Robert Reich: Why So Angry?.
‘Key & Peele’ on Black Republicans.
The Scourge of Health Care for Everyone:
- Colbert goes after the Koch Brothers anti-Obama Care ad
- Sam Seder: Who likes Obamacare?
- Nia-Malika Henderson and Ezra Klein: Obamacare, Day 1.
- Daily Show’s Jason Jones on buying insurance
- An important day for millions of Americans
Kimmel: The week in Unnecessary Censorship.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Lewis Black has some words for the Barilla Pasta President.
Zina Saunders: Wayne LaPierre has a dream:
Ana Kasparian: Will Eric Holder slap down North Carolina’s voter ID law as racist?.
Terrorist Attack on Washington, D.C.!
- Ann Telnaes: Government shutdown countdown.
- Nia-Malika Henderson: The government shutdown in 140 characters.
- Young Turks: Boehner goes nuts over ‘We are winning’ government shutdown comments
- Jon: The March of Dumbs.
- Ann Telnaes: House GOP cuckoos.
- Congressman castigates Park Ranger for the memorial closure he voted for!
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Shutdown impact on biomedical and scientific research.
- Thom: Yes, the GOP are crazy enough to do this.
- Jonathan Mann: Government shutdown sitcom theme song:
- Boehner’s home turf
- Maddow: CRY BABIES!
- Stephen: The “Slimdown”
- Dumb and Dumber: All wired up and ready to go…crazy.
- Jon: Shutstorm 2013
- Ann Telnaes: GOP hitching a ride out of the government shutdown mess.
- The lowdown with the Shutdown.
- Ed: GOP hypocrite-anarchists continue try to defund Obamacare.
- Stephen fixes one problem with the shut down.
- Jon apologizes to Republicans…for being too easy on them.
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Mental Floss: 42 Idiom Origins.
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
Mark Fiore: American Salebration.
Thom: The GOP is terrified and they will lose.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I wonder, did the GOP leadership think that the President would cave like he did in 2011? If so, they thought wrong, as he did not, this time.
Meanwhile, outside the Beltway, in the Heartland, Kansas City has picked Spanish firm CAF as the supplier for their proposed streetcar line. They had said that they would piggyback on another city’s order, so this choice made sense.
Ahhh yes… another HuffPo headline missed by Da Perfessa, purveyor of the Friday Night Comix!
Whatever DIMMOCRETIN recommended the company to create the web application should be slapped silly!
Dayum, a red state got it right while blue states suck? Who knew?
Oh yes King Obummer telling a private bidness you must close cuz I say so!
WA Times? Absolutely… truth is truth. Something HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t like!
Another headline missed by Da Perfessa for the Friday Night Comix!
Must be their polling stations are determining there is more blaming being put at the feet of Obummer than the strangely written poll questions are indicating!
Have HA DUMMOCRETINS thanked Obummer for his disgusting actions this morning?
No real facts in those links in the thread top.
Wherein I present to you true Republican GENIUS!
For Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.), government shutdown is ‘the tremor before the tsunami’
Hey, if the guy who takes care of deworming your pet thinks he knows more than economists, it is just damn COMMUNISTIC to argue with him.
Bravo GOP!
via Booman
@6 Uncle Puddles,
What is making you more sad:
a) That the teabagging dream of repealing or defunding ObamaCare by using the funding of the government as extortionist leverage is going nowhere?
b) That Obama’s use of Jedi mind tricks to force the House Republicans to shutdown the government is working at making Republicans look worse in the eyes of the public?
No worries Uncle Puddles. You can still use the beautiful fall day to take a walk in a WA State Park.
@4 Washington Times?!!
* This is the original version of “HAR HAR”, not the plagiarized rendition occasionally seen in piddly comments.
CNBC has come up with a plan to slash the deficit by 20%. Anyone who is against this is for deficits and debt!
Welcome To The 99%
Flashy Brazilian businessman Eike Batista reportedly is broke after blowing a $34.5 billion mining and oil fortune in just 18 months.
(Source: Businessweek)
Same old, same old.
-Child of privilege thinks he can do anything.
-Leverages daddy’s contacts to start businesses exploiting or displacing poor miners.
-Sells himself to the money guys looking for the next Vegas-style jackpot.
-Builds ever-larger house of cards on cheap debt and ego and mirage.
-Uses all that free cash to upend and displace competent operations – the dudes who know how to drill for offshore oil in this case – and in doing so perpetuates his image of invincibility.
-Flimsy structure finally, inevitably, goes *POOF* like a unicorn fart, the lesson being that having ready, flashy access to hookers and blow and yachts is not actually representative of competence in a serious endeavor, despite the apparent widespread belief to the contrary.
Fuck him.
More! true genius Republican legislators!
Steve King (IA-R) this morning on NPR
There you have it. Refuse to put a clean CR on the floor and #shutdown the federal government because … well … ‘we don’t know‘!
Steve King, just one more true white Republican man of genius!
I love how that Washington Times quote Uncle Puddles spewed on us up @6 is going viral on the wingnut-o-sphere. That single unattributed quote is their sole talking point today. Surely it will convince everyone. Well, at least everyone without any powers of reason, right Uncle Puddles!
