Mental Floss: Why does asparagus make your pee smell?.
Global Divestment Day: 2015.
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: The GOP civil war brewing between House and Senate Republicans.
Pap and David Pakman: The progressive solution to the student loan crisis.
Eight people who have accomplished more than you at every age.
America’s Racist Mayor:
- Young Turks: Is Guiliani a “love truther” or just a racist asshole?
- WAPO: Why aren’t Republicans condemning Giuliani?:
- Josh Earnest: “I feel sorry for Rudy Giuliani today.”
- Young Turks: Giuliani makes excuses for his racism…
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses—Chuck Schumer edition.
Richard Fowler: Republican lawmaker wants to own women’s uteri.
To prison for poverty.
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: The wheels are falling off the Republican clown car.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Pap and Howard Nations: GOP mad scientists create a disaster.
Climate change elevator pitch: Ken Calderia.
2016 Clown Parade:
- Thom: Jeb has a Bush problem
- David Pakman: Jeb Bush gives cringeworthy speech. (Who does that remind you of?)
- Young Turks: Jeb Bush is just like his brother in the scariest way
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: The mystery woman behind corrupt Chris Christie’s shady dealings
- Maddow: Jeb Bush’s campaign launch blunders
- Pap: Scott Walker’s criminal scandal is worse than you think.
- Pranking Scott Walker (a.k.a. Governor Koch):
- Chris Hayes and friends: Scott Walker Didn’t Get A College Degree. Should You?
- David Pakman: “Freedom” Sen. Rand Paul opposes net neutrality?!?
- David Pakman: Nut case Sen. Rand Paul’s epic backtrack on vaccines & mental disorders
- Richard Fowler: Bobby Jindal slashes education budget
Mental Floss: Misconceptions from the internet.
David Pakman: Republicans about to go Benghazi on net neutrality.
Young Turks: Mother Jones catches Bill O’Reilly lying about Falkland Island War coverage:
Sam Seder: Watch this anti-net neutrality ad accidentally backfire on their message.
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom: Does the GOP want to starve poor people?
War Without End, Amen:
- Mark Fiore: The long war of foreverness.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: War powers and the erosion of Democracy.
Obama’s lunar new year message.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Young Turks: Judging Rush Limbaugh’s statements about Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Was TX judge blocking executive order even legal?
David Pakman: Conservative convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza calls Obama ‘ghetto’.
Mental Floss: 80 facts about the 1980s.
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting how the media and pundits ignore half of the President’ s background,including his Great Uncle and Grandfather, veterans.
In Florida, the Florida East Coast Railway is trying to re-establish privately operated passenger rail, using mostly it’s own right of way. Still it is facing stiff opposition from the local communities along the line. It looks like FEC, under the brand name All Aboard Florida, is getting closer to reality, they have begun procuring rolling stock, from Siemens, most likely to be built in the USA. The only non FEC right of way to be used, will be the new trackage from the FEC Line on the Space Coast, to Orlando, via the Bee Line.
If it is noise the NIMBY’ s are worried about, a passenger train will be quieter and faster than a freight train, and traffic on the latter is picking up too, and could be boosted by traffic from an expanded Panama Canal. If it is diesel emissions, the Siemens Charger locomotive meets EPA TIER 3 at the very least, but I think it meets the newer Tier4 regs.
In Florida, the Florida East Coast Railway is trying to re-establish privately operated passenger rail, using mostly it’s own right of way. Still it is facing stiff opposition from the local communities along the line. It looks like FEC, under the brand name All Aboard Florida, is getting closer to reality, they have begun procuring rolling stock, from Siemens, most likely to be built in the USA. The only non FEC right of way to be used, will be the new trackage from the FEC Line on the Space Coast, to Orlando, via the Bee Line.
