WaPo: Remembering the LAST government shutdown.
Harry Reid thanks (self-certified ophthalmologist) Sen. Rand Paul for eye injury advice.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very Very Lethiferously Ugly.
David Pakman: TX Senate approves concealed campus carry gun bill.
Chris Hayes: Seattle revolts against Big Oil Arctic Drilling by Shell.
Sam Seder: This is the Republican base and the GOP presidential hopefuls who created them:
Maddow: Oregon’s top women makes voting EASIER.
Mental Floss: 51 astounding facts about animals.
PsychoSuperMom: Religious freedom (Doesn’t mean the freedom to discriminate).
Sam Seder: Alabama is desperately trying to retard it’s own progress.
Jon: Netanyahu is stealing our election strategies.
David Pakman: Snoop Dog asks fans to divest from gun industry.
Vsauce: The science of awkwardness.
Maher goes after college fraternities.
Republicans Take Another Hostage:
- Dem. Sen.: Lynch is being asked to sit at the back of the bus.
- Sen. Reid: Hard to understand holding up Lynch nomination.
- Richard Fowler: Republicans snuck anti-abortion language into anti-trafficking bill
Thom: Climate scientists are fighting back against the fossil fuel industry’s propaganda campaign.
White House: West Wing Week.
Jon: FAUX News and its Benghazi “Rage-gasm”.
Obama fact-checks his critics:
The NRA plan to push guns on campus.
Mental Floss: Why do mosquitoes prefer biting some people to others?
David Pakman: Obama mentions mandatory voting…Republicans’ heads explode.
Peloci is concerned that it isn’t about email.
Sam Seder: FAUX News pundit stuns colleagues by not being a moron.
Thom: How ALEC’s actions are harming our planet.
Maddow: Hillary admits she wants Americans in “camps” (and other crazy things).
Schock and Aaaaaaaawwwwwwww:
- The spectacular fall of Rep. Aaron Schock (Follow the Money)
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: The bizarre implosion of Aaron Schock
- Jon: Aaron Schock
- Maddow: Republican star quits under onslaught of money questions
Michelle Obama’s message to her younger self.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about psychology.
Farron Cousins: Inside the secret campaign to destroy workers’ rights.
Thom: The brutal winter that wasn’t.
Sam Seder: As the climate crisis worsens, Republicans want CIA to stop studying it’s threat to security.
Mark Fiore: Shoot-em-up Charlie loves cop killers.
Maddow: Chemical lobbyist exposed as author of new bill to regulate industry:
Race in America:
- Young Turks: Why Stephen A. Smith wants all Black people to vote Republican
- Farron Cousins: Ferguson P.D. is a horde of racists
- Young Turks: Dick Cheney claims Obama is using race card to avoid criticism
- Larry Wilmore: Not impressed with Starbucks racetogether campaign (and other topics).
- Young Turks: “Boy wonder” James O’Keefe wants protesters to murder police
- Young Turks: White supremacist terrorist plot to kill Obama thwarted
Chris Hayes: Tesla wins fight to sell cars directly in New Jersey.
Thom and Pap: Email gate…Jeb Bush busted using private email for security issues.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Even with mandatory voting, Australia’s turnout is still only in the 95% range. They also don’t have our lesser of two evils, either.
Dem. Sen.: Lynch is being asked to sit at the back of the bus. –
By the same DUMMOCRETIN guy who put Janice Rogers Brown and Condoleeza Rice in the back of the bus and hey should have kept a warm seat for Lynch there? A high tech lynching of Lynch? Did he check for pubic hairs on coke cans?
How were those ladies get put in the back of the bus? When DUMMOCRETIN Turban Durbin treated those two fine educated and intelligent black women with absolute disdain by casting no votes in the last decade! Guess Durbin as 24 hour DUMMOCRETIN moronic moonbattic memory malady! He is screaming about something that haven’t happened yet.
Even Lee thought his actions were silly. Forked Tongue Durbin is a hero of Da Perfessa!
Young Turks: “Boy wonder” James O’Keefe wants protesters to murder police… Really Stenk? Or is it just left wrong hyperbole! Where is the undercover microphone on O’Keefe?
So Stenk Weegur forgot this?
And this?
And this?
BTW did anyone ask Stenk Weegur if someone collected Breitbart’s $100,000 bet on Tea Party Racism y’all scream over so much?
