Hazard Above: A drone films its own demise.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
David Pakman: Explosion outside NAACP Colorado Springs likely domestic terrorism:
Maddow: Remembering the John Ensign sex scandal.
Paris Burning:
- Mark Fiore: Je suis Charlie.
- Sam Seder: The real reason Charlie Hebdo was a target for terror?
- Maddow: French newspaper no stranger to Muslim threats
- Pap and Thom: Religious extremism and the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack
- David Pakman: FAUX News turns Paris attack into (wait for it)…BENGHAAAAAAZZZIIIIIIII!!!11!1!!
- Ana Kasparian: 12 dead in Paris
- Sam Seder: Right Wing Catholic group leader sympathizes with terrorists in Paris
- Maddow: Obama delivers American condolences to France
- Obama speaks on the terrorist attacks in France
- Conan: Heartfelt statement on Charlie Hebdo.
- Sam Seder: FAUX News host asks, “How do we know they’re bad guys if we can’t see their skin color?”.
- Maddow: Terrorist manhunt in France
- Jon: Comedy shouldn’t be an act of courage.
- WaPo: 20 years of terrorist attack in France
- Sam Seder: Implications of the Paris terrorist attacks.
- Young Turks: Simultaneous hostage situations and raids end horrifying week in France
- Ann Telnaes: Charlie Hebdo retaliates against the terrorists.
White House: West Wing Week.
Elizabeth Warren: Wall Street is rigged.
David Pakman: “Fiscal conservative” Gov. Jan Brewer leaves AZ broke and hands out big bonuses.
Sam Seder: Michele Bachmann explains how she beat progressives.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Old McDonnell Had a Cell:
- Two years: McDonnell case by the numbers
- Sam Seder: Pat Robertson blames Bob McDonnell’s wife for Bob’s crimes.
Young Turks: Staggering numbers killed in Boko Haram massacre.
A cleaner Anacostia River for Washington D.C.
Hilarious Joe Biden moments.
Thom: The secret war against Solar power.
Young Turks: Cure for cancer is in the Bible, according to Mike Huckabee.
A New Congress:
- Harry Reid addresses the 114th Congress after his new home tries to kill him
- David Pakman: Day 1, Republicans introduce anti-abortion bill that violates Roe v Wade
- Young Turks: John Boehner gets hammered, cries & glows orange over Speakership.
- Sam Seder: GOP Congress day 1…Attack Seniors and disabled
- David Pakman: New Congress 80% white, 80% male, 92% Christian.
- Maddow: Boehner survives a challenge
- Jon: Congress as herpes
- Farron Cousins: Were midterm losses a blessing for Democrats?.
- Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week:
- David Pakman: Day after taking office, GOP majority takes credit for Obama’s economy
- Young Turks: This fact tells us why our Democracy is broken.
- Maddow: GOP Congress’ futile agenda.
- Barbara Boxer to retire from the Senate in 2016.
- Young Turks: GOP wages war to ruin the internet forever
- Sam Seder: Poor Louie Gohmert really wants to be Speaker of the House.
- David Pakman: Republicans elect whip with neo-nazi ties.
Thom: Republicans didn’t really win the Senate.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about driving.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Let the 2016 games being.
David Pakman: Jeb Bush has new gay marriage stance after negative reaction to 1st one.
Obama’s Community College Proposal (SOTU preview):
- Obama announces his Free Community College Plan.
- Obama speaks on his “America’s College Promise” proposal.
- Young Turks: Obama proposes new tuition plan that anyone can afford
David Pakman: Reagan or Obama—Who will have a better economic and fiscal legacy?
Chris Hayes: From David Duke to the modern GOP
What if Earth treated us like we treat Earth?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Blaming the wife for former Governor McConnell’ s sentence, very interesting. I was surprised he got off so light.
Terrorism, when it doesn’t effects mainstream civilizations, isn’t Terrorism, it is only petty crime. But if it effects the old white guy then and only then is it a problem, otherwise carry on.
