On Sept 21: Draw the Line on Keystone XL.
Maddow: G.O.P. War on Women™ yields gender gap in VA.
Syria’s Consideration:
- Obama addresses the nation on Syria.
- Stephen: Rand Paul’s contradictory criticisms of Obama on Syria
- Young Turks: Putin’s Op-Ed outrage.
- Sam Seder: Did Putin’s NY Times Op-Ed contain secret messages?
- Young Turks: Media reaction to Obama’s statement on Syria.
- Bashir: Shirtless Vlad’s statesmanship is the new GOP fantasy
- Six Presidents make their case for foreign intervention.
- Mark Fiore: Operation accidental diplomacy.
- Ann Telnaes: Secretary of State John Kerry heads overseas.
- Stephen: Fuck you, Putin!
- Maddow: Putin’s provocative Op-Ed.
- Jon on Vladdy’s NY Times Op-Ed
- Syria explained in 5 minutes.
- Diplomacy breaks out in Syria.
Ed: Trickle-down fails.
Susie Sampson’s Sister: Is sex fun?
Michael Brooks: “Trifecta of Stupid” Reps Bachmann, Goehmert, & King go to Egypt to celebrate coup.
Alex Wagner: Former Rep. Allen West thinks U.S. should go to war with Libya.
Mental Floss: 48 names for things you didn’t know had names:
Weiner Goes Out Like a Dick:
- Young Turks: Weiner flips off the media.
- Jimmy Fallon and Sheryl Crow do the Anthony Weiner song.
- ONN: Week in Review.
- Jon: Goodbye Anthony.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Weiner goes out with a wave…of his middle finger.
Red State Update: Podcast Episode #43.
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Sharpton: G.O.P. insanity…with 41st failed attempt to “repeal Obamacare”.
Ed and friends: Is God really a Republican?:
Kimmel: This Week in Unnecessary Censorship.
Remembering September 11:
- Liberal Viewer: Overview of NSA spying program since 9/11.
- Thom and Alan Grayson (D-FL-9): Has America learned from 9/11?
- September 11th at the Pentagon.
- Sam Seder: Nutjob Pastor Terry Jones arrested for “liquids violations” on 9-11.
- Sharpton: Rudy Giuliani & Fellow GOP goons attack Pres. Obama on 9/11 anniversary
- Ann Telnaes: The Legacy of 9/11.
- A moment of silence at the White House
- Thom: It’s time to break up Homeland Security & learn from 9/11
Meet the “Governor of D.C.”:
Thom corrects the Daily Mail on climate change.
Young Turks: NRA victory in Colorado.
Bashir: How “Obama derangement syndrome” is dating up the insides of the GOP tea-party.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
In the Weiner case, he should have taken the advice Herm Edwards would give athletes, “Don’t press send”.
In Australia, the Liberal/National coalition trounced the incumbent Labor government last week. Another interesting development besides the minor parties that won Senate representation for the new term, is an independent candidate in the House. In the Electorate of Indi, an incumbent Liberal lost to an independent who ran an unorthodox campaign.
Hey Puffy, Vladimir has heard all about your world travels. He wants you to visit Russia. I hear it is lovely there, you may even decide to stay.
Hey Puffy, here is a friend of yours you can take with you to Russia. He probably even has a Bible that you guys can share.
Server will not let me link to an article. On ex-pastor in Iowa, married with children, who has sexually assaulted young men to teach them a lesson that homosexuality is wrong. He sexually assaulted over 100 times. And the Judge didn’t give him any jail time, just probation. Article can be found at Iqueerty.com
Now for real news Da Perfessa just won’t publish…
Glenn Beck nails it again. Libtards will scream and shout when confronted with the truth!
Another Obummer military screwup – Will libtards care? Will the libtard msm cover the story?
Oh no another Wisconsin loss for libtards – Didn’t someone on HA recently trump up some libtard union activity there? Courts disagree!
Wow even Chris Matthews is starting to miss GW Bush – Well Chris you champeened the ditherer in chief… …”He needs to start campaigning for big issues with bumper-sticker slogans”… WHAT? Obummer has been campaigning since 2009 Chris. That’s why he flits from issue to issue… Obummer has no leadership qualities whatsoever…
Maybe Preznit Obummer should have called Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Mind-numbed DUMMOCRAPT Rubber Stamping Robots to lobby the AFL-CIO on the Anti-ObummerCare resolution. – Puddy is “sure” they would have listened to the NorthWest Lunatics…
And they are talking to The Nation so they are upset about ACA AKA ObummerCare… –
Butt wait… ObummerCare is the bestus thing since sliced bread. Well maybe not to the unions anymore!
