Mental Floss: 23 bad business moves.
David Pakman: When did right-wing anti-intellectualism begin?
Pap: GOP is scamming its donors.
Young Turks: Megyn Kelly drops some reality sauce on Mike Huckabee’s head.
- Jon: On Republican Senators’ open letter to Iran
- Thom: Iran sabotage…is the GOP committing treason?
- Young Turks: Traitor Senator Tom Cotton is taking money from defense industry
- Sam Seder: 47 Republican Senators may have broken the law
- John Kerry hammers the Senators who sent the letter.
- James Rustad: “My Senators Wrote Iran A Letter”
- Young Turks: Senators face backlash over letter
- Thom: Is it time to put Senators in jail yet?
- Sam Seder: Just how dumb can the Republicans be?
- Maddow: GOP Senators now claim letter was A JOKE?!?
- Young Turks: Republicans blame Obama for the seditious letter to Iran
- Michael Brooks and Cliff Schecter: GOP’s hysterical Iran letter
- Chris Hayes: What if Obama secretly sold 1,500 missiles to Iran?
If Susan B. Anthony had a Vlog.
David Pakman: A President Lindsey Graham would deploy military against congress to reverse military cuts.
Sam Seder: The mainstream press fails Wisconsin Workers
SNL Weekend Update girl at a party on ISIS and Boko Haram.
Kerry spars with Rubio over ISIS
Anti-Vax Fever (with chills and light sneezing):
- The anti-vax story the media doesn’t want you to hear:
- SCTV: Kids settle the debate about vaccines
Jon mocks CNN’s Selma coverage of… a drone.
Thom: Why unions are the seeds of democracy.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about your lawn.
John Oliver: U.S. Territories.
- Sen. Reid: “I have no concerns about [Clinton’s emails].
- Young Turks: Final Judgment on Clinton Emails
Amazon Prime for Women (because you deserve 78% satisfaction).
Jon questions Christie’s loyalty to NJ.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very Very Ecdemicly Ugly.
Mental Floss: Why do we get dark circles under our eyes.
Rep. Donna Edwards launches Senate bid.
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Scott Walker butchers Wisconsin workers.
Racism in America:
- Mark Fiore: Racist EZ Cash.
- Richard Fowler: Ferguson police created a “toxic environment”
- Maddow: Racist emails from Ferguson
- Young Turks: Frat boy defends racist bros on Twitter
- Sam Seder: Morning Joe blames racism on rap music
- Young Turks: Morning Joe blames rap music for racist frat boys
- Jon: SAE frat boys finally apologize.
- Thom: Will the Voting Rights Act get fixed?
- Sam Seder: Why Selma’s country club is still “Whites Only”
Kimmel: Obama reads mean tweets:
Sam Seder: The legacy of Paul Wellstone.
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very Very Jubately Ugly.
David Pakman: The Obama economy.
Sen. Patty Murray and other Democratic leaders cry foul over abortion language shamefully put into anti-human trafficking bill:
Vsauce: Human extinction.
ONN: Should unpaid interns be paid for fighting for their boss’ amusement?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
With the letter, which Republicans did not sign, and were any of the ones that did in the National Guard?
Anti vaccination. WA state DUMMOCRETINS – 7th worst state for overall vaccinations! Just a little better than that libtard bastion NY State!
Which state is number ! – Mississippi, a state hated by HA DUMMOCRETINS! Even Scott Walker’s state is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than Jay Inslee’s state!
Read data and FACTS always makes DUMMOCRETIN heads explode!
So, Spittles, have you sent Creflo that $300 yet?
Creflo? You mean the daughter beater?
No vomit producer. Creflo Dollar is not Puddy’s preacher type!
National DUMMOCRETINS still living in their bubble of confusion. Liberalism is a mental disorder… 24 hour moonbattic moronic memory malady!
Ted Kennedy – Somehow Da Perfessa in his DUMMOCRETIN low life loving Friday Night Comix forgot Ted Kennedy – – Chappaquiddick Kennedy’s hope was to hurt Reagan politically on foreign policy at a time when the economic recovery was working in Reagan’s favor. Now the way left wrong libtards at Politifact rate it false and course they would. They lean waaaaaaaaay left. They first rated Obummer’s you could keep your doctor and keep your health care plan as TRUE when Republicans called Pants on Fire on that and had to admit they were wrong later! Tunney said it never happened and you can ALWAYS trust the words of a DUMMOCRETIN! Puddy trusts Forbes! It was discovered many years ago and now Politifact decides to check it out? Pfffffffffft!
