Newsy: Obama proposes clean energy tax cut.
Young Turks: Teabagger Rep. wrong about stimulus bill.
Ann Telnaes: Time to look beyond oil.
Lawrence O’Donnell and Bill Maher on John Boehner, Glenn Beck, Christine O’Donnell, & Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
Mike Papantonio and Shannyn Moore discuss the importance of progressive media for an informed, intelligent democratic society.
Young Turks: FAUX News insider tells all, “just make stuff up:
Ed and Pap: The CPAC freak show.
Maddow: Are Republicans beginning to understand the real cost of war?.
Newsy: New magazine for Teabaggers.
Ann Telnaes: The G.O.P. moves to restrict abortion funding.
Cheney called “war criminal” at CPAC.
President Obama addresses the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Topless Takedown:
- Newsy: Chris Lee scandal to resignation.
- Young Turks: “Values guy” resigns.
ONN Radio News: U.S. Takes out debt consolidation loan.
Newsy: O’Reilly’s Interupt-a-thon.
Ed and Pap: GOP Congress bows to Koch brother’s power.
Liberal Viewer: Colbert, cops say taser of innocent not excessive?.
Newsy: Mubarak refuses to resign despite rumors.
Sam Seder: G.O.P. meltdown over Patriot Act.
Cenk: The truth about Ronald Reagan.
Mark Fiore: Aggregation!
Egypt in Political Turmoil:
- Cenk: Revolution well done.
- Maddow: The Caliphate is Coming, The Caliphate is Coming.
- The Partisans: A message for Egypt:
- Cafferty files: Palin’s “opinion” on Egypt.
- Sam Seder and Juan Cole on crisis in Egypt.
- Newsy: Mubarak resigns–for real this time
- Pres. Obama on a historic day in Egypt.
Young Turks: Conservative blogger gives more details on Nikki Haley’s affair.
Newsy: Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) to retire.
VP Joe Biden: Building a 21st century infrastructure.
ONN: Nation elects first openly drunk Senator.
Ann Telnaes: Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife forms lobbying firm.
Teabagging Troubles:
- Young Turks: Congressional teabaggers kill Patriot Act.
- GRIT TV: A bipartisan future on civil liberties?
- Newsy: Trouble in the House.
- Young Turks: Palin v. Santorum.
Young Turks: GOP Rep. on how being gay is deadly.
My Congressman (Rep. Jay Inslee) Inslee questions Senator Inhofe in E&C Committee hearing.
Pap: Lobbyists already control the new GOP Congressmen.
Newsy: Trump for Preznit.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Did HA forget to pay its bill again:
Website Coming Soon!
This domain has been successfully created and is ready for content to be added.
If you see this page, you have not yet added content to your website.
Maybe it doesn’t like the content that HAS BEEN added?
These outages are getting to be a regular occurrence . . .
My congratulations to the Egyptian Tea Party members who successfully overthrew their government.
@ 2
jeus thats about the stupedest thing I’ve read here outside of Id or Spuddy’s comments.
The Teabaggers here in this country have resoundingly denounced the Egyptian revolution, have announced their intention to oppose it, and have accused the President of “losing” Egypt. They accuse islamist radicals for fomenting it, and have openly called for U.S. military intervention in support of Mubarek and his pet Generals.
The “teabaggers” in Egypt are the ones being thrown out. Mubarek perfectly personifies everything the teabaggers have called for in a leader here in the United States. Hard, violent, despotic and greedy.
LOL…..irony, it’s what’s for dinner…
@ 4
So I can’t type. Sue me.
Troll has set the bar pretty for “the stupidest thing” in earlier posts.
pertty high , that is,
Troll has set the bar pretty
pertty high , that is,
You certainly haven’t.
@5 So I can’t type
Nor write!
Troll seems to take his job of being a troll pretty seriously.
re Deathfrogg do you have a link for that claim?
Oops, I need to scrub that alias off my iPhone.
of course he doesnt…just more mindless foaming of the mouth by deathfagg..
I don’t know about the Tea People, but G. Beck’s called it the return of the Caliphate and Palin wasn’t pro-but, the little bit that I heard from her didn’t really make any sense.