Damn the jackass @ 2 is stooopid…
Ash Carter is SecDef already, had his confirmation hearing Feb 4. He’s SecDef already.
Lorretta Lynch had her confirmation hearing Jan 28.. No controversy. Her reputation is spotless. Still waiting for an up or down vote.
Whose fault is that?
Republicans! Fools are holding her confirmation hostage to a sex trafficking bill with a bogus abortion amendment.
Holder’s going to have to amp up the pressure!
FDA Cites Children’s Hospital For Letting Research Animals Suffer
It seems Children’s gets a big fat failing grade for torturing animals used as medical research test subjects. Shame on them.
@3 “‘Boy wonder’ James O’Keefe wants protesters to murder police… Really Stenk?”
Probably not. He just wants it to look that way. O’Keefe is all about creating illusions.
“Or is it just left wrong hyperbole!”
Definitely not. The scumbag was caught red-handed this time.
“Where is the undercover microphone on O’Keefe?”
That’s a problem. I’ve advocated for years on this blog that Democrats should behave more like Republicans. You’ve gotta fight fire with fire!
@4 “Damn the jackass @ 2 is stooopid…”
Goes without saying.
Sounds like we have some American ISIS leaders amongst the Repugn Conservative Party. These people should be put before a firing squad.
Proud members of the American Family Association.
Wow, look at this quintuplet of honkeys. Products of the American Family Association.
Here’s another good one. I see the American Taliban approve of this stuff, since they don’t come out and so formidably speak out against it. It’s completely acceptable because we have jails for these people, so they sit back an carry on with their lives. True American heroes.
I cannot, for the life of me, wrap my mind around the fact that the “Conservative” element around the world, and right here at home where it is right in everyone’s face, is so totally focused on maintaining barriers. At any cost. Even to the total destruction of their own society.
In literal form, barrier walls are being built around whole populations or across arbitrary lines in the dirt, and in socioeconomic forms by manufacturing a constant flow of deliberate misinformation about the threating nature of a person’s skin color or religious cult or eating habits.
They always find a reason to rationalize why they will take deliberate steps to be as much of an asshole as they possibly can, except of course, the people they associate with personally.
Whats the use? It takes up huge amounts of emotional energy to do this. If people could channel that energy into being productive towards something like, not being an asshole, the human race could reach the stars.
But nooo. Being an asshole all the time just feels better I suppose.
Interesting article about Nick Hanauer in the Guardian, in which Goldy is quoted:
Will the GOP pass any laws that are not found unconstitutional? For a group that talks about the constitution all the time they sure like to fuck with it all the time. Then they say Obama is a threat to it.
Abortion laws, voting laws, labor laws, marriage equality. Boy do they have the court system all tied up in thier bullshit.
Obamacare create jobs!? No fucking way!
Obamacare Is Spurring Startups And Creating Jobs http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....ob-creator
If you ever doubted whether Republicans are complete dicks, doubt no more.
And yes, these killjoy legislators ARE Republicans.
Ash Carter is SecDef already, had his confirmation hearing Feb 4. He’s SecDef already. – Who brought up Ash Carter yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch besides you, you chimp?
DAYUM that yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is really stooooooooooopid! And the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is even more stoooooooooooopid!
And what did Harry Reid do for the 6 years he had control of the senate yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch? Oh yeah the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch has 24 hour moonbattic moronic memory malady!
And if this woman is a DUMMOCRETIN what say you then teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla?
Wow teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla, 6,200 jobs!
Amazing… And how many lost jobs?
Wherein Roger Rabbit gets to the bottom (and I do mean BOTTOM) of where that crazy South Carolina woman’s insane rant about Obama trying to nuke South Carolina came from (complete with Snopes link):
It is the hour of PEAK HATE.
The fiend @ 19 is EXPLODING!
Witness how much the babbling jackass village idiot troll @ 19 NEEDS THIS WEBSITE..
The Pharma Assist from the Everett Wal-Mart is not an option this evening.. The tool @ 19 HATES the Pfizer option.
@21 I wish there was some way to put the “HA Troll Report” on a billboard towering above Broadway Avenue.
