James Rustad: “I am Governor LePage”.
Helpful Dos and Don’ts for police officers
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- John Huntsman who won’t run for President (and why).
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz wants everyone to know he’s still a hater (opposes equality).
- David Pakman: Ted Cruz says more crazy, ill-informed shit that seems to further disqualify him to be President
- Bush adviser says Jeb supports de-funding Planned Parenthood
- Sam Seder: Stand with Rand? Paul flip-flops on drones.
- Sam Seder: Rand Paul’s idiotic statement about Baltimore.
David Pakman: Where’s my apocalypse? Economic collapses are not happening in cities that raise minimum wage
Pap: Mitch McConnell wants to nullify the Constitution.
Forgotten assholes of history: The Brit who invented the Concentration Camp:
Sam Seder: FAUX News blames Obama for young people “trying” to join ISIS.
Baltimore Burning:
- Jon: CNN covers red carpet over Baltimore
- Sen. Reid on Baltimore
- Thom: Clueless white privilege meets the Baltimore revolt
- Young Turks: Why does the media use the word “thug”?
- David Pakman: You expect us to believe that Freddie Gray severed his own spinal cord?!?
- Richard Fowler: The death of Freddie Gray
- Young Turks: One idiotic Republican’s “theory” about what caused the riots
- Obama makes a statement on Baltimore
- David Pakman: The NRA is already lying about Baltimore
- Young Turks: How Freddie Gray died
- Jon explains everything wrong in Baltimore
- Pap: Poor police training is killing Americans
- Young Turks: Protests erupt at Freddie Gray’s funeral.
- David Pakman: Right wing’s Baltimore violence blame game
Sam Seder: Michele Bachmann is grateful Obama is bringing about “End times”.
David Pakman: Right-Wing lie that Obama is creating mostly low wage jobs is DEBUNKED.
The Daily Show: Getting Congress to “Fucking Cooperate”.
Same Sex Hypocrisy:
- Sam Seder: Anti-gay Republican discovered on Grindr.
- David Pakman: Surprise. Anti-gay Republican caught sending nude pics on Grinder.
Mental Floss: 25 towns that changed their name.
Nepal: Before and After.
White House: The Obama state china service.
Correspondents Dinner:
- Young Turks: Obama mocks critics and himself
- Cecily Strong does the White House correspondents’ dinner.
- Kids react to the WH Correspondence dinner
- Young Turks: Controversy over Obama’s “Anger Translator”.
- Obama’s socialist & birfer jokes come up every year
- Best WH Correspondence jokes of all time
David Pakman: Anti-Clinton author admits he has no evidence of wrongdoing.
Rep. Pelosi on the GOP bill to allow employers to control reproductive freedoms in D.C..
Mark Fiore: Commander-in-Drone.
Corruption is Legal in America:
James Rustad: “DEA Sex Party Song”.
Same Sex Marriage:
- David Pakman: Oregon’s anti-gay baker’s fundraising blocked…and they blame “Satan”
- Jon destroys anti-gay marriage arguments.
- David Pakman: Supreme Court divided on gay marriage as protester gets thrown out
- José Díaz-Balart: Same-sex couples await SCOTUS marriage ruling.
- WaPo: The gay marriage debate at the Supreme Court, explained
- Liberal Viewer: Same-sex marriage before SCOTUS
Mental Floss: Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very, Very, Petulcously Ugly!
Dancing dots show Congressional divide.
IAF: 10 facts about Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Bernie Sanders declares:
- Sam Seder: Bernie is IN.
- David Pakman: Bernie Sanders is running
- Ed interviews Bernie
Greenman: Mike Mann on “hide the decline”.
Maddow: America’s new views on criminal justice.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
An anti-gay republican caught on a gay site? Nothing surprises me on that front anymore.
Is there any audio of the police radio communications on the day that Freddie Gray was arrested? I mean, anybody with scanner record it? There are several apps out there that have the police scanner feeds.
Sam Seder: Fox News blames Obummer [sic] for young people “trying” to join ISIS. – And they are correct in their assessment fourth tier toilet dweller…
You see Perfessa, the morons you so cling to each Friday Night in your Comix have a memory problem. Puddy identified as 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady. Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS won’t remember the following campaign statement from Obummer. Puddy does!
On November 21, 2007 the following was farted by Senator Obummer because “only Obummer” (not Hillary) was uniquely qualified to bring cohesiveness between Muslims and the US. The Obummer reason? Obummer lived in an Islamic country when Obummer was a kid and his half-sister is Muslim.
