The Point: Is the US ready for yet another Bush?
Equal Pay for Equal Work:
- White House: When women succeed, America succeeds:
- WaPo: Democrats highlight equal pay push.
- Ann Telnaes: The GOP offers kisses to women.
- Sam Seder: How Obama is helping close the pay gap.
- Mitch McConnell’s equal pay solution.
- Michael Brooks: Women’s rights are so distracting says Mitch McConnell.
Ann Telnaes: Childless couples need not apply in Utah.
Jon on Sean Hannity’s Spring Break alarmism.
The Week in Scott Brown:
- WaPo: What New Hampshire voters think of Scott Brown.
- Maddow: Clueless Scott Brown, Part I
- Maddow: Clueless Scott Brown, Part II
Mark Fiore: The United States of John Roberts.
Obama: Civil Rights.
This Week in Torture:
- Jon: Dick Cheney and Back to the Torture.
- Matt Binder: “Tough guy” Sean Hannity still won’t undergo waterboarding himself.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Sharpton: Eric Holder calls out Republican racism
Rep. Vance McAllister (R-LA) get Famous:
- Young Turks: Kissing Congressman caught on tape.
- Young Turks: Are self-righteous religious politicians full of shit?
White House: West Wing Week.
Richard Fowler: Paul Ryan’s new pathway to prosperity.
Bill Maher: The G.O.P. has become talk radio (via Crooks and Liars).
Stephen Colbert News:
- WaPo: The real Stephen Colbert.
- Colbert on interviewing in character
- Bill-O-the-Clown: Stephen Colbert is destroying America.
- Ed: Limbaugh scared shitless about Colbert.
- Stephen Colbert will replace David Letterman.
- Jimmy Fallon on Stephen Colbert’s new gig
- Sharpton: Right Wingers freak-out over Colbert announcement.
- A little theater with Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell
- Limbaugh sees WAR in Colbert pick.
- Seven delightful instances of Stephen Colbert out of character.
- Stephen with advice for the New York Times
- Did Letterman lie about his replacement?
- Stephen Colbert reacts to David Letterman’s retirement
Young Turks: Hillary joins Shrub in the thrown shoe club.
Thom: Climate deniers use same tactics as tobacco companies.
Ari Melber: No escape for Christie as noose tightens.
The Travesty of Affordable Health Care:
- Ed and Pap: The Koch brother’s ObamaCare windfall
- Matt Binder: Koch brothers are profiting from Obamacare
- Jon: The ObamaCare non-Hard sell.
- David Pakman: Glenn Beck melts down over ObamaCare numbers.
- John Fugelsang (with Ed): Epic ObamaCare rant:
- Matt Binder: Republicans who attack Obamacare also…fight for it?
- Maddow: How Republicans put too-many-eggs in the ObamaCare basket
- Ed: WingNutjobbers in denial over enrollment numbers.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: GOP swallows 7.1 million bitter pills.
John Boehner’s bullshit excuse for failure to extend unemployment benefits.
LBJ adviser on how Obama should handle Boehner.
This Week in Republican Voter Suppression:
- Ed: Republicans making the American voting process “3rd World-like’
- Chris Hayes and Rev. Sharpton: Obama’s frontal assault on GOP’s bogus, racist voter suppression efforts.
- Farron Cousins with Howard Nations: What motivates Republican racism?
Alex Wagner: Jim DeMint claims, “Big Government didn’t free the slaves”.
Young Turks: Republicans finally surrender on Benghazi.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Looks like the federal transportation trust fund will go broke this summer. That means highway construction and repair, and federal transit funding, will come to a dead stop.
1)Cue the usual ideological wrangling by politicians on both sides, meanwhile hundreds of thousands of jobs are at stake.
Light Rail operations across state lines are rare in the US(St. Louis is an an example), and the last international streetcar ran between El Paso and Juarez about 40 years ago. Some in both San Diego, CA and Tijuana, Baja California del Norte are suggesting extending a light rail line across the border. I’ll believe this one when I see it. For now, the MTS Blue line ends at the San Yisidro Port of Entry.
Looks like the Swiss Voters are going to reject the purchase of Swedish fighter jets next month. They can’t block the agreement, but can reject the purchase being made from the Defense budget.
Found a pretty good blog by an engineering Geologist about the Oso/Canyon Creek area where it dumps into the Nooksack River. The LiDar images are fascinating.
Interesting shit.
Do bears shit in woods? Do ducks cross the street?
Kind of simple question with a simple answer. – Quite fucking frankly, Yes!
Just ask Puffy Boy. He’s always right!
