Trevor Noah calls Wolf Blitzer a mean girl bully.
Larry Wilmore: Will the NRA suggest arming every toddler?
How gun advocates sound to normal people:
Young Turks: Lincoln Chafee drops out.
The 2016 Festival of Clowns:
- Spooky Republican candidates theme song
- Young Turks: Most Americans hate Republican foreign policy.
- Chris Hayes: Ben Carson is totally confused about Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11, Osama bin Laden, and Saddaam Hussein
- David Pakman: Ben Carson claims God is behind his campaign.
- Sam Seder: Jeb Bush aims for studly…lands on creepy.
- Farron Cousins: Jeb Bush is in denial over his brother’s many failures
- Sam Seder’s Does Jeb! even know who was President on 11-Sept-2001?
- Trevor Noah: Jeb Bush and the age of Superheros
- George W. Bush has had enough of Ted Cruz.
- David Pakman: George doesn’t like Ted
- Farron Cousins: Sen. Ted Cruz puts his racism on full display.
- Chris Hayes: Trump attacks Bush for 9/11
- Maddow: Trump’s dominance makes him a GOP target.
- Farron Cousins: The Donald has a man-child hissy-fit because he has no secret service protection.
- Chris Hayes: Trump in new BACK to the FUTURE
- Trevor Noah admits Trump is right about something.
- Kimmel mocks Trump for cancelling
- Young Turks: FAUX News says Trump is a “Truther”.
- Ann Telnaes: The Elephants in the room are crying over Trump.
- Young Turks: Trump cannot believe that Carson is beating him in Iowa.
- Jonathan Mann: Donald Trump Sex Doll
White House: West Wing Week.
Red State Update: Political news of the week
- Thom: The Benghazi hoax.
- Maddow: Benghazi committee is a “partisan carnival”.
- Young Turks: Republicans attack Hillary at Benghazi hearings.
- Priorities USA: 11 Hours.
- Jonathan Mann: Taco Emoji—Clinton Benghazi
- Thom: The prosecution of Hillary Clinton.
- David Pakman: Hillary Clinton destroys loser Republicans in bogus Benghazi hearing
- Maddow: What new did they learn at Benghazi witchhunt?
- Trevor Noah: The never ending investigation.
- Young Turks: Wrap-up of Clinton’s Benghazi testimony.
- Chris Hayes: Democrats demand RNC pay for Benghazi disinfomercial.
- David Pakman: Republicans caught red handed editing Hillary’s emails to smear her
- What you missed: Hillary at the Benghazi hearing.
- Young Turks: Trey Gowdy’s epic Benghazi fail.
- Priorities USA: Games
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Lutulently Ugly!
Farron Cousins: Republicans are paid to be stupid.
Texas Blues:
- Young Turks: Texas won’t give citizen children of immigrants birth certificates.
- Matthew Filipowicz: Texas violating 14th Amendment by denying birth certificates to immigrant children:
- Farron Cousins: Texas ends funding for Planned Parenthood
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about the Greek and Roman myths.
Farron Cousins: Nutjobber House Republicans are talking about impeaching Clinton when they lose
Trevor Noah: Canada’s hot new Prime Minister.
Ryan Eyes:
- Ann Telnaes: Does the GOP have Paul Ryan’s Back?
- Sam Seder: Paul Ryan’s heartfelt list of demands.
- Young Turks: House laughs at Ryan’s demands…Ryan runs anyway.
- Your chance to totally agree with Paul Ryan.
- Reid supports Ryan
- Trevor Noah: The Daily Show show uncovers more of Paul Ryan’s demands.
- Chris Hayes to Rep. Michael Burgess: “Why is this not a terrible idea?”
Ole Miss students want Mississippi state flag off campus.
Farron Cousins: Sen. David “DiaperBoy” Vitter got prostitute pregnant and told her to have an aborition.
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Biden His Time:
- Biden closes the door
- Larry Wilmore to CNN: You don’t need to predict the news.
- Young Turks: Joe passes on a Presidental bid.
Jon and Tracey Stewart on life after the Daily Show.