Robert Kennedy Jr. tells the truth about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson then backtracks. Was he threatened?
Good old Al Sharpton forgives RFK Jr. Still hasn’t apologized to the police he smeared with Tawana Brawley.
Maybe gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman to the rescue? You can go it gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman!
Using Martin Bashir for a comment… 3rd and 4th tier libtards with no viewership, just fickle biased commentary… Thanks for the laughs Da Perfessa!
And yet you keep quoting Glenn “Please please someone read my blog. Its all I have left” Beck.
Puddybigot – where/how did the NY Post get RFK Jr’s diary in the first place?
(Question is on the level – I’m just asking for info – do you know?)
I especially liked this part…
He also seriously insults Rudy Giuliani.
It seems that RFK Jr has rational insights into the nature of politicians – both sides – those people that need the attention – there’s rampant narcissism among those people.
Question is, are their manifest talents for engaging people and broadcasting a message used by their respective sides for good or ill?
Puddybigot’s side: destructive stupidity (creationism, 6000-year old universe), neofeudal economics (more for the rich), environmental destruction (global warming denialism, hatred of renewable energy sources), gay-hate, woman-hate, MOOSLUM-hate, blame the poor for being poor, disenfranchise the brown and the poor from voting, every lunatic should have an AK-47 with multiple clips – in public at all times.
Our side: Better schools, more/better jobs, robust public infrastructure, clean energy, universal education, diversity and empowerment of minority groups, universal access to medical care, enforced voting rights, safe food, sensible gun regulations.
Not even close.
HA’s right wing bullshit embittered ZERO is still clinging bitterly to failed hack Glenn Beck..
Yawwwwn… What else? Does it matter?
He’ll be back after the dinner hour to fortify himself for laboring in the salt mines..
It rarely fails.
What else in recent news?
Scott Walker is flying high these days – on the taxpayer’s dime..
Heh.. Walker’s going to run up that bill even higher. He’s in trouble:
People are going to have to be really motivitated to jump through the voter suppression hoops the right wing have set up in that state. It wasn’t pretty the last few times.
Toady’s Republican Party = Putin Loving Communists
The Federal Railroad Administration has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact for the Northern Lights Express. The NLX is a proposed higher speed train to Duluth from MSP. If it does go forward, ine irony, part of the tracks skirt Wisconsin.
From LibSci:
Yes, BUT he keeps my scrolling finger in shape (and on AUTO)
Definition of the latest JCH or Klake in these threads..
SCHMUCKO, RFK Jr is a big time leftist libtard. And of course, as always, you miss the point. When a libtard attacks other libtards truthfully it’s NEWS!
So… John McCain thinks the U.S. agreement with Russia to rid Syria of chemical weapons is “meaningless.” I guess there’s only one thing for McCain to do: run for and win the presidency so that he can be the one that sets foreign policy.
There They Go Again
“Two Republican senators who are among President Barack Obama’s sharpest foreign policy critics on Saturday blasted a Syrian chemical weapons agreement as ‘an act of provocative weakness’ by America that will embolden enemies such as Iran as it continues its push for a nuclear weapon.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans are going to criticize Obama no matter what he does, simply because they hate him and are bitter about losing to him — twice.
Their carping is dangerous because it undermines our country’s credibility at a time when we needed to present a unified face to an adversary.
If Democrats did this when Republicans were busy ginning up their latest warmongering scheme, they would call it “treason” and threaten their critics with criminal trials.
I think our response to these two-faced, hypocritical, unpatriotic assholes should consist of two simple words: “Fuck you.”
It’s a big mistake to try being nice to Republicans, to negotiate with them, to offer compromises, to believe you can bring them on board in pursuit of common interests. The only thing these dishonest, opportunistic, lying, thieving, dishonorable, manipulative, self-aggrandizing thugs understand is a bat and that’s how you have to deal with them.
