Young Turks: Schwarzenegger mistress tells all to Hello Magazine.
Glenn Beck blames Ed Schultz:
Newsy: Federal Judge upholds gay Judges Prop-8 ruling.
Rat and Cenk: Republicans are fiscally responsible? How about the missing 6.6 Billion dollars?
Republican teabaggingfest Debate:
- Jon: Second Republican debate is a success (via OneGoodMove).
- Young Turks: Who lost?
- Ed and Pap: Republicans dig their own grave with pathetic candidates.
- Newsy: Who came out on top?
- Ed: Who won? Part I
- Ed: Who won? Part II
- Lawrence O’Donnell: GOP Candidates stance on the economy is pure baloney.
Cenk: Teabagger Summer Camp for Kids.
Stephen: GOP would win Presidency if not for those meddling kids (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Newsy: Wisconsin Republicans further gains in their War on Workers.
Bill Maher with some New Rules.
Young Turks: TX Gov. Rick Perry claims he is a ‘Prophet’.
President Mittens:
- Mittens tells unemployed Floridians that he is unemployed.
- Maddow: Mitt’s own voter fraud, Part I
- Maddow: Mitt’s own voter fraud, Part II
- Kinda creepy. Mittens jokes that a waitress grabbed his ass (via TalkingPointsMemo):
- Stephen: The Business End (via OneGoodMove).
Newsy: NY on the verge of allowing gay marriage.
Cenk: Newt’s 3rd wife is behind his staff quitting.
Thom: The good, the bad, and the very very ugly.
Sam Seder: Catherine Harris calls in on behalf of her friend Michelle Bachmann.
More at the Weiner Roast:
- Mark Fiore: Suzie Newsykins on why Rep. Weiner made the world a better place.
- SCTV: A scandal worse than Anthony Weiner’s:
- Young Turks: Larry Flynt offers Anthony Weiner a job
- Olbermann: Does Boehner have his own sex scandal popping up? (Via Crooks and Liars.)
- Newsy: Weiner’s pension plan comes under fire
- Cenk and Rachael: Resignation.
- Newsy: Move over Rambama…the Weiner Dolls are here!
- Young Turks: Is Weiner a secret Muslim???
Sam Seder: Who are Santorum’s gay friends?
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: Wingnut talk show host says to kill Blacks.
Ed and Pap: Sissy conservatives are afraid of EVERYTHING.
Texas Legislator: “Too many Hispanics in the Legislature (via Crooks and Liars).
Michelle Bachmann’s unrivaled extremism.
Cenk: Paul Ryan’s budget benefits his family.
Most Offensive Ad Ever:
- Most offensive ad ever? New Republican ad is like “Willie Horton on steroids” (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Ed: Most ‘racist, sexist’ ad ever (via Crooks and Liars).
- Newsy: Attack ad called racist and sexist.
- Chris Hayes: Disgusting ad
Lawrence O’Donnell speaks with Lt. Dan Choi & Adam Green.
Sam Seder: Herman Cain suggests war is just like delivering pizza.
Young Turks: Did Bush have CIA try to destroy Juan Cole?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Republicans — or, to be more specific, GOP professional operatives who (a) have some intelligence, (b) are capable of rational thinking, and (c) approach politics pragmatically — certainly understand the threat posed by “meddling kids.” That’s why you see Republican legislators across the land trying to hard to disenfranchise college students. The less “kids” vote, the better off they — or, more specifically, GOP candidates — are.
Those of us who’ve been around for a while remember how platoons of “meddling kids” unraveled the LBJ presidency (and his Vietnam war policy) by canvassing New Hampshire neighborhoods to raise votes for a nobody named Eugene McCarthy. Republican operatives with long memories (or good history educations) also remember how “meddling kids” would have propelled RFK into the White House but for a meddling assassin’s bullets. It was “meddling kids” who helped unravel the South’s edifice of segregation and racial exploitation. Those pesky damn kids are major agents of social change.
