The Rapture experiences technical difficulties.
Sam Seder: suggests rape is like getting a flat tire.
Mark Fiore: Doin’ time.
Life’s Been Good To Him, So Far:
- Young Turks: Rep. Joe Walsh suggests U.S. Jews not pro-Israel
- Cenk: Rep. Joe Walsh’s statements racist or stupid?
Jon and John: Fixing the U.S. Pakistan relationship.
President Obama addresses the British Parliament.
Ed Shultz Calls Some Right-wing Whore a “Right-wing Slut” and “Talk Slut”:
- Ed says something naughty (via Mediaite).
- Newsy: MSNBC suspends Ed Schultz.
- Ed’s on air apology (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Ann Telnaes: G.O.P. race is shaping up.
Pres. O’Bama addresses the Irish people.
Cenk: Right-wing grassroots CON JOB.
Auto Bail-outs Pay Off for America:
- G.O.P. candidates on were all for letting the U.S. auto industry die.
- Sam Seder: Republicans claimed auto bailout was apocalypse…
- Former Governor Ted Strickland on slams Republicans on their willingness to let U.S. auto companies fail.
- Good news for the U.S. auto industry.
Cenk: Mitt Romney tries to take credit for auto bailouts!
Thom: Judge declares foul on Republicans
Young Turks: G.O.P. refuses to give relief aid to tornado victims.
Pap: Teabagger racism reaches the boiling point.
G.O.P. Presidential hopefull Herman Cain lecture on reading the Constitution cites passages from the Declaration of Independence (via ThinkProgress).
Thom: Can Texas secede from the TSA?
Maddow does George Takei.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News forgot first amendment forbids Christian graduation from public school.
Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal:
- Stephen: Clergy-matic ecclesi-action center 3:16 (via OneGoodMove).
- Ann Telnaes: Latest chapter in the Catholic church sex abuse scandal.
Young Turks: Dick Cheney worships Paul Ryan.
Ann Telnaes: The U.S–British special relationship.
Very Special Election:
- CNN: DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz on NY-26 win.
- Thom: Is Paul Ryan killing the Republican party?
- Lawrence and Rep. Weiner: Boehner Spinning.
- Newsy: Referendum on Medicare
- Young Turks: Teabagger excuses for NY-26
- Pap and Ed: Republicans dug their own grave in NY-26.
- O’Donnell interviews DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz on NY-26 win.
Young Turks: Daughter of Arnold’s mistress speaks out.
Thom: Is there a “shadow Patriot Act” behind the Patriot Act?
White House: West Wing Week.
Sam Seder: For GOP & Scarborough healthcare for Americans is nothing short of hedonism.
The G.O.P. Primary Carnival Freak Show:
- Newsy: An unflattering portrait of Palin hits the shelves
- Ed: Shameless opportunist Sarah Palin weasles herself into the Gingrich ‘slip-up’ debate
- Young Turks: Sarah Palin back in the running?
- Maddow blocks Santorum’s attempt to fix his “Google problem”.
- Newsy: Sarah preparin’!
- Ed with some major “I may run again” Psychotalk from Donald Trump
- Thom: Will it be Mitt or Newt?
- Young Turks: Herman Cain’s FAUX News flop on Israel/Palestine.
- So why is Pawlenty running???
- Ed: Pawlenty flat out lying on balancing MN budget.
- Young Turks: Iraq or Iran? Tim Pawlenty’s confused.
Newsy: TN Governor signs anti-gay bill into law.
Young Turks: FAUX News claims that Obama already cut Medicare.
Maddow: Minnesota’s anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment.
Cenk: George Takei on Tennessee’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I wonder if the british parliment reminded Obama that the US was formed to get away from socialism and massivee over taxation
You really believe this? Jesus H Fucking Christ. Did you een attend school in the United States? Anywhere? At all? I don’t think I’ve ever heard such flagrantly stupid thing in my entire life. There is no word in the english language to describe the level of absolute STUPID that statement indicates in the writer.
This is what Republicans actually believe, people. Criminentlies.
Your Idiot in chief really should go back to Harvard and take Finance 101, you know how to pay for the programs you think are so damn important!
Racking up 1.7 Trillion, 1700 billion dollar deficits every year, with no means whatsoever to pay them, cramming a budget busting Obamacare plan down the peoples throats is SOCIALISM!
Plain and Simple
As Margaret Thatcher once said “The Problem with Socialism, is sooner or later you run out of other peoples money”.
As seen in this states budget and on steroids in Obama’s budgetless budget breaking Washington.
Sooner or later this Ponzi scheme will fall in on itself, as is happening in Greece!
Rent the Idiocracy movie, better yet buy the damn thing, its what you the society you idiots are creating
Deadtoad, did you take any European history courses in any university? college? community college? trade school? Oh wait? Did you graduate high school?
LD is not totally correct but study England of the 1500s and see where the Puritans and Pilgrims began, the excessive taxation for the British crown’s wars and the religious persecution these two groups endured.
Wow Darryl, you over Cenked this week. Cenk is a chronological idiot too. Don’t feel sorry for him. Darryl are you his primary cheerleader in the NorthWest? Do you receive Cenk checks each month for the number of Cenk links you can use each Friday night in the Friday night comedy hour.
Wait for it… Pavlov predicts my beta will make another stupid Cenk comment cheering Darryl for his Cenk links.
Cenk… watched as much as Sgt Schultz on PMSNBC!
NY-26. When you tell lies and scare seniors leftist win. Leftist have the press behind them.
Even Bill Clinton said the leftists are reading the win wrong. Butt, when did that happen before? When John Murtha’s seat was won by a leftist. They ran around saying Toomey would not win in Pennsylvania because they would not elect a conservative Republican senator.
Buzzer rings: ennnnnnnnnnt! They were wrong again.
