Ann Telnaes: Sen. McConnell on raising taxes.
Thom: Will Ronald McDonald be added to Mt. Rushmore?
Maddow calls out Romney’s lie.
Glenn Beck Finally Goes the Fuck Away:
- A requiem for a Rodeo Clown (via Media Matters).
- Beck’s final show in ninety seconds (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Newsy: Glenn Beck is gone, but no deed to “dispair”.
- O’Donnell: The end of a 2.5 year mistake
- Cenk: Glenn goes away
Goldman Sachs CEO outsources his way to Worst Person in the World.
Cenk: FAUX News’ Nixon roots.
Maddow: Koch Bros killing unions.
Thom and Jim Hightower: Gov Rick Perry is the Koch brother’s new poster boy?.
Palin Around with Crazy:
- Newsy: Teh Undefeated.
- Sarah and Bristol’s pathetic draw at Mall of America
Olbermann defines FOX Populi.
President Obama welcomes the Seattle Storm:
Thom: Proof that Rich people aren’t the job creators!
Some Flake Announces:
- Newsy: Bachmann makes it official.
- Young Turks: Is Michele Bachmann ripping off Sarah Palin?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Bachmann’s ding-bat economic plan.
- Olbermann: Why Bachmann is a flake.
- Young Turks: Michele Bachmann’s founding fathers BS.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Bachmann tries to rewrite the history of slavery.
- Newsy: Will Bachmann’s gaffes hurt her
- Cenk: Bachmann’s misuse of government funds.
- Stephen: American heroes Michele Bachmann and John Wayne (Gacy).
- Young Turks: Is Michele Bachmann’s pro-life story believable?
- Sam Seder: Tom Petty slaps Michele Bachmann with cease and desist.
- Young Turks: Michele Bachmann’s conservative christian husband.
Thom performs an an Exorcism on the GOP.
Seattle cop leaves assault weapon on top of car.
Head of TSA is Worst Person in the World.
Maddow: Arguments over the years against the ERA.
More Jon and FAUX:
- Jon eviscerates Jon.
- Liberal Viewer: Jon Stewart, FOX News argue if 2 wrongs make a right?
Stephen: Ted Nugent is hopping mad that youth aren’t joining the teaparty.
WTF: Has Mitt Romney ever heard of Teh Google?!?:
Jon on the the GOP candidate doppelgangers.
Tweety: Most Americans still blame Bush for economic hard times.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Olbermann: Kansas judge delays new abortion law from taking effect .
Cenk: TX Sen. John Cornyn’s batant anti-Obama hypocrisy.
Jon: Debt ceiling debate and the future American dystopia.
Teh Gay Marriage:
- Olbermann with The Stranger’s Dan Savage on what’s next for same-sex marriage.
- Ann Telnaes: Obama’s evolving views on gay marriage.
- Some natural love:
- Jon on gay people getting married
- Some U.S. Senators: It gets better.
- Obama celebrates LBGT month.
- Young Turks: Pat Robertson invokes “angel rape”.
Sam Seder: Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) dealing with two disasters.
Mark Halperin calls Obama “a dick” on national TV.
Olbermann defines fibber-tarian.
Thom with another episode of The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Mark Fiore: A child’s Supreme right to violence.
Thom with Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) on the constitutionality of the debt ceiling.
Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA-01) Runs for Governor:
- Jay Inslee announces.
- Rep. Jay Inslee on marijuana.
- Rep. Jay Inslee on marriage equality.
- Latest gubernatorial candidate is a former Yakima politician
- Rep. Inslee makes a stop in Spokane.
Maddow: Republican war on women in Kansas escalates.
Their Back! The Republican Plan.
Thom: More Republican war on Democracy—the Minnesota shutdown.
Olbermann: Are Republicans trying to sabotage the U.S. economy?
White House: West Wing Week.
ONN: Coal lobby warns that wind farms my blow earth out of orbit.
Maddow: Ohioans unite against Republican Gov. John Kasich’s union-busting bill.
Mr. Colbert’s Excellent FEC Adventure:
- Stephen explains his SuperPAC.
- Mr. Colbert may form his PAC.
- Colbert: “I am a SuperPAC.
- Stephen reflects on his new SuperPAC (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Newsy: Colbert’s SuperPAC gets FEC approval.
Pap: deniers watching the world burn.
WI Justice Prosser has a hissy-fit with reporter (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Thom: The Supreme court ruling on Campaign Finance.
Young Turks: Herman Cain claims Obama isn’t a “real” black man.
Newsy: Minnesota shuts down.
Sam Seder: Spreading Santorum on Egypt.
Stephen: Should the US get sucked into the quagmire that is the US?
Thom with more Good, Bad and Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
After Republicans reduce taxes to zero they’ll still claim deficits are caused by too much spending.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
A 5-year-old boy shot a 4-year-old playmate with a gun he purportedly found on the playground, AOL News reports.