You know, it’s basically futile to fact-check, debunk, and disprove the idiocy that wingnuts spew because even if you trace the rightwing hoaxes back to their dank sources, then wave the proof in their faces, they’ll still assert their constitutional right to believe that climate change is a hoax, President Obama fired all the generals and admirals because they refused to nuke South Carolina, and we’ll all be happy and prosperous if the Federal Reserve is abolished and the gold standard is reinstated. (Well, at least THEY would be; I don’t think they care about us.) How do you explain to a horse that what comes out of his rear end is horseshit, if he refuses to believe he’s a horse? You know what I mean. Nevertheless, I want to thank you, YLB, for your valiant efforts, vigilance, and persistence in trying to keep HA’s most obnoxious and impervious-to-reason troll under some semblance of civilized control. I don’t know where we’d be without you. Please keep up the great work!
Roger @ 23
Thank you. You and I are committed to being here till Goldy decides to shut it down.
The village idiot jackass troll @ 17 is coming on 10 years of trolling these threads babbling its always wrong wing nonsense.. It shows no signs of slowing down. In recent months its activity has only increased.
People like you and I and Rujax and Steve and many others need to step up otherwise, Goldy’s website would be overrun with these hate-filled, always wrong wing, braying jackasses as is the case with the comment forums at so many other political websites.
@18. What difference would it make? She’s part of your Family Values by virtue of having a family.
@19 small minds like yours would only think that it creates 6200 jobs.
Hey teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla @26, you must possess the small mind since you provided the link to the 6200 jobs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Did Puddy force you to put that link up? How about all the lost jobs due to Obummercare that have been chronicled teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla?
Hey babbling yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, Puddy checking on flights for son’s official swearing in ceremony back east! You know where he can practice in front of judges in their courts! What can your children do? Practice how not to be an arschloch? OR maybe wearing pants in their relationships? Maybe practice how not to ride the coat tails of others? Or maybe how to be a man or a woman since you are not their role model?
Hence, the libtard ASSkicking visitation! So how many times has senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit visited the “salt mine”?
Still trying to get libtard DUMMOCRETIN moonbats to visit that shitstorm crazed databaze you created from the hard work Goldy put in? Individual visitations still in the single digits? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Where Puddy spends PuddyTime only concerns Puddy and Mrs Puddy. Since Mrs Puddy is getting ready for bed this is tonight’s almost last transmission. While Puddy puts to use being black you keep that koro diseased member in those pink panties now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sux to be the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Oh and absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, it’s your kind that’s losing…
2014 ASSwiping
2014 ISIS ASSwiping by the JV Team
2015 in Israel ASSwiping
2015 Iran nuke deal ASSwiping
What ASSwiping will the rest of the year bring?
@28 “You know where he can practice in front of judges in their courts!”
Even turkeys lay golden eggs now and then. It takes no effort on their part; just a random throw of the chromosones.
@28 “You know where he can practice in front of judges in their courts!”
Even turkeys lay golden eggs now and then. It takes no effort on their part; just a random throw of the chromosones.
@28 “Where Puddy spends PuddyTime only concerns Puddy and Mrs Puddy.”
It’s not exactly a secret. http://hatrolls.blogspot.com/2.....mines.html
In Maine, Governor LePage, attacked prominent Maine Residents that he says live out of state during his weekly radio address pushing his plan to repeal the state income tax. One of them is asking for an apology. Author Stephen King, maybe a snowbird, but lives in Bangor, and owns three radio stations, two music, one news/talk/sports, and it employs people, with a couple local shows, and a news department. I believe that they may be the only locally-owned commercial stations in Maine. They even ran ads(required by law, I believe), by PACS supporting the Governor.
Meanwhile, in Maine, there may be momentum building for Ranked Choice Voting, for statewide elections. Right now, the Mayor of Portland is the only race in Maine where RCV is. With RCV, LePage could have been re-elected still, but we would have known where protest votes for Independent Candidate Elliot Cutler would have ended up after redistribution of those preference votes.
In Australia, the most populous state, New South Wales will hold legislative elections, with all Legislative Assembly seats and 21 of the 42 Legislative Council(State Senate) seats up for election. It appears that after Liberal Governments in Victoria and Queensland were defeated in recent months, the Liberal/National Coalition will be re-elected in NSW as they are leading in the all important Two Party Prefered polling.
In, NSW, they vote differently than at the Federal level. They use optional preference voting, where the voters can rank only a few candidates(most other races in Australia, voters have to rank all candidates), for Legislative Assembly seats. It is the Legislative Council elections that are really interesting. 8 year terms(double the Legislative Assembly term), and with the rise of microparties at the Federal level, they came up with a way to avoid smaller parties with a low primary vote from harvesting preferences until they reach the quota. At the Federal level, control of the Senate can hang on the result of preference trading among parties.(one of the few aspects of Australia’s electoral system I don’t like)
King County Executive Dow Constantine thanked the Metro driver for helping his passengers after the accident on SR520 Tuesday. The driver was lucky, as the sign fell on the front of the bus.
