Richard Fowler: A Big Mac would go up by $0.17 more with a $15 minimum wage.
Young Turks: Texas voter suppression law struck down.
Scenes from the Republican War on Women:
- Ann Telnaes: If men could get pregnant…
- The shocking truth about planned parenthood
- David Pakman: Jeb Bush says funding for Women’s health is too high.
- Elizabeth Warren on The Republican War on Women
- Young Turks: Jeb things we spend too much on women’s health
- Francesca Fiorentini: Abortion and planned parenthood and the G.O.P.:
- Thom: G.O.P. tries (but fails) to defund Planned Parenthood
Mark Fiore: Trophy hunting and you
Thom: The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Echinately Ugly!
Pap: Peddling fear brings in millions for Republicans.
Young Turks: Big win for animal rights activists.
Congressional Hits and Misses of the week.
The 2016 Clown Show:
- Songify the debate
- Young Turks: Fact checkers working overtime after G.O.P. debate
- DNC PSA: Learn to speak G.O.P.
- David Pakman: Everyone loses in the first debate.
- At the Republican forum, they run a tight ship.
- Young Turks: About those G.O.P. criticisms of Hillary
- Ann Telnaes: Who’s in and who’s out?
- Young Turks: Is Trump a plant from Bill Clinton?
- Red State Update: The Big Debate
- Red State Update: Little Debate
- Sam Seder: Cruz gets desperate and pathetic.
- Maddow: Hey Ted…that ain’t a machine gun!
- Donald Trump’s post-debate interview
- Young Turks: Trump’s Megyn Kelly Twitter tantrum
- Richard Fowler: Is Trump a serious candidate?
- Trump versus the G.O.P.
- James Rustad: Trump is not politically correct.
- Jonathan Mann: Palmer Luckey gets Trumped.
- WaPo: How Donald Trump really did in the debate
- What a Donald Trump presidency would look like
- David Pakman: Huckabee would use FBI or soldiers to stop abortions
- Thom: Christie and Paul’s 4th amendment smack-down
- Sam Seder: Chuck Todd said WHAT?!?
- David Pakman: Nutbagger Ted Cruz fully denies climate change
Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins: TX Attorney General turns himself in.
Barely Productions: Uber meets Tinder.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about illegal drugs (and marijuana).
Lawrence O’Donnell: Reagan lies about Medicare.
White House: West Wing Week.
NRA CEO proves that being shot doesn’t hurt.
- Jon signs off.
- Jon’s final show in 3 minutes
- Liberal Viewer: Jon Stewart burns FAUX News hypocrisy on supposed secret meetings.
- Amazing Jon Stewart moments
- Jon: Evisceration.
- Arby’s says goodbye to Jon:
- Jon begins his last week by hitting FAUX News for their “propagandist” nonsense
- PBS: A look back at Jon Stewart
- The amazing careers launched by the Daily Show
- Jon explains why bullshit is everywhere.
- Stephen has words with Jon
- It’s hard to say goodbye
Young Turks: Do Democrats handle the economy better than Republicans? (Spoiler alert: yes).
Obama: Voting Rights Act 50th Anniversary.
The debate question every candidate should be asked.
Mental Floss: 25 historic heists.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Texas GOP will probably say that the charges against the AG are politically motivated.
Looks like All Aboard Florida, the Florida East Coast Railway’ s private attempt for higher speed rail between Miami and Orlando, is one step closer. The first phase will be between Miami and Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach. NIMBY’ s are fighting it.
Roger – this is a response to one of your posts from another thread, want to respond and I didn’t want you to not see it, if you aren’t looking at old threads
Trump just alienated RedState. Who’s making book on how long it’ll take him to get himself completely tossed out of the GOP?
17 cents more for a Big Mac? Wow! That’s almost as much as this year’s dividend raise on 1 share of McDonald’s stock!
@4 I wouldn’t count on it. Making a crude reference to menstruation sounds par for T Rump. Hardly worse than forcing women to undergo ultrasound rape to access their constitutional rights.
@6 There’s a rumor circulation on Wall Street and in Republican circles, picked up by this week’s Barron’s magazine, that Trump is a Democratic plant on a mission to sabotage the GOP’s chances of winning the White House in 2016 — presumably as a personal favor to Trump’s buddy Bill Clinton, although it’s also pointed out that Trump has been a Democrat in the past, and contributes to Democratic candidates.