The young people took Obummer at his word. Maybe they thought Obummer was going to bring sha’ria law and allow jihad against the infidels. Now they view all those drone strikes happening all the time now. These drone strikes are killing their Muslim jihad heroes and they don’t like it. So they leave and learn jihad in the Middle East.
And the country looks at itself differently, and so do our enemies. 3742 black pastors have asked where did Obummer and Holder get their gay marriage theories from. Russia and China now challenge us more and more in the world. Iran is only 3 months away from eight nukular weapons! The US publicly disses Netanyahu for telling the truth then 6 weeks later telsl the world Netanyahu was right after all! Butt of course no apology came from the whitey house!
Sadly Sam Seder forgets all this and proves his moronic bona fides again and you are right there to copy and paste it!
Meanwhile Obummer and Effin Kerry don’t have the BALLS to rescue the remaining Americans in Yemen! http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....yemen-too/
NOPE can’t report on this because it’s truthful and the Friday Night Comix can’t contain anti-DUMMOCRETIN truths and FACTS!
@3 ” where did Obummer and Holder get their gay marriage theories from”
From Ben: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
@4 This from a lunatic who argues we should have let an American POW languish and die in enemy hands.
DAYUM Funny… This wasn’t Friday Night Comix news? http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....ool-paper/
This is not news to Puddy. Been saying this a long time. Of course the LIV crowd here on HA DUMMOCRETINS won’t read the whole article. It’s too damning with truths about DUMMOCRETINS!
Do any of you know who Ed Mezvinsky is??
Of course this follows the last PuddyPost on Harvard because the libtard professors at Marquette are still railroading John McAdams out of that university for being a conservative! http://www.newcriterion.com/ar.....ition-8126
Only one paragraph! So all those black prisoners in jail are candidates for your presumed medical experiments Ms. Abbate? Is there a Josef Megele in your family tree? How NAZI of you Ms. Abbate!
Travis Bickle reminded Puddy! Married to one of the Clinton Ganstas. He is the wall street banker son of Margaret Mezvinsky, the woman who approved Obummer’s tax hike and was booted from Congress!
Nice goal post movement there senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Waiting for the harpy master to appear…
@4 This from a lunatic who argues we should have let an American POW languish and die in enemy hands.
More lying sack of horsesASS manure from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Where has Puddy said that senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Does anyone ever notice what senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit chooses to skip right over? Like the Yemen situation? Seems the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t care about live non-TRAITOROUS Americans in harms way but will jock strpt a TRAITOR!
Go on we’ll wait and laugh at you in the foreground!
Meanwhile that Clinton-Obummer reset button is working wonders and this too was not covered in the Friday Night Comix… http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....port-says/
@ The SchizoPoodle @ 9
There are literally hundreds of examples of medical experiments done on humans in the United States and Canada. Hell, the Indian Hospital up in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island was active in using humans as experimental animals and continued to be active well into the mid-1980s, including vivisection. There is supposedly a mass grave there, now covered over with a parking lot, that contains the remains of thousands of people that died during these experiments.
It was Liberals who finally blew the whistle on that shit and publicized it to get the shit shut down. Conservatives were, then as now, all for the idea, and continue to support using incarcerated convicts as experimental animals.
Mengele was a Conservative, not a Liberal, you fucking lunatic.
@ 14
There is supposedly a mass grave there, now covered over with a parking lot, that contains the remains of thousands of people that died during these experiments.
That must be where the clowns, magic room, and long knives used to rape children without causing bleeding
are buried, too.
@ 15
First off, that like goes to a Rupert Murdoch Nazi propaganda rag, second, it gets three and a half sentences with the rest blocked out unless I pay that fucking Fascist money to view it, which I will not do.
Take your Klansman/StormFront lying bullshit elsewhere.
@ 16
Here’s a free online version:
It was written by Dorothy Rabinowitz in 2000.
It’s one of the pieces cited
as 2000 works considered for the Pulitzer Prize she was awarded for her efforts that year.
Looking forward to your criticism of Pulitzer, Deathfrogg.
So, your response is to post an article that has exactly fuck-all to do with my point.
Christ man, if you’re going to bullshit, try to learn to lie better. At least post something relevant to the discussion.
You’re as bad as the Schitzo.
@12 “will jock strpt a TRAITOR!”
