So…the Vice President walks into a sub shop.
Cheney on Cheney:
- Sam Seder: Cheney attacks Cheney; Cheney loses
- Ann Telnaes: Gay marriage and the Cheney family.
- Young Turks: Liz Cheney v. Mary Cheney.
Lawrence O’Donnell with Bill Maher: North American politics:
Young Turks: FAUX News Freaks out over Oprah race comments.
Bashir: Why Sarah Palin is a ‘a racist, world-class idiot’.
The “Constitutional Option”:
- O’Donnell: Unprecedented G.O.P. obstructionism forces Senate Dems to “go nuclear”
- Chris Hayes: Enough is ENOUGH!
- The Senate goes nuclear.
- Jon: The “Nuclear Option” Is kind of a dumb nickname
- Maddow: GOP obstruction sparks nuclear reaction.
- Chris Cillizza The nuclear fall-out
- Sharpton: Right wing media’s lunatic reactions to U.S. Senate’s ‘nuclear option’ vote
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Democrats detonate the filibuster nuke. Who wins?
- Young Turks: Going nuclear.
Sarah Silverman on first meeting Obama.
Young Turks: The Obama “one nation under God” fake controversy.
“Walmart Poor:”
- Stephen: Walmart’s employee food drive.
- Young Turks: Walmart food drive for poverty-level employees.
- Sam Seder: Walmart holding food drive for employees.
- Thom: We are subsidizing low wage employers.
Sam Seder: Caller humiliates Rush Limbaugh.
Ann Telnaes: Selfies we’d like to see.
The Audacity of Affordable Health Care for Everyone:
- Sharpton: Republicans map out waves of “malicious attacks” over ObamaCare
- Bill Maher with some new rules for ObamaCare haters.
- Fallon: Obama apologizes for health care roll-out and other things.
- Ann Telnaes: Tiny Cruz Care
- Obamacare: or herpes.
- Mark Fiore: A message from Health Insurers of America.
- Michael Brooks and Cliff Schecter: The conservative parts of Obamacare are the problem.
- Ari Melber: Three reasons why ‘ObamaCare’ is working!
Stephen: On Russia’s gay Olympics ban.
Hundreds of gallons of highly radioactive waste leaking into groundwater at Hanford.
Bashir: U TX Young Republican’s totally no-racist Catch-An-Illegal-Immigrant ‘Game’.
Fifty Years Ago, A Tragedy:
- President Obama on President Kennedy’s legacy and the American Spirit:
- Robert F. Kennedy: JFK’s Legacy Pt I
- Robert F. Kennedy: JFK’s Legacy Pt II
- Robert F. Kennedy: JFK’s Legacy Pt III
- Robert F. Kennedy: JFK’s Legacy Pt IV
- A nation remembers JFK.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: JFK’s legacy and the remaining questions.
ONN: News of the Week.
Christie’s Governors: The extreme class of 2014.
The News to the North:
- Ron Burgundy sings Rob Ford’s campaign theme song.
- Rob Ford’s wife responds….
- Daily Show tries to answer the question: Who is still supporting Rob Ford?!
- Rob Ford runs and plows down councilwoman.
Stephen: Oklahetera!
White House: West Wing Week.
Maddow: Right wing abandons facts to bash Obama:
Congressman Coke Hypocrite (R-FL)
- Young Turks: Don’t mix coke with a vote to drug test welfare recipients
- Sharpton: What ‘cocaine-Republican’ Trey Radel’s drug bust can teach us.
- Jon: Rep. Trey Radel (R-FL) drug hypocrisy.
- Hip Hop crazy congressman’s coke problem.
Ed: How Ohio Republicans are planning to rig the 2014 vote.
Maddow: Marriage equality spreads.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Ohio Republicans want to pass a law limiting the number of voting machines so they can make Election Day voting lines even longer? Who would have guessed?
“Earlier this week, news broke that at least one Walmart store was holding a Thanksgiving food drive — for its own employees. Many saw this as evidence that the world’s largest employer would rather rely on charity than pay a reasonable living wage.”
Why should it surprise anyone that Walmart and its conservative apologists see wages as charity and workers as handout seekers? They worship capital and think labor should be a free good.
“Walmart does not pay time and a half for holidays. There are six paid holidays a year which walmart pays for, if you work that day you’ll get paid double, once for your hours worked, once for the holiday. But they like to give their associates an extra day off on holiday weeks so you get the same number of hours you normally would.”
So if you work on Thanksgiving, you get a regular business day off, but no extra pay. It’s as if they want to keep their employees in the poorhouse.
Everything about this company is repulsive — how they destroy local small businesses, the extreme wealth (and rightwing politics) of its principal owners, their anti-labor policies, their cheap Chinese-junk merchandise.
