Thom: What American has given up for the Bush tax cuts?
Patriotic millionaires have a Message to Congress: “Tax Me”.
Washington Supreme Court rules medical marijuana patients can be fired for testing positive for marijuana:
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News hates solar power?
Weiner Weird & Woeful Week:
- Maddow points out Santorum’s discordant positions on Weiner and Ensign.
- Ed: Can Weiner survive?
- Ann Telnaes: Weiner’s lies.
- Young Turk: Should Weiner resign?
- Second City: Plausible Deniability
- Jon Stewart’s Press Conference
- Bill Maher and Jane Lynch give dramatic reading of Weiner’s dirty messages (via Political Carnival):
- Sam Seder: Media becomes blind to all but Weinergate
- Newsy: Congress runs from twitter and Weiner scandal.
- Maddow: The post-Bill Clinton modern American political sex-scandal Consequence-o-Meter.
- Young Turks: Why do men cyber cheat?
Thom: Republicans hold U.S. and world economy ransom.
Mark Fiore: Dogboy and Mr. Dan tackle the debt ceiling.
Herman Cain:
- Ed: Anti-gay psychotalk from Herman Cain.
- Herman Cain on gays, guns and abortion
- Young Turks: Anti-Muslim comments on Glenn Beck by Herman Cain.
- Sam Seder: Herman Cain wants bills to be smaller than half a pizza.
Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA-01) leads discussion on Northwest biofuels.
Thom: Is Jon Steward single-handedly bringing down FAUX News?
Patriotic millionaires for America.
Palin around with Craaaaaazzzzzy!!
- Ann Telnaes: Palin’s free ride
- Sarah Palin’s totally home moves from her totally-not-a-campaign tour (via Slog).
- Sam Seder: “Darn tootin’ I was right about Paul Revere!”
- Young Turks: are Palin and Bachmann at war?
- Newsy: Crowdsourcing Sarah.
Politico: Norm Coleman’s (R-MN) ping-pong diplomacy.
White House: West Wing Week.
- Young Turks: Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) suggests government employees should “find a real job”
- Thom: Working for the government IS a real job.
- Ed: Some psychotalk from Rep. Paul Broun.
- Young Turks: Walmart allows unions…outside of U.S.
- Jon: One Nation, Overdrawn (via OneGoodMove).
- Cenk: Where are the jobs BILLS, Republicans?
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) on new doppler radar system.
Cenk: Is Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) corrupt?
Thom: The vast Sesame Street conspiracy.
Rob McKenna announces:
Young Turks: Alabama’s draconian new immigration law.
Sam Seder: Rush pwned by caller on taxes, stimulus or oxy.
- Young Turks: Newt in a world of trouble.
- Newsy: Staff calls it quits.
Pap: America’s new service society.
Young Turks: MA Rep. thinks crimes against illegal immigrants is okay.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Saying no to Norquist.
Maddow with Cenk: GOP now going after privatization of Social Security?
Thom: Kids say the darnedest things (about Bush and Cheney).
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Jennifer Granholm on Mitt Romney eating his own and flip-floping.
- Young Turks: Rush attacks Mittens over global warming.
- Welcome to Detroit Mitt Romney.
- Not the homecoming he expected.
- Young Turks: Mittens gay rights dodge.
Stephen: The Word — Hear no evil.
Young Turks: Rush mocks Cenk, the postmortem.
ONN: Antigay Senator’s horse affair caught on tape.
Young Turks: Guilliani for 2012—irrelevant.
Thom: So…who’s pushing Granny over the cliff?
Maddow: Anti-choice nut-jobs shoots self in foot re: contraception.
Pawlenty Cuts Self:
Santorum wants constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I read the court’s opinion in the medical marijuana case (here: As a lawyer, who knows how to read and interpret court opinions, it looks to me like a straightforward opinion that says, in effect, “you can’t read into a law things that aren’t there.”
