The Texas crazyfest.
Thom: America…No longer home of the brave but the scared shitless.
Jon celebrates the expiration of certain provisions of the Patriot Act.
Hillary slams GOP for war on voting, calls for universal registration:
David Pakman: The progressivization of America?
Sam Seder: Republicans are still scared of the Lego movie.
Slate: The world’s first murder case.
A Jon Stewart tribute.
Ann Telnaes: George W. Bush’s popularity recovers.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about sharks.
White House: West Wing Week.
Maher: GOP…stop it with the phony cries of Christian persecution already.
Thom: The state of surveillance in America.
Shaheen to Obama: Put a Woman on the $20 Bill.
David Pakman: Nebraska overrides Governor’s veto, ends death penalty.
Mark Fiore: Who created ISIS?
Sam Seder: Gov. Scott Walker’s bullshit reason for forcing women to get ultrasounds.
The 2016 Clown Convention:
- Young Turks: Final Judgement on Lindsey Graham announcing he is running for President
- Ann Telnaes: Lindsey Graham flexing his foreign policy approach
- Farron Cousins: Jeb Bush Desperate To Save Family Name.
- Maddow: Jeb Bush testing legal line on ‘exploring’ 2016 presidential run.
- Ted Cruz jokes about Joe Biden on the eve of his son’s funeral
- David Pakman: Ted Cruz’s hypocrisy on Texas flooding and hurricane Sandy
- Jon: Lincoln and Rick!
- Olbermann: Ted Cruz is Worst Person in the Sports World.
- Farron Cousins: Rand Paul needs a sugar daddy
- Young Turks: Rand Paul causes a huge GOP cat-fight over Patriot Act
- Fallon: The pros and cons of Donald Trump running F]for President
- David Pakman: Gov. Scott Walker mansplains rape pregnancies
Young Turks: Hate rally goes badly for the haters.
Congressional hits and misses of the week:
Thom: The media’s “wave of silence” on Sen. Bernie Sanders (and why).
Scientists grow mini brains in the lab.
Jon: How Muslims can be less scary and more American.
Farron Cousins: The GOP is losing voters in droves…to death
Thom: The Good, The Bad and the very very Uxorovalently Ugly.
Mental Floss: 24 Food Origins.
Minute Physics: Upside down mountains in real life.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Chris Cillizza: A look inside the Hastert indictment.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very Very Mollescently Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I honestly thought that the Nebraska Governor would get a few votes to sustain the veto. Things can happen. Although primary-ing the legislators might be hard in a non-partisan primary.
Hey kids! According to this glibertarian website:
Yes! 40 percent of American workers earn LESS than the minimum wage of 1968 – $1.60/hour back then is worth $10.47/hour now..
All hail voodoo economics!
And our resident boob trolls say the minimum wage should be ELIMINATED so teens can have jobs and earn EVEN LESS than the 1968 minimum wage equivalent.
Don’t it make you want to run out and vote for klownservatics?
If you are upset that the report came to light you can’t be that remorseful about your sins, you are just mad that you got caught. Just a bunch of Duggary.
Arkansas City Attorney Defends Release Of Josh Duggar Report
“Ohhh, please, please believe us, we need our show back”.
Josh Duggar’s sisters defend him, insist he’s not a molester
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
“You know good people, like us Christians, will build custom made homes with mommy and daddies room between the siblings rooms, that way are genitals don’t touch by mistake”
Puffy this one must be one of yours, being from Tennessee is like being right from the Sarah Palin’s Family. Good thing Bristol called the wedding off, she probably would have ended up like the lawyers wife.
Tenn. lawyer tried to hire hit man to kill wife: officials
I can hear puffy crying in his
Sleep, “Why? Why are they talking like that about my Duggars, my Christian family Duggars. It’s not fair. They are good people, unlike the Heathens. It’s only fair to make fun of gays! Ohhh, my Christian family, they are good, good people that make mistakes in their lives. This isn’t fair.”
voting rights. great. it’s a serious issue if state ID laws disproportionately deprive you from voting for president or senator in texas or ohio etc.
but somehow our laws that the FEDERAL government has, that is, all of us in he 50 states, when they deprive DC residents or Puerto Rico residents of the right to vote for ANY senator, it’s okay. or president in Puerto rico. despite the fact we the USA govern those areas.