I have rode that type of bus, 1100 series Gillig Phantom, 30 footers with only one door, as they were used on the 50 for awhile. I hope Metro finds a way to accelerate their replacement.
Wow, This is very interesting… http://live.huffingtonpost.com.....6fd6000bf6
Always compare DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance to Republicans whenever possible!
Thanks again senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit for proving Puddy Prescient again. You are one of the single digit visitors to the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch blog.
Waytogo Libtardo!
Fart from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
And your random throw was in a plastic receptacle into the toilet eh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
“Nevertheless, I want to thank you, YLB, for your valiant efforts, vigilance, and persistence in trying to keep HA’s most obnoxious and impervious-to-reason troll under some semblance of civilized control. I don’t know where we’d be without you. Please keep up the great work!”
@27 puffy I’ll explain to you but I’m sure others hot it, except for you.
Yes it was a link I posted. 6200 jobs talked about in the article on the jobs related to the article. The article was specific to entrepreneurial new healthcare companies.
What I am referring to, with some rightful speculation, that there are other jobs created, that the article doesn’t speak about. Such as new positions in existing healthcare companies, or insurance companies, or nursing or raising demand for doctors. The article wasn’t intended to speak about all the jobs that the ACA may have created, even if it is 1 more than than the 6200 stated, which would be 6201.
So you are a stupid fuck for not being able to see beyond the meaning of the article.
Shove it shit for brains. You are laughing at yourself you moron.
God help us. Puffy’s son a judge? I’m sure the kid is going to look at thinks unbiased and not influenced by his father’s bigotry.
And the only other comment, is this in NYC? He said back east and also indicate he had a son who lived or lives in Brooklyn. Is this the son? Where else would his son find a good paying job except in some LIBERAL DEMMOCRETTIN state.
Really don’t know if chromosomes had anything to do with Puffy’s kid success. His father is a stupid shit as expressed in @27. Must be the milkman’s fucking kid.
@39 You’re confusing me with your father.
Puffy your people got four more people fired. Maybe they had some wacky religious beliefs to feel that way, freedom of speech?
Florida Cops: ‘We Are Coming To Drink All Your Beer And Kill N—–s’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....18652.html
I bet you think their bigotry towards gays was acceptable but not their bigotry towards blacks. Isn’t reality a bitch!
Bright beautiful sunny day today. As of 2:00 pm the solar panels on my house have already produced 13kw. Maybe on the way for a record day of production. The best that the system ever produced was 20kw on any given day, back n July of 2014. So, what I am gathering is that it really doesn’t matter the time of year necessarily – you would think that the best producing day would be in the Summer, when the sun is the highest, but doesn’t look like it. A couple of weeks ago, I had the greatest production in a hour timeframe about 2.6kw.
This is almost like having a record day on Wall Street! Actually I just had another look and from 12 and 1pm hours it produced 3.0 kw. Breaking the record so far since being installed in late June of last year!
Puffy – what’s wrong with this? Shouldn’t this guy have the freedom to dress and paint his face as he wants – I’m sure there is some wacky religious beliefs, but why even debate religious freedom, isn’t his freedom to do what he wants!? Apologize? Your kind going to force him to apologize?
And I wont even go to your favorite spot of proclaiming everyone in NYC is a democrat, and surmise that he is a Republican, unless stated in the article.
Bigotry towards your kind will increase as you allow any form of discrimination (like toward gay people). Get use to it and enjoy it!
Did I ever tell the story regarding how a Christian men’s organization celebrates MLK Day. Well here goes. I belong to an organization that is geared towards or strictly open to only Christian men, which will remain nameless but you could probably do a google search and pretty much determine what organization it is. The place was not just a Christian group, but it was a club with a bar in it, that served relatively cheap booze compared to other public establishments. I had a good friend and coworker who had a pass time of drinking. Aside from being Catholic, he liked the club primarily to fraternize and drink. Well this place along with any place had its share of bigots, some more so than others. They also do some charitable work, if they didn’t their chapter probably would have been closed down, the headquarters of the organization frowned upon the bar aspect of the club and wanted to close most of the chapters down that had bars, but it probably would have put the organization out of business – can’t sacrifice morals and values for money. Plus they probably weren’t aware of what went on at each chapter.