The facts of the case are that the plaintiff informed the employer she was a medical marijuana user when she applied for employment; was informed that she had to pass a drug test as a condition of employment; failed the drug test; and was let go when the employer received the drug test results. This employer does not make exceptions for legal (under state law; note that any use is illegal under federal law) medical use of marijuana as a matter of company policy. The plaintiff sued, claiming the state medical marijuana law trumps company policies.
But there’s no language in the law that protects employment or gives employees (or job applicants) a cause of action against employers who refuse to employ medical marijuana users. The plaintiff argued that such legal rights should be implied. Doing so would put the court in the position of legislating, or of changing the law enacted by voters and subsequently amended by the legislature, and courts ordinarily are not in the legislating business (no matter what rightwinger whiners assert).
This lawsuit did not survive a summary judgment motion. The dismissal was upheld by the Court of Appeals. The state Supreme Court decision was 8-1, meaning all but one of the court’s liberal justices voted to uphold the dismissal of plaintiff’s claims against the employer.
The gist of the majority opinion is that the medical marijuana law protects doctors who prescribe marijuana and their patients from criminal prosecution. It doesn’t create rights to employment or protect patients from employment discrimination. This result of this case is simply a result of the wording of the law, and what the law does and doesn’t do.
This lawsuit was a stretch by an attorney who was hoping to carve out new legal rights. Attempting to change existing law in this manner is neither unethical nor unreasonable, and attorneys who pursue such cases have been, and are, an important force for social change in our society. It is standard practice to ask law students to brief and argue “hot topics” that amount to asking courts to change legal policy in order to effectuate social change. When I was in law school in the early 1970s, a favorite “hot topic” was gay marriage — i.e., asking courts to do what the legislature of that time refused to do, create a legal right to marriage between two women or two men, on constitutional grounds. Issues like this are not only grist for civil rights and social justice lawyers, but also for the training of law students and the education of future judges. There’s nothing wrong with asking courts to change society. It’s a major means by which we make social progress in this country. But you lose these cases more often than you win them; and it takes time to win courts over to an argument that they should disrupt the status quo in the name of the common good. It can be, and has been, done; but in these cases, courts generally respond to “evolving social standards” which means society has to change before courts will change legal policy; in other words, the people have to be out in front of the courts on this issues, and social-change lawyers have to persist in arguing these cases until the courts recognize that society has changed and then come around. Sometimes you have to wait for a different generation of judges to occupy the bench.
The decision in this case doens’t surprise or dismay me at all. There is no social consensus on use of marijuana, even for medical purposes. If we, the people, wish to extend employment protections to medical marijuana patients then the best way to do that is through lobbying the legislature to pass legislation that does exactly that.
Of course, there will be demands to craft such legislation carefully, and there must be exceptions. I can’t imagine the public ever accepting, for example, the idea of gving legal protection to medical marijuana users for employment as an airline pilot, a brain surgeon, an air traffic controller, or numerous other occupations where performance arguably might be affected by use of an intoxicating medication.
One occupation in which being stoned on marijuana does not necessarily impair job performance is that of U.S. Army infantryman.
The Medal of Honor citation for Peter C. Lemon reads:
“For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sgt. Lemon (then Sp4), Company E, distinguished himself while serving as an assistant machine gunner during the defense of Fire Support Base Illingworth. When the base came under heavy enemy attack, Sgt. Lemon engaged a numerically superior enemy with machine gun and rifle fire from his defensive position until both weapons malfunctioned. He then used hand grenades to fend off the intensified enemy attack launched in his direction. After eliminating all but 1 of the enemy soldiers in the immediate vicinity, he pursued and disposed of the remaining soldier in hand-to-hand combat. Despite fragment wounds from an exploding grenade, Sgt. Lemon regained his position, carried a more seriously wounded comrade to an aid station, and, as he returned, was wounded a second time by enemy fire. Disregarding his personal injuries, he moved to his position through a hail of small arms and grenade fire. Sgt. Lemon immediately realized that the defensive sector was in danger of being overrun by the enemy and unhesitatingly assaulted the enemy soldiers by throwing hand grenades and engaging in hand-to-hand combat. He was wounded yet a third time, but his determined efforts successfully drove the enemy from the position. Securing an operable machine gun, Sgt. Lemon stood atop an embankment fully exposed to enemy fire, and placed effective fire upon the enemy until he collapsed from his multiple wounds and exhaustion. After regaining consciousness at the aid station, he refused medical evacuation until his more seriously wounded comrades had been evacuated. Sgt. Lemon’s gallantry and extraordinary heroism, are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the U.S. Army.”