Mental Floss: 41 fascinating sports facts.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
11 hours for the Clinton hearing, wonder if it backfires? I guess they were hoping to trip her up.
Not mentioned in the American media about the Canadian Federal Election, was the changes in electoral law the Conservatives pushed through. Although there were some problems Monday, it did not effect the outcome.
Also, in Canada, felons in prison can vote.
I live, not for long, next to an airport and a public gun range. The house is probably less than a mile, as the crow flies, from the end of one of the runways. The noise from the jet engines weren’t or aren’t really a problem. Not over the flight path, so when planes land there is virtually no noise, absolutely no noise. And noise, on takeoff, is limited because the airport has two runways and they alternate which 4 directions they takeoff, and when they takeoff it’s only for the first 15-20 seconds of noise before they are a distance away to hear much. I think it’s cool watching them takeoff too, it’s part of the character of the neighborhood.
But the gun club is maybe 2-3 miles away, as the crow flies. And it is more annoying than the planes. Constant barrage of bullets being fired from all sorts of pistols. Not sure why Republicans want to make silencers less expensive and easily more accessible, because what was just fired from the gun range, at 8:00 am just sounding like a bazooka (never heard a bazooka fire, but I assume it is loud) of a gun.
Or maybe it was the hoax bomb clock that they just destroyed using explosives.
Dr Darryl Holman,
You claimed this was not tolerated; yet this has happened again in the 10/21 Open Thread…
This is not me! So you only police it for libtard?
Puddybud, furiously deleting browser tracks before heading back to the Salt Mine. spews:
Friday, 10/23/15 at 10:20 am
Has Puddles pontificated on the value of the Benghazi! hearings yet?
It seems that gowdy has a personal email server that he doesn’t want put the same level of scrutiny that he gave Clinton. Hypocrite
Those racist Republicans in Iowa, hatin’ on a black man again.
Only 28% support Ben Carson over others. Although evangelicals and tea partiers support him over Trump nearly 2:1.
Surgin’ surgeon.
Not just a river in Egypt.
Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble.
Democrats have been obliterated at the state level
Yabbut we’ve got a socialist on City Council and her biggest supporter is paid by a billionaire.
The GOP is flexible
Garofalo won’t be able to use that hatin’ on a black man line much longer.
The first step for Democrats is admitting they have a problem
Which is why they’ve kept Wasserman-Schultz, Pelosi, and Reid at the top.
I can live with a Hillary presidency.
While all the GOP candidates bluster about how they’re going to push the rest of the world around, Obama’s team is quietly doing the work required to actually solve problems and reduce conflict and violence in the world.
Meanwhile, the GOP’s leaders keep stirring the pot and picking fights on the homefront.
Maybe next time Dems can run an ad showing him pushing Pelosi over a cliff.
Paul Ryan Would Be the Most Conservative House Speaker in Recent History
I can live with a Hillary presidency.
@ 9
Did you even read that linked piece?
In the past five weeks, 10 Israelis have been killed in Palestinian attacks, mostly stabbings, while 49 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire, including 28 said by Israel to be attackers and the rest in clashes.
Tell me how, RR, an agreement between Israel and Jordan will alter behavior by Palestinians. Clown.
The Aurora theater shooter’s fellow inmates are already laying for him. If this keeps up, his actual time served may be a lot shorter than his formal sentence.
When a Republican finds himself in trouble, his first reaction is to cut someone else’s wages.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Assuming Jeb! recruited campaign staff by offering steady employment and competitive compensation, they’ve just found out what his promises are worth.
Meanwhile, the ineptness of the GOP knows no boundaries:
“For Hillary Clinton, Republicans have become the gift that keeps on giving. … Never in modern times has a political party done so much to rehabilitate the leading presidential candidate in the other party. The gifts have come in rapid succession:
” — The way Republicans have converted Donald Trump into GOP front-runner. For all for their misgivings about Clinton, Trump scares the bejesus out of millions of Americans. How long before we see sprouting of groups like ‘Republican Women for Hillary’?
” — The assertion by two Republican House members — one the GOP majority leader — that the Benghazi hearings were rigged to discredit Clinton.
