David Pakman: WI Republicans propose 7 day work week bill.
N-S-Ay What?
- Mark Fiore: Translating Obama.
- Five movies that predicted U.S. surveillance.
- Sam Seder: Why Obama’s “trust me” isn’t enough
- Liberal Viewer: Justin Bieber beats NSA spying on MSNBC this week.
Stephen discovers a Chinese knockoff.
White House: West Wing Week.
Because Freedom!
- Ann Telnaes: Take your chances WV.
- Roy Zimmerman: “Freedom Industries”:
- Thom: The WV Water poisoning show the trouble with Libertarianism
- Maddow: West Virginia Governor tells residents they have to decide for themselves if water is safe or not
Stephen: Net neutrality.
Thom: Could a Rand Paul candidacy be the best thing ever for liberals?.
Absurdity Today : The end of democracy, justice, AND cat videos.
Fighting World Poverty:
- Bill Gates’ Viral video.
- John Green: Are poor countries doomed.
- Pap: Time for a new war on poverty
- Dennis Trainor, Jr.: Open letter to the 85 richest people on the planet
David Pakman: SF’s $10.74 minimum wage has not hurt the economy.
ONN: Onion Week in Review.
This Week in the Wingnut War on Women™:
- Young Turks: “Birth control is how Dems control horny women” says prominent caveman.
- Sam Seder: FAUX and Fiends—Feminism is a national security threat?!?
- Sarah Silverman is visited by Jesus:
- Young Turks: A “Huck You” to American women.
- WaPo: How one man blew the the McDonnell corruption case wide open.
- Thom: Republicans have a bizarre view of morality.
- Huckabee: The New G.O.P.
- David Pakman: Republican Dick Black, “Raping your wife can’t be a crime”
- Sharpton: When it comes to talking about women, will the GOP ever learn?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Autopsy update—GOP re-affirms anti-abortion goonery
- Alex Wagner with Sarah Silverman and Lizz Winstead: Failed Pres. candidate, “Uncle Sugar” Huckabee, wants women to control their libido!
- Ana Kasparian: Is Antonin Scalia ignorant, biased or just plain lying about abortion clinics?
- Sam Seder with Janet Reitman: The stealth war on Abortion
- Dennis Trainor, Jr.: Reproductive rights in a state of emergency
Young Turks: Dinesh D’Louza.
Mental Floss: 33 fun facts about Colleges.
Republican Voter Fraud Fraud:
- Sharpton: Jim Crow vote-rigging and poll taxes—50 years later.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The “Ginsburg” Report: Republicans rebuked for sinster vote-rigging tactics.
- Chris Hayes: Southern white Republicans say that Voting Rights Act is racist.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: House tries fixing Voting Rights Act.
- Sharpton: It’s time to fix Republican vote-rigging
Maddow: Does fracking cause earth quakes.
Stephen: Mars has doughnuts.
G.O.P. Corrupt Governor’s Club:
- Jon: Why are so many GOP governors under fire right now
- Pap: Chris Christie’s “boardwalk empire” crumbles.
- Christie Creamed: 11 weeks later.
- Thom: The Christie–Koch connection
- Sam Seder: Christie’s Lt. Gov or Hoboken Mayor…Who could possibly be lying?
- Maddow: Gov. Bob ‘Blagojevich’ McDonnell…Will ‘Mr. Ultrasound’ go to jail?
- Young Turks: Was the bribe legal?
- Chris Hayes: Gov. Bob McDonnell & the perils of being powerful, but not rich
- Ed: McDonnell & Christie—A tale of two corrupt GOP Governors
- Truth teller: The time Chris Christie lied to voters.
- David Pakman: Republican party collapses in Virginia.
- Sam Seder: Republican Bob McDonnell is a world class moocher…and felon!
Chris Hayes: ‘President Obama is black’ is the latest FAUX, right-wing racial freakout.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
SF has a minimum wage of $10.74 an hour? Didn’t know that. Then again, SF has led California on some things, like public transport. MUNI was created in response to public outrage over the private street railway response to rebuilding after the 1906 quake. That election only had 90,000 votes, with San Francisco’s 1910 population of around 400,000(but it was years before women could vote in California) By the way, the bond issue to build the first line, passed 2-1.(recently bought a book that was written in honor of the San Francisco Municipal Railway, one interesting photo, was of nitrogen and conductors in the Sutro Carhouse, taken in 1947. It was a diverse group, including African Americans, and women.)
