Young Turks: Edward Snowden declares, “Mission Accomplished”.
White House: Favorite GIFs of 2013.
Top ten things FAUX decided will lead to the “Wussification of America” in 2013 (via Media Matters).
Newsy: Poll finds 113th is the worst Congress ever.
Maddow: The Koch brothers now funding & “polluting” Florida State University:
Michael Brooks and Michelle Goldberg: The Right’s war on “White trash” the the poor.
Holiday Residual:
- Mark Fiore: Saint Ayn Rand visits the day after Christmas.
- Ann Telnaes: The real war on Christmas.
- Red State Update: Episode 58, A Duck Dynasty Butthole Christmas.
David Pakman: Obamacare signups soar.
The GOP’s most terrible Christmas gift.
Sam Seder: Why don’t we have universal health care?
Young Turks: Alan Turing is pardoned.
How the conservative media treated women in 2013 (via Media Matters).
Newsy: NSA phone metadata collection ruled unconstitutional and then ruled constitutional.
Women to watch for 2014>.
Sharpton: Cartoon combatant Sarah Palin defends racist ‘Duck Dynasty’ star.
The Jibjab 2013 Year in Review.
Pontificating on the Pope:
- Young Turks: The Pope’s approval ratings, and why it matters.
- Sam Seder and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Republicans fear progressive Pope.
- Sam Seder: Why Pope Francis’ rhetoric is encouraging.
Sam Seder: The Tea Party is just the Republican base.
Why a “do nothing” congress? Republican nutjobbers blame Obama.
Photos found from photographer killed in Mt. St. Helens blast.
Lawrence O’Donnell: The “teaching moment” in Duck-Dynasty racism and homophobia.
Matt Binder: After children die in tornado, GOP still blocks tornado shelters by cutting taxes.
David Pakman: Congress ends least productive year in recent history.
Sharpton: The “bully bridge politics” of N.J. Gov. Chris Christie.
Climate Change Chump Change:
- Young Turks: Who funds climate change deniers?
- David Pakman: $1 Billion against climate change?
Lawrence O’Donnell: Debate about opting out of health insurance:
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: A trip to the Creation Museum.
Young Turks: Tea Party happily uses poster mocking them in popular video game.
Newsy: Obama looks ahead for 2014.
David Pakman: 13 states raising minimum wage in 2014.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
[ Deleted ]
A roll of film lost for 33 years, undeveloped? Better late than never. At least their are people around that know how to develop it.
During Superstorm Sandy, the New York City Transit Authority did a good job, for the most part, moving the massive subway fleet to higher ground. New Jersey Transit, not so much. NJT left coaches and locomotives in low lying yards like the Meadowlands, and they flooded. Some of the locomotives that were underwater included brand new ALP-45’s, a dual mode design capable of running both in Diesel and Electric territory Now it turned out that NJT was warned that the yards at Kearny and the Meadowlands were a flood risk. Governor Christie is blaming a low level official.
@ 3 ER
Oh dear, another incompetent administrator. TskTskTsk. Whatever shall we do?
“Off with his head!”
Noodles forbid Christie ever actually take responsibility for anything happening on his watch. It isn’t his job to run the Government. He’s just there to make nice for the cameras and the little old ladies while his pals loot the treasury.
On another note, Zombie-Enron, now calling itself Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, has purchased two “smaller” oil tanker companies (totaling nine tankers, none less than 15 years old) at bargain-basement prices from the private-equity firms that are now desperately trying to dump energy-related assets as fast as they can. Due to a very poor transshipment market, especially for oil, the industry has been losing money for several years now.
Bitumen is really turning out to be a really nasty, shitty product that nobody really wants. It’s super-expensive to produce, it costs a fortune to process into diesel and heating oil (it’s primary uses) and nobody really wants it. The Vietnamese, Koreans and Pacific Island Nations are willing to buy the crap, but the latter there have no means to process it domestically. So they purchase the bulk product and are contracting out the refining to the Japanese and Koreans.
The upshot of all this is that Zombie-Enron is now applying to the Canadian and Unites States Governments, to bypass local regulations concerning transshipment of this bitumen out of the terminal in Northern Burnaby. The pipeline from Alberta is already under construction and has approval from the B.C. Government. This would bring several tankers through the channel between Lummi and Orcas islands, down past Lopez Island before they turn right to head west though the Sound.
Although the route is well-charted, there are several rock formations that barely poke through the surface at high tide in that channel. There is zero room for error along the route.
How about no, Mr Kinder.
Too. Much. Risk.
If you ever get the chance to go to Miami plan on bringing your own coffee. The coffee around here is complete swill.
And watchout for Death From Above. The new condos that were built durning the housing bubble are so poorly consructed that pieces of cornice and fascia are falling from the buildings.
I think of the Tea Party people as Republicans pretending they are Libertarians. They’re not.
@6 I think of Boehner as a con man pretending Teahadists aren’t Republicans. They are.
Seattle had 29 homicides this year, compared to 27 last year. In Chicago, that’s a busy weekend. 6 of the 29 were killed by cops. The police chief that on blames lack of mental health services.
I see that prevaricating dirtbag MOT is back. With this cold spell, all the vermin are crawling indoors to keep warm.
From 7,
Boehner is unimportant.
From 7,
Boehner is unimportant.
We are going to have a tax evasion problem when pot goes on sale. A heavy tax will support the underground market in the same way as people try to avoid the tax on cigarettes by buying cartons of cigs from guys selling them in the parking lot out of the back of a ’77 Ford Edonoline.
But, it’s a tax evasion problem, not a drug problem.
@10 That’s wishful thinking. Last month’s government shutdown was a one-man show; Boehner could have prevented it, but chose not to. He could have blocked the Murray-Ryan budget bill, but chose to let it go through. Boehner, and Boehner alone, will decide whether we have a debt ceiling crisis about a month from now. It all depends on whether he, as Speaker, allows the House to vote. The votes are there, from Democrats and moderate Republicans, to stop the Tea Party cold if Boehner chooses not to pander to the Teahadists. But he also holds the power to disrupt our government from functioning. The voters of his district and future historians should hold him accountable for the government shutdowns in 2011 and 2013, and for whatever choice he makes in 2014.
@12 We’re also gonna have the state collecting a lot of pot taxes. I would much prefer the state funded public needs by taxing now-grossly-undertaxed high-income households instead of selling lottery tickets to the poor and relying on sin taxes, but our Democratic governors and legislators seem to have a spine problem, and some of our voters aren’t the smartest either. And even if they want to let the rich skate, let’s at least stop paying billions in ransom to the pirates in Boeing’s Chicago headquarters building.
From 14,
Yes – legalize, regulate and tax marijuana. We could also say that other victimless “crimes” should be treated the same way.
As for Boeing’s extortion campaign, the State should call their bluff and let them move their damn plants wherever they want. The world doesn’t revolve around Boeing.
Maybe we should introduce legislation for all lottery players whereby they have to prove they can afford to gamble??
Nah, probably too difficult to enforce.
After months of investigative journalism, the New York Times concluded al Qaeda was not involved with the Benghazi attack, and substantiated the White House’s original version of events.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Poof! goes another Issa “investigation.”
@4 “Bitumen is really turning out to be a really nasty, shitty product”
Don’t you really mean “even nastier, shittier product”? Even “sweet light crude” is pretty God-awful stuff.
Looks like maybe Harper’s plan to become the King Fahd of the Great Grey North is running into some trouble.