My other coal company is about to file for bankruptcy, and that stock is going to be a total loss.
@30 I always thought the job of academics and teachers was to figure out what’s true, and what’s not, based on objective evidence, and then tell the rest of us; and I’m sorry if reality doesn’t conform to what you want to believe, but, you know, shit happens. Insisting the earth is flat doesn’t make it so.
I’m sympathetic to protesters who want indifferent university administrators to become more proactive in dealing with campus racism and sexual assault. I’m not sympathetic to anyone who wants to stifle free speech, academic freedom, or impose a political agenda on what is taught in public school or college classrooms. We are all best served by open minded inquiry and honest conclusions reached via scientific method regardless of our political orientations. If I get cancer, I want a cure that works, not a politically correct pill (so, you know, you can take the right’s opposition to stem cell research and shove it).
@31 “Puddy demands a safe place on HA DUMMOCRETINS!”
You’ve always had that, and still do. Also, I might add, a FREE place too, because as far as I know you’ve never contributed a cent toward the costs of maintaining this site.
Which union is it babbling jackass troll?
Article linked @30 sounds like brainwashing hogwash. Way to try to inspire young people or anyone by trying to convince them they are fools that can’t think for themselves via blaming and negatively portraying the other side without any factual information. How about trying to win them over by telling them all the positive that you have to offer? You can’t do do? Because you have nothing positive to say.
And if you feel that young people are being wronged by the left why not address this with the young people directly, instead of writing an article geared towards parents, and suggesting that the parents need to take control of their young kids away from their liberalness. Sounds to me like asking parents to force upon their children something other than freedom.
And the author of the article should do some research and tell us how all the home schooled children are doing in this world. In addition to all the short comings of some of the very rich and spoiled kids in the world – we know that all the affluent conservative kids are shining examples of the good.
@38 ohhhh he wishes death alright. He and his ilk believe in “pastors” spewing about killing the sinners.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM); this one shot out windows of 42 cars before he was apprehended.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The NRA believes everyone should have easy access to guns. I disagree. It seems kind of obvious to me that some people shouldn’t have guns, and I’m confused as to why Republicans opposed to even the mildest forms of gun control (e.g., gun show background checks) seem unable to grasp this.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
How many of the Paris attackers and conspirators were Syrians? I’m going to make this real easy by giving you a cheat sheet:
“New evidence emerging from the investigation into the Paris attacks points to a conspiracy … orchestrated primarily by disaffected young Europeans. Seven men and a woman were detained in the aftermath of Wednesday morning’s shootout in the Paris suburb of St-Denis, including the tenant of the apartment that was the focus of the police raid, Jawad Bendaoud, who told journalists he had been asked by a friend to put up ‘two of his mates for a few days’. He said all he knew is ‘they came from Belgium’. The St-Denis detentions bring the number of people being held in connection with Friday night’s assault on Paris to 10. Two Belgians, Mohammed Amri and Hamza Attou, have been charged in Brussels with complicity in the attacks and participation in terrorist activity. … All the other known attackers, as well as Abaaoud, are of French and Belgian nationality ….”
The Republican response? Scapegoat harmless Syrian refugees. It was to be expected; these are the same idiots who invaded the wrong country after the 9/11 attacks.
@35 Green or red kale?
@31 Fascism came to the United States in the 1920’s and 1930’s with all of the symbols. It’s no accident the Mussolini and Hitler both were Men of the Year for several large American magazines. Even Stalin made it in there a couple of times. A little diversity. If you want to meet some Nazi’s there is a group of them in Skokie. Illinois and they are probably recruiting. I’m sure they have a favorite tailor. Which is probably an open secret throughout Chicago. Though if you are a black man you may want to reconsider contacting them.
@38 I’m mystified as to how an active member of the SDA would be unaware of the law cases the church has brought in support of the First Amendment that directly mention and clearly support believers of Islam to worship in mosques. That all enjoy these same rights.
Since predictions are in today I’m going to make the following predictions:
If any Republican candidate is elected President the legalization of marijuana in Washington and Colorado, ect will be challenged by the Federal Government. Both states will be told to cease the sale of marijuana, and the case will end up at the Supreme Court by 2018.
If Hillary Clinton is elected the Federal and State truce may hold, but it’s possible she may out Republican the Republican’s on the issue, change the Obama policies and fast track it. It’s entirely possible that the issue will still make it’s way to the Supreme Court during her first term.