Those congressmen that are so very worried about government spending don’t seem to mind the government spending money in their districts. I’ve been through all sorts of Republican held congressional districts in the last 3 weeks and everyone of them has huge road projects going on.
checkmate, a big leftist loser farted…
Somehow facts continue to escape checkmate…
Puddy uses top tier conservative talkers to deliver FACTS… Da Perfessa uses the tidy bowl toilet floaters to deliver swill.
Puddy uses Politico… known leftists! And of course they had the obligatory interview the Media Morons in the article.
C H E C K M A T E!
@15 Oops, he already tried that, how did it work out for him?
Somehow Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit wasn’t complaining when the leftists were carping and not presenting a unified fact when GW Bush was President!
@19 “Puddy uses top tier conservative talkers to deliver rightwing myths.”
Another post from the goto moronic unemployed jackASS so he can see himself in pixels.
Unfortunately another day has come and almost gone and the goto moronic unemployed jackASS has nothing useful to say!
@22, wrong again Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit! Butt, keep dope alive!
Just like 2011 eh unemployed goto moronic arschloch idiot?
Butt keep dope alive!
@21 “not presenting a unified fact”
Oh, but we did present a unified fact, actually several of them:
Now, 4,000+ wasted American lives and $1.7 trillion of wasted national treasure later, we’re all picking up the pieces because you stupid rightwing Bush-huggers were wrong.
And having been wrong about something that big and important, why should anyone ever trust Republicans again on anything big and important?
The voters clearly don’t. That’s why you lost twice to the Kenyan communist with the forged birth certificate.
You crapped in your own bed, now suck on your own shit.
Puddy Pavlov called this yesterday. Another tribal attack from SCHMUCKO! Notice no response to the links, just more standard personal ad hominem attacks!
So sad and typical!
@21 “not presenting a unified fact”
Oh, but we did present a unified fact, actually several of them:
Now, 4,000+ wasted American lives and $1.7 trillion of wasted national treasure later, we’re all picking up the pieces because you stupid rightwing Bush-huggers were wrong.
And having been wrong about something that big and important, why should anyone ever trust Republicans again on anything big and important?
The voters clearly don’t. That’s why you lost twice to the Kenyan communist with the forged birth certificate.
You crapped in your own food dish, now suck on your own shit.
triplicate post deleted by poster
They shipped them to Syria. Iraqi general told the world this Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit! Ask your arschloch to goto his crazed databaze!
Well we know Republican voter suppression was prevalent big time in the IRS Scandal with Lois Lerner. We also know conservatives stayed away because Romney didn’t cut it with them.
Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame was a fable too? Richard Armitage farted out Plame all for nothing?
No Puddy has no idea SCHMUCKO…
SCHMUCKO calls Puddy a bigot… SCHMUCKO forgets again (does it ever remember) that leftists claim minorities can’t be bigots. EPIC FAYLE again SCHMUCKO.
BTW Puddy already posted the libtard anti-bigot links. Grow a pair and have the unemployed moronic arschloch goto the crazed databaze!
Puddles, the government agrees with you, and your taxes are now paying for my veteran’s disability benefits. It shouldn’t come as a shock that Veterans Affairs concluded a Vietnam veteran who thinks he’s a rabbit has issues. I used you as a reference in my application, but they won’t tell me whether they contacted you. All I know is I’m getting checks in the mail. Thanks! I appreciate your support. You are a true friend. By the way, Puddles, why do you talk like Elmer Fudd?
Puddy wonders if RFK’s dead wife gave it to the NY Post?
Looks like philandering is strong in the Kennedy Family! That’s why libtards love them Kennedys!
Poor ex-wife just got tired of RFK Jr. Sad person!
For you Roger, anything is worth it. My .000003 cent contribution is A-OK!
So you’d understand Roger!
Kinda funny RFK Jr is a big jockstrap for wimens rights. Wimens had the right to mug him!
I think he talks like Elmer Fudd because he’s been listening to Michelle Bachmann too long.
@38 I had to post that comment a dozen times before he finally replied to it. I think he suffers from attention deficit disorder. Maybe he can get disability benefits, too, if he asks for them. Then he won’t have to work.
Conservatives think there’s nothing wrong with the fact that the 1% have taken all of the economy’s gains since 1970 for themselves. In fact, they defend it. They also oppose any increase to a minimum wage that, adjusting for inflation, is far behind 1970’s minimum wage claiming raising wages encourages employers to replace workers with robots.
