Jon: Georgia’s Ice age zombie apocalypse.
Bill Maher’s remarkable new congressional campaign.
State of the Union:
- Thom’s State of the Union
- Young Turks: The two dumbest reactions to the SOTU.
- SOTU remix
- David Pakman: Glenn Beck, “Obama has declared that he is America’s 1st dictator.”
- Young Turks: Takedown of the Teabagger response to the SOTU
- Jon: SOTU and Jewish mothers.
- Thom: Bold progressives speak out.
- David Pakman: The SOTU.
- Young Turks: Rep. McMorris-Rodgers response summarized in a minute.
- Chris Hayes: A Handy Guide To Republican 2014 ‘SOTU Insults’, Part I
- Sam Seder and Ryan Grim: The why of the State of the Union
- Young Turks: Obama sets bear trap…Republicans walk right in.
- David Pakman: Republicans furious over Obama using executive orders that they force him to use.
Maddow: Minimum wage, Part I.
Maddow: Minimum wage, Part II.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News says God’s hand caught skydiver.
Roy Zimmerman: This Machine:
Galaxy full of planets…luckily we’re on the one God cares about.
Mark Fiore: Goodbye net neutrality, hello guilded age internet.
Porky Politics and the Christie Crisis:
- Sam Seder: How long until Chris Christie goes to jail?
- Tweety: New report shows Chris Christie’s bullying
- Sharpton: Inside Gov. Chris Christie’s inner circle
- Ed: The fall of the ‘Mighty-mafioso’ Chris Christie of New Jersey
- Sam Seder: Scandals grow as Sandy relief distribution scrutinized
- Sharpton: Rudy bails on Christie
- Maddow: How bizarre is N.J. politics?:
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie’s brother rakes in cash following Port Authority deal.
- Chris Hayes: How Gov. Christie mis-used hurricane Sandy billions, Part I
- Chris Hayes: How Gov. Christie mis-used hurricane Sandy billions, Part II
- Ari Melber: Gov. Chris Christie’s ‘binders full of corrupt NJ mayors’.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie knew about lane closures!
Thom: Time for big oil to pay for its pollution.
Sharpton: Rand Paul blows it on women.
Pap: The dumbing down of America for political gain.
David Pakman: Nutcase Rep. Louie Gohmert’s (R-TX) brilliant economic idea…raise taxes on the very poor.
Ann Telnaes: The never ending march.
Lewis Black: Nothing about the Sochi winter Olympics makes sense.
Unhinged Congressman—A Grimm Story:
- TPM uncovers another disturbing video of the Grimm confrontation.
- Young Turks: America’s angriest politician?
- Sam Seder: Thug Congressman threatens to break reporter in half
- Sharpton: Grimm thug.
- Maddow: Another journalist threatened by Grimm?!?
- Nutjob Congressman Michael Grimm (R-NY) threatens to throw reporter off balcony…on camera!.
- Chris Hayes: A Handy Guide To Republican 2014 ‘SOTU Insults’, Part II
Mental Floss: 50 more facts about 50 states.
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz on: The Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act:
David Pakman: More creationism in publicly-funded science classrooms.
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom: A declaration of the end of the Reagan era.
Stephen: Medici-NFL.
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
5 responses to the State of the Union? Isn’t it getting out of hand. I get the Spanish response, it could help on Latino outreach. Then the Tea Party response, and Rand Paul giving his own. Soon it will be like the 1968 Republican Response, that one had 15 speakers, and a few of the early Democratic responses had multiple speakers as well.
Meant 4 responses, I missed the State of the union, I work nights.
The Florida East Coast railway has ordered 24 ES44C4 Diesel Electric locomotives to replace older less-efficient locomotives. The ES44C4 meets Tier3 EPA Diesel emissions rules. It is also part of a trend of regional and short lines purchasing new.
Re the Maddow piece on the New Jersey SPCA,
We know the Christie administration is entirely corrupt, as has been probably every Governor in the State’s history, Republican or Democrat. In the light of the bride scandal and Christie’s apparent attempts to skim the relief funds from the hurricane, how is it possible to clean the shit out of the system completely? I really don’t understand how it would be possible to really get rid of the grifters and flim-flam artists and the cronyists who seem to operate in a lot of State governments. It would seem obvious that this is probably the story in every State government, including our own to some degree.
