Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Pontifical Politics:
- David Pakman: Vatican admits Pope met with bigot Kim Davis.
- Chris Hayes: Dan Savage on Pope’s meeting with Kim Davis.
- Sam Seder: Vatican on the Kim Davis and Pope meeting
- Young Turks: Pope met with gay couple, too.
- Bill Maher and friends on the Pope.
- Matthew Filipowicz: Republican reacts to Pope’s visit:
David Pakman: Christian hate group leader wants “Christian Sharia” forced conversion of immigrants.
Mental Floss: 26 fun facts about money
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- Red State Update: Which Candidate really believes in God.
- Larry Wilmore: Jeb’s “Black Voters” and “free stuff” association.
- David Pakman: Jeb Bush doesn’t understand his own tax plan.
- Sam Seder: Remember when Carly Fiorina joked about her opponent’s looks?
- Nutburger Ted Cruz threatens to kill Iran’s Supreme Leader
- David Pakman: Rick Santorum confused about marriage and children.
- Sam Seder: Ben Carson’s handler, “This interview is OVER”
- Farron Cousins: Ben Carson thrives on hate.
- Can bigotry help Trump or Carson win the G.O.P. nomination?
- The Trump boys defend their dad.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Trump’s $12 Trillion tax “plan”
- Young Turks: The Donald flip-flops, would send Syrian Refugees back
- David Pakman: Trump’s tax plan is a deficit-exploding fantasy
- Empire by Trump deodorant.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Poll shows “Idiot” comes to mind when people think of Trump
- When Trump was single.
What UN delegates really hear through their translators.
ANOTHER Goddamned Mass Shooting?!?
- Obama addresses mass shooting
- Obama’s response to Jeb’s “stuff happens” comment.
- Maddow: Obama angry as America replays gun massacre routine
- Sam Seder: It is time to politicize America’s gun violence crisis.
- PsychoSuperMom: They Say “People, Not Guns, Kill People” (But Honey, The Gun Sure Helps!)
- Young Turks: Obama’s reaction to the shooting
- Remembering the victims
- Sam Seder: What will it take until America wakes up?
- Fire Wayne LaPierre: You didn’t sign up for this shit.
- PSA: How to not murder someone:
David Pakman: Nut-case Rush Limbaugh thinks finding of water on Mars is a Left Wing Conspiracy.
A painfully accurate drug commercial.
A Startling Admission!
- Chris Hayes: Next GOP Speaker admits the shameful truth about the phony Benghazi “scandal”
- David Pakman: Majority leader admits that Benghazi scandal was all about hurting Hillary
- Young Turks: Oopsie! Proof that the Benghazi “scandal” was manufactured to hurt Hillary Clinton
- Maddow: New Speaker admits Benghazi investigation is phoney
- Hillary Clinton on McCarthy’s admission about Benghazi “investigation”
Young Turks: Shameful Congress leaves town without passing 9/11 first responded bill.
Thom: Alabama toughens rules for voting while Black.
Planned Parenthood Politics:
- Young Turks: Carly Fiorina invented horrible story in order to defund Planned Parenthood
- Chris Hayes: Carly Lies!
- Maddow: Planned Parenthood president stands up to House GOP grilling
- David Pakman: Foolish Republican doesn’t have a clue about Planned Parenthood
- Pelosi chastises nutjob reporter over abortion question
- Sam Seder: Watch this idiot G.O.P. Congressman get totally embarrassed by Planned Parenthood Chief
- Young Turks: Planned Parenthood Prez. schools idiot Congressman.
- Seth Meyers: Planned Parenthood argument makes GOP look silly …well, sillier
- Larry Wilmore: Late term distortions — Cecile Richards before Congress
- Sam Seder: Idiot G.O.P. Congressman, “As a guy, I don’t need Planned Parenthood.”
- Young Turks: Idiot Congressman on Planned Parenthood
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about climate change.
White House: West Wing Week.
Smoker of the House:
- Anne Telnaes: Boehner to exit Congress with a little help of his friends.
- Mark Fiore: Speaker Rock replaces Boehner.
- Matthew Filipowicz with Robin MartyThe GOP’s next abortion target after Planned Parenthood
- Sam Seder: Crazy Peter King freaks out over not being the head Crazy
- Harry Reid will miss Boehner’s cigarettes.
- Thom: Seditionists shouldn’t be Speaker of the House!:
The perfect phone for filming police brutality.
Farron Cousins: Elizabeth Warren slams trickle down myth on Colbert’s show
Who did Hillary email?
The Daily Show is Back:
- How did Trevor Noah do?
- The Daily Show asks are cops racist?
- Trevor: Obama meets Putin and awkward happens
- The Daily Show returns without Jon
- The Daily Show: Recap of Trevor’s first week
Farron Cousins: The G.O.P.’s “obstruction of Justice”.
