How the Keystone victory was won.
Mental Floss: What causes motion sickness?
Tweety: GOP Sen. Vitter chose prostitutes over patriots.
Romance with a young Hillary Rodham.
The 2016 Festival of Clowns:
- How many time was the middle class mentioned?
- Maddow: Politicians’ ‘secret information,’ a factual red flag.
- Republicans want to reverse our progress.
- PsychoSuperMom: Their lips are movin’….
- Daily Show: What the actual fact?!?
- Young Turks: The 4th G.O.P. debate.
- Farron Cousins: Republicans promote the same failed policies. Why do people vote for these idiots?
- “Memorable” quotes from the 4th G.O.P. debate
- Red State Update watches the GOP debate
- Seth Meyers: GOP Debate Wrap-up
- Stephen: The 4th GOP debate was a thing that happened.
- David Pakman: How many stories have Ben Carson fabricated?
- Sam Seder: Ben Carson releases liberal media diss track
- Young Turks: Ben Carson’s evolution on minimum wage.
- Stephen: Did Ben Carson really try to stab a dude?
- Young Turks: Ben Carson’s on China and ISIS
- Sam Seder: The Official Ben Carson Song.
- Panderdom: Ben Carson’s new Hip-Hop radio ad.
- Ben Carson’s past is scarier when accompanied by metal
- Judd Apatow is voting for Ben Carson.
- Sam Seder: What part of Ben Carson owning a time machine do you not understand?
- Young Turks: Trump goes after Carson on knife story.
- Trump son’s are back to defend their dad.
- Young Turks: Trump’s modern “Operation Wetback” is even too nuts for Bill-O-the-Clown!
- Matthew Filipowicz: WTF? Donald Trump is against raising the minimum wage and actually thinks wages are too high?!?:
- Ron White explains the flaws in Trump’s wall plan.
- Young Turks: Donald Trump is really mocking Hillary’s hair?
- Sam Seder: Jeb not cool with Marco!
- Stephen: Baby Hitler is no match for Jeb.
- What G.O.P. tax plans really mean.
- An interview with Lindsey Graham, hairstylist
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz will cut every federal agency he can remember.
Minute Physics: How to go to space.
Mark Fiore: Climate Interuptus.
Maddow: $15/Hr nationwide strike by fast food workers.
Stephen: Senators McCaskill & Klobuchar explain how women get things done.
Trevor: The Myanmar Daily Show.
David Pakman: New jobs accelerate as unemployment keeps dropping.
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Thom: The good, the bad, and the very, very osmagoguely ugly!.
Our generation our choice.
Daily Show: Solution for outdated voting machines.
Maddow: Arizona Republican’s border wall flops! Oops.
Sam Seder: Bill-O-the-Clown thinks all colleges are fascist training camps.
Honest Political Ads: Meet Mrs. Fullbright.
Dick Cheney is the GOP guest of “honor” this week.
Stephen: The next debate will feature Hillary, Bernie and Mumford & Sons (sp?).
War on Christmas Caffeine:
- Nutbagger thinks Starbucks hates baby Jesus
- Stephen: Putting the Christ Back In C(hrist)offee.
- Young Turks: Trump bizarre Starbuck’s rant.
- New and improved Starbucks holiday cups
- Farron Cousins: The Republican War on War on Christmas™ starts early this year.
- Ellen: The great Starbucks cup controversy.
Young Hillary gets ready to party.
How to speak like a presidential candidate.
Mental Floss: 24 facts about GOP Candidate Whine wine.
Farron Cousins: Make voting day a national holiday.
How its built: Political scandals.
Young Turks: WA school football coach won’t stop leading prayers.
Adam Ruins Everything: The Electoral College:
David Pakman: FAUX News hosts confused about good jobs numbers.
Stephen: Climate change and coital frequency.
Young Turks: Good news in the battle for voter rights.
The Adventures of Young Hillary: Hillary in the stacks .
Harry Reid’s special relationship with Roll Call’s Niels Lesniewski.
John Oliver: Prisoner re-entry.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Deja vu on the debate performance, not remembering what they want to cut.
Some of the latest from France24 on the tragic attack in Paris.
Everybody back to calling them French Fries now?
“Everybody back to calling them French Fries now?”
Nah, these days wingnuts hate our own nation’s president and government one hell of a lot more than they ever hated France. The only thing this terrorist attack on an ally has elicited around these parts is yet more of Bob’s snide and the loon’s batshit insanity.
While The Fuckwad is busy today observing his invisible sky buddy’s proscription against using the intertubes I thought I’d share this.
As Carson proceeds to implode we’ll be blessed with plenty of accusations against the vast and powerful conspiracy of hippies that is “the media”. So save this link for future reference:
Wingnut response to an attack on our ally…
“Do people not realize that #ISIS is already infiltrating #BlackLivesMatter?”
“Now maybe the whining adolescents at our universities can concentrate on something other than their need for “safe” spaces…”
“If we can survive Obama and Kerry and Hillary until we can close our own borders, we might avoid this.”
“Hi. We’re #BlackLiesMatter. We’re just like the people being killed in Paris. Except their victims were actually innocent.”
“The World Mourns For Paris”
Not our wingnuts. They’re incapable of empathy. For them it’s just an excuse to hate even more on America’s minorities, immigrants and government.
While we’re all turning our Facebook cover photos into the French flag and heading off to McDonald’s for fries, keep in mind the #BLM peeps do have a bit of a point, albeit rather poorly made.
Things aren’t so great here, either.
417 of them, year-to-date.
Which GOP presidential candidate stands to gain the most, and which stands to lose the most, as a result of yesterday’s Paris events?
Same question, Democrat presidential candidates?
I wonder if Dickerson is quickly meeting with the candidates a second time prior to tonight’s DNC debate.
This syndicated column, which I pulled from the Seattle Times, spells out just how preposterous the GOP candidates are.
Checks and balances have their useful place, but sometimes it takes only one asshat to ruin an entire continent. Even the Seattle Times editorial board thinks this Republican congressman is full of shit.
Probably not a relevant question. The unaffiliated swing state voters who will decide the general election will not break on such a question. “Security moms” are no longer in play. You’re listening to too much AM radio. Shows your age.
@3 I never stopped calling them french fries, even when that called into question my patriotism in the eyes of some people whose opinions I couldn’t care less about.
@8 What’s drunk Republican drivers’ body count?
@9 If you really want to know, I think the big “winner” (definitely not the right word for this context) is Hillary. Nobody’s thinking or talking about Benghazi or her emails anymore. Their focus is elsewhere now. Republicans ought to be shitting their pants, because they just lost their best talking points, and now their candidates will actually have to do something about an actual problem.
From Paris…A man pulls his grand piano with his bike to outside the theater, then plays a song, John Lennon’s “Imagine”.
@ 16
Well, they couldn’t exactly ask Lennon to do it himself.
@ 12
I’m sure you’re correct. FL, OH, and CO are abuzz with the greatly concerning issue of whether Ben Carson mischaracterized his interactions with a military recruiter all those decades ago.
Too funny, Bob. Heh. Carson and our Loon. “They’re not liars! That’s a mischaracterization! They’re batshit fucking insane!”
“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’”
Because Ben Carson is a good Christian….Paris was an opportunity to hate on the refugees.
“To bring them here when we have tens of millions of people who are suffering economically doesn’t make any economic sense”
The Christ, “as you did it to one of the least of these”
Ben Carson, “doesn’t make any economic sense”
Trump on Carson, “Violent criminal? Or pathological liar? We don’t need either as president.”
I would have added, “And he belongs to a doomsday cult!”
Boob is too funny. The fool thought gas prices would elect the man who “understands (vulture) capitalism”…
Yours truly said Americans were adjusting.. It wouldn’t be that big a deal.
The troll’s head EXPLODED! Too damn funny! Now the tool is keeping the dope alive dreaming that bad things that happened to the French will help his beloved Republican degenerates.
Maybe more apologies to the French for TWO TERM President Obama will help!
Heh. If a some Texass jerk Congress Critter can “apologize” to the CEO of BP for a TWO TERM President making BP pay for the mess they created – shit the always wrong wing can apologize even to the French.
