Ana Kasparian: Leave the Rich Alone!!!!
Thom: The Good, The Bad, The Very, Very Ugly.
White House: West Wing Week.
Cable Cabal:
- Anna Kasparian: Will consumers get screwed by the Comcast—TWC deal.
- Jonathan Mann: I Hate Comcast and TWC.
- David Pakman: Comcast and TWC merger is terrible for consumers.
- Thom: Comcast—TWC is an affront to Public Interest.
- Young Turks: Comcast’s devastating admission about merger
Sharpton: Ohio Republicans pushing new bills to suppress voting:
Jon: ‘Meth Labs Of Democracy’ (via Crooks and Liars.
ONN: Onion Week in Review.
Outrageous Anti-Science Positions of Gov. Pat McCrory (R-NC):
Pap and David Pakman: The Wall Street Secret Society.
Young Turks: Nutburger Tom Delay, “God created this nation. He wrote the Constitution….”.
WaPo: So you want to sue the White House?
Mark Fiore: Jack Gerrard’s American Petroleum Institute.
- Ann Telnaes: Disguising anti-gay discrimination.
- Ana Kasparian: U.S. Evangelicals spreading the their anti-gay “gospel”.
- Sam Seder and Charlie Pierce: Kansas anti-gay bill legalizes discrimination
- Young Turks: Bad news for anti-gay Christians In Kansas.
- Ann Telnaes: Romney—Don’t let the courts rule on marriage equality.
Lawrence O’Donnell: The Koch ‘polluting’ Brothers are already dishing truckloads of cash to the GOP.
Sam Seder and Charlie Pierce: Why there’s no Republican party anymore.
Pap and Thom: GOP obstruction is killing the judiciary.
WaPo: The debt ceiling deniers.
Scott Walker’s Bridge to New Jersey:
- Richard Fowler: Gov. Scott Walker lies about voting for Reagan.
- Chris Hayes: The Emails that may derail Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI).
- David Pakman: Scott Walker “John Doe” investigation reveals staff’s racist, anti-gay emails leaked.
- Ed: Badger-Gate is a new ‘governor problem’ for the GOP
- Chris Hayes: Is Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) worse than Chris Christie?
The GOP Plan: Repeal, repeal, repeal.
Alan Grayson on Ted Cruz:
Ed: VW sides with UAW after GOP intimidates workers.
Mental Floss: 50 facts about 50 state Capitals.
David Pakman: “Joe” the anti-union “plumber” takes a union job.
The Christie Minstrel Show:
- Chris Hayes: Did Christie misappropriate relief funs?
- Sam Seder and Charlie Pierce: Christie trudges on…but for how long?
- Young Turks: Christie v. Palin…the fur flies
- Maddow: The corruption of NY/NJ Port Authority’s David Samson
- Chris Hayes: Chris Christie meets voters for the first time post Bridge-Gate
- Alex Wagner: The Christie Town Hall
- Sharpton: Gov. Chris Christie holds town hall in ‘friendly turf’
David Pakman: Madman Glenn Beck considers burning the American flag.
Richard Fowler: The GOP civil war rages on.
Thom: The GOP refusal to expand Medicaid is a disaster.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Didn’t the Walker scandal apply to something he allegedly did before being elected Governor?
Much has been mentioned about a system known as Positive Train Control during recent high profile train accidents. One railroad has finally put it into revenue service, Los Angeles Metrolink
Ironic, as they are the reason for it being mandated. The Chatsworth disaster, caused by an engineer who was texting and ignored a red signal.
During the Clinton Administration, the Department of Defense cleared up an injustice committed against African American and Asian American veterans of World War II. They were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross when their actions were deserving of a higher honor, the Congressional Medal of Honor. Now it turns out several African American veterans of the Vietnam war suffered the same injustice, as well as Jewish and Hispanic veterans of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.