And conservatives, who either sit on top of the economic and social heap, or dream of doing so someday, don’t want social change. They are, by definition, people who want to conserve the economic and social status quo — or, if anything, make it work even more in their own selfish favor. Consequently, “meddling kids” are the enemy and must be prevented at all costs from (1) being allowed to vote, and (2) fomenting social change in the streets. The best place for “meddling kids” is in Army uniforms and some shithole foreign country. With Iraq all but over and Afghanistan winding down, we need another third-world war! And, lacking a military draft — conditions are so much more challenging for conservatives these days — we also need a lousy economy and skyrocketing public university tuitions to force them off the campuses and into the Army, where drill sergeants can keep those “meddling kids” under control and deprogram them from liberal brainwashing and give them proper patriotic values.
If you’re a Republican, you just can’t afford to underestimate how much trouble “meddling kids” can cause, for the status quo you’re working so hard to conserve.
On a more personal note, I had a troublesome tooth extracted yesterday. This was a three-root molar that previously had a root canal which has been bothering me on and off for about ten years. My regular dentist and I have had many conversations about this tooth over the years. Extractions-and-implants are so damned expensive (my last one cost $7,000) that I wanted to leave the tooth in as long as possible. He finally insisted it come out, so I agreed to have it removed. The oral surgeon told me afterward it was brittle, fractured, and in six pieces, none of which came out easily. It took a lot of grinding, pulling, and yanking to get all the pieces out. It’s a good thing I’m a Vietnam Veteran who can bear any burden and make any sacrifice, because I wasn’t under, it took a long time, and the local wore off in the middle of the operation. You do what ya gotta do.
It was the call of duty that impelled me to go through this. While he was working on me, the oral surgeon and I had an interesting discussion about anthropology, evolution, and so on. I asked him what human progenitors did about their dental problems before oral surgery was invented. He said they died from infections. I’m vaguely aware that as recently as the Middle Ages the typical human lifespan was about 28 years, and in ancient times tooth loss was a limiting factor on lifespans because after you lost your ability to chew, you starved to death. Or something like that.
Anyway, what I’m getting it is, I didn’t really want to shell out for what our ripoff health care system charges nowadays for what my older brothers used to do for free with a string and doorknob, but after both my dentist and the oral surgeon assured me that leaving a bad tooth in your jaw can kill you with chronic infection, I realized I had no choice. There are few things America’s conservatives want more than for Roger Rabbit to drop dead. I’m sure they would prefer that I suffer a slow, painful, agonizing death, too. Well, fuck them, I’m not gonna give ’em the satisfaction! As a loyal and patriotic American, and a Vietnam Veteran, I had a duty — yes, a duty — to God and Country to go trundling off to the oral surgeon’s office to have that potentially deadly tooth remove so I’ll be here to continue posting the truth about CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES and other vile mutations of those repulsive creatures we generically refer to as Republicans for many years to come.
As the leading HA poster, with over 64,000 comments, compared to pussybutt’s measly 35,000, I have a responsibility to my fellow Americans to stay on top of HA’s miserable third-rate trolls and keep things under control here. I mean, you wouldn’t want puttbutt to become HA’s #1 poster, would you? This blog probably couldn’t survive that.
There was a lot of blood on the floor when it was over, and my cheek is a little puffy and I’m supposed to stay off the bottle for a couple days, but the oral surgeon told me I’m going to live. So, go fuck yourselves, trolls you didn’t get rid of me this time. You might as well get comfortable and make yourselves some popcorn, because I’m going to be on HA for another 35 years. Pop Rabbit lived to be almost 100, so I probably will too, and I’m only 65 now … so you rightwing assholes are looking at another 35 years of getting your defective character and faulty mental process straightened out by Roger Rabbit. Suck on it.
Roger Rabbit is toofless in Seattle. Perhaps playing the theme song to Deliverance when he shows up at Drinking Liberally would be appropriate?
Why is President Obama negotiating with Taliban terrorists? Karzai spilled the beans yesterday and shortly thereafter Taliban suicide bombers stormed a nearby Police Station killing 2.
“In the course of this year, there have been peace talks with the Taliban and our own countrymen,” Karzai said. “Peace talks have started with them already and it is going well. Foreign militaries, especially the United States of America, are going ahead with these negotiations.”
Karzai and President Obama. 2 naive idiots joined at the hip.
Because that’s what grownups do. Only little schoolboys drool “kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out.”
Karzai? If he was so bad why didn’t your favorite Prentender-in-Chief leave him for Obama?
Yeah that’s what I hear in the background when I see this exemplary conservative from the great State of Texas:
@ 5
Can we just leave Texas on Mexico’s doorstep and light it on fire now? How the hell does a complete cretin like Gohmert make it to public office? The man is an utter imbecile.