Then Da Perfessa in his DUMMOCRETIN low life loving Friday Night Comix forgot Direct from the pens of 10 DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters, including the then majority leader Fort Worthless Jim Wright, and House Intelligence Committee chairman Edward P. Boland. Somehow DUMMOCRETINS forgot what Stephen Solarz wrote…
Hmmm…? Such FAUX OUTRAGE from HA DUMMOCRETINS and the Friday Night Comix Commissioner! Of course that “opposition foreign policy being protected by the Constitution and “their responsibility” as members of Congress” only applies to Congressional DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters!
Then Da Perfessa in his DUMMOCRETIN low life loving Friday Night Comix forgot John Effin Vietnam Kerry and Tom Harkin visiting Daniel Ortega…
Oopsie Sos Effin Kerry!
Butt wait, there is more…
Then Da Perfessa in his DUMMOCRETIN low life loving Friday Night Comix forgot this article from twitchy on the same subject of John Effin Kerry/Tom Harkin… And of course Ezra Klein forgot it being a DUMMOCRETIN with 24 hour moonbattic moronic memory malady!
Then Da Perfessa in his DUMMOCRETIN low life loving Friday Night Comix forgot this visit by Nancy Pelosi to Syria…
FACTS always make DUMMOCRETINS suck the large one!
Then Da Perfessa in his DUMMOCRETIN low life loving Friday Night Comix forgot this about David Bonior, Jim Thompson, and Seattle’s own Jim Baghdad and Teheran McDimWitt
And Seattle still loves this moron McDimWitt!
Then Da Perfessa in his DUMMOCRETIN low life loving Friday Night Comix forgot this puff piece article from presidential historial Douglas Brinkley where former DUMMOCRETIN President Jimmy Carter wrote to the U.N. Security Council trying to kill GHW Bush’s efforts to build a coalition to support Kuwait and invade Iraq!
DUMMOCRETIN ex-presidents always meddle in the next Republican president’s foreign policy while Republican ex-presidents sit back and laugh at DUMMOCRETIN foreign policy pratfalls!
So there you have it… Precedent was set and it’s their congressional duty per Solarz back in 1984!
Sooooooooooo did Hillary sign the OF-109 form or not as required by all State Department employees? Oh wait, she’s a Clinton so they are above the law! MEGYN KELLY: This is State Department records manual that says departing officials, quote, “Must ensure that all record material they possess is incorporated in the department’s official files and that all file searches for which they are tasked have been completed such as those required to respond to FOIA, Freedom of Information Act, Congressional or litigation-related document requests. And it goes onto say, and by the way, if you don’t do it, all State Department employees including the secretary, fines, imprisonment or both may be imposed for the willful and unlawful removal or destruction of records as stated in the U.S. criminal code.
Jen Psaki still has no answer to that! So if Da Perfessa was on the level would Da Perfessa ask where is the OF-109 form?
Best line evah!
Wait for it…
Instead of a brilliant FACTUAL rebuttal, some mental floss deficient DUMMOCRETIN moron will ad hominem attack Puddy!
Now whom will it be?
Just think about it…
If this was a Republican administration HA DUMMOCRETINS would join the cacophony of libtard screams looking for blood. Instead the left wrong libtard led DUMMOCRETIN ASS kissing msm annointed Hillary as the 2016 nominee and nuthin will allow that to be derailed!
I have a question Mr. Spittles.
Why do you constantly present Breitbart in here as being some sort of legitimate news source? It’s a fucking racist, conspiracy-theorist neonazi joke website.
Do you ever even read the comments sections? Most of those people are even crazier than you are.
For one thing, they’re still harping on the idea that President Obama was born in Kenya, and that his wife was born a Man for chrissake, and his children were kidnapped from some Chicago hospital. It’s even funnier than Pravda. Hell, they even regularly cite David Barton as an authority on history. He gets a regular column there and that guy is nuttier than a squirrel turd. Pamela Gellar is another one that everyone just laughs at. They’re fucking crazy people.
I doubt anything ever printed there even has any origination in factual information. It’s the fucking Weekly World News for lunatics.
I’m not going to read that shit. It’s ridiculous and has no place in a legitimate conversation. You might as well be posting links from Stormfront.
All I’ve ever asked of you is to at least make some sort of an attempt to:
A: Use something approximating proper English so the rest of the readers of this Blog can understand you.
B: Define the point you are trying to make in concise terms.
C: Use legitimate news sources when making citations.
D: Stop lying your ass off all the time.
You’re the standing idiot clown in this place, and nobody here is going to even attempt to understand the bullshit you spew. It is so far outside of the realm of “information” that you might as well be standing naked on your roof and screaming at the clouds, and everyone knows it.
Happy Steak and BJ Day.
@ 11
…nobody here is going to even attempt to understand the bullshit you spew.
Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s YLB’s raison d’etre.
Al Jazeera piece on the IFA vs. Seattle court hearing.
No idea what transpired, since quotes from the hearing weren’t included. But if IFA succeeds, would it be Hanauer’s fault?
