Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Jon: Virginia is for lovers…of money.
Obama: Statement on actions in Iraq.
Ann Telnaes: Israel’s Mission Accomplished.
The U.S. Tortured People:
- Ann Telnaes: “We tortured some folks”.
- Michael Brooks: Obama points out the, “We tortured some folks”.
Thom: The “sovereign citizen” movement threat.
Gil Fulbright: Fancy Farm Speech:
Farron Cousins: Diagnosing Ann Coulter’s mental illness.
Mental Floss: 33 amazing toy facts.
Thom: The Siberian crater mystery solved…and it isn’t good news.
Crazy Congress Critters:
- Ezra Klein: G.O.P. led U.S. Congress is less popular than head lice.
- Young Turks: Rand Paul flees Dreamers.
- Alex Wagner: Rand Paul drops his burger and flees
- Sam Seder: Rand Paul runs away…
- Ed: Rand Paul’s dine and dash.
- Steve Kornacki: Rand Paul employs Reagan fact-denying, lying tactics.
- David Pakman: Rand Paul flees in terror from Hispanic immigrant
- Sharpton: DREAMers confront Tea-Party racist Steve King as hypocrite Rand Paul flees
- Jon nails Aqua Buddah on his foreign aid flip flop
- Ezra Klein: The G.O.P. BIG immigration problem
- Mark Fiore: Camp Do Nuttin’.
- David Pakman: Most Americans disapprove of the G.O.P. lawsuit.
- Matt Binder: G.O.P. report finds no wrongdoing by Administration in Benghazi!?!?!
- Steve Kornacki: Obama administration cleared of deliberate wrongdoing in the Benghazi attack
- David Pakman: Benghazi fizzle…no administration wrongdoing.
- Young Turks: Odd…House Intelligence Committee report clears the Administration, but FAUX News is silent.
- Liberal Viewer: Will Republicans impeach Obama for not deporting enough undocumented immigrants?
- Sam Seder: The GOP attack on child refugees
- Late Night Laughs: Congressional recess edition
Sharpton: The G.O.P. wishes Obama a happy birthday:
White House: West Wing Week.
Farrons Cousins: Rick Scott’s environmental flip-flop flap.
Late Night Laughs: Obama’s Birthday Edition.
Thom: When the ocean’s carbon cycle goes out of balance.
Sam Seder: Reality check on Obama’s immigration authority.
Pap: It is time for Democrats to fight back.
Donald Trump is a Fucking Moron:
- Ana Kasparian: Donald Trump’s ebola comments.
- Stephen reacts to The Donald’s comment on ebola-stricken doctors.
Steve Kornacki: Is Gov. Sam Brownback (R-KS) in big trouble.
Young Turks: Meghan McCain destroys Glenn Beck.
Pap: The Republican Party has betrayed Lincoln.
Jimmy Dore: Worst piece of journalism.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Sadly nuthin of the Obummer ISIS failure from Da Perfessa…
Never an honest news cycle on the Friday Night Comix!
Sam Seder, , 4th tier toilet dweller telling Puddy Obummer not exceeding his immigration authority is like…
1) Da Perfessa delivering something real on Friday Night Comix
2) NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit writing something useful
3) rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthincomesout using real web sites
4) clueless crazed Hamas loving visa stamp cretin arschloch never using the crazed databaze again
5) OWS Racist Fraggy commenting on Wall Street DUMMOCRETINS
Some things will never happen and 4th tier toilet dweller Sam Seder making sense is one of them!
Nine Mayors between Chicago and Columbus are pushing a study to restore passenger train service between the two cities. Not going to get much help from one Governor, though, and the Mayor of Indianapolis probably isn’t one either. Indianapolis pulled out of a deal to keep the Hoosier State, which runs on the three days the New York-Washington-Cincinnati-Indianapolis-Chicago Cardinal does not run. Cleveland has two trains a day, both at inconvenient hours, Cincinnati has a tri-weekly service, but Ohio’s Capital and largest city, Columbus, has none. Partially due to Governor Kasich.
By the way, I think I saw some of the rejected Ohio money in action last week. Going to Portland, I saw a portion of track where grading for a third main track North of Kelso was underway. I also got a look at what Wisconsin riders are missing out on, as going down, 501 was using one of the ODOT Talgo trains.
In the case of Senator Roberts, I thought he would have a tougher fight. Partly because of the questionable residence he had. Wasn’t he renting a room from a campaign contributor in Dodge City?
You don’t say?
Schizo @ 5
Weather. Is. NOT. Climate.
Don’t know if this was mentioned in another thread. A Medical Examiner in Northern Virginia has ruled the death of James Brady a homicide by gunshot. It will be tough getting murder charges against Hinckley, even if Double Jeopardy doesn’t apply.