Who said Bergdahl is a traitor? You? Are you a court? No, just a loudmouth rightwing nut who prejudges everything and everybody. Fuck you, Piddles. You’re not authority for anything. You’re just noise.
So the temptation for the mods is going to be to delete this comment going forward because it may be construed as “deliberately repetitive.”
Well the person to whom this comment refers is singularly, consciously and deliberately “deliberately repetitive.” His qualitative contributive content to the comment threads at this point can only be measured in negative numbers. This monomaniacal obsession is disgusting and indicative of more serious mental problems.
You know what would make a real funny movie? A bunch of Native Americans beating the shit out of Adam Sandler! That’s an Adam Sandler movie I’d pay to see!
In the news this week, but overshadowed by the events in Baltimore, was the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. This month will be the 40th anniversary of the S.S. Mayaguez seizure and rescue.
By the way, the owner of the ship, Sea Land, will soon only exist in name only on a few Maersk Line ships. The company that took over the Domestic routes, Horizon Lines, abandoned the Puerto Rico run last year when Crowley and SeaStar(a subsidiary of Totem) recapitalized their fleets with new LNG powered ships, which Horizon could not afford to do. Matson will be taking over the Alaska route, it looks like, and Pasha Hawaii will get the Hawaii run.
Yes, Adam Sandler getting a good thrashing is the only way I’d ever go to one of his movies. The guy is extremely irritating!
I have to agree with The Prickster. Although I love heterosexuals and have so much compassion for them, I can’t agree with their behavior, if they aren’t killing their own children, or letting them run barefoot in the streets at all hours, they are disgustingly have sex in all different rooms of the house, if they aren’t sleeping with whores and sluts, and having abortions.
Santorum: If Bruce Jenner ‘Says He’s A Woman, Then He’s A Woman’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....95630.html
Oh, except Puffy and Boob, they’re probably not having sex outside of procreation.
Who said Bergdahl is a traitor?
His platoon mates did; EVERY ONE did senile schmuckwad. Whitey house pukemaster Ben Rhodes was caught meddling with the army proceedings and Puddy posted all the links. Finally the Army Bergdahl’s lawyers negotiated an Article 99.
Not once in this thread does senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit support those trapped Americans in Yemen. All the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit screams about is Bergdahl Bergdahl Bergdahl! Isn’t that wonderful.
The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit cares more about TRAITOR Bergdahl than the trapped Americans in Yemen!
So Megele considered himself a conservative… It still doesn’t excuse Abbate’s masters thesis thoughts.
Nice train wreck!
Ahhh the harpy master rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @20 was right on time.
Puddy PWNS this moron lock stock and barrel!
Here is why the vomit producer is a low left LIV!
SHorter vomit producer… Arrgh FACTS, let me use the oh my god it’s blocked out excuse.
It was libtards attacking libtards! Coakley was SCUM then and still is SCUM!
@ 30
What the fuck are you on about?
David Pakman: Oregon’s anti-gay baker’s fundraising blocked…and they blame “Satan”
So let’s first clear the air on numbers… Puddy uses Gallup, not known to lean conservative! http://www.gallup.com/poll/182.....iages.aspx
So let’s say 3% of America claims they are gay. 243,000,000 adults * .03 is 7,290,000. So Seven Million People are DICTATING how the rest of America rolls. Yet http://www.gallup.com/poll/159.....gious.aspx 40 percent of Americans claim they are deeply religious. That is 243,000,000 * .40 is 97,200,000. So 7 million get to bully 97 million. Yeah that’s fair to a progressive FASCIST!
Two facts from the religious survey…
– Blacks are more religious than any other race or ethnic group in America. – Except haters like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, a real discredit to blacks
– Mormons are the most religious of any specific religious group in America; Jews are the least. – And we see how Goldy displays religion each Sunday!
Now that we have set the table let’s move on…
Puddy decided to listen to this 4th Tier Toilet and what a bunch of BULLSHITTIUM! Head hurt after listening to that grating voice! BTW Pakman lied… BIG TIME! The Sweet Cakes by Melissa couple didn’t care if their cakes used by the purchaser at gay weddings you jackASS, They said it was against their religion to knowingly bake a cake for direct sale for a gay wedding. So in terms even the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and worser can comprehend, they turned down a lesbian couple because it was against their religious beliefs! This is exactly why Puddy calls fools like Pakman a 4th tier toiler dweller, a real BULLSHITTIUM pusher each week, and anyone with a real conscience rejects these 4th tier toilet dwellers except the purveyor of the Friday Night Comix and some other HA DUMMOCRETIN morons! They eat Pakman BULLSHITTIUM up! Apt name Pakman! All that BULLSHITTIUM packed in a skinny libtard freakazoid!