@4 “Creflo? You mean the daughter beater?”
Yeah, him. The daughter-beater preacher who can’t do God’s work without a tax-exempt $65 million private jet. Every time one of these profiteering scumbags goes to jail or gets run out of his congregation (see, e.g., Mars Hill), another one pops up to take his place like cockroaches under a sink.
No silly Bobby! It’s all about having a laugh at you trolls’ expense.
@5 “Liberalism is a mental disorder”
So what would you call conservative treason, warmongering, torture, corruption, stupidity, etc.?
@11 “A: Use something approximating proper English so the rest of the readers of this Blog can understand you.”
Why would we want to?
In other news:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Silly Bobby and the babbling jackass village idiot troll bust their jeans every time the price of gas goes up – they get to blame that on the Dems and the Dem in the White House.
So thank you President Obama! When the price goes down, YOU get the credit!
@13 Admire Puddy, do you?
@19 Not only do the rednecks get cheap gas for their rusty pickups, but this week I got to buy Exxon stock at its lowest price in three years! =:-D<
(The stick figure is a smiling rabbit in case you didn’t figure it out.)
@ 19
Two points, YLB:
1. You did note that part of the reason storage is increasing is that we’re IMPORTING oil, yes? As in, we’re paying for oil to be brought in from other countries.
2. The storage of oil that enables prices to decrease as a result of supply/demand aspects of oil commerce is substantially located in Cushing, OK. So, oil heading there for storage is a good thing, presumably. Know where the Keystone pipeline would run? That’s right. Directly through Cushing, OK.
Don’t forget to give President Obama his steak, now that you’re through with the other part, YLB.
@ 19
So thank you President Obama! When the price goes down, YOU get the credit!
When the sun rises in the east, YLB gives Obama the credit.
“racist, conspiracy-theorist neonazi joke”
Puddy does that because that’s what he is, a racist, conspiracy-theorist neonazi joke. Bob, on the other hand, is simply a racist joke.
“When the sun rises in the east, YLB gives Obama the credit.”
Because every wingnut knows for a fact that its really St. Ronnie’s ghost who causes the sun to rise in the east and set in the west.
WRONG.. as usual from the jackass:
Half true..
Half true..
ACA has a grandfather clause.. Yawwwn…
@22, 23..
C’mon Bobby don’t ya remember when you thought rising gas prices was R-Money’s ticket to the White House? Now the shoe’s on the other foot and all you can babble about is undue Obama worship.. Dude, like Steve said, Raygun colored your dreary world. Mourning in America! Hoo yah!
Lower gas prices, best economic growth since the depths of the Bush depression, rising job numbers…
Damn looks the Dems will take it again in 2016.. Funny I don’t seem to remember you being much of a Hillary hater… Shit even Ann Coulter is a bit of a Hills fan.
Oh but the babbling jackass? A Hillary victory will DESTROY his puny universe… Damn can’t wait to see that.
@ 26
Funny thing about that grandfather clause, YLB:
It was a patch.
DENVER – About 190,000 Coloradans will lose access next year to health insurance plans which don’t comply with the Affordable Care Act, the Colorado Division of Insurance (DOI) decided.
In March of 2014, President Barack Obama decided to give states the option of allowing people on noncompliant health plans to be grandfathered in by renewing their old plans early, while problems with insurance exchanges were ironed out.
Colorado insurance commissioner Marguerite Salazar opted to do that for 2015, but told 9NEWS on Friday that the exception is no longer needed for plans in 2016, even though Colorado could have continued them an additional year.
Odd that in CO, it’s the Democrats ending grandfathered plans and the GOP arguing to keep them because Obama said so.
@ 27
Haven’t been much of a Hill hater.
Hard not to admire perseverance.
And it will be fun watching the lefties in 2016 walk back all of those awful things they said about her in 2008 when they were Obama supporters, while gritting their teeth in hopeful preparation for four (or eight!) years of governance by people who on principle really make their skin crawl, YLB.
That exclamation point was for you, sugar.
Right over a major aquifer… And through a lot of private land.
Oh and the lawsuits!
What happened to klownservative opposition to eminent domain?
Oh Bobby (!).. Didn’t know ya cared.
Not a Hills supporter myself but since the R’s have a habit of putting up the most shameless greedhead loving tools imaginable I’ll happily pull the lever for her and tune out the chaos for the next 8 years..
YLB, if you ever wonder why other commenters have mistaken you for a woman, you need look no further than this:
Two too many syllables beyond a grunt eh bobby? Guess it’s a woman who’s only allowed to write like William F. Buckley, Jr.
Proudly threw the lever for Kshama. She’s one of nine council members. I voted for what she could add to the mix. Not because I agree with her on everything.
And this glibertarian ALMOST voted for her as well.. Was Ramsey’s confession too effeminate for you Bobby?