You really believe this? Jesus H Fucking Christ. Did you een attend school in the United States? Anywhere? At all? I don’t think I’ve ever heard such flagrantly stupid thing in my entire life. There is no word in the english language to describe the level of absolute STUPID that statement indicates in the writer.
This is what Republicans actually believe, people. Criminentlies.
i know that dont teach the real reasons america was formed where you go to school deathfrog. i think they delete all the real stuff out of your textbooks.
Perhaps a basic lesson in 5th grade American History is in order. You DID attend 5th grade didn’t you? I certainly hope so. People shouldn’t be allowed to vote unless they went to 5th grade.
Enough, Thus starteth the lesson.
First, you probably understand the basic tenets of “private property rights” I assume. You have the right to keep your property and do pretty much anything with it that you want, within limits as set by the law, right? But what if there were no laws except for the ones that created a persons rights to the properties in question? That certain enforcable rules were in place requiring the owner of that land extract a minimum amount of income from that land, by any means nessesary?
I want you to attempt to answer both these questions, as well as you can. From the heart.
The original 13 colonies were, get this, PRIVATE PROPERTY! Private property of the Corporations as chartered by the King of England, held in total ownership by the King and his various Dukes and Barons, who were loyal to the King with granted permission by the King, called “Charters”. Those Charters formed Corporations that were held by the King and the various members of the Royal Family and his allies and vassals around Europe. There was only one purpose of those Colonies. That purpose was to generate income for the Crown and by default, the people who the King allowed to hold those properties through those Charters. Any resident of those properties were required to pay rent, or tribute, or generate some form of income for the owners of those properties. Chartered Corporations. Granted entirely by the will of the King. Total ownership.
Those Corporations levied taxes on the residents of those land holdings. Every farmer, every worker. Slaves were taxed. Tea was taxed. Stamps were taxed. RENT was fucking taxed. You even had to pay taxes when you were in prison, and those taxes were compounded into debts that would keep you in prison until you paid them off, which was impossible, as incarcerated people don’t make much money while sitting in a prison cell, so you stayed in prison for most of your life, and if your relatives wanted to get you out, they had to pay off those debts. Such a life was generally very short, as the prison keepers were not required to feed you, or allow you to bathe, see a doctor or even let you out of your cell. Ever. You could rot in your own excrement if you offended the wrong landholder, even if no actual crime was committed.
These things were not taxed so the owners of the land could build roads or schools or libraries. They were taxed, and the money was sent back to England to generate income for the landholders, and they paid a tribute to the King, who took a pretty sizable chunk off the top for himself and the Crown. The entire British Empire ran on this principle. The Colonies were a part of the British Empire, and created soley to make the king and his Vassals shitloads of money.
The rebellion occurred because the people of this Nation wanted to keep that tax money at home. To build roads, and prisons, and Schools and libraries. To improve the state of our own living conditions here. The rebellion occurred simply because the people doing the work to generate that income were being ripped off by the fucking King and his vassals, who would levy a “tax” (really a tribute) on everything they could. Food, water rights. The size of your goddam whiskey bottles. Every stamp, every newspaper. Every object they could, so they could take that money for themselves and keep up those tribute payments to the King. Why? Because the original 13 Colonies, were PRIVATE PROPERTY. Those Dukes, and Lords, and Barons owned the land, outright. They could do whatever they wanted to the land and the people residing upon it, as long as they paid tribute to the King for the privilege of ownership of the land and the Charters that granted them those privileges.
Thats what the American Revolution was about, you fucking moron.
And Spuddy dear? What was happening in the 16th century in North America had little bearing on what was happening in the 18th century.
Christ, the level of STUPID demonstrated by you folks is utterly staggering.
@3 ” … should go back to Harvard and take Finance 101, you know how to pay for the programs you think are so damn important!”
What for? Nobody in the private sector does. CEOs pay themselves tens of millions even though their companies are losing money. Bankers write millions of mortgages for people who can’t afford them to collect lucrative fees even though they know those loans will never be paid. Republican politicians borrow trillions from China and other foreign countries to give tax breaks to billionaires who don’t need them and which the country can’t afford. If people like them want the rest of us to be models of fiscal rectitude, then they should start by setting a good example. Why should we be the only ones expected to balance a checkbook?
@4 “LD is not totally correct”
The understatement of the fucking century.
@6 Tell us again how senior voters want GOPers to dismantle Medicare so they can enjoy the benefits of privatized health care?
The rabid totalitarian nutjobs (aka the Republicans) have relapsed into head-spinning, hyperfuckingcrazy drive over NY-26 (as the resident cockroach illustrates above).
Has anyone else received the frantic emails from their right-wing friends and family over the several couple days? It has the smell of a top-down Rove-Ailes type strategy and guess what they’re resorting to? Yep, the same old fear-driven right wing, half-wit social issue demogougery; guns, abortion and old faithful; Obama is the culprit in everything bad that’s gone wrong since his election (even the price of commodities). I’m sure Fox will document evidence that Obama was behind the Joplin twister.
Keep an eye peeled for this strategy to blossom as they realize their total fail on the Ryan “budget” fiasco as we get closer to election mania.
Pilgrims and Puritans arrived in the 1600s, the 17th Century. The crown taxation I discussed above happened before these groups left FOR North America.
Another chronological leftist moronic idiot!
over the last several days
Jesus, the inmates are running the asylum.
Oh my Roger Dumb Rabbit… The two non-DUMMOCRAPT candidates received more votes than the DUMMOCRAPT candidate. This is why Hochul won. The leftist pinheads always jackboot march lock-step vote for the DUMMOCRAPT in these congressional special elections while the conservatives and Republicans split their vote if two non-DUMMOCRAPT choices appear.
Real historical facts and Deadtoad who likes revisionist history just don’t mix.