How US companies profit from war.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Sadly, another mass shooting. I wished something could be done about them. I admire the Oregon Governor, for not getting into the gun issue immediately, but then again, she has families to console.
Right now, Governor Christie is facing a potential strike by commuter rail employees at New Jersey Transit. The Presidential Emergency Board convened to make recommendations to settle the dispute, has weighed in.
Whatever makes you believe that something can’t be done?
Perhaps something wont be done. Perhaps we really don’t want to do something. But that doesn’t mean we can’t do something, does it?
@ 3
Here’s a nice piece from Sinclair’s Hot Air:
You need a functioning state-based Democratic political apparatus to place pressure on localities and state legislatures to change the guns laws, file lawsuits, and hope that the Supreme Court will hear arguments again on the Second Amendment. As it’s been reported before, state-based Democratic parties are all but finished in some states.
Now let’s look at what has happened since Obama took office:
The Democrats had 257 House members when Obama was sworn in. Today, there are only 188. The big GOP gains came in 2010, when Democrats lost 64 House seats—the worst midterm showing for a party since 1894.
Democrats controlled 27 state legislatures in 2009; Republicans held full power in 14. Now? The GOP is in full control of 30 state legislatures; Democrats hold full power in just 11.
So when Obama whines about the problem and says it should be politicized, it may be because that’s all he can really do, and the Democrat Party – regardless of whether it is because of Obama – has declined to a state in which it can’t do much besides support an initiative here and there to make a difference.
Deal with that.
@4 “The Democrats had 257 House members when Obama was sworn in. Today, there are only 188.”
Of course, gerrymandering by Republican legislatures had nothing to do with that. :)
@4 “the Democrat Party”
Its proper name is the Democratic Party. Deal with it.
Notable. Indeed. So as you see it the Republican Party, and all it’s members, are completely unwilling to consider any form of firearms safety legislation. And until any Republican advantage in state government is overcome, there will be no progress in reducing random gun massacres.
Nicely put.
What happens to workers who don’t have a union to protect them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Never trust any company, either as a worker or a consumer, no matter how benign they seem because that can change overnight.
Of course the Republicans are using this Libyan business against Hillary. Republicans and Dempcrats attack each other constantly. That’s what they all do. Both sides will do whatever it taks to get elected.
Deal with it.
@ 5
Of course, gerrymandering by Republican legislatures had nothing to do with that. :)
Subtract gerrymandering and what would be the allocation, RR?
A little early to be beclowning yourself, isn’t it?
He’s always right because he’s never wrong – just ask him! The bastard can’t pass by a mirror in his home without blowing himself a little kiss. He is the very definition of an egotist.
@10 Well, for starters, a Democratic House in 2012, when Democratic (not “Democrat”) candidates collectively received 1.37 million more votes than Republican candidates, yet Republicans ended up with a 234-201 “majority” thanks to gerrymandering. But then, Republicans don’t believe in majority rule, do they? They believe in Republican rule, regardless of what the people want.
In 2016, Democrats could pick up 8 to 15 House seats from just 3 states with fair district maps — Florida, Michigan, and Ohio. But Republicans don’t believe in playing fair, because they’re the minority party and can’t win without rigging the game.
@ 7
I’m fine with background checks and elimination of the gun show loophole. Those make total sense, to me. I’m probably fine with some of the other things you might propose. So it’s not all Republicans. I’ve never held an AR-15, unlike Gabby Giffords
Seemed like she was having a good time. I would bet that not all Democrats think the way HA libbies think, insofar as gun control issues are concerned.
Were background checks and gun show loopholes in effect prior to this week’s shootings, they would have affected the outcome……
How, exactly?
If some of the majority of weapons the shooter did not have with him at the time of the onslaught were made illegal because a cap on the number of weapons that one could legally own existed through legislation, the outcome would be different…..
How, exactly?
You seem to think that there is one solution that is magical and that GOP intransigence is preventing it from becoming reality.
There’s no simple solution. Although you could start with keeping Democrats in the White House, and hope that SCOTUS eventually helps you out.
That’s one of many reasons that it’s recently it has become OK to openly politicize tragedies, as long as it’s done in a manner with which you agree.
@ 6
The guy that HA would have to credit with the largest number of spewed derogatory permutations of the term Republican Party, and members thereof, gets his panties in a twist when I (intentionally) exclude the last two letters of the preferred term for the party of the Democrats.
@11 Wanna kiss my cute cottontail?
@ 12
Gotta give you points for effort, RR. Geography and gerrymandering each begin with the same letter.