Damn you’re an idiot!
YLB compares himself to Wm. F. Buckley, Jr.
Yawwn.. Keep up your “manly” grunting Bobby.. It’s worked wonders for you in this forum..
Can’t wait for what you’ll dream up in opposition to Darryl’s future polling analyses (whoa another big word).. Klownservatics will surely come up with something to top “skewed polls”..
LOL! Later Bobs.
“YLB, if you ever wonder why other commenters have mistaken you for a woman, you need look no further than this”
Ironic, isn’t it, Bob, that it’s only pussified bitches like yourself who say that?
More sad news for klownservatics:
For the first time, the world economy grows while carbon emissions don’t
Oh my! We’ve shown it’s possible. Start of a trend??? Gotta halt it in its tracks before Bobby and the babbling jackass villiage idiot troll starts doubting their manhood.
Well China’s a lost cause. They don’t listen to klownservatist jerks like the Koch bros in this country..
I can hear the chants of Jeb supporters in 2016. Dig baby dig! More coal!
“You can see the demon rising from her back”
Apparently this guy, a State legislator, threatened the head of DHS in Arkansas with defunding of his agency if the adoption of the girls wasn’t expedited, in spite of months of internal DHS memos, and this dough-boy Christian being warned and told outright, that his family was not a suitable match for adopting these girls. Once he decided that he didn’t need them to campaign on anymore, he threw them away to a known child molester, whom he very likely had video of molesting girls in his own federally supported christian day-care company. A man he had mysteriously fired from that same day-care business just a few weeks before handing custody of the girls over to him.
Why these people have not been arrested yet, is utterly beyond my ability to understand. This is fucking evil.
@11 what do you expect from an Ape?
@38 what’s the problem? Not like Republicans have to live up to Family Values – just you. Republicans don’t have to live by any values, except for the value of money.
They don’t have to do what is right for this Country. Romney says the a deal with Iran will get Hillary elected. He didn’t make comment of how bad of a deal it might be, and explain it to the American public, or doesn’t care whether it might be good; he’s more concerned about a Republican not getting elected, if it happens.
So scuttle it and don’t do what is good for America if it means not getting elected.
Wherein the very conservative editorial writer for a very conservative national publication concludes, in an editorial published today, that Chris Christie is a bullshitter, not a promising presidential prospect:
@41 That deal Christie cut with Exxon is stinkier than the polluted wetlands of New Jersey..
It’s blowing up in his fat face. The guy is so small-time.
Double standard on display.
Yeah that 97% discount Christie gave Exxon is not going over well.
Nothing good comes from conservatism. Just think are those hard liner Russian, Iranians, Saudis, Iraqis, ISIS – are they liberals or conservatives?
I don’t think they would be the way they are if they were liberal.
@22 Do you know ANYTHING about oil? Cushing is a hub, not a destination; pipelines converge there, and storage tanks are there, but all the oil there goes somewhere else to be refined or shipped to end markets. Oil merely PASSES THROUGH Cushing. And when the storage tanks are full, oil traders who take delivery of physical oil have nowhere to park it, so they dump it on the market — cheap — just to get rid of it. THAT’S WHY oil prices are falling. Why is storage filling up? Because (a) we’re not consuming as much oil because the economy is still weak, and (b) we’re producing MORE oil DESPITE weak oil prices, because that’s how fracking economics works. If Keystone XL is built, we will be importing foreign oil and transporting it to Cushing (on its way to Asia), where there’s no storage capacity for that oil, so what will happen to it? Where you gonna put it, mmmm? At this point, Keystone XL is a pipeline to nowhere, unless you can throughput several hundred thousand barrels a day of Canadian tar sands oil to the Gulf to be loaded on ships that don’t exist for shipment to countries that don’t want it. Explain to me how this works, either physically or economically. If you’re gonna build pipelines, it makes a lot more sense to build pipelines from AMERICAN oilfields to AMERICAN refineries for consumption by AMERICAN buyers, if for no other reason than to get that oil off the rails.
@23 We all know how this works, Bob:
1. Republican president, oil goes down, president deserves credit.
2. Republican president, oil goes up, previous Democratic president is to blame.
3. Democratic president, oil goes down, previous Republican president deserves credit.
4. Democratic president, oil goes up, it’s his fault.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Oh, Scotty. If’n yeh had a stick of dynamite in yer head yah couldn’t blow yer fucking nose.
@46 Drill Baby Drill!!!’
@46/47 tell the idiot how it is. He supports The Nazi Party.
Bob – it’s a urine specimen not beer.
@ 51
The swill he drinks, who could tell the difference?
However, in Indiana, a woman can go to prison for 20 years for having a miscarriage.
Just like down in Galt’s paradise, Honduras.