If it is noise the NIMBY’ s are worried about, a passenger train will be quieter and faster than a freight train, and traffic on the latter is picking up too, and could be boosted by traffic from an expanded Panama Canal. If it is diesel emissions, the Siemens Charger locomotive meets EPA TIER 3 at the very least, but I think it meets the newer Tier4 regs.
Oops, accidentally posted twice there. As for All Aboard Florida, while the opposition continues to grow against this private sector effort, construction has commenced, with site preparation work for the Miami area stations, and teamwork along the line. The trains will be one locomotive and 4-7 coaches. Should not cause too many delays, but they plan a very high frequency, and in Miami, and it’s suburban counties, their is also a plan to run TriRail commuter trains over the route.
Florida East Coast Railway is owned by Fortress Investments, but is well managed. It’s growing intermodal traffic is taking trucks off Florida highways, and the passenger services, will do the same for cars. Fortress for awhile also owned short line conglomerate RailAmerica but recently sold that unit to Genesee and Wyoming. They recently acquired the Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic railway, but a proposal like AAF would not work up there.
If you need assistance regarding why Republicans are not condemning Giuliani’s Obummer then y’all are really LIVs!
Hint.. more worried about ISIS terrorist feelings than reality!
Puddy really hopes this is true! She really is a left wrong moron. Marie didn’t realize her personal views don’t cut it in Real America. Even Chris Matthews had issues with her “remarks”.
The Peter Principle has struck again. In this case Harf was elevated to two spots above her mental incompetence!
Yes that large section on Rudy Giuliani calling out Obummer for Obummer’s America commentary! Yet the Friday Night Comix purveyor skipped over the leftists here…
Wow, when you lose a leftist pinhead like Max Fisher and the worshipful Vox coverage, you’ve really messed up!
@ 7
Yeah, it’s strange how the President of the United States might be considering diplomatic issues when speaking in public. Not every Islamic nation has terrorist inclinations, and right now, Israel might have crossed a serious diplomatic line in bypassing the President when their Prime Minister has an appointment to speak to a selective group of opposition party members of the Legislative Branch in a closed meeting. For one thing, it might just be a teensy bit illegal from a Constitutional standpoint, for another thing, it violates the basic protocols as set by international law. One cannot accuse the President of “snubbing” the visiting Chief Executive of a foreign nation, when one has taken some rather spurious steps to prevent the Executive Branch of our Nation from interfering with that meeting.
In other news, New Mexico seems to be missing about $100 Million from it’s bank account, and somehow that’s a big mystery.
The trolls don’t want to mention anything on the domestic front.
According to TWO TERM President Obama:
The economy keeps growing.
The stock market has more than doubled.
Deficits are down by more than two thirds.
America is creating jobs faster than at any time since Bill Clinton.
Manufacturers are creating jobs for the first time since Bill Clinton.
Health care inflation is running at the lowest rate in almost 50 years.
Deficit are falling faster than they have in 60 years..
All of the above is rated true or mostly true.
All the idiot trolls want to whine about is the President not wanting to create another Iraq to kill and maim thousands of more Americans.
It’s understandable they want to gin up fear of nutjob fanatics wearing black since their beloved hack politicians have failed to defeat the President by obstructing his domestic policies.
Oh poor Rudy – the President doesn’t love him. Ohhhh boo hoo hoo. He wants you to think that the President doesn’t love you or me. oh boo hoo hoo.
Sounds like he’s acting like a thirteen year child complaining that mommy and daddy don’t love him because they set a curfew. You know tough love that a teenager doesn’t understand.
Kind of like the love the Republucan Party is showing the Log Cabin Republicans, not letting them join in any raindeer games (CPAC). I wonder if Rudy can tell the Log Cabin Republicans how much they are loved. How Republicans love the gays, the black, the immigrants, the 47%’ers, the Mislims, the needy. We sure know the Teabaggers love the world.
Obama doesn’t show anyone love, he only repealed don’t ask don’t tell, is trying to help illegal immigrants, helping people to have a better wage, and some healthcare, maybe get a free college education, equal women’s pay, maintain a job in the auto industry, hey he’s even helped people make money in the stock market (Roger).