After receiving the medal, Lemon — a Canadian who volunteered to serve in U.S. armed forces in Vietnam — publicly admitted he was stoned when he committed these acts.
As a Vietnam Veteran myself, I can verify that no rational and sentient animal creature — whether man or rabbit — could do what our government asked us to do in Vietnam unless we were either drunk or stoned; and most of us — including our officers — were most of the time.
What America has Lost $$$$, and will continue in the months to come under Obama, will only be realized in 2012.
in 2008 & 2009 I got 12.58% And OBOMBAAAAAAAAAAAA
in 2010 and 2011 I got 6.5%, now 4.5% oh shit next week it will be Nill
What a major FU this idiot is…
You could not have a dollar invested anywhere that will not be gone in his last year…
My God you people are absolutely stupid to the principles of deficit and debt
@4. Of course not. But you and the republicans are completely opposed to anything that would raise revenues. So your side is completely ignoring the principles of deficit and debt.
@ 5
Don’t bother with that guy. He already has demonstrated his total lack of any measurable education whatsoever. I’m thinking its a bot of some sort.
What a fucking fool this clown is.
I hope ld goes broke. His republiklown handlers are making damn sure he does…and taking the rest of us with them.
@4 “My God you people are absolutely stupid to the principles of deficit and debt”
One thing we do understand is who converted surpluses into deficits, and who ran up this huge debt, and it wasn’t Obama or the Democrats.
Speaking of stupidity, even idiots realize that slashing taxes on the rich while tripling the growth of spending will lead to deficits and a growing debt, but apparently Republicans are so stupid this flies right over their heads.
@8 Id will go broke — his mistake was deluding himself that the rich bastards he shills for will actually pay him for sucking their cocks. They didn’t get rich by paying for things …
Drug Shortages Skyrocket
The number of prescription drugs in sort supply grew from 56 in 2006 to 178 last year.
“Valerie Jensen, FDA’s expert on drug shortages, said regulators are seeing a large number of new drug shortages in 2011 as well. … ‘Companies have told us that these … drugs [are] not as profitable,’ she said. ‘They’ve told us it’s a business decision to discontinue production.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking market failure! Hell, you can’t even execute baby rapers in this country anymore because states can’t get sodium thiopental to kill them! I guess your life isn’t worth squat to drug companies if there isn’t enough profit in it for them. So much for capitalism. I think the government should take over production of drugs that society needs but private businesses don’t want to produce.
Republicans rammed through tax cuts for millionaires to the point where federal tax revenues are at an all-time low, while spending skyrocketed under their governance, and now they’re bitching about deficits?
Somehow “intellectually dishonest” seems inadequate to describe these people.
That’s one tough (and lucky) guy.
Being a Nigger is a choice – right Herman.
Love the Cantwell clip. Shows she’s one smart cookie, shows the importance of government works, shows what those of us on the left care about and are all about.
Ditto with the Inslee clip.
Aren’t we building a crushing plant and bio-fuel reactor out in Lind?
Works for me!
Now Republicans, when are you going to work on getting your freak-show in order?
15 – Thanks Gman, not only is it wrong to hurl racist epithets – we’ll never hear the end of it from race hustling, race baiting dopes like Puddybud.
So here’s my condemnation to partially inoculate the inevitable spew from old #2.
Your shtick has gotten pretty old. Lots of homosexual rape and other non-consensual depravities (see Jeffrey Dahmer) go on in this world and not only in the prisons. Considering that homosexuals account for less than 10 percent of people, that should be of concern to you.