” — The ouster of Speaker John Boehner by hard-right Republicans because he hasn’t been sufficiently tough enough, a clear signal of who is running the House. Ask Mitt Romney how damaging it was to him to be seen as a captive of the far right.
” — And, of course, this week’s marathon grilling of Clinton by the Benghazi committee that fortified the widespread belief — some 70% of people on the eve of the testimony according to a CNN poll — that the hearings were a partisan witch hunt. … Naturally enough, some conservatives relished the hearings.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe this is all a conspiracy by the Republicans to keep Bernie from becoming president by electing Hillary. Or maybe they’re just too stupid to figure out that dripping blood is coming from their own wrists.
“Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble.”
“I can live with a Hillary presidency.”
You might also have to live with losing the Senate and having a lot fewer House members, even losing control.
Considering that you need gerrymandering, voter suppression, fear, anxiety and the resurrection of Jefferson Davis for the disintegrating GOP to win the states, it would seem that three Clinton Supreme Court justice picks just might turn the first two around rather quickly. You can still have fear, anxiety and Jefferson Davis, though.
@1 One of the first things they teach you in law school is never ask a witness a question that you don’t know the answer to. By way of illustration:
Mr. Smith: Mr. Jones, were you driving the car that struck the child in the school zone crosswalk on that tragic day last spring?
Mr. Jones: No, your wife was.
See what can happen if you don’t strictly adhere to this advice? I’ll leave it to you to extrapolate this concept to the recently-completed cross-examination of Hillary Clinton (who is a lawyer) by that pack of Republican lawyers on the Benghazi Witch Hunt Committee.
@5 Either someone stole his identity (why???) or he’s trying to distance himself from his comments.
@7 No, in that case, I think it’s a merit-based type of discrimination, similar to what corporations exercise when winnowing CEO candidates.
@10 “I can live with a Hillary presidency.”
It’s good that you’re adaptable. Or maybe you just don’t have much confidence in the GOP slate.
@11 Tell me how it’ll hurt.
People are throwing away less money. Must be the hard times.
Coastal dwellers can expect more monster storms. Because global warming.
“We have set a record number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere, and it is the consistent consensus that warming is contributing to the intensity of storms,” he said. “We expect the frequency of high-intensity events to increase.”
Nary a peep from Republicans about the profligate borrowing by corporations.
You see, it’s bad only when government does it to serve public purposes that benefit everyone; it’s good when done for private gain.
What an asshole. Quit calling yourself a Christian, doc, ‘cuz you’re not.
“The GOP is the enemy. Hillary Clinton knows this. And head-to-head, they’ve got nothing on her. After eight years of President Barack Obama’s well-intentioned but futile efforts to work with the GOP, this is refreshing. The hatred is now mutual and two-sided. Finally.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t get me wrong, I love peace. But peace isn’t possible when the other side wants war. The lesson of 1939 is that you’ve got to fight fire with fire. That’s why I supported the Bitch In Combat Boots in 2008, and is why I’ll support her again in 2016.
Careful of what you wish for “lefties” – higher profits?
Indeed, Bob, it’s time you headed out to pasture, Galt’s Gulch, whatever your ilk wants to call it.
I don’t know for sure, but after their disastrous Benghazi! select committee investigation got Hillary elected president, maybe this next select committee will result in PP clinics in every county in America.
“New Select Committee To Investigate Planned Parenthood”
@27 Hell, why not every street corner, like Starbucks? Even in Texass!
The ultimate wingnut nightmare: A single-payer health care system with management functions contracted to Planned Parenthood.
Maybe this is where puddy gets his ideas from?