If this indeed is what he’s up to, then it seems to me it’s also possible that a guy claiming to be worth $10 billion and presiding over a far flung business empire with a heavy dependence on discretionary consumer spending may be in it for self-preservation, having calculated what a GOP victory might do to peace, prosperity, and his businesses. From his point of view, another Democrat sucking up to Wall Street might be greatly preferable to the Republican loose cannons itching to start a war with Iran and destroy Social Security and Medicare.
I don’t know whether I believe this, but if he isn’t deliberately self-destructive, then he’s the most inept “candidate” to come down the pike in a very long time. Can I make myself believe he’s as stupid as he appears to be despite having unlimited resources with which to buy the best political and PR consultants and coaches on the planet? Hmmm …
From yet another article about automation taking 47% of jobs
“In addition, jobs that were once challenging and required highly skilled expertise could become mundane, thanks to automation. There are hints of this happening today. As X-rays and other medical records are digitised and computer algorithms become better at interpreting them, radiologists, for example, find themselves collaborating with machines, acting more as fact checkers than as medical sleuths”
In a glimmer of good news, the head of the DEA recently acknowledged that marijuana is not as harmful and dangerous as heroin. Now it’s time to get about the task of removing marijuana from the Schedule 1 drug list and starting to undo Nixon’s horrible legacy, the War on Drugs.
Nixon was one of the worst presidents of the past 230 years.
@7 No conspiracy. You just need to understand New Yorkers. He’s a cultural icon, after all. He’s a showman. He loves attention, good or bad. He has a big mouth and he’s crude because that’s the way they are back east. Look at Christie. Same crude big mouth egotistical snake. But Christie doesn’t have unlimited funds, so he can’t let loose. But you glimpse it with his “punch” teachers rant.
@8 When Bob is replaced by a minimum wage worker, he may have a different opinion of the $15 minimum wage.
Crooks and Liars Dep’t
Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign team were gangsters.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Apparently to the Paul family “libertarian” means “anything goes.”
Paul Constant
I’ve never seen Seattle’s collective racism so overtly displayed as it was this afternoon.
Apparently a whole buncha Rethuglicans showed up to hear Bernie Sanders speak today.
Hey Better:
Next time you ask what the Republican plan is to compensate for all the manufacturing jobs being lost, I’m just gonna join Goldy in cheering for new restaurant openings:
Since 2007: 1.4 Million Manufacturing Jobs Lost; 1.4 Million Waiter/Bartender Jobs Gained
Just a buncha guys trading hard hats for corkscrews, amirite?
Overwhelmingly white crowd of Rethuglicans shouts down innocent, angelic Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle today;
jen koogler @unrulyandrews 5h5 hours ago
@paulconstant crowd went from “yay us & our progressive ways” to yelling “take a walk” at the Black Lives Matter speakers in about 2 minutes
Yay you and your progressive ways, HA libbies.
Mike Newman @mt_newman 3h3 hours ago
@redsteeze @GrahamKIRO7 Future race war won’t B between cops or white sup. & blacks. It will B between white progressives & black radicals.
And it might be during the 2016 DNC convention, too.
Somehow I don’t envision Chris Christie reacting the same way Bernie Sanders reacted.
Bernie Sanders represents a possible write-in candidate, assuming Hillary can hold it together long enough to get the nomination. I see nothing wrong with voting for a person who isn’t on the official ballot. Why be limited to just Republicans and Democrats?
Paul Constant @paulconstant 7h7 hours ago
Wow. Not a great day for Seattle progressives. I’m embarrassed to be in this crowd.
If you think what you saw today was embarrassing, just wait until you get a load of HA when the 2016 GOP ticket has a woman on it and the Dem ticket doesn’t.
Paul Constant @paulconstant 7h7 hours ago
You can argue about the protester’s methods, I guess, but the crowd behaved terribly.
Lest it be lost on anyone, this wasn’t just a Sanders crowd. It was a Sawant crowd.
Vote Sawant retweeted
Kelly Bellin @kellybellin 5h5 hours ago
Waiting to see #BernieSanders in Seattle, the line of thousands is absolutely flooded with @VoteSawant signs!
Small wonder Goldy’s glad he was somewhere else today.