Then mix in some “unskewed polls” – that’s the ticket!
I don’t think they’ll figure it out in time. Instead of giving even a moment’s consideration to the bad things that actually happen to Americans (yes, in places like FL, CO, and OH) they’ll give us jokes about pant-suits, fat thighs, and “rapey” Meskins.
Sloppy Travis Bickle,
“Well, they couldn’t exactly ask Lennon to do it himself.”
That’s not clever or funny. Gwad, are you a bore.
@ 25
You could respond, or perhaps ask Goldy to respond, to some of the stuff I post that’s arguably less boring.
Job losses affecting hotel workers in LA possibly related to the minimum wage increase
might hold the attention of some. It’s been a few months since that Moody’s piece was posted, but it seems to be going differently for hotel workers in LA than it does for most restaurants in Seattle. Compare and contrast, for instance?
Or possibly a discussion of whether the lower end of the Seattle restaurant market – limited-service restaurants – might be suffering in relation to the increase in minimum wage, and that the institution of this increase might actually be increasing inequity between the higher-end restaurants and those which serve the lower-earning among us.
I’ll gladly accept a patented Darryl beat-down on either topic. And I’ll still be here tomorrow.
I don’t know what Bernie’s problem is. Yesterday’s events had little to do with damn emails.
Bet # 8 comes up tonite, in one form or another.
That’s twice in two days Rogin’s brought up Obama’s containment comment about ISIS.
3) I thought it was ridiculous at the time, even though I was upset they did not join the coalition. Looking back, I can see why they stayed out at the time. The population of Europe took a big hit during WWII, and many towns in France know the cost of war. Now the French should retaliate. I was wondering if the Charles de Gaulle had left it’s base yet, turned out it left Toulon last week.
LOL! Confusing correlation with causation and Booby needs stroking for that!
More laughs AT the “deeply” and “sincerely” sorrowful cab driver.
Such compassion demonstrated here by HA DUMMOCRETINS for the at least 129 dead in Paris!
Yes ISIS is contained! So well contained by Obummer!
Watch the trolls HEADS EXPLODE!
Take that to the salt mine babbling jackass! And poor booby will still come around here to raise his hand to get called on to get strokes for his living wage “homework”.
Carson imploding?
How about Trump imploding…
Lib the racist unscientist is still posting from the same location and reading the horsesASS manure from the journolists at VOX!
Maybe lib the racist unscientist is mixing up Carson with Obummercare… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....69889.html
Notice that the babbling jackass has arrived to get “in the mood” for the evening’s salt mining duty.
@22 Not to put too fine a point on Trump’s remarks, we don’t need an empty-suited blowhard for president, either.
@22 “I would have added, “And he belongs to a doomsday cult!””
Isn’t that what ISIS is? This article’s author thinks so.
@25 Could’ve been worse. At least he didn’t offer to sing along.
@26 You enjoy getting whipped, don’t you? You’re kinky.
@35 I just push the “ignore” button and pretend It went away.
@ 37 RR:
ISIS or the Daesh as they are called in Europe, is a wahabbist mercenary force for the Saudis. The Wahabbists are a particularly radical sect of anti-Shi’ite Sunni Moslems. The Saudi Royal Family is Wahabbist.
The old Saudi family is all dead or dying, and the internal government political situation is splitting up into factions. Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the current King of Saudi Arabia, is suffering from Alzheimer’s and is also rumored to have cancer. As of this time, Saudi Arabia has several factions within the Royal family that are in direct political conflict, and of those, there is a faction that is openly calling for the total conquest of the greater middle east, that is Syria, Yemen, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Lebanon for the creation of a greater Caliphate. These are the people supporting, arming and financing the Daesh.
Weapons, of US and British manufacture with serial numbers that date their production to within the last few months, has been found by Turkish and Syrian forces in Syria among captured Daesh encampments. That means that artillery shells and such are being funneled though Saudi Arabia, Turkey and possibly even Israel.
Right now, the Saudis (with the full cooperation and assistance from the US Government), is attacking Yemen and Oman with the full force of their military. Who are they fighting? It certainly isn’t the Wahabbists. It is the Shi’ites they’re after.
The Wahabbists are their allies in that fight.
We’re in a proxy war with our closest ally in the Arab world. If the United States was serious about kicking the shit out of the Daesh death cult, we’d hit Saudi Arabia with everything we have. But we can’t do that. They’re our friends.
@18 Right Stuff. Let’s say I agree with the video you linked.
Now substitute a little bit of the Religion of Islam with Christianity and tell me how Killing Gays has nothing to do with Christianity?
Did you see the news about that Anti-gay Pastor that held a fund raiser with three Presidential Candidates in attendance that called for killing of gay people. So should I assume every Christian fells that way?
I’m sure Puffy could tell us all about passages of Leviticus. But suggesting to kill gay people has nothing to do with Christianity, right? Right Stuff.
Maybe the whole problem is Religion itself.
So again, let’s say I agree with what was said in the link you provided. Tell me how I shouldn’t feel that Islam and Christianity aren’t much different (with respect to gay people)
Matter of fact not many media officials talked about the anti-gay pastor that calls for killing of gays, as if they don’t exist, kind of like ISIS really doesn’t exist.
I am a Christan – not attack Christianity…..but some Christians don’t think I am a Christian or a “good Christian”.
Anyone that calls for killing can’t complain when someone kills them. Can they?
Not sure if you got the Right Stuff or the Wrong Stuff.
Did some people use Christianity to defeat inter racial marriages and relationships?
I know you like to pop in here and drop little bombs and then disappear….but hopefully you have some answers for me.
Not sure why Boob expects dialogue from Goldy or Darryl, of his boring comments….he certainly allows anti-gay pastors to run around with Presidential Candidates calling for the killing of the gays.
He can’t entertain anything but something boring.
And Boob thinks he respects human life.
Sloppy Travis Bickle,
You could respond […]to some of the stuff I post that’s arguably less boring. Job losses affecting hotel workers in LA possibly related to the minimum wage increase
Why would I respond to that?!? Two points:
1. I don’t live in Seattle or in LA.
2. You are arguing from a fucking anecdote, you imbecile! Have you not retained any of the lessons I have generously taught you here?
There is a rich body of science, primarily found in the economics literature, where scientists provide economic theory, collect evidence, analyze the evidence in light of theory, and then debate the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage. Your fucking anecdote notwithstanding, there is not a strong consensus in the field, except that most scientists would agree that modest increases in minimum wage empirically show little negative or positive impacts on economics measures. Some find slightly negative effect, some find slightly positive effects on measures like sectoral employment, economic growth, tax revenue, inflation, etc.
It is idiotic to generalize about a single effect from a single case, cherry picked from a much larger body of evidence.
I hope that satisfactorily addresses your invitation.
Isn’t it great to know Puddy PWNS the clueless crazed databaze cretin until Jesus comes in the clouds of glory!
Meanwhile the U of Missouri activists are pizzed at ISIS…
Remember two of the killers were “refugees”. The DUMMOCRETIN debate can’t call it radical islam. Very telling HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Just think. when we invaded Europe in June 1944, we shouldn’t have called them Nazis. Remember it’s because they are unemployed!
Progressive DUMMMOCRETIN thoughts are sick!
FT Hood and Paris last night… shared ideology and DUMMOCRETINS are whack!
The Friday Night Comix and no links on the Paris tragedy!
Waaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah you can’t do that…
So when the first attack happens on US soil we can blame
TWO TERM PREZNIT OBUMMER right clueless crazed databaze cretin?
The DUMMOCRETIN debate was so booooooring it ended early!
Here you go… why Heilary accepts wall street donors… HAHAHAHAHA!
What an excuse!
Heads explode…
The JV killed an American… HA DUMMOCRETINS just don’t care… Notice the horsesASS manure above!
When you can’t call it radical islam, well…
Heilary only supports a $12 minimum wage..
S I L E N C E!
@55 Zzzzzzz … (snore)
Notice that the babbling jackass troll has once again attained PEAK HATE @45-56 before slinking off for salt mining duty.
Putting HA first before the salt mining buddy most Saturday evenings. That’s the babbling jackass!