The whole notion of religion is to be wrong, you are the sinner, and you should live a better way.
Do we have murders? Do we have rapists? Do we have thieves? Do we have Adulterers? Do we have divorces? Do we have liars? Do we have vandals? Do we beat up people? I read the papers and all the answers to those questions are resoundingly, Yes, it is what we do best.
Anyone preaching of how righteous they are is bullshit. Stick them in the oven, let them cook a little longer till they are done.
Live Free or Die. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Don’t tread on me – the gay guy!
Puffy go fuck yourself – stick that Bible right up your ass where it belongs!
Anyone who preaches the Bible and doesn’t obey by it should be stoned – should be the 11th commandment.
Remember the rich kid who got probation for killing 4 people while driving drunk? Well, his wealthy parents won’t have to pay for his court-ordered treatment, either. Taxpayers will.
In Nevada, some jackass who thinks he has a right to graze his cattle on federal land free owes the government over $1 million in unpaid grazing fees. He ignores court orders. When the Bureau of Land Management began rounding up his cattle last week, rightwing militia nuts from all over the country showed up to “defend” his ranch with their guns. They even blocked an interstate highway for a while. The rancher says this is about “liberty.” Yeah, right. Looks to me like it’s about money. Taxpayers already subsidize ranchers by giving them grazing permits at one-third the cost of grazing fees on private land — that’s what welfare west of the Mississippi River looks like. I can guess what this yahoo would do to someone who trespassed on his land. Well, I have an idea. Let’s give him the BLM land. Then the county can collect taxes from him on it. Of course, you already know what this freeloading libertarian would say to that — NO!!! He expects us to let him use the land free, pay no grazing fees or taxes, and he probably claims the mineral rights, too. This isn’t about liberty, it’s straightforward looting. Well, at least the BLM got several hundred of his cows before they backed off. At $1,000 apiece, that’s enough to pay off part of his grazing bill.
@6 “The whole notion of religion is to be wrong, you are the sinner, and you should live a better way.”
I’m under the impression their notion of religion is that sinning is okay because they’ll be forgiven for it.
@2 Yeah, but it’s not a pipeline, so those jobs don’t count.
It’s good to see Puddy lives deep in the minds of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
One can read the latest Scott Walker poll or you can be slain by the MadCow beast.
Meanwhile Jay Carney and Clare Shipman need Photoshopping skillz!
LMAO! Been enjoying this writer a bit. His output is somewhat uneven but when he’s good, he’s good!
I love it! This guy thoroughly understands the always wrong wing mentality.
More fun from Breitbart Unmasked:
Spot on!
Meanwhile Obummer IRS scandal water carrier Elijah Cummings has some ‘splainin to do…
Rutro Raggy…
Seems Elijah the IRS Scandal Water Carrier’s letter contains similar questions that closely mirrored those posed to True to Vote by the Obummer’s IRS. Puddy loves how Issa displays those questions as facts!
Can’t wait to hear Elijah’s excuse since he has two weeks to prepare it! He previously claimed his office didn’t do didly when questioned by True to Vote!
Oh no, Dead Schultzie, it can’t be so!
So it seems Harry Reid was behind the “Nevada Land Grab“. Of course the slobbering libtard msm didn’t cover the story!
Of course NBC thought they could dizrespect a Boston Marathon Massacre survivor… they thought wrong.
Oh look another racist DUMMOCRETIN… his panic too!
She must make certain HA DUMMOCRETINS very proud!
Looks like just another DUMMOCRETIN political hack!
Wow, did he admit he lied about his resumé on national television?
Amtrak will be restoring service between Chicago and Rockford, IL by 2015. This is part of an expansion plan in Illinois that includes upgrades to 110MPH running on the Chicago-St. Louis Lincoln Service.
There is some discussion of a cross state service that avoids congested Chicago. The last service between Chicago and Rockford was in 1981, and there have been proposals to extend the service, once called the Black Hawk, to Dubuque, Iowa. If that happens, perhaps two former Illinois Central passenger train names could be resurrected, the Land of Corn, and the Hawkeye. Right now, only Springfield is funding the service.
Fighting Erupts In Ukraine
Shooting erupted between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian “anti-terrorist” forces today as the Ukrainian government launched operations against separatists who had seized government buildings in some eastern Ukrainian towns.
@11 You’re a legend in your own mind.
@18 Well, well, look who’s an apologist for a thieving rancher who stole more than $1 million of grazing rights from taxpayers and the militia rabble who support him by blocking freeways.