Troll made the exact same comment in a previous thread. Several people explained to him, some quite respectfully, exactly why it was an idiotic comparison, and here he is again. The only reasonable conclusion is that he takes his name seriously and keeps throwing stuff like this out simply to hijack a thread (which he has done here, quite successfully). As such, he should in the future be completely ignored.
The fun thing about Troll is that he’s even named himself Troll and people still raise to the bait.
The fun thing about me is that I keep screwing up my names.
Are we going to have Bible Study tomorrow?
dont worry, I am sure you wont miss your opportunity to be hateful and bigoted towards christians….
*face palm* – nope, more than a few progressives here are people of faith. No one here who’s an atheist (like myself) has any problem with them..
It’s all about live and let live fool. I don’t have a problem with anyone who doesn’t want to order me around or fantasize about murdering me unlike the typical authoritarian right wing dolt.
LMFAO…nobody gives a shit about you enough to “want to murder you”… are not relevant enough to warrant such attention…hell, you cant even get employed.
but go ahead, proceed with your usual Sunday Christian bashing session….I am enjoying watching HA do its slow death roll into further irrelevancy,
Here is a great Friday Night Story. He follows his mother to Texas so he could be with her. So I looked up where he’s from and it’s conservative country in Ohio. But wait it’s from Fox so it has to be made up!
2008 Presidential General Election Results – Butler County, OH
John S. McCain Republican 105,341 60.52%
Barack H. Obama Democratic 66,030 37.94%
Since both parents are military, there’s a high probability this young man will be a GREAT Republican some day.
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit@12
Glad you dwell on Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. They love to keep giving to DUMMOCRAPTS. Rich keeping the rich happy!
You know where I get my data. It’s very easy to find FEC contributions. Lately, your senility has gotten worse so ask the HA databaze keepa for the source of my data.
Since 1990 Goldman loves DUMMOCRAPTS more
TOTAL $33,360,252 $20,681,422 $12,560,740 62% 38%
Since 1990 JP Morgan love DUMMOCRAPTS just a little more
TOTAL $22,398,338 $11,475,725 $10,864,162 51% 49%
Yes, Wall Street loves to throw money at DUMMOCRAPTS. I have been saying this for years!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Thanks for playing Roger Dumb Rabbit.
zzzzzzZZZZzzz… Stick around then. I predict you’ll be repeating yourself with the same old right wing bullshit right through 2012 when Obama is re-elected. Take the idiot in the preceding comment:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c handle:phrase~’puddybud’,body:phrase~’the prosecution rests’ -C
| count |
| 141 |
He loves to repeat himself. As do you. It’s the way of the right wing – same old, same old expecting different results.
Heh. A right wing hater is held accountable:
I love it when right wing liars have to face the music for the shit they make up.
@1…I get the same message. What gives?
All usual suspects work for me –,,
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
Such a fool you are ylb
27 – Thanks for making my point…
Keep on entertaining us with your silliness Puddybud..
This was missed in the Friday Night Extravaganza
What will the HA slobbering fools say now? Will the HA leadership attack Maher like they attack others?
In the same show Maher tells NBC’s slobbering Obama lover Norah O’Donnell
Sometimes Bill Maher slips up and relates his true feelings.
The moron@28, doesn’t get it.
We laugh at you fool! Nothing in your databaze makes you any more intelligent. In fact it makes you stupid because it proves you have no memory skillz.
Thanks for Playing… The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
I though liberals hated Ronald Reagan.
Somehow this was missed at CPAC by the HA faithful
A very important message was delivered last week. Herman Cain nails rujax’s innate inbred stupidity again! Somehow this was missed by the HA leadership!
BTW ylb as I continue to prove just how stupid you are:
Since you claim I’ve posted 30,000 entries over the years and I’ve only used The Prosecution Rests Your Honor in about 144 unique posts 144/30000 is small number, and it’s still larger than your IQ!
@31, we do not particularly like the Ronnie Raygun, but he was not the original ‘gipper’ you sorrowful fascist manque. That you would use this article as somehow showing something inconsistent about liberals only demonstrates your bile, your incoherence, your raging undirected hate and your intellectual sloth.
