Honest Political ads: Gil Fulbright for President.
Hassan Rouhani’s true feelings about the Iran Nuclear deal.
Roy Zimmerman: Give Measles a Chance:
Young Turks: Majority of Iowa Republicans want to ban Islam…because, religious freedom.
Mental Floss: 28 interesting facts about inventors.
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- Farron Cousins: Let’s face it…if ANY one of the GOP candidates win in 2016, we are SCREWED.
- Last man on earth runs for President
- Red State Update: Debriefing after the G.O.P. debate
- Young Turks: Trump to FAUX News, “You’re cut off!”
- Donald sabotages wife’s interview.
- Young Turks: Trump tries to convince Christians he actually believes this crap
- Chris Hayes: Trump falters, lashes out at FAUX News & whines.
- Sam Seder: Trump’s ultimate insult to Marco Rubio
- Colbert shuts down Trump on birferism.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Why Trump’s Birferism is so important.
- Maddow: Trump competence in question as “veterans” group event exposed as illegal.
- Matthew Filipowicz: Whose Islamophobia is worse? Ben Carson or Donald Trump?
- José Díaz-Balart: Carson and Trump fall out with Muslim voters.
- James Rustad: Ben the Friendly Fascist
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Ben Carson shouldn’t quit his day job.
- Sam Seder: Ben Carson thinks a Muslim should not be president!
- Dear Dr. Carson, a Muslim CAN be President!
- White House reaction to Ben Carson’s anti-Muslim statement.
- Young Turks: Ben Carson thinks Satan invented the Big Bang theory
- Sam Seder and Farron Cousins: Will anti-Muslim tirade force Ben Carson out?
- Kareem Abdul Jabbar on Carson’s anti-Mulsim statement.
- James Rustad: Carly Fiorina.
- David Pakman: Hypocritical Carly Fiorina criticized her own opponent’s looks
- Pres. Scott Walker In Memoriam
- Young Turks: The real reason Walker dropped out.
- Sam Seder: Sorry Scott Walker, Sarah Palin is still the biggest quitter of all time
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Scott Walker’s resignation and wealthy donors
- David Pakman: Scott Walker is OUT
- Maddow: With Walker out…who is next?
- Ted Cruz sound like the Church Lady
- Lawrence O’Donnell:Lying Ted Cruz’ “five unelected lawyers”
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Jeb Bush’s Mitt Romney moment.
- Young Turks: Silver spoon-fed Jeb Bush sick of poor people getting free stuff
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Jeb Bush’s mission for 2016 is to save his family from embarrassment.
- The GOP crisis of faith.
Ann Telnaes: The UN thinks Saudi Arabia is a defender of human rights.
Thom: The impact of a government shutdown.
Reformed Whores: Who should be on the $10 bill
Liberal Viewer: Will Kim Davis allow man to gay marry Jesus?
Pope Politics:
- Don’t miss the Pope’s whirlwind North American tour
- Thom: Greed is the “dung of the Devil”.
- Maddow: Pope Francis gives voice to immigrants’ plight
- The whole thing: Pope Francis addresses Congress
- Young Turks: Pope Frances makes Republicans cry.
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Pope knows best on climate change.
- 28 cool facts about Pope Francis
- Pope Frances visits Congress and works both sides of the isle
- Mark Fiore: The Saint of small type.
- Ann Telnaes: Conservatives roll out a welcome mat to the Pope
How will the world end?
David Pakman: Recessions happen 4 times more frequently under Republicans:
Minute Physics: Why do we put telescopes in space?
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Gallinaceously Ugly!
Honest Political ads: The plan.
VSauce: Messages for the future.
Down Goes Boehner:
- Young Turks: Republicans lose their Boehner.
- Obama on Boehner resignation.
- Goodbye to John Boehner.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Why John Boehner finally resigned
- Young Turks: Republicans elated over John Boehner’s resignation
White House: West Wing Week.
Mental Floss Misconceptions about the film industry.
Meet the new Nightly Show hire:
Young Turks: Is Ted Nugent being anti-Semitic on Facebook?
Today’s Daily Inspiration with Dick Cheney.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Part of me was against the Pope addressing Congress, but then again, he is also a head of state.
Part of me was against the Pope addressing Congress, but then again, he is also a head of state.
I was shocked when I woke up to the news that Boehner had quit. Although it was increasingly clear his days were numbered. It could cone back to haunt the GOP, he has a month before he leaves, may at least have a chance to avert a government shutdown.
@2 ER
Boehner is going to run for President. He’s apparently become extremely frustrated with the Christian Rightwing Teabagger Nazis that have pretty much taken control of the Republican message.
He’s quitting, then it’ll be a few months of propaganda about how he has always been the good, moderate voice in the GOP, then a few weeks of planting the seeds of the idea in the press, and then promotion of the idea of his running for a couple weeks around Christmas, then he’ll make his announcement sometime around late January or early February.
The reason being, that the current crop of Republican candidates are entirely unelectable, and have pretty much presented themselves as ideological Fascists and mentally-ill assholes who are really much more embarrassing than interesting.