Apparently we believe in something so strongly fully believing in democracy and voting rights isn’t who we are. Not even leading Democrats. I didn’t her Hillary’s speech, but I doubt she stood up for ending the colonial subjugated conquered status of Puerto rico, a war trophy, by you know giving them two senators or let’s be far it’s six million people why not divide it into two states and give them four? and DC also two senators.
somehow all our devotion to fighting for voting rights doesn’t extend to these places, showing, we’re just not that into democracy and think it’s okay to have folks governed by our laws who are second class citizens. isn’t this odd. we’re so disgusted by the 3/5 a man thing in the constitution. by internment camps. by ohio ending early voting, OMG but denying 6.5 million people voting rights and representation by law is okey dokey for most including most “liberals” and many progressives. sadly, of course adding these two senators from DC or say four more from Puerto Rico would totally boost the D turnout like wild and let us be the inclusionary folk we are. Why does Alaska with its tiny population of what, 700,000, get two senrs and six million Puerto Ricans get zero?
it’s just a coincidence they’re people of color right? if for some reason we’ gotten oh, nova scotia or a piece of quebec following some war in 1905 it would still be a “territory”. Right? Riiiiiiiiiiggghhhhhhtttt, no racism here.
Lean and mean Kansas. There is nothing like strengthening a failing economy. I’m sure the furlough of 7,000 will help propel them into then next century. Look mom, I use to be size 34 waist, now I’m a size 18!..
Long Live Ireland! Home of the Free and the Brave. Freedom rings in Ireland! The liberty bell in America is cracked!
This country is losing it’s freedom every day. The conservatives don’t like the news of Caitlan Jenner, they’d prefer it be kept in the closet and out of the public life. They don’t like the media portraying as normal or anything that should be given light too.
Kind of an opposite situation – but I’m sure Beer distributors and Beer producers would do the same about reporting on drunk driving accidents. Or cigarette companies, I’m sure they had wished they could silence the Media. Gives their products bad publicity.
@2 I assume that’s the same boob who needs his annual “Medicare doc fix” from Congress to keep his stock margin account afloat?
@7 Is this the latest wingidiot false equivalency? Puerto Rico isn’t a state, therefore it’s okay to keep American citizens from voting in South Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin, and every other state where Republican legislators can ram through voter suppression laws?
@ 2
First, you’re spewing old stuff. Those numbers were reported in 2013 and are from 2011. 2013 data is the most current:
Second, not all of the wage-earners are full-time employees. A lot of wage-earners are below $20,000 because they do not work full-time.
You can’t look at an income number and determine the wage paid per hour unless you know the number of hours worked, YLB.
I love watching Arkansas hillbillies tripping over their tongues.
@9…Moving soon?
After you move to Uganda or Russia.
Awwe, sounds like you are offended. But threats of Texas succeding from the Union doesn’t. Hypocrite.
“…established by the state…”
Hawaii will abandon its state-based health insurance exchange and transition to the federal marketplace, known as, the state announced Friday.
Gov. David Ige (D) announced Hawaii Health Connector, a private nonprofit, would be shut down because it “has been unable to generate sufficient revenues to sustain operations.”
Last week, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services informed the exchange that federal funds were no longer avilable to support its long-term operations, Ige’s office said.
The exchange has suffered from technological issues and low enrollment numbers.
Not sure I follow. States were encouraged to establish their own exchanges. This states’ exchange essentially went bankrupt. So now Hawaii is throwing in the towel and joining the federal exchange.
Which may leave its citizens without subsidies, depending on how the pending SCOTUS decision goes.
I’m sure I’m leaving something out. Unless Hawaii just assumes that the federal government will pick up the tab, no matter what Hawaii decides to do.
In San Francisco, members of the Board of Supervisors and other city officials, including Mayor Ed Lee have vowed to ride Public Transportation, especially the San Francisco Municipal Railway, for the next 22 days. Ironically, by law, Proposition AA, they are supposed to ride it at least twice a month, but has rarely been observed. MUNI carries a daily ridership almost equal to the city population.
@13 Who controls work hours, Bickle? You can’t work full-time if your employer only schedules you for part-time hours and rotates your shifts so you can’t hold a second job.
A Triple Crown for the first time in my lifetime, actually almost second, American Pharoah has won the Belmont.
@20 Mrs. Rabbit and I both picked Frosted to win. Frosted was second, but it was never close, American Pharoah was in command for the entire race.
Where is everyone? Nobody but me has posted anything since before 4 pm and it’s now midnight. Is this prom night? Did I sleep through a nuclear war? (Rabbit holes are good bomb shelters.)