“Interestingly, Hedgecock and those on the far right have conveniently overlooked a number of cases where ideology is clearly right-wing. The acts below are instances of right-wing violence that are unequivocally committed by people who are openly hostile to liberalism. While this does not mean these killers are Republicans, it is quite clear that they are RIGHT-WINGERS and that they have far more in common with Mr. Hedgecock, Alex Jones and the other gun-toting conspiracy nuts on the right than with any evils associated with the Democratic Party or liberalism. “
@7. I was talking To a good friend and co worker of mine that I’ve mentioned here before, the tobacco farmer of 5 acres, a Teabaggers type – white, republican, 67 years old, hating government spending although he does what he does with tobacco and cattle, partly because he likes the tax advantages, who never had anything good to say about Obama, including using disparaging racial remarks, but not just limited to African Americans. He really didn’t ever have good words towards other ethnicities, except his own ethnicity of being Swedish, that he liked to brag about, as being a tough guy. In addition, he didn’t always have kind words about gay people, although he could care less about gay marriage and thought that Kin Davis was an idiot. And he didn’t alqays have kind for woman in the work place, except when he thought they did a good job he would give them praise. Now the guy deep down has a heart, he just liked being a tough guy. And he could be. He is a retired police officer. He held three jobs at one time – police officer for a small town at night while working a construction job during the day before feeding the cows in the morning. He has about 10-25 cows at any time, sells them for beef. And he is very involved in his town politics, sitting member on the land use committee. And of course he called a Muslim every name in the book along with Jewish people. It’s really him just being a tough guy and less trusting if anyone but his own kind.
Anyways I called him the other day and had a good long talk catching up on things. And then he asked me who I was going to vote for. So I told him, and then I asked him who he was voting for. He said Carson. He said he and his wife, who is a little more liberal or more a nicer person with respect to other races, religions, ethnicities, like Carson.
I was kind of shocked. I asked him why and his reply was because he is a brain surgeon.
He said he was afraid of trump starting a nuclear war.
So I guess I was kind of wrong about him I the sense that I thought he didn’t like Obama because he was black or half black. He never could accept that he was half white. I guess it was disgust just to be political. I don’t think the issues and policies really mattered, he just wanted to be a republican hater.
Another thing about him is that He and his wife never had any children.
But I told another mutual friend of ours and co worker and the other friend, who is an independent, but voted for Onama, although he mother fucked him when ever he could too, said to me that “George w bush needed brain surgery and he voted for him too!”, referring to our friend.
@8 yes, your party is imploding, so what better way to react but to tell democrats that they are in denial.
Nice job. Just like GWB kept us safe……….oh, after 9/11.
@11 is Israel going to alter their behavior? Or are their radicals going to stab their own people that promote peace too?
Yes, GWB kept us safe……..oh yeah, after 9/11…… Well, maybe not.
@11 are Republicans going to alter their behavior? Why do some have to behave but yet others don’t have to?
Maybe it was just another Frat Boy.
Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
Who died?
Benghazi, benghazi, brnghazi.
Brain surgery anyone?
16)Wasn’t Gowdy supposed to be a lawyer, a prosecutor?
16)Wasn’t Gowdy supposed to be a lawyer, a prosecutor?
“Wasn’t Gowdy supposed to be a lawyer, a prosecutor?”
No, he was an actor. You might recall that he played the banjo playing kid on the porch in Deliverance.
@40 I assume you’re being facetious.
Giving out Halloween treats? Here’s a list of union-made candy.
I see in the news Chris Christie got kicked off an Amtrak quiet car. No surprise there. That guy hasn’t closed his mouth since he was born.
Miss America worked for Planned Parenthood and conservatives are having a cow.
@3 A bazooka is not a gun. It’s a type of self propelled rocket fired from a man held tube. Don’t stand behind the tube as that is almost as dangerous as standing in front. Hopefully they were not firing a bazooka at your local range as such a thing should only be fired on a proper range and the closest maybe on Ft Lewis or more likely up on the Yakima training ranges. Sigh kids and their milk bottle rockets when they decide they want a bigger bang.
LMAO! The babbling jackass troll is sure scarce these days.
Still support Carson now babbling jackass troll?
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Welcome to what we already knew about the idiot, ya dumbass!
Crocodile tears for Saudi Arabia, anyone?
Meanwhile, China is buying Texas.
@3, @45 – Probably just drone bombing practice. Everyone has them now.