If Bernie Sanders is elected his administration is most likely to work for legalization of marijuana.
This however is an issue that isn’t being addressed now by any candidate, and may only get a mention by an candidate prior to the Presidential election.
@31 You are safe Puddy. YOu can lead a prayer group of us, worst is you might get an empty Starbucks cup at you, in jest. Comments of good coffee. Actually Lutherans are said to make good coffee, as well as Methodists. Don’t drink coffee I’m sure someone will come up with some goat milk for you as that is very healthy, would you prefer pasteurized or unpasteurized?
You comments and ideas though are subject to being subjected to sunlight. Please keep them coming.
Well well, lookee here! The Donald is reneging on his pledge not to run an independent campaign if he doesn’t get the GOP nomination.
“Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump would not rule out making a run for president as an independent despite signing a pledge over the summer saying he would support the eventual GOP nominee instead of running a third-party bid.”
This, of course, will completely change the complexion of the 2016 election if he follows through on this threat. He might siphon off enough Republican votes for Hillary to win all 50 states.
Corrected link for @53:
@52 Puddy probably should stay far away from Trump rallies. He won’t be safe there. If Trump’s crowd finds out he’s a Carson fan, they’ll beat the shit out of him. Hell, they might do it anyway just for the exercise.
Trump’s Unbelievably Vicious Lie About Arab-Americans
“Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump defended comments he made Saturday saying he saw thousands of people in Jersey City, New Jersey cheering when the World Trade Center was destroyed on September 11, 2001.
“‘There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey where you have large Arab populations,’ he told George Stephanopoulos today on ABC’s ‘This Week.’
“‘They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as that building came down — as those buildings came down, and that tells you something. It was well covered at the time.’
“‘”I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down, and I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down,’ he said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I won’t be surprised if some mosques get torched and Arab-Americans (or people who resemble them) get assaulted and maybe even murdered because of Trump’s irresponsible remarks.
Trump apparently has fallen for an internet rumor that was debunked years ago. (Kinda like that South Carolina lady who swallowed whole a hoax rumor that Obama tried to nuke Charleston.) has the lowdown here:
What did happen was that on the day of the 9/11 attacks five young men from the Middle East were “clowning around and photographing themselves in front of the burning towers from the New Jersey waterfront.” They were, ahem, not Muslim Arabs but Israeli Jews.
Trump has ulterior motives here. He gets press coverage, and a boost in the polls, by saying outrageous things. For most of us, in most workplaces, reckless tongue wagging would get us fired (or at least sent home). But Trump has never worked for a boss, so maybe that’s a lesson he never learned. When you’re a billionaire, people suck up to you, and nobody says anything to you about what comes out of your mouth. (They’ll do it behind your back, though.)
We don’t need any more evidence that this bozo is unfit to be president, or to hold any other public office, down to and including city sewer commissioner. It’s tempting to say he should just shut up and go home. But I actually don’t want him to do that, although I wish he’d tone it down enough so that nobody gets killed because of his remarks. Even his wife is telling him to tone it down, but he apparently doesn’t listen to her, either.
No, I want Trump to stay in the race (if he can avoid getting people killed by his irresponsible mouth), because I’m having too much fun watching the GOP establishment getting twisted into knots by their “Trump problem.” Plus, if he makes good his renewed threat to run as an independent, Hillary is practically guaranteed to win the White House. I just don’t want it to go so far that innocent people get killed. A massive Hillary landslide would be enough to satisfy my partisan cravings.
Corrected link for @56:
This is probably why Boob can spend so much time here instead of doing his job. He must have a few pigeons working for him – God help them.
Pecking Pigeons Detect Breast Cancer
Roger, you should look into whether they can be trained to pick stocks, if so I’d buy one as a stock broker.
I’m sympathetic to protesters who want indifferent university administrators to become more proactive in dealing with campus racism and sexual assault.
Well Roger senile, seems these days there is more and more you don’t get. These indifferent university administrators are libtards. Progressive DUMMOCRETIN libtards! Conservative thought barely registers 4% at major universities like Cornell, Yale, or Princeton! In fact a libtard professor complained about Cornell looking to hire conservative Republican professors. Puddy provided the link more than once. Ask the clueless crazed databaze deala!
clueless crazed databaze cretin @43,
Right on time… Puddy PWNS you clueless fool! SEIU union #925 is losing members left and right and people are saving ~$1000/year for dues that jock strap only DUMMOCRETINS and progressive DUMMOCRETIN thought. If progressive thought was sooooooooooooo wonderful, why are they bailing left and right?