Seems voter ID laws are accaptable and are not vote blocking unless you are a HA DUMMOCRETIN!
Meanwhile a real DUMMOCRETIN poll demonstrates Clinton’s supposed large lead wasn’t true! http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2565747
Can’t wait for that near end of June PPP poll.
Sooo that DUMMOCRETIN PPP poll isn’t so far off after all…
So scream all you want about some supposed clown car. Maybe the clown car is the Clinton Campaign! Remember she claims the campaign isn’t about her. Yeah right!
@13 Who controls work hours, Bickle?
You can thank ObummerCare for that early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Meanwhile a story the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla loves…
Remember DUMMOCRETIN led cities police crime stories? Well let’s revisit these scumbags…
Seems the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla has DDS. So teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, why did the judge order the removal of the Duggar document? Not because of Josh, but because of the minor victims in the document. This is why you are as stoooooooooooopid as evah teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Another moronic DUMMOCRETIN on this blog!
Also, Puddy never watch 19 and counting or whatever the show was. Puddy was busy watching Fox News, the most watched cable network vs. watching that lowlife PMSNBC and reading the alan blog or any of these left wrong libtard sites…
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars eh?
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
Puddy bets it’s HA DUMMOCRETIN friends from south of the Rio Grande…
Farron Cousins: The GOP is losing voters in droves…to death
Meanwhile Obummer and DUMMOCRETINS want to replaced all those Aborted DUMMOCRETIN voters with illegal aliens! So far the courts disagree with this method!
21) I was beginning to call the Belmont Stakes Disappointment Saturday, but I was glad to see it be disappointing for another reason, a happy one.
Hey rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, another friend of your? Distant Cousin?
That’s not like having cereal for breakfast.
Ahhh yes here we go again… When a courageous, articulate black man espouses something other than reservation speak you must attack! Butt, who attacks?
Anybody remember this about Gwen Moore? http://webcache.googleusercont.....XRc2lVVhBd
Probation? Yeah it figgers!!! DUMMOCRETIN son of DUMMOCRETIN Congresswoman… E. Michael McCann, Milwaukee DUMMOCRETIN Prosecutor…
Yes, Hollyweird… bastion of left wrong libtard thought demonstrates its standard Asian racism again…
@23 “Seems voter ID laws are accaptable and are not vote blocking unless you are a HA DUMMOCRETIN!”
Yeah, that’s the latest drool from the wingnut propaganda factory that Republican candidates are using to selling their criminal subversion of our democracy to the gullible public.
@26 You’ve got to be kidding.
@29 “Puddy was busy watching Fox News”
That explains almost everything.
Why rightwing claims — popularized by conservative propagandist Heather Mac Donald — that prosecuting the cops who murdered Freddie Gray is causing Baltimore’s crime rate to spike are bogus:
“A widely read May 29 column by Heather Mac Donald tried to place Baltimore’s crime surge in a national context. Citing increases in crime in other cities across the nation, Mac Donald argues that what we’re witnessing is a ‘Ferguson effect,’ as police get nervous about enforcing laws and criminals feel more leeway to, well, do some crimes. There are a couple of issues with Mac Donald’s thesis. One is that crime always tends to increase as the weather gets warmer. As Jason Linkins notes, Mac Donald also does some mixing and matching of numbers, and her year-over-year totals can skip over the fact that violent crime nationwide remains at historical lows.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yep, manipulating data, and overlooking the obvious — that summer weather makes people, including criminals, more active — is how conservatives fake their phony conclusions. (“It’s snowing, so global warming is a hoax.”)
@12. really? you have to distort to try to argue?
“@7 Is this the latest wingidiot false equivalency? Puerto Rico isn’t a state, therefore it’s okay to keep American citizens from voting in South Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin, and every other state where Republican legislators can ram through voter suppression laws?”
I oppose what the Republicans do in those places as it denies the right to vote. You apparently support the 100% deprivation of the right to vote for say a senator in puerto rico and DC. Why? You left out DC, it’s not a state either. This is like Nazi Germany saying “but we passed a law making Jews not be German citizens, so therefore, they can’t own property, so therefore in cyrstalnachet no one took their property!”