Zimmerman In Jail Again
George Zimmerman, paragon of civic virtue, NRA poster boy, and Responsible Gun Owner (TM), is in a Florida jail on charges of aggravated assault and domestic violence with a weapon.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Zimmerman missed his opportunity. The Cleveland PD hires people like him. If he’d been willing to relocate, he could’ve realized his dream of being a cop and gotten legal immunity and a paycheck for busting caps on unarmed black kids. In Florida, all he gets is legal immunity.
@3 The NRA should be more careful on who they befriend as their Law abiding gun owners.
Right wingers pick another winner. But Georgie Boy is always the victim.
More responsible NRA gun owners.
The American Petroleum Institute wants taxpayers to pay for pipelines:
“API president Jack Gerard told reporters that the lobbying group ‘never opposed’ a gas tax hike, but argued that policymakers needed to look beyond just funding road and bridge projects. He added that … oil and gas pipelines should also benefit from an infusion of federal funding …. ‘We do believe we should look at infrastructure beyond the historic ways of viewing it for bridges and roads and say to ourselves, what about pipelines?’ Gerard asked.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More proof that greed has no bounds.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns stock in half a dozen oil industry companies. Why not? Which would you rather be, a working-class patsy paying taxes to pay for some capitalist’s dividends, or the capitalist receiving those tax-free dividends?)
@ 3 and 4
Our hero.
A half hour ago the post here said that “suspect may not be bailed”. I guess that changed within the last few minutes. This isn’t just a domestic violence arrest, charges include Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon – Domestic Violence. Thats a hard-time Felony. He could get ten years if convicted.
Good luck to all the Seahawks fans.
@ 3
In Florida, all he gets is legal immunity.
That must be legalese for ‘Not Guilty’.
A republican Governor raising taxes because of his failed policies.
@9 yeah, just like OJ – not guilty!
@7 Apparently he threw a wine bottle at his girlfriend. I gather this is a new girlfriend, not the same one he threatened with a gun. After this one leaves, what’s in store for the next girlfriend, a crowbar over the cranium? If women start disappearing in that area, this is the first guy the cops should bring in for questioning.
@9 It’s the law, stupid. Even the jurors said he’s guilty.
‘disaffected, alienated, frustrated, unemployed.’ No other group of frustrated unemployed has resorted to such behavior.” The culture of excuse is standard left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN thought. Your kind can not call them for what they are… terrorists! As the claim the fish rots from the head… And Obummer is the head of the DUMMOCRETIN party! Can’t call anything terrorism!
“Hatred of Jews never ends with Jews,” Rodan-Benzaquen said. “Radical Islamists have struck violently, from the murders at a Jewish school in Toulouse two years ago, to repeated incidents of violence against Jews and synagogues in Paris, to the vicious rape of a Jewish woman in her own home, and today’s assault on a kosher supermarket in the middle of Paris.”
And HA DUMMOCRETINS were silent then and barely a peep now!
A perfect example of left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN thought. Your kind worries about terrorists in Club GITMO more than the acts these morons perpetrate everyday!
“Do you think that this terror incident will in any way slow down the President’s intention to continue drawing down from Guantanamo and to eventually close that facility, if possible?” – Andrea “Still a Moron” Mitchell
Remember the buttspigot brought up Hasbara on Thursday? Now we know why! The buttspigot got its marching orders from that well known CNN anti-Semite Jim Clancy? More left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN thought on full display here. He blames the Charlie Hebdo attack on Jews. Really? Just like HA’s well know buttspigot! Hasbara! No one else brought that up except HA’s buttspigot!
So what does the hasbara have to do with fostering or endorsing radical Islamist terrorism? Puddy asks that of HA’s well known buttspigot! Nuthin! ABSOLUTELY nuthin! Butt, Jim Clancy thinks so along with HA’s buttspigot! Then, suddenly, it’s the buttspigot’s continual almost 10 years of gross thought inaccuracies (femtometer brain size) claiming all the world’s problems are because of the Jews. That’s what the buttspigot’s good friend Louis Farrakhan claims. That’s what Jesse Jackson claimed when he famously called NYC Hymietown!