But minority populations, especially African-Americans, tend to be highly concentrated in certain geographic areas. In the North, this is generally in major cities; in the South, it may be in both urban areas and some agricultural regions (with minority populations generally low in the suburbs). You’d have to go out of your way not to create overwhelmingly minority (and Democratic) districts on the South Side of Chicago, in the Bronx or in parts of Los Angeles or South Texas, violating nonpartisan redistricting principles like compactness and contiguity.
Moreover, especially outside of the South, the white voters in cities with high minority populations tend to be quite liberal, yielding more redundancy for Democrats.
A variety of academic analyses of redistricting have found that this geographic self-sorting accounts for much — probably most — of the “skew” of Congressional districts against Democrats. Gerrymandering and other partisan efforts at redistricting do play a role, but it is mostly around the margin. A study by John Sides and Eric McGhee found that redistricting after the 2010 Census, which was controlled by Republicans in many key states, produced a net swing of only about seven House seats toward Republicans.
Note that the last sentence, above, answered my own @ 10 question, RR. Of the 64 House seats the GOP gained in 2010, 7 net seats could be attributed to redistricting. Democrat ass still kicked. RR still beclowned.
And before some willfully ignorant troll comes back with the standard wingnut response of “both sides do it,” let’s be clear: Only one party, and you know which one, milks that cow to death:
“Confounding conventional wisdom, partisan redistricting is not symmetrical between the political parties. … Both sides may do it, but one side does it more often.”
And how much impact does it have? Statistical analysis reveals that the effect of gerrymandering “dwarfs the likely effect of voter-ID laws, a Democratic concern, or of voter fraud, a Republican concern.” For example,
“In the seven states where Republicans redrew the districts, 16.7 million votes were cast for Republicans and 16.4 million votes were cast for Democrats. This elected 73 Republicans and 34 Democrats.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I support replacing partisan redistricting with nonpartisan redistricting commissions using objective criteria in all 50 states. No games, no Democratic or Republican advantage, just fair district maps for all. How about you trolls? Would you support that, Bob?
It’s a great day for a ball game; let’s play two!
@16 See #17. Simple “yes” or “no” question. What’s your answer?
Meanwhile, in Alabama, Republicans enacted a photo ID law (step 1), then eliminated driver’s license offices in black Democratic-voting counties (step 2) and increased the driver’s license fee by 50% (step 3).
Does that look like a party that wants all Americans to be able to exercise their right to vote?
@ 17
No games, no Democratic Party advantage, just fair district maps for all. Would you trolls support that? How about you, Bob?
While I was trolling for Ernie Banks quotes to make sure I got mine @ 18 right, I found this one, too:
“The only way to prove that you’re a good sport is to lose.”
You’re not being a good sport, RR. But you make an excellent clown.
“You seem to think that there is one solution that is magical and that GOP intransigence is preventing it from becoming reality.”
It’s pretty obvious from your post @4 that you agree (even if I do not).
It actually saddens me to be told by an avowed conservative voter that no meaningful firearms safety legislation is possible until Republican state influence is reduced. I prefer to believe that the real obstacle is the influence of the NRA. Too bad that group does indeed oppose any and all firearms safety laws.
Also surprised to observe Bob arguing that if any given approach to a problem is not 100% curative it should not be considered.
Not exactly how you practice medicine.
Or is it?
@@1 I don’t agree with you but as you describe is a lot better than thinking you are holier than thou and thumb your noise at the underlings, if you even take the time to acknowledge them at all. Kind of like you seem to be, so just look in the mirror yourself and see dipshit #3.
Hey look, Boob is back. How was the Vespa ride Bob?
@13. I’m not in favor of any gun laws. I think everyone has the right to kill for fun. Why limit who can kill who?
@16. So gerrymandering is like segregation.
I’m sure Boob has a valid explanation for wanting to change how electoral votes are given too. Of course the system no longer works the way that it is good for Republicans,’ so now it’s time to change it so it does.
Kind of like when we run out of water, they are going to find ways to ration water to their advantage, for the rich, even if some of those rich are democrats too.
The thing about ‘democrat party’ is that it’s kind of lame. It’s like the right’s intent is to embrace their lameness and try to irritate us with it. Personally, I think Bob can come up with far more clever things to say, and he usually does.
By only adding CAPS for the last three letters, Bob would be taking over the late Mr. Klynical’s act. The DemocRAT party! Totally lame. Even DemonRAT is better than that shit.
So anyways, I think Bob should aim higher and that his goal should be for us to say “Ouch!, not, “Damn, that’s lame.”
I’m not convinced what happen in Oregon actually happened. You can’t be careful enough what you believe. (Wink wink).
Let’s not politicize something for nothing
LOL! What kind of a klownservatic are you boob? Even yours truly has plinked at targets with an AR-15. But then my dad was a staunch Republican.
Geez another bunch of people lying dead in pools of blood and klownservatics gloat over their ISIS like teahad occupations of 30 states.