Golly when a DUMMOCRETIN for John Deadwards campaign did what is alleged on Dinesh D’Sousa he received a misdemeanor sentence… What is Obummer’s DOJ asking for? Seems another Obummer Sadministration witch hunt like they are doing with their Standard and Poor lawsuit.
Oh look… Christian hating DUMMOCRETINS in action. Missed by the Friday Night Comix Purveyor.
Using World Bank Data…
In 2008, the US ranked 6th in ease in starting a Business.
In 2014 the US is now 20th. In fact the US dropped 9 places in 1 year under Obummer’s regulations!
In 2008 it took 40 days to get a building permit. Now it takes 114 days. Way to go Obummer.
Say a BIG Thank You to Obummer Sadministration’s regulations. Obummer been screwing the little guy since Obummer arrived in 2009!
Sadly these facts were skipped in this weeks joke called Friday Night Comix!
These people think like American DUMMOCRETINS!
@ 5
It was right wing Christians who did that.
Yes…those new federal building permits are totally onerous.
…because in this ranking of 189 economies, the US ranked fourth???
This is the best you’ve got, puddibigot?
Allen West has it correct about DUMMOCRETINS…
Puddibigot really has his victim schtick on this morning.
@ 7 LS
Notice, the first and second ones on spittle’s list are hardline authoritarian States that are well known for their institutional corruption, and the third is Socialist. Denmark, ranked in the fifth position, is also Socialist. In the top 20 position, there are seven Nations that have Socialist economies, and 8 nations that are hardline Authoritarian Governments while the remaining five are a varied mix of both.
Not a single one on that entire list have unregulated “lessez faire” economies. ALL of them are regulated in some way.
Of course, this list comes out of the World Bank, an institution that itself is entirely corrupt and operated by the largest private Banks in the world.
Indeed. The puddibigot often shoots down his own “arguments” without even realizing it.
The puddibigot is quoting….ALLEN WEST!!!
There’s no other explanation….the puddibigot is an elaborate performance art installation.
As always you miss the point… Now why is that? Libtard disease only in DUMMOCRETINS?
BTW we were ranked 3rd under GW Bush schmucko-lunatic!
Funny thing, it is the “Conservatives” who are pushing hard to regulate womens sexual behaviors through legislation. It is the “Conservatives” who openly disparage the idea that Rape is even a crime. It is the “Conservatives” who dismiss the concept that women have the ability to control their libidos or have the same responsibility and privilege to regulate their reproduction as men already have.
Rape is not a crime of men, it is a crime of women. Only sluts and whores get raped. If they didn’t want to be raped, they wouldn’t consume intoxicants or associate with men. Rape isn’t a crime, it is result of self-neglect or open invitation by women. Men just can’t stop themselves when there are women around who are not being possessed by other Men. That seems to be pretty much what people like Huckabee are saying.
Men are inherently strong, and violent. Women are inherently weak and therefore subject to that violence. If they get raped, they should just lay back and enjoy it.
That is the “Conservatives” acceptable norm.
Oh yeah world bank…
Was led by a DUMMOCRETIN-like person Dominique Strauss-Kahn! Had all the same beliefs of American DUMMOCRETINS.
Thanks for pointing that out OWS Racist Fraggy!
Thank you puddibigot for that quote….I love it so much I’m going to re-quote it myself…
Democrats…women’s libido…waist down…irresponsible…minds and hearts…
Seems Republicans can’t bring themselves to see women as….complete, intact, autonomous, intelligent, independent, complex, integrated…normal human beings.
They’re insisting on talking about – and shaming – the icky lady bits that make them blush – and insist on projecting their message at the good girls who exist in their June Cleaver fantasies of white, submissive, cold 1950s America.
@ 16
Thats the thing. You know June and Ward Cleaver had sex exactly twice during their whole marriage, and there weren’t any Negroes around to influence their children.