I’m curious about the lack of leftist DUMMOCRAPT compassion for the tornado victims. No Friday night links. Since many cities were destroyed and that’s usually leftist DUMMOCRAPT territory, nothing from the HA faithless crew!
Sigh, @ Spuddy.
The first forays into North America were the Spanish and the French. The first European settlements in North America were Spanish. The Louisiana purchase was purchased from the French who owned two thirds of the North American Continent at the time, with the Spanish owning maybe another quarter. New York was originally a Dutch colony. Nobody except the natives held the land at all before the mid 1600’s, and the British, Spanish and French had to murder 95% of their population to get it.
North America was a wilderness. A lot can happen in 250 years, especially when you control a worldwide empire.
Spuddy and LD are prime examples of why Reagan wanted the mental hospitals closed. The GOP needs these crazy stupids to win elections.
Judge Blocks VA From Censoring Cemetery Prayer
“A federal judge in Texas has told the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs that it cannot censor a pastor’s invocation at a Memorial Day ceremony.
“The VA had ordered the Rev. Scott Rainey to remove a phrase using Jesus Christ from the prayer, arguing the line excluded other beliefs held by veterans, KHOU-TV in Houston reported.
“On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes disagreed, writing the government cannot ‘gag citizens when it says it is in the interest of national security, and it cannot do it in some bureaucrat’s notion of cultural homogeneity,’ according to a report in the Houston Chronicle.
“The debate centered over the close of the prayer, which read: ‘While respecting people of every faith today, it is in the name of Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, that I pray. Amen.'”
Here are some additional facts: The lawsuit was filed on the minister’s behalf by a conservative “family values” group. The judge is a conservative Reagan appointee with ties to the oil and gas industry.
The minister is not a V.A. employee, and the ceremony is being put on by a private group, but is held on public property.
A local rabbi publicly stated he supports the minister’s free-speech argument.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This case illustrates the complexity of First Amendment legal issues. The issue is basically this: Can government bureaucrats order a minister from a private church giving the invocation at a ceremony sponsored by a private group, but being held on the grounds of a federal cemetery, to deliver a non-denominational prayer so as not to possibly offend the families of non-Christian veterans buried in the cemetery?
In this case, I agree with the judge, minister, and rabbi. If the minister was an employee of the V.A., the V.A. would have the right to supervise his work, but he isn’t — he’s a private citizen coming onto public property that is open to all citizens. If I go to the cemetery, kneel, roll my eyes skyward, and ask the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit to take into Her care and keeping the souls of all the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Shinto, and atheist veterans buried there, I have every right to do that and the V.A. can’t eject me from the cemetery for doing it.
If the V.A. had invited the minister to give the invocation at a V.A.-sponsored Memorial Day observance, the V.A. would have the right to disinvite him if he didn’t submit his invocation for pre-approval, because in that case it’s a V.A. ceremony, therefore the V.A. would have the right to run it as it determines, and the V.A. would potentially be violating the Establishment Clause by preferring one religion over another in its conduct of the ceremony. But this ceremony is sponsored by a private group, and its actions are not actions by the government, but by the private group, and private associations of individuals do have a First Amendment right to prefer one religion over another.
The V.A.’s actions are somewhat understandable. Religious expression is a contentious (and frequently litigated) issue in our society, and bureaucrats often get sued over their management of religious expression on public property no matter what they do. They also have a duty to uphold the laws of the land and respect the rights of all citizens. So, it’s understandable that they often opt for a policy of least-offensiveness when they try to navigate the legal thickets of free speech and religious freedom. I think the bureaucrats made a mistake this time, but it’s an understandable mistake, and we shouldn’t be too hard on them.
When you get right down to it, it’s no big deal. After I’m dead and gone, some Christian minister praying over my grave to Jesus instead of the Bunny Queen isn’t going to bar me from admittance to the Meadow In The Sky. And if my neighbor voted Republican all his life, he’s staying in Hell no matter what anyone standing on the grass above us says.
17 – Obumbo was over in a european pub having a guiness, then sipping $1000 a bootle wine with the Socialists he is bankrupting this country after.
My hard earned money is part of MY property, not Obama’s to piss away on fat ass government pensions, benefits, and unions.
You are now beginning to see what will happen to all of these plans when the debt overwhelmes the ability to pay.
Pers 1 pension cost of living raises —- GONE
1.9% teacher wages —- Gone
3% public employee wages —- Gone
And this is just the beginning
@14 Not if we can help it.
@15 Hmmm, and George W. Bush got less votes than Al Gore, so explain to me again why he got to be preznit and fuck up this country for eight long years?
@ 21 LD
Words fail me. Utterly. One cannot reason with deliberate, willfully obstinate stupidity. Go back to Stormfront or Free Republic.
Psychotic lying asshole.
@15 But you’re really onto something here, puttbutt. We’ve just seen the real significance of the Tea Party. They’re the ultimate manifestation of the wingnut “my way or the highway” mentality carried to its logical extreme. Not only won’t the negotiate and compromise with Democrats, they won’t negotiate and compromise with Republicans either, so they’re in effect a third party who can be counted on to draw off enough non-Democratic votes from Republican candidates to allow Democrats to win elections with sub-50% pluralities in districts that Democrats couldn’t win under other circumstances. Sort of a Ralph Nader Florida Effect on a nationwide scale, only this time it’s working against Republicans. Hmmm, I can see a 100% Democratic Senate and a 90% Democratic House of Representatives and a permanently Democratic White House under this scenario. THANK YOU TEA PARTY!!! You guys are the best thing that’s happened to Democratic electoral strategists since Watergate.
The Puritans and Pilgrims of the 1600s were Spanish and French? Who knew? Not in my history books.
The more Deadtoad writes the worse his lunacy gets.
Like your commentary lifted from Daily Kooks or some Soros funded and backed whack-job leftist location?
@17 Our compassion takes the form, among other things, of emergency response that actually works.