That’s quite a slip to make on salt mining night jackass. Heh.
Remember what dj said.
This thread went absolutely batshit fucking insane @45-56. Evidently last weekends gravitational collapse of the loon’s head continues and there’s nothing that can stop the implosion. That means within just a matter of hours the loon could be posting from a black hole!
@45 Where is your fucking Jesus and the why the hell didn’t he show in clouds and all the whoop la as the bloody king of Christians yesterday in Paris. Is he getting back rubs up there in heaven, maybe he really runs hell. He didn’t show up and he is not going to show up ever. We can launch every ICBM on the planet and he isn’t going to show up and this old Earth will continue circling this yellow star.
We humans being might do far better among ourselves if we look after each other and chuck some of this religious crap on the rubbish heap of history, but we won’t. Some people are too far invested in the bullshit. Now we got 129 dead people in Paris, and the French will do something we are going to help and most likely more people will die. It doesn’t matter what the current candidates say they will do it’s folks in office here and in other countries that are gong to cast the die in the next few days.
Maybe our sons and sons will be drafted so we can go into a few countries and kill brown people trying to sort out the good brown people from the bad ones. Maybe the French will simple use one of their atomic warheads on a few of these crazies. That would be a statement ISIS is going to be hard pressed to top.
Where was Jesus?
Apparently you really don’t know your Bible very well Mark Adams. God doesn’t protect those whom reject Him Mark Adams! 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12.
You secular God haters are taking away the Holy Spirit whom keeps morons like these killers at bay. You take Him out of people’s lives like the Bremerton Coach who prays AFTER the game. You take Him out of your own lives… Ephesians 4:30 – And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.
You choose to reject God… God allows you to reap the consequences. Isn’t it quite interesting that these killers attack on Friday Night when Jews and Christian Sabbath keepers are in their homes worshipping God? The progressives at PMSNBC complained the radical islamists attacked progressives out for their Friday night fun! Go ahead and Google it!
You see Mark Adams, one day y’all hating progressives will do this:
Romans 14:11 – For the Scriptures say, “‘As surely as I live,’ says the LORD, every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will confess and give praise to God.'”
Philippians 2:10-11 – so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
clueless crazed databaze cretin…
Why does Puddy care what dj thinks or cares? Was one link supplied above displaying compassion for the 129 dead and many more injured in Paris by Da Perfessa?
NOPE! Why? Being a DUMMOCRETIN demonstrates there is no HOPE!
Where is your demonstration of compassion clueless crazed databaze cretin?
M I A !
The “batshit crazy” one is Triple Pressure Packed Steve! The triple concentration between Triple Pressure Packed Steve’s ears and the additional pressure behind Triple Pressure Packed Steve’s eyes are causing further damage to the psyche and soul of Triple Pressure Packed Steve. That continual goatse action is really getting to Triple Pressure Packed Steve!
Not one reBUTTal butt continual ad hominem attacks! Not one reBUTTal to any of those links above.
FACTS… an anathema to DUMMOCRETINS!
Meanwhile, with the election outcome basically finalized we see what progressivism is doing to the poorer in Seattle.
Intellectual diversity in Seattle? Not in Seattle Politics or their schools! See the next Puddy Post from NPR!
Above, Puddy posted the whining of Lenin’s useful idiots attending the University of Missouri, Roger senile’s skuul! We see how the lack of Intellectual diversity has affected Seattle to the point poor people will be leaving their Seattle homes because the free political handouts will cost others their hard fought livelihood! Puddy knows y’all forgot this debate! How? Witness the garbage y’all incessantly write being interminable morons
We saw last week those demonstrations from liars at UofM. In the advent of cell phones and instant mass media, where was the swastika of feces? No pictures! Where was the evidence the KKK was on Campus? No pictures! Well the student body president admitted to that lie! Where was the evidence the rich graduate student Jonathan Butler was hit by the UofM ex-president’s car? Well, the video evidence. Libtards run the university zoos! Puddy loves watching libtards destroy each other due to this lack of intellectual diversity at universities!
This lack of intellectual diversity is now being subjugated upon poor in Seattle. The mass hysteria of progressive thought taught in high schools and universities everywhere is now coming home to roost in Seattle politics!
@65. What happens when the rich hack the tax code so they avoid paying their fair share and everyone else votes for services that someone has to pay for. It ends up being the little people without clout who get stuck. I want a fairer economy I am going to Vote For Bernie.
Wait… Some highly placed HA DUMMOCRETIN will scream… ANECDOTE ANECDOTE! Yeah almost 500,000 anecdotes!
Carly Fiorina is right That’s how progressivism works! Create a problem. Then tell everyone only government can fix the problem. Then go to your final goal by saying this is the only solution!
We see that argument with the Obummer saying we need to act like the European countries accepting Syrian “refugees” all over Europe. Obummer tells us that we need to take 200,000 Syrians into America. We saw that outcome last Friday night in Paris!
Notice – no comments from Wrong Way and Boob, only the babbling Jack Ass loon, proving how fucking radical RIGHT WING Christians can be along with radical RIGHT WING Muslum.
Does someone own a decoder ring for Looking up and Being Teabagged again @”69″?
There is no debate commentary on the various PuddyEntries! Only ad hominem attacks! At least the moronic twit @67 attempted a shallow comeback! Nothing much was offered though!
@65. What happens when the rich hack the tax code so they avoid paying their fair share and everyone else votes for services that someone has to pay for.
Well Puddy noticed you support Bernie. Butt Bernie is offering $13 Trillion in new taxes for his new giveaways @67. So how can you justify that support? The rich don’t have $13 Trillion!
Seems this is a place in Europe where most HA DUMMOCRETIN would feel right at home with your Israel hatred demonstrated every day on HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Coming soon to America…
And when the first US attack happens what will the clueless crazed databaze cretin fart then? Oh wait… that happened already at Ft Hood!
I see that the implosion continues. Given the gravitational forces at play here, I’d say there’s nothing which can stop the loon from becoming a babbling black hole.
Is that triple pressure really getting to Triple Pressure Packed Steve? Apparently so! #74 provides more proof! ObummerCare implosion and you Psych 101 on Puddy. So sad and so typical!
Provide evidence to refute the FACTS Triple Pressure Packed Steve! Oh wait you can’t. The pressure is too great!
It’s no coincidence that both Carson and the loon are imploding at the same time.
“Trump surges among likely Republican primary voters”
“According to the five-day rolling Reuters/Ipsos presidential poll, Trump has leapt some 17 percentage points among likely Republican voters since Nov. 6, when he was essentially tied with Ben Carson at about 25 percent. Trump now captures 42 percent of those voters while Carson has fallen off slightly.”
Ouch! Trump’s 42% to Carson’s 25%. Damn. What an epic one-week ass-whupping!
It’s all the fault of the super powerful cabal of pot smoking Hippie losers who fucked up all their STEM classes and had to settle for jobs in journalism. Yup. They run things. Those guys.
Those same losers who’ve been warning us about sea level rise for twenty years. They run the show. Sure they do. Yup.
And here I was, wondering who ran the show. Pot-smoking Hippie losers and their Satanic music. Explains everything.
It’s the perfect cover, eh? Who’da guessed that filthy beardos in Birks controlled the Republican nominating process?
So Hillary made a Wall Street faux pas. S’ok. It’s why I support Bernie.
Trey who now?
Granny and Grandpa are STARVING in this klownservatic state. Why don’t the klownservatics just throw them off a cliff?
Oh that would be “compassionate” klownservaticism. The klownservatics have “evolved” past that.
*rolls eyes*
Trump has issues the media hasn’t even begun to explore yet:
“There are a number of important issues that have barely made it onto the radar. For example, a handful of reports have surfaced on how little Trump has given to charity over the years, a measure for the values of a wealthy person who has not been in public service, and the ways in which he has greatly exaggerated and misconstrued the money that he has donated.
“The Associated Press produced a scathing report in August showing how he has overstated his contributions, how they are small compared with others of his income status, and that they advance his personal interests. This record would not sit well with some voters, who are seeking a populist voice, especially from a billionaire candidate who is now insisting that the wages of workers are too high.”