Wow hershey highwayman!
Once again the HA databaze cur has it wrong again. It’s DUMMOCRAPTS who are race hustling, race baiting!
Sadly I was looking for the Cenk video where he admits lying to past girlfriends. Of course the one time Cenk actually told the truth Darryl skips over it.
Yet they want all these special gay “marriage” laws yelling lost beta and you side with them.
University of Washington considers 20 percent tuition hike
Amazing, I’ll bet the student population will be dropping like a rock.
Brain dead liberal teaching institutions, and in this economy. The are chasing the very students away that would have paid their excessive salary and benefit plans.
Jeffrey Dahmer your favorite serial killer. The only problem is that heterosexuals don’t have to be serial killers, they kill their spouse and families like it’s the cutting edge. Every day you read about. So 10 percent, then one in ten murders of domestic violence should be by gays- next time it happens let me know. I don’t have to go back twenty years, all I have to do is go back to yesterday, and all I’m seeing us one state. Keep killing you freaks!
@19 Pudding Boy is your problem, not mine.
Weenie comes back hard. He won’t resign, he just needs treatment. I knew a fine fellow like that had to be innocent, if he’s not the innocent victim of a hacker, he must be the innocent victim of a sex addiction. Hang in there Weenie.
Ignorant of the 14th ammendment much “Puddydope”?
A Ted Olson you’re not – you “blockhead”.
He was gay Gman, as was John Wayne Gacy and Andrew Cunanan and many others.
LBGT folks aren’t immune to depravity. Your broken record whining about the transgressions of straight people are hasty generalizations leading to a forgone conclusion.
Get a grip.
@13 It’s easier to be tough — and lucky — when you’re so bombed out of your mind you have no fucking idea where you are or what you’re doing.
@22 What’s “special” about gay marriage laws? Far as I know, they get the same marriage the rest of us do. In other words, a male version of Mrs. Rabbit …
… uh oh, I just remembered, I have an important appointment in another state about 30 seconds from now …
Yeah, I can see how that might have helped in this case/
Speaking of depravity…
Any job creation ideas from Republicans lately?
Didn’t think so.
Roger, why don’t you liberals just write an extra check out of your guv pension check, and send it in to the treasury
If you’d like to do your part, make your check out to the Bureau of the Public Debt and send your money to:
Department G
P.O. Box 2188
Parkersburg, West Virginia
Be sure to include a note in the memo section of your check that the money is intended for the national debt.
They’d be happy to take more of your money and redistribute it…
Agreeing with yourself again yelling loser beta.
P R I C E L E S S!
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit,
You love to claim you are the “legal mind” of HA
1. The formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.
See ya moron!
Roger, Don’t worry, LD won’t go broke! LD is a Republican, and all Republicans are independently wealthy because of the Bush Tax Cuts.
Having said that, I have assumed since Obama took office that the dollar would get trashed, so I made 140% in Silver before I sold, and my Gold is doing just fine.
I just watch the billions being lost every day in the stock market crashing, and wonder how all those Trillions Obama is spending are going to be paid back with continual diminishing tax returns from unemployed workers to a crashing stock market.
PS no 1099 needed when I hawk an ounce or two of gold to buy carrots.
@ 34 Spuddypud
1. An act or instance of discriminating.
2. Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
3. The power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.
4. Archaic: Something that serves to differentiate.
To Puddy and YLB – here is your everyday Heterosexual freak. YLB – you forgot to mention all the Heterosexual Serial Killers. But who needs them when you have your average Heterosexual killing by the hour.
You don’t have to look far to find the real freaks.
You think this is a Gay Gang? Or just another bunch of Heterosexual Freaks.
Tracy Morgan should worry about Blacks killing Blacks, then whether he has a son who might be gay. But hey that’s what he would do best, he would kill him.
Wow gman… you are the HA next headless lucy AKA John Coaltrain…
I bet this freakshow in #36 pulled the lever for Obummer, the one you slavishly worship!