Every person on earth under the rule of a settled government should have the right to vote if you believe in democracy. apparently you don’t believe in democracy. this is my point:
many of us democrats go all out for fighting for ending ohio’s cutback on early voting — but compeltely ignore the fact that many of us (not me) support the holding of puerto rico as spoils of war, putting those folks into lower-status legally, thus also violating equality. “they’re not a state!” is like a slaveholder saying “but slaves don’t have rights!”
do you not see how lame that argument is? what’s worse, DC. you think that’s okay to have 600K without representation, while you personally get to elect senators to help make laws over DC people?
what is this love of being a colonizer? We should let Puerto Rico go, or make them a state, or why not two? Tell me Rabbit, why do 7 million washingtonians get to vote to make laws governing 6 million puerto ricans?
because we took it in a war?
are you sure you’re a democrat?
@26 You’ve got to be kidding.
FACTS always explode DUMMOCRETIN arguments!
many of us democrats go all out for fighting for ending ohio’s cutback on early voting
Yes 27 days of early voting in Ohio is so bad while voter suppressing NY State (Hillary for Senate) only has one day of voting. So why didn’t Hillary call out Andrew Cuomo?
No DUMMOCRETINS discussing #41!
Another computer break-in during Obummer’s sadministration and nothing on the Friday Night Comix pages!
Now this is a DAYUM shame…
If Obummer wasn’t such a foreign policy moron Obummer would not have to patch up European relations!
Wow, snow shovels…
Of all the failings of the Democrat Party that you may perceive, at least they don’t stiffle Freedom.
Long live Ireland – Land of the Free and the Brave. The American Liberty bell is more than just cracked, it is crumbling, thanks to the Nazi GOP.
okay puddydude, no dems discussing it you discuss it.
you’re for early voting in ohio and ny riiiight?
you’re for ending Puerto rico as a colony in second class status and think those folks there should be able to vote for house and senate reps? right?
or do you too, not really believe in democracy and human rights?
the GOP is far more disrespectful of the right to vote than the Dems are. today. Hillary’s team is generating plaintiffs and law firms to attack the attacks on voting conducted by those state legislatures like texas and such, you decry those attacks puddybud don’t you?
seems to me like either we agree voting and the right of representation — it’s not just no taxation without representation it’s no laws atall without representation, you see — is fundamental, or we don’t really believe in it at all and therefore if a state backs off on early voting, well, meh, right?
it’s so funny to see the puddybuddies on the same side of an issue with rabbit dude — assuming puddy doesn’t want to see Puerto Ricans vote for senator — but this just illustrates my point.
We in American have never really declared voting to be fundamental in a way that includes everybody. (Even me, I exclude those under 18! but that’s different IMO).
@42 “FACTS always explode DUMMOCRETIN arguments!”
Interesting comment, coming as it does from one of the most fact-deprived organisms presently sentient on this planet.
@49 Hillary brought up the subject of the GOP’s obvious efforts to suppress minority, poor, and elderly voting blocs last week, and now Republican propagandists and candidates are closing ranks to perform damage control by (a) denying the obvious, and (b) claiming their massive voter suppression campaign is necessary to combat nonexistent voter fraud. Puddy could get off by pleading stupidity, but the rest of them are venal liars.
Plain speaking.
Where biker gangs come from.
Republicans believe in states’ rights. Until they don’t.
“Despite the growing movement to legalize … marijuana, Christie pledged that he would reverse … the federal government’s permissiveness towards states that have done so like Colorado and Washington.”
55) Alaska also voted to legalize.
@ 49
Oh, Better. You dear boy. So much promise, unfulfilled.
Hillary Clinton isn’t going after Texas. You see, Texas is red and isn’t going blue in 2016, and not for quite a bit of time after that.
She might say things about Perry and Cruz that make it sound like she’s defending against what you want to believe are voting rights assaults on the left. But she’s not.
What she IS doing is her level best to make sure that states like Wisconsin and Ohio stay in the blue column next year.
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has filed lawsuits in Wisconsin and Ohio to fight voting rights laws passed by Republicans, and some say those lawsuits could be read as a sign that Clinton is worried about winning those states in 2016.
It’s not about protecting voting rights. It’s about winning the White House. The voting rights issue is a means to an end for her, in some places, but not in Texas.
It’s nothing more than that. Never will be. It’s about her.
You be sure and let sure us all know the first time Team Hillary spends significant coin filing suit in Texas, Better. Until then, rest assured she spent time in Texas to collect dollars, not to spend them.
Mexico is holding it’s midterms today, ruling party is expected to do well, but under the Mexican Constitution, no incumbent will win.
In Turkey, the ruling Justice and Development Party has lost it’s majority in parliament. To keep out Fringe parties, as well as Kurdish parties, Turkey has one of the highest thresholds for a proportional representation system, 10%. For the first time, the main Kurdish party surpassed that.