A suggestion for tomorrow’s HA Bible Study:
1 John 2:9 ESV
Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.
Think on your sins.
Too funny to see Bobby the fading plutocrat wannabe reach peak hate on Saturday night.
That was the MO of the babbling jackass.
Amtrak’s Hoosier State train is now under new management. Iowa Pacific will provide the locomotives and coaches, as well as On Board Service crews, and Amtrak will still provide the Engineer and Conductors.After months of negotiations, the new arrangements went into effect last week. I hope it works.
Seattle was Bernie Sanders’ biggest rally yet — 15,000 people. Wow.
I’ll bet it takes Doc Bickle at least 15 minutes to review that many Medicare x-rays.
@19 You already see yourself cheering for a Trump-Palin ticket, eh?
Settle for a woman on the GOP ticket.
Florida’s importance means Rubio is in slot 1 or slot 2. Doubt Fiorina is in slot 1.
So to get a woman on the ticket, Rubio or Bush has to pick her. Fortunately there are four potential good choices.
Wow, indeed.
Speaking of strong GOP women as VP contenders:
I’m sure Julian Castro can gin up similar cred.
Chaos In The GOP As 10,000+ Call For Fox’s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates
Wow. Pass the popcorn
14 but are the bar jo
@7 as much as that could be possible……….it seems that every Republican 2016 candidate is self destructive, and the most inept people to come down the pike in a very long time, except for maybe Casick and Pitacki
It must really hurt GOPer’s that they can’t call Sanders the “N” word, or a Muslim.
@ 31
Well, we could call him a Jew, although unlike your side
we don’t intend it as a slur.
@14. I don’t follow your logic. How is the question of how society going to handle the disruption of automation and algorithms answered by echoing a statistic about bartender jobs? Do bartender jobs pay living wages? Please elaborate.
Besides, robot bartenders already exist, so those bartender jobs may be transitory.
“we don’t intend it as a slur”
As in, “It is appalling that in today’s age, a longtime Jewish elected official would face implications that he splits his loyalty between the United States and Israel”
Yes, how appalling.
“Cantor Suggests Anti-Semitism Is A Problem Within The House GOP Caucus”
Too fucking funny. Bob’s GOP “Southern Strategy” base and a lot of his politicians would put Jesus-murdering, “they’re all going to Hell” Jews a notch below the papists and their AntiChrist Pope, yet still above black folk, but not by a whole lot.
@15 The white people in the crowd who booed the Black Lives Matter activists do not have same values that I have. I find what they did to be disrespectful at best. and racist at worst. I would hope they take some time and examine their values and try to understand why the Black Lives Matter activists were there and doing this.
I find it great that the Black Lives Matter activists are using some of the same tactics used by ACT-UP! and other AIDS activist groups when government inaction was not addressing people dying. In both cases, people told them to shut up.
But back at you, lest you try to paint that only Seattle white progressives as the only ones with hate that can be branded across the whole movement, did you think the republicans who booed that gay solider at the last election cycle exhibit the values you hold dear? Or how about the republicans who will not stop questioning the President’s birth certificate? Do they speak for you? How about Clive Bundy? Is he your spokesman?
Getting senile Bobby? Forget McCain-Palin vs Obama-Biden?
Get a load of Bobby.. Strong contender for dumbass troll of 2016.
Oh shoot, he was that for 2012. Merely defending its title.
However, a legitimate questions for Bernie Sanders is why he doesn’t seem to want to address social justice issues instead of re framing them back to economic justice. . He hurts his campaign by seeming to ignore that the issues exists.
For example: having money didn’t shield this black woman from racial injustice, but it’s going really help her sue, so there is that.
“So to get a woman on the ticket, Rubio or Bush has to pick her.”
Out of touch much?
Post-Debate Poll (NBC)
Trump 23%
Cruz 13%
Carson 11%
Fiorina 8%
Rubio 8%
Bush 7%
Walker 7%
@32 – how would your side call him a Jew but not intend it to be a slur any less than you can say that by asking Sanders if he had dual citizenship with Israel was a slur?
Do you think the NPR reporter learned her misbehavior from that Southern GOP race, where one of the candidates killed himself over it, I think it was Missouri?
@33 Better – last night’s venture with friends and coworkers to a gay night club wouldn’t have been as fun if the beer and drinks were being poured by robots – I guess until I start to find robots sexy.