To add to the list of videos, here’s a 15-minute “BBC Newsnight” interview from a couple days ago with Glenn Greenwald wherein he just plain trashes the assumptions of the interviewer:
Republicans destroying this Country. They say everyone else is doing it but their antics are what is truly destroying this Country, slowly but steadily.
The can’t argue any of their ideology on facts, that’s when you know they have a problem. If lying were a criminal act they would all be in jail. Puffy talks about how Democrats are keeping blacks on the Plantation, what about lying Republicans, they sure have him fooled and living on the plantation.
@3 ooooooh so scary – it is going dark. ohhhhh nooooooo.
Meant to provide link at Post 17
And if they knew anything about the Bible, they would know they shouldn’t lie. But I guess that doesn’t mean shit to them. They probably think it was meant for adolescents who should lie to their mommy and daddies, not them. Pigs.
Didja notice that Fox News hasn’t done any stories about people being turned away from the Martin Luther King memorial?
The fact that it’s ricocheting around the wingnut echo chamber is of marginal relevance. The audience for that is shrinking fast.
Pretty soon it will just be Michelle Bachmann, Steve King, puddybigot and a couple of old white guys from the Fargo ND VFW lodge.
Hopefully we can keep them from immolating the country, until they’re safely senile and can barely manage to put a spoon to their lips.
“Some marketplaces faced technical glitches that complicated the enrollment process. That was the case for Kentucky’s kynect website.
As of Tuesday evening, it is back online.
For about six hours Tuesday, kynect was not working.
A spokesperson for Governor Steve Beshear says the system overloaded and crashed because so many people logged on.”
And more oops:
“In order to continue to provide the best possible service to Kentucky’s citizens, this site will undergo planned maintenance. will be unavailable from 11 pm, Saturday October 5 to 8 am, Sunday October 6, EST. Thank you for your patience.”
And another question, if Obamacare is so bad and hated, why are computer systems crashing under the weight of everybody trying to sign up?
MLK was a communist nigger who chased after white women, and people who would want to visit his memorial are either niggers or nigger-lovers.
/Teahaddist snark
That’s why.
Remember, the whole right-wing playbook for the past 60 years:
Very simple, very effective, VERY evil.
@15: A few days ago, I pointed out that the resident troll’s links don’t back up what he says, because I had actually gone and read those links. It turns out that his/her attempted lie in the post to which I referred was picked up by others, e.g., here and here.
I still don’t understand why you give him so much of your energy, but power to ya!
Noted warmonger and infamous justifier of killing black teenagers wearing hoodies, Richard Cohen, thinks “Boehner, a nice guy everyone says, has allowed himself to be the gelatinous face of petulance“, should kill himself.
@21. Good observation. Fox news is there to pander to the fears of the Teabagger party, and they are an aging fearful group of mostly white people scared that the brown people and social changes are intruding into their safe little bubble communities.
Why should they care if a memorial to a socially disruptive black guy is closed? It’s not on their radar. Why can’t you see they are more interested in clinging to the myth of a safe 1950s America?
Oh, no…I think they pine for an 1850’s America…long before the War of Northern Aggression that torched their cities, and the Emancipation Proclamation that confiscated their property.
With perhaps elements of an 1890’s America of child labor and masses of near-starving, near-free, near-slave labor to enrich the barony.
Or maybe a 1930’s America, where the wealthy looked with eager and welcome anticipation on the rising promise of Fascism and it’s ‘solutions’ to pesky issues of trade unionists, uppity women, Socialists, unspeakable gays and scapegoated ethnicities of all stripes.
No, these people LOATHE a multicultural, pluralistic, egalitarian, widely-prosperous, genuinely democratic (small ‘d’) society – even though most would benefit. The vast majority of right-winger aren’t in it for the money, they’re in it for the fear and loathing.
This is genius!
Anyone want to go in with me to have a couple of hundred printed up, to send to every Republican House member….and a few for posterity??
I stand by thinking that they cleave to the myth of a idillic 1950s. It encompasses elements of the 1850s, the 1930s, the 1890s you cited. Blacks, gays and women all knew their place, that is, largely invisible and/or deferential. America had a clear enemy, the russians and communism. They could anything to the ecology without consequence. Their communities was just people like themselves. The schools did not teach concepts that challenged the status quo. White people were easily prosperous. Anyone who was poor in that idillic WAS lazy or stupid or of poor moral character. The feeling of self reliance was easy because the economy was going like gang busters. Nothing ever challenged them, they remember it as being safe and secure.
Unlike now.
Well, I defer to your standing by.
@13 At the other end of the social butterfly spectrum, this vampire is all business.
@14 Don’t you just love these guys? We can’t negotiate with them because they can’t figure out what their ransom demand is. People like that usually end up killing the hostage — in this case, the economy. Which is fine by me. I’ll be happy to take their stocks off their hands for 40 cents on the dollar.
@24 You forgot to mention their favorite bogeyman, commies. When did commies drop out of their worldview? When the USSR collapsed and the Maoists morphed into real estate speculators and penny stock flippers?