@ 23
Big money, mafia support, and an openly criminal political organization with loyalties to foreign powers supporting him. The Bush family and the Duponts and the Coors supported the Fascists in Europe during the 1930’s and 40’s, and they’re trying to bring that paradigm to the United States. Total ownership, of the continent and everyone residing upon it.
There you go again… projecting your mental issues on others!
@17 Have you noticed the absence of cops shooting tornado victims? The absence of media reports about truck drivers ordered not to deliver drinking water to survivors? The absence of complaints about refugees being housed in toxic trailers? Hmmm?
When grownups are in charge, the really important news is what doesn’t happen after a disaster.
What an utter historical failure Roger Dumb Rabbit is again today.
ELECTORAL COLLEGE! Roger Dumb Rabbit. Something leftist wanna get rid of.
@21 “My hard earned money is part of MY property, not Obama’s to piss away on fat ass government pensions, benefits, and unions.”
Really? Think you can buy real estate, groceries, or gas and not pay for it? When you buy my services as a government lawyer, you have to pay my salary, benefits, and pension. You don’t work for free, and neither do I, even though you think I should. Sorry, I don’t care what your opinion is. If you live in this country, you’re subject to its laws, including its tax laws and you’re required to pay the same taxes as the rest of us. Don’t like it? Fuck you. Refuse to pay? Do not pass “Go” or collect $200, go straight to “Jail.” Don’t like prison food or getting fucked in the ass by big burly bikers? Well, you know what the standard response is … fuck you anyway. That’s how it is, pal, like it or not.
Maybe you can explain in real numbers, how you plan to deal with this 1.7 Trillion (double the income of the government) deficit..before a Greece like collapse occurs.
Keep in mind
Social Security surpluses have been spent
Medicare is projected to run a 30 – 50 trillion dollar deficit
Sad sauce.
hey deathfrog…assumming you’re white, male and possibly christian, do yiou keep your head down when you sit in your college cafeteria because one false look will send to diversity training?
The “Pilgrims” WERE the fucking puritans you imbecile. The “Puritains” were thrown ou of Britain, as they had already once led a revolution against the king and the crown, and nobody in the royal family wanted to see another King executed. They were thrown out because their religion and their politics were subversive to the crown.
And I’m not going to try to explain to someone who has obviously never opened a history book, the history of how the American continents, north and south, were conquered by the Europeans. It’s obviously way over your head.
@22 “Pers 1 pension cost of living raises —- GONE”
Actually, I don’t have a problem with that, because those raises were a gift of the legislature, not part of the employment contract. And they were paid for with taxes, not from withholding from employee pay, as the contractual pension is. In fact, at the time the PERS 1 Colas were being discussed on this board I posted that they should be rescinded to help balance the budget.
I don’t, however, agree with your gloating over pay cuts to hardworking and underpaid public servants as a consequence of (a) Republican economic mismanagement and (b) politicians’ stubborn and gutless refusal to fix a dysfunctional state tax system that favors the rich and screws the poor and starves public services of revenue during economic downturns. That’s childish, sophomoric, immature, whatever you want to call it. I won’t get a pension COLA next year because of greedy, selfish, and dishonest bankers who make 100 times as much as I do. If you think that’s a good thing, you’re one sick puppy.
Wrong again. 4 Cenk + 9 Young Turks = 13. It was 14 last week.
More Cenk Uygur. It’ll help Puddybud attain rapture in October!
@33 PLURALITY! Plurality, dumbass, plurality! Do you need the word explained to you? Apparently the answer is yes. So here’s how it works, dumbass: The candidate who gets the most votes wins. The Republican candidate in NY-26 got fewer votes than the Democratic candidate, so the Republican candidate doesn’t win. Got that? Or do I need to explain it again? PLURALITY, dumbass, PLURALITY! If you can understand ELECTORAL COLLEGE, then you should be able to understand PLURALITY.
rodent said:
After I’m dead and gone, some Christian minister praying over my grave to Jesus instead of the Bunny Queen isn’t going to bar me from admittance to the Meadow In The Sky.
Is there anything we can do to accelerate your eventual demise, rodent? The sooner you’re gone the better.
By the way, America is NOT a democracy. People in Alaska, Wyoming, or Arizona have more say in electing our presidents than people in California, New York, or Illinois. That’s why American government has always been more conservative than American society. The fact we’ve had so many Republican fuckups in the White House since the 1950s isn’t because the majority of voters are conservative (they’re not) or because stupid voters are in the majority, it’s because the barefoot illiterate voters in places like Mississippi and Tennessee get more votes in the Electoral College than urban voters do. Simple as that.
Funny, not too many right wingers had a problem with Raygun doing the same damn thing.
In fact NONE AT ALL!
The Electoral College is one of those outdated institutions, like slavery, that has outlived its usefulness and should be abolished. In fact, the Electoral College was set up to preserve slavery, so the Electoral College has been useless for 146 years now. If there’s anything in the Constitution that needs to be amended, getting rid of the Electoral College and establishing direct popular election of the president and vice president should be Priority #1.
@43 Why does that guy have a problem with Obama drinking beer or wine paid for with PRIVATE money?
@41 “Is there anything we can do to accelerate your eventual demise, rodent? The sooner you’re gone the better.”
Check the game regulations to find out when rabbit hunting season opens, then come to my burrow with a gun so I can claim self-defense.
@46 Ha ha, just kidding! That’s a Coulter Death Joke. You know, like her crack about extermination camps for liberals. She said she was just kidding, and so am I! You can always try praying for a rabbits-only Rapture. Who knows, maybe the power of prayer can make your fondest dreams come true.