@6 I think politicians of both parties or any parties sometimes use their personal e-mail account with or without a e-mail server to skirt the idea of open records. IE you are doing the publics work the public has a right to see all the documents including all the e-mails to and from any constituent, lobbyist, ect on an issue. I’m not expecting perfection on this as some may actually only on a rare occasion mix their public duties with their personal e-mails. This is one reason governments have government accounts. Those accounts come with rules of use, usually the occasional honey I’m stopping by the store on the way home from the Capital Building to pick up some milk, (which could be code for condoms or normally picked up with the milk) but other than that this type of e-mail is normally allowed and not all that interesting other than your representative is a real human being.
The problem of politicians using their personal e-mail account to skirt public openness laws is a separate issue from e-mail that could be classified at a certain level of classification. If the machine that traffic is going to isn’t cleared for that level of traffic it should not be going there, unless it’s a dire emergency. Clinton’s blatant disregard of the clear possibility she as Secretary of State could receive classified material particularly as she is the person in the State Department who has the authority to determine if something is classified displays a couple of issues. What she did was wrong, and violated the law and she should have know better. The other part that is revealed is that political operatives enjoy a large degree of impunity to the espionage laws that other federal employees who also put up their hands and swore an oath to don’t enjoy. If a low level manager had done what she did at minimum his or her career is over and they will never get a security clearance again unless elected President of the United States, and most likely they will be fined and get to enjoy the hospitality of a federal prison for some amount of time.
So while the Republicans are doing this for political points and to hurt Clinton. She deserves it and we the public should be demanding a much larger discussion of these issues by our elected officials.
@48 Drones with homemade bazookas? Every boys dream.
Don’t tell ISIS who likes Toyota trucks but not Ford F=150s with it’s military grade aluminum.
So the other prisoner will go higher in the pecking order. No one would pay a prisoner in the great state of Colorado to kill another prisoner for revenge. And Holmes gets his own cell block. Wonder if he’s labeled one of the other cells his bat cave. So a man who is already nuts is essentially in isolation. That ought to do wonders for him. Hopefully he does not get out because he will definitely be nuts then.
Comparing the Benghazi thing and 1939 isn’t helpful. It’s the theatre of politics, may not be at all illuminating. It does not tell us how a President Clinton will deal with a Republican Congress. The fact that Hillary Clinton had to go to the hearing and sit there for 11 hours is the unspoken story here. That President Obama has as of yet not used Presidential authority or privilege to derail this train is very revealing. Clinton should not be appearing in front of these folks in the first place and it should have been a very very short appearance and a statement and she should have walked out. Unfortunately for her it’s likely she will be back at yet another Congressional hearing before the election. It’s likely Hilliary is the person they want to be running against so it will be the timing of these future hearings that one needs to watch.
Or perhaps she and the Republicans on the panel are true Machiavellians and are looking forward to having the bitch in combat in charge so they can roll into Syria, Iran and the Ukraine.
1939 isn’t particularly revealing. It’s not much different from 1938 and frankly the French and British defend Poland to the last Pole, and surprise Germany and the USSR are buds. Starting a phony war and neither France or Britain preparing for the coming year. Everyone hoping some kind of well agreement can be made with Germany if only someone will shoot that damn fool Hitler before we have to get serious. Churchill won’t become Prime Minister of Great Britain (only with some luck) until Chamberlin gets more than egg on his face with the fall of France, and only an evacuation of forces from France to hurray about.
Well one thing is revealed that Chamberlin’s decision was probably the correct one. IE in 1938 France and Britain did not have the military force to prevail over Germany. That was still true in 1939 and became abundantly clear in 1940. I suppose it cold be argued that if the current crop of Republicans had been in charge they would have invaded Canada in 1938 or 1939 as a cure to the Depression.
“if the current crop of Republicans had been in charge they would have invaded Canada in 1938 or 1939 as a cure to the Depression”
and gotten hockey sticks up their asses
Nazis chanting USA! USA!
Just like Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!
@50 There’s one (maybe dozens) coming to your neighborhood soon.
The Seattle Times Sunday lede is another crooked-developer-rips-off-investors story.
Not all investments are equal. The world is full of people eager to steal your money. There are countless ways to do this. I learned about it quickly; back in the early 1980s, when I first started investing, I let a huckster sell me “units” in a commercial property REIT based on promises of 40% annual returns. What did I know? I was young and green behind the ears. We put $2,000 of our IRA money in that investment and 15 years later, when we sold it, we got back $850 and counted ourselves lucky to get that much.