I guess theres a reason why Texas is proud of being 47th out of 50 states in literacy rates. They are even lower than Mexico and some African countries.
It is apparent that the rich can’t keep this economy going. If 2/3 of the economy is all about spending, you better give those that have no money so money to spend, it you don’t give them money to spend by cutting their wages but giving them low taxes its not going to help the economy.
I wish someone could tell me if Michelle Bachman raised 28 kids with any subsidies from Big Government. I know she received farming subsidies, but how about for taking care of those lovely 28 kids? Puddy you too could suck off the tit of the Government, just adopt a few kids.
@3 Even Hitler’s buddies wanted to negotiate when their asses were bleeding. They would have handed him over in a heartbeat. It’s a sign we’re winning. Do you want us to lose, you unpatriotic soldier-hating anti-American fuckwad? I’ll bet you voted for the “decider” guy who tried to eliminate our soldiers’ combat pay.
Republicans “support” our troops; they just don’t believe in paying them.
@7 The latest rich-tit-sucking twit is Pawlenty who wants to give the guy making a million bucks a year a $261,000 tax cut; but the guy making minimum wage gets only $23 a year. Timmeh P. hasn’t explained how this won’t double the deficit. If his idea goes through he’d better be ready to borrow some more moo goo dog pan from our Chinese pals.
@11. Roger Rabbit spews:
@7 The latest rich-tit-sucking twit is Pawlenty who wants to give the guy making a million bucks a year a $261,000 tax cut; but the guy making minimum wage gets only $23 a year. Timmeh P. hasn’t explained how this won’t double the deficit. If his idea goes through he’d better be ready to borrow some more moo goo dog pan from our Chinese pals.
You are back to nonsense. Obviously with a progressive income tax people who pay income tax will see a tax benefit and those too poor to pay income tax will not. You are making the absurd argument that income taxes should never be reduced, no matter how high, because the tax benefit will be proportional to income.
@12 It might help if you would read the details of Pawlenty’s tax scheme before popping off from the hip, because you haven’t a fucking clue what you’re talking about.
This has nothing to do with “progressive” taxation. The rich already pay lower tax rates on most of their income than middle-class wage earners (15% versus 25%).
What Pawlenty proposes is the complete elimination of taxes on capital gains, dividends, interest income, and estates.
“To understand what Pawlenty is saying, look at the mechanics of his proposal: If you earn $50,000 a year from work and overtime your income will be subject to the income tax. … If you make $100 million a year from interest, dividends or selling stock you pay zero. If you inherit $20 million there will be no tax.
“The Pawlenty tax program, if enacted, would split the country in two. Most households would be taxed on all the income they bring in — because all the income they bring in is from labor — while the richest among us would pay little or nothing to support what would be left of the government.
“In the end — and no matter how dressed up — what Pawlenty and others like him are proposing is not a new tax plan, it’s a new society, one without a safety net, something along the lines of what they have in Mexico, Haiti, Romania and Brazil; places where a few rich live in great splendor, most live in poverty, kidnapping is common, bribery is rampant, and no street is safe.”
@12 (continued) Summation: It is you, not I, who is spouting nonsense. But that’s always your style.
Pawlenty has just taken himself out of serious contention for the White House.
ok daryl, im going to make your weekend. you know, its fun to disagree and argue, and i assume thats why most people blog. but, just like its illogical and no fun to cheat at solitaire, its no fun to argue when people are being dense, either purposely or because they are. so, in the last couple we’ve had deathfrogg, who claims he’s a student, where i can imagine the speach code rivals a cambodian reeducation camp, and yet he makes an ethnic joke about italians. then we have proud leftist who says the media is biased towards conservatives. disagreeing is one thing, but being ludicrous about it is tiring. so since im tired, you can now yuck it up amongst yourselves, and see if its any fun. maybe ill see you all in the streets when the greek crash eventually gets to us. shalom
We’re not Greece. The Greece crash will not “get to us.” That’s not to say that we wont crash, we very well might. But, it will be our very own American crash. We’re special like that. ;-)
@13. Roger Rabbit spews:
This has nothing to do with “progressive” taxation. The rich already pay lower tax rates on most of their income than middle-class wage earners (15% versus 25%).