1,500 people just fired the Mormon Church over its same-sex policies.
Obama got another one.
So Hillary made a Wall Street faux pas.
Wrong again clueless razed databaze cretin. The clueless razed databaze cretin has Salon and Vox links from the PuddyCache. Each of these links demonstrate Wall Street PWNS Heilary!
And we all know you’ll gladly vote for Heilary!
More EPIC FAYLES with the crazed databaze!
Not one DUMMOCRETIN expression of sadness for those 129 dead humans in Paris.
@87. I don’t believe in empty show gestures like that . Having some long thoughtful discussions with friends on Facebook about fundamental intolerance as in
I see them as fundamentally intoleranant of any one else. How do we bomb or kill intolerance out of existence?
@62 No it’s been 2000 years where is your Christ the King. On vacation? He’s been absent. AWOL and he will remain AWOL. This Jesus is as real as Superman. It’s pure fiction. Otherwise where is Christ in his clouds and all that and why not in Paris during all that. Or would you assumed if he dis show up that dude was the anti Christ?
Nope no Jesus has shown up so now we are down to hoping the French bend to their better natures. There was a time when by now 1290 Moslems in the country of France would have been rounded up and executed. That is according to your good book that the king may seek vengeance in that way. The French today bombed ISIS headquarters and they are likely not done yet. They are not always nice people after all French Jews went to the gas chambers during the German occupation with the assistance and blessing of some French.
Meanwhile AK-47’s, explosives, cars, bullets are real. A bunch of religious zealots are using them, and yet Jesus Christ has not shown up yet again. Maybe he’s with ISIS. Could be you know if Mohammed truly was the last Prophet of God. Apparently you don’t believe their stick since you haven’t converted. Or will he definitely be coming back as a Seven Day Adventist? Or a Catholic? Or a Mormon? Or a Methodist? Hey maybe he is already here and was on the Daily Show last week. That man is a good man and rich perhaps he will get through the eye of the needle to heaven if there is one.
@62 I also know although it’s no where in the bible that when a great General came back to Rome and was given a parade that beside the General or Ceasar a soothsayer would stand beside him and whisper in his ear that he is mortal, and other such things and eventually the parade would be over, and tributes given and all that, and the parade would be over and the General, Counsel ect would be just a Roman citizen once again.
@67 And Boeing has gotten some pretty good sweet heart deals as well. Can’t say the impact of these deals to property taxes in Ballard would be all that much, but certainly there is some business there getting a deal from the city so they will stay.
@68 Actually progressives wanted a single payer system. Which works. If you are going to control price then you have to control how health care is provided as well as paid for. When our government does provide health care it’s usually effective and delivered at a reasonable price. Of course old Ben Carson never gave a few years as a military doctor or worked at a VA maybe he could now rather than run for President. After working in the system for awhile he might learn some things and might actually be a more effective President if he were elected.
Progressives got what was determined to be politically possible at the time and we got the Republican dream alternative, and you are screaming against it. What we got is their plan so if it’s so horrible it’s time to try single payer.
Ya know what?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen any “expression of sadness” from The Fuckwad over lots of innocent dead going back many years.
Manadel al-Jamadi?
James Byrd Jr?
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
I figure if I don’t get to dictate who he publicly mourns…
@66 You are such a doubting Thomas. Here you are demanding to see the nail marks. Yet @62 I’m supposed to just accept what the bible says with no proof and not even the degree of scholarly investigation required to accept that information in ancient texts are true. It was believed that the Iliad was total fiction until some archeologist uncovered Troy using it. t doesn’t make all of the Iliad or Odyssey true, but it gives both those books more authenticity than the books you are referring to and to a great deal in the bible. You are hypocrite unless you are going to demand the documents, photos, drawings ect from the events depicted in the bible. You don’t get have it both ways.
@71 Actually they do Puddy. As President Roosevelt pointed out to them they should gladly do their part for our society.
Puddy took the family there for a week instead of going to Europe for a European Christmas. And what did lib the racist unscientist do? Nuthin of course!
James Byrd Jr? – Murdered on June 7, 1998. Was horsesASS manure operating then?
Manadel al-Jamadi? Never heard of him. Someone overseas? As the moronic twit asks.. “Did it happen in America”?
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Over a degenerate grifter like your beloved Carson?
To watch your fool head EXPLODE???
Damn straight fool!
How’s that Lerner shit working out for your dumb ass by the way?
@71 Actually they do Puddy.
Prove it @95. Even national DUMMOCRETINS disagree with you!
Are you volunteering to lead a prayer for the people in Paris who died somewhere in Seattle? Rather than bitch why don’t you do something if you are truly concerned that we don’t give a damn about the people who died in Paris. Hopefully you are including the seven attackers as that would be Christian of you. I’m sure there are some who would join you in a prayer. They may also show up or throw Starbucks holiday cups at you afterward. Your a big I’m sure you can survive that.
So prayer group where and when? Sorry I won’t be making the drive from Bellingham. My thoughts will be with the group if you got the balls to arrange it.
The only lazy degenerate grifter is you clueless crazed databaze cretin!
A) The current Gross Domestic Product was 17.419 billion in 2014
b). Per Wikipedia the current financial value of holdings in the United States is $296.6 trillion in assets versus debts of debts of $145.8 trillion. Therefore if the political will is there whether the reason is to go to war or for domestic policy the rich can easily be taxed $17 trillion. The one percent own the bulk $140 trillion difference.
@101 So how is your guys Carson (and other Republican candidates) Gold Standard going to work with all those trillions of assets. There doesn’t exist enough ounces of gold to cover just the United States assets let along the total worlds. It just isn’t going to work. Going to walk into the bank and get your 1 micron of gold for Ben Franklin?
Yep kablooey.
@71. Already gave puddy links on how Bernie planned to pay for his initiatives, can’t help it if puddy refuses to read or remember.
@100 LMAO!
This man turned down a top position in SDA leadership to be with his wife in her final days.
Sonja Carson is ill and where is Ben???
Selling books, a phony story of redemption and other grift!
DAMN FOOL YOU ARE for supporting this jerk Carson!
Puffy’s ploy to say democrats aren’t showing any sadness is the guilt that he has because he will not acknowledge that his religion, just like the Religion of ISIS, wants to kill the gays.
If he can convince you of believing that democrats don’t care about or aren’t showing sadness for what happened in Paris, then it is perfectly acceptable for him to think killing gays is ok.
Christianity, as it is taught by the wrong wing, and radical Muslims, like ISIS, are cut from the same cloth.
You see, if it weren’t true that wrong wing Christians want to kill the gays, then Puffy and Boob would correct me out of offending their love for “christianity”.
So I ask – how can they say that what happen in Paris was bad if the don’t think killing gays, or “correcting” their ilk for saying that gays should be killed.
Once you think it is acceptable to kill any particular group of people or demographic of people, then it becomes acceptable to kill everyone and anyone. Why are Christians so special in that they can go around saying gays should be killed while people are silent. I would think ISIS, then has the right to believe that they can kill who they want and that it is acceptable.
Freedom fries for everyone.
@55 I’m sure a lot of people making $7.25 would be glad to get $12.00. They’ll never get a penny from Republicans, though. These people need to get out and vote for Democrats or nothing will change.
@106 I don’t think sadness is the appropriate emotion. I think righteous anger fits the situation better. Napalm cannisters and cluster bombs are what you want to use on these inhuman bastards. Make ’em feel pain. The world has put up with them long enough; it’s time to revoke their living privileges.
Excuses, excuses.
Junior gave us excuses too. He’s doing it still. That’s why you people don’t get to be in charge any more. You break shit you can’t fix and refuse to accept responsibility.
@71 & @95 — Frankly, after listening to years of Republican flat-tax propaganda, at this point I’d be satisfied if the rich just paid the same tax rate as the rest of us.
But here’s something interesting from the Oct. 26, 2015, issue of Barron’s magazine, page 11:
“While the 39% statutory corporate tax rate in the U.S. — the rate companies ostensibly are paying — is among the highest in the world, the effective, or actual rate has fallen to 29% from 35% in 1990.”