Texas cops kick black kids out of whites-only pool.
“It’s not about protecting voting rights. It’s about winning the White House.”
No, it’s about protecting voter rights and winning the White House, which is a perfectly understandable response to your party’s efforts to suppress voter rights in order to win same.
But for you, Bob, it’s an obvious twofer. Black Americans who you hate so much are those most negatively affected by your voter suppression tactics.
Unarmed black men being shot dead. Little old black ladies being turned away from the polls. What’s up with you, Bob? You act like it takes shit like that for you to get your dick hard or something.
Wow, must be something in the water in ArkansASS.
Is Jim Bob trying to say it’s all normal? And if other families were havening similar problems, what did they do to resolve the issue? Please tell us Jim Bob.
you’re for ending Puerto rico as a colony in second class status and think those folks there should be able to vote for house and senate reps? right?
Ummm worser, ask the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit first!
Why didn’t Obummer bring that up in his first term?
Ohio gives 27 days before an election and it’s bad because Kasich is a Republican.
New York gives no extra days and that’s A-OK because Cuomo is a DUMMOCRETIN.
Imagine that!
Well early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @50, you didn’t refute those FACTS!
@65 Can’t refute facts when there aren’t any facts to refute.
@63 Are you volunteering to pay Puerto Rico’s debts? Just asking.
For what it’s worth, I have been using the name “Better” for a while now., and “better political theory”‘s name morphed to “better” on this thread. Not sure how the admins deal with name overlaps but if the opinions of “Better” seem like they are from different people, now you know they are.
( It’s easy to tell which of us is the first “better”, I’m the handsome one.)
@67. Rabbit, remember to conservatives, any time it snows, that’s proof that climate change is a hoax, but if it’s a record heat, that’s just the natural variation of weather and not a trend at all.
RR@67, I work nights, and took advantage of my day off to catch up on yard work, and it was around noon when I rolled out the lawnmower.
@27. Why is a case of adultery shocking to a conservative? Are gay people supposed to be perfect, but straight people, say like Newt Gingrich or Jimmy Swaggart or David Vitter or Jim Bakker or John Ensign can have affairs with abandon?
In the Mexican Midterms, it was a throw them all out year, as usual. The governing Institutional Party of the Revolution(PRI) took some losses, but is holding the Chamber of Deputies(the Senate is only elected in the Presidential year). In the state of Nuevo Leon, a first, an Independent, was elected Governor.
In the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, the 500 seats are elected via a hybrid of two hybrid forms of Proportional Representation. The list seats are awarded based on the best near winner.
Oops, posted the same link twice.
No, it is his feable attempt to prove that gays are different and not normal. But he only proved his stupidity and lack of ability to be a good Christian.
You brought up Puerto Rico then ran away when another libtard smacked your IDIOT Wabbit ASS! So what were you “discussing” about Puerto Rico when you were SMACKED above? Nuthin of any importance we can see!
Yes while it was 87 degrees in Seattle, Antarctic and Greenland ice levels are higher than normal!
IF you claim you have a better political perspective worser then it must mean you have poor reading comprehension.
@27. Why is a case of adultery shocking to a conservative? – Where is adultery discussed in that article?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
No, it is his feable attempt to prove that gays are different and not normal.
No feeble attempt whatsoever! It’s another display of how moronic you really are teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Every hetero ill you post front and center. When Puddy displays gay ills you run away like a dachshund wiener doggy with its tail tucked between its legs!
Even with the slight shift upward there are still more conservatives and independents than whack job left wrong progressive FASCIST libtards…
ObummerCare FACTS… that continue to slip that early onset senility affected mind senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Here, moronic twit, let Puddy help you comprehend FACTS again!
This survey from the Society of Human Resource Management released back in March 2015 found about 14 % of American businesses have reduced part-time hours and another 6 % of American businesses plan to do in 2015 so early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! How did you miss this early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? We’ll get to that later!
American employers are reducing hours to avoid Obummercare’s employer mandate, which requires companies to provide health insurance to all workers that work 30 or more hours a week early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Hmmm…? Read and weep early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Seems Travis Bickle kicked your sorry Wabbit ASS again. He’s winning more and more these days!