@34. You raise an interesting question. Commies were sold to my part of the world (I cannot speak to yours) as the villains who were going to take our way of life, who were going to make us submit to their rule.
So if THAT was a commie, doesn’t that perfectly fit into what the teabaggers are afraid of now? Change, loss of control, loss of stature, loss of status, loss of culture. They hate the UN, the dept of ecology, of education, the IRS, the ACA, the gays, the uppity women, the brown people, cause all of them threaten their life style.
CNBC tells us Wall Street is gearing up for a Treasury default. Putting “protocols” in place, etc. We all know how this works: Wall Street gets paid, Main Street doesn’t. Gotta protect the beating heart of the financial system, ya know.
Wasn’t doing anything wrong? Entire event was one big rolling crime scene.
The commies are alive and well in this guy’s videos and on the comment threads. 41K view on the piece o’ crap below.
Let’s see if HA’s resident genius can figure this one out. Lets say I’m driving a car and you are a passenger in the car. I say to you “unless you say uncle I’m going to crash the car”. And you then say that you refuse to say uncle. So I then crash the car. Who is to blame? You or me?
#39. Good analogy. The republicans need to pass a clean CR. It’s the RIGHT thing to do.
Republicans want to negotiate? I say, let’s send Korben Dallas in to negotiate:
Here is an excellent article on the “Newest Right” – a term coined to avoid misapprehension associated with the term “Tea Party”
Excellent discussion of how the petty white Southern aristocracy is bent on either controlling or destroying our federal system, our nation. It’s chilling.
Colbert King casts a similar “New Confederacy” analysis on a group of people who would rather destroy the nation than let others not like themselves participate in its prosperity.
@37 I’m pretty sure Mieses wasn’t standing in front of the Lien family’s vehicle, blocking their escape path, just so his biker buddies could talk to the driver for the purpose of getting insurance information.
Latest Updates In NYC Biker Attack
Authorities said the SUV driver won’t be charged. He’s cooperating with police and the grand jury.
Meanwhile, the biker who captured the incident on his helmet camera is cooperating with police, and his lawyer says he’s receiving death threats. (We can guess from who.)
He admits he deliberately turned off his camera when his buddies dragged the SUV driver out of his car and began stomping on his head and chest. That’s not against the law; there’s no legal duty to videotape your friends committing a crime.
The guy who used his helmet to break out the driver’s window, and then proceeded to stomp and kick the victim, has been arrested and faces multiple felony charges. Six people participated in the gang assault and more charges are likely.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if police could charge everyone in that biker gang under riot statutes? If you watch the entire series of videos, it’s pretty clearly that “riot” is an apt description of what these people were doing in the minutes leading up to the assault on the SUV family.
Interesting articles. A little scary. I thought the teabaggers and the evangelicals as being scared of loosing privilege and wealth, but I didn’t think they would be evil to take everyone else down with them.
Meanwhile, posting here from Europe. The press has noticed while our President has had to cancel his trip to Asia due to Republican assholerery, the president of China is touring those exact same capitols to spread Chinese influence.
Way to go Republican party. I’m sure that will work out well for us.
Our rivals are gleefully taking advantage of the republican temper tantrum.
Any bets on whether we will default?
I was sure we would have a gov shutdown, but not clue on the default.
I think the republicans would rather default than give in, but I cannot believe they would be so stupid.
Famous last words. Never bet against the stupidity of these people. Or, as noted in the articles above – they’re not stupid, they are loathing of what we call pluralistic democracy.
I’m coming to believe that we cannot live together with people like this – we should encourage the old Confederacy, minus Virginia, Florida and perhaps Texas, and along with the plains and Utah and Wyoming, to secede.
@49 Never mind the formalities of secession, just kick them out. We’ll call the new country “Republicanistan.”
48, 49 — Yes, they are.
“House Republicans won’t support raising the federal government’s borrowing limit without new spending cuts from the Obama administration, and the White House risks an unprecedented U.S. default by refusing, House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday.
“Speaking six days into a partial government shutdown and 11 days before the Treasury Department expects to hit its statutory debt ceiling, Boehner told ABC’s ‘This Week’ that he wants ‘a serious conversation’ about spending, but no tax increases. Asked if the United States would default on debt payments unless President Barack Obama makes concessions, Boehner said, ‘That’s the path we’re on.'”
How about “Dumbfuckistan”?
I wanna be the most vile leftist! I’m gonna force Goldy to shut down the blog until everyone compromises and makes me the most vile leftist!
I knew that jealousy would rear its ugly head! I will not negotiate with hostage-takers!
What would you advise the democrats to do, blink and save the economy, or do we allow the republicans to tank the world economy?
If we don’t give into the blackmailers, it’s going to hurt EVERYONE. What would you advise?
@55 Don’t Blink. It may be bad for the economy but if they blink Democrats will always be forever chumps to Republicans.
@52 Any of those works fine.
@55 Send SEAL Team Six to take them out.
Cheap stocks, here we come! My money is itching to go!
Compromise with me or the dog dies!
the Puddybigot called me “the Most Vile Leftist” and I’m wearing the badge with pride!!
Come take it away, if you can!
what dog?