Mental Floss: 90 facts about the 1990s.
Thom: Is the Koch brothers’ curriculum coming to your kid’s school?
Congressional staff walk out to protest police killing black men.
Mike Pesca: Please say something nice about your opponent:
Jimmy Dore: Racism is dead…just like all the black people police killed.
Thom: More Good, Bad and Very, Very Ugly.
Alyona: Nutburger Michele Bachmann want to bomb Iran for Christmas.
Jon knows how to beat ISIS: Send more Millennials.
Torture in Our Names:
- Sam Seder explains how the torture report came to be.
- Jon is shocked and sickened
- Thom: Torture report…what’s next?
- Young Turks: McCain Smacks down torture supporters
- Alyona: The Bush prebuttal.
- Sam Seder: How to talk to your children about torture and police brutality
- David Pakman: Senate staffer caught trying to remove “torture from wikipedia page”
- Thom: Torture is not an American value.
- Young Turks: Even the Torture Report’s footnotes are shocking and ugly
- Maddow: Bush-era torture program marked by ineptitude
- Jon celebrates the return of the Good John McCain
- Liberal Viewer: Torture report finally released.
- Jonathan Mann: The Torture Report Song.
- Mark Fiore: Cheney’s Torture Anthem.
- Stephen supports bonkers FAUX News host.
- Sam Seder: Former CIA director can help lying again.
- Young Turks: anal hummus and other shocking torture techniques
- Jon on Andrea Tantaros’ little rant
- David Pakman: New calls to prosecute Bush and Cheney for torture
- Ann Telnaes: Torture destroys what the U.S. stands for.
- Sam Seder: We are a nation of torturers
David Pakman: Republican plan to cancel Obama State of the Union gains traction.
Stephen interviews Smaug Burns…a very serious conservative.
Pap: Will wage theft derail minimum wage movement?.
Chris Hayes: Was Darren Wilson’s STAR witness #40 even there???.
Sam Seder: Scott Walker wishes his Jewish friends a “molotov” Hanukkah!.
White House: West Wing Week.
Maddow: Bad predictions about protests from Bill-O-the-Clown and Megyn Kelly.
David Pakman: Idiot Rick Perry thinks inequality is not a prob. because the Bible predicts poor people.
Puppet Nation: News of the week.
Just Pain Ugly:
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: The crappy CRomnibus brought to you by Jamie Dimon
- Elizabeth Warren unloads on Citigroup.
- David Pakman: 5 horrible thing in the budget deal
- Nancy Pelosi: Members “blackmailed” on “Cromnibus”.
- Young Turks: Trillion dollar spending bill rigs the system more than ever
- Five awful things Congress snuck into the omnibus budget deal.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about your house.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Slate: $0.00 is the Cost of Making Public Colleges Tuition Free.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So the key witness may not have been there? Very interesting.
One EPA rule not getting much press is the TIER 4 diesel engine mandate. It goes into effect in 2015, and only one of the two big diesel locomotives builders is ready. Electro Motive Diesel recently announced that they would not make it. They chose to stick with the 710 series engine. Bad news, turned out the 710 series engine could not make it without aftertreatment in the exhaust. The prime mover is a four stroke engine, while the competition, whose design does not need it.
Evergreenrailfan. What do you think of the Hartford New Britian Busway Project in Connecticut? It’s been very contraversial with many thinking it is a waste of money. I’m a supporter, of course because I like to waste money (sarcasm).
And also the upgrade of the rail from Springfield mass to new haven ct thru Hartford. It’s been getting very little attention but I can’t wait for that too.
Wow nothing on the Sony emails in the Da Perfessa’s Friday Night Comix. Typical, so typical! Whitey House mouthpiece Josh Earnest claimed the whitey house cringed during his daily smear the conservatives presser! Well here’s what is going on. Left Wrong DUMMOCRETIN leaning Sony executives rightly identified themselves in their emails with the standard leftist racial stereotype jokes and commentary. Freudian traits always come to the forefront! “Oh that’s not really me!” Yeah right!
Puddy noticed this nugget was skipped by all the left wrong sites covering this “outrage” (cue Kevin Hart)! The perfect DUMMOCRETIN revelation regarding Obummer! Obummer isn’t as highly worshiped by those Hollyweird DUMMOCRETINS after all! Hollyweird DUMMOCRETINS invite Obummer to their very lavish $25,000 a plate fundraisers, stopping traffic in local neighborhoods, paying police overtime; claiming to support Obummer and Obummer policies.
Hollyweird DUMMOCRETINS display their excellent acting performances of “taste” toasting “the messiah”, playing up to the calming the stormy weather as climate change freaks, and stopping the seas from rising act! But to them, everyone can see Obummer is just another useful DUMMOCRETIN based political tool to make $Billions in box office revenue! Means to their ends!!!!!
They need their useful libtards like Obummer to stop the conservative outrage over their very biased scummy leftist movie projects. If it means they will cough up some chump change then they will gladly pay to use Obummer any way they can!
Puddy realizes this is way over RDPence’s IQ level! Maybe some one can break it down into simple DUMMOCRETIN speak for him!
Can’t wait for #GOP to strike again at another studio!
The forgotten Variety Cringed link…
“insensitive and inappropriate but are not an accurate reflection of who I am.” – Yeah right!
“I think a lot of people who read those emails, maybe not everybody, but I think a lot of people cringed a bit when they were reading them,” Earnest said. – So nothing in the Friday Night Comix!
Yes those Koch Brother attacks really worked well November 4th didn’t they Thom 4th Tier Toilet Hartmann? Harry Reid led the Senate DUMMOCRETIN charge with those daily Senate floor Koch Brother attacks and it worked so well for his Senate leadership position. He list it big time. 9 DUMMOCRETIN senate seats lost and if Republicans had spent their campaign money wisely it could have been much worse!
Mind control in schools is what progressives strive for. It starts in kindergarten. The US was ranked 4th overall in the 1960s before you progressives destroyed American schools! The United States is now ranked 28th in Math, 23rd in Reading and 27th in Science.
So let’s see what the “Koch Brothers” really have to offer and not some biased reporting from Thom 4th Tier Toilet Hartmann!
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.):
RR @7
I’m sure she’s innocent!!! Witness #40 saw everything!!!
She was in fear of her life and standing her ground and all that.
Right-wing extremist Christians like Puddy love to talk about how much they love Israel. But the Jews themselves? Eh, not so much. Just sacrificial pawns in their unfortunate End of Days endgame scenario.
Arizona wingnut extremist Christian pastor boasts about tricking Jews into participating in production of anti-semitic film.
This good extremist Christian previously gained attention for “his rants wishing death upon President Obama and gays and lesbians, as well as for declaring that birth control was turning American women into “whores.” “He recently made headlines by predicting that America could have an AIDS-free Christmas if all gays are killed, as the Bible demands.”
And he has “given sermons—preserved on YouTube—covering such subjects as “The Jews and Their Lies,” “Hebrew Roots Movement Exposed,” “The Jews Are Antichrists,” “Jews Worship a Different God Than Christians,” “The Jews Are the Racists,” and the ever-popular “The Jews Killed Jesus.”
About tricking rabbis into participation in his film, he boasts,
“Well, here’s how I got the four rabbis to participate. I got a list of every rabbi in Arizona, and I think I got 41 rabbis. And I just figured, you know, if I contact enough rabbis, somebody’s going to agree to do it. And so I actually contacted all 41 of them, and I told them I was making a film about Judaism and the history of the nation of Israel, which is true, and I gave them a whole list of questions and those questions are the questions that I asked in the interview.
So they knew the questions they were being asked going in. I told them it was going to be about Judaism and the nation of Israel, but I didn’t tell them whether it was going to be positive or negative. Well, they just assume it’s going to be positive, because they assume that I’m going to be like the rest of evangelicals in Christianity and bow down to the chosen ones and worship them and say how great they are.
So basically, all four of them are going to hate this movie, of course, but it’s the truth, they’re false prophets and they deserve to be exposed and I didn’t lie to them, I mean, everything I told them was the truth.”
Now you understand Puddy’s coded, anti-Semitic “Hollyweird” rant above #4. Puddy loves Israel. The Jews, he hates. Just pawns in his End of Days wetdream that leads to doom for everybody on the planet except him and his extremist Christian ilk.
“Can’t wait for #GOP to strike again at another studio!”
Protesting TeaBirchers call for the lynching of America’s first black president.
Little wonder TeaBirchers applaud the killing of innocent, unarmed blacks by our nation’s police.
The trick for Puddy is to somehow avoid looking “suspicious” (hands in pocket, sleeping, existing, whatever) so he doesn’t become collateral damage. Good luck with that.
@9 Naah. He’s fine with Jews. He’s part jewish himself if you didn’t know.
He just has some problems with jews (like Goldy) who despise his miserable politics.
If jews go to hell because they don’t accept Jesus as their messiah – well can’t say the Christian Bible didn’t warn them.
And Israel – to the fiend that is the country THAT.CAN.DO.NO.WRONG… Unquestioning, blind support for Israel.. I bet the fiend supported Bill Clinton over Papa Bush holding off loan guarantees until Israel changed their “expansionist” policies.
Wow.. Adam Curtis’ latest film clocks in at 2 hours 20 minutes.
Bitter Lake. On BBC iplayer Jan 18.. Don’t miss it!
Speaking again of the high regard kristian klownservatives have for Jews:
HAHAHAHA! Sucks to be a klownservative.. Now watch.. The klownservative trolls will blame this on klippy.
@ 13
Next, he’ll be wishing them a Happy Krystallnacht and praising them for working so hard to make themselves free.
3) It seems to be a variation of Ottawa’s Transitway. That bought Ottawa about 20 years. Part of which is being converted to light rail, with the Confederation line.
A much better project in Connecticut should be the track and power upgrades for the Connecticut owned portion of the Northeast Corridor. It’s current state cancels out 100-150mph running in Rhode Island.
I’m hoping Horses Ass will have an eye-witness report of the “I Won’t Comply” ammosexual rally in Olympia. Roger–did you hop down there? If so, how’d it go.
@4 “Wow nothing on the Sony emails in the Da Perfessa’s Friday Night Comix. Typical, so typical!”
You’re confused. This is the left-wing blog.
@16 “Roger–did you hop down there? If so, how’d it go.”
Hell no!! You think a RABBIT attends events like that??? We make ourselves scarce when those people put down their beer cans, turn off their flat screens, and go outside with their guns.
Man, more Psych 101 moronic postings from Steve, high on his tonic Steve’s Stupid Solution!
Stupid Solution Steve, it wasn’t coded. It was blatantly loaded with FACTS! The lady went postal and her words went viral. It’s the way white Hollyweird DUMMOCRETINS think about Obummer!
The truth really SUX and there is nuthin you HA DUMMOCRETINS can do about it. Read and weep suckas!
“Thank you again and Molotov.”
Shorter: Thanks again and light one up!
Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRETINS attack DUMMOCRETINS…
It’s hilarious to see the de Blasio call it incendiary rhetoric!
Pudnutz @ various: Isn’t it past your bedtime?
Stupid Solution Steve forgets the original OWS attack… Nary a peep from HA DUMMOCRETIN creeps like you, Stupid Solution Steve!
Liberaism is a mental condition… Puddy calls it 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!
Very Strange,
Puddy hasn’t seen the standard HA DUMMOCRETIN outrage for these crimes…
Puddy wonders why? Crime is crime. Puddy has always said this regarding people of all colors. Seems this has been in season yet PMSNBC can’t find the time to cover it. Al NotSoSharpton is no where to be found! It’s a libtard blog the IDIOT Wabbit claimed above @ 17. Yes, that statement absolves every leftist moron, right IDIOT Wabbit?
Breitbart nails it again! They have been so right so many times about libtards…,
Rudin plans to visit Al NotSoSharpton? Will Al use his tax evading hands to “bless Rudin”? Didn’t Al claim he would choose the next attorney general? Oh Puddy’s baaaaaaaaaaaad… It was standard NotSoSharpton doublespeak… easily found in libtard threads from libtards everywhere here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Meanwhile police shoot and kill white guys? Really? Not per HA DUMMOCRETIN commentary!
Hey they thought David Hooks had drugs? Isn’t that cause enough for HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards to be upset at the police?
Yes police care less about following the rules. Butt that only counts in the public opinion realm if you are black on slobbering left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN sites.
Didn’t see this in any search on PMSNBC! No justice no peace! Just another non story to those creeps watched by many a HA DUMMOCRETIN!
Meanwhile Ted Cruz has DUMMOCRETIN senators on record supporting Obummer immigration moves.
Perfect for the 2016 elections!
The powerful answer to HA’s self proclaimed “hero” @11.
No PuddyCommentary needed. This is P E R F E C T all by itself! Jesper Vahr, the Danish ambassador to Israel, puts his own foot in mouth!
Can you say double standard?
This Amy Pascal is real Hollyweird DUMMOCRETIN scum.
Wow! The progressive mind is fully on display here!
Was this Auburn Tiger Football Player in the hands up don’t shoot pose before some offed him?
Sony Pictures Executives underpaying their female stars? More evidence HollyWeird DUMMOCRETINS are a strange bunch! The more you know the more you really know!
RDPence will never understand this one: Puddy doubts if the dumb cinder block whom calls racism about Obummer will get it either.