So, how is it possible to find every grifter? Every appointed official is suspect. There are stories now coming out of San Bernadino County in California about these magical “citizen sheriffs” who somehow manage to make nearly twice what a normal deputy makes, while sitting in a country club, driving a County vehicle and apparently having most personal expenses paid for while doing literally nothing in the way of meeting their apparent obligations to the office, as described in their job descriptions. The positions nominally call for a citizen/public relationship, more or less a public relations position, but the now outgoing (retiring, at full salary and benefits) head of that organization only ever set foot in the Sheriff’s office during campaign season, while he runs a country club that costs $125,000 for the initiation fee, and he apparently has no official position within that company.
$171,000 per year for a public-relations position in the Sheriffs department.
This shit has got to stop. I wonder how many county sheriffs in this State have similar grifting organizations? Appointed “undersheriffs” or assistants that have no real duties on the job, and exist merely because they contributed to someone’s political campaign and therefore have somehow gained the ability to step into a six-figure salary merely by having their name on the County payroll and having the right friends in the right places.
This sort of outright corruption has got to end. There are far too many people in the system that are just robbing the taxpayers. Washington State has been apparently pretty clean, but where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
What no coverage of Betty in Spokane?
After the Spokesman Review thoroughly lambasted McMorris-Rodgers for lying and not adequately researching her national TV response. Bette did not even go to the Washington state website to look for a better deal – and she cited the most expensive option her insurance company sent her (there were less expensive options.
Even better – the wonderful $500 insurance she used to purchase had a 10K cap.
10K – One emergency room visit and you are already past that (and she is 58 and not too bright already).
That insurance is is politely called “CRAP” by people that can actually think. It was a rip-off at $500 – yet she is complaining she can’t get it anymore. It was a total waste of $500 – it wasn’t even catastrophic – it was insurance for dummies. But hey, they suckered her with 4 free doctor visits….how freakin’ DUMB can she be?!
It almost makes me laugh – Is this the best the GOP has?
Christie = Crook
McMorris-Rodgers = Lightweight and liar
Huckabee = Sexist, bible-totin’ fool
I guess Mitt WAS their best candidate after all…how sad.
@ 5
Being resoundingly trounced in the election can’t stop them from being assholes. These are folks who still argue that Public Education, Medicare and Social Security are communism.
Isn’t that a failure of personal responsibility?
You and I and many/most other halfway intelligent people know that – that the litany of apocrypha the spew forth from the McMorris-Rogers and puddibigots of the world, quoting the Weekly Standard and Malkin and WSJ are not representative in the best of circumstances, and more often, outright lies.
It’s all they’ve got. Unfortunately there are tons of willing idiots (like the puddibigot) who lap it up and dutifully do what they’re told.
The tunnel project is turning into another WSDOT clusterfuck. Has WSDOT ever done anything right? They sank 2 “floating” bridges (by my count), wasted tens of millions of dollars by building a graving yard on top of a Native American cemetery, and have yet to complete a major project without obscene cost overruns. I was against this stupid tunnel from the beginning. Its only purpose is to enrich owners of downtown commercial buildings by depriving motorists of a view of the waterfront while driving through downtown. If the sea level rises 30 feet due to global warming, the tunnel will become a sewer pipe filled with seawater. This stupid project is brought to you by the same morons who can’t build a “floating” bridge made of cement across Lake Washington for less than $5 billion, even though the shiny steel suspension bridge across Tacoma Narrows cost only $800 million. I’ve long thought WSDOT is incompetent; it’s getting harder and harder to not believe they’re also corrupt. And we serfs are forced to pay for all this bullshit.
@9 Everyone with a brain knew it was going to be a financial disaster. McGinn burned through a lot of political capital trying to stop it. Is there a way to hold the decision makers, the people who signed off on this thing, symbolically responsible and bankrupt and or jail them for incompetance?
Are GOP politicians really as stupid as they sound, or are they pretending to b stupid, in order to play to a stupid base?
Dick Black, 69, is a GOP state senator in Virginia who’s running for Congress. According to his website, he’s a lawyer and former Marine helicopter pilot in Vietnam. Generally speaking, dummies don’t do that kind of work. But here’s a sampling of Black’s legislative record:
“As a state legislator, Black opposed making spousal rape a crime, citing the impossibility of convicting a husband accused of raping his wife ‘when they’re living together, sleeping in the same bed, she’s in a nightie, and so forth.’