@ 44 RR
I’m sort of torn on the Electoral College. It works when the members vote based on the will of the voters in their respective States, but there is no obligation for them to do so. Al Gore should have called for a recount of the entire States of Florida, Georgia and Ohio where obvious count frauds were going on, and in a national election, that should be mandatory anyway. Recount the whole State, by hand. That is why there should always be paper ballots.
@35 Sure. First, our bailouts and stimulus spending averted another Great Depression and the economy is, albeit slowly, on the path to recovery. As employment and spending rise, so will federal revenues, and at the same time, federal expenditures for things like unemployment benefits will decline, helping to narrow the budget gap. History has repeatedly shown this works better than cutting spending to balance the budget during a downturn.
Secondly, we’re going to further narrow the deficit by reversing Republican borrow-and-spend policies that drastically increased federal spending and at the same time reducing revenues by slashing taxes for the rich. Tax rates are at an all-time low and need to be restored to fiscally responsible levels.
Third, although I don’t agree with this, the Federal Reserve is going to cut our public debt in half by printing twice as much money. We’re already well down this path. Have you noticed that a lot of things cost twice as much as they did a couple years ago? You should be happy about this, because it’s effectively cutting everyone’s wages in half and robbing low-income senior citizens of their life savings in order to sustain Bush’s tax cuts for the rich. I’d just as soon jettison this policy, but I have no say in it, Obama’s $900 million presidential campaign was paid for by Wall Street types and not surprisingly his economic policies are being run by Wall Street types. Trust me, the debt is NOT a problem, it’s going away along with the purchasing power of my pension and your savings.
Fourth, and on a more positive note, Obama is winding down the ultra-expensive GOP wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which will result in huge savings that will have a large impact on future deficits.
Fifth, and not least, we’re going to ratchet Bush’s enormous increased in defense spending back to pre-Bush levels. Bush increased defense spending from $400 billion to $700 billion a year. While the savings of $300 billion a year won’t, by themselves, close a $1.7 trillion budget gap, Bush’s profligate defense spending is a contributing cause of the deficit and eliminating that spending is a necessary useful step to restoring the balanced budget that Bush inherited from Clinton.
TEA tipplers of old:
The ld/LD(iot) should take note.
@48 “It works when the members vote based on the will of the voters in their respective States, but there is no obligation for them to do so.”
No, it doesn’t work, even if the Electors respect the will of their states’ voters — which they almost always do.
It doesn’t work because of the way it’s structured. The number of each state’s Electors is the sum of its Representatives and Senators. Because every state gets two Senators regardless of population, the small-population states — which tend to be more rural and more conservative — get disproportionately more representation in the Electoral College than populous urban states.
A simple example will suffice to illustrate why the Electoral College is undemocratic regardless of how Electors vote.
Alaska, with a population of 710,231, has 3 electoral votes, or one EV per 236,744 people.
California, with a population of 37,253,956, has 55 electoral votes, or one EV per 677,345 people.
An Alaskan’s vote for president carries 2.86 times as much weight as a Californian’s vote for president. That’s unfair to Californians and skews the complexion of our government toward the ideology of Alaskans.
It doesn’t make sense to preserve this undemocratic system, which was created for the purpose of preserving slavery, given that slavery was abolished 146 years ago. The Electoral College should have been abolished 146 years ago, too, but that somehow was overlooked so we should do it now — better late than never.
@ 18
Uh, yeah, about that.
It’s not just stupidity. It is willfull, deliberate and specifically construed anti-intelligence and anti-education. You actively dislike anyone with coherent, abstract information processing abilities.
Too much lead paint in the diet, or maybe some form of congenital syphilis or fetal alcohol exposure. Some form of serious organic brain damage is going on here. You really just cannot fathom why anyone would want a government in the first place. Maybe, Spuddy my man, you would rather be back on some 100 square mile cotton plantation living in a dirt floor shack and being whipped every time you fail to work hard enough. Being kept illiterate by law. Being OWNED by another person, who could legally rape your wife, or your daughters and sell them off to another person if he needed some quick cash for another set of gold-plated silverware.
Thats the America you seem to want.
I’ve wondered how much this applies to the right wingers who are driven to haunt these threads:
A LOT I bet!
Read more:
@ 55
Thats funny, considering one of the main banks involved in that speculation is owned lock stock and barrel by the Kuwaiti and Saudi royal families.
CitiCorp is the Kuwaiti Royal families own bank, and the VISA/Mastercharge/Discover card company is owned by the Saudis and the Kuwaitis and the Bush family. The bin Ladin family owns huge blocks of stock in Bank of America and CitiCorp, as well as Goldmann Sachs and Wachovia. The list of foreign ownership of US Banks is gigantic.
56 – That is strange – banks lend/invest in hedge funds and prop up futures markets through various mechanisms all designed to maximize profit. I suppose if it REALLY impacted oil country interests the players could influence policy through board membership but I guess the primary interest is to safeguard the massive cash hoard on already realized profit. Future profit is secondary. They already have more money then they can possible know what to do with!
The Bankers manifesto, 1892
I guess we know where all our wingnuts in here stand on the issue already. They would embrace their homelessness, their slavery to debt and their owners atavism toward people who would rather live in a Free Country. Time to hang the bankers. All of them.
No cities were “destroyed.” Joplin, which is in the heart of the bible belt, voted for Roy Blunt (R) for the US senate, and went 63% for the Republican in the last congressional race, did get quite a slice taken out of it, though.
And hot on the heels of the nutter state rep in Maine (R) that pulled a gun on a reporter outside of a Dunkin’ Doughnuts we have State Senator Brian Nieves of MO shouting at constituents!
I made a donation to the Ozark Red Cross through a bicyclists blog that’s from near by Springfield MO.
Has any right wing nutcase rapturist like Pat Robertson proclaimed that this was the result of local support for the homosexual agenda?
Theres no psychosis like religious psychosis.
There is no ethos so hollow, no admonition so vain and contradictory as that of a religious faith.