1)It is what happens when partisan politicians control the administration of elections.
American retailers who sold goods made by sweatshops where thousands of low-paid foreign workers were killed and injured are refusing to contribute money to an international compensation fund set up to help the victims and their families.
Walmart, Sears, and Children’s Place begged off, claiming any production done for them in those factories was “unauthorized.” But industry analysts think the real reason they’re shirking is fears that contributing would be seen as an admission of liability in case they’re sued.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: About 1200 lives were lost and 1800 were injured, some with serious permanent disabilities, such as paralysis. I certainly can understand why big companies that patronize shady sweatshop operators in third world countries are nervous about being sued in American courts. Given the huge number of victims involved, $5 to $10 billion dollars in wrongful death and personal injury damages sounds about right to me.
If you don’t like what you are paid at your job….get a different job.
However if your mentally retarded, like the majority of left wingers, your feeble brain tells you that the logical answer is the destruction of all business.
Holy crap, I finally found where the 3 people who watch that weird looking guy Maddow on our “news” channel hang out.
“If you don’t like what you are paid at your job….get a different job.”
As long as they don’t have the exit doors padlocked
Cause its so easy to get an equivelent or better job when there are 3 people looking for every job.
Easy to get jobs is a right wing fiction from the 50-60s when the ecomomy was doing great ( and the progessive tax rate was high)
“So…the Vice President walks into a sub shop”…and asks for an application, since a sub shop job would be a better fit.
In our free market system, employers have a right to pay whatever they want, except government has a right to set a minimum wage in order to protect taxpayers from employers who want the public dole to underwrite their labor costs.
In our free market system, consumers have a right to not buy whatever employers are selling, especially if they aren’t earning enough to afford it.
What goes around, comes around. You don’t have to pay a living wage and workers don’t have to patronize your business. In a race to the bottom, everyone’s boat sinks, and no one ends up with anything.
It’s called “dingbat economics,” because only dingbats want an economic system like that.
@10 You should know, Bubba. You’re the expert sandwich maker around here.
@6 “If you don’t like what you are paid at your job….get a different job.”
I already did, son. I quit my day job years ago. I made $893 yesterday by flipping stocks.
The kind of “work” all the righties on this page aspire to is being a hedge fund manager who “buys” a company by taking out loans against its assets, strips out the workers’ pension money, and drops off their jobs on the doorstep of the bankruptcy court.
Y’know, I never really thought about this before, but the fact Republican legislators are lining cocaine may explain a lot of things.
“But I do believe in faith, forgiveness and redemption.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He could have added, “But only for me, not for anyone else.”
Hmmm, that minimum-wage thingy just won’t go away.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It might not be in good taste to drive up to your place of business in a Lamborghini if your employees are living on food stamps.
Here comes the next rightwing meme: Food stamps cause overfeeding and make poor people fat.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’ve heard this song and dance before. The previous iteration of this tune is that poor people blimp up at McDonald’s — you know, junk food is bad, therefore poor people are lazy and immoral. It was just a matter of time before someone claimed that giving food assistance to the poor causes obesity. You know, like not making preemptive nuclear strikes against, well, just about everybody else, causes peace. Bad, bad, bad!
With people being able to get affordable health insurance outside of that offered by their employer, I think you will see more people leaving an abusive employer for greener pastures.
@19, What candyland do you live in? Obamacare is a bigger bomb than Fat man or little boy.
It’s frustrating when republicans get caught doing drugs and don’t get the same treatment they demand on the little people.
And now for something completely different. Doc Who’s new episode is on. Great opening sequence.
@17. If there are NO other jobs left, then people are going to demand that they get pay a living wage, because that’s all they have left.
Doctor Who was GREAT!
Puddy really didn’t think Da Perfessa would go there and put that video from Martin The Big ASSHOLE Bashir on HA. And Bashir knows about black history? Where did Bashir get his lessons from…? Al NotSoSharpton?
Way to go Darryl. I used to joust with you but I respected you. Sorry dude… that respect just went out the window. FOREVER! You are just another left wrong DUMMOCRETIN ASSHOLE like schmucko-lunatic!
Puddy had next Tuesday off and was thinking about visiting Drunken DUMMOCRETINS. Not going to now!
Bashir was forced to apologize for that very video and you decided to go there.
Just another sick mofo like all HA DUMMOCRETINS.
@20 When Obamacare turns out to be wildly popular and employer bullies see their workforces running out the front gate, feel free to hara-kari yourself. If you let me know in advance, I’ll send flowers.