Well on MLK day, some of the members at the chapter belong to felt it appropriate to celebrate with the following: Serving of Watermelon and Fried Chicken and the beer was served in paper bags. Disgusting I know. I always felt it to be disgraceful. And of course those same offenders pretty much didn’t like the gays either.
My friend didn’t participate in those festivities and he is ok with me being gay. Not all the people there were bad apples.
I pretty much don’t go there anymore, although I still am a member. This year I wasn’t going to renew my membership, but my friend ask me to, even though he knew the reasons why, pertaining to the bigots, so I did, even though I will not probably step foot in the place. Next year he’ll forget and I will not renew.
Who was I to speak up? Now before you are critical of me for not standing up to this bigotry. Well not every heterosexual is standing up for gay – as a matter of fact it is perfectly acceptable to pass anti gay legislation and hardly anyone even notices.
Oh and some of the biggest offenders – pretty much all republicans. So Puffy stop with calling the Democrats the bigger bigots.
Meanwhile we notice how DUMMOCRETIN led cities convict innocent men and then when exonerated the real perp, the popo 5-O still walks the street a free man… DUMMOCRETIN led cities, convictions at any cost!!!
DUMMOCRETINS are pathetic scum… http://thegrio.com/2015/01/14/.....nvictions/
@47, You should research your links before posting them teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla! DAYUM U B really stooooooooooooopid!
1483940d-f5ca-43a9-904a-52a6831d4f5d – He’s on the OK DUMMOCRETIN page as a winner… That’s why the NAACP didn’t come out and blast him as as RACIST as they would with a conservative Republican!
Had to break the link!
What’s hilarious is your attack and you are really agreeing with Puddy that DUMMOCRETINS are racists!
So it’s multiple companies creating a grand total of 6200 jobs. Yet teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla will not acknowledge all the jobs ObummerCare caused to lose since it began in Oct 2103. Now why is that teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla?
@50 I didn’t call him a republican, merely pointing out the fact that you determine a person in the news is a certain affiliation because of where they live. According to you way of reasoning this guy should be a Republican. But how wrong you would be.
To me it didn’t matter if he was republican or democrat. I actually don’t see what us so wrong with what he did in the context of why he said he did it, and only for that reason. I didn’t get the feeling that he did it maliciously like my friends at the Catholic mend organization. I say friends loosely, if you haven’t figured me out yet.
All you get is one shot with me, if you can’t figure what my clear response was don’t expect me to try to get it through you thick head. If your the one saying that obamacare caused loss if jobs, post your proof, remember, we don’t do each other’s bidding
@39 You’re confusing me with your father.
Not at all senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy knew his father. You are just a Wabbit. Who knows how you were spawned? Still a burrow mystery all these years even in Bloomfield Hills Michigan!
Puddy glad you are not Puddy’s father. Holy Mutated Chromosome Batman, Puddy would be short and ugly and white!
Puddy’s father was a proud Pinkerton Guard! He could open carry in any US airport! Puddy already explained this in the crazed cretin databaze you can find as one of the proud first members of the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch salt mine! Is every PuddyQuote cataloged and cross referenced? Did the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch create a SQL DB with primary and secondary linked tables? Did the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch create primary and secondary indices? Is there a search function from a text based search box. If these are not available then it’s a piss poor DB the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch created. Puddy delivers more thorough work. Butt then again Puddy likes Oracle not some home brew using tctmgr!
Must be the milkman’s fucking kid. As Freud sez… Now we know how the teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla was conceived.
Must have been really sick in the mind too since your apple didn’t fall too far from the tree right teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla?
Sheeeeeeesh teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla, U R 2 stoooooooooopid. Puddy looks at the vote percentages for the area from 2012 and 2014. Puddy places the percentage vote for all to see you moron. Puddy provides a link. Just like this one from your cross dressing pal!
This is why you are so dense and as Puddy wrote above the milkman must be the reason you possess a really sick in the mind since your apple didn’t fall too far from the tree right teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla? Nuff said sucka!
Puddy has killed multiple entries over the years on this blog because upon inspection and reflection Puddy could not deliberately claim the perp from a left wrong whack job link post y’all delivered was a DUMMOCRETIN! Butt, since you brought up the prolly Republican Puddy decided to investigate. Something you and other low life minded DUMMOCRETINS don’t do! So how does NYC vote teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla? Republican? Dayum U B 2 stoooooooooopid!