In 2003, Florida executed Paul Hill, a fanatical right-to-lifer, for murdering an abortion doctor and his bodyguard. If the Bible thumpers are right about there being a Heaven and Hell, I would’ve liked to see the look on Hill’s face when he realized where he was after the effects of the lethal injection wore off.
Ahhh yes the vomit producer hates Breitbart… Breitbart produces their stories with links vomit producer! Since you don’t visit Breitbart, how would you know this? And since they are very factual, usually more factual than Daily Kooks, Media Morons, etc., life just sux eh vomit producer?
So what left tard msm link has a valid REAL story on Hillary and the State Department OF-109 signature form vomit producer? Got link?
Which left tard msm link has a valid REAL story on Hillary and her aides checking the email server before illegally trashing the emails without US Government validation vomit producer? Got link?
It seems you JUST DON’T WANT THE TRUTH TO BE KNOWN vomit producer! FACTS scare the vomit producer!
Seems you forgot how Daily Kooks mistakenly called Trigg Palin Bristol’s child and you still use Daily Kooks regularly!
So vomit producer stop lying about your “thoughts” when it’s easily proven you received your “ideas” from left wrong kook libtard sites!
Sux to be the vomit producer!
Oh vomit producer… you provide us whom think RIGHT a laugh a day. You don’t have a cogent thought even though you write all these paragraphs of vomit. This vomit can be traced to left wrong sites. That’s why you don’t produce links with your worthless swill. Puddy produces links; links you can’t comprehend because FACTS are foreign objects to you!
senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @17,
Puddy calls that acting like a DUMMOCRETIN…
Oh my… the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is still spouting the ABSOLUTE BULLSHITTIUM about Obummer taking credit for fracking when Puddy produced at least six links where Obummer was against fracking; kissing he environmentalist ASSes? Fracking… producing oil which Obummer was definitely against!
You are still screaming that BULLSHITTIUM line absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh you really still are a moron absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Being that your are still so stoooooooooooooopid must really suck eh absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch? Well it must not so bad to suck since you are so monomaniacal with the same useless BULLSHITTIUM it is so sad!
Scared to be exposed by alternet for what the
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch really is!
Sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Awww senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @20,
Upset no one admires you senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
1. Republican president, oil goes down, congressional libtards cry fowl and scream collusion with oil companies and demand gas taxes go up!
2. Republican president, oil goes up, congressional libtards cry fowl and collusion with oil companies to drive up profits!
3. Democratic president, oil goes down, previous Republican president deserves credit because they created the foundation for the price reduction. Remember Obummer was against fracking with six separate statements on six separate occasions.
4. Democratic president, oil goes up, it’s his fault. Well DUMMOCRETINS admit they don’t collude with oil companies, so it has to be DUMMOCRETIN foreign policy pratfalls!
Yes you correctly called it senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
“Fuck you and the your DUMMOCRETIN horsesASS”.
Because (a) we’re not consuming as much oil because the economy is still weak – butt every day on HA DUMMOCRETINS and more on Friday Night, we are forced to wade through useless commentary on how the Obummer economy is booming senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So which is it senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? A weak Obummer economy or a booming Obummer economy?
More forked tongue? Of course!
Now where was this link? In the link supplied by the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch with its half truths!
Seems the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is as stoooooooooooooopid as evah! Finds a link to throw up to battle the GREAT Puddy and another EPIC FAYLE.
Scared to be exposed by alternet for what the
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch really is!
Sux to be theyellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Thanks for playing! ROTFLRHMBBAO!
doubting their manhood? – absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, Puddy is BLACK,
koro disease boy!
Travis @32,
Thank you for the side splitting crackup. Even more funny was Stupid Solution Steve to the rescue!
Did the teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla fart on this thread too?
Yes it did!
Looks like Puddinhead is spending a lonely Saturday night alone in his hovel. I don’t have that problem.
@60 Well you see, dumbass, it’s all relative. Growth is less than 2%, consumers aren’t spending, and wealthy people and corporations have nowhere to invest their mountains of cash; so, by those measures, the economy is “weak.” But it’s far stronger than it would be under Republican austerity policies. This is probably too subtle for your pea brain to grasp, but I think other HA readers understand it.
Now watch…
The sewer rat yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch will refer to the salt mines for another worthless view of its nonsensical seldom viewed blog!
Oh no senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! While Mrs. Puddy watches Washington’s Creepy DUMMOCRETINS on Q13 Puddy visits HA DUMMOCRETINS!
And Post #66 is another senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit head explosion…
@68 “While Mrs. Puddy watches Washington’s Creepy DUMMOCRETINS on Q13 Puddy visits HA DUMMOCRETINS!”
Interesting that you both spend so much time fraternizing with Democrats. Why don’t you spend this time socializing in Republican circles? Because you can’t stand them, they won’t let you in, or both?