You don’t understand the logic of your own argument. You were complaining about “the guy making a million bucks a year a $261,000 tax cut; but the guy making minimum wage gets only $23 a year.” It has everything to do with progressive income tax rates; a cut in progressive rates must result in regressive benefits, so to speak. You should be able to understand this, but you are getting bogged down by the details of the plan and missing the big picture. Since I think you are at least trying to be factual I won’t quibble further, you are simply missing my point.
@18 No, you don’t understand the logic of your argument; and you clearly haven’t paid attention to what Pawlenty is proposing, which is nothing less than the abolition of taxes on everything except wages.
The big picture you’re missing is that nominal tax rates mean very little. For example, although the nominal corporate income tax rate is 35%, it’s impossible to cut GE’s corporate income tax, because GE pays no corporate income tax, even though the company earns billions of profits every year.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns hundreds of shares of GE stock; I know a good scam when I see one, and why should Republican speculators get all the free loot? I want some of it, too!)
In fact, abolishing the corporate income tax would have only a minor effect on corporate per-share earnings, because two-thirds of U.S. corporations pay no corporate income taxes.
It’s much the same story with so-called “progressive” income tax rates on individuals: A rich guy may nominally be taxed at 35% but he probably has so many deductions, tax credits, and loopholes that he’s actually paying a smaller percentage of his net income to the government than the people working in his factories for hourly wages. For example, he can deduct his costs of commuting to work in his private helicopter as a “business expense” but the hourly worker in his plant can’t deduct the cost of his gas or bus fare. All the so-called “progressive” tax rate structure does is make the actual tax system slightly less regressive than it actually is.
You’re the one who doesn’t get it. Either that, or you’re willfully blind to the reality of how our tax system coddles the rich and screws the working class.
What Pawlenty and his ilk want to do is cut back government spending to “essential defense functions” and shift the entire tax burden to the working class so that wage earners are paying all the costs of protecting the property and financial interests of a wealthy class that pays no taxes at all.
Why would any working class person or his family members vote for horseshit like that?
As much as I dislike Obama’s half-assed leadership and Wall Street-coddling policies, with opposition like that, we’re gonna have no choice but to hold our noses and vote to re-elect him.
@18 (continued) Also please explain how more tax cuts for the rich won’t increase the deficit?
(The answer, of course, is that Pawlenty’s budget would eviscerate middle-class entitlements and safety net programs, so the middle class would end up paying taxes that benefit only the rich, who would pay no taxes at all. In other words, Pawlenty’s vision for America is a massive transfer of wealth, via the compulsory government mechanisms of taxing and spending, from the middle class to the richest 1% of Americans.)
These trolls are a bunch of fucking flat-earthers.
@19. Roger Rabbit spews:
@18 No, you don’t understand the logic of your argument; and you clearly haven’t paid attention to what Pawlenty is proposing, which is nothing less than the abolition of taxes on everything except wages.
All right, I’ll put it into language you might understand. I don’t give a shit about the details of Pawlenty’s plan because the details are irrelevant to my point. My point applies to his plan, Obama’s plan, and your hare-brained plan if you have one. Show me any plan that cuts income taxes and I will show you how the rich will get greater tax benefits from it than the poor do.
Try to remember that your nitwit complaint was about “the guy making a million bucks a year a $261,000 tax cut; but the guy making minimum wage gets only $23 a year.” Try to focus on that and not on the details of Pawlenty’s plan. The guy making minimum wage will always get a smaller cut than the guy making a million because a progressive system taxes higher incomes at higher rates.
Stop yapping and just show me any democrat plan to cut income tax rates and I’ll show you how it is regressive, the details only determine how regressive it is.
@22. Roger Rabbit spews:
@18 (continued) Also please explain how more tax cuts for the rich won’t increase the deficit?
I don’t want you to get further bogged down on details for reasons I mention above; I’ll do it later if you want.
@2. Roger Rabbit spews:
good post.
@8 you too could suck off the tit of the Government, just adopt a few kids.
Uhhh, no. As someone DID adopt a kid from foster care, the only thing you get from the state is absolutely basic medical. There is no easy street wealth from the goverenment.
@25 – How about foster care and not a true adoption? Same thing?
What about during the time of fostering not after adopting? No assistance?
Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there.
I heard funny joke the other day from a gay comedian, he said if he ever found out that his kid was straight he’d stab them. Hahahahaha.