@5 “If you need assistance regarding why Republicans are not condemning Giuliani’s Obummer then y’all are really LIVs!”
We get that Republicans are birthers at heart who believe Obama is a Kenya-born Mooslim even though most won’t publicly say so in fear of looking like the silly and stupid people they are.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest nailed it when he described Giuliani as “sad.” I would add “pathetic.” But what’s saddest and most pathetic of all is how well such rhetoric plays to Republican audiences. That says nothing about Obama’s character and Americanism and everything about theirs. And, of course, HA’s resident idiot troll buys into it whole hog.
The Seattle Times reports that Boeing managers will get bonuses of 12% to 22%. What will the workers get?
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns 100 shares of Boeing stock, which jumped $4.56 a share yesterday. That’s $456 I made by sitting on my ass doing nothing, on which I owe zero taxes, and I’ve now made almost $3,000 on this stock since I bought it last fall. Sure beats pounding rivets or installing wiring inside Boeing fuselages in a South Carolina assembly plant for $15 an hour.)
The West Coast dockworkers contract talks reached a settlement this weekend, which should give the stock market a boost on Monday. Some people will criticize the dockworkers and their union because some of them make $200,000 a year for doing this difficult, dangerous, and highly skilled work; but you’ll never hear those hypocrites criticize CEOs for paying themselves $10 million or $100 million a year to lose money for their shareholders, lay off workers, and run their companies into the ground.
Absolutely epic fucking take-down of O’Reilly’s lies about the Falklands by a newsman, Eric Engberg, who was there, with others who were there piling on in the comments.
Fucking devastating. Good thing for O’Reilly that he works for propaganda organization whose business is telling lying.
@15 “Stolen valor” is a big thing with the self-described “patriotic” crowd. They even got Congress to pass a law making it a crime to pretend to be a military hero. (Struck down by the courts as an infringement on free speech.) Well, now the “patriots” have an opportunity to turn their backs on a guy who called himself a “combat veteran” but in real life was a multiply-deferred draft avoider who never served in any military. Let’s see if they do it.
I really think that if some person walked into a florist and ordered flowers for celebrating their marriage to their dog, I think that florist would actually ablige. What’s the big fucking deal?
Pat Robertson Suggests Companies Will Be Forced To Cater To Man-Dog Weddings
“What’s the big fucking deal?”
Just a diversion. They want the public to think dogs, not goats.
Republicans, led by House Speaker John Boehner, oppose ANY minimum wage law. They want the market, not the government, to put a floor under wages.
Well, the market has spoken. This week, Walmart — faced with flagging sales and a falling stock price — announced it will pay its associates at least $9 this year and $10 next year, and also eliminated a 1-day waiting period for sick leave that required employees to use a day of personal leave before taking time off for illness.
You get what you pay for, and when you pay almost nothing, you get almost nothing — as Boeing found out when it tried to assemble high-tech airliners with 10-buck-an-hour unskilled labor in a right-to-work state, and then had to ship the results to a unionized plant in a union-friendly state to be redone by union workers.
Until airlines disclose where their Boeing planes were built, if I have to fly, I’m going to book flights using Airbus equipment. I don’t want to fly on a right-to-work airplane, not only because I support unions, but also because I’m concerned the wings, rudder, or flaps might come off.
An arrest has been made in last month’s bombing of an NAACP office in Colorado. The suspect reportedly told authorities he has nothing against the NAACP and was only trying to blow up his tax preparer’s office next door.
Meanwhile we learned that Obummer’s NSA is much more negative than Bush’s ever was!
Yes that two term preznit the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot loves to scream about is way worse than Bush!
Thanks fir cheering Obummer and his cronies absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Meanwhile we learned that Obummer’s NSA is much more negative than Bush’s ever was!
Yes that two term preznit the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot loves to scream about is way worse than Bush!