Oh silly senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy and Mrs Puddy visit with conservatives during the day. Then she watches criminal DUMMOCRETINS on Q13 and Puddy smacks little Wabbit ASS here.
Your single celled mind then goes…
@70 “Puddy smacks little Wabbit ASS here”
@ 71 RR
I didn’t know you were bluish.
As Puddy wrote earlier, DUMMOCRETINS have coronated Hillary. Hence the very ignorant response by Bill Maher
@72 Only on cloudy days.
@73 Yawn. (Stretch.) Double yawn.
Puddy is up early today. He must not have mined much salt last night.
You didn’t view the salty substance around your dung covered burrow? Now you are blind and senile? Direct from the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch’s invisible mine!
One of my primary sources of amusement in this forum is that there are a few examples that show up occasionally, and one or two that seem to manifest themselves on a daily basis in opposition to any statement made just on general principle. It can be fun to yell back and forth about shit, but it is too often the case that people will merely react to stimuli that they perceive as being something that their own gut feeling tell them is something that they cannot believe in any case, no matter what evidence is presented. Our resident schizo-effective here is an indication of a symptom, not that of a cause. The problems stem from our own inability to reason with those who would be deliberately unreasonable. That is, people who present the appearance of being constantly angry or uneducated or merely vindictive are not really capable of presenting an argument with factual information when their perception of that argument is that it is something they themselves have not already made up their minds about.
One cannot counter an absurd argument, nor is it possible make an accurate retort to a statement that has been with the specific intention to deceive and has been made with no basis in reality, especially when the individual is a pathological liar or psychologically incapable of accepting new information that runs counter to their established world-view. Such statements are not intended to argue for any other purpose than maintaining the argument itself. It is of no concern to reasonable people to attempt to counter such an argument, no matter the vehemence with which that statement has been made except within the context of venting frustrations. The intention of such an argument is to inflame emotions, not to present a reasonable retort to a statement or to present factual information in a manner that could cause such people to maybe take that step back and question their belief systems. That inflammation is deliberate, in that once someone has gotten pissed off, their minds stop working on the intellectual level and go with merely reacting to that stimuli. The religious are programmed from birth to never question the faith, or investigate the origins of it. This translates into how they react to new information in other discussions. Their minds are utterly fixed on a notion, and no amount of information can cause them to question their own beliefs.
This is why the internet has become such a hot topic amongst behavioral psychologists. The reality is, that there are huge numbers of people who believe pretty much everything they read on the internet, and tailor their searches for information that is representative to their own perceptions on an issue they are discussing. One can find literally anything to support one’s position, and post the link to it in forums such as this one.
The major problem is, that people who regularly promote such arguments and who use these techniques are doing so, either because they cannot understand that their own position may be based in a misleading propaganda campaign by someone with an unstated motive for creating a certain perception of a situation, or that their position stems from a lack of awareness and education on a subject. The Internet Neutrality issue, the Keystone XL Pipeline, the coal port in Ferndale etc all have their bases in someone with the financial wherewithal to influence the argument though sheer volume. That isn’t the “common man on the street”, that’s the Corporations and their executives who are doing everything in their power to control the argument in their own favor.
It is a simple thing, when one has the financial resources, to hire professional propaganda experts such as behavioral psychologists, cultural anthropologists and such to structure one’s arguments in a manner that may sound reasonable to people with little access to relevant factual information and a high level of preconceived notions. Such arguments however may contain literally zero real information except the minimum that the propagandists themselves believe should be relevant. They don’t want people to think about effects or consequences. This is one of the primary reasons why the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson and such, and their lapdogs in Government are doing everything they can, and using every resource at their disposal to destroy the education systems of every State in the Union. They don’t want people to think about shit too much. They just want people to obey their will, react to their propaganda and act according to their emotions, even to the point of self-harm.
It is much simpler thing to bury people in false information that appeals to their predisposed emotional structure, than it is to attempt to counter it. Thats why religionists, especially the Christians in the United States, or the Moslems in the Middle East are so easily duped and fleeced by the wealthy and powerful or the charismatic personalities that pop up so often amongst such institutions. Those people are playing us like a stolen fiddle and laughing all the way to the bank. But their entire argument system is based on lying to people, and when people start realizing the nature and the content of those lies, the wealthy and powerful take no issue with manufacturing sound reasons, through those same propaganda channels, for engaging in mass murder. All they need to do is convince people to become angered and start hurting each other. People who have successfully insulated themselves from the effects of their social influence have no moral compunctions about instigating extreme violence or inciting riots, as long as they themselves can remain insulated from it.