– Latest Poll has a generic Republican kicking Obummer’s ASS by 5 points!
Pathetic Ed Misogynist Schultz, favorite of rujax and slingshot.
Where is the link on the administration’s gun running activities with Mexican Drug Cartels?
The puddybitch will just parrot anything the corporate masters tell him.
Poor poor misogynist rujax,
Let’s set the record clear…
This woman hating moron doesn’t comprehend or understand it was a gun running operation. And this woman hating moron doesn’t comprehend the link is from the UK, a country dizzed twice by Obummer in the last two months. Now that a hero was killed by the same guns let through, this sadministration is in coverup mode!
EPIC FAYLE misogynist moron!
Poor corporate lackey Puddybud.
Rujax is right!
You are a miserable tool suffering from OBAMA DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!
@34 What’s puttybutt going to do for diversion after he doesn’t have Obama to kick around anymore? Pick on some white guy?
Should Justice Thomas Recuse Himself From Obamacare Case?
Conservative SCOTUS justice Clarence Thomas, whose activities have increasingly come under ethical scrutiny, has used his personal friendship with one of America’s richest real estate tycoons to solicit funds for various causes. Crow donated $500,000 a group started by Thomas’ wife to oppose Obamacare.
Doesn’t that suggest that Thomas is not impartial on the issue, and should not participate in cases challenging Obamacare when they reach the court?
Maybe the puddybitch can tell us what was going on here…
Ahhh yes the moronic of the moronic leftist are in this thread.
yelling loser beta…
like your Satan Loving Syndrome SLS
like your Jesus Derangement Syndrome JDS
like your Palin Derangement Syndrome PDS
like your Bush Derangement Syndrome BDS
like your Cheney Derangement Syndrome CDS
like your Beck Derengement Syndrome BDS
like your Hannity Derangement Syndrome HDS
like your Limbaugh Derangement Syndrome LDS
like your Boortz Derangement Syndrome BDS
like your Rumsfeld Derangement Syndrome RDS
Shall I continue you insipid yelling loser beta moron?
Why should Thomas recuse himself? He didn’t stridently defend ObummerCare like AJ Sotomayor did in front of the Supreme Court when she was on Obummer’s personal list. This is another leftist smokescreen because they can see ObummerCare being flushed.
Misogynist rujax,
I don’t answer to you, moronic fool.
Okay I’ll bite this one, cuz I don’t remember your ridicule of those jokes here on HA.
Oh so it was okay and you cheered loudly when racist leftists were making those idiotic Condoleeza Rice rape jokes eh rujax? Or other sexist jokes about her. Wow somehow I missed your “sensibilities” then.
Or when leftist David Alan Grier joked about Obummer being half black. That was okay eh misogynist?
So a black man makes jokes. Hmmm… I remember Obummer telling the world he’s half black. Want some links moron? He threw his own white granny under de bus.
I thought the Kardashians all dated black guys. One married a Laker.
And the last joke he didn’t even tell correctly. It should have been about Fred Sanford and Aunt Esther not Aunt Ethel. Apparently you never knew Redd Foxx or LaWanda Page.
Notice how the leftist morons skip over the Obummer gun scandal.
Who knew what when? Seems to me someone gonna take a fall for a higher up person. Stonewalling and coverups.
Now we know how rujax, ylb, roger rabbit, lib scientist and other leftists are always slinging shit on HA.
Hey Roger Dumb Bunny… I already pick on you!
Well, well, well Mr. Happy Little Motherfucking Liar.
I never ever ever said any of that shit and you can’t fake or prove I did.
Lying hypocrital Uncle (Clarance) TOM(ass{sic}).
Looks like some insomniac has keyboard diarrhea this morning and is pooping all over this thread while waiting for the pharmacy to open at 8 a.m. Oh wait! That’s our pussybutt! Never mind the pills, his dysentery is mental and incurable.
LMAO!! Do your worst! You only diminish yourself further..
As if such a thing could be possible.
We’ll keep calling it as we see it degenerate.
LMAO!! Do your worst! You only diminish yourself further..
As if such a thing could be possible.
We’ll keep calling it as we see it degenerate.
Where did I say you did moron? You DIDN’T say anything. Can’t read too well can you?