@ 3
The bigger scandal during WW2 was the fact that nearly all the African-Americans were relegated to menial labor jobs in the military, then set up for rather harsh punishments for super-basic transgressions of the UCMJ as it existed at the time. The German prison camp at Ft. Lawton was one such place, where the Germans were housed in heated barracks and allowed three fresh-cooked meals a day, relative freedom within the camp with access to a library and radio and actual liberty trips into Seattle to go to bars and restaurants and such, whereas the Black American soldiers were pretty much confined to quarters when off-duty and housed in barracks that were NOT heated, and they were mostly fed out of cans.
The Italian and German POWs were treated as guests while the Americans “guarding” the camp were treated as prisoners. There ended up being a huge riot that lasted several days and an Italian POW was knifed in the dark somewhere. 28 American Soldiers were prosecuted and did hard time for that.
The old duffer that lived a couple houses up from us in Shoreline was one of the camp guards back then. He told us once that wasn’t even allowed to load his rifle without a direct order from the dumbass redneck Captain that was his CO when he was doing actual guard duty there.
@4 ahhhhh yes the good ole USA, where freedom is freedom. We owe all this freedom to those Republican Patriots.
@5 And if you have a million dollars, you get to vote a million times; but if you have only a dollar, you get to vote only once. But wait! Wouldn’t that be the rich committing voting fraud?
Another rich guy’s brain wave is to split California into six states. I have a better idea. What do you think of combining North and South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah into one state?
The Senate is already too big as it is.
Gotta luv Alan Grayson:
“Ted Cruz is Canada’s revenge for acid rain..”
Poor Cruz, born in Canada, will not be supported by the birthers amongst us.
Lying Cops Caught By Surveillance Camera
A black guy is sitting in the passenger seat of a parked car. A cop car going the wrong way on a one-way street hits the parked car while dodging a truck. The black guy tries to get information from the cops to file a damage claim, but the cop says, “Dude, you hit me!” and arrests him from driving with a suspended license. He’s suing the city of Brooklyn.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These lying cops need to be fired, no ifs ands or buts. When abusive cops throw their weight around by falsely ticketing innocent civilians for things they didn’t do, they need to be FIRED, period! Cops have too much power — they literally hold the power of life and death over the rest of us — to tolerate dishonest cops. Lying should automatically get a cop removed from a police force. This isn’t rocket science. It’s a no-brainer.
4)They also had officers that were undermining the few African American combat units, like the 332nd Fighter Group, and the 761st Tank Battalion. The soldiers and airmen recalled basically being told they were only there as an appeasement by FDR to Eleanor. One member of the 761st, Staff Sgt. Reuben Rivers, killed in a heroic action to cover the withdrawal of the rest of his unit. Although his family would wait 50 years to receive it, turned out his CO actually recommended him for it, which was rare.
EvergreenRailfan @ 1,
“Didn’t the Walker scandal apply to something he allegedly did before being elected Governor?”
Yes…it was while he was Milwaukee County Executive. What we know right now, is that many members of his senior staff committed felonies by running his re-election campaign out of the office. Walker’s response, “I know nothing!”
@11 Not quite as big a splash as Christie’s bridge scandal, but hopefully enough to put a permanent kibosh on Walker’s ambitions.
A new style of solar collector is being developed that can concentrate solar energy up to possibly 5000 times that of previous Photovoltaic systems. Microcapillary water infusion make it possible. As a byproduct, it sterilizes water and can self-support desalinization. Interesting shit.
Exxon Mobil CEO is opposed to fracking, but only in his own neighborhood.
Turns out the Swiss Air Force has office hours. The recent case with the Ethiopian airliner, it was Italian and French fighter jets that were scrambled.
@7 it would reduce the deficit too, probably by 10 of millions every year.
Ahhh yes, the historically inept and totally moronic commentary of gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman!
DUMMOCRAPTS ran the country back then you moron! Some of their grand children are in the House and Senate today!
Sheeeeeeeeesh… stooooooooooopid in 2011, still stoooooooooopid in 2014!
Regarding Scott Walker just like Chris Christie… DUMMOCRETINS are on the warpath to clear the decks for Benghazi Clinton’s whitey house run!
BTW how is Obummer’s latest don’t cross that red line coming?