In other words, corporations (the main source of wealth for the rich) have gotten an enormous tax cut over the last 25 years. But that’s not all:
“The range of taxes paid varies considerably … [some] companies have paid almost nothing. Cruise-ship operator Carnival has paid an average of just 1% of income in taxes in the past 10 years.”
But wait, there’s more, this comes from Goldman Sachs strategist David Kostin:
“Kostin notes the companies with higher tax rates tend to be of higher quality than those with lower rates. Those in the high-rate basket have a return on equity of 22% … compared with 15% for the low-tax-rate companies. High-tax companies also have enjoyed more revenue growth. They are expected to post a 9% increase in ales in 2016, more than twice the 4% expected from the low-tax-rate companies.”
See? High tax rates don’t destroy businesses or jobs. In fact, in many cases, the companies paying the highest taxes are the most successful and prosperous.
Poooofff!!! go the Republican arguments for more tax-coddling of the corporate rich.
@105 And here we thought Paul LePage was the craziest idiot the GOP could inflict on us …
@96. Maybe I didn’t have a platform like I do today to express my opinion about James Bryd Jr., but I do remember that day and my feelings. I felt the same disgust then of his killing that I do today of some of the senseless killings of black individuals by today’s police. It’s the same disgust I have when I hear Christian pastors talk about killing the gays today, in the presence of three current presidential candidates.
And I’m sure many other liberals here on this blog felt the same way.
So go fuck yourself you right wing nut job.
You have no credibility due to holding the belief or letting someone in the name of Chrustisnity calling to kill gay people. You are the scum you keep talking about.
@109 hopefully the world has had enough of people talking about and calling for the killing of gays.
“111 soon Republicans will be saying that is the reason why Obama’s economy is so good – that their tax cuts were the effect of the economy over the last 7 years. They’ll do a complete 180, and start saying that the were the credit for this great economy over the last 7 years.
Yeah Bernie Sanders plans spending America into OBLIVION!
– Sr Policy VP James Kessler, DUMMOCRETIN Third Way Think Tank.
Thom Fartmann claims Sanders will cost America $13 Trillion. Wall Street clims $18 Trillion. Scary!
Sonja Carson is ill and where is Ben???
Dr Carson’s mother is under excellent care clueless crazed databaze cretin. Wow you care! Candy is Dr Carson’s wife clueless crazed databaze cretin.
Excuses, excuses. Yes, where was lib the racist unscientist during Katrina? closet noplay is still posting from the network same location Lib the racist unscientist did! Still using the same phrases!
Such a phony!
Yes Obummer and the FED with their Quantitative Easing doesn’t help. All the added debt doesn’t help!
BTW clueless crazed databaze cretin, Puddy is happy you read about George Brown! Hopefully you learned something clueless crazed databaze cretin besides being HA’s lazy degenerate grifter!
James Byrd Jr? – Murdered on June 7, 1998. Was horsesASS manure operating then?
I know who was the fuckup Governor of Texas on June 7, 1998.
Wasnt he on vacation while Byrd was being dragged to death?
Oh, and Manadel al-Jamadi?
He’s a prisoner that the very same fuckup under qualified governor ordered tortured to death. The “Christian” thing to do.
Labor relations at New Jersey Transit.
In Milwaukee, the city has awarded a contract to Brookville Equipment for 4 Liberty streetcars and options on 20. I did not give this project much of a chance, with the current Governor of Wisconsin. If it does happen, it will be a good contrast to Kenosha’ s vintage streetcars.
Ahhh yes closed noplay still has no answer for Katrina!
James Byrd Jr… what a weak response.
Manadel al-Jamadi… more stoooooopid commentary.
As lib the racist unscientist you were more cogent. Now you are just an idiot! Butt keep playing the name game.
Excuses excuses!
(CNN)In direct contrast with President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton said Saturday that ISIS “cannot be contained” but instead must be “defeated.”
Her comments at the second Democratic presidential debate of the 2016 campaign season came a day after a series of terror attacks — for which ISIS claimed responsibility — took more than 100 lives in Paris. One day before the shocking massacre in France, Obama had said in an interview that ISIS was “contained.”
Even Heilary admits Obummer’s ISIS feckless foreign policy is a joke!
Meanwhile clueless has no idea who Carson’s wife is vs. his mother.
Well it has been clueless since 2005! That’s why the lazy degenerate grifter had the created the crazed databaze.
C L U E L E S S !
Clinton “vehemently offers support for Wall Street as post-911 recovery effort. Does that fly?” David Axelrod via Twitter.
That’s why HA DUMMOCRETINS will vote for this vile woman!
At the CBS DUMMOCRETIN debate Saturday night, Heilary super pac supported John Dickerson brought up Marco Rubio‘s criticism that in order to combat the threat of terrorism, the U.S. officially needs to first be willing to say radical Islam is a threat. None of the old white 1960s three radical DUMMOCRETIN candidates had the balls to say so.
Well, yesterday Marco appeared on ABC’s This Week and George Steponallofus (another admitted Heilary super pac supporter) asked Marco about their gaffe!
Excellent response to progressive DUMMOCRETIN stooooooooopidity!
What World-Class Idiocy Sounds Like
“Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says the terror attacks in Paris would have been ‘a much, much different situation’ had the victims been armed with guns.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, you would’ve had collateral damage, and it would be hard to tell who shot more people, the terrorists or the terrified armed victims. Why do some people still listen to this moron? I suppose because he tells them what they want to hear.
What What Local-Class Idiocy Sounds Like – @129
While Puddy doesn’t agree with Trump, 89 people were summarily executed by your ISIS pals; you know the ones who hate Christians and Jews! If someone else had a gun the death toll would have been a lot less. Butt don't let that fact interrupt your senile conscious stream!
These monsters executed the people in their wheelchairs at the concert. http://www.westernjournalism.c.....-you-sick/ So much for that American With Disabilities Act if this happened in America, eh Roger senile?
And all you HA DUMMOCRETIN idiots do is pick on Christians because, well, the Catholic Church implemented the Inquisition 500 years ago! Yes great moral equivalence IDIOT Roger senile Wabbit!
You see Roger senile… You need to expand your “event horizons”!
Remember this Obummer just said… “The terrible events in Paris were obviously a terrible and sickening setback.”
A setback!
Yes the new DUMMOCRETIN gravitas word of the day!
So if this was a setback…, how did French Mirage jets destroy a training camp in Syria? How come those pinprick attacks from Obummer’s military missed these sites?
Here are some of the pictures of victims the JV took out Friday night! The dead included one US citizen, two Algerians, two Portuguese, one Swede, one German, two Belgians, two Romanians and two Mexicans. Obummer has no clear strategy, and no one really knows it. It’s all in the Obummer head! Obummer’s containment strategy is really working now that these expeditionary attacks are really contained. Look on a map and see the latest ISIS locations!
Remember Garland Texas. If it wasn’t for a lone Texas police officer (probably a conservative Republican), this could have been that presentation led by Pamela Geller!
Say what… ISIS in Jordan as a lone wolf?
Obummer still gonna bring in those refugees. They got into Greece and came to France through Belgium. So Obummer’s number one priority is not protecting the home land!
Seems these guys will do more against ISIS than Obummer will!
The faces of those whom think just like HA DUMMOCRETINS!$10
“And all you HA DUMMOCRETIN idiots do…”
Here’s something you can do, Fuckwad.
Take your own advice lib the racist unscientist!
Remember kids, there are limits to western military and economic power. Yes, there are even limits to American power.
“Going all in” didn’t make much of a difference in Afganistan and Iraq. In the end, killing bin Laden required lots of ears to the ground, cooperation from key allies, timing and a bit of stealth. 2,000 sorties a day killed plenty of children, but left the bad guys laughing in their bunkers and overwhelmed with new recruits. Cheney and Junior promised us a democratic paradise in Persia. We got ISIS instead. We should not let the House of Saud play us any more.
Please puddy, volunteer to go over and be on the front lines against Isis. Send your children if you have to.
@ 137
“Going all in” didn’t make much of a difference in Afganistan and Iraq.
Sadly, leaving Iraq seems to have made a huge difference.