You think Hooters would retain customers if robots were serving their customers?
I understand your point about automation – you are right in thinking that it is a problem, but I don’t think Right Wing Militias will exist if everything becomes automated in the future – we will all cease to exist. Don’t worry about it, if we aren’t going to correct Global Warming, there wont be a need for jobs.
I’m not sure what Movie it was, but it was in the mid to late 80’s, maybe and Arnold Shwarzenager movie. But it was kind of futuristic, not sure if the setting was Earth or some other Planet, Asteroid or rock in the Universe, but some of the people were real and some were androids/robots that appeared real like with respect to human features. And the scene I remember best or it seemed to be the most re-occurring scene is where the “people”, inside their spaceship or space house, were always in an open area that was kind of looked like a bar or night club or some type of community gathering area or common space. It kind of gave me the impression that the people couldn’t breed – there weren’t any children in the movie ever shown.
But anyways, who really knows, maybe we will have robotic bartenders!
This is tragic story and pretty smart of parents.
But I don’t get this at all. The article makes it sound as if the parents were well aware that they had to save their son. Well if that was the case why would they continue the hike on further, were they lost? Why didn’t they all turn around and head back to the car.
And from the picture in the article, what was there to see but white sand, why did they venture out 1 1/2 miles? I’m sure the part of the trail they were hiking had to have something to see but the picture in the article just creates confusion and doesn’t lend itself to the article, other than featuring the white sands. Could they have gotten the same experience walking a 1 1/2 on a dirt road of a Nebraskan corn filed. I’m kind of joking, I’m sure there had to be some beauty in it, but I am serious too.
But if it were that deadly were there warning signs? Maybe they missed them because they didn’t speak English?
And it would have been nice to get the timing of the discover of the bodies. They find the mother dead and then 2000 feet later they find the father and son. Was it in a span of minutes? Did they just find the mother minutes before she died and then quickly found the other two, but not quick enough to help the father survive? The conditions must truly be very deadly. I mean the father and son were only found 2000 feet further, that’s a little more than a 10 minute walk.
No other hikers were on the trail, but the rangers were quick to get there? Or did this happen over hours of time?
And how did they know that the parents were giving their son 2 sips to their one – the 9 year old was aware of it, then that must have meant that the parents were expressing that they were in trouble. Why didn’t they turn around? Why did they keep going? 1 1/2 walk is a 20-30 minute walk. So even if they realized they were in trouble 15 minutes into or 30 minutes into the walk, they didn’t start to turn around. Is White Sands National Park that deadly? Apparently it must be very deadly….but I repeat no warning signs – no one else their.
Or were they super dehydrated even before taking the walk? And just out of consideration given their son more water than they were taking in unaware that they were going to die themselves. That really must be it. But the article kind of gives you the felling that it was intentional. Or I’m just assuming or wrongly reading it that way
I really don’t get this story, even though I don’t think there is anything suspicious of it.
With regard to @42 – I had to re-read the article to see if I missed anything.,,
but then it says the woman just complained about being dizzy before passing out…..but I thought the father and son were 2000 feet ahead. What did she do – yell ahead to them and say “I’m feeling dizzy, keep going I’ll be ok”…..and then father and son continued on, second after she collapses? WTF?
How did they know that she made the complaint right before passing out?
I really don’t get this. They should make a movie out of this.
@33 Well, if we’re going to be getting our bar drinks from a vending machine, then they ought to have one where you slide your credit card, key in your selection, and a congressman comes out, too.
@37 Yeah, I can hardly wait to see how much the NYPD settles that one for. Think of it as an encore after that biker cop who’s now in prison for participating in that biker riot against that motorist and his family. NYC cops are something else.
@38 Kinda scary that the GOP’s post-debate top 3 are Trump, Cruz, and Carson, in that order.
@41 Are you telling us robots can’t have babies?!! Doesn’t that mean robots will die out after one generation?
I see why Republicans like robots. #1 they don’t join unions #2 they don’t have to be paid #3 they don’t get abortions.
24)I saw some of that crowd at Westlake Station, very crowded for a Saturday, and the Mariners were just getting out.
Interesting in the most recent customer satisfaction survey by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority, and it appears that the number of riders that said that they had a car has gone down, at least on the Metro Rail system. Might see more of it when expansion is completed.