You never said anything for Condi Rice when she was racially attacked. I DID! I denounced rape and the fact they were discussing raping a black woman. If you are truly black rujax, this is why you are an idiot. Obummer made jokes of being a half breed. Other black men made jokes about it. You choose to attack those black men who are conservative while nary a peep to liberal black men.
Of course yelling loser beta who reacts to being shown his Derangement Syndrome is caught with his hand looking for his weiner.
Looks like a retired lawyer who knows absolutely very little about a one or two subjects is clueless again. Once again Roger Dumb Bunny, who said I was in the Pacific Time Zone? You still don’t realize I travel to make systems work around the world? I am entrusted by my management to perform specific tasks to make lots of money? I go get lots of FFM and HP and use them for free flights and hotel stays world wide. I don’t sit on my ASS at home like most of you libtardo DUMMOCRAPTS and complain, I travel the world see things as they are, and write about them. Hence my catch of The Independent which your moronic bud misogynist rujax didn’t even recognize as left leaning. He is as idiotic as you are.
Man you are one very stupid Dumb Bunny today! So as you write above @35, I pick on a white guy!
50 – Too scared to continue you degenerate fool?
You’re afraid of your own shadow.
Now that I’ve dispensed with a raving mad degenerate idiot I’ll delve into the meaning of PROGRESS!
What is a good substitute for this (what the world consumed in 2007):
5.3 billion tons of coal,
31.1 billion barrels of oil,
2.92 trillion cubic meters of natural gas,
65,000 tons of uranium ore..
Any takers??
49. Puddybud, identifying northwest liberals who elected an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized ego spews:
I never ever ever said any of that shit and you can’t fake or prove I did.
Where did I say you did moron? You DIDN’T say anything. Can’t read too well can you?
You never said anything for Condi Rice when she was racially attacked. I DID! I denounced rape and the fact they were discussing raping a black woman. If you are truly black rujax, this is why you are an idiot. Obummer made jokes of being a half breed. Other black men made jokes about it. You choose to attack those black men who are conservative while nary a peep to liberal black men.
06/20/2011 at 10:49 am
Can’t you EVER have JUST ONE STORY and stick to it?
You fucking rethugliklowns are all the same.
You don’t fucking DISCUSS anything. Not once not ever.
It’s yell yell yell with you…lie lie lie.
SOOOOOO fucking tiresome…you puerile little degenerate.
Oh look a squirrel!
LMAO! The degenerate cretin @ 51 brags about how cheaply he’s been bought off!
Keep your head in the gearbox dummy while your masters drill you in the hole where through which you express your “opinions”..
Which you’ve already admitted that no one gives a “rat’s ass” about:
Still on the payload yelling loser boy. Showing everyone your wireless ignorance.
Please yelling loser beta…
Too scared to continue what? Moron! I made my point over your derangement syndrome. You must have a simian fetish because you call Republicans apes, gorillas and chimpanzees. Yes it’s all documented idiot.
Cheaply bought off? Man you are an idiot. Only a SELECT bunch of people WORLDWIDE do what I do. YOU ARE SO STUPID IT DRIPS OFF YOUR FINGERS ON THIS BLOG!!!
Keep posting your ignorance to technical matters. Meanwhile I’ll keep making money hand over fist all over the world.
I see the degenerate cretin of these comment threads (Puddybud) will NOT only “continue” with his “derangement” rant – he’s afraid of the challenge @ 53 –
“Drilled” by his masters indeed.
OWNED to his miserable core by the dark hand of greed.
BTW rujax, the story hasn’t changed. You are too ignorant to spot real racism vs. someone using the same comments another first place in the marketplace.
Condi Rice rape jokes over a single black woman are racism. I commented on them. You didn’t. Obummer made those half-breed jokes himself and liberals get a pass every day when they make the same jokes. I commented he threw his white grandmama under de bus.
This small piece of information still can’t penetrate that skull of yours. And you come off as a black man?
Heh. I doubt that’s true. And even if it is – all you fools who do what you do have been bought off cheaply as you have been by right wing greed.
If it was true – the kid would have a free E-Ticket ride to being the ANTI-OBAMA his DADDY has willed him to be!
Dark hand of greed? You are one miserable twit. Success has eluded you and so you attack others who are successful. I chose a profession which pays well and benefits all of mankind. It’s green technology and it’s fast.