Power kraving klown Ben Carson asks (and answers):
Can you prove evolution? No. Can you prove creation? No.
Hey Ben! Just aks your buddy the babbling jackass troll..
He gotta a hammer for ya!
@31 not sure it was an ar-15 but I think I might of held and shot one myself. If not an ar-15 it was some type of machine gun. I was with an army ranger.
Boob has been planting trees and riding Vespas – go easy on him.
Boob still hasn’t answered my question @19.
@35. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on another Vespa ride.
@23 Boob practice medicine? I think he’s just going thru the motions of trying to earn a good living. Since you no longer can choose your doctor with Obamacare Boob has all sorts of new patients (the undesirable ones) that he thinks don’t deserve his talented care because he knows if they had a choice they’d probably find someone better (their old Doctor).
@37 Bob doesn’t cure people. He just reads x-rays for doctors who do.
3)Maybe at the state level, but the Federal level, the NRA leadership is the roadblock.
Christianity is under attack.
@38 @37 fixed. Boob practice medicine? I think he’s just going thru the motions of trying to earn a good living. Since you no longer can choose your doctor with Obamacare Boob has all sorts of new cases (the undesirable ones) that he thinks don’t deserve his talented skills because he knows if they had a choice they’d probably find someone better.
Babbling lying clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackass @33… This is what Ben Carson ACTUALLY said…
This is what you are a toilet dweller clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! The fetid putrid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch stench is strong today!
Oh no… FACTS will be called lies and crazy talk from Triple S!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
The triple concentration between Triple S’ ears and the additional pressure behind Triple S’ eyes are causing further damage to the psyche and soul of Triple S. Now Triple S can’t read and comprehend FACTS anymore. You really have it triple concentration!
Sux to be so stoooooooooooopid all the time. Was it that goat hind leg kick that made you the dumb mofo you are now Triple S? He didn’t like your rear approach?
The fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackass head explodes! There is NO intellect in the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackass!!!!
Since you no longer can choose your doctor with Obamacare
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” – Obummer lied and teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla agrees!
37 lies. And the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla agrees!
Thanks for playing!
Meanwhile under Obummer another SSDD activity…
worser and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla have to be sad right now…
When Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on Thursday to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, America’s ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, was not there. Neither was Secretary of State John Kerry. Though both Kerry and Power were in New York. Representation of the U.S. was left to a lineup of lesser State Department eminences.
This petty behavior could only have come with the blessing and at the orders of America’s top boss, and it was a gross insult, from the president of the United States to the nation of Israel. That does not represent the broad view of the American public, nor does it represent the support for Israel in Congress — where Netanyahu’s speech earlier this year warning about the Iran nuclear deal was received by the majority of lawmakers as the important and dire warning it was, but dismissed by Obama as “nothing new.” It suggests what Elliot Abrams neatly sums up in an article on this latest destructive U.S. snub of a vital ally: “The Obama Vendetta Against Netanyahu.”
More truth to explode HA DUMMOCRETIN heads…
Wait for it… the salt mine comment will soon appear because, after all, the fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS has nothing else to other!
@42 that is the stupidest thing a person could ever say. Say faith is more real than reality itself.
You and your ilk are delusional stupid mother fuckers who believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Bbogey men.
Another Hamas brave attack on Israeli citizens in their car…,00.html
These are the people fully supported by HA DUMMOCRETINS. Now four children are left parentless.
Wait for the Triple S comedy of stooooooooopidity to arrive soon in this thread! Will prove Puddy’s point above!
@46 She was having tea with Putin!
Puffy it’s ok, you can tell your wife now, just like Mitchel.
A Wife’s Biggest Question For Her Gay Husband
What’s so bad about not wanting to serve someone? Why all the fuss?
Dunkin’ Donuts Worker: ‘We Don’t Serve Cops’
Notice that the troll has been watching too much Kevin McCarthy on Faux Snooze Channel.
Note the time people!
At 10:24 pm the fiend attained PEAK HATE!
BACK TO THE SALT MINES goes the babbling jackass troll!
Puttin’ hate before salt mining duty since 2005.
WTF is the jackass babbling about now? My decoder ring fails me. Hmm, no surprise here if it’s becoming as bored with the loon’s babbling bullshit as I am.
@12 While it would not entirely cure the problem a return to what is constitutionally required and increasing the number of house members after the next census. Perhaps this would allow us to add Puerto Rico as the 51st state. Can’t guess what party they would vote for. Would make gerrymandering a wee bit more challenging. And I’m all for fair districting where both parties are somewhat sidelined in the process.