Puddy bets @JewsMakingNews is one of buttspigot’s HA HEROES; just like the one dancing in his own mind!
Yet, it takes a CNN foreign correspondent to call it as it is muslim terrorism, something the other CNN correspondents would not do!
And DUMMOCRETINS continue to make excuse after excuse!
“Can’t call anything terrorism!”
Horseshit. You right-wing extremists are the terrorist threat our nation faces today. During the last half-century, you have committed far more terrorist attacks against our country than any other extremist group.
Republicans control the House and Senate starting this week…
The Good, the Great, and the Superb!
US right-wing terrorism is a more deadly threat than Jihadists…
Right-wing terrorism is the real threat.
“Peace allegedly told other militia members to choose targets including “road blocks, TSA checkpoints, sheriffs/police conducting operations outside the Constitution” as well as to participate in the “removal of government people who support extra-Constitutional activities.”
Another example of left wrong thought… http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....arlie.html
It’s Charlie Hebdo’s fault they were assassinated. So typical of blaming the victim from DUMMOCRETINS!
James Holmes
Adam Lanza
Jared Loughner
Ummm. They were NOT conservatives Stupid Solution Steve!
Right-wing terrorism is the real threat.
“For Fox News, the story about right-wing gun violence and the seeds of a bloody political revolution present all kinds of problems for the channel and its outspoken hosts, some of whom have previously championed limitless gun rights, insurrectionism, the Tea Party, and racist rancher Bundy.”
In the 36 hours after the shooting, Fox News tread lightly around the Las Vegas story, producing regular news updates about the crime spree. But Fox provided almost no commentary, no context, and certainly no collective blame for the executions.
“Can’t call anything terrorism!”
Oh yeah? You whining about terrorists and DUMMOCRETINS is nothing but a sick diversion. You are the terrorist.
You still can’t call it what it is – right-wing terrorism.
“Can’t call anything terrorism!”
And that’s called projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing, in case you didn’t know
Right-wing terrorism is the real threat.
“The Las Vegas shooting came just two days after a man tied to the “sovereign citizen” movement attacked a Georgia courthouse, throwing smoke bombs and shooting a sheriff’s deputy, who returned fire and killed him.”
“Can’t call anything terrorism!”
Oh yeah?
Right-wing terrorism is the real threat.
“According to data collected by the New America Foundation, right-wing extremists have killed 37 people in 16 violent incidents, in the United States since the 9/11 attacks. That number is more than the 21 people killed by militants motivated by al-Qaeda’s ideology in the United States in the post-9/11 era.”
“a man shot and killed a 14-year-old boy and his grandfather at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and then drove to a nearby Jewish retirement community where he shot and killed a third person. Police arrested a suspect, Frazier Glenn Cross, who shouted “Heil Hitler” after he was taken into custody.
Cross, who also goes by Frazier Glenn Miller, is a well-known right-wing extremist who founded the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Patriot Party”
“Wade Michael Page killed six people in a shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Page was a member of a white supremacist band and associated with the Hammerskins, a white supremacist group.”
“Shawna Forde, Albert Gaxiola, and Jason Bush raided a house in Arizona, killing Raul Flores and his daughter Brisenia. The three attackers sought to use the burglary to finance their anti-immigration vigilante group, Minutemen American Defense.”
@23 “Ummm. They were NOT conservatives Stupid Solution Steve!”
You don’t know that. They were all mentally ill, and beyond that, all you can say is that Loughner didn’t shoot a Republican, he shot a Democrat.
NORFOLK SOUTHERN has released for road testing, the first of 25 EMD GP33ECO locomotives rebuilt from from GP 50 cores. The conversion was done at the Norfolk Southern shop near Altoona, Pennsylvania, using Congestion Management Air Quality grants, with 15 going to Chicago, and 10 going to Atlanta area operations.