We’ll see if anyone takes you up on your challenge yelling loser beta, bottom dweller, hater 24×7. You don’t have the respect of your own kind here on HA – monomaniacal one. A real chronological failure too.
You hate people who use their God given talents to improve other peoples’ lives. Try finding God again and stop acting the fool. Even though The Main Ingredient says “Everybody plays the Fool”. You play it all the time here on HA!
So this payload expresses your abject failure to amount to anything people would want to use WORLDWIDE!
LMAO! You asked “Shall I continue”…
I said go ahead – make my day.
You haven’t because you know I’m right – we’ll just laugh at you and you shall be further diminished.
Well moron I’m in another time zone getting paid while you are at home with your laptop on you lap skimming over useless left wing pablum sites crying about how life has passed you by!
So you can claim I told you so?
I am Pavlov and you are my beta. You still don’t get it!
You copy me! I don’t copy you.
I have original thoughts. You have recycled thoughts.
See ya beta boi…
64 – LOL! Oh my are you making my day.
I don’t attack what you do for a living fool.
I attack your choices..
You’ve chosen:
Right wing bullshit.
Shilling and carrying water for right wing greed.
Valuing money above all as a measure of yourself.
Looking the other way while millions suffer and die due to right wing machinations while pontificating about the miserable coppers you send here and there.
Boasting about how your sky god has held you above others.
And on and on…
I’m done with you for today..
Oh yes you do attack what I do. All my choices in life revolve around God ya moron! When you attack God then you attack me! I believe in the God of Heaven and His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. When you ridicule THEM you ridicule all Christians! Your simpleton brain is too dense to process that,
Run along now. Pavlov calls it again. Real men are having a conversation and this is above your paygrade!
Of course when your left wing bullshit is exposed you revert back to previous posts. This is why you are recycle man. You quickly (in one or two posts) run out of website read points.
Run along now little doggie!
LMAO! As the Beck-worshipping twirp of these threads asked once upon a time:
Answer: NO ONE.. zzzzZZZZzzzzzzzz..
Yes Pavlov calls it. He runs back for the “last word”. I noticed no one has answered your “challenge” in #53. That’s because everyone here knows you are a moron.
BTW did you finally get your Dodd-Frank Commission story straight yet? That was P R I C E L E S S!
LMBBAO at your continual technical stupidity.
Pavlov called it.
HA’s left-wing rerun nutjob is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK @71!
I see your post in #53 was skipped over. Everyone here know what a sad nutcase you are beta boi. Btw did you get your Dod-Frank Commission story straight yet?
By you in particular – cuz’ you’re too dumb and addled by greed to answer.
Tell me “genius” how many quads of unit energy will the solution require? How many facilities will need to be built?
You can’t answer those things because your head is so far up the right wing bung hole.
How the fuck are rape jokes made in 2007 by two morons I never even heard of relevant to the absolute avalanche of bad racist jokes and comments by Republicans about the Obama’s…INCLUDING the children. This has been going on since BEFORE the 2008 election and continues in an unbroken stream of bile and racist filth to this day. And you approve don’t you? You just smile and shimmy on down the road waving your finger like a minstrel dancing to the master’s tune.
What a…horrible person this puddybitch character is. Just horrible.
Give those Christians a good name why don’t you? Win some more over to your “conservative” cause by your “class” and sense of fair play.
So tell me O Holy Believer…who would your christ smear? You live by the words of your god? Does your god tell you to lie?…to smear your neighbor?…to walk past the suffering of the man by the side of the road…in OUR parable that man would be cared for by the Muslim…while the christian puddybitch walks right on by, into the temple with his bags of silver.
Horrible you choose not to pay attention to what happens to ALL BLACK PEOPLE rujax! You don’t know who Rod Page was either. BTW rujax the Condi rape joke and smear was alive for days. Sure is horrible you missed it. Was that one of your Rip Van Winkle acts?
Horrible you get your marching orders from TPM while others actually read useful news.
Horrible that I can’t find any attacks on Obummer’s children before the election. Got links?
Horrible you choose to give a pass to Bill Maher when he makes Obummer half breed jokes but you attack a black man at a Republican meeting cuz you hate their politics.
Horrible you give a pass to David Alan Grier when he makes half breed Obummer jokes but you attack a black man at a Republican meeting cuz you hate their politics.