Well, conservatives have largely gotten their way — right-to-work laws have proliferated, union membership is way down, average wages have fallen, pensions and health benefits have been eliminated, the minimum wage continues to sink ever lower in real terms — yet, I’ve got to ask, where are all the jobs conservatives promised us in exchange for accepting low wages?
I just don’t believe those guys anymore. Their promises aren’t worth a Confederate three-dollar bill.
I love it when Piddles repeatedly talks about top-tier “Righties” but doesn’t now what the 7.5 million represents. In short, 2.3% of the U.S. Population hears at least five minutes in a full week.
The flipside is 2.5% of the U.S. Population watches NBC nightly news EVERY SINGLE EVENING. In case you can’t do the math, that’s a cume of 37 million a week rounded.
Yeah, Beck’s a juggernaut.
It rises!
Again if the IRS would just get out of the way and let conservative non-profits break the law, we’d be free to break the law.
Way more than the clowns Da Perfessa uses each Friday.
And as always, checkmate compares apples to oranges. We all know why. No cogent argument. Puddy comparing the cable news pukes Da Perfessa subscribes to vs. radio news.
checkmate compares radio to mainstream channels. Whatasucka! EPIC FAYLE again.
C H E C K M A T E !
And of course DA DUMB Wabbit forgets or doesn’t care how many rich libtards have taken their gains for themselves! So the rest of the comment is another useless waste of pixels!
Well you have been posting the same crapola two or three times per thread so Puddy didn’t know if some virus hit your computer or if you were just another dumb poster!
I’ve never said that – that minorities cannot be bigots. Quite the contrary – you are manifestly a hateful bigot, and I call you on it constantly. You should be ashamed – but haven’t the character to know how.
Meaning that puddybigot’s radio heroes are NOT mainstream. Quite the contrary, they have a very specific set of marks they’re fleecing.
Always looking for someone to blame, someone to hate. Conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed – per the righty canon.
The IRS did nothing to cause voter suppression – this is especially laughable given the determined and vile and relentless efforts by Republicans to keep poor and brown people form voting.
Puddybigot is aligned with the people who are determined to keep wide swaths of Americans from participating in their birthright, in this great experiment in democracy.
This is perhaps Republicanism at its most evil.
Just sayin’
I think the most telling thing in this video, if not the most poignant, is the fact that teenage boys are celebrating two men hugging and kissing and vowing to wed. In Utah.
We own the future.
Will the fiend take the pharma pill or the hate pill this evening?
45 minutes left in the hour of peak hate!
Interesting video from Deutsche Welle profiling a Social Democratic candidate for the Bundestag from the state of Saxony-Anhalt. If elected in a little over a week, the candidate profiled would be the first member of the lower house of the German parliament born in Africa.
Today (Sunday) is the 50th anniversary of the Birmingham Church bombing.
Where did Puddy say you said that SCHMUCKO? You definitely have reading comprehension issues. As always the rest of you comment is useless!
There goes SCHMUCKO again. Deflect, twist, and obscure the real meaning. Is Sam Seder mainstream? How about Rachel MadCow? How about Larry O’Clownell? Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are all mentioned by Obummer. It’s documented SCHMUCKO. Look it up! Apparently Obummer feels they impede his coronation to be king because they out his policies while the leftist slobbering libtard msm try to hide those actions. KAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAMMOOOOOOOOOOO!
Sheesh this SCHMUCKO character is as stooooooooooopid as HA’s juvenile unemployed moronic twit ASSHole arschloch with the crazed databaze.
Just like Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz claiming this week the two recalled DUMMOCRAPT Colorado State Senators was voter suppression SCHMUCKO? Liberalism can’t fail, it can only be failed per the lefty canon!
Puddy takes that back above. Man you are more stooooooooooopid than HA’s juvenile unemployed moronic twit ASSHole arschloch with the crazed databaze.
Again when presented with the truth SCHMUCKO deflects. Go overseas to other countries and ask if voter ID cards are necessary to vote. Switzerland does. Ireland does. Spain does. Malta does. Italy does. India does. Germany does. Brazil does. Netherlands does. Greece does. Canada does. France does. Sweden does. Estonia does. Belgium does. Just to name a few.