Thanks fir cheering Obummer and his cronies absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Oh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
Got proof Giuliani is a birther or is this another of your out of your arschloch attacks senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
vomit producer farted…
Produce the statement that John Boehner closed off the full Congressional meeting vomit producer. Produce the may have diplomatic line crossed vomit producer! Or as always you fart something from your arschloch just like other HA DUMMOCRETINS hoping it will pass; since leftist pinheads here don’t scrutinize your smelly vomit! Congress is independent of Obummer, and its leaders may invite whomever they please to speak in its chambers with or without prior consultation with the Obummer or his sadministration. This is one of those bodies uncontrolled by Obummer and his cronies. Pelosi is a has been!
Butt we see Obummer’s peeps are actively working to destroy Netanyahu! Of course this isn’t in any left wrong rag!
@ 23
Well, “birther” or not, he did completely forget about 9/11.
You cannot get more disingenuous or stupid than that.
@ the fucking imbecile @ 24
Diplomatic relations, as per the United States Constitution, are the sole responsibility of the Executive branch of Government. Congress, especially concerning opposition party menbers, have absolutely no right whatsoever to engage in diplomatic policy or process except to “advise and Consent”.
John Boehner and the GOP Congressional leadership BROKE THE LAW. They have no legal standing to invite Benjamin Netanyahu to meet with them outside of the scope and purview of the President. They are flat out banned from doing so, by Constitutional law.
If they are actively negotiating with foreign leaders in a way that runs counter to the Presidents foreign policy, that is borderline treason. They just do not have the legal authority.
Wow, the vomit producer is digging the pit deeper with its highlight…
DAYUM, this vomit producer is whack… So those 19 Al Qaeda attackers were domestic Americans, when even DUMMOCRETIN plant Jamie Gorelick, admitted those hijackers over stayed their visas under female flavored cigar Clinton? That’s your argument vomit producer?
Another EPIC FAYLE attempt in libtard cleverness ! You correctly identified yourself above… You cannot get more disingenuous or stupid than that.
Sux to be the disingenuous and stupid vomit producer!
What law vomit producer? Calling Boehner treasonous is another EPIC FAYLE DUMMOCRETIN attack. You DUMMOCRETINS scream this with no proof.
Awww separation of powers? That’s why Obummer creates “law” from the whitey house with his pen and phone ( the immigration issues just struck down) when the constitution specifically says all laws are generated from the House of Representatives? Where is your screaming over that vomit producer?
DUMMOCRETINS always want it their way only!
Back last September, Schultzie was being prepared as the scapegoat if the DUMMOCRETINS lost in November…
Well the DUMMOCRETINS lost BIG TIME last November butt Schultzie is still in charge of the DNC…
No wonder y’all are worried about 2016! She sux worse than the thoughts of the vomit producer!
Puddy guesses North Seattle resident Woodrow Thompson is a DUMMOCRETIN from his frivolous lawsuit here… You know… exaggerating the decibel level of the dog bark!
DUMMOCRETINS always exaggerate facts to make their puny cases!
Oh no the white boys club show is on TONIGHT… And HA DUMMOCRETINS will be glued to their couches wasting time watching the glad handling by peeps who use Obummer for their personal end! Remember those Sony emails?
– 93 percent of the Academy’s members are white, about 70 percent male, while the average age is 63.
– No black person nominated in any of the major categories this year
– Stage a protest outside the oscars to scream and shout.
– Write some more emails about Obummer…
Wow, the libtard Seattle city police are not getting the message yet…
Puddy been screaming this for years! Libtard led police unions are some of the most collective racist bodies known to man! Never seen rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears say anything because rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears has no issues on how Seattle police treat minorities! Butt the fool will ad hominem attack Puddy for calling them out. Watch and learn!
DUMMOCRETINS never call out their own wrong doing!