And………… on the Obummercare front, it seems DUMMOCRETINS Mary Landrieu, Kay Hagan, and Mark Pryor are panicked in their senatorial rerection bids. This week, in a letter to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, those three DUMMOCRETINS were forced to admit that they did indeed cut Medicare for seniors after repeatedly telling their constituents by lying they would protect these programs from cuts.
DUMMOCRETINS will say anything to get erected! They will hurt over 15 Million Seniors and not care about it one wit unless it’s their erection year!
Read and weep HA DUMMOCRETINS… Maybe the Senate flips this fall!
This is real news, not the BULLSHITTIUM Da Perfessa proffers for the lowest of NW DUMMOCRETIN life!
Meanwhile more real news vs. the BULLSHITTIUM Da Perfessa proffers for the lowest of NW DUMMOCRETIN life! More read and weep for HA DUMMOCRETINS!
HA DUMMOCRETINS are screaming for a hike in the minimum wage… Well in the Obummer economy minimum wage jobs are the norm not the exception. What happened to all those jobs Joe BiteMe told the world in 2009 the Obummer Economic Plan would create?
Now the CBO is saying 500K jobs could be lost with a minimum wage hike. Now wait for it… the HA DUMMOCRETIN low life will scream why is Puddy against the little guy. Puddy not against the little guy HA DUMMOCRETINS… Look in the mirror and view the person who is against the little guy. You voted for this charlatan in de whitey house…
BTW, how are the latest NSA Spying scenarios playing out for you? FCC Rules censorship gone amok?
Sucks to be a DUMMOCRETIN!
@17-22 Someone call the pollution cleanup crew …
Oh, I would never say that Puddy’s against the little guy. Puddy’s just too stupid to know who or what he’s for or against. Indeed, Puddy’s just a parrot. Remember Sam Zell and the housing bubble?
Puddy didn’t actually read the CBO report on the impact of the minimum wage increase. Had Puddy read the CBO report, he’d know that the 500K jobs figure is really a “central estimate”. The CBO also says that the impact could be as low as zero jobs lost.
There’s a great deal of uncertainty regarding job losses. There’s far less uncertainty regarding the 16.5 million workers who’s incomes would increase under the policy. Even if we accept the 500k “central estimate” for jobs lost, the benefit to cost ratio is still something like 97%. Name me any other government policy with that kind of benefit ratio that doesn’t result from an increase in spending.
But there’s more reason to believe that Puddy’s a parrot. Where was Puddy when the CBO said that Congress’ failure to extend unemployment benefits would cost 200K jobs? Where was Puddy when the CBO said that the sequester would cost 900K jobs? Policies actually passed by Puddy’s Republican heroes in the House of Representatives cost us 1.1 million jobs with nary a peep from Puddy.
Puddy lives in the Republican world where a policy isn’t a “job killer” merely because it might cost some jobs. You see, in Republican land, a policy is only a “job killer” only when it actually provides benefits to the poor.
So, Puddy isn’t for or against anything. Puddy’s too stupid for that. In fact, Puddy’s just a parrot. Does Puddy want a cracker?
@24 I should’ve said @23 “someone call the parrot cleanup crew.” They’re messy birds.
@25, Oh I could go on about Puddy the Pusillanimous Parrot. Did you notice that his link on Medicare cuts leads to a 404 error?
‘Course, again, Puddy’s too stupid to notice the difference between cuts in Medicare spending and cuts in Medicare benefits. Everyone agrees that we’re going to have to reign in Medicare spending.
Only Democrats think we can do it without cutting Medicare benefits. Republicans just want to cut the spending, and fuck you, senior citizens, when that ends up slashing your benefits at the same time.
But, again, Puddy’s too stupid to notice. Puddy’s just a parrot. Does Puddy want a cracker?
I don’t know if the CBO scored the employment effects of reductions in food stamps, but it looks like WalMart might have something to say.
Republicans clearly hate the little guy, but Puddy doesn’t hate the little guy. Puddy’s too stupid for that. Puddy’s just a parrot. Does Puddy want a cracker?