Springfield’s 60 miles east of Joplin, has a few liberals in it, farmers markets, a good and growing bicycling infrastructure, and a gay pride parade. Maybe Gods aim was a bit off.
I hate it when God’s aim is off. It just makes me doubt everything. I mean if God aims to smite a liberal cesspool like Springfield but smites a god-fearing burg like Joplin, then how do we know he won’t reward good Christians like Puddy and LD when it comes to the afterlife? What if His databank is all fucked up on each of us?
Springfield also has Grizzly Tools. They have a showroom in Bellingham too. More liberal cesspooliness!
Man this Deadtoad needs more than a history lesson. Moronic and built to stay that way.
Pavlov called this imbecile and his Cenk screams.
Right on time my beta boy!
Roger Dumb Rabbit, where did I say anything different?
Exactly Deadtoad. Ask my beta boy, yelling lost boy, to show you the original databaze entry where I placed Al Gorebasm’s words about not recounting all of Florida!
He screwed his own pooch!
Wrong again Deadtoad… I like the challenge of those who possess those abilities. Sadly in this thread you proved beyond the shadow of a doubt you are not in that column. Hence you are a moron.
Pilgrims and Puritans are the same thing.
2000 was a tie and a tie goes to the person or people that want it the most and are willing to fight the hardest for it. Gore didn’t want it bad enough, neither did Kerry in 2004 for that matter. Pussies.
A tie in who’s eyes? Yours?
SO much for organic veggies in Europe…
It’s your stupid butt that goes on and on like a whipped cur about Cenk.
I’m just making fun of your silly whining.
Darryl, more Cenk Uygur for our pet moron Puddybud, please!
Ahhh my beta appears.
You are always right no time with your silliness.
Keep it up! Everyone can see how I PWN your silly idiotic ASS! And that’s not the ekim way either.
Cenk is a moronic idiot just like you yelling lost boy. It seems Darryl is Cenk’s primary fan of the NW though.
Wow. I worry about you, m’lad. Coherence is not something you do.
Why thanks for the worry proud leftist.
Writing about “coherence”, how is the goat in the mirror these days?
Another headline missed by Darryl.
Somehow the religion of peace is missed on the Friday Night Funny Pages.
Just be glad, people, that we don’t live in Florida.
As long as you whine about it like a stuck pig, we’ll be laughing!
Keep it up silly! Waaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha!
Right on time again beta boy. Good job copying Puddy my beta boy.
How does it feel to be led by your nose on this blog yelling lost boy?
Here’s another billionaire right wing fiend for Puddybud to worship:
Ugly isn’t he?
Wow more moronic whack-job blog visitations by my beta boy! Crooks and Liars!
85 – LMAO! Right on cue. The whinging stuck hog is caught red-handed worshipping a right wing demigod through the “sacrifice” of cutting his taxes!
Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work
Republicans never tire of complaining about the public debt they ran up. Here’s another example of how they wasted your money:
Scott Crow, 44, makes $32,000 a year working for an Austin, Texas recycling center. He also organizes anti-corporate demonstrations. It’s anybody’s guess how many millions of dollars the Bush administration’s FBI spent watching this guy, but they parked squads of agents in black SUVs across the street from his house, installed video cameras, sifted through his trash, and compiled a 440-page dossier on him — which he recently obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
Among his other activities, Crow ran an annual training camp for non-violent protesters. The FBI infiltrated it, of course. The agents weren’t hard to spot, Crow says. They were the “burly” guys. Here’s what the undercover agents reported to their superiors: “Most attendees dressed like hippies.” I kid you not.
Crow, it turned out, wasn’t an Al Qaeda sleeper agent. He didn’t fly any airplanes into buildings. The FBI tried to nail him on tax charges — shades of Richard Nixon! — but the IRS brushed them off, telling the agents that Crow didn’t make enough money to bother auditing his return. The guy, it seems, paid his taxes. Some terrorist.
Next time you hear a Republican whining about government spending, just hand him a bill for the cost to taxpayers of the GOP’s useless 8-year surveillance of a guy who did nothing more than eat veggie burgers and get arrested for trespassing.
Meanwhile, Syria’s dictator is sending tanks to shoot up protest demonstrations against his totalitarian regime.
You can bet this is how Republicans would deal with anti-war and anti-corporate protests here in America, too, if they have got the chance. One thug is pretty much like another, regardless of what country they’re in.
Well my beta boy, if I knew who he was. Ya see I have more important things to do in life than read swill from your fingers. You are my beta. REMEMBER THAT!
Another headline purposely missed by Darryl… Looks the the shine is really tarnish…
And then…
Good for Lech. When you are treated badly by Obummer make sure Obummer understands!
And another take from the same event outlined in #90
And this is Walesa’s real problem with Obummer…
You see HA libtardos, real people see the world clearly!
And this was purposely skipped by Darryl. Of course Bwaney Fwank is loved by ekim!
And this was purposely skipped by Darryl too.
Of course Obummer’s sadministration doesn’t want laws enforced so they argued against it.
Don’t kid yourself, state legislative elections matter:
“MIAMI — Less than 18 months before the next presidential election, Republican-controlled statehouses around the country are rewriting voting laws to require photo identification at the polls, reduce the number of days of early voting or tighten registration rules.
“Republican legislators say the new rules, which have advanced in 13 states in the past two months, offer a practical way to weed out fraudulent votes and preserve the integrity of the ballot box.
“Democrats say the changes have little to do with fraud prevention and more to do with placing obstacles in the way of possible Democratic voters, including young people and minorities.”
A Wisconsin Republican is someone who thinks you need a background check to vote but don’t need a photo ID to buy a machinegun.
Funniest video of the week from Obama sycophant Joe Klein
Keep watching how the media loves Obummer.
Hey Joe, remember this is your preznit who mispronounced navy corpsman as corpse-man! If Bush did that it would be a Time article. Yeah Obummer is the real deal to you!
92,93 – LOL! Investor’s right wing bullshit daily who spread the racist lie that the economy melted down by discouraging red-lining with the CRA!
What a miserable tool who’d read that crap.
“Actually, I don’t have a problem with that, because those raises were a gift of the legislature, not part of the employment contract.”
Just wondering Roger, when I am going to start getting my monthly “Gift” check from this legislature? Still waiting!
“Fourth, and on a more positive note, Obama is winding down the ultra-expensive GOP wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which will result in huge savings that will have a large impact on future deficits.”
I noticed that! Especially in Libya. if winding down is what Obama is doing, I wouldn;t let him wind my watch.
“Secondly, we’re going to further narrow the deficit by reversing Republican borrow-and-spend policies that drastically increased federal spending and at the same time reducing revenues by slashing taxes for the rich. Tax rates are at an all-time low and need to be restored to fiscally responsible levels.”
Two years of talking, I’m still waiting……..
So beta boy@97, throwing around the “racist term” as liberals do these days; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are solvent covering the sub-prime mortgage dilemma?
R U getting your latest “information” from the new Obummer Sadministration Goebbels Director Minister of Liberal Disinformation & Online Response Jesse Lee and his wife Nina Choudhary?
Do tell!
Where is Darryl’s link to Obummer’s saadministration of the new Director of Progressive Media & Online Response Jesse Lee and his wife of General Betray-us fame the MoveOn leftist Nina Choudhary?
Or his link to the Obummer’s saadministration Secret Service Brown Shirts monitoring Fox News?
99 – Moron, your beloved investor’s right wing bullshit daily said the economy melted down because the government stepped in and said no to red-lining, i.e. made it so people of color could have access to mortgage lending.
Therefore they blame the housing meltdown on people of color and NOT the banksters.
YOU have referenced that right wing bullcrap many, many times.
And the true outrage is that the rich are the biggest deadbeats of all:
Sorry Puddybud, the meltdown occurred not because of ACORN or people of color as your beloved right bullshit rags say – it’s because of the people whose taxes you want to cut.
From your own link yelling lost beta boy@99
Which means almost six out of seven had mortgages below $1 million. Which means 80% of delinquent mortgages are from the little people who could not afford the houses they “bought”.
Sorry beta boy.. your logic is an EPIC FAYLE!
teh puddybitch is REALLY the deep end of the pool here…hahahahaha!
teh puddybitch, ld, and man of shit are truly the gold standard of stupid.
So here’s one for teh puddybitch…”the sky is blue”.
No sorry fool, that’s not what that means.
Can’t freaking read to save his life..
I’ll enshrine this stupidity for a while.
Dog Pee Can’t Stop Santorum
Posted by Dan Savage on Sat, May 28, 2011 at 9:32 AM
Oh, man. Snapping up I wish I’d thought of that, Rachel. (And, for the record, if there’s dog pee in your santorum you’re doing it wrong. You’re doing it really, really wrong.)
This is just precious…my gog I could not stop laughing!!!
“I’ll enshrine this stupidity for a while”
LMFAO! The stupid is strong with that one.
Okay, I missed that one!
From the dumb cinder block@103,104 who calls women sluts…
I guess being so stupid, I invested in Gold, Silver, Oil, foreign currencies, and Industrials….and
Made a tax free killing off of your failed worthless paper money dollar deflating Obama.
Keep it up, it’s like hunting rabbits with a carrot gun!
Oh my Sheriff Dupnik, hero of HA leftists, officers killed a Marine Corps veteran on flimsy evidence.
Kinda starting to resemble the SS of WW2. Shoot and ask questions (make up dumb excuses) later…
Less banger for your buck: The Memorial Day BBQ will cost you 29% more this year thanks to inflation
Read more:
Thank you Obummer! And $5 gas oh praise you and may you have a wonderful 2012 election season
They killed a Marine that was pointing a gun at them.
They killed a Marine while on a pot bust and it’s the left far more than the right that wants to end busting people for pot.
They killed a Marine and then then tried to cover it up and it’s the left, not the right, that askes questions about the use force and cover ups. Matter of fact when we do ask those questions one of the things we can count on is hearing indigent howls from the right.
To sum it all up: fuck off asshole.
It will be the left not the right that cleans up the drug war messes and the corrupt and dysfunctional police forces.
The Left couldn’t clean up a wet dream. It is quite obvious that they did not need to storm this family’s home like a bunch of SS agents. What would you expect a Marine to do, but to try and protect his family from a massively over zealous SS.
When you take a shit, assuming you know to drop your drawers before doing so, do you wipe before or after crapping? Idiocy at your level is kind of fascinating, so I have to ask such questions.
And I will add cudo’s to Roger, for being the only one at this site who even attempts to respond to “How is this massive debt going to be paid”.
I will remind you all that it’s easy to say the buzz words “Tax the rich”, but Bill Gate’s entire estate (if taxed at 100%)would not fund the debt payment of the US for more than 15 days. So your Tax the rich argument does not even begin to solve Obama’s spending spree.
Yeah, back at you Michael. This is the same leftist Dupnik’s who was a hero of the HA moronic crew using daily kooks tv for a Jared Loughner thread. The problem was as the data appeared we find out Loughner is a lefty. Dupnik’s crew assumed the marine was part of the pot ring so they did their police thing.
Went to his house using code 11 but they were code 3. No it was code 2. No he fired his gun. No it was on safety. No they sealed the indictment after it happened. No they let him bleed to death. No two of his wife’s relatives and their children were killed by others breaking in…
They went to the wrong house and found nothing wrong. Oh they found a photograph so he’s a criminal.
So back at you Michael. Your hero Dupnik, a big lefty shot first then started the cover up. Now we have a widow and two children who lost their husband and father due to Dupnik’s stupidity.