“Black has referred to emergency contraception, which does not cause abortions, as ‘baby pesticide.’
“Black fought to block a statue of Abraham Lincoln at a former Confederate site in Richmond. He wasn’t sure, he explained at the time, that statues of Lincoln belonged in Virginia.
“He has argued that abortion is a worse evil than slavery.
“And once, to demonstrate why libraries should block pornography on their computers, Black invited a TV reporter to film him using a library terminal to watch violent rape porn. …
“Black entered politics … after retiring as a military prosecutor. He spoke frequently to media outlets about sexual assault in the military, and called military rape ‘as predictable as human nature.’ ‘Think of yourself at 25,’ Black told a newspaper in 1996. ‘Wouldn’t you love to have a group of 19-year-old girls under your control, day in, day out?’ …
“The 1999 massacre at Columbine High School … inspired Black to suggest legislation requiring Virginia students to address their teachers as ‘Ma’am,’ ‘Sir,’ ‘Mr.,’ ‘Ms.,’ or ‘Mrs.,’ because, Black explained, ‘The counterculture revolution of the ’70s took the war into the classroom. Before that time, public schools were a model of decorum, and then we began this thing we’ve seen play out at Columbine.’ …
“Black … championed legislation to ban same-sex couples from adopting children, claiming that gay men and women are more prone to violence, alcoholism, and suicide. …
“Black tried to pass legislation preventing same-sex couples to apply for low-interest home loans from the Virginia Housing and Development Authority. The current policy, he explained, ‘subsidize[s] sodomy and adultery.’
“Black urged his constituents to picket a local high school that had staged a student’s one-act play about a gay high school football player. Portraying same-sex relationships in ‘a cute or favorable light,’ he contended, put children at risk of contracting HIV.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s been said that in politics bad press is better than no press. This guy knows how to play that game. I don’t believe he’s actually as stupid as he sounds. I do believe, however, he’s as reactionary as he sounds.
TeaBaggers kids at play.
I got Beer! I got beer!
As of July 2013, the V.A. has only one Civil War pension left on its books, which is being paid to a North Carolina woman in a nursing home whose father was a Civil War veteran.
At that rate, taxpayers should finally be off the hook for Bush’s recreational war in Iraq sometime around A.D. 2165 or thereabouts.
On the article about Florida East Coast railway ordering the ES44C4 locomotives. They will be built at GE’s plant in Fort Worth. The model number stands for Evolution Series, 4400hp, C4(for of six axles powered).
For today, all Washington State Ferries have been named in honor of Seahawks players. For example, the Jumbo Mk II’s, the Wenatchee is the Richard Sherman, Tacoma is the Russell Wilson, and the Puyallup is the Beast.
@11 – buht Wroger, he be just like me, i’m a black too.
Perhaps they’re young enough not to have yet procreated, and if they kill themselves, they’ll be removing themselves from the gene pool.
Natural selection in action.
On second thought, given that they look like they’re late-teens/20’s, and teabagger/rednecks, they probably have a few kids apiece.
Wouldn’t want to promote contraception in schools, nosirree, that would make Baby Jeebus cry.
Space Needle has been firing off fireworks at every TD. Now they are rationing them. Go Hawks. Also,on Sound Transit’s Facebook page, they were asking the Denver Regional Transit District for pointers on how to handle Super Bowl Victory Parade traffic!
The Lombardi Trophy is on it’s way to Seattle!!!!!!!!! Way to go Seahawks!!!!!!!!
Up in Canada, it appears Prime Minister Harper has lost veterans, a key Conservative voting bloc. It stems from plans to close a couple Veterans Affairs ministry offices. The Conservatives have a year before the next election to win them back.
I’d settle for a 80% tax on income past the 1:27 ratio.
How do we get this enacted?
The Middle Class Is Steadily Eroding. Just Ask the Business World.
As politicians and pundits in Washington continue to spar over whether economic inequality is in fact deepening, in corporate America there really is no debate at all. The post-recession reality is that the customer base for businesses that appeal to the middle class is shrinking as the top tier pulls even further away.