If Hitler, or Stalin or William Pelley had television available to them, they’d have easily won their arguments. If they would have had the internet, the human race would have probably exterminated itself by now or reduced itself to a new Dark Age, with feudal lords holding themselves in ownership of the means of production and social control. In many ways, it seems that the Dark Ages have never left us, examples being the global climate crisis or mass vaccinations of the population. Hell, until about a century ago, more than 3/4 of the world’s population was completely illiterate and a substantial portion of that hardly knew that printed information even existed.
Conservatives cannot win with factual information, they can only win when the people trying to counter their arguments give up out of sheer frustration because Conservatives know that they can overwhelm the counterarguments with unlimited volumes of lies.
Thats why I’m a Liberal.
@77 Jerking off outside rabbit holes? Figures. I expect nothing less from you.
Washington’s 2015-2017 Budget
It’s going to be a long and frustrating legislative session. I’m looking at a pie chart of the state budget from OFM. Two-thirds of the state budget goes to education and other mandatory spending. Add the state higher ed support that still exists and you’ve got three-quarters. That leaves 25% for corrections (5%), human services (13%), and everything else including government administration (7%). Without new revenue, the legislature has to lop 5% off this 25% (or 33% if colleges go on the chopping block).
I think it goes without saying the class size initiative can’t be funded without tax increases, and because the initiative failed to provide a funding mechanism, it should be shelved if legislators can’t agree on what taxes to raise. And I would oppose raising any regressive tax that hits our state’s already overtaxed lower income households.
I attended a town hall yesterday at which my local legislators explained that big business doesn’t pay taxes in this state because of a deal struck years ago that they would provide high-paying jobs that would help support state government via consumption taxes. But big business has reneged on that deal; for example, Boeing took billions in subsidies from the state, and then moved jobs out of the state. It’s past time for the legislator to revisit that broken bargain and require big business to begin paying state taxes.
If Republican legislators insist on a no-new-revenue budget, then they should be required to identify the $2 billion of cuts necessary to balance the budget. Of course, that’s just a starting point for discussion, as Democrats should not accept their spending priorities. I’m simply guessing that Republicans can’t and won’t come up with the necessary spending cuts. In which case, Democrats should do it for them.
Here are my suggestions. 1. Every county of the state should get back no more state spending (including corrections costs for prison inmates sentenced in their counties, and including the calculated cost of all state services received in that county or by its residents) than it pays in state taxes. 2. End ALL business subsidies and preferential tax breaks. 3. Eliminate the hundreds of millions spent on forest firefighting and let state lands burn. 4. For each dollar of social services that’s cut, eliminate one dollar of services to businesses, such as permit processing and trade missions, so that cuts are shared equally between the business and community sectors. 5. Defer some interest payments to banks on state indebtedness until the state has money to make them. These are my ideas off the top of my head.
@78. Great post.
Juan Williams calls out Karl Rove’s hypocrisy per Hillary’s e-mails.
Seriously Juan? You work for Fox News. Don’t you know you’re supposed to kiss Rove’s fat behind and say yessa boss?
@ 78
That’s why I’m a Liberal.
Touching, really. Moved me nearly to tears.
BTW one of your fellow Liberals was just arrested for shooting two cops in Ferguson.
CLAYTON • A man who participated in a protest outside the Ferguson police station Wednesday returned and fired shots — possibly at someone other than police — that wounded two officers, authorities said Sunday.
Jeffrey Williams, 20, was charged with two counts of first-degree assault, one count of firing a weapon from a vehicle and three counts of armed criminal action. He was in custody, with cash-only bail set at $300,000.
@ 83
That article doesn’t mention his political leanings, it only says he was a “participant” in the protests which could mean anything. For all anyone knows, he’s a crazy Christian right winger. The protesters do run the gamut.
It seems to me that his willingness to use a firearm against the authorities in the context of an unwinnable combat situation seems to make him an idiot. That doesn’t indicate he’s a Liberal. It would probably follow that the details of his political inclinations would lean more right wing.
They’ve done surveys in some of the hardest prisons in the country, surveys that questioned and cross-referenced the details of political beliefs in terms of how humans should relate to each other, basic rules of a civilization and prosperity related issues. The anthropologists involved in the study discovered that something like 85% of prison populations pretty much lean hard-core conservative in their basic belief systems. Charles Manson for example, in many ways is a die-hard conservative. Nearly all of them were raised with religion being a factor in their household.
This is certainly not to say that Liberal people don’t commit crimes, they do of course. But the reality is that the vast majority of people who end up being incarcerated are doing so because they’ve attempted to impose an idea that comes out of basic conservative notions of how people should relate to each other.
@ 84
Lemme help you out.
I’ll go out on a limb and suggest that this dude
does not lean very far right-wing.
There are articles – check out The Guardian’s
– which describe scuffles amongst the protesters that evening, preceding the shooting. The gun used was a .40 handgun and it was fired from 125 yards away. I read somewhere that the accused was there, then left, then returned. So maybe another of your passive Liberals pissed him off.