#4 they don’t need heathcare
#5 they don’t need Social Security
#6 they don’t need Oxygen to breath
#7 they aren’t as susceptible to low and high temperatures
#8 they can be fitted with maching guns with the implementation of various arm attachments (in the other arm attachment can be a bible)
#9 they don’t need water
#10 they can walk for miles without getting tired (but will not need to due to confinement of their space dwelling) and therefore we no longer have to regulate car mileage standards
@13. You should appreciate this, bob.
BLM Activist Who Shut Down Sanders is Radical Christian, Sarah Palin Supporter
And that’s the woman who called them all white supremacists. That confuses the issue and makes her less credible. Makes her seem like someone with a hidden agenda to spread dissension instead of finding common ground. Like someone up to dirty tricks like the people who make doctored Planned Parent videos.
@ 52
Better, @ 35 you wrote:
@15 The white people in the crowd who booed the Black Lives Matter activists do not have same values that I have. I find what they did to be disrespectful at best. and racist at worst. I would hope they take some time and examine their values and try to understand why the Black Lives Matter activists were there and doing this.
I find it great that the Black Lives Matter activists are using some of the same tactics used by ACT-UP! and other AIDS activist groups when government inaction was not addressing people dying. In both cases, people told them to shut up.
Does @ 52 change any/all of that for you?
It’s OK that the Seattle liberals behaved in a racist manner, because they were goaded into it by a woman who wore a Palin button on her backpack when she was in high school?
Or the tactics used are suddenly not so ‘great’ because maybe you don’t support them now that you think you know more about them, perhaps?
I must confess my confusion at what you have written. Please explain, sir.
“It’s OK that the Seattle liberals behaved in a racist manner”
–Still No.
But her associations do muddy my feelings for the event. Which I said. However, I want to thank you bob, for asking the questions to help me clarify it in my mind.
There are two things going on there, let’s not confuse them.
The Act Up like disruption and THEN then the reaction and the inflammatory name calling etc.
The purpose of the disruption was to bring attention to the Black Lives Matter cause and to get the candidates and the media to give it continued public attention. I’m for what they did.
But if the purpose of the disruption was instead to just subvert the Black Lives Matter cause to spread distention and ill will and drive a wedge between progressives by doing things like inflammatory name calling like “white supremacists”, then I”m against that part of it.
Those white progressives still should not have booed them and tried to shut them up because the cause is important. I’d still like them to think about what they did reflexively, but now I don’t trust the woman’s response either. Her past and current associations make her responses to what they did so much less credible to me. I don’t trust her to not have a hidden subversive agenda.
Roger – I read a headline that indicated that the Feds will be raising interest rates soon because the improving economy. What is your thought, that that will be good for the stock market or bad for the market. My opinion is that it will be bad, but I wanted to know what you think.
I know you wouldn’t do this, but if the stock market goes up again tomorrow as much as curretnly today, I might move out of the Mutual funds and into the stable fund. I’m not really worried of any type of crash but I want to take advantage of a high point, because I think it will be drop and not bounce back for a while.
I think Bernie was listening . Was it due to the black lives matter activities
Donald “Blood from somewhere” Trump has finally gone too far! He’s gonna fall!
“PPP’s newest Iowa poll finds Donald Trump leading the Republican field in the state even after a weekend of controversy. He’s at 19% to 12% for Ben Carson and Scott Walker, 11% for Jeb Bush, 10% for Carly Fiorina, 9% for Ted Cruz, and 6% for Mike Huckabee and Marco Rubio.
The other 9 candidates are all clustered between 3% and having no support at all (George Pataki)- John Kasich and Rand Paul are at 3%, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum at 2%, Chris Christie at 1%, and Jim Gilmore, Lindsey Graham, and Pataki all have less than 1%.”
“Donald Trump’s public fight with Fox News might hurt him in the long run,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “But for the time being he continues to lead the pack.”
Oops! My bad.
Bob you have to admit, what is going on in the Republican Party today is one big three ring circus. Ringmaster Preibus has no control of his clowns.
You got people talking about raping Mexicans, and menstruating woman. Fox News correspondents are turning against each other – Roger Ailes has really got his hands full.
What a fucked up Party.
But I do get a head ache from Carly after 5 minutes too.
The arschloch farted
Thanks for playing arschloch!