Then venture to page 12 and when the right questions are asked you learn something schismatic one… 77 percent of companies faced higher healthcare plan costs this year compared to 2014 while ONLY 6 percent saw their costs decrease. So that’s a winning proposition regarding worker hours eh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
And some have laid off workers due to Obummercare early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! This information has been available since March early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Yet, all you want to read is BULLSHITTIUM based left worng libtard e-rags!
DAYUM you B really stoooooooooooopid lately. This increased level of started in 2013 and you continue to slide mentally! That Puerto Rico comment above was a real winner too!
Wait for it…
Studies in San Francisco indicate high incomes in the tech industry have virtually no trickle-down effect in the local economy. That suggests Seattle, by attracting high-paying tech companies, will simply become less and less affordable for people who don’t have one of those lucrative tech-industry jobs.
Meanwhile, more kids are being priced out of school lunches:
“The average price of an elementary school lunch has surged 52 percent in just 11 years, according to a study from the Food Research and Action Center, a nonprofit that focuses on anti-hunger initiatives. During the same period, the median income of U.S. households has declined 5.4 percent.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Republicans’ answer for this is socioeconomic Darwinism.
@81 So the response of Republican business owners to expanded health coverage is holding jobs hostage to its repeal? Yeah, Putz, we liberals knew several years ago that employers are doing that.
Just one more chickenshit hoop the employer class makes workers jump through. The same people who are creating a society in which, if you don’t piss into a plastic cup or display the “right” body language in a job interview, you fucking starve.
Unless, of course, you’re a capitalist like me and don’t need an employer. Given today’s pay and working conditions, for most people, the best job is no job. You humans would all be better off to undergo transspecies surgery and become rabbits.
From the article Puddy linked @80:
“A new analysis of Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll data finds a marked increase in the share of registered voters identifying themselves as liberals, and an even bigger drop in the share saying they are conservatives.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well whaddya know, people are seeing through conservative bullshit and abandoning the GOP in droves. What took so long?
Maybe if you vote against your own paycheck long enough, eventually you’ll figure out why your paycheck is smaller. At least some people will.
@73 Well, things aren’t exactly going well in Mexico, are they?
@76 All I did @68 was ask you a question that you apparently don’t want to answer even though it’s an innocuous question. Most people would simply say, “No, I don’t want to pay Puerto Rico’s debts,” and no one would think anything of it; but you chose to mealy-mouth the issue instead, because … you’re Puddy.
Oh, my, it looks like Puddy woke up batshit crazy again. Sadly, batshit insanity is a 24/7 malady for him these days.
The real reason Puerto Rico isn’t a state is because Puerto Ricans voted against statehood in every referendum held on the issue until 2012. The Democratic Party has supported Puerto Rican statehood since the 1940s, and presidents have both parties have supported it since Jerry Ford in the 1970s. President Obama supports it. Since 2012, which was the first time a majority of Puerto Rican voters expressed a preference for statehood, the statehood proposal has been moving through Congress. Who controls Congress? Talk to them about it.
Another Puddy gibe is deflated. If Puddy was a baseball team, he’d be going 0-for-100,000 about now.
@70 It isn’t just climate change, they do that with every issue, and people are shaking their heads. See @80 and @85.
A grand jury has indicted the South Carolina cop who shot a fleeing black man in the back and then placed his taser next to the body to make it look like the victim had snatched it away from the cop.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Strangely, South Carolina is one of the very few states where killer cops are prosecuted. Despite their lingering southern racism, they’re way ahead of the rest of the country on this.
Studies in San Francisco indicate high incomes in the tech industry have virtually no trickle-down effect in the local economy.
What do you expect from San Franfreako DUMMOCRETINS?
That suggests Seattle, by attracting high-paying tech companies, will simply become less and less affordable for people who don’t have one of those lucrative tech-industry jobs.
So this means that Socialist Seattle will go to DUMMOCRETIN Seattle in future years early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Weally? Brilliant!
Despite their lingering southern racism,
What South Carolina BULLSHITTIUM early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
State with a BLACK SENATOR? Timothy Eugene “Tim” Scott
State with an SIKH INDIAN WOMAN GOVERNOR? Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! @88,
Took you long enough to answer the Puerto Rican question since you originally brought it up. You brought up Peurto Rico, no one else. Hence it was incumbent upon the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit to first answer the question directed at you. Regarding their debts, why are you a latino racist early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Why do you hate Puerto Ricans?
Regarding state hood, has Puerto Rico petitioned for statehood early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Once again all can see how the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t weally answer the question butt instead causes train wrecks with non answers and innuendos!
You are the king of HA hot air early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
A book way over the head of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!