So let’s tell the truth about the GoFundMe site… They claim to shutdown sites where the person is a criminal. However, a PuddySearch through the GoFundMe site confirms there are many requests for financial assistance from those facing legal actions, including some with criminal convictions. So they selectively choose which ones to whack. They took much heat on the pizza place so they had to write “the differences”!
Lisa Watson of Cupcake Jones contacted GoFundMe and complained. Call a whaaaaaaaaaaaambulance! Lisa wrote GoFundMe this hate
Those were her actual words. Visit GoFundMe and you can find them too! Lisa calls people whom have religious beliefs that she disagrees with discriminators and disgusting cowards! Ahhh the progressive libtard DUMMOCRETIN mind displaying their FASCISM. Gotta shut these religious people up. Gotta call them hateful names. They have to think like Lisa or else!
This is big time progressive cronyism, the collusion between a private business and the state to destroy their competitor Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Puddy has never before imagined this form of cronyism in America. Butt wonders never cease these days! Remember, Lisa Jones was motivated by “her disgust”, not only at Sweet Cakes by Melissa, but at those who rightly stepped forward in America to help her competitor in their time of need. You can’t do that because Lisa is disgusted and she will call you out! Progressive FASCISM in action!
So Puddy asks why did Lisa do this? Well they are in the same area. Portland vs. Gresham. Puddy has a theory! Puddy bets Lisa was losing business to Sweet Cakes and sent the gay couple there to test their religious faith. Christians are known by their actions. The FASCISTS hate Christians and want to destroy them. Obummer’s Solicitor General Donald Verrilli stated the FASCIST position against Christian churches last week in SCOTUS gay marriage oral arguments! So the lesbians arrive at Sweet Cakes and the rest is history. Butt it seems Sweet Cakes is doing more business now that the Portland area has seen progressive FASCISTS in action!
So as Puddy wrote above GoFundMe has hosted sites with convicted people before and have live pages for convicted people now. Its this one they selectively decided to end with this comment
So the Kleins’ claim Satan is at work and Pak[ed]man has a cow! They can rightly claim that. It’s America, land of free speech! Why? God is a God of love. Those whom believe in God are not persecuted by God. Just as God allowed Job to be persecuted by Satan, God allows people today to be persecuted by Satan to prove whom Satan really is. The real hater is Lisa Watson another Satan follower! Can’t allow your Christian values to lead you! You must toe the line because Lisa says so! You must toe the line because the Oregon libtard court says so.
Puddy remembers libtards about their previous screaming about legislation from the bench. Oh yeah… only when it goes against DUMMOCRETIN progressive FASCISM thought is it wrong! So the Kelo Decision was a great progressive decision which led to the Citizens United decision which progressives hate. Scalia and Thomas warned about the Kelo decision and what it would legally portend in the future. So progressive DUMMOCRETINS reaped what they sowed in previous years!
If Aaron or Melissa Klein were caught shoplifting an organic bag of ingredients or driving 90 on I-5, their penalty would have been much less. In fact it would be a trivial $XXX fine not $135,000. Yet they live up to their Christian ideals and whammo, the gay FASCISTS aided by the courts swoop down and levy that hefty fine!
So you know, now one can give money to the Kleins at http://www.samaritanspurse.org.....-the-rise/
Ahhh butt Christian persecution is A-OK in America per progressive FASCISTS! The hateful libtard left wrong morons can’t stop that from happening!
You see HA DUMMOCRETINS, when Puddy takes the time and writes commentary around FACTS your heads explode…
KAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So most days Puddy just writes small snippets and your heads still explode… KAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Witness posts #5, #6 and #20!
Oh poor vomit producer @31…
You forgot what you screamed above?
Just think if Puddy used the 2 Million number from Gallup that would be 2000000 / 243000000 = .8% gay people in America.
Then 2 Million bullying 97 Million is much worse value!
Puddy thinks there are more who are still in the closet so Puddy amped the number larger!
Just the FACTS ma’am!
See ya!
Careful Al. If a Republican is president would you like the results?