It’s possible the police were collateral damage if he was firing into the crowd.
That should be your deflection – not the suggestion that an African-American protester in Ferguson is actually a right-winger in drag.
You’re welcome.
It could also be that one of the “active” Liberals told him to fuck off after he did something like try to rile up the crowd or even pick someone’s pocket.
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa Yet almost all the FACTS presented in this and other threads are from CONSERVATIVES vomit producer! And then you deliver commentary from psychologists to back up your vomit?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You really are a horsesASS!
Puddy bets this is a Obummer DUMMOCRETIN and one of those who was a hands up don’t shoot participant last year!
He was arrested for stolen credit card.
-Bob McCulloch announced 20 year-old Jeffrey Williams as Shooter.
-Charged with firing shots. The charge is assault in the first degree.
-Charged with three counts of armed criminal action.
-Weapon was recovered.
-Williams told police he fired the shots.
–Williams is a bro rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! This should warm worser’s heart too!
-Williams was a regular protester.
-He was on probation.
Well vomit producer…?
@ 86
“That dude? Never seen him before in my life.”
Bassem masri @masri_bassem · 58m 58 minutes ago
Just for the record I barely recognize Jeffrey Williams he wasn’t a regular protester #Ferguson
Gun may have been fired from a (red) vehicle a whole lot closer to the police line. And without the other protestors in the way.
DEFLECTION BULLSHITTIUM! Seems alternet blows your BULLSHITTIUM out of the water…
Since almost 40% of the FEDERAL prison system is black and most of them claim to be religious and we know 93% of them voted for Obummer in 2012 or would have based on demographics, another knife in the vomit producer BULLSHITTIUM above! Butt, blacks are only 13% of the population and dropping because of La Raza actions!
Sux to be the vomit producer!
Well the gorilla got it right… Tea-bs-gger
Down right amazing…
Heh, look, he lies again.
Federal Convicts don’t vote, moron.
Oh, and as for that that 40% figure of Federal Prisoners being black, that doesn’t bother you?
Bipartisan none the less…
Oh look the vomit producer can’t figger it out… Puddy wrote
U R a real BULLSHITTIUM ASSHole vomit producer!
Regarding the federal percentage… it does bother me. Butt, if it was correctly proven they did the crime, then they have to do the crime.
Oh my in the heart of DUMMOCRETINville LA California…
And what of the shooter is a heterosexual Bob? What does that say about heterosexuals?
@83 “BTW one of your fellow Liberals was just arrested for shooting two cops in Ferguson.”
Probably. Everyone knows blacks vote for Democrats. That is, where they’re allowed to vote. I mean, why would a black vote for the KKK party? Of course, conservatives never miss what they’re shooting at. Loughner, for example, intended to blow away that little girl.
How Much Has Oil Train Traffic Grown?
Answer: “According to the Association of American Railroads, oil shipments by rail jumped from 9,500 carloads in 2008 to 500,000 in 2014.”
Very interesting…
Loughner, for example, intended to blow away that little girl. – the senile moron AKA schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Wrong again senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! So much senility demonstrated in each post! He intended to off Gabby Giffords and there was collateral damage.
DUMMOCRETIN Loughner – Atheist, Satanist, lover of Mein Kampf like some HA DUMMOCRETINS, thought Gabby Giffords was a fake DUMMOCRETIN! Again the crazed senility called the schismatic IDIOT Wabbit was covered in Mother Jones. More 24 hour moonbattic moronic memory malady in the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Keep up those senile thoughts senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@101 “He intended to off Gabby Giffords and there was collateral damage.”
I see,18 of his shots missed her and hit other people; that proves he’s a Republican, because no Democrat is such a lousy shot at point-blank range.
Why does the teabagging buttbusting buttbigot gorilla post on this web site? The teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla hates Brendan Eich and Brendan’s gay stance and Brendan’s invention makes this blog work!
Well so much for that vast left wrong conspiracy against Hillary… It’s the Obummer consigliere Valerie Rasputin Jarrett.
Well, isn’t this a racist attack against Hillary?
Meanwhile we see Rahmbo acting just like a standard DUMMOCRETIN…
A DUMMOCRETIN insensitive to the poor? Whodathunk dat? Republicans always do! DUMMOCRETINS don’t care for the poor! They are the party of the rich. Chicago in a precarious financial position? All Puddy reads is Kansas, Texas and Wisconsin. Now the truth is coming out! DUMMOCRETIN governance really sux!
@105 “Now the truth is coming out! DUMMOCRETIN governance really sux!”
Yep, the working class is much better off under a $7.25 minimum wage (or, better, no minimum wage), regressive taxes, no unions, no safety net, blatant racism and sexism, and unrestrained corporatism; or, at least, Puddy believes so.