@19 But it’s okay to disrespect the law, ignore court orders, and threaten federal law enforcement officers, right?
Just when you think puddypoop couldn’t possibly stoop any lower, he stoops lower.
23)Looks like it begins. That’s how it starts and then spirals out of control.
A little background on the historical example I mentioned in my post at number 3. Most local streetcar service in Juarez had ended in 1945, and National City Lines had converted local routes in El Paso in 1947. The International run continued up until 1973, because both American and Mexican authorities thought it was easier to control border crossings. Various construction closures starting in the mid 1960s’s tested Mexican authorities.
The San Diego Trolley extension to Tijuana proposal, it arose from proposals to reactivate defunct rail trackage to the east of San Diego.
Looks like the GOP vote suppression aimed at combating voter fraud has gone North, to Canada. A bill before parliament seems to have the usual codewords.
In Canada, they already have voter I’D laws.;lang=e
Gotta love those DUMMOCRETIN code words… Florida NBC Station identified dozens of illegal aliens who illegally voted and it’s GOP vote suppression!
North Carolina has determined many more voters voted more than one in the recent erections and it’s GOP vote suppression!
Butt wait… it’s illegal GOP vote suppression! Puddy is glad HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t care if their votes don’t count! Puddy wants his vote to count!
Obummer’s NSA… DUMMOCRETIN Scumbags!
Somehow this “statement” doesn’t ring true to Puddy. Remember the head of the NSA ABSOLUTELY AND PURPOSELY lied to A DUMMOCRETIN senator!
Puddy used slate because the lean way DUMMOCRETIN!
Puddy was busy last week in bay area! Networking can be tedious!
And the NY Slimes backs Puddy!!!
The more you know about Obummer the more you realize:
.the. worst. .president. ever.
Anyone else bored with this troll’s babbling as I am?
don’t want old people, who never miss an ELECTION, with perfect voting records to vote..
don’t want college students and other young people to vote
don’t want catholic nuns to vote..
don’t want black churchogoers to vote..
don’t want poor people to vote…
they don’t want these people to vote because if they did, their moronic tools candidates would LOSE EVERY TIME!
Damn filter!
What happened to all the whining about “class warfare”???
It was all right wing bullshit – nothing more.. The IRS should go hard after tax dodgers – creeps like R-Money and the Koch brothers and these ingrate corporations who profit handsomely off u.s. consumers and give next to nothing back!
It was nice around here without the fucking asshole @31, 32. 33…
…I wish he (she? it?) would crawl back under whatever rock he/she/it came from.
Occupy got it right. Capitalism is only working for the well-connected few. French economist Thomas Piketty is exploding right wing myths with his ground-breaking book:
“A form of gangsterism” – exactly what our local troll village idiots want for this country!
31)I was just pointing out that the same code word seemed to be used. Election Administration in Canada is usually done by independent bodies, like Elections Canada at the Federal level, and a provincial version at the provincial level. I can see why Prime Minister Harper is hiding behind voter fraud. In 2011, the New Democratic Party’s meteoric rise into the official opposition came at the expense of the separatist Bloc Quebecois. Separatists made gains at the next provincial election, due to corruption scandals among the Liberals. That and a promise not to immediately seek independence.
Around March of this year, the Parti Quebecois government announced a snap election for April 7. Many feared if the PQ’s got a majority, they would seek independence. The vote Monday was not even close, the voters chose the Liberals and all their faults, over a divisive sovereignty referendum. When the election was first announced, did Harper ask his provincial conservatives what the local mood was? No, the brand is as tarnished for the Blue side(Color for the Conservative Party of Canada) in Quebec(Only 5 Federal seats and no effective provincial party), as it is for the Red side in Alberta(No federal seats, only a handful of seats in the provincial legislature in Edmonton, but Liberal votes did prop up the Progressive Conservatives in the face of a challenge from the right). He asked Opposition leader Thomas Mulcair, and Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, what the situation on the ground in Quebec was, since both are from there. Both Harper and Mulcair should worry about next year, although I doubt 1993, will happen again, where the incumbent prime minister lost her seat.
More Thomas Piketty:
Same Guardian link.. Only problem with this guy is that he makes too much damn sense.
In Australia, their independent commission did prove not to be perfect. In the 2013 election, they lost about 1500-2000 votes, and led to a rare do-over for the six Senate seats in Western Australia. The results of the do-over. On the initial count, 2 Liberals, 1 Labor, 1 Green, 1 Palmer United Party, and it appears that the last seat will go to a Liberal. Turnout was down despite compulsory voting, possibly because some thought they did not have to show up for a re-vote. The fine is $20.