Last night at church during a baby shower we were talking about gas tax vs. carbon tax. Even the most staunch DUMMOCRETINS in the comversation said a carbon tax is unenforceable. Do you install a CO2 funnel where all household exhaust is piped through to measure the per ton of CO2 emitted? The lawn mower? The Barbie? The house HVAC system? The cars as they idle and warm up? What about the Rainier Ave neighborhood residents?
No wonder Goldy couldn’t answer the questions!
What dumb as dogshit looks like.
Other than the posts at 27-33 above.
Do you actually know anything, I mean, anything at all? Or are you so fucking ignorant that you just cannot fathom the idea of the fact that you’re just being laughed at every time you post your blather?
Awww poor vomit producer… Left in a puddle of its own vomit! Only ad hominem attacks are left. Links with FACTS always causes vomit to appear from this left wronger!
Still waiting for those answers to your vomit above vomit producer!
@34. Don’t read his posts then, he is like trying to have a discussion with an AM radio.
Cabs Strike In Chicago Against Uber; Uber Drivers Presumably Report Uptick In Business
The most recent futile event was a staged mini-strike in Chicago’s downtown area (actually, directly below my office), during which cabbies refused to pick up fares and instead drove around the loop honking their horns the entire time.
Kind of sad, watching a long-protected industry finally coming to realize that the world around them has changed.
“We’ll be sitting at a hotel for two, three hours; and all of a sudden you see three UberX cabs just came and picked up customers while we’re just sitting there. How is that fair? That’s not fair to a cab driver,” cab driver Mustafa Husein said.
Sitting is a job? I thought it was a civil right.
Heh. That’s some desperate explosion there at the hour of peak hate @ 22-24.. Then it was
Back to the salt mines!
For the village idiot troll. Yawwwwn. So predictable the fiend’s “need” for this website.
What is Boob obsession with Ubber?
Oh my! The stupid in 33 is too sad.. It must be infectious in the fiend’s cult..
BC just north of the border has a carbon tax and they manage just fine.
Damn the fiend @ 33 is STOOOOOOPID!
Anyone want to take a vote on who is going to be watching the Oscsrs or whatever awards will be in tv tonight? I’ll start. Not me. Never planned on it and haven’t in the past.
It’s not with Uber, it’s with Goldy. Goldy made a total ass of him way back when and the idiot still holds a grudge.
If Joe Biden will be absent from one of the seats behind the podium when Netanyahu addresses Congress, is there any reason that Boehner can’t fill that empty seat with the buttocks of Orrin Hatch?
@ 41
So, you’re all-gay, all the time…..
These Producers Are Fearlessly Gaying Up the Oscars
Craig Zadan and Neil Meron talk about producing the Oscars for the third consecutive year, making LGBT history again, and bringing entertainment back to the Academy Awards.
….. except not tonite?
Nothing but love in the city of New York. I wonder why.
Since the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot @40 loves to scream about nuthin, it took up the BC Carbon tax. Prolly did a quick search looking for the first piece of info to throw up on the blog as another of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot’s silly look at me moments!
Butt, as we all know from the yellowishleakingbuttspigot being all arschloch, this is what the BC does with it’s carbon tax from Wikipedia
Missed by the yellowishleakingbuttspigot was this paragraph from Puddy last week
So all can see while the yellowishleakingbuttspigot was pounding his pud in his salt mine cocoon, Puddy already asked the pertinent question regarding BC’s carbon tax, tax shifting and income tax reduction many days ago.
BTW yellowishleakingbuttspigot; if the salt mine is making sweeeeeet love to Puddy’s wife; treating her as the Valentine she is, then Puddy is guilty as charged! Bwaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
This yellowishleakingbuttspigot is not only a buffoon, baboon, and chimpanzee, butt also a klownfish!
Sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Still trying to get visits to its feckless web site eh yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
LMAO!!! With HA as your viagra? Like 70 percent of Saturday nights? Damn! You hate paying for the little blue pills at Walmart..