Remember the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla brought us Airbnb last week… well here it is again… http://roadwarriorvoices.com/2.....uced-orgy/ This is probably more acceptable to the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
@32 well puffy, I don’t agree with your belief that if the percentage of population is the way to gauge and write policies, but I will play along.
Why don’t you run some numbers and do a study on the amount of people that are religious and small business owners that are feel that “serving” a gay person, for their wedding, is beyond something they can handle because of their religion. I bet that is a small number of people, a much smaller than the number of gay people wanting to be married.
So now, whose the Fascists?
Remember you don’t get to count every religious person out there, just that one or two bakers that are just too religious enough to be bigots.
Didn’t Puddy call it May 1st/ http://horsesass.org/open-thre.....nt-1285623
and we saw how friends of many HA DUMMOCRETINS reacted… Puddy used a left wrong site for HA DUMMOCRETINS to feel at home!
Well hopefully they were cheap wrenches, not Sears Craftsman ones. And where did they get the rocks? They shipped them in? At the Seattle Tunnel Partners site?
Watching Fox News (the best Seattle news site in Seattle) one left wrong freakazoid took one of the metal no parking saw horse signs and threw it at a store front window. It didn’t break. He stopped for a few seconds… probably in shock of his failure. Then he moved on!
DAYUM, so precious!
@36. I don’t think I ever “brought to you” airnbn. Prove it you liar.
@32 well puffy, I don’t agree with your belief that if the percentage of population is the way to gauge and write policies, but I will play along.
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, those were Gallup’s numbers. So the rest of your rant is really BULLSHITTIUM!
R U really this stoooooooooooooopid every day? Seems so!
Sounds like puffy has an obsession with gay people. Seems like he is more against gay people, then people having anortions. What say you you BABY KILLER!
More BULLSHITTIUM offered from David Pak[ed]man from Da Perfessa… David Pakman: Ted Cruz says more crazy, ill-informed shit that seems to further disqualify him to be President
Vs. Hillary actually doing more crazy, ill-informed shit that seems to further disqualify her to be President!
@ SpittlePuddles
You know, all you remind me of is this.
It’s sad, man. Mental illness, left untreated by a system that prioritizes offensive military doctrine and corporate profiteering at the cost of pretty much everything else that is important in the world.
In this forum, you are no different from the woman in that video. You sound just like she does. You probably have a little more education than her, but that means nothing when coupled with bipolar dysfunction or the possible schizophrenia you (and her) so obviously suffer from.
Although “suffer” is probably not a good description of the emotions you are feeling. It is possible you might even enjoy it. But the reality is that your thinking processes are not stable, nor are they cognitively functional in that your words are even understandable. Most of the time, your blather is little different from the weirdness of the type in that video. I’ve lived in downtown San Francisco. I’ve lived next to one of the worst low-income trailer parks in Seattle. I lived for two years in the hills of Mendocino County in California. I’ve heard that kind of shit for a long time and it bothers me that so many seriously crazy people are left to themselves, untreated.
@36 they were probably a bunch of Hereros. What do you want form me.
That’s your MO. First make a statement that’s false – “I brought to you airbn story, then post a story that is toto talk unrelated.
You are such a used tampon… It was Friday morning before you started your Mayday havoc activities!
146 – Teabagger spews: Friday, 5/1/15 at 1:59 am
A happy ending for all.
Here’s What Happened After An Airbnb Host Kicked Two Men Out For Being Gay http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…..83806.html
24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady. Why is it y’all can’t remember what you write? Does cutting and pasting leave you with blank memories? Such a bald face liar the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is!
Sux to be the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Dude, I don’t have time for your bullshit, if think I’m going to waste my time talking to you, then APE is too high of a classification for you
vomit producer @43,
That’s the best you can do when presented with FACTUAL information? Wow, attack the presenter because those FACTS are undeniable so Saul Alinsky to the rescue!
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla when caught lying… head explodes in #46
So that wasn’t you and your silverback avatar? Someone stole your nom de plume?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
FACTS suck eh teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Better go get your banana!
So Hollyweird leftist admit their kinship to DUMMOCRETIN rich man George Soros!