Golly rujax I remember Clinton’s people claiming Obummer fathered a black child out of wedlock.
BTW those jokes were old and stale. They have been told over and over by leftists. This is why you are a moron!
Lastly, you have no idea how I help my fellow man rujax with my own money, not government money.
Cry me a river fool!
Oh HA databaze nutcase@73, still no one biting at your attempt to look smart.
76 – This thread is dead like the space between your ears..
But keep your head in the gearbox dummy while your masters drill you in the blow hole!
Dickwad @ 75…
Quick note to the puddybitch…
Does the puddybitch stand for anything???
Anything at all?
@80 I have become so totally bored with that loon’s hate-filled lies. I no longer even read his stupid fucking comments. There’s always something better to do than to read that crap. That said, somebody has to refute the constant stream of lies. So good job guys. I just want you to know that it’s not a thankless thing you do.
puddybuddy @75…
Listen…I don’t get you.
You defend attacks on Obama and his family, you defend attacks on Shirley Sherrod and Van Jones.
You say you’re a black man and you have no empathy for the discrimination of gays and Muslims and Hispanics and how they are ostracized and threatened in this white and white right-wing media dominated society.
You stick up for shitheels like Herm Cain and Allan West.
What is wrong with you?
Still waiting for all this information from recent commentary by “black man” misogynist rujax
1) The bridge was Tim Pawlenty’s fault
2) Jokes about Obummer’s kids
3) rujax’s “apparent” concern over leftist comedians/comediennes make Obummer half-breed jokes
4) Bill Maher’s attack on Obummer’s blackness
5) How he missed the Condi Rice rape jokes
6) Why he hates conservative women
7) The Shirley Sherrod fiasco will come out in court soon enough when the farmers are called to testify on her “help”.
You see rujax, when you live in a glass house those stones you love to throw, you house falls down.
They you have the audacity to attack anyone who doesn’t live on the reservation. Herman Cain is a well known business man. Allen West is a war hero. Since they are Black Republicans that really bothers you! You are the biggest shitheel here fool! It’s your way or the highway.
Uhhh Stupid Solution Steve…
The feeling is very mutual starting when you chose not to believe I attacked Mark Foley’s actions on this blog. Then when I posted those FBI facts that came out last year claiming he broke no laws you went apoplectic.
See ya leftist moron!
Touche, asshole.
There’s about five or six outright lies in your post puudybitch. I know you can find ’em…YOU wrote ’em.
I’ve said all I’m gonna say.
This character is a putrid excuse for a human being.
Some christian…hatehatehatehatehate. THat’s all you can do.
Hate and lie. Never gets old for you does it mister. What a sad sad way to live.
Each of those “lies” are from your leftist website comments or lack of comments about leftist misogynist rujax!
Such is the issue with a black man still on the reservation with his hand out for that “donation”!
Obummer bragged about his heritage. Leftist black made jokes about it from Chris Rock to David Grier. Nary a peep. When a black Republican makes the same jokes all of a sudeen misogynist rujax gets on his donkey heels and brays?
Still waiting for those Obummer children attacks. You’ve had over 24 hours to post the links.
Shirley Sherrod heh heh heh. As I read the legal materials this is gonna be an interesting time for her. She’s clammed up by direction of her lawyers.
Yep, I think I’ve come to that point too.
From now on I will scroll past the dumbshit’s drivel.
Just like I used to do with JCH and Klake.
You can’t yelling loser beta boi…
It’s in your genes! I’ll continue to comment on your leftwing bullshit. Count on it.
I’m with you guys. As much fun as it is to take the clown’s clowny crap apart…
…I have better things to do.
The puddybitch is on his own.
“Yep, I think I’ve come to that point too.”
A lesson I’ll take away is that it’s been an absolute waste of my time trying to converse with such a rabid, hate-filled piece of shit. You all saw me try to treat him decent. I can tell you now that I was wrong to do so. Today, if he were a dog, I’d put him down. I can at the very least never again dignify the bastard’s pathetic, self-loathing existence by reading or responding to any of his ridiculously stupid comments.
I have better things to do.
Like what? play shitty music that nobody wants to listen to?
hows that workin out for ya?
You too maxie. Sayonara.
Yes, asshats and chickenshits are on the ignore list.
Where are those jokes on Obummer’s children.
Pffffffffft… no links all lies!