The fact the UN secretary and the Secretary of State were not present at the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech was completely appropriate and sends a clear message. It’s the way the diplomatic game is played, and maybe the Prime Minister will be invited back to the White House before too much longer if he demonstrates he got the message. Otherwise he will have to be content with phone calls.
Meanwhile Israel will be a quiet player in the Syria soap opera.
I don’t believe gun control would have much effect on many of the recent events or future. In most the shooter has gotten the weapons legally. And just like two American military being in the right place at the right time in France the success of any particular shooting depends on chance. A hero with a gun might actually stop the next one. What we all have to be carful about is engaging in wishful thinking. What we crave is for some kind of minority report solution.
Maybe being a more loving society or a society where everyone is a bit more open sexually and getting some fun in the sack is encouraged might be a better society. Maybe a few more naked breasts or more on TV than our usual far of murder and mayhem on the major networks.
Still 35 million in vehicles destroyed for the latest Bond film, A new record and kinda cool. So yeah I’m part of the problem.
An update on the missing container ship SS El Faro, American flagged, owned by TOTE subsidiary Sea Star line. So far, just a life ring has been found. I hope that the crew is at least located, the 33 lives are more important.
A little background on the El Faro, being an older Jones Act ship, it is due for retirement, and NASSCO down in San Diego built two new container ships for Sea Star. One due to enter service this month. (I was not sure, with the fate of the El Faro and her crew unknown, whether to include this.)
Puddy called it Saturday, 10/3/15 at 10:18 pm
BACK TO THE SALT MINES projects the fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Right on time IDIOTIC fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Thanks for playing!
Meanwhile four Israeli children are orphans… and what did the fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS do from its arschloch? Fart about salt mines from Psych Projections 101…
There is a continual disconnect in the mindless neanderthal cranial orifice of the fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS. Acting like the standard north american DUMMOCRETIN… no sympathy for its fellow man. Maybe because its not human after all! Very sad commentary!
The fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS cares less about its fellow human. It’s 24×7 conservative hate as projected in every thread its farts permeate.
Meanwhile more Israeli deaths cheered by HA DUMMOCRETINS like the fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS
Sad commentary for the fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, living in the salt mine of its mindless neanderthal cranial orifice!
And just like two American military being in the right place at the right time in France the success of any particular shooting depends on chance.
Yes Mark Adams. France has some of the strictest gun laws in Europe and that muslim moron (cheered by the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS) was packing on a high speed train!
Did you notice in the final report the French conductor ran away from the conflict while the three Americans went to the conflict? Very telling about the Maginot Line Frenchman! He was not rewarded for his cowardism while the three American received France’s highest civilian honor!
After reading this headline and the first paragraph made me think of the song “don’t let your sons to grow up to be Cowboys”
Apparently the sandy hook masochist and the Oregon masochist had loving whacked out mommas.
Puffy would call this kind of love family values.
EXCLUSIVE: Mom of Ore. shooter stockpiled guns
@56 Don’t let your kids grow up to be Cowboys.
So far, just a life ring has been found. I hope that the crew is at least located, the 33 lives are more important.
Not to the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS ERF@57. It’s only conservative hate 24×7, definitely expressed on Seahawk Saturday nights!
Puffy could care less about when Americans commit rape just when illegal immigrants do it.
EXCLUSIVE: Mom speaks for daughter allegedly raped at school
Puddy would NOT call this kind of love family values. Butt the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla has identified mental issues!
Shameless perverts upsetting the holy family tea drinkerd.
Sexually charged answers on ‘Family Feud’ tick off viewers
Typical inner city action… No need for Obummer to needlessly react!
Puffy cares as much when Americans commit rape as much as when illegal immigrants do it.
Sadly we never see any condemnation from the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorillaon either!
Nothing to say about this upstanding American citizen teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
And you HA DUMMOCRETINS wonder why mentally ill get guns?
Typical inner city action… No need for Obummer to needlessly react!
@69 the guy kind of looks like your avatar.
@68 I’ve condemned a lot more here then you ever have, and I spread and promote more love than you ever will, regardless of how I go about getting my point across and how you may interpret it.
You’ve got nothing by hate you are hate and fear pusher. People pushing drugs are better people than you.
Let me ask – have you ever posted a picture of a white American serviceman hugging a black little girl who are both smiling with the expression of happiness, joy and love – a picture that speaks a thousand words – like I have. I’ll answer for you – No you haven’t.
You’ve posted nothing but hate and fear.
All you do is spread hate and more hate. Bitter mother fucker, that other people are enjoying their lives.
Why haven’t you asked Donald Trump about Frat boys committing rape? He apparently is very concerned with crime and rape (when committed by Illegal Immigrants). I’ve never heard him, you or any other conservative talk about the rape problem in this country by regular Americans.
I never hear you, or conservatives talk about the apparent problem of police brutality.