No scratch that! You hate the money you lose but you REALLY are embarrassed being in the same line at the Wal-Mart with all the other cult-members and Limbaugh lovers for your penis pills..
It sucks to be a klownservatic freak like you!
Wow, news to me there’s an income tax in this state you MORON!
And lower the corporate taxes? Like they haven’t been lowered enough for Lazy B?
No one responded to your idiot questions the other day because they were STOOOPID… Cow flatulence anyone? Most people ignore raving fools on the streets. You behave no differently in these threads..
Damn that’s funny! Trolling HA on Saturday nights get the village idiot troll @46:
In the mood
@23 “Got proof Giuliani is a birther …”
Aren’t all Republicans? Aren’t you?
Now this shit is too funny.. The village idiot troll, fiend and ZERO calls some of its fellow cult members the same kind of names it calls HA HEROES in these threads.
I wonder what those fellow cult members think of it?
Prolly the same as what Darryl said:
LMAO!!! Of course I cheer them because “we were told” by a certain village idiot troll, fiend and ZERO that we are supposed to be more afraid of Google and Apple.. The silly village idiot troll, fiend and ZERO also bragged about the feckless “measures” it had taken to protect itself..
All the while, the same village idiot troll, fiend and ZERO was bragging about his teh google skillz, was caught using an apple product to troll HA and all the time the village idiot troll, fiend and ZERO’s miserable ASS had an NSA probe implanted.
On an individual basis the HA HEROES have limited means to protect against government snooping given the huge resources of the NSA (see the latest report on the Equation Group) but the silly village idiot troll, fiend and ZERO will keep pretending and fantasizing that its silly online always wrong wing political activities are secure from government snooping whether it’s NSA, GCHQ, etc.
This thread is currently 28.84% retarded.
@44 not sure I understand the point you are trying to make.
I read the link but got nothing out of it. Other than enjoying the eye candy of some hot actors the movie industry does nothing for me. Don’t watch movies, could care less about Hollywood in General.
47-49 51-52 More EPIC FAYLES from the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR! FEDERAL Income Tax reduction you moron. How will a carbon tax be implmented you IDIOT! Couldn’t answer it last week and still can’t answer it now!
Puddy was in Seoul Korea. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot has been trolling Puddy all over the world since 2005. Follows Puddy everywhere he can’t be! Told everyone Puddy was in as “a Seoul Brother” (its own phrase) using a MAC. Puddy reminded everyone that the yellowishleakingbuttspigot lives vicariously in Puddy’s world wide travels. Puddy also reminded the yellowishleakingbuttspigot that at this site they are Apple products only so Puddy brought the PuddyMAC for use on that trip. So who’s pink panties are all twisted over the British Columbia SMACKDOWN they have to make up BULLSHITTIUM to look good again? The yellowishleakingbuttspigot of course! A hero in its own mind! Not even a hero to fellow HA DUMMOCRETINS… monomaniacal one!
Staying stooooooooooopid since Dec 2004. That HA’s all arschloch yellowishleakingbuttspigot klownfish arschloch!
Puddy is so glad the yellowishleakingbuttspigot klownfish arschloch worries about Puddy’s prowess. Must be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot klownfish arschloch is trying to live that part of PuddyLife vicariously too!
Sux to be the lowlife yellowishleakingbuttspigot! The crazed databaze is it’s krutch!
Oh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, Rudy Giuliani is NOT a birther… Butt, keep hoping..,….
Sux to be the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Boy this doesn’t look good. Muslims starting to show support the Jewish Community. What and who are all the conservative right wingers going to hate now?
We can’t have Peace! Right wingers won’t have anything to complain about.
Norway’s Muslims Form Protective Human Ring Around Oslo’s Synagogue
Using an apple product for its political activities (on the customer’s dime prolly). OH NOES! It told HA HEROES to be afraid of APPLE!!!
All the while the Equation Group and TAO was OWNING its miserable cheapass networks!