Yet SCHMUCKO is against Voter ID Laws because SCHMUCKO believes in the DUMMOCRAPT mantra “Vote early , vote often!” Can’t discount Daily Kook SCHMUCKO… it’s in your blood!
Yes Roger, it’s amazing what DUMMOCRAPTS do to keep blacks in their place!
HA’s juvenile unemployed moronic twit ASSHole arschloch was sited in #51.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Nuthin worthwhile was offered to the thread!
This past week Norway and Australia elected Conservative Leaders. Nary a peep from Da Perfessa.
Erna Solberg – Norway Promises to lower income taxes
Tony Abbott – Australia. This guy destroys global warming proponents.
Big city police… shoot first determine issues later.
Seems Obummer Sadministration has some explaining to do.
Of course… Obummer wants to control what you read and of course Obummer wants your money!
Oh no… gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman may have to drop his Matthew Shepard gay blade defense now…
The final paragraph…
Now this is really nice to know… Libtard SCOTUS in action!!!
Yes, these sex offenders aren’t really a menace to society. Noooooooooooooo, they just looking for a little poontang or hershey highway action.
Wait for it… SCHMUCKO will add this to his tribal diatribe against Puddy! SCHMUCKO will twist it and claim Puddy against illegal aliens.
Wherein he proves what I said…
Did SCHMUCKO answer the question?
N O P E !
Did SCHMUCKO trainwreck again?
Y E S !
Just get out of the way SCHMUCKO… Your fetid comments smell to the stratosphere!
WOW. I actually think this is a new low in the slimy hate swamp that puddybigot likes to swim in.
Quoting Breitbart (!), and sneering…
Why don’t you go to the source? The Advocate article reviewing the book in question – the article that Breitbart claims to be discussing? Some excerpts…
In a country populated by bigots like yourself, puddy, we have rates of suicide by gay teens that are a national shame.
Children and young adults killing themselves because of the hate directed at them, perpetrated by bibul-thumping Christianist hate mongers like yourself, bigot.
Was Mattthew Shepard a saint? Probably not. Does is matter in the context of a country where hate factories pump out vile fear and lies that creates a climate where children kill themselves, and manly-men feel it’s A-OK to beat someone up because of who that victim is moved to love?
It that what your Jesus teaches you?
Like I said above…now more than ever…
Note that sad and lonely person who plays Puddy, that it took six or seven inflammatory baiting articles before anyone would pay him some attention.
And the only post that could generate some attention was his nasty gay baiting. Expect to seem more since it worked.
puddybigot should read the source material from the GAO, if he’s really interested in sex-offender supervision amongst the non-deportable alien population, rather than the breathless fear-mongering on Brent Bozell’s clown-car website.
From the GAO…
This is essentially a parole program among non-deportable aliens, 5 percent of whom committed some form of sex-offense.
We’re talking a whopping 60 people here – who should have registered as sex-offenders but did not.
Or something to that effect.
You’re right, of course – shouldn’t feed the troll.
However, it’s good practice to sharpen one’s blades and practice with a sputtering buffoon like the puddybigot…the world is still full of the purulent hate that erupts from him like a popped zit.
Starting backwards
Another of the standard SCHMUCKO trainwrecks. Notice his deflection with SCHMUCKO’s insertion of Obummer into the narrative. Did Puddy bring up Obummer in Puddy’s comment? No Puddy blamed it on libtard SCOTUS members. Then Puddy pulls the rug out of SCHMUCKO’s typical commentary twisting. So now SCHMUCKO tries the Obummer angle.
This is why SCHMUCKO fetid comments stink to the stratosphere.
Did Fascist Pigsty actually say something worthwhile in that comment?
NOPE, just another leftist DOPE!
Puddy was responding to leftist attacks of the unemployed horsesasshole, the dumb wabbit and SCHMUCKO. Sadly this was missed by Fascist Pigsty! Everyday life is missed by Fascist Pigsty!
Sux to be Fascist Pigsty!
Puddybigot’s vile gay-baiting above had me thinking…
If one accepts that Matthew Shepard was not a saint, and there were elements of meth-dealing that were operative in his murder…it doesn’t matter because despite this, the understanding of the public was transformed by the perception of the bigger issue – that gay people are routinely murdered and assaulted and discriminated against every day, simply for being gay and intersecting the (dwindling) acceptance that hatred against them is OK.
The left used a parable of Matthