Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Puppet Nation: News of the week:
Ever notice how America is like a bad boyfriend.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about Sleep.
David Pakman: More guns = more crime, no matter what NRA feels.
Thom: The secret ALEC conference.
Black and White and Red All Over:
- Sam Seder: St. Louis cops versus St. Louis Rams
- Protesters fill the streets of D.C. for Eric Garner
- Young Turks: Another unarmed black teen killed, in AZ this time
- Sam Seder: When Social Media reacts to the shooting of young Black men
- Daily Show: The “Shitty White People” in Ferguson race debate
- Jon asks Aqua Buddah Man: What the fuck are you talking about?!?
- Congressional Black Caucus slams Ferguson ruling
- David Pakman: Obama calls for police body cams
- Young Turks: Jackass Peter King blames Garner’s death on obesity.
- David Pakman: No indictment for cop who killed unarmed black man
- “I Can’t Breathe” read on House floor
- Sam Seder: Scumbag Peter King on why Eric Garner died
- Chris Hayes: How prosecutors manipulate grand juries
- Liberal Viewer: Officer Darren Wilson lied about knowing of store theft before killing Michael Brown
- Jon: On the Eric Garner decision
- Rep. Al Green responds to a media jackass.
- David Pakman: Darren Wilson’s story makes no sense.
- Stephen: Eric Garner isn’t Michael Brown
- Sam Seder: A tipping point in the crisis of police abuse against black men.
- Maddow: Cops who killed 12 y.o. kid had awful records:
- Tom and Pap: Racism in the American criminal justice system
- Mediaite: Nine cable news pundits who blame Eric Garner for his own death
- Ed and Pap: GOP White privilege highlighted by Ferguson comments
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Blame the Prosecutors, not the grand juries.
- Young Turks: NFL won’t apologize…
- Former RNC Chair Michael Steele: A Black man’s life is not worth a ham sandwich
- Mark Fiore: Who Killed Michael Brown.
- Jon accuses FAUX News of ‘racial plagiarism’ during Ferguson coverage
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Rand Paul’s idiotic Libertarian ideas about the murder of Eric Garner
Mike Pesca: A tribute to Nancy Grace.
Sam Seder and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: The Republican mission to destroy climate action.
David Pakman: Nutburger Republicans consider banning Obama from delivering State of the Union Address.
Mental Floss: 26 little things that changed history forever.
Richard Fowler: The GOP plan to rig the 2016 election.
White House: West Wing Week.
Immigration Action Reaction:
- Brian Williams and Jimmy Fallon slow-jam the immigration news.
- David Pakman: FAUX and Fiends are angry that Obama quoted the Bible.
Sam Seder: What the fuck is up with Uber?
Guess who’s coming to The Colbert Report.
Maddow: AZ, KS, and Florida GOP are trying to kill solar power.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
University of Virginia Rape Story:
- Young Turks:
- Mike Pesca: About the University of Virginia rape case.
Young Turks: Glenn Beck sued for defamation by Saudi he constantly defamed.
Thom: Some more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Stephen thanks Nazis for getting Congress to agree on something.
David Pakman: Nutjob Christan pastor calls for killing gay people.
- Sam Seder: The GOP staffer who criticized the Obama kids is no angle herself
- David Pakman: Republican who criticized Obama girls was arrested as a teen.
- Maddow: A lame excuse.
Obama speaks on the economy.
Richard Fowler: Voter proved he wasn’t quite dead yet.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Great comment from Michael Steele, with that common saying about Grand Juries.
Interesting proposal for a new commuter train between Providence and Worcester. What I like about this proposal, the Boston Surface Railway Company, is that it is a private proposal.
Meanwhile ver at The Journolist’s new site… PuddyCommentary: A two small pieces of information are missing here from this writer. On the nets they call it voxsplaining after Ezra’s bang up explanation over witness recollections… voxsplaining by omitting party affiliation
1) The Arkansas Governor is a DUMMOCRETIN.
2) The son is a DUMMOCRETIN too!
What? You really expected an Ezra Klein e-rag to voxsplain the DUMMOCRETIN party affiliation? Does any DUMMMOCRETIN left wrong e-rag explain the party other than a Republican.
Come on man!
BTW Nate Silver predicts Bill Cassidy has a 99.8% chance of beating Mary Landrieu. So, there is hope for Louisiana DUMMOCRETINS…
Meanwhile in 2 weeks the Pro Duggar Family petition has 207,734 signatures. What does that sucky Hate Duggar petition have after three months in signatures? 175,601.
Wow. What’s up with hateful DUMMOCRETINS? They lost their spine? Guess all that pent up hatred starts eating at you and it wears you down. Imagine if all the Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats ran over to Maybe they could help swell those numbas?
Another victim of the religion of peace.
Ah, yes. The religion of peace:
Another victim of the Religion of
Peacecash.“The paranoid spokesman, sees the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms…
[Deleted — see comment policy]
– Richard Hofstadter, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics”
Essay, 1964
Another soon-to-be ex-Republican.
Someone go check on Puddy’s health. He’s usually right on stuff like this:
HHS doesn’t want Jonathan Gruber at the table
No one seems to want to sit next to Jonathan Gruber.
The Obama administration is asking Rep. Darrell Issa not to put its senior Medicare official next to the now infamous Obamacare “architect” when both testify on Capitol Hill next Tuesday.
Read more:
Funny. Speaker Pelosi and Senate Finance Committee chairman Baucus had no trouble lauding Gruber when it was convenient to them.
Even the HHS was in the laudatory act:
HHS argued that Gruber was the only consultant that had the expertise it needed – HHS announced on February 25, 2009, it “intends to negotiate with Jonathan Gruber, Ph.D. on a sole sources basis for technical assistance in evaluating options for national healthcare reform. The basis for restricting competition is the authority 13.106-1(b) because only one source is reasonably available to satisfy agency requirements.”
Exit question: Who is more toxic if caught standing next to a Democrat in a photograph:
Or President Obama?
Hey liberal suckers. Check this out. This is what your liberal rulers think of you:
@ 11, 12
Really? You’re going to use White supremacist sources in this forum?
You tealibanistas really are a bunch of totally clueless morons.
@7 you mean the Religion of Farce.
Don’t think I’ve seem anything about Gruber from the village idiot troll in a while.
But Dr. Bob Galt is still having grubasms. So it goes with interminably silly right.
Hey even doctors have no class and issues to be very proud about.
Another responsible Gun Owner, until the screws came loose. but I suppose she could have used a knife, so no need to stop and consider what was the problem.
@17. Or a hammer. That’s Cheap shot bob weapon of outrage.
“So it goes with interminably silly right.”
Where could it all lead?
@6 Give Muslim killers another 1000 years and they might catch up with the Christians’ body count.
@12 Another conservative idiot who can’t spell “privilege” — so?
The economy added another 321,000 jobs last month. The “bikini graph” looks more like a burkha every month. Don’t hear much from GOPers about “Obama’s failed economic policies” anymore, do ya?
@ 22 RR
Their Teadanistas haven’t been sworn in yet. You bet the Obama economy is going to fail. They’ll prove it within a year.
@ 22
Awful lot of jobs not to move the unemployment rate needle.
The raw, unadjusted data from Labor showed that 523,000 new jobs were created in November 2013. After that figure was seasonally adjusted, the growth was reduced to 203,000.
The raw, unadjusted numbers reported Friday showed 497,000 new jobs — or 26,000 less than last year’s 523,000 raw number. Yet, this November’s adjustment resulted in a headline figure of 321,000 — or a whopping 118,000 more than last year.
If the seasonal adjustments stayed consistent Friday’s growth should have been less than last year’s 203,000!
I called Labor and checked my figures. An economist there said they were still working on an explanation and that I wasn’t the only one who asked. She said the problem might be because there wasn’t a consistent number of weeks for the survey between this year and 2013.
“This was a big question last month too,” she said, before referring me to Labor’s PR people.
It was a good number. Really good. A number like that might keep Democrats in office. Too bad it happened the month after the election. If it really happened.
U. S. Senator
4018 of 4018 precincts reporting
“Bill” Cassidy (R) 56% 712330
Mary L. Landrieu (D) 44% 561099
Someone from HA insinuates that the margin of victory or Landrieu’s increased % of the vote is actually a win for Democrats in
3, 2, 1,….
Maria Cantwell, dissed.
Landrieu brought in a handful of lesser-known Senate colleagues. Hillary Clinton hosted a fundraiser for her at the start of this week, but it was in New York City.
Read more:
Does WA still have a second US senator?
This is the second CT scan President Obama has had since assuming office.
Anyone recall the first one?
Hint: 25th Amendment
I seem to remember a silly troll who said bad numbers, real or imagined, would bring the next coming of Jimmy Carter..
Oh that silly troll also believed in “unskewed” polls.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s rich Bob…
Don’t know which to laugh at more – the fantasy of the President dying from too much diagnostic radiation or the fantasy of Dr. Bob Galt administering the fatal dose.
HAHAHAHA! The country is now safe in the hands of Joe Biden! Thanks be to Dr. Bob Galt!
Damn! ODS is some fierce mental illness.
Not as mental as BDS. BDS was identified in late 2000 during the Florida chad extravaganza! BDS still ranks in the top five of DUMMOCRETIN mental issues!
So why hasn’t Puddy discussed Gruber lately asked the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot? It so easy that the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is too stooooooooooooooopid to comprehend it. Gruber is going in front of Congress. Now his big mouth will be for all to view and the national slobbering left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm can’t hide Gruber from their viewership anymore absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! We whom think right will be a watching this extravaganza spectacle!
You mean the Roman Catholic Church/Jesuit body count NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
Specificity IDIOT Wabbit, Specificity!
So Nate Silver was only.2% wrong on Mary Landrieu. Good riddance to DUMMOCRETIN trash! Another ObummerCare DUMMOCRETIN bye bye!
Don’t let your office door at 703 Hart Senate Office Building it your ASS to hard December 31st! Elbert Guillory called itright. Sent her ASS back home to her father’s house!
So Nate Silver was only.2% wrong on Mary Landrieu. Good riddance to DUMMOCRETIN trash! Another ObummerCare DUMMOCRETIN bye bye!
Don’t let your office door at 703 Hart Senate Office Building it your ASS to hard December 31st! Elbert Guillory called it right. Sent her ASS back home to her father’s house!
Republicans have got the elections rigged.
Hey NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit @ 22…
From BLS
So why didn’t the unemployment rate drop?
The lowest participation rate since Jimmah Carhta! 90 million people with no jobs!
In fact when you navigate the BLS web site you learn 92,447,000 people did not participate in the labor force in November 2014. Real Americans without a job and were not actively trying to find one because they knew the labor market sux.
Think about this IDIOT Wabbit… wait a minute… senility is strong in this one… Well you did claim you have no computer skills when the vomit covered racist deadtoad tried to explain how to blog with a little style. When “the messiah or the won” (term of the national DUMMOCRETINS) took office in 1/20/2009, the labor rate was 80,529,000 peeps without a job. Since that “date”, 11,918,000 more Real Americans have involuntarily left the workforce. Wait a minute… The recession officially ended June 2009. Joe BiteME claimed 500,000 jobs per month! So where is it?
Yes, that Obummer economy really booming eh NoBalls?
Sheeeeesh what an idiot!
So looting and burning down someone else’s businesses are A-OK? And then this whopper–9R0I2Q Sooooooooo Melissa Harris-Perry, is this what you teach in your Tulane University classroom? Puddy remembers this story…
So Melissa per your silly argument above, they could choose to post birth abort their “white” son? No wonder PMSNBC is the gutter of cable viewership ratings!
Oh my… someone else left the NoSoSharpton reservation…
So Greg Orman wasn’t an independent Kansas senate candidate after all.
When Real American people learn about DUMMOCRETIN plans and ideals, even no so favorable Republican candidates get reerected. That’s how you learn DUMMOCRETINS are scum!
Wow HA DUMMOCRETINS? This is what you are offering as your 2016 presidential candidate?
Hey Stupid Solution Steve, it’s a Psych 101 thang; possible psychological empathy for the avowed enemy!
Bombing a church in Birmingham and killing four young girls in the process…….
Non-violent act because it was violence committed against property?
Looking forward to the MSNBC argument that an act would be considered violent if a death occurred, but nonviolent if no one died.
It will take more than demographics, however, to rescue the once-dominant model of the centrist Southern Democrat: The party, the officials said, needs to spend less time on divisive social issues and more on middle-class economic concerns, and then hope that Barack Obama’s departure from the White House prompts skeptical white voters to give them a second look.
“We’re just trotting out the same old nostrums: a little class warfare here and a nod to labor unions there and more money for X, Y and Z programs,” said Bredesen. “People are looking for a vision.”
Read more:
This time around, that vision might need to have more than three words to it.
Dems might also want to ask themselves why people like Evan Bayh (not from the South) and Phil Bredesen are largely out of the picture.
Meanwhile on the Clintonista Ranch, if you are a DUMMOCRETIN interest conflicts are always overlooked..
PuddyCommentary: Of course Bill would defer to Hillary. Hillary hadBill by the short hairs with all Cigar man’s peccadillos with Jon, Flowers, Willey, Broaddrick,etc.
Good news! Boeing is hiring.
@44 Not envious, are you?
@44 (continued) Your odds of winning a $90 million lottery jackpot (it’s more like $30 million after taking the cashout and paying taxes) are vanishingly small. On the other hand, anyone and everyone can “win” $1.5 million simply by making the maximum IRA contribution every year for 40 years. It requires no genius IQ, no stockpicking ability, no knowledge of financial markets, no work or effort. All you have to do is stick the money in a low-cost market-index ETF and leave it there; and given the historical average stock market return rate of 8% a year, you’ll end up with $1.5 million after 40 years. You don’t have to do anything beyond making the annual contributions; the mathematics of compounding does all the work. If you don’t believe me, run it on a calculator or spreadsheet and see for yourself.
No one ever got rich from wages, and with the collapse of employer-provided pensions and good jobs being replaced by crummy low-paying jobs, we all have to be capitalists now. The way to reduce wealth inequality is to spend less and invest more at the individual level. An academic study a few years ago revealed that a majority of America’s millionaires don’t live in big houses or drive flashy cars, they’re frugal people who live in blue-collar neighborhoods and drive old cars. They’re rich because they know how important it is to own instead of owe. It has little to do with what your job or income is. Your attitude toward money and your financial habits are everything.
@42 Democrats are on the right track but aren’t very good at messaging. A lot of self-centered Republicans who care only about their own pocketbooks would vote Democratic if they realized just how poorly the economy and stock market have performed under GOP administrations. If you’re a greedy bastard who wants to suck blood from the capitalist system, you’ll vote for Democrats. Of course, that’s not my only motive, but I’m doing a hell of a lot better under Obama than I did under Reagan or either of the Bushes. That’s why Obama was able to raise a billion dollars, mostly from Wall Street, for each of his presidential campaigns. Republicans are stupid about economics, and even the rich Republican bankers on Wall Street are well aware of it.
New calculations show that the pension fund covering retirement benefits for most of New Jersey’s public employees is projected to go broke in a decade, not the 30 years officials had estimated just months ago.
But hey, no worries about Social Security solvency. Harry Reid
Opponents of Social Security often try to create the impression the program is in crisis. That simply is not true. The Social Security Trust Fund has sufficient assets to pay every penny of benefits for the next twenty years.
says so and Harry wouldn’t ever say anything just for political expediency.
Uber just toying with the cabbies now.
What It’s Like to Be an Uber Driver in a $500,000 Rolls Royce
It’s the anti-Hoopty.
I haven’t watched SNL for decades, but apparently there were some great lines in an Rev. Al Sharpton segment last night, courtesy of Crooks & Liars,
The bit revolved around Kenan Thompson’s flawless performance as Reverend Al Sharpton, shown here hosting Politics Nation on MSNBC. “This Eric Garner decision has upset me so much that in three days I have gained over 100 pounds,” he began, before adding, “For the first time in my life, everyone agrees with me. Folks are high-fiving with me, inviting me places. This must be what it feels like to be Beyoncé.”
However, after starting off with a joke, Kenan-as-Sharpton really lays into the grand jury that decided not to indict the officer that used a chokehold that resulted in Eric Garner’s death.
‘“I mean this is crazy. What does a man have to do to be put on trial? How you gonna get the whole thing on video and turn around and say ‘There’s no crime here’? This is not a ‘Whodunit,’ it’s a “He did it”!”’
The segment then addressed the racial component of the Staten Island case, by way of Bobby Moynihan’s performance as Peter DiNello of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association. “There are very clear rules [on what it takes for a policeman to be indicted],” Moynihan began. “The victim must not be resisting arrest, it’s best if he’s sleeping, and it helps if he’s white.”
The moronic village idiot trolls craves more grubasms.
Abstaining to “prime the pump”.. What a loon!
Comforting to know that you only get death threats in this Country, but in Iran you probably would be hung for the offense. Puffy why do people act this way? You don’t suppose that the Bile religion that you think is so wonderful and that you and others have hijacked tend to lead people to act this way?
Don’t shoot hands up in the Air.
“Generally, we continue to believe that upholding impartial standards of accountability will advance the political consensus on which Egypt’s long-term stability and economic growth depends.”
Then after thinking about the script Jen Psaki read said in an open mike…
“That Egypt line is ridiculous.” Well Jen, just about everything you say is ridiculous!
Other people are coming to the same view of Al NotSoSharpton as Puddy has had for years! PuddyCommentary: Yes Al NotSoSharpton is a horsesASS!
Nuff said suckas!
Charles Barkley calls out all horsesASSes in Seattle…
“We’ve got a lot of race-baiters out there.”
And Charles’ clarifying statement…
“Some people are going to agree with me and some people are going to kiss my ass.”
There you go! Sir Charles has spoken!
@24 When Democrats kick their asses in job creation, they deny the jobs exist. So typically wingnut.
Did ya hear about the two blacks who perpetrated this crime?
No? So why not? DUMMOCRETIN libtard left wrong msm are scum too!
Interesting to know about libtard city Milwaukee
Nooooooooooooooo, now where was Al NotSoSharpton on this again?
M I A !
Condolences to Goldy?
…ehhh, not so much.
@ 58,
That’s why Puddy visits Use their own words!
Chafed puff butt@53,
Why is the religion of peace that way? Maybe they don’t like certain peeps? Afraid of Sha’ria law coming to an American city soon and affecting you?
Well, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wanted to bring it to Boston!
Meanwhile the real war on wimens… Led by DUMMOCRETINS… An armed woman can’t be brow beaten!
@ 58
You’re right. It’s just so wingnut
Dean Baker @DeanBaker13
the strong wage growth reported for November was almost certainly due to measurement error …
Retweeted by Goldy
to look at BLS numbers that don’t make sense and wonder if some error in their calculation occurred somewhere.
So Delta fires an employee for telling the world many of its baggage handlers make $15 or less an hour.
Delta also came out for Obummer’s special immigration reform! @Delta supports much-needed immigration reforms #ImmigrationAction @WhiteHouse – Delta Air Lines News (@DeltaNewsroom) November 21, 2014
So is Delta looking forward to those illegal aliens becoming somewhat legal so they can perpetuate their low wage workforce?
Work requirement? All so rich klownservative assholes can have more tax cuts.
@ 68
If it’s so bad you might want to ask Bill Clinton why he signed it into law in 1996, YLB. Or perhaps just ask his wife if she would sign the same legislation today.
You assume Travis that the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot can think! All can see it didn’t read the whole article or researched TANF!
It really sux so badly to be as stooooooooooopid as the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot. The information took 3 seconds to find!
BTW Obummer won Franklin County at 60.1%!
The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is dumb and dumber all in one!
Thought that tax angle would make trolls heads explode. Mission accomplished!
From the same article:
Chose to lift it so rich jerks can have tax cuts. Wow! Created so many jobs to fill the county coffers to help the poor..
Thanks for making my point asshole @ 70:
So rich jerks can have tax cuts!
@67 LMAO!!! Delta is a totally freaking klownservative kompany..
Yet the moronic tool of a troll plays the undocumented card..
If klownservatives don’t like the a worker’s documentation status, don’t hire them.. I’ve said it for years.
The Dow is close to 18,000 points. Let’s not focus on that. And if we did we certainly can prove that it is because of the new republican congress.
Yes Delta is such a Republican company when it gives political contributions to:
Nancy Pelosi
Rick Larson
Maria Cantwell
Patty Murray
Claire McCaskill
Kay Hagan – Loser
Mary Landrieu – Loser
Mark Begich – Loser
Mark Udall – Loser
Al Franken
Sheila Jackson Lee
John Conyers
Keith Ellison
Steny Hoyer
Sander Levin
Gregory Meeks
Steve Israel – Outgoing DCCC Political Head
Kirsten Gillibrand – Hottest member of the Senate – Harry Reid
Debbie Stabenow