We all know Puffy rejoices when seeing a gay married couple getting a divorce (as if it justifies that it is wrong or shouldn’t be), so I just thought I’d post some heterosexual relationships gone bad, gone really bad.
And We all know what lead to this – Gay Marriage, of course.
Come on Darryl, why are my comments being moderated? I can’t use the word Straight?
Darryl, you would think that you would sensor Puffy when he uses the word fudge packer. You are a hypocrite and bias.
@6 Forget it. Some people are unteachable.
@8 Software probably did it. Happens.
Scott Walker’s re-election strategy is to campaign against his Democratic opponent’s wealth. Because, you know, Wisconsin voters don’t like the one percent.
“Republicans have been making an issue of Burke’s wealth, talking up her expensive vacations and second home. Some Republicans … are nervous that such attacks … demonize wealth, but the Walker campaign is willing to take that risk. With such a close electorate, Republicans believe they need to open only a small crack in Burke’s base. ‘All we need is a few points,’ Schimming says.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I guess I’d rather have a rich Democrat than a poor Republican (if there is such a thing) making policy and running things, but it’s a sad reality that electoral politics (at least for higher offices) is now largely closed off to all but the wealthy; politics, which I think is the most important thing in the world, because it determines questions like war and peace and how the economic pie is divided up and even our basic freedoms, has become a hobby for the rich in which the rest of us don’t get to participate. Having said that, I still think just about anyone is better for Wisconsin’s working class than Scott Walker, no matter how wealthy she is. He’s a damn fascist.
Bigotry doesn’t take a holiday even for the dead.
Meanwhile, Mark Driscoll, who has been accused of bullying by former Mars Hill members, just got kicked out of a faith network (association of churches) he helped organize.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is getting interesting. Is Driscoll on his way out? I personally wouldn’t trust a pastor who lived large off his congregation’s tithes like Driscoll does.
In conventional Protestant churches, of the sort I was raised in, pastors rotate. They graduate from divinity school educated in the doctrine of a particular faith (Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, or whatever), then get assigned to usually a small church to begin with, and work their way up. A popular minister or pastor at the peak of his career may settle in at a large church and stay there for many years, but they don’t become the dictators or pastors-for-life that are commonplace in the independent, non-denominational, charismatic megachurches that have dotted the American religious landscape in recent decades. Those outfits are basically personality cults, and some of them are so extreme the “pastor” runs virtually every aspect of his followers’ personal (not just religious) lives. Driscoll is of this ilk. This type of “pastor” usually is also a wealth-seeking profiteer from whom the “church” is a money-making business. Driscoll is of that cut, too. I figure if his followers want to hand over their hearts, their wallets, and their asses to such a man that’s their business, but I’ll stick with the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit. She’s a good source of guidance for how to run this place after you stupid humans kill yourselves off and we rabbits take over what’s left of Planet Earth. And don’t worry, that day is approaching, and faster than you imagine.
In the case of James Brady, might be a precedent that could apply, but it is a long shot. The assassination of Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak in 1933. He was initially wounded, and the assassin was convicted of attempted murder. When Cermak died, a conviction on First Degree Murder followed. Hinckley’ s insanity defense complicates it now.
My guess is the Lockport NY police officer who described a suspect as a “dark negro” in a police report will be going to cop re-education camp.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: According to the article, the whole police department will be going to camp. You especially gotta wonder what rock the chief has been living under.
@15 The absence of a statute of limitations on murder makes it possible to charge Hinckley with murder. But prosecutors would have to prove the shooting caused Brady’s death. The medical examiner’s “homicide” finding isn’t determinative; that would be a question of fact for the jury to decide; and jurors would be subjected to conflicting expert medical testimony. The defense certainly would argue that Brady died of old age or natural causes; and they also would raise the insanity defense again.
What would a jury have done had Brady died 2 years after the shooting? In that scenario, the insanity defense is probably Hinckley’s only realistic chance of acquittal. What if Brady died at age 102? I can’t imagine a prosecutor charging in that circumstance regardless of what the medical evidence is. This is somewhere between, but stretching it, and while it might be possible to sell the “homicide” finding to a jury, the defense would also argue insanity, so prosecutors would have to overcome not one but two formidable defenses.
I’m not sure if the defense could get a summary dismissal of charges by arguing the prior insanity verdict is res judicata. It might work, I don’t know.
“We believe … wait, I thought fast food joints … wait, don’t you guys think they’re like, of the devil or somethin’? Liberals, you wanna send those evil employees who would dare work at a fast food joint that you just don’t believe in, I thought you wanted to send em to … purgatory or somethin’, till they all go vegan. … and wages and picket lines they’re not discussed in purgatory, are they? Why are you even worried about fast food wages. Well, we believe an America, minimum wage jobs, they’re not lifetime gigs! They’re stepping stones!”