Going first person… Trust me teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla, I don’t ever want a shot at you. Maybe would shake you hand if your were fully dressed and washed them first! Puddy loves his wife… Not gonna cross that train track wreck! See ya!
Sux to be the tree right teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla?
Portland TriMet will be experimenting with something new on the new Orange Line, faregates at two stations. They won’t be able to do it on the existing stations in downtown, though.
Looks like the Secret Service is going to have to be more vigilant. A disturbed man has been trying to get into the Whitehouse.
Anyone see Vice on HBO regarding over fishing? They interview some read neck who voted against government regulations that were put place that eventually saved the extinction of red snapper in Louisiana . He comes out and says it, “good thing their were smarter people than me” otherwise he’d be out of business. Bunch of stupid fucking people – probably a republican.
From the Blethen Family Newsletter – U.S. snoozes while rest of world invests in infrastructure.
So righties what’s the fucking problem? Is the private sector going to step up? So far the only infrastructure the Republicans want to invest is the Keystone pipeline which will allow Canada to export their dirty tar sands oil from our Gulf ports.
Golly Mark Shitstain… You too have exhibited 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady. Seems this record was played in 2009 with the great Porkulous Bill. All those infrastructure shovel ready projects… Oh wait… Obummer said “No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects”! All that money went to pay off unions… https://cei.org/blog/stimulus-was-designed-provide-pork-and-payoffs-not-revive-economy
And Oh Yeah, the Obummer Guvmint Motors Car Company bill was another union bailout! http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/.....ion-Payoff
You see Mark Shitstain, Puddy remembers where the FACTS are located… So why would Republicans give Obummer another chance to pay off union THUGS, especially the type who went after Scott Walker 3 times and lost 3 times?
The more you know… Da daaaa da daaaaaa!
@62 I’ll take union thugs over management thugs every time.
Ever wonder what happened to Joe The Plumber? He works in a Jeep plant now, enjoying UAW pay and benefits, in other words he became a union thug. He probably was an unprincipled mercenary all along.
63)I do that every day on Metro. They even have a few drivers who go above and beyond, like last week.
Yet another socioeconomic study confirms that how rich your parents are, not how hard you study and work, determines success or failure in life. The researchers found that “poor children today are increasingly defined, and limited by, the income bracket they are born into.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe this also helps explain why so many of the top people in business, banking, the professions, politics, etc., are so fucking stupid, dishonest, and incompetent. It’s hard not to feel we’ve had it as a country and society. Just check out the drunken frat boys who are going to be in charge of everything 20 years from now. Makes you want to puke, doesn’t it?
Maybe this also helps explain why so many of the top people in business, banking, the professions, politics, etc., are so fucking stupid, dishonest, and incompetent. – Perfect description of the DUMMOCRETIN midset!
Makes you want to puke, doesn’t it?
This is why I don’t bother to read puddy often:
Copy and paste of what Rabbit said but changing it to insult democrats, which he cannot spell correctly .
Why bother?
Oh worser @68,
So it’s only A-OK when the teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla does it to a Puddy comment?
So it’s only A-OK when the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit does it to a Puddy comment?
So it’s only A-OK when theyellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch does it to a Puddy comment?
If anything 2009 was too small. If we spent half of what we spent on G DUHbya’s misadventure in Iraq it would go a long ways.
BTW why the fuck do you hate America and American companies?
“only concerns” – What an ASSHOLE!
Translation of the above: Thanks for the free substitute viagra HA! It never fails! Saves the jackass of a troll from a trip to the Everett Wal-Mart for the little blue pills.
The freaking idiot puts its shit out there for everyone to see.
It’s really sad how much this freak NEEDS this website on Saturday evenings.. Foreplay with the salt mining buddy alone just doesn’t cut it. It NEEDS HA. Too sick for words!
Hey village idiot jackass troll,
I’d love to address ALL your questions even if it’s with a “NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS” or “FUCK YOU”..
But you have to answer one question first:
Which UNION IS IT???
Truthfully. No BS… Turnabout is fair play.
69, 70, 71. Tell you what,
drop the fake ebonic bluster, spell correctly, stop squirting squid ink when called on your BS and have original opinions, and then those people you claim are copying you will look like 2nd graders and you won’t.