Roger IDIOT Wabbit.. Loughner shot a DUMMOCRETIN who wasn’t DUMMOCRETIN enough! Seems your senility is getting worse in 2015. Loughner was a well known satanist… Your kind of folk!
FACTS suck eh?
So Steve,
Those extremist incidents you are parading here… Was Hasan’s murder rampage at FT Hood terrorism or “workplace violence”?
So a few people go nutzo and it’s all right wing Terraism… Oh BTW you better check with the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot – shorter buttspigot for the earlier this year denoucements!
Then what was Maurice Clemmons actions? Left Wrong Terraism in Lakewood! Did Stupid Solution Steve call it that? Yeah, a Psych 101 Thang!
Frazier Glenn Miller, a well known reader of left wrong Max Blumenthal, son of HA’s IDIOT Wabbit buddy Sidney Blumenthal, used every 6 months by the IDIOT Wabbit. Funny Puddy didn’t see a denouncement for Miller and his love of killing Jews through reading Max Blumenthal. Must be a Psych 101 Thang! Wait for it… Sidney Blumenthal will appear in this thread shortly!
What was the 82 shot and 14 killed in Chicago last July 4th weekend? Must be a Psych 101 Thang!
What about the four Chicago gang bangers who shot and killed a 9 year old boy? Left wrong terraists! Must be a Psych 101 Thang!
What about those two Wisconsin girls who stabbed a classmate 19 times? Domestic terraism by two deluded DUMMOCRETIN parented girls! Yeah nuthin was said on HA over that. Must be a Psych 101 Thang!
You love to swallow the Media Morons Kooooooook Aid, yet you have nuthin to say here about these examples.
Must be a Psych 101 Thang after binge drinking on Stupid Solution!
Meanwhile France declares war on terrorism…http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01......html?_r=0 And the NY Times prints it.
Something Obummer can’t seem to do! Overseas Contingency Operations!
Great article on the Paris killing aftermath and how the French really didn’t follow the Kouachi brothers as the US did on a no fly list. Good thing the GW Bush administration created that list!
@33 poor Puffy, he’s back on the Banana and Watermelon diet.
Take that you mother fucking so called capitalists. Puffy take the Bible out of your ass and try to read it.
We need more guns in this Country – that way more of the stupid will be weeded out.
How is it possible that there is even a town called Moscow in Idaho? Didn’t they pass Anti Sharia Law legislation? Couldn’t they have changed the name of the town to Berlin for the Nazis?
@31 “So a few people go nutzo and it’s all right wing Terraism… ”
Would you be happier if we call it rightwing crime?
@32 “Meanwhile France declares war on terrorism … Something Obummer can’t seem to do!”
What would you call the U.S. warplanes that are bombing ISIS? A boy scout trip? You’re not even a joke. You’re merely a pathetic liar.
@34 Yeah, no kidding. With some hallucinogens mixed in.
The village idiot troll musta threw away a butt load of cash on this plagiarist’s trash:
Damn, what an example set by this holier than thou klownservative.
36, 37 – Yeah, another Responsible Gun Owner (TM) goes batso and slaughters a clutch of people. Maybe the drive-through service was too slow at the Arby’s? Or the fast-food worker left the pickle off his burger? I wonder if this guy is an NRA Life Member?
Cleaning up the mess the Gropenator left behind.
LOL! The village idiot troll is hallucinating again. The fiend has lost its meds!
No use of that word in these threads since the time of the last Gaza slaughter.
That’s some unhinged stupid shit @ 16.
His concern for the poor and criticism of the capitalist economic system makes him a “communist.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The lesson here is that even holy men have to defend themselves against conservative haters.
I don’t know but he was last seen tucking “his” Bible back in his ass; his, as in the one he wrote and interprets.
I don’t know how newsworthy this is, but 2 people in Texas were trampled to death by a camel. It probably wouldn’t make the news if they were trampled by cattle or trampled in Egypt. The news hook is, why camels? in Texas?