It only makes sense that “he who can’t stop lying” has resorted to lying about his issues with “Hollyweird” Jews. It’s what all wingnuts do when cornered. He’s only following the examples set by his Fearless Leaders, like war criminal Dick Cheney.
War criminal Dick Cheney, this morning lying his off about Japanese WWII water-boarding.
Apparently it wasn’t enough for war criminal Dick Cheney to lie our nation into senseless war with a nation which posed no threat and did us no harm, although they were indeed the recipient of St. Ronnie’s gift of chemical weapons to use against his nation’s own innocent civilians.
Hollyweird. No code there, huh?
Those Hollyweird Jews did this, and Hollyweird Jews did that.
@ 34
Where do you think he gets most of his bullshit?
@33 Dickless Cheney, he with five draft deferments, was born with a chicken heart and later they gave him a turkey heart. Now he gobbles instead of clucks.
And your materials are just whale shit right @34? At the bottom of the ocean!
Puddy been using Hollyweird since 2005.
Who introduced stormfront to HA DUMMOCRETINS? A leftist DUMMOCRETIN! When did Puddy know about stormfront crazed database cretin? Watch… it WILL do Puddy’s bidding!
Who went there today? A leftist DUMMOCRETIN!
Variety, Mediaite, Huffington Post… Yes some of the most egregious left wrong libtard BULLSHITTIUM locations Puddy visits!
Sux to be the moronic twin twits Stupid Solution Steve and OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad!
FACTS… Once again proves HA DUMMOCRETINS are as stooooooooooopid as ever!
I see we have our nation’s torture leaders and apologists out in full force this morning, working the talk show circuit. We have Rep. Peter King scolding us to “stop this self-loathing” and to “stop hating ourselves, and to stop hating those asked to do the job”. Rove tells us that America’s water-boarding is good, unlike WWII water-boarding Japanese war criminals, because we had “very careful standards set in place” so that detainees “feet were elevated”. War criminal and revisionist historian Dick Cheney, who is apparently not adept at coordinating talking points with Rove, shrugs it all off and, with a sneer, tells us that Japanese WWII war criminals were convicted “for a lot of stuff, not for waterboarding”.
Leftist Hollyweird DUMMOCRETINS are a racist bunch! Just another day of FACTS! Using Obummer for their financial gains!
My decoder ring not only failed me again, it’s beeping like mad. It must be overloading or something. I’ll have to check the manual.
Meanwhile the same people who hate Israel like some idiot HA DUMMOCRETINS above have some interesting “rules”…
Of course many HA DUMMOCRETINS above from their commentary would not have any problem with those religion of peace advocates r a p I n g an Israeli woman!
Butt who cares, they are just a JV team!
From the “zero” @ 28 zzzzzzZZZZzzzzz…
Typically lame answer is more like it… IG-NOOOORED…
LMAO!!!! See, this fiend, lives and breathes to order around others it considers “beneath” his miserable ass.
Thank you klownservative fool!
Same problem HA klownservative krackpots would have with zionists raping arab women..
Golden rule and all..
More from the right-wing torture apologists tour,
Laura Ingraham, “I think we have to remember the way we felt after 9/11…blah, blah, blah.”
My God, the way the cops treated this poor woman, the girlfriend of John Crawford, who had just been shot dead in a Walmart by the police for trying to buy a BB gun while black.
This video of her interrogation is truly fucking disgusting, but it should be seen.
There is a point here crazed database deala? Bueller Bueller Decoder Ring?
It answered @43!
Nuff said sucka!
many brilliant HA commenters – from the plagiarizing liar @ 44!
it considers “beneath” – You are B E N E A T H Puddy in every mental thing moron! About time you finally recognized truths!
@39 using Obama for our own financial gains……that is real funny…..hasn’t Obama been bad for me, that’s what you’ve been saying everyday, so now you are going to say I am using Obama. Are you showing some sympathy for Obama now.
Your mind is so fucked up – you really should get it checked.
So the empty tea bag @51 is in the movie industry? Really? Are you a producer, director, executive? Puddy just thought you were just another hateful moron from the east coast!
Otherwise you’re just another DUMMOCRETIN moron whom can’t read or process the written word @39!
@ 52
These are your heroes, Schizo. They say all the same shit you’re saying. And they’d dangle your stupid ass in a heartbeat.
Another fine example.
Chris Christie in the Cowboys owner’s box with Jerry Jones.
Two total assholes…
@46 Her lawyer will love this video when she sues the Dayton police for intentional infliction of emotional distress.
From the “These are your heroes” link,
“Plenty of trees in the front yard,” one man added. “We’ve got rope,” another said in response to a call to “hang the Kenyan traitor!” Still another person said that it “Wouldn’t be the first one hung on one of them trees.”