What I wonder, with this week of Huckabee, and the dude who insisted that wives “submit”, and now Allen fucking West…is this a coordinated strategy to “reach out to women”, or is it the Teahaddist id rearing its irrepressible self? or both?
I hope they keep this ‘rebranding’ campaign up – it’s priceless theater and fantastic politics….for us.
4th versus 3rd in a field of 189 is statistical noise you illiterate buffoon.
Then there’s this…
That’s you slamming the World Bank, after YOU quoted from their study.
You are a remarkable idiot, or a glitchy bot, can’t tell which.
Another day, another mass public shooting by a god-fearing Second Amendment worshiping Republican hero.
I wonder how may units Colt will sell this time? Hell, the Sandy Hook Elementary mass murder resulted in the sales of nearly 60,000 new firearms in under a month. These mass murders are the best advertising for the gun manufacturers they could possibly have. These are better demonstrations of their products than anything they could come up with.
Gee, S.E. Cupp just can’t understand what all the fuss is about. It’s obvious that women just can’t be trusted to control themselves.
This from a self-described “permanent virgin” who swears that she’s never had sex, nor ever will. Just the kind of woman every “Conservative” should have for a wife.
@2 Sounds more like another Republican deciding for himself which laws to obey and which to disregard, like Justin Bieber does.
@4 Personally, I think comparing U.S. infant mortality rates to Cuba’s is more interesting.
@8 Yeah, keep talking like Huckabee, and see how many female votes you get!
GOP = party of rich white men
@13 “you miss the point”
Impossible because there’s no point to miss.
@ 22 RR
Or any religionist.
Faith is just another accoutrement, sort of like that fancy tie-tack, nicer car or the expensive wristwatch. It’s always about outdoing the neighbors or keeping up with the Joneses, so to speak. The more faithful one can appear, the more likely the other faithful will go along with whatever you say. Especially if an established “higher authority” has allowed you to earn a “credential” on the subject or permitted you to assume one for yourself.
Another day, another criminal investigation, same old bank.
So, Goppers, how’s that “outreach to minorities and women” working out for you? You must be SO proud of yourselves. You’re Real Men® alright.
Liberal Scientist @ 19,
“4th versus 3rd in a field of 189 is statistical noise you illiterate buffoon.”
It would be if it were true. But when the Person Playing Puddybud @ 13 said:
“BTW we were ranked 3rd under GW Bush schmucko-lunatic!”
…he was simply telling a lie.
The “Doing Business” report rankings for ease of doing business were first reported beginning 2013. For both 2013 and 2014, the U.S. ranked 4th.
There are no comparable rankings before 2013.
What is so often missing from right wing idiot posts is the “Why”? They will scream some outrageous statement like “It used to take 40 days, now it takes 114 and it’s Obama’s fault.” But never ever any linkage, never why it’s Obama fault that it now takes 114 days.
Because there is no linkage or if they bothered to research their blather at all, they would find it was their fault.
‘This from a self-described “permanent virgin” who swears that she’s never had sex, nor ever will. Just the kind of woman every “Conservative” should have for a wife.’
That “conservative” would be John Goodwin, her husband, who is a staffer for Idaho Republican Congressman Raul Labrador. If your assertion is true, Goodwin must be a classic Tory whose wife is for progeny (through in-vitro fertilization in this case) and public show; and whose sexual needs are serviced by a mistress but I doubt that’s the truth.
You might be thinking of someone else like Paula Poundstone.
I can’t Somalia on the list. Why isn’t the low tax low regulation libertarian paradise rated?
@29 The person playing puddy lies all the time. He don’t care, and he will be again spewing more lies and doing his best to deflect the conversation away from true conservative hypocrisy.
Looks more like the work of GOATBOY, SPAWN OF SATAN to me.
Come on, GOATBOY, confess your crimes.
Keep on believing that GOATBOY, keep on believing it. Forced vaginal ultrasound exams have absolutely nothing to do with pissing women off.
Checking the Brand X blog, Adam Faber has posted a major expose:
(a) wealthy donors give money to liberal groups; and
(b) liberal groups clump together in the Vance Building.