The Stupid. It burns.
@18 Can you believe that airhead makes millions from her clown act? Truly, fools are parting with their money. She’s no Emmett Kelly.
What You Mean “WE” Kemo Sabe?! Dep’t
“Republicans tortured some folks.”
My guess is the Lockport NY police officer who described a suspect as a “dark negro” in a police report will be going to cop re-education camp.
Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit, sorry for you nutcase, butt Lockport leans DUMMOCRETIN! Usually it’s DUMMOCRETINS who are closet racists
Sux to be you!
Actually OWS Racist Fraggy, scientists are begrudgingly admitting the climate is in a cooling cycle and the weather is proving it.
Sux to be you!
Awww poor poor empty tea bag with the puffy butt gleeeeeeeeeeeeman,
Urban Dictionary – fudge packing
1:The packaging of chocolate or peanut butter fudge into a box.
My dad is known for his fudge packing at the local candy store. Children and adults alike come miles to get their fudge packed by him.
Sux to be you!
@21 The duke of trivial strikes again.
Just a hunch, but I’d guess that particular cop isn’t a Democrat.
Some people find it unbelievable a jury would convict them for shooting an unarmed and injured teenage girl who is just asking for help. How is this possible? Guns are protected by the Second Amendment!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe so, but their owners aren’t. Nothing in the Constitution gives guns the right to keep and bear people. When something like this happens, you don’t arrest the gun alone, you confiscate its owner. This gun can’t have its owner anymore.
Ralph Lauren may or may not be an ogre of a company, but it doesn’t want to be told how to ensure decent and safe working conditions in its Bangladesh factories. They’ll do it their way, thank you very much.
Roger Rabbit Commentary #1:
Roger Rabbit Commentary #2: The article says the board urged that shareholders vote down the workers’ proposal because it won’t add shareholder value. This isn’t about making the shareholders richer. It’s about not making the workers dead.
Roger Rabbit Commentary #3: Of course, if corporate boards see only their fiduciary duty to make their investors as rich as possible, there’s another way to persuade them not to make people work in deadly conditions. That’s to sue them bankrupt when they do.
I’ll agree to class action reform when Republicans agree to include workers’ interests in the list of corporate legal duties. Until then, trial lawyers and strikes are the only thing workers have. If corporate capitalism can’t do any better than leave workers with no rights at all, and completely at the mercy of greedy companies who don’t care whether they live or die, then maybe we need a different system — say, a more democratic form of capitalism. There’s absolutely no justification for imposing North Korean slave labor camp conditions on the entire world. If anything, we ought to be bombing the shit out of the North Korean regime to free those slaves.
Oh, pleeeeeeez…..give it a rest!
LOL! Our local village idiot is making claims about science again..
Heh. All of regulars remember how that turned out the last time..
But there’s hope for him..
But damn! It’s a looooooong way from two barely firing synapses to a fully functioning brain..
Klownservatism is a brain wasting disease!
Puddy immediately notice NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit@27 didn’t accuse Ralph Lauren of being a Republican lover. That’s because 78% of 2008 monies went to Obummer and DUMMOCRETINS!
Must be Ralph took a big hit in sales after that and in 2012 they didn’t give to anyone!
Schizo @ 31
WTF are you babbling about?’
If you’re interested in seeing some firm numbers on what has happened to Americans’ net worth and wealth (in)equality over the last 10 years, this concise article doesn’t take long to read, or you can just parse the tables if you prefer.
@31 Don’t know, don’t care, didn’t look it up, because Ralph Lauren’s personal political donations (if that’s what you’re babbling about; hard to tell) have nothing to do with what I posted about. (I was discussing the company, not the individual, in case that isn’t clear to you.)
Unlike you, I know what “relevant” means.
We don’t know what happened yet, but witnesses say the black teen was unarmed with his hands in the air when police gunned him down.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I thought police are supposed to protect citizens, not kill them.
Ahhh yes, the clueless goober visa stamp moron appears with nothing new…
The incestuous group high fiving each other and continually agreeing with each other.
Puffy Butt @ 9,
I had nothing to do with your comment being moderated. The spam filter thought it was spam.
Here is a suggestion: don’t put 4 links in one comment. That looks like spam.
Something totally lacking in every Roger NoBalls IDIOT Commentary!
Puddy delivered Ralph Lauren the company you IDIOT! Just a 10 second search displayed that NoBalls.
Really sux to be you!
And every one of these are DUMMOCRETIN lovers…
Again the climate blabbermouth OWS Racist Fraggy is M I A again!
Is an Obummer endorsement the kiss of death? Well he did deliver the “birth details” information. Maybe Hawaiians are upset Neil stepped into it?
Wait for it… some HA DUMMOCRETIN jackASS will claim Puddy is a birther!