Sigh! Yet more calls from the right to lynch America’s first black president, er, I mean the Kenyan traitor. No sense in holding our breath, waiting for someone on the right to hang their head in shame. To be a Republican today is to know no shame.
“Her lawyer will love this video when she sues the Dayton police for intentional infliction of emotional distress.”
I sure hope so.
#53 & #56
Revisit your pals from #23.
Good night!
The outcome of the snap parliamentary elections in Japan were as predicted, landslide win for the governing Liberal Democratic Party/New Komieto Party coalition. Although the Democratic Party of Japan, the major opposition party did gain a few seats.
“Revisit your pals from #23.”
A few protest signs. False equivalency. A wingnut’s stock in trade. Sorry, but weak shit like that doesn’t cut it around here.
Your heroes at work.
It would only have been a matter of time before these methods would have been approved for domestic use, had John McCain won the Presidency. He evidently took no issue with these methods when used on women and little kids in Abu Garaib Prison.
Can’t let the criminals get away can we? Please! Won’t somebody think of the Children?
Moderator Chuck Todd confronted Cheney with evidence that 25% of the detainees were innocent, and that one was physically abused so badly that he died. Cheney replied: “I’m more concerned with bad guys who got out and released than I am with a few that, in fact, were innocent.” When pressed about whether it was acceptable to abuse innocent people even to the point of death, Cheney said: “I have no problem as long as we achieve our objective.”
Better that 100 innocent men suffer, than a single terrorist go unpunished.
And there aren’t any non-terrorists in Oil Country.
More Psych 101 Projection from Stupid Solution Steve.
Yeah Puddy is sure someone has made a movie on Obummer like they did on Bush…
Yeah Puddy is sure you forgot people like Cindy Sheehan and her “love” of GW Bush as documented here on HA DUMMOCRETINS – Google/Bing Cindy Sheehan – and read how HA DUMMOCRETINS revered her!
Since you forgot this tidbit, being on your Stupid Solution with 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady, Cindy the libtard in her tome “Peace Mom,” on page 29 confessed that imagined going back in time and killing the infant GW Bush. Why does she imagine this? She “prevents” the Iraq War. Crazy like many HA DUMMOCRETINS here! This was the moronic moonbat DUMMOCRETIN version of a pre-emptive strike. You can’t make this up about you progressives. Then Cindy admits she entertained this infanticidal fantasy “often.” That coffee and ice cream diet she lived on was getting to her femtometer sized brain.
Just a very quick search found these wonderful stories:
NY Post – “I would like to shoot George W. Bush, because in my opinion he is the worst president ever. After that was accomplished, I would be known as a national hero” – IDIOT Progressive
CNN – “A social worker who met with Gregory Broussard in an emergency room last month told Secret Service agents that Broussard had threatened to kill Bush and blow up the White House, according to an affidavit in support of the criminal complaint. He also said he had traveled in December to the site of Huey P. Long’s assassination at the state capitol in Baton Rouge and to the governor’s mansion in preparation for protecting President-elect Barack Obama if he ever were to visit, according to the affidavit.” – IDIOT Progressive
Times of India – “In 2006 An Indian graduate student in the US who posted inflammatory messages on an internet bulletin board has been arrested and charged with threatening to kill President Bush, First Lady Laura Bush, Vice-president Dick Cheney and top Republican leaders.
Vikram Buddhi, a Purdue University graduate student, allegedly posted the detailed and threatening messages on a Yahoo finance board. A concerned citizen contacted the Secret Service office to report the offensive messages, leading to an investigation and the subsequent arrest, according to the local Post-Tribune newspaper of Gary, Indiana, which first reported the story on Tuesday.” – IDIOT Progressive
Wikipedia – Remember that artist who created a series of postage stamps showing Bush being shot? It was entitled “Patriot Act” by Chicago-based artist Al Brandtner – IDIOT Progressive
And so many more from those three links above Stupid Solution Steve! Yet someone carries a sign at an Obummer activity, it’s racism right?
Meanwhile Brian Terry died four years ago and no one has been held responsible for his murder under this sadmininstration!
Puddy cracked up laughing at you libtard moonbats! Last week you were singing the praises of Antonin Scalia on grand juries while this week you hate him on torture.
The tortuous life of a progressive DUMMOCRETIN!
Meanwhile the same people whom hate Israel just like most HA DUMMOCRETINS with the same level of vitriol have struck again…
Meanwhile Louis Zamperini admits he met God through Billy Graham and God saved his marriage. Amen!