Citizens United once again from the Kelo SCOTUS decision! Life sux HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Meanwhile the Baltimore mayor walks back her “space to destroy” comment. Well when you are peter principled you are over your head! http://dailycaller.com/2015/05.....ent-video/
Meanwhile the HA DUMMOCRETIN cop haters here must cheer when something like this happens! http://nypost.com/2015/05/02/n.....in-queens/
Well well well… Obummer and the Pentagon lying again? Noooooooooooo http://www.independent.co.uk/v.....21225.html
Did the liar Roger senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit claim this doesn’t happen? http://www.myfoxphilly.com/story/28935874/
Meanwhile legal minds are rehashing Maryland’s states attornery Mosby’s comments…
“To the youth of this city, I will seek justice on your behalf.” .”This is a moment. This is your moment.”
It’s always wonderful when DUMMOCRETINS politicize an event. It usually comes back to bite them in the ASS! Puddy wonders if she pulled a Mike Nifong here? If her comments prejudiced the case ohhhhhhhhhhhh boy!
@53 All I get from your stupid link is a blank white page.
Anybody got the poop shovel? Puddy’s got diarrhea again.
And it’s in the WA Post, well known for being libtards! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
Didn’t Roger the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit claim the IDIOT Wabbit didn’t read PuddyLinks or PuddyFacts? Such a liar! Try this link IDIOT Wabbit!
So IDIOT Wabbit, why do you care more for TRAITOR Bergdahl, sad army SCUM, than those innocent Americans trapped in Yemen that Obummer and Effin Kerry won’t rescue?
Down right interesting.. http://www.israelnationalnews......UY8ePxVhBc
This news to come out now had to be blessed by Obummer. Obummer hates Netanyahu for telling the truth in March which Obummer corroborated in April!
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t care… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....lages.html
Just some Christians meeting Islamic justice! No problem for HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddy likes to display libtard hypocrisy… https://twitter.com/nickwoodhouse/status/594627145130840064/photo/1 Most of the people shown at the fight as “glamorous” are libtards by the glitterati msm!
Putting women in shackles….
Birth control pills are often prescribed for reasons unrelated to preventing pregnancy but this is what they [the klownservatics] are, this is what they do!
A President Bernie Sanders with a supportive Congress behind him would be the best thing that ever happened to this country.
Liz Warren would be even better but a female Harvard Prof as President would be just as much of a longshot these days as a Democratic Socialist from Vermont.
I’m sure this saddens Puff Puff.
These Catholic School Students Have A Lot Of Love For Their Gay Teacher http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....86340.html
No sadness teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! FACTS about Catholic clergy… http://www.usnews.com/news/art.....gy-are-gay
Butt, if you are a gay Jesuit… tsk tsk tsk http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....ong-i-was/
Puddy not Catholic or Jesuit!
@76 yeah not all religious people are bigots, that’s what must sadden you.
@60 You’ve just explained why Obama is arming ISIS and bombing Israel. Thanks. I was curious about that. Now I only need to find out why he tried to nuke Charleston.
@67 don’t forget the invasion. Of Texas.
What a Bernie Sanders presidency would be like.
Breaking News — What I assume is a rightwing group was hosting an event in Garland, Texas, this evening that consisted of contestants submitting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. CNN reports that two individuals drove up in a car and opened fire on a crowd of about 40 people, wounding a security guard, and these two individuals have been killed by police. CNN further reports that explosive or incendiary devices were found in their car.
The FBI is investigating Texas incident as a possible terrorist attack.
In Toronto, the go-ahead has been given for the Finch West LRT Line, a project that former mayor Rob Ford tried to cancel, but did delay. Mayor John Tory supports the Smart Track proposal, which would upgrade the commuter rail network to be more frequent.
@60 You’ve just explained why Obama is arming ISIS and bombing Israel. Thanks. I was curious about that.
Only in your warped mind would a senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit think that! Butt you proved how warped your mind is for a long time here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddy sure the Airbnb expose on @45 of 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady saddened the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Remember Obummer claimed he’d bring “peace” between America and the Muslim world because he “understood” them! Apparently the message still hasn’t reach everyone… Puddy gets the best coverage outside the Administration’s Press… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....ammad.html
FASCISM DUMMOCRETINS always want to shut up the opposition!
A couple things here…
1) the person who performs as the puddy character JUST COULD NOT WAIT to get the show going! Dedication here…REAL dedication.
2) Uhhh…he needs to check his work @73…he quotes back to -himself?
3) Seriously @74? he loses points here for making absolutely no sense at all, unless that is the point. I guess the comment could be seen as perfected performance art (which I have come to believe his whole schtick is anyway. I would fear for the sanity of anyone who sems that stupid and gullible.)
So the person who performs as the puddy character needs to clean up the errors and submit again.