Thanks to Darryl for deleting a my comment, the numbering on this thread is all screwed up….all because I used the word “het*%$(#$erT(#$)Sex”. Thanks Darryl. My post was so innocuous too.
@38 – I see.
@38 Your post wasn’t the target. It’s merely collateral damage.
@38 Your post wasn’t the target. It’s only collateral damage.
@39 I’d rather be me than you 365 days of the year, and 366 days in leap years.
44, 45 – Looks like something else is screwed up, too, in addition to puddypissypants.
Up in Vancouver, the SkyTrain has had a few breakdowns that stranded passengers lately. It has revived the debate whether to have attendants on the train. The subsidiary of Translink that operates SkyTrain, BC Rapid Transit Company, says it will cost too much. Turns out, the problems with SkyTrain are nothing new, a review ordered back when Victoria was running the show, in response to some breakdowns, suggested having attendants there if the automated system broke down. That was 20 years ago.
SkyTrain was developed by the Urban Transportation Development Corporation, a crown corporation of the Province of Ontario. They forced their product on the Toronto Transit Commission, which used it on one subway line. That line uses drivers all the time, then again, the Union probably insisted.
Last night, I took a ride on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth Triangle route, and at Vashon, saw a ghost ferry and did not know it. I was on the Tillikum, and thought I saw the Klahoya, her sister tied up at Vashon for the night. Turns out, it was the recently retired Evergreen State. Due to the breakdowns of the Puyallup and Tokitae, the E-State, which had been at Eagle Harbor since her retirement, had been reactivated.
Double postings from NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit, something senility does to you!
@50 That was WordPress, not me, jackass. But, for the record, I’d be smarter than you even in advanced senility. In fact, I could be brain dead and still be smarter than you.
You only need to click the post comment button once. Senility causes one to be impatient!
Finally some pressure on Putin and his scumbag Ukrainian rebels! Obummer… M I A as always!
The sick fuck is back in ALL his glory.
Doesn’t the nihilist puddypussypissypants have some goats to fuck or something?
How is that Citibank rant working out for you? Stooooooooooooopid as EVAH! One of the three stooges of HA DUMMOCRETINS! Without left wrong sites rujaxoffallthetimebuttnothingcomesout would have nothing to discuss on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
jackASS! Animal activities are always on rujaxoffallthetimebuttnothingcomesout rectum!
Every time rujaxoffallthetimebuttnothingcomesout farts on HA DUMMOCRETINS Puddy wins the argument. Nuthin butt ad hominem attacks from rujaxoffallthetimebuttnothingcomesout!
Everything from gleebaggingbuttpuffer is spam!
Seems only when Republicans are president does a certain party care about dirty tricks, internal spying and massive document disappearances and coverups.
So you decide to visit or searching for a good hotel deal before your trip, but weren’t sure which areas were safe to visit or unsafe to avoid?
You want to find a great restaurant but you aren’t sure if you can walk there or have to take a cab?
So you want to avoid dimly lit areas in the city with little or no local police or sheriff coverage. Oh no use my high beams!
You want to take a vacation in a city and you want know where to walk versus having to take a cab?
You receive an address to a friend’s house but you are not sure of the route?
So you visit a city for your job and you didn’t know your way around? Do I walk or take a cab?
You’ve been told you are moving a new job location and you definitely don’t know your way around this new city?
Wouldn’t you be worried about driving into a high crime area like that German family did years ago in Miami?
Now this new phone application could provide all of this very useful information on a map ahead of time. What might DUMMOCRETINS scream to the people who developed it?
Go racist at any opportunity… Gawker author… Because all sketchy areas are in the black or latino neighborhoods!
More puddy drool. Blecch. Hand me the gloves and paper towels.
Im baffled when minorities seem to enjoy, even reval in ways that discriminate against their minoritywhile not effecting them personally.
It is like childless gay men who enjoy rulings that block adoption by gay parents
Once again worser@59 misses the point. Does worser ever get it? Seems life passes worser by and worser has 24 hour a day “DOH” moments! The application is for personal safety. Everyone’s personal safety. What happens when minorities download the app worser? Will they be careful around those areas Puddy mentioned above? Puddy would wonder where the skinheads are in city areas too.
Did worser read the comments on gawker? Of courser worser didn’t! Many were very telling of the standard DUMMOCRETIN mindset. It wouldn’t be “better” of him if worser did!
@62 If you run away from skinheads I don’t want you in my foxhole. Maybe that explains why the recruiter shoveled you into the Navy.
Dayum NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
Puddy volunteered for the Navy… My brother-in-law was a double lifer! See if you can figger that one out!
Beware unintended consequences. If areas are flagged as unsafe to visit simply because brown people are there, that would be a bad use of the app.