You are a fake and a fraud – just like every fucking conservative republican. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
“Other countries don’t see mass shootings at the same clip that the United States does, he said, asserting, ‘Somebody has to ask the question: How is it so easy to get all these guns? … It has to change. How can it not? Even people that believe in the right to bear arms, what right do you have to take people’s lives? That’s what guns are, the killers. Simple as that. Simple as that. It’s black and white. What do you want a gun for?'” — Ian Mercer, father of Oregon campus shooter, questioning why his mentally disturbed son was able to get 13 guns.
@69 That guy’s a homicidal maniac. What should we do with such animals? Put them down? Lock them in cages? How do you safely feed them? Through a slot?
Jails are just about the worst place to house the insane. No evaluation and no treatment, combined with hostile overcrowding and narcotics. The cell mate was murdered by the system.
And it turns out that with the right prescription meds homicidal psychotics can be rendered manageable by trained COs. The only exception being The Fuckwad. No treatment known to science can break him of his compulsion to molest goats.
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla head exploded.
Puddy can demonstrate the calls on HA. All you have is hetero hate. Called a gay black American woman a Ugandan because she is having a baby after being kicked out by her gay lover! Said she should abort. Just last week teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla your latest display of hate!
That guy’s a homicidal maniac. Well early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit he’s probably a DUMMOCRETIN so y’all should decide what is needed!
Psych 101 projection again.
Latest update on the missing SS El Faro. More debris has been found, and an oil slick, but still no sign of the crew. If it was not for the hurricane, and the loss of power, I guess some would speculate that it was the Bermuda Triangle, but traces of the ship are being found.
@76 no head exploding here. I’ve been enjoying a great day in a great city. Just pointing out how much of a dick you are and how much of a hateful piece of shit you are.
You don’t get it, do you!? You dumb shit.
@77 …..he’s probably a DUMMOCRETIN….
Not a known fact, but he is black.
Just pointing out how much of a dick you are and how much of a hateful piece of shit you are. – teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla looking in the mirror!
Puddy called it before.
Start of the words of teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla – Glory Johnson should have gotten an abortion. No well she’s from Uganda – End of the words of teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla…
Puddy reports. No need to decide!
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, a 93+% chance!
@77 “he’s probably a DUMMOCRETIN”
Prove it.
Now that experts have parsed Donald Trump’s tax plan, it turns out to be standard Republican fare:
1. Reduces the top rate on rich people from 39.6% to 25%.
2. Reduces corporate tax rates.
3. Eliminates federal inheritance tax.
4. Throws a bone to the poor and middle class.
One of the principal beneficiaries would be, you guessed it, Donald Trump. He and his businesses would save billions in taxes. You would get a few hundred bucks. And deficits would balloon: He pays for it by borrowing over $1 trillion a year, according to the Tax Foundation, a conservative outfit.
not sure why the non-scientists thought they’d be immune to Global Warming…..
Sorry Haley – deal with it. Stop your fucking complaining.
See people that’s the way to deal with these assholes… 5 year kids.
And I’ve never had a kid, but I’m pretty sure those that have or had kids (if you raised your kids ok then maybe you didn’t experience it, but I’m sure you’ve all seen a 5 year old brat) recognize what I’m saying. They don’t understand intellectual talk, you need to tell them to shut up and sit down.
@82 Puffy, yes, those were the words I typed. I’m not disputing that. I typed those words using a keyboard. The Bible is fictional too, why can’t I write what the fuck I want to write. It’s a free world …..Thanks for playing.
@82 and if you are going to get it right, then get it right. I didn’t use her name….all I said was, maybe she should have gotten an abortion.
With reference to @86 – I’m sure she thinks this is a sign from God that the end of the world is near now that the gays can marry….damn Supreme Court activists.
Puddy doesn’t react to early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbits! Just look at the black peeps voting demographics early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Sux to be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Wait for it… Something really stooooooooopid will be next
1) Thought so
2) Running away
3) No proof
4) Chicken
5) etc.
Puffy, yes, those were the words I typed.
DAYUM’ed by its own words. Admitted to it! The hate just oozes from the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla fingers.
24×7 hate, projected on others!
For anyone one that wants to know what a five year old is like just refer to @91.
Who types and uses the word DAYUM. Sounds like ghetto or hillbilly Southern talk or a 5 year old.
While searching the ‘nets for more of the antics of the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla friends, Puddy stumbled onto this…
Here is some of the video of the citizen that carried a concealed weapon legally on the campus (within Buildings) of where the Oregon shooter killed. You know the same place Puffy still thinks had banned all weapons, because you know he read about it from a gun loving gun group (so it must be the truth because whether intentionally or accidentally they can’t be wrong).
@94 Bravo, Bravo, Puffy. You found two individuals (gay or supposedly gay) that committed a crime, unlike Heterosexuals.