The people who ran that REIT got rich, of course, even though their investors lost money. How? They charged hefty fees for the “service” they provided of losing our money for us. (I could have done it myself for free.) Within 3 years, I bailed out of mutual funds altogether, for the same reason: The guys running mutual funds ALWAYS make money, by making them to pay them to run the fund, even if they run your investment into the ground. It’s a great arrangement for them; for you, not so much.
For the 10 years or so I’ve been posting on this blog, I’ve urged its readers to save instead of splurge, to buy stocks instead of garage-filling, never-used “stuff.” There are problems with stocks, too — lots of games are played with numbers, in order to inflate executive bonuses and deceive shareholders. But no matter how much they tinker with the books, you can tell at a glance whether YOU are making or losing money, even if you can’t tell whether the company is.
This developer was able to rip off his investors because the projects they were investing in were complicated and opaque. Corporate books are complicated and opaque, too, but stock performance is not. There are only two ways to make money from a stock: Capital gains, and dividends. You certainly know how much dividends you’re collecting. And capital gains are easy to figure out: Just subtract what you paid for the stock from its current market value. Add those two numbers together, and that’s how much you’re making (or losing) from that business.
I get ripped off every day. Probably every company I invest in has executives who are padding their stock bonuses and other compensation at my expense. That’s unavoidable; we live in a dishonest world full of greedy people. I don’t trust anyone, because hardly anyone is trustworthy. But none of this matters, provided I get some of the loot. And they HAVE to share the loot with peons like us, because the stock would be worthless if nobody except them made money by owning it. So, they pay us dividends, and the books show enough profit for the stock to go up.
The beauty of it is its simplicity. Exxon-Mobil runs an extremely complex business. I don’t begin to understand it. But I don’t have to. I own a few hundred shares of Exxon-Mobil and I get dividends of $2.92 a year for each share. That’s extremely simple — even I, a rabbit, understand it. Same with Coca Cola, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Verizon, Boeing, and all the other stocks I own.
This developer didn’t get a penny from me. No crook like him ever will, because to steal from you, they have to talk you into trusting them with your money, and I don’t trust any of them, nor do I give them a cent of my money. It’s much, much harder to steal from you if you put your money in the aforementioned stocks and others like them, and the thieves can only skim a little bit off the top and margins, they still have to let you make money, too, or the whole system doesn’t work.
So, when I urge HA readers to invest, I mean blue-chip dividend-paying stocks, not the kind of “investment” this guy was peddling to gullible rich Chinese investors. It always amazes me how many rich people fall for these scammers. You expect rich people to be smarter than this.
Remarkably, this thread has so far been less than 2% batshit insane. Not bad!
“When it came to the rights of women, Carson insisted that they should not have the legal choice to terminate unwanted pregnancies.”
Easy for a man to advocate who will never have to worry about being forced to carry a baby. But he’s a conservative, empathy to others is not a strong ability for them.
I don’t vote for Forced Birth politicians, there are better options.
This is truly amazing. What a bunch of fucking Nazis us Teabaggers are.
@30… NOPE. Already discounted because some of those “killers” were practicing atheists or satanists!
Does the crazed databaze clueless fool@46 know anything about anyone…?
He’s your hero crazed databaze clueless fool! Imagine now if his mother aborted him? This is the reason his flip flop on this position is very strange and politically motivated!
And others dumbASS!
NUFF SAID SUCKA! You are a product of the baby killing system!
Remarkably one can see this thread has Triple Pressure Packed Puke in it!
So sad!
But I don’t have to. I own a few hundred shares of Exxon-Mobil and I get dividends of $2.92 a year for each share.
You Roger senile get dividends from the evil oil companies? Those polluters of air, land and sea? Those members of the zero-sum game?
But I don’t have to. I own a few hundred shares of Exxon-Mobil and I get dividends of $2.92 a year for each share.
You Roger senile get dividends from the evil oil companies? Those polluters of air, land and sea? Those members of the zero-sum game?