But hey, as any Wisconsin GOP legislator will tell you, the problem is not that anyone can get a gun, the problem is we have to teach people who have guns to use them responsibly.
No, he’s changing venue! Stay tuned leftist pinheads!
What’s Really Happening In Greece
Greeks aren’t lazy — they have the second longest workweek in Europe. They’re entrepreneurial and creative.
No, what’s really bringing Greece to its knees is decades of misrule by a corrupt political and economic elite who have skimmed the system for their own enrichment, and cut taxes on their own class — the rich — to the point where not only the government but also the economy can’t function.
The current prime minister’s father was prime minister and his father was prime minister. Does that tell you something about how deeply entrenched the crony system is?
What’s happening in Greece is the same thing that’s evolving in the United States: A few people taking everything for themselves under a co-opted and corrupt political system under which ordinary people have no say about what’s being done to them.
And the corrupt elite’s response to what they’ve done to us is that we must live with austerity while they continue to pork out at the trough.
This is the stuff of which revolutions are made. Let us hope ours will be a peaceful one.
@3 Somebody call the EPA Pollution Patrol.
Really or as the Ohio newscast on June 29th union peeps are upset that they won’t get their “automatic raises” anymore?
Maddow, slants the news to fit “her” style. What was her take on the US Constitution Preamble again? Maybe if fools like her actually read the founding documents. Heh heh heh!
BTW Back in March Daily Kooks announced PMSNBC terminated Maddow’s contract over her Wisconsin badgering of the GOP. I hope that’s still true!
@6 What a tool.
And he’ll flop! If he can’t make it at Faux he can’t make it anywhere.
Faux is where all nuts go to die..
Nice to see some folks in the senate growing up and growing a pair when it comes to gays.
The gay thing really shows to me that my idea that early, mid, and late adopters have replaced the left-right political spectrum.
Well that and treating a country that has the above going on like it’s a credit worthy first world nation, which it isn’t. They should have never been loaned that kind of money and now they’re getting a second bailout. Um… They could pay back the first loan so you give them a second one? WTF? The EU is toast.
Can’t tell the difference between market consolidation and market growth.
To the extent that it is unable to control its rich, yes.
The last few GS summits recommended austerity (i.e. Hooverism) as the solution to their problems. Taxing the rich and the corporations?? Naaaaah..
Greece is receiving bailouts because it can’t do what other countries do when they get into trouble – devalue their currency. Their currency is the Euro.
When other countries can’t dig themselves out of their hole by devaluing – they go hat in hand to the IMF which always recommends severe austerity.
I doubt the political will to keep the EU together will exist after a couple of countries default and I’m betting we’ll see at least one or two defaults.
“To the extent that it is unable to control its rich,…”
Why do they need “controlling”?
Now that everyone agrees that Greece’s problems stem from being ruled by a corrupt rich class, the next question is why anyone would want America to be ruled by a corrupt rich class? What I mean is, how can anyone possibly justify voting for any Reopublican?
@14 Because they have too much control and are out of control.
Here’s how Greek-style austerity works. A corrupt rich class loots a country, then the country’s working class has to swallow an abrupt and deep drop in their already low standard of living, so another country’s corrupt rich class will bail out its fellow corrupt rich class.
@14 For the answer to your question about why the rich need to be controlled, see #17.
Yeah, Rog pretty much nailed it @17.
So Nugent wonders why today’s youth isn’t down with the hoveround crowd.
And I am accused of not knowing what I am talking about, well stay tuned, its happening all over the country. It will hit harder here very soon!
(Reuters) – To patch a $4 billion budget hole, more than 1,600 Florida state government employees were laid off as of Friday, and another 562,000 began paying into their pension plans for the first time in 37 years.
Minnesota Government Shuts Down
Washington state closes tourism office over budget woes
Official Calls For Riverside, 12 Other Counties To Secede From California
The Obamanation is BankRupt!
As natural as it is for a sane person to loathe the delusional serial liar Michelle Bachmann, you have to admit that her campaign through the primary states will be the most entertaining right wing freak show of all time.
Quoting from Fareed Zakaria’s column in this week’s Time Magazine:
Anyone who loans someone that’s been in default for 50% of the last 179 years a big chunk of change deserves to lose their shirts.
And in the state of Washington, as I predicted
Layoffs under way at state agencies
Why Corporate Profits And CEO Bonuses Are Exploding
Because you’re working harder for less pay to make them rich, that’s why.
24 – A Hope-America-Fails Canadian…
Aye, there’s the ticket..
You like that huh, moron…
That’s no taxes paid, no goods or services purchased, a possible foreclosed home and lower property values for YOU…you stupid fucking son-of-a-bitch.
Excellent self-description.
You forgot to mention thought that you are a delusional idiot.