Did FartAss say something above?
Nope. Another incoherent rant!
So nothing to say about Bill Maher?
@ 36
So nothing to say about Bill Maher?
Why should I care?
NEWS FLASH:tradition of
Herman Cain is a “house negro” in the tradition of the faaaa-bulous “Oreo Man” Michael Steele (sniff…I miss that guy) and Alan Keyes…and Alan West for that matter.
Real Clear Politics (now THERE’s an oxymoron for you) is full of crap.
The Puddybitch is a complete idiot.
…hmmm…I guess none of that is really news is it?
LMAO at the moron Puddybud! You’re handing out orders again. Maher is entitled to his opinion as anyone else fool! As long as he stays on the progressive side of the important issues, no thinking person would have a problem with him.
But you don’t think fool – you react – kneejerk style.
…so…the Pudybitch isn’t a christian either.
That corresponds to small mind!
OMGoodness ylb, such comebacks.
Wow rujax, such racism in the same vein as headless lucy. Were you two separated at the head as co-joined twins? I wonder who received the larger quantity of the single brain cell?
What a retard this ylb fool is. Either Obama is a Christian or he isn’t. Apparently Maher isn’t convinced.
And you moron are a hypocrite!
Nahh…I’m just taking the big p’dumbski’s moronic comments and hittin’ ’em out of the park.
Keep servin’ ’em up smart guy.
Maher is playing p’dumbski and his ilk like a cheap ukelele.!
(p’dumbski thinks Breitbart is the schnitz.)
Hey p’dumbski! Here’s a good person who’s not afraid to stand up to you assholes.
And Don Joe,
Of course you don’t care. Being a hypocrite is your life. Maher must have some inside information!
Hitting what rujax? Herman Cain nailed your ass.
Apparently rujax didn’t watch Maher’s show! How do we know? The idiotic commentary above!
@39…YLBasement posted
“As long as he stays on the progressive side of the important issues, no thinking person would have a problem with him.”
WOW…well there you have it…all you need to know about today’s brainwashed progressives: believe like we do or else!
YLB just owned himself on so many levels that I doubt he can count that high.
keep swallowing the blue pill and staring at the pretty lights YLBazement….
LMAO! I’m working on a post measuring Puddybud’s paranoid obsession with the database.
Damn are we going to have a laugh at his expense!
Heh. The silly chickenshit @ 51 has totally internalized the stupid flim-flam of Beck.
Progressive mean progress – going forward. More freedom, more equality of opportunity, more empowerment for all people – a level playing field.
Morons like you are for going back – to the nineteenth century and earlier. More authoritarianism and fealty to a fascist order!
Heh. Puddybud has soured on Breitbart a bit. After Sherrod and the implosion of the silly JOKIII, he’s turned to that unhinged ass Beck.
Yeah, 9+% unemployment. Higher and higher debt. Millions of people given up looking for work.
Yep, to a progressive that’s “progress”; moving forward!
BTW moron did you ever take the test?
Soured on Breitbart?
Once again the yloonb has placed his laptop on his lap!
Oh and databaze… It’s you who takes every post each month and “catalogs” them. Yet each attempt at it’s use in an abject failure.
Remember your first entry? Stop dancing on Mike Webb’s grave. Oops… it was months later. You’ve been a chronlogical disaster ever since.
Oh and idiot@52, this post proves you are the dog and I am Pavlov. Bark fool bark! Remember that’s not an order, it’s a fact of life.
Loony tune!
Poor Puddybud still babbling nonsense, distortions and outright lies.
Watch 60 Minutes dork. I dare you. See Wael Ghonim’s story.
And hold that up to the lunacies coming from that liar BECK that you worship!
Wasn’t my first “entry” as you call it. Terminally stupid and wrong as always.
Yeah that’s HOLE the miserable MORON YOU voted for TWICE dug for this country!
Would McSame have dug us out of this hole? Shit – many days I wish that idiot had won it.
That would have sunk the pathetic, miserable right wing for good in this country.
So Puddybud what’s the latest “memo” you’ve gotten? What new names have you been commanded to call progressives?