I’d like to remind everyone that President Obama will visit North Seattle tomorrow and traffic will be a mess in the area bordering the Highlands (N 145th and 3rd NW). He’s also making a stop in Medina, but most of us don’t go there. These events are private fundraisers for Democratic candidates. That is, they’re “private” to anyone who can’t (or won’t) pony up $20k a plate. The president has no public appearances scheduled during this visit.
Wow…the poor poor victim, having a tantrum. Just another WATB rightwinger. They really do have the victim thing down pat.
I’m sure all here will wail and rend their garments now that puddibigot has decided not to grace DL with his presence.
@23 Ever since the abolition of slavery, which conservatives still mourn, everyone has a right to decide how much s/he wants to sell his/her labor for, and asking legislators to raise the minimum wage is simply another form of collective bargaining.
Hey puddibigot….when are you going to give that affirmative argument for a specific right-wing medical system restructuring?
After making a link referencing the Ryan, Broun, and Price plans, you still haven’t told us which of those you like, and why. What specific proposals are you willing to defend, and why? How will that plan you endorse solve the present problems of the system we have?
The NYTimes link you gave also was a hodgepodge of various right-wing politicos (Frist, Gingrich, etc) taking shots at Democrats. Which of their specific proposals do you endorse, and why? How will they make things better?
C’mon, I’m giving you a golden opportunity to show us all how much better specific Republican plans are, and how they’d be more successful, and, BONUS, how smart you are, as demonstrated by your insightful and incisive analysis.
Remember, show you work, puddibigot.
It’s hard to see how an employer who tells employees to rely on food banks, instead of paying a living wage, can inspire loyalty and trust among its workforce. I suspect cheapskate employers whose full-time workers can’t earn enough to pay rent and buy food have significant problems with employee theft. Rightly or wrongly — and I’m certainly not endorsing it — workers who find themselves in that position are more likely to think of shoplifting in the warehouse or store as their just due. Underpaying workers carries an aura of disrespect, and it’s not realistic to expect such workers to have respect for the employer in return. That’s not how human nature works. The typical human mind thinks that one cheat deserves another cheat. You get what you pay for, and in today’s economy, $7.15 an hour doesn’t buy loyalty or respect or hard work. In most urban cities that barely pays for public bus fare to and from the job.
@25 What video? Did I miss something good?
Looks like a nuclear deal between the US, EU, China, Russia, and Iran has been reached.
@33 Drat! There goes their chance to bomb another country!
I guess the stock market will keep going up now.
Eastern Washington University has just beat Big Sky and Dam Cup rival Portland State, 42-41, ae nailbiter. Eastern advances to the FCS playoffs, and since the top 8 seeds get a bye, Eastrn being No.3 in the FCS, they get a bye.
That makes THREE wars Obama has ended or averted. Meanwhile, that embittered little old man sitting off in a corner chanting, “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!” will have to settle for retiring with only a senator’s pension.
As for the game I mentioned, except for tonight, the Inferno in Cheney can be an advantage.
“Puddy had next Tuesday off and was thinking about visiting Drunken DUMMOCRETINS. Not going to now!”
Puddy going to get in line at Walmart for Black Friday instead!
Oh yeah?
“Way to go Puddy. I used to respected you. Sorry dude… that respect just went out the window. FOREVER! No Time had next Tuesday off and was thinking about switching to the Republican Party. Not going to now! ”
Maybe SpittlePuddles could go to Montana and become a Genuwhiny Mountain Man.
Probably schizophrenic, possibly suffering from some organic dementia as well. Guys like this learn how to read late in life, and never well enough to understand how laws are written, much less how they are spelled. I betcha if you did a brain scan on this dude, you would find he has holes in his cerebellum you could stick your thumb in.
@41 If you research how Swiss cheese is made, perhaps you can deduce how those holes came to be.
HA DUMMOCRETIN Libtards… When Saudi Arabia and Israel agree on something, Obummer must have really screwed up! Anyone who trusts Iran to be honest when the Koran specifically claims you can lie to infidels is delusional.
Well DUMMOCRETINS are delusional!
Dayum, It’s good to see OWS Fraggy self diagnose.
Too Precious!
One of many places Puddy will be!
Thanks for caring!
Cold Dead Fingers Dep’t
1) In Dallas, a 13-year-old shot his 5-year-old brother while playing with a gun.
2) In Maryland, a postal workers was shot by an unknown assailant.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There are too many guns in the USA. From we rabbits’ perspective too many people, too, but if you humans don’t get rid of your guns that will take care of itself.
The Saudis hate the Iranians for political, religious and ethnic reasons. Ditto the Israelis.
Israel is run by a bunch of fascists, led by that fiend Netanyahu. The Saudis – an absolutist monarchy.
I could care less what Benjamin Netanyahu or Prince Whoever of the House of Saud have to say.