With blog journalism like this, who needs traditional newspapers?
@32 Somalia doesn’t have a rating because no rater has gotten out of there alive yet.
Meanwhile, our statutory interpretation and constitutional law expert, pudge, assures us that letting his mother touch his Ruger LCP will make him a criminal under I-594.
Today’s mall shooting, in which two store employees and the shooter died, apparently was just a domestic.
Pudge has a lot of confidence in his mother.
If Mrs. Rabbit touched pudge’s Ruger, I’d go flying out of this burrow so fast you’d hear a sonic boom.
In other words, just another emasculated male trying to prove his manhood through gun violence.
Good news for conservative libertarian teabaggers,
Rand Paul wants to talk about Monica Lewinsky because …??.. (Oh yeah, of course) it shows voting for Hillary Clinton to be the first female POTUS is the equivalent to war on women.
Heh love that new $100 fee for electric cars on the highway!
1. Electric cars plug in every night to an electric grid and already pay plenty in extra electric energy taxes as a result.
2. Aren’t people who pay huge prices for electric cars already, helping to fix your smog problems that are helping fix your global warming problems that are saving you gazillions to not have to deal with.
Why not charge them for an emissions test and quarterly oil changes while you are at it.
@44 First of all, imposing a road use fee on electric cars won’t be a problem for righties, because they’ll stick with their pickups powered by smog-belching internal combustion engines no matter what. Second, if you don’t want to make electric car owners help pay for road maintenance, then you’ll have to raise gas taxes on the guys driving smog-belching pickups, which is fine with me.
@43 He’s also willing to compromise on the portion of the Democratic agenda he agrees with, if Democrats give up the portion he disagrees with. In other words, his way or the highway …
Republicans are so stupid they’d take themselves hostage, hold a gun to their heads, and threaten to kill themselves if you don’t give them what they want.
Interesting argument on increasing the size of the US House of Representatives. I could go for it, on the conditions that for future elections(after the house is expanded, if ever), are conducted using proportional representation methods to reduce the impact of gerrymandering. I would make the method used up to the states. The German Mixed Member proportional could be used in states like California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, even Ohio, and if the House was expanded, perhaps a few more. The Irish Single Transferable Vote could work in most multi-seat delegations, and Australian Ranked Voting for single seat districts. States could still affect outcomes in a proportional representation system though, by varying the district magnitude, i.e number of seats per district.
44. My point exactly. Taxing the result you are trying to attain, lowering pollution and stopping global cooling (joke) is like killing the goose laying the golden eggs because you are afraid it might shit on the road and require a guvment pooper scooper truck to follow it.
@48 I think voting representation in the U.S. Senate should be proportional to population. This could be easily accomplished without changing the existing composition of the Senate by a system of fractional votes. A Senator could have more than 1 vote or less than 1 vote depending on the population of the state s/he represents. For example, if California has 12.5% of the U.S. population, its senators would each have 6.25 votes. Conversely, if Alaska has 0.25% of the U.S. population, its senators would each have 0.125 votes.
Shrieking Monkeys Dep’t
Computer entrepreneur and venture capitalist Tom Perkins has written a letter to the Wall Street Journal comparing progressive criticism of wealthy people to the Holocaust.
50) Sounds interesting.
One example of a country using proportional representation based on population is Switzerland for the lower house of the Federal Assembly, the National Council. Any Canton with 2 or more seats uses an interesting form of PR.
The National Council is fixed at 200 seats apportioned by Canton, with the smallest only having one(effectively a winner take all election), and the largest, Zurich having 34. They use party-list OR, a basic form with a twist. Instead of closed or open, they use a type called a Free List. The voter gets as many votes as seats to fill, and can vote for the same candidate twice, or cross a candidate they don’t like off a party’s list.
French National Railway SNCF announced that they will revive the original Orient Express, which last ran between Strasbourg and Vienna in 2009. The Venice-Simplon Orient Express is a luxury train that is operated by a UK Hotel company, licensing the name from SNCF. The new service will be a luxury brand of the National Railway, and will resume it’s Paris-Vienna route, which had been cut back when the Paris-Strasbourg high speed line went on line. The goal is to be up and running in 5 years.