Mind you, there is the possibility that they weren’t gay…..take it from me, a gay person in NYC, that there are straight or bisexual men who perform tricks (or prostitution) with gay men. Why? Because of the money. Wink, Wink – they seem to like money enough to go out of the way to steal from the guy. Many of these individual are drug users too……nice, right. Do you think a drug user, straight or gay, really cares about sucking a little dick, if they get their drugs?
Yet another HEAD COLLAPSE from the troll.. Deflecting from its BIZARRE “need” for this website on Sat nights. Putting HATE first before weekly duty in the salt mines.
Jews and Arabs have been killing each other for generations and we have a domestic bloodbath from a crazed mental case that the jackass supports arming and what does the jackass babble about this domestic massacre?
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @93 is such a tool!
A broken useless tool at best!
More fetid smelly air from the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Puddy called it above. Another PuddyPrescient call!
To the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS FACTS about DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance and stoooooooooopidity are hate!
Sux to be the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Nothing butt hate 24x7x365.25 Puddy PWNS this sucka everyday in every way!
@96 I should have said drug “abusers” – I didn’t mean to condemn all individuals whom indulge in some drug use. I meant the alcoholic equivalent drugies (and to them too I apologize- I wish them the best of luck in kicking their habit – not necessarily their fault).
@94 Bravo, Bravo, Puffy. You found two individuals (gay or supposedly gay) that committed a crime, unlike Heterosexuals.
Moronic twit teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, Puddy finds this all the time!
Sux to be the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
This sez it all!
Join the two lines!
In Texas, where conservatives run the education system, textbooks now refer to slaves as “immigrants” and “workers.” But that’s probably just fine with our Uncle Tom troll.
This woman should have her own HA DUMMOCRETIN thread. She’s a hero to leftist pinheads!
Looks like Puffybutt’s head just exploded. Gawd, what a mess.
Seems this textbook all over America early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Butt you and CNN focus on Texas!
What it’s like to live in a narco police state. (No, not Mexico; I’m talking about New Mexico.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The police settled this case out of court for $1.6 million — another example of your tax dollars hard at work. Did any cops get fired? Of course not.
@109 And that makes the situation better?
Well it’s not guns that take lives it’s the bullets. Or the state of the human beings welding the gun.
We don’t know how the young man got the weapons or what his mental state was when he got them. He passed the lowest standard of determining whether he was a competent individual in that he passed the drool test. There are a whole lot of mental conditions that in and of themselves don’t disqualify an individual from owning a gun. There is no magic test. We are awash in guns fortunately we are not Libya and awash in automatic weapons, heavy weapons ect. fortunately many of these are soviet era weapons so some are very good such as the AK-47 and easily used by even the worst soldier, but others require some degree of maintenance and care and hopefully will fail before being used.
The problem is our society. Look after the American Civil War we had a rash of gangs such as Jesse James, and some of the events are certainly of the mass killing. Even as late as Wounded Knee one could argue there was a willingness on the part of Americans to use guns to resolve problems. After WWI and the introduction of Prohibition there was a rash of guys some who served in the Great War and a willingness to use guns. Both the bad guys and good guys. Just look at Bonnie and Clyde’s final curtain call.
World War II maybe not so much, but then there was Korea and Vietnam. While there were some mass shooting before Afghanistan and Iraq it seems we have more and some shooters are more effective and all too willing to die. And then we have the few that are terror or near terror events. And we may have more of these as ISIS is calling for the true believers to pick up some of these all to available weapons and cause havoc.
It’s frankly the bullets as a gun without bullets is about as useful as a club and often less so. Still the real problem is the values of our American culture, and I’m not against guns, but we have and do glorify them in our culture. Once in awhile we will see something in a movie like the Amish man telling a boy that a gun is evil ect in a movie whose title I don’t recall.
Up with Tits, Down with guns!
Guys I just got done on the toilet, Puffy came out of my ass.
@103. I couldn’t believe they did that, so I checked. They did
I guess in Texas’s mind, immigrants were only considered 3/5 of a person and workers could be bought and sold.
What is wrong with them?
Hey Darryl,
What’s with the link spam @ 105-107?
Perhaps a banning is in order.
“Guys I just got done on the toilet, Puffy came out of my ass.”
If you wiped real good and flushed, I imagine everything worked out okay. I hope you didn’t have to use the plunger, but if you did, I hope it occurred to you to first give him a few whacks with it.
Update on the SS EL FARO, so far, the Coast Guard has not confirmed that the additional debris, found by the ships chartered by TOTE Maritime(including the El Faro’ s sister ship), came from the El Faro. The Coast Guard is committing additional assets to the search.
To the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @116,
So it’s A-OK when others post pictures on HA DUMMOCRETINS butt the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS screams bloody murder when Puddy does it?