Looks like Sam Seder’s post is wrong… The Congressional Budget Office led by Pelosi DUMMOCRAPTS. said 22%. Seder claims 28-36%, so he said “let’s call it one third”. Nope you dope… how about 1/5th?
Where was the person’s actual facts? Media Morons does a better job than this KLOWN!
As should Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, John Lewis, etc.
YLB calls it!
Don’t have to Gman. Heterosexuals make up over 90 percent of humanity – so in absolute numbers they’re going to account for the larger numbers of depraved freaks.
It’s simple numerical literacy which you appear to be lacking.
But keep up your tired shtick if it makes you feel better.
@32 How much did you send?
Yeah right!
Where DeadToad? Call a referendum!
WOW…the puddybitch is upset!
Missing Link Found!
Now we know where the Republican branch of the human family tree came from.
Here is the statue all of you Libs must have on your mantle, because with what is going on today in this country and under this president it is the most fitting. Idiocracy is also a movie I would recommend, you will love it, it is the utopia you envision.
Generally not a fan of things Texas unlike Puddybud but Mark Cuban is a decent owner (opposed the move of the Sonics to OK) and there’s some good vets on that team like Jason Kidd who never got a ring.
Congrats NBA Champion Dallas Mavericks!
QE3 = The Last leg of the Ponzi scheme before 2012..
Good Luck propping it all up with another money printing instead of some real solutions like JOBS!
Pawlenty is a DOPE!
Pawlenty has to be the dumbest box of wingnut rocks next to Mike Huckabee to ever aspire to the White House.
Somehow this was missed…
Butt butt butt Mark Foley… except the FBI found there were NO LAWS BROKEN!
@51 Pawlenty is a whore, not a dope. The guy’s a lawyer, so he’s not stupid. He’s intentionally and premeditatedly dumbing-down his campaign message to the idiot voters of his party. Any Republican has to do that, because there are no intelligent and well informed Republican voters. But no matter how much practical campaign realities require whoring of Republican candidates, nevertheless, a whore is a whore. And that’s what Pawlenty is.
A real leader tells people the way things are, not what they want to hear. Of course, we don’t have any real leaders, even in the Democratic Party — especially in the Democratic Party. Gregoire’s not a leader; Obama’s not a leader; they both let public sentiment lead them by the nose, like a cow with an iron ring in its nose. That’s not leadership and isn’t good for the country; we need, at both the state and national levels, a Teddy Roosevelt type who gets out in front of issues and pulls the public along behind him. We don’t have any such leaders now, in either party, and it’s a damned shame. But as deficient as the Democratic electeds are, they’re still better than Republicans. To be a Republican politician today you have to be a total whore. You have to tell your voters that they can get something for nothing; that cutting taxes increases revenues and shrinks deficits; that eliminating Medicare won’t harm senior citizens; that we can get the economy growing again by continuing to give companies tax breaks for shipping American jobs to foreign countries. You can’t get elected as a Republican unless every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie, because Republican voters have been so brainwashed by the rightwing noise machine that everything they believe is a lie. I pity Pawlenty; I feel sorry for him/ he’s an intelligent man, but he made a terrible mistake in his youthful years — he decided to be a Republican instead of a Democrat — and now he’s beyond help or redemption and the best thing for him to do is get a lobotomy so he won’t have to torture himself by thinking about what a whore he is.
@52 My dear friend puttybutt, whom I met in person at Steve’s house, you seem to be possessed by a strange obsession with the crotch of a man named Weiner. Get help. For your kids’ sake, if not your own. By the way, do you have any kids? I hope not. For their sake. But if you do, please stop thinking and talking about weiners around them, and redirect your attention and theirs to things that really matter, such as the fact that this country finally elected a black president and most of our safety net survived George W. Bush and the Republicans probably are going to lose in 2012 because the majority of voters in this country have more sense than you do.
If your last name is Weiner, two first names you should never bestow on your children are: Oscar and Frank.