When America leads other nations follow. Obummer has no clue how to lead!
Plain and simple!
Hey look, potential Presidential Candidate and or President Ted Cruz was addressing members of America’s ISIS.
Meanwhile Walid has the correct ANALysis on Obummer’s feckless foreign policy…
Obummer has chosen Iran and Syria over the Sunni muslims to control that region!
… America’s ISIS.
Ted Cruz addressing abortion providers?
Meanwhile Huma Abedin Weiner claims Heilary often confused!
WOW! Now we see DUMMOCRETINS are jock strapping the confused candidate. No wonder there wasn’t anything cogent coming from her mouth last Saturday night at the DUMMOCRETIN debate!
@139 why did Bush sign the agreement that called for removal of the forces?
Why did he do it? You don’t suppose it was because the Iraqi’s didn’t want us there. Or you don’t suppose that it was because the American people wanted out of there.
But leave it to Boob to politicize it. You know Monday morning quarterbacking.
Why is that Bob doesn’t like history the way it factually is?
Golly Puddy missed this on DUmmies! Symbolism over substance… That’s the DUMMOCRETIN way!
which Sunnis are those? Hmmm?
Once upon a time the United States used it’s economic power to force other people into fighting our proxy wars. But after five decades of energy industry dictated economic and foreign policy we now find ourselves fighting proxy wars for OPEC oil despots. And oddly enough, despite a moral philosophy dripping with xenophobia and racism, it’s the modern movement conservatives cheering this shit on.
Hey Fuckwad! Guess what? The members of the Saudi Royal Family are non-white, non-christian, feriners! Precisely which members of your family are you willing to sacrifice for their regional objectives?
Butt butt butt Being Teabagged, Obummer claimed “What I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East. You’ve got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean. Now, you just gave a speech a few weeks ago in which you said we should still have troops in Iraq. That is not a recipe for making sure that we are taking advantage of the opportunities and meeting the challenges of the Middle East.”
So Obummer took all the credit for taking all the troops out of Iraq in the 2012 debate. Then in 2014 when the JV squad was winning in Iraq a change of tune. Blame Booooooosh!
Blame Booooooosh time… “What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision. Under the previous administration, we had turned over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government. So let’s just be clear. The reason that we did not have a follow on force in Iraq was because the Iraqis a majority of Iraqis did not want U.S. troops there, and politically they could not pass the kind of laws that would be required to protect our troops in Iraq. So that entire analysis is bogus and is wrong. But it gets frequently peddled around here by folks who oftentimes are trying to defend previous policies that they themselves made.”
Hey lib the racist unscientist… Still posting from the same location! Golly that exposes you to whom you still are! Name morphing donk!
Obummer is not a leader! The world knows this!
More victims of the violence perpetrated by fiends whom think like HA DUMMOCRETINS.
@129 Trump also says he would close some mosques. France can do that because they don’t have a First Amendment, but that’s plainly unconstitutional here — it violate both free speech and freedom of religion — and Trump surely must know that. Which means he’s either throwing red meat to the mobs, which is irresponsible, or he doesn’t give a damn about American citizens’ constitutional rights, which is dangerous.
@150 So your thesis is we’re all suicide bombers who slaughter innocents to perpetrate religious extremism? Prove it.
@147 “Hey Fuckwad! Guess what? The members of the Saudi Royal Family are non-white, non-christian, feriners!”
That’s funny. We all know these ignorant conservative assholes have only one litmus test: They turn on anyone who doesn’t goosestep to their ideology. Veterans? Nope, they don’t support Democratic veterans, see Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth. Christians? Nope, they hate you and your church, too, if you’re not their brand of “Christian” (i.e., anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-liberal bigot), no matter what Protestant (or Catholic, whatever) church you attend (see Obama, etc.). Americans? Nope, if you’re against their chestbeating militarism they call you a “traitor” and “unpatriotic” even though they were draft dodging while you were fighting in a war. In a rational world, these people would have zero credibility, and in fact their only followers are their own kind. Sure are a lot of them, though. I wonder if the flouridated water grew all this green slime?
The victims of Friday’s attacks are more enlightened than some Americans are.
Meanwhile, here in America, it’s probably just a matter of time before another Muslim-hating bigot murders another Sikh taxi driver.
he’s a tool, a blunt instrument, just like Junior was. Dick Cheney and Robert Kagan don’t give a runny shit about “the rights of the unborn”, or Kim Davis. Idiots like The Fuckwad line up every morning to be dog whistled into action serving the interests of others. It’s too fucking simple. A scrap of red meat and some magic words about mystic traditions and sacred honor and their ready to smash the family china.
Has a modern movement conservative ever fixed anything?
@ 153
Nope, they don’t support Democratic veterans, see Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth.
There’s really no shortage of Republican veterans. McCain. Dole. Why didn’t Democrats support those injured veterans when they ran for president, RR?
@150 “violence perpetrated by fiends whom think like…”, do you mean the Right Wing Christian Kill the Gays people…..yes, they are vary similar to ISIS or should I say ISIS is very similar to them. Which came first the chicken or the egg?
DAYUM Roger senile,
You and your ilk hate Christians and Israel.Just view any left wrong web site!
Nuff said sucka!
Hey, over on Darryl’s Senate poll thread Roger Rabbit has told us, twice in little more than four hours, how much money he’s up in the market today.
Like CNBC for people with Tourette’s.
Sooooooo to lib the racist unscientist and Roger senile, it’s okay to side with the mullahs of the shi’ite morons that took over our sovereign embassy and took 400 peeps hostage over sunnis. It’s OK to side with those who killed 241 US marines in Lebanon vs. the ones that let us use their air bases in 1991 against Saddam.
Thanks for playing you two idiots.
Stay classy!
To DUMMOCRETINS at their debate climate change was more important than ISIS! To Sanders climate change is the reason. It was boring.
Saturday night debates. Only 8 million watched utter boredom. Butt we conservatives learned a lot about Heilary! Bernie was Bernie… a real socialist whackjob!
So HA DUMMOCRETINS are you going to ensure Jay Inslee brings a whole bunch of Syrian refugees to Seattle?
Well the weather is much cooler and they won’t have to worry about those pesky Bernie Sanders climate change and arid conditions!
That’s because any thread on HA DUMMOCRETINS is Roger senile’s personal litter box of horsesASS manure!
PFFFFFFFTT… When did yours truly mention anyone named Kandy or Karson’s wife?
The point (totally lost on a dumbass troll) is that Karson unlike that other sda fellow cares for naught but money and power..
Is this money and power kraving shit taught in some korners of the kult? It’s caught on big time with a miserable troll who NEEDS this website to “perform” on Sat nights.
LOL! Is this miserable troll saying it’d reject Kristian Syrian refugees from its “mansion”????
LMAO! Oh say it’s not so jackass!
GOP VP watch update, Rubio/Bush edition:
PublicPolicyPolling @ppppolls 13m13 minutes ago
Our latest SC poll found Haley with 56/28 approval bc she’s respected by black voters and break even w/ Dems overall
One more time and a cock’s gonna crow.
POLITICO ✔ @politico
.@MittRomney is again ruling out a 2016 bid for the White House | Getty
It’s OK to side with …
Just who the fuck do you think funds ISIS and other terrorist groups in the region? Like I said before, you got a man-crush for the Wahabis, you go, girl. The fucking Saud family will be watching you die while pissing on you from a great altitude idiot.
@156 “Why didn’t Democrats support those injured veterans when they ran for president, RR?”
Some of us did. I never voted for Clinton, a fact known to long-time HA readers, because I’ve mentioned it multiple times over the years. I voted for Perot in ’92 and Dole in ’96. Does that answer your question?
And, by the way, we Democrats don’t treat Republican veterans with the disrespect that Republicans show for Democratic veterans. I target my contempt at Republican hypocrites who dodged the draft or avoided military service, of whom there is an egregiously long list.
A few years ago, when we had two Medal of Honor recipients serving in the U.S. Senate, both of them were Democrats.
As for McCain, his military service was a total clusterfuck. He wrecked 5 government airplanes. On the mission when he was shot down, he was the only pilot of his squadron to get hit, further calling into question his flying competence. We respect him for what he did after he was captured; that was heroic, and we acknowledge it was. We also respect him for being a decent politician and human being, unlike most of his party.