Sux to be the village idiot troll – OWNED by TWO TERM President Obama’s NSA and the rest of the five eyes – the silly troll’s always wrong wing bullshit that it consumes like a dope addict made it soooooooooo complacent!
Notice the village idiot troll, fiend and ZERO can’t face the FACT that it regards some of its fellow cult members with the same ugly HATE that it heaps upon HA HEROES.
The same kind of HATE it needs on Saturday night to get
in the mood
for salt mining duty! The fiend is too sick! Well as long as those cult members pay their tithes they’re ok in its book.
And the village idiot troll stated its fellow cult members it regards with contempt through name-calling – those cult members believe that a carbon tax is “unenforceable”..
Perfectly “enforceable” in BC.. No reason it couldn’t be here.
When faced with this FACT, the troll deflects with useless blather about tax shifting and effects on the poor which Inslee’s plans takes into consideration..
Ho hum.. Just more bullshit from a bullshitting asshole..
Blue lives matter.
Good old Wisconsin. Land of the free, home of the brave.
Look out ISIS you got some stiff competition.
Another kid has been shot by a Responsible Gun Owner (TM).
Puddy PWNS the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Seething hatred apparent in #58-#60!
Then the yellowishleakingbuttspigot claims the Inslee plan is self explanatory? Did the the yellowishleakingbuttspigot read it? Apparently a WA State Legislature DUMMOCRETIN disagrees yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Sux being the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Did Selma just win an Oscar for best original song?
Did some jackass village idiot troll blather some useless krap about Hollywood being racist or indifferent to black history?
How many Oscars has American Sniper won? At this writing it’s the same as Selma but it’s a slick action flick that makes a lot of shit up and leans always wrong wing . That’s A-OK with the trolls!
Fiend and ZERO @ 64
Why do you call some of your fellow cult members the same names you call HA HEROES?
Remember what your sockpuppet MWS said, the sockpuppet (and its master) HATES HA HERO politics and HA HEROES.. Not only HA HEROES – ALL PEEPS who lean HA HERO ways.
The fiend finds a D who disagrees with Inslee – big whoop there. Give the troll a silver star for effort.
Oh my dingleberry yellowishleakingbuttspigot… Once again Puddy PWNS this sucka. The teabagging buttbusting buttbigot claimed it wasn’t going to waste its time watching… Well we know that’s all the yellowishleakingbuttspigot does… waste time.
Moronic twit… Puddy didn’t organize any protest you IDIOT! Other DUMMOCRETINS did, then they called it off. It’s the top 20 Oscars you douchebag.
Can’t even get something that simple correct!
– 93 percent of the Academy’s members are white, about 70 percent male, while the average age is 63.
– No black person nominated in any of the major categories this year.
So yellowishleakingbuttspigot, did a black win any of the actor/actress or supporting actor/actress or director awards?
Sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
There are no heroes on HA DUMMOCRETINS yellowishleakingbuttspigot except those who save lives home and abroad. Don’t know of any DUMMOCRETINS whom fit that bill especially you yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Chris Kyle is an American hero. You yellowishleakingbuttspigot are an American monomaniacal ZERO!
1) Chris Kyle was a psychopathic murderer.
2) I love it when the smart ones tear another new hole in the puddyfuckwad’s asshole.
93 percent of the Academy’s members are white, about 70 percent male,
Kind of sounds like the Teabaggers.
It’s ok if the teabaggers are comprised sumiliay, but not the academy. You know the powerful Academy.
The final tally for this thread is 28.57% retarded
You forgot to count yourself AGAIN! Wait for it…
Chris Kyle saved American lives… rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears and American klown!
rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears delusional again. No holes in Puddy except the ones delivered by God!
Notice that the village idiot troll responds to its proper depiction as a village idiot troll, fiend, zero and jackass.
Yawwwwn.. Who said you did stupid? You did as you always do. Come here and post boring, worthless shit..