Roger, what have the Democrats done to stop the Job exports to India, and other countries, other than passing Free Trade agreements which have harmed the American Worker.
I tend to agree with you we need a real leader, but that leader has got to reign in the flushing of the American worker’s job overseas. If they don’t and don’t soon, we will fall into the depths of a depression so deep there will be no reversal but revolution left.
Greek Default is inevitable
And the US financial situation, being 28th out of 36th worst (with Greece being 36th) is closely behind. We would be 8th in this financial list if the administration would just adopt the remedies the special commission recommended.
Wrong again Roger Dumb Rabbit. You seem to forget the cacophony of leftist pinheads on this blog who screamed for Foley to go! Then when the full investigation occurred with the FBI and Florida Law Enforcement, Foley broke no laws. I posted it Roger Dumb Rabbit. Check with the crazed databaze moron!
Check with the HA databaze crazy yelling lost beta since you’ve forgotten what you recently responded to about my children.
Butt we weren’t supposed to focus on his “black” skin because that would be racist per your moronic pal the misogynist rujax. You have to admit an underexperienced man to the presidency weighed down by an oversized ego was voted for by DUMMOCRAPTS such as yourself. I wonder how those young peeps feel now with no jobs, no money and no future after we were told the the seas will calm when he was elected.
Man you are in need of some virtual oxygen bottles. The economy went south in late 2007 almost a year after Pelosi and the DUMMOCRAPTS came into power.
Keep up the deflection effort with your revisionist history Roger Dumb Rabbit. You have quite a following of idiots.
Electing a black president is not the issue. Electing a leader is, and Obama, as Roger Rabbit will agree to, was a bad choice for effective leadership.
If you cannot properly manage the finances of this country, you are no better off than Bernie Madoff!
And Roger Dumb Rabbit, if you watched Howie Kurtz on CNN’s “Unreliable Leftist MSM Pinheads”, you would have seen WaPo’s leftist Dana Milbank pop an aneurysm over Breitbart scooping the leftists who basically ignored WeinerSchnitzel for three days. If Weiner was a Republican Milbank would be cheer leading Breitbart.
It was P R I C E L E S S!
BTW Roger Dumb Rabbit, look at this knockout delivered by Ann Coulter on Eliot’s show.
P R I C E L E S S!
Here is what a real black man with a conscience feels about being a black republican:
He simply got tired of defending the racist tea baggers. While he certainly has republican credentials and views – he cannot tolerate or excuse the rampant racism in the republican party that is “winked” at.
I respect republicans with values – but this current crop of tea baggers are racist fools. Republicans used to actually be in favor of teachers and education – but now the Rick Scott’s of the world are only for corporate greed.
In that case, then where was your resentment of Bush who turned the largest surplus in history into the largest deficit in history?
Oh, by the way – Obama prevented the biggest free market collapse since the great depression according to the vast majority of economists….did you forget that?
Are you just plain stoopid or do you choose to ignore facts?
Hey Puddy….
Interesting premise. So in your mind, because gays are minority, it’s OK to deny them their rights. Can we take that principle and apply it to blacks who are also a minority? Should we deny blacks their rights of marriage and all that goes with it because they are only 12.6% of the population?. By your logic, it’s perfectly fine.
No. that would be wrong, and so is denying gay marriage to gay people. And you know it.
Puddy, Please move to your conservative utopia of Somalia. Write when you find work.
Was NOT my comment moron! I told you reading is NOT your strong suit.
This is why I laugh at your commentary in every thread!
So you’re equating black marriage with gay marriage? Then blah blah blah useless pixelation!
This is why I laugh at your commentary in every thread!
Shall we revisit your “commentary” on the Chrysler loan repayment?
I was addressing GMAN..
AGAIN, you’ve proved to be a reading DUMBASS!
Have at it STUPID!
Many thousands of jobs saved – they won’t be voting for Republican dumbasses!
That stupid Governor of Michigan’s ratings have tanked with Walker, Scott and all the rest of the odious right wing tools.