ISIS rejected from Sinjar…
Look at their atrocities. Selling a woman for a bottle of Pepsi! These are the same idiots who think just like HA DUMMOCRETINS… They hate Christians and Jews and Israel!
Remove the accent and imagine any HA DUMMOCRETIN with an American accent.
So why didn’t Obummer want to fully arm the Kurdish and peshmerga forces?
More feckless foreign policy decisions. Must be Walid Phares was correct in his assessment!
In this count, there are 10 GOP-governed states suspending Syrian refugee resettlement:
One of them is Louisiana.
Question: Does this issue help Vitter any? Or does the Democrat candidate defuse the issue by expressing extreme reluctance until more is known?
The Times-Picayune online poll
shows respondents opposing refugee settlements by nearly 2:1.
Hope this isn’t too boring a topic. There’s still another half hour before the market closes and maybe RR can tell us how much he’s up a few more times.
And, you got a man-crush for the Iranians supporting Obummer and his feckless nuclear deal and them getting their $150 Billion back lib the racist unscientist @168!
@163 That’s pretty hard to do with you taking up the whole litter box.
@158 “You and your ilk hate Christians and Israel.”
No doubt that explains why Democrats get 90% of the Jewish vote, and a large chunk of the Christian vote outside of the fanatical evangelicals and cult churches.
@ 169
And, by the way, we Democrats don’t treat Republican veterans with the disrespect that Republicans show for Democratic veterans.
Call it a hunch, but I’m pretty sure that if Tammy Duckworth had been a Republican last year, she would have permitted to vote:
House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.
Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.
As long as she showed valid photo ID along with her proxy, of course.
@160 “Sooooooo to lib the racist unscientist and Roger senile, it’s okay to side with the mullahs of the shi’ite morons that took over our sovereign embassy and took 400 peeps hostage over sunnis …”
There you go again! I think I’ve shown admirable restraint in my response to your vicious spewing in this thread. I’ll leave to your imagination what I deleted from #152 before posting it.
Medic 1 alert, Puffy is off his meds again! Approach with extreme caution.
Meanwhile the nets are saying Charlie Sheen has HIV!
@171 You don’t expect the states overrun with xenophobes and bigots to be blue states, do you?
@178 Who, besides Charlie Sheen, gives a rabbit pellet?
LOL! Quite a slip there Boob.. You don’t want to admit the open secret to klownservatic success.
Only Republicans are allowed to vote.
@171 $6,508. Sure beats $7.25 an hour. Not as good a gig as sucking the Medicare teat, though. If I’d been greedier when young, I would’ve become a private doctor instead of a public lawyer.
Pot, kettle:
Adult film star Scottine Ross, who an insider noted didn’t know of Sheen’s HIV status for four months while they had unprotected sex, railed against her ex-fiancé in a video provided to The ENQUIRER: “You exposed me to HIV for a year and a half!” she blasted.
I would have used ‘spurted’ instead of ‘blasted’. Was probably removed during editing.
It’s a mystery to me why stocks are gaining 212 Dow points on the very first trading day after nearly 500 people got blown up and shot by terrorists. Well, that’s Wall Street, I guess. Maybe they think this will make oil scarcer and worth more. Crude is up over 3% today, and my Lockheed shares are up $7 today. Looks like somebody’s expecting a war.
Oh Roger senile… there are big differences between the vile bile y’all spew here and more moderate DUMMOCRETINS! East coast Jewish people have lock stepped voted for DUMMOCRETINS because the vast majority of Jews don’t care about Judaism or Israel. They care about secular leftism, which is their religion.
According to the December 2012 Gallup poll, American Jews are the least religious religious group in America. Only 41% say that their religion is important to them in their daily life! Only 34% said they attend religious services at least monthly, compared with 65% who said they attended religious services seldom or never. 22% of Jews say they have no religion.
Then you look at the Pew 2013 poll of Jews and Israel where 30% of Jews say they are very attached to Israel. Only 43% of Jews have ever been to Israel. And here’s an amazing statistic: just 40% of Jews believe God gave Israel to the Jewish people. 27% say God didn’t, another 5% said they don’t know, and 28% said they didn’t believe in God at all.
There you go Roger senile. Too bad you are as stooooooooooooopid as evah!
You demonstrate admirable restraint? Yeah right!
@183 You’ve now established yourself as our resident expert on the adult film industry. In future, we’ll direct any questions we may have about pornography to you.
@185 “East coast Jewish people have lock stepped voted for DUMMOCRETINS because the vast majority of Jews don’t care about Judaism or Israel.”
You’re as hilarious as your hero Carson.
how do you propose “eliminating” ISIS if you can’t stomach “eliminating” it’s global Wahhabist support network? With a nearly infinite Saud family bankroll, it’s whack-a-mole until you assholes bankrupt the treasury and permanently disable every American kid under 30. You’ve spent over $1.6 trillion on Junior’s little project so far. With absolutely nothing to show for it.
By comparison, The Saudi’s built this nightmare on the cheap, spending a little over $100 billion on madrassas, mosques, and Wahhabist charities world wide. Today they’ve got a permanent global infrastructure in place ready to deploy violent intolerance on a moments notice anywhere on earth. It’s all fresh, locally sourced, and 100% passport free.
Somehow Goldy missed this one:
Oliver Willis
if only we had a seasonally appropriate story about middle eastern people seeking refuge being turned away by the heartless
Google “colin powell isis paris”.
There’s nothing there pertaining to last Friday’s attack.
He’s got nothing newsworthy to say?
Since when?
@189 So now it’s the refugees’ fault? C’mon, Bickle, you don’t need to scrape the bottom of the barrel; it’s not like you guys are running out of other people to hate.
I’ve been making chef salad out of Bickle and Puffybutt all morning, and they’re both too stupid to know when they’re getting chewed up.
Christie not on the list of governors who will try to prevent resettlement of Syrian refugees in their states.
Haley wants additional scrutiny but she isn’t trying to block anything yet, either.
Meanwhile, I made $7,051 from stocks this morning while sitting on my fat rabbit ass insulting Bickle and Puffy on HA. While I’m doing that, fast food workers, nursing home aides, and child care workers are laboring for $7.25 to $9.43 an hour, depending on where they live. Either the capitalist system puts an extremely high economic value on the opinions of HA’s liberal posters or its incentive system is screwed up. I think I know which.
@193 That marks them as slightly more enlightened and tolerant than the rest of their party, which means Christie won’t be the GOP nominee and Haley won’t be the veep nominee.
@ 191
Yes, dumbass. That’s just what one would expect a MMA fellow to tweet – that it’s the refugees’ fault.
Read it again. Slowly. Without one eye on your NYSE feed.
Focus on the word ‘seasonally’.
Editor’s note: Were you the Marine recruiter who spoke with Hillary Clinton in the 1970s? We want to hear from you. Email Oriana Pawlyk at:
Paging Lt. Col. Bill Burkett.
I’ve been making chef salad out of Bickle and Puffybutt all morning,
Dreaming again or another senile moment Roger senile?
Puddy gives the Pew 2013 poll of Jews and Israel where 30% of Jews say they are very attached to Israel. And what does Roger senile write…
@198 The part of #192 you didn’t quote answers your question.
Jeb! (somehow) has a reputation of being a moderate, but that’s not how he governs when the rubber meets the road:
“Though Bush is seen as a moderate in the current GOP field of presidential contenders, as Florida’s chief executive he routinely catered to social conservatives on numerous fronts. His administration wasn’t so different from that of his brother George W. Bush, who installed Christian conservatives in positions of power, mingled religion with public policy, and made faith-based governance a centerpiece of his presidency.”
Not that anyone cares, because he isn’t going to be president.
Sorry, Republican governors, but you can’t keep Syrian refugees fleeing from ISIS* out of your states.
* It takes a Republican to hate the VICTIMS of genocide and terrorism.
@ 202
Not just Republican governors. NH, too.
Here’s the thing:
ISIS is already in NH. And New York. And Washington. And Alabama.