Yawwwn.. Man the batshit village idiot troll is really bouncing off the walls in this thread. Can’t get yours truly out of his head..
Yawwwwn.. I’ll step back now and watch the show.
[Double posted]
In modern-day America, trespassing is an arrestable crime while warmongering and torturing are not.
The village idiot islamophobe on cue from his unhinged klownservative masters hallucinates recent sightings of the world “hasbara” … However, the black hole between his ears is programmed to never utter the “M” word:
Almost forgot.. The village idiot troll’s shit being really lost in this thread has a simple root cause.
He has to psych up. Saturday nights, he has an “appointment” to labor in the salt mines..
He isn’t comped like Limbaugh for the little blue pills..
Who claimed it was in the threads absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot? Puddy said you used it just after that well known anti-Semite Jim Clancy of CNN.
This post like many others proves once again the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot has no reading comprehension!
Sux to be as stupid as ever for the last 10 years being the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Saltmines? Your attempt to get leftist fools to visit your sucky blog of vacuous postings absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot?
BTW absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot, every link was words from left wrong e-rags. So your feckless, witless, insipid, moronic commentary is worthless! Those are left wrong commentaries from leftist freakazoids; just like you absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
It’s your hero Al NotSoSharpton who needs the blue pills absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot. http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2073345
Hey idiot wabbit was Maurice Clemons left wrong crime? Or the 14 dead in Chicago?
Nuff said sucka!
Hey Puffybuttspigot @allover,
It’s the rich DUMMOCRETINS who hate the poor. Remember the Salvation Army study where the cheep bastards were the rich DUMMOCRETINS of San Franfreako and the giving folks were Sioux Falls conservatives gave way more than money per capital?
No? Well you are one of those 24 hour moronic memory malady moonbats!
Some great cartoons! http://www.dickmorris.com/sunday-cartoons/
@56 Well what? What does some criminal whose name you can’t spell correctly have to do with anything?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What a dope!
Never heard of any Clancy till this thread… Almost never watch CNN..
The troll is caught jerking himself off again. NEXT!!
Head explosion into meaningless babbling @53,54..
Mission accomplished!
Green Bay shouldn’t be too much of a problem next week.
Go Hawks!
@58. Crude line art and a jr high level of sophistication of humor, the most obvious of crude right taking points set to imaginationless pictures. Cartoons a childish bully would appreciate. Another example of why conservative humor is not successful.
Ahhh poor buttspigot… No mention of hasbara anywhere in the national media until CNN’s anti-Semite Jim Clancy!
Good try butt EPIC FAYLE!
FACTS EXPLODE buttspigots then it tries Psych 101 Thangs on others. Hasbaras abound in its silly mind along with Jim Clancy!
BTW Puddy never claimed you watched CNN? Clancy tweeted it. Once again it proves reading ain’t fundamental to HA’s absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
No one from the US guvmint of Obummer’s administration marched in solidarity. Now why was that buttspigot? Hey… we all know those golf balls ain’t gonna hit themselves, right buttspigot? Can’t send Joe BiteME because he may say something untoward in Paris! Butt, many other nations sent their presidents or high level premiers.
ROTFLRHMBBAO, laughing at the salt mining absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! Hopefully that salt is tasty!
Interesting article on Norfolk Southern and the industrial customers setting up or expanding around their network. Not mentioned is the company that they subcontract the construction of new cabs for older locomotives.
Too bad that the price of North Sea Brent crude is down, Denmark is using their share of the tax money on it for something good. Electrification of their rail network. While some of it was already electrified. One high speed rail route from Copenhagen to Hamburg uses a rare train, the ICE-TD, a diesel powered version of the ICE train that did not work out for Deutsche Bahn, but on this route, as it involves a ferry crossing of the Fehrman Belt, and will be electrified when it is replaced by a fixed link.
Saudi Arabia is trying to kill our oil technology enhancements as we (the US) find new oil. So they are the culprits!
Butt, it’s killing Venezuela and Russia economies!