So now SEIU 925 are going for Dr Darryl and Dr SJ among others. they are looking for 6000 faculty suckers; trying to persuade them to unionize.
You see moronic idiot @43, people are waking up to lying union thuggish activities! Seems Mrs clueless is still involved eh? Imagine you would have another ~$1000 more a year, especially the way you’ve been on this blog over the years!
Mark Adams @50,
Puddy is well aware of those cases by the Religious Liberty team. One of them handles the west coast religious liberty cases and is a good friend of ours; giving my son mentoring advice we he started evaluating law schools, etc. What you miss along with Roger senile is you can’t foment hate speech. Nothing protects you! Just like you are free to yell fire in a crowded movie theater, you reap the consequences!
Look up “Imminent Lawless Action” DUMMOCRETIN morons!
It helps when your son attended and graduated a prestigious law school instead of a third tier toilet! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Seems inhaling all that salt dust has caused your senility to get worse and worse!
Unlike many free loading DUMMOCRETINS here, Puddy contributed to this site!
Sux to be you Roger senile!
Meanwhile all that screaming over polls… Clinton still loses…
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton FOX News Clinton 41, Trump 46 Trump +5
General Election: Carson vs. Clinton FOX News Carson 47, Clinton 42 Carson +5
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton FOX News Rubio 50, Clinton 42 Rubio +8
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton FOX News Clinton 39, Bush 45 Bush +6
General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton FOX News Clinton 41, Cruz 45 Cruz +4
General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton FOX News Clinton 42, Fiorina 42 Tie
General Election: Christie vs. Clinton FOX News Clinton 43, Christie 46 Christie +3
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders FOX News Sanders 41, Trump 46 Trump +5
Seems people don’t like feckless sadministration people or Benghazi liars at this time or even deep seated socialists!
Very interesting commentary from an ex-Obummer sadministration official…
Interesting that there was no commentary on Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) 9/11 lies but deep commentary on Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) cover-ups! People forget the first World Trade Center bombing under Clinton in 1993 and the USS Cole attack and what the Clinton sadministration purposely did (The Gorelick Wall) undr the guise of progressivism to hamper the US against future attacks!
Butt climate change is the #1 threat per Obummer, Gorebasm and Socialist Sanders!
Puddy wonders if this creep pulled the lever for Obummer in 2012?
What? Didn’t find this on raw story TPPS?
It’s sad when you don’t like your little sister…
@58 There are times when a monkey, pigeon, or even Puffy could pick winning stocks.
Speaking of whom, looks like the loon was finally released from the salt mine.
@61 “Nothing protects you! Just like you are free to yell fire in a crowded movie theater, you reap the consequences!”
Does this mean Trump will go to jail for inciting violence against Arab-Americans with his incendiary claims of seeing “thousands and thousands” of them* standing on the Jersey Shore and “cheering” the collapse of the Twin Towers?
* Actually five Israelis clowning around for selfies.
Speaking of whom, Trump’s utter disregard for truthfulness or the factual accuracy of his incendiary racist remarks continues unabated.
More evidence that the GOP Benghazi hearings were a bust:
“Americans trust Hillary Clinton to handle the threat of terrorism more than any of the leading Republican candidates for president in the wake of the Paris attacks, according to a new poll.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Actually the whole GOP is a bust.
I likes me some GOP cannibalism.
I wonder how many of the Trump delegates will try to bring guns to the convention? I think it’s a shame the GOP won’t allow it.
Drug Smuggler on FAUX Snooze Sunday:
LIMBAUGH: Ben Carson equipped to be president? Um — probably not at this stage
Excellence indeed!
Republican “Treason”
GOP Enemy within!
Roger senile @72,
Seems there has been no Ben Carson IMPLOSION as TPPS claimed! Dr Ben has and is still at the 21 or 22% level in this poll you linked to. Proves once again when the real news is reviewed, TPPS head goes
from all the lies filling TPPS’ neanderthal cranial orifice!