But then again, so are these guys.
how do you propose “eliminating” ISIS if you can’t stomach “eliminating” it’s global Wahhabist support network?
Where did Puddy claim Puddy supports the Al-Qaeda’s support network
blah blah blah more spin spin spin from lib the racist unscientist.
Ohhhh, big bad ISIS. They want to kill them some gays. Oh wait, or is that the Right Wing American Christian nut jobs.
great. Once again these chicken-hawk dumbshits wanna get us into a regional brush war before they even know who the combatants are. Lemme guess: You wanna install Diem in Syria? Sorry, he’s dead.
Should Politicians always do what The People want? Or should we expect Politicians to do what is right, regardless of what The People want? Shouldn’t the betterment of this Country, short term and long term, be what dictates what politicians should be doing? If we let The People decide on everything wouldn’t that be like parent’s making decisions based on what their kids want?
Republicans are notorious for saying, or using as their rebuttal, that it is what the American People want, almost as this is defense for their inaction. And this has become so mainstream that even Democrats follow their role at times. But Republican use it, regardless if the statistics support the way they are speaking, and have no problem always saying The people have spoken, or its what The People want, even if it isn’t the majority and only minority teabaggers.
Do we make the decision to go to war, as Republicans want, even if The People don’t want to? Likewise do we not go to war just because the majority of The People don’t want to. Today I read a poll that say 60% of Americans think more needs to be done to combat ISIS, even though 75% don’t want boots on the ground? So if Republicans followed their slogan of “It’s what The People Want”, then why aren’t they listening? Shouldn’t we expect the Politicians do what is right and not what we want?
And The People, or some crazy ones, including the wrong wing politicians, want to blame Obama for pulling out of Iraq and thus creating the void to create ISIS. But wasn’t it the majority of the The People that had enough of Iraq and wanted out of there. Wasn’t Obama elected by the majority for his promise to get out us out of there. Shouldn’t The People be to blame for this.
We have over 500 politicians in DC that should be doing things that are RIGHT, not necessarily what we want. Or maybe we should just have 50, one rep from each state, and just hold referendums on every issue there is and just let The People make all the decisions in this Country, instead of all the lobbyists.
If we did what The People wanted we probably wouldn’t be the great nation that we are- we have too many idiots that don’t know what is right for themselves.
“You and your ilk hate Christians and Israel.”
“East coast Jewish people have lock stepped voted for DUMMOCRETINS because the vast majority of Jews don’t care about Judaism or Israel.”
The loon loves Israel, hates Jews. They’re just End of Days pawns to Carson, the loon and their SDA doomsday cult.
@207 You’ve put your finger on what was bothering me about the rightwing chest beating over ISIS. I want to eradicate ISIS, too, and I’m perfectly willing to do it with the nastiest bombs in our arsenal, but nevertheless the GOP warmongering over this makes me uncomfortable. Because it’s practically guaranteed they’ll invade the wrong country and shoot the wrong people. Their dissing on Syrian refugees FLEEING from the bad guys (Assad and ISIS) gives us a pretty good taste of what a war run by them will be like. I want to see the U.S. and our allies wage all-out war against ISIS, including boots on the ground if necessary, but I want sane people in charge of it.
Yeah, Roger senile will immediately change his senile tune when the first Syrian accepted by Obummer would be implicated in a Paris style attack in any American city!
wasn’t it Roger senile just this past weekend claiming boots on the ground were needed?
Did the senile Roger forget what he typed or was that Mrs Wabbit? (Iron Frying Pan Hits Wabbit Butt!)
Puddy loves Israel, hates Jews.
Prove it pressure packed fool! You can even ask the clueless crazed databaze moronic cretin!
@212 “wasn’t it Roger senile just this past weekend claiming boots on the ground were needed?”
@213 He doesn’t have to. You’ve already proved it with your own words.
@211 Puffybutt is in all-out vigilante mode tonight! You used to find people guilty before they’ve had a trial. Now you find them guilty before a crime has been committed. While the rest of civilization makes forward progress, you’re going backwards. Your shift lever is jammed in reverse.
If you really want to “eradicate” ISIS then you’re going to have to make friends with some proxy in the ISIS controlled regions to oppose the Saudi’ proxy. Who’s it gonna be? Assad and the Alawites/Russians? The Shiites/Iran? Didn’t we already burn the deck when we “eradicated” the Baathists?
There are times when containment is the least bad option.
The loon earlier, “You and your ilk hate Christians and Israel.”
The loon later, “East coast Jewish people have lock stepped voted for DUMMOCRETINS because the vast majority of Jews don’t care about Judaism or Israel.”
Hmm, the loon loves Israel, hates Jews.
The loon demands, “Prove it”
Heh. The loon is too funny.
@116 In the area of free college once upon a time in America most states picked up a lot of the tab at state universities. Most state law makers recognize paying for college has significant benefits. The people receiving the degrees generally pay for the free college many times over due to the higher taxes they pay because of the higher income they will make. Or it may cost cities less, because college graduates who become police tend to use guns less frequently and the city has to pay less out in costs for defending and paying damages in civil lawsuits.
The GI bill and it’s watered down current version is a net benefit for government.
@125 In the conservative/Republican idea of things it’s you churches that are supposed to be responsible for taking care of people after natural disasters. The government should just send in the guard and the Red Cross, churches do the rest. It’s a progressive and liberal idea government has a role to play before and after disasters. Putting some money back into a community. Emergency loans to business. Ect. Clearly churches did not do enough after Katrina.
The Fed is independent of the President. The Fed can and does ignore the and has ignored Presidents of both parties.
@132 The right thing to do is to bring as many Syrian refugees into the United Sates as possible. This weakens Assad and ISIS and who knows how many Mossad agents. You like those guys right Puddy?
@151 Or Trump could be a politician? Just trying to get his parties nomination. If it works to the victor belongs the spoils. He can always drift toward the center or even run as Democrat telling the rubes he fooled them. He could out more liberal than Hillary on some issues in the general election. Won’t be a trump Presidency unless he wins the nomination. Perhaps he has actually read “The Prince.” He certainly has read “The Art of the Deal.”
@188 One can only hope we will have the good sense to let the house of Saud reap what has sowed. We probably won’t. Of course the house of Saud has no problem mowing down these people with machine gun fire if they don’t toe the line and are no longer useful.
@194 Hurray for the idle rich.
@208 It’s why we are a Republic and not a true Democracy. What is important to the 500 plus politicians is being reelected. That does mean they take the pulse of voters in their state or district. Sometimes politicians do the right thing and often they get shown the door the next election. Which is why they will talk around an issue and not give a direct answer. Canny newspaper types can sometimes force a politician to give a reluctant direct answer, but many are very good at the Texas two step.
@211 Do you think they will use the M-16 a superior weapon to the AK-47? We could just mistake it as our next mass shooting incident.
Why is a member of your religion thinking there will be an attack isn’t that militaristic and isn’t your religion down on that sort of thing to begin with? Isn’t your religion against war of any type? Don’t Seven Day Adventists believe we should welcome these poor brown people in desperate need with love and support. Help them heal. Encourage them to Kelloggs products or at least a healthy breakfast. You all don’t just help Christians but you also help heathens in their time of need?
Oh pressure packed interminable fool…
Where did Puddy claim to hate Jews?
Still waiting!
Try again!
Encourage them to Kelloggs products or at least a healthy breakfast.
Kellogg is not owned by Adventists. Kellogg left the church in 1907.
You need to get your Adventist history correct Mark Adams! Seems you are as stoooooooooooopid as the average HA DONK!
Puddy CORRECTLY asked: “wasn’t it Roger senile just this past weekend claiming boots on the ground were needed?”
Roger Rabbit @214 spews: Monday, 11/16/15 at 8:59 pm
Evidence to the contrary proving Roger is senile…
Roger Rabbit spews: Friday, 11/13/15 at 5:07 pm
Since this was ISIS seems Roger is more senile than the PuddyDiagnosis first determined! Puddy does NOT need a crazed databaze! Autocataloging of donk commentary comes easy!
Remember Paris was a “setback”!
That lack of Roger senile memory is sad so sad!