They’re all sounding like Gordon Klingenschmidt or Bryan Fischer, and that unsubtle oder of Nazism still doesn’t sit well with people.
You just watch.
Some of the best take-downs, face slaps and insults of the batshit insane are coming from Republicans these last 24 hours.
“A fired-up House Ethics Committee Chairman Charlie Dent (R-Pa.)…ripped into hard-line conservatives…and noted they have “never had a horse of their own.””
“Any jackass can kick down a barn door. It takes a carpenter to hang one. We need a few more carpenters around here. Everybody knows it”
“House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.)…suggested a new leadership team should implement new conference rules that would make the chamber more functional.”
“You just can’t continue to have a super-ultra-minority continue to try to dictate what happens in the House of Representatives. It’s a big problem”
“Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) referred to the group of hardliners…as the “shutdown caucus.””
“Those within our party who insist on continuing to divide us and shut down the government, they can take a small victory today. It’s unfortunate”
“New York Republican Peter King said Friday…“I think it signals the crazies have taken over the party””
“I think whoever runs for speaker should make it clear that he’s not going to give in to these people. We’re not going to appease them,” he concluded. “The time for appeasement is over.”
These guys aren’t exactly my cup of tea, but I applaud them for standing up to the batshit insanity of the far-right extremists.
3) Interesting take. Can’t tell if it is serious or sarcasm.
The tough part of our system, is our two party duopoly, that has been further corrupted by the shift of the GOP to the hard right, which forced the Democrats, or some of it’s leadership, to the right just to look centrist.
One issue that is not being discussed in Washington D.C. right now, is the Positive Train Control deadline. In 2008, a Bipartisan bill(seems a long time ago) passed congress, supported by the Association of American Railroads, passed in the wake of the Chatsworth Commuter rail disaster, gave the railroads six years. It was a Bipartisan mess too, the Railroads, except Amtrak, went with a system that was not ready, and the FCC did not expedite the process for the communication towers needed. Amtrak has announced that they will meet the deadline, but only on tracks they own. An extension is needed, and the AAR is asking for two years, and BNSF has already warned certain traffic may not be moving over their network after January 1st, especially hazardous materials. This will also effect commuters in cities like Chicago, and since METRA runs in counties other than Cook, I am sure some of those riders are Republicans.
By the way, the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 passed the House with 377 votes, including Boehner and McCarthy.
The vote count from the House passage of the RSIA of 2008. Did not see Pelosi on it, but doesn’t the Speaker usually not vote?
Wow, the salt mined hatred from certain morons continues onward!
Not a lot of comments so far. Where’s His Nibs? He must be boring someone else this weekend.
Soon, just one more day, and the batshit crazy loon will be howling at the apocalyptical blood moon eclipse. My goodness! This could be the best head explosion ever!
This week’s fatal crash on the Aurora Bridge brought back memories of November 1998. Although the only similarity was it was on the Aurora Bridge.
Although there is a suicide barrier on the Aurora Bridge now, I believe that there is one reminder of the crash. A concrete block where a guardrail used to be. No matter what Metro renames that bus route, and despite increased security, it is still a dangerous run.
Do you think this Phil Miller guy could be a big write in candidate maybe in Arizona and pick up a few electoral collage votes, and could be the black horse candidate?
That or vote for POGO!
Or Bill the Cat.
Crazy week in NYC. The Pope for 3 days; the Global Ciitzen’s Concert in Central park Saturday with appearances of Vice President Biden and the Second Lady, along with the First Lady Michelle Obama, Richard Branson, Malala Yousafzai; the UN Assembly; and now on Tuesday President Obama and Raul Castro – just to name a few. City is crawling with the Secret Service, Cops, Motorcades and Road Closures and Police helicopters – Crazy place.
The Global Citizen’s concert was pretty awesome. Nothing but Love and Compassion. Not sure you’ll ever get that with ISIS or our Right Wing Evangelicals.
@9 I think Puddy was quiet because he was hunkered down with some Ben and Jerry’s watching the Pope on TV with the blinds closed just in case the reverend stopped by. They wouldn’t throw people out for watching the news and not leaping up quick enough to turn down the sound or change the channel. Chanel changers are against Seven Day Adventist dietary requirements and not to be allowed. Only TV’s circa 1960’s technology allowed. They are finding it hard to find TV’s with the dial though. Thus far no manufacturer wants to build their special TV but now with 15 million adherents it’s possible they will have their own special TV’s. Also there will be a future Smithsonian exhibit of the 7th Day TV beside the Mormon underwear.
And I guess Bill Clinton was in NYC today too meeting with Raul Castro. I think I seen the Castro motorcade go by…..the guys in the motorcade didn’t look like American Secret Service…they had military fatigue attire, appearing to be Cubans.
I would assume Hillary was close by too?
Where the fuck is Bob?
The GOP is imploding and he’s no where to be heard.
Mark Adams should give up thinking. Puddy was busy doing other things. All this left wrong hatred from you DUMMOCRETINS is on full display!
@17 We all know what you do on Saturday nights.
You guess what Puddy does on Saturday Night early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Keep guessing… your senility shows each day!