And admit it, puddibigot – the only reason you care about the Israelis is that they figure in your Armageddon/Rapture fantasies. As for the Saudis, I’m sure an absolutist theocratic dictatorship where beheadings are common and women are chattel and other religions are banned…well I’m sure that makes you hard.
Looking at the world through that perverse lens of your religious bigotry again. Moron. Bigot moron.
The righties are having a conniption over Obama’s deal with Iran. They were looking forward to a war, and now they feel cheated out of a chance to spill more innocent civilian blood.
You’ll like this Roger – we just went to look at some German Shepherd puppies (CUTE!) down by Gig Harbor – one of them is coming home with us in a few weeks. Anyway, the family’s bunny hutch (their dear family pets) is inside the big kennel where the girl dogs hang out – they protect the bunnies from coyotes and raccoons and bobcats! Now granted, the bunnies aren’t running the whole operation (though maybe they are from inside the hutch!), and don’t have the run of the property, and are considered ‘pets’, but still – having four 90lb German Shepherds as person bodyguards keeping the vermin at bay – that’s not too shabby.
@47, Israel run by fascists? LOL, hardly.
Time magazine has an interesting take on the deal:
“It’s not clear what took the U.S., Iran and the five other powers here — France, Britain, China, Russia and Germany — so long to craft a deal whose details were not, in the end, very surprising. A standoff over whether Iran enjoys an inherent ‘right’ to enrich uranium, for instance, ended in the agree-to-disagree outcome that many observers had predicted. The deal’s basic limits on Iran’s nuclear activities had been floating in the press for days. It might have been nuclear diplomacy, but it wasn’t rocket science. …
“It’s worth thinking about the long path Obama has trod to get here. When he ran for president in 2008, Obama’s rivals warned he couldn’t be trusted to deal with a nuclearizing Iran. Hillary Clinton would brand him ‘irresponsible and naïve’ for saying he’d meet with Iran’s leader. John McCain later called that a sign of his ‘inexperience and reckless judgment.’ …
“Six years later, Obama’s Iran policy has the potential to reshape the Middle East and define his legacy. If it proves a success, historians might compare it to Richard Nixon’s breakthrough with China. … But Obama again faces the same charges of naiveté and foolishness that hounded him as a candidate.
“Never mind that it took real toughness to get here: Iran only came to the bargaining table because Obama imposed punishing sanctions on its economy.
“His critics say he was desperate for a deal …. It’s still possible those charges will be borne out — if Iran breaks its promises …. It’s also possible that what happened in Geneva was a historic turning point that will allow Obama to put to rest the charge of naiveté once and for all.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Most experts believe Iran’s objective wasn’t to build a bomb, but simply to have the capability, which would be enough to accomplish its objectives of expanding its influence in the region and deterring another conflict like the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s, which replicated many of the horrors of 1914-1918. If this is true, and it probably is, Iran didn’t give up much in this deal. At the same time, if the deal keeps Iran a year or two distant from assembling a bomb on an ongoing basis, the West has what it needs and most of what it wanted — that’s enough time to react if a future Iranian regime decides to acquire a bomb or a crisis pushes Iran’s government toward building one. But all of this is too subtle for the “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” morons to grasp. You can’t expect any comprehension of complex nuclear technology or strategic analysis from people who think the only difference between power plant grade and weapons grade uranium is throwing a switch on a centrifuge or two. (Hint: The reason why Iran bought 17,600 expensive centrifuges is because it takes freaking forever to concentrate uranium to weapons grade. And the amount of electricity that requires helps explain why a country awash with oil and gas wants to build nuclear power plants.)
@50 We’re smarter than we look.
I consider Likud fascist, and racist.
Lots of work to upgrade your linux ssd boot drive to something larger..
Especially if you use GPT and you want to right-size some of your many partitions and cut out boot loaders like grub – and you’re on a UEFI mobo to boot..
Pretty slick using an EFISTUB compatible kernel with gummiboot but setting it all up is not for the faint of heart..
Oh well work is done and we have scads more space to speed stuff up with the bigger ssd.. We’ll zero out that old, smaller ssd and put it work on another app.
Life is good.
@47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54
Bibi is still an asshole.
Let me know when Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman bin Faisal bin Turki bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Saud shuts down the schools that teach that the U.S. is the enemy and stops Saudi “Charities” from funding terrorists and then I’ll give a rats ass what he thinks is good for the region.
Germany held an election at the end of September, still a caretaker government. If the liberal Free Democratic Party had won 5% of the vote, it would have been the same coalition as before. Unfortunately, they didn’t get that, and Merkel’s Christian Democrats were 4 seats shy of an outright majority. The talks with the Greens went nowhere, leaving the Social Democrats as Merkel’s best option. She definitely will not work with the Left Party, they are the former East German Communist party.