Even with the proportional representation system used for the Australian Senate, Labor did not have a chance for 2 seats in a state like Western Australia.
Truth, but do HA DUMMOCRETINS care?
Capitalism is choking on its own vomit. When we defend capitalism we defend a system that will enslave our kid’s grandkids (that is if there’s an environment left that will support life).
Here’s another example, as if we need any more:
Bain Capital sees opportunity in methadone clinics
This is the greedy fuck who wanted to be President. What kind of moral bankruptcy would lead a man to think that profitizing addiction services…preying on the very weakest of society at their most vulnerable point is ok. So much for that Romney prick’s thin veneer of being a caring man. This is just sick. It is unfettered and reckless capitalism that breeds this kind of moral depravity.
The REPUBLICAN House of representatives is responsible for budget and oversight functions, but the puddypig won’t EVERRRR mention that.
And the NY Post is owned by Obama and Democrat HATING Rupert Murdoch.
As usual puddypig twiststwiststwists. Fucking moron.
This is why Puddy calls rujax the dumbest mofo dumb cinder block on HA. Even dumber than the crazed clueless databaze deala.
From WikiPedia…
With this specific sentence…
You are soooooooo silly, stoooooooooooopid, and moronic with your 24x7x365.25 hatred!
And Puddy mentions it all the time you useless blob of protoplasm. Check with the crazed clueless cretin databaze deala to verify. Puddy dares you to grow some marbuls. Every jobs and budget bill put forth by the House has basically died in Reid’s DUMMOCRETIN senate.
All the facts presented by the NY Post are correct! Sux to be the dumb cinder block!
You’re staying as stoooooooooopid as ever dumb cinder block rujax! The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
Oink, puddypig…oink, oink, oink your fucking ass off.
Area troll imagines he is somebody.
Increasing evidence that Mitt Romney will run again in 2016
oink, oink, oink.
Probably fixing something he fucked up the first time.
Wanna see the airlines tickets? Oh yeah, Puddy can’t tell you where Puddy was! Confidentiality!
The response from @47 proves Puddy’s point again!
Thanks for playing Rujax!
So this fuck, this puddypig goes from bashing Democrats and anyone who criticizes Bush and the Republicans to bashing Obama, Democrats and anyone criticizing Republicans.
That takes real talent.
From da moron who scream racism when anyone criticized Obummer!
Yeah, that’s the ticket!
When the fuck was anything like that said, lying motherfucker?
@32 “Somehow this “statement” doesn’t ring true to Puddy.”
I understand — just like your statements @31 don’t ring true to me.
C’mon, putz, the whole world knows what the GOP is up to. A GOP congressman even admitted last week the GOP would never win another presidential election if illegals get citizenship. It’s all about suppressing Democratic votes, because even with all their phony wedge issues and ad hominem attacks, the GOP can’t persuade a majority of Americans to vote for GOP incompetence and corruption.
@49 I sure hope so.
@46 “The REPUBLICAN House of representatives is responsible for budget and oversight functions”
That’s why the economy is still so shitty. It’s well established that Democratic fiscal stimulus promotes recovery, while Republican austerity turns recessions into depressions.
LOL! Yes the man of “virtue” who would never touch a ham sandwich becomes a swine everytime he pollutes these threads.
A white supremacist went on a shooting spree in Kansas, killing at least three. While the targets were two Jewish affiliated centers, it appears none of the victims were Jewish. The suspect is in custody, and has run as a write in candidate in Missouri in the past.
If this is the same guy who ran as a write in in 2010, I remember a controversy about his ads. He bought a few spots on a Kansas City radio station. The station had to air them despite the racist screed in them. So the station bracketed the ad with disclaimers, and donated the money to the local NAACP and a Jewish charity. They only ran the ads because it believed he was a candidate for office. Didn’t do much good, he only got 7 votes.
Of course rujax forget his own moniker: Rujax! Reminding the puddypussy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004
So stoooooopid he can’t remember to place the electrodes in the on position so it’s brain could actually engage!
Wait for it… two stooooopid comments from the dumb brick and the cinder block will appear real soon!
Nuff said SUCKA!
Roger Idiot Wabbit, name for Puddy another country that would give illegal aliens blanket citizenship with them going through proper channels besides DUMMOCRETINS leading and “transforming” America?
Go ahead and search!
Should read: without them going through proper channels.
Yes, he hated Republicans too!
Does puddy ever know where puddy is?
Seriously? Whatatard!
That’s not racist, you lying pig…that is the truth.