Roger senile still using the Clinton News Network to supplement your lousy position on Donald Trump? Except CNN is lying to you… The WA Post had a story
Seems another EPIC FAYLE on Roger senile!
You need to expand your reading horizons more!
Continuing the #78 post…
Republicans 23
Independents 36
None of the WaPost/ABC News polls ever reached a 25% Republican sample size!
And Heilary barely wins here Roger senile. Roger senile… never reads the fine print!
Ahhh yes the Clinton Crime Family Foundation pushing for the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP)!
Gotta love those Heilary Clinton tweets…
Hillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton
Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.
Yes, Nick $earcy! @yesnicksearcy ·
Except for those who survived your husband?
To Obummer the ISIS JV Team is “a bunch of killers with good social media.”
Obummer’s politically correct libtard generals in the Pentagon are accused of purposely fudging the ISIS data so Obummer can be excused of his ignorance to the real ISIS threat.
That will win you political points!
Now the bill comes due for the clock boy fiasco.
@82 I agree we shouldn’t vote for Bill Clinton in 2016. He’s brilliant, but has no morals. I don’t want him blowing the help in the Oval Office again, and he won’t. After his wife is elected president, he’ll have to do it upstairs in the Lincoln Bedroom, out of sight of the tourists. Just because he’s married to the president doesn’t mean she’ll let him into her workplace. See those guards by the door? They’re posted there to keep Bill out.
@79 After reading the entire story you linked to, Trump’s cheering crowds of thousands are still somewhere over the horizon. The WaPo story makes no mention of them, which makes me suspect you linked to it without reading it or knowing what was in it.
@78 No, what it proves is Republican voters are stupid, which we don’t really need more proof of.
But, Ben!
Think of the Chaldeans!
that comes as a surprise to no one.
“Mr. President, we must not allow a Cheering Muslim gap!
I especially like the part where Carson says “The News Reels”.
Talented hands built a time machine?
Republicans are murderers.
Pretty much everyone in the world is calling Trump and Carson liars after they claimed “thousands” of people in New Jersey celebrated the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11/01.
the best part is, it won’t affect their polling among the angry, bible clutching gun club one single bit.
Which. is. perfect.
@94 Then there’s this: ” … the latest polls suggest that Trump’s success has come not in spite of his famously loose lips, but because of them.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This confirms what we’ve suspected all along: Republican voters are attracted by lies, in the same way that shit draws flies. In fact, you can argue flies are more evolutionarily advanced than Republican voters are; they know good shit when they smell it, whereas there’s no such thing as nutritious lies.
Here’s something really interested about those polls:
“Yet the most interesting finding came when the pollsters asked Trump’s supporters (as well as Carson’s) what their ‘favorite thing’ about the candidate was. In both states, the clear winner was, ‘He says things others are afraid to say.’ Hardly any respondents said they were most drawn to Trump’s ‘personal success story’—which is more or less the stated rationale for his candidacy. Nor did many people cite his ‘outlook for America,’ which despite his ubiquitous slogan is generally pretty grim.
In other words, the ONLY thing they like about Trump is the fact he lies. Says a lot about them, doesn’t it? Shit, at least, doesn’t pretend to be something else.
@79 After reading the entire story you linked to
Shorter Roger senile @86… “BTW I didn’t click the provided links to the WA Post story!”
Could not care less!
Just proves you are the moronic one Roger senile!
“After reading the entire story you linked to, Trump’s cheering crowds of thousands are still somewhere over the horizon. The WaPo story makes no mention of them, which makes me suspect you linked to it without reading it or knowing what was in it.”
I call those the loon’s “links to nowhere”. This one supposedly proves that Trump was right and that there were ‘thousands” of Muslims celebrating the fall of the towers. The link to Powerlineblog and their subsequent link to Wapo proved nothing of the kind – links to nowhere. And yet this is what passes as ‘proof’ in the mind of the batshit crazy loon.
The loon and his boring head implosions.
He must have seen the trend – Trump going up, Carson sinking.
Sucks to be the loon.
Trump Carson
FOX News 11/16 – 11/19 28 18
FOX News 11/1 – 11/3 26 23
FOX News 10/10 – 10/12 24 23
@94 What they leave out is it was at a small party for defense contractors and some of their large investors. This is why Trump knows as he was invited to the party and wasn’t able to attend. There were some cheering people there. Some clearly torn people as well. Since then though they have done very well so the cheering has gotten louder.