Way to go Libtardos!
Looks like Joe Klein of Time is wrong again. He should stay far away from Chris Matthews. He looks like a fool each time he appears on that show.
Yet all we hear are the chickenhawks of the Republican Party. Since this poll is across the political spectrum, another HA libtardo argument EXPLODED.
Wait for it… the Republican chickenhawk list will soon appear…
Oh ouch. I’m wounded. Ouchouch.
“I guess being so stupid, I invested”
What a dumbfuck. We weren’t even talking about him. But since the shoe fits, yeah, that loser’s really stupid too.
“your Tax the rich argument does not even begin to solve ”
I’ve always thought that the rich would much prefer high taxation over having their throats slit in the dark of night. It’s a social contract thing. Break it and you suffer the fucking consequences.
“Obama’s spending spree”
Fucktard knows who ran up the debt. This is the kind of one-note, dumbfuck troll we can do without – in more ways than one.
In states across the U.S., veteran public workers are quitting rather than work for Republican wages and benefits, and public services are suffering as a result.
Hey, if you want to wait six months to get your driver’s license renewed, well, you get what you pay for!
Market Failure #11-002763498-030
Super-expensive patent drugs (“as seen on TV”) are never in short supply but hospitals, doctors, and patients are finding common work-a-day drugs in increasingly short supply. Why? Because private, for-profit, drug companies would rather sell high-margin sex enhancement pills than save lives.
Yep, you can always trust the free market to meet your needs; we don’t need no frickin’ gummint health care! Just make sure your kids don’t catch cystic fibrosis or leukemia! ‘Cause if they do, they’re dead!!!
Saving human lives just isn’t profitable, so kiss your kids goodbye if they get sick.
Old people aren’t profitable, either — they’re a drag on gummint’s ability to give tax breaks to millionaires — so Republican Death Panels are just around the corner.
@119 “The problem was as the data appeared we find out Loughner is a lefty.”
Pussybutt thinks if he masturbates a bull’s dick long enough it’ll squirt caviar. Last time I checked, Loughner was hanging with White Supremacists. He’d feel right at home with a “lefty” like Timeh McVeigh. Yeah!
Funny how a “lefty” picked a DEMOCRATIC congresswoman to shoot! If Loughner is a “lefty” why didn’t he shoot a REPUBLICAN? Hmmmmm? But don’t trying arguing logic with pussybutt — he can’t process anything that makes sense.
Pussybutt is a good example of what happens to people if they speak Ebonics too long.
There goes Roger Dumb Rabbit again. It’s you who screws animals… or at least tells the world you do. Isn’t that why they call your “burrow” Animal Farm? Tim McVeigh… the Christian hater like most leftists on HA?
This Loughner issue was already exploded Roger Dumb Rabbit. He is a leftist through and through. checksez and others saw the evidence. Of course you were virtually asleep! The last time you checked was months ago and the data has been written to the HA databaze fool’s home computer. Need more virtual oxygen tanks from Carl My Left Foot Grossman?
Jared Loughner didn’t think Gabrielle Giffords was left enough.
See ya sucka.
@112 Yeah, Dupnik is making a real ass of himself this time. His stormtroopers kill an innocent two-duty-tour Marine in the guy’s own home by pumping 60 bullets into him in front of his wife and young son and then they refuse to call an aid car for over an hour and then his department lies and covers up about what happened. The shine sure wore off that guy in a hurry, didn’t it? Dupnik is behaving like a corporate law department that knows its executives fucked up big-time (you know, antifreeze-in-the-baby-formula type of fuckup) and its company is going to get sued for millions. My guess is Dupnik’s department will pay about $5 million for this one, not counting the legal bills.
When a trigger-happy police squad takes a citizen’s life in his own home, no amount of money can ever restore the innocent life that was taken — or public trust in that department.
Dupnik needs to resign. All the cops who touched a trigger in that incident should resign, too, and never be allowed to work as cops again.
@129 Look what the tide washed in.
Your silly butt. About time your “fur” was washed Roger Dumb Rabbit!
Apparently Michael@115 disagrees with you Roger Dumb Rabbit. He thinks the marine got what he deserved because he was defending his house from home invaders who happened to be “SWAT” from the leftist pinhead Dupnik.
Pima County… home of moronic leftists.
Roger Dumb Rabbit is a good example of what happens to people if they read their material over and over too long.
A War That Costs $200 Billion A Year
No, I’m not talking about some shithole third-world country. I’m talking about the War On Cancer, where prolonging your life for three more months can set you back more than $100,000 or about $1,000 a day.
It’s just a matter of time before another flu epidemic kills millions, because there just isn’t enough profit in $10 vaccine doses. Why should drug companies save millions of lives when they can charge you $1,000 a pill to keep you going for 3 months?
Welcome to the brave new world of Ayn Rand health care!
P.S., I know this sounds heretical but maybe we should set up a government lab to make and sell cancer-fighting drugs that people can afford? You know, $1 a pill?
@134 He disagrees with you a lot more than he disagrees with me, but you can’t get past your ebonics enough to see that.
@135 Looky here! I’ve got my very own pussybutt to kick around this morning! And I don’t even have to share him, because I’m the only poster here this morning! The problem is, pussybutt is so fucking BORING it isn’t much fun. Usually I just skip over his stuff and consign it to the IGNORE file, because there’s no intelligent life in his posts.
Reading a puddy post is like probing for evidence of life on Mars.
You hope something is here, but all you find is frozen rocks.
Wow Roger Dumb Rabbit, that was ALMOST funny.
Try again. This time ask Mrs. Rabbit for help.
1… 2… 3…
No, it’s the upcoming brave new world of Obummer Care.
And he sticks by his death panels comments.
As soon as you reject someone’s need… you condemn them to death!
Stay stupid beta boy!