There is a continual disconnect in the mindless neanderthal cranial orifice of the fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS. Acting like the standard north american DUMMOCRETIN… Only DUMMOCRETINS can post anything they want!
To the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @111,
Called out for specious commentary and now getting all indignant? You chose to focus on Texas. Puddy went to the McGraw-Hill site and determined the textbook is available all over America. They don’t just print a version for Texas schools UNLESS there is specific info about that state they want included.
Sux to be you!
Oh we’re back to 5th grade taunts… Sticks and stones can break Puddy’s bones eh teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Perhaps the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS should be banned for continual stoooooooooooopidity since 2005; bringing absolutely nothing to the table except the crazed databaze, cataloging someone else’s work?
I saw this post on Facebook. Brilliant!
“How about we treat every man who wants to buy a gun like every woman who wants to get an abortion — mandatory 48-hr waiting period, parental permission, a note from his doctor proving he understands what he’s about to do, a video he has to watch about the effects of gun violence, an ultrasound wand up the ass (just because). Let’s close down all but one gun shop in every state and make him travel hundreds of miles, take time off work, and stay overnight in a strange town to get a gun. Make him walk through a gauntlet of people holding photos of loved ones who were shot to death, people who call him a murderer and beg him not to buy a gun.
It makes more sense to do this with young men and guns than with women and health care, right? I mean, no woman getting an abortion has killed a room full of people in seconds, right?”
I wonder if the South Carolina Republicans who opposed spending money on Hurricane Sandy victims are opposed to money for South Carolinian flood victims?
We don’t know how the young man got the weapons or what his mental state was when he got them.
Yes we do Mark Adams. Stay off the libtard sides and you’ll learn some facts.
PuddyCommentary… Why do you HA DUMMOCRETINS visit left wrong LIV libtard sites all the time? Expand your information horizons and learn some truths not presented by the puke you eat every day!
They were from his mother’s arsenal! Next libtards like HA’s latest racist closet foreplay will scream “Oh no a black woman with an arsenal of weaponry. Can’t have that!”
Tithe harder, Fuckwad! Rance Priebus just bought iPhone 6s for all his staff and they’re going out to celebrate.
Idiot Alert,
Idiot spotted @126!
Carry on!
We should treat gun ownership like car ownership. You want a gun? You cannot get a gun until you have passed your gun owner test and got your gun license, and proof of gun insurance.
@ 128
Yes, Better, because licensing and insuring car ownership has done so much to prevent deaths from, oh, I don’t know……..
Drunk driving, maybe:
Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts to one death every 51 minutes.
Requiring education and insurance might reduce the number of deaths that occur as a result of accidents. It won’t do jack squat to accomplish what you really want.
Of course, what you really want is to confiscate guns.
Bob, what a stupid fucking argument.
How many car deaths are avoided every single day by requiring all drivers to have training and insurance and know there will be consequences for drunk driving?
That’s like saying we shouldn’t be politicizing drunk driving deaths?
Or maybe If we just had more good guys driving cars, it would counter the drunks driving cars.
Yes, I am selfish, i want to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people and sociopaths who could hurt me and my family, just like I want to keep cars out of the hand of drunk people who could hurt me and my family.
You seem to be taking this personally. IMHO, if you are going to use your guns in proper ways that are not threat to random people, Unless you are a crazy person or a sociopath, you should have nothing to fear.
Riffing on @129
Bob’s outrage as a drunk driver analogy.
Drunk Driver: “Of course, what you really want is to confiscate my cars.”
It honestly scares me that someone like Bob practices medicine. He offers safety regulation of motor vehicles as an example of regulatory failure. That guarantees that he never bothered to look at the mountain of historical data, relying instead on a lazy factoid. This does not bode well for the outcomes of Bob’s treatment recommendations.
@121 I wasn’t going for you bones….I was going for one of your brain explosions.
@125 I already attached a link to a comment that I made, from a Liberal site, on where the shooter got his guns.
Also, did you find on any conservative right wing wacko sites on the sheriff being a Sandy Hook Truther? Nahhh, I didn’t think so.
Puffy = Puff the Magic Dragon.
When bob says
“Of course, what you really want is to confiscate guns.”
It echos of this headline:
“Oregon shooter’s mother was an avid gun enthusiast who stockpiled weapons for fear of confiscation.”
Within our culture, and particularly within gun “enthusiast” culture, it appears there are people who have great difficulty recognizing when a particular behavior is risky.
Whether it involves this kind of compulsive stockpiling, mixing firearms with alcohol, leaving unsecured firearms around children, leaving firearms unsecured in public, or modifying legal firearms to make them more “fun”, self regulation is unlikely to be effective at reducing avoidable tragedies.