I’m working on a “Puddybud got the Memo” post that traces all the “memos” you’ve carried out in these threads.
Such an ASS!
you are so fucking clueless that is almost embarrassing….your little world is so wrapped up in this website that I really think you need some psychological help.
That was his name before yos lib bro!
62 – LMAO! Silly chickenshit bigot. I’ll get to you one of these days – your commentary is so miserably worthless I keep putting it off.
You’re just entertainment. Nothing more. I choose NOT to be depressed by mentalities such as yours. I choose to LAUGH! Believe me, your abject ignorance and stupidity is a riot!
Pathetic bigot. Your fascist moment was when you popped a woody over Dale Petersen. That moron was so pathetic, right wing voters in ALABAMA wouldn’t look at him twice.
Too bad Darryl wiped that post off – that topped your chickenshitting out of your bet with GBS.
Testy eh ylb?
who the hell is Dale Petersen?
you have me confused with someone else dipshit.
RE your post #64: dude, get some medication, your a flipping wackjob.
LMFAO @ “I will get to you…” yes, I am such fear a pasty little nerd who never leaves his basement.
and like I said before, your life is completely surrounded by this website….you really need some help.
68 – Heh. I do what I do for my own amusement right wing idiot – nothing more. Just like you.
Play your psychobabble all you like – it won’t deter me.
66 – LOL! Laughing as always at your feckless jibes and silly paranoia! Keep it up. It’s priceless!
Simply amused ylb?
70 – yep… Your silly antics are certainly more amusing and laugh out loud hilarious than any crappy sitcom or shit reality show on TV.
I appreciate a good movie, play or novel much more. Right now I’m watching the Grammys – beats your silly blather any day.
The Grammys?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
How many of them watch you ylb? Get it?
Heh. He pushes back on Dale Petersen but passes on GBS.. Typical right winger – head is like a sieve.
72 – Nothing but a fool babbling…
Hey moron (Puddybud).. Still believe I have those “deleted posts” in my database?
That had to the biggest knee slapper in recent weeks!
Your insanity makes for good yucks fool. Keep it up. Go off the meds for a bit.
watching the grammys??
ahhaha…can you say GAY?
how many episodes of Oprah do you have on your dvr?
..still waiting to find out who Dale Petersen is…..
oh wait…ylb just made it up…nevermind.
76, 77 – LMAO at the silly insecurities of a moronic bigot!
Watching it with the family moron – with the wife and kids. We’re celebrating life. We’re going to have cake in a little bit.
Stay miserable right winger clinging to your insane insecurities. Life is DEFINITELY passing you by!
77 – Still no comment on GBS???? C’mon lie like a good right winger.
Puddybud can give you pointers… He’s an expert.
Dale Petersen???? LMAO!
Totally your cup of tea fool!
This is how a bigot pays his respects to countless men and women who have served their country, sometimes sacrificing it all for the miserable right wingers among us who pump their hating fists at the latest jingo crap on Faux News.
Hey Puddybud,
Andre Young is up! Don’t miss him!
I didn’t “turn on” the Grammys moron. It better to spend time with the wife and do something she wanted. I visit HA to smack your silly ASS here. Don’t you get it? I OWN YOU! PWNED!
Good night fool. The Mrs is waiting.
83 – What a bore! Snnnnnooooorrre….
Here goes Yemen.
@ 48
Of course you don’t care. Being a hypocrite is your life. Maher must have some inside information!
Let me see if I understand this. Bill Maher tells a joke that falls a little flat, and you interpret my lack of commentary on Bill Maher’s hit-and-miss sense of humor as hypocrisy?
You’re taking “better living through chemistry” far too much to extreme, Puddy.
Republicans are biggest liars in politics:
Little surprise there…
Poor p’dumbski…all his “backup” has given up.
He’s like Custer at Little Big Horn.
Herman Cain and the big p’dumbski are the stupid people that are ruining America.
Herman Cain is a birther. That’s sooooooo smart!!!!
Herman Cain told a bunch of racists that they are not racists. A “feel good” moment for sure. Group hug!!!
Herman Cain and The Big P’dumbski for President in 2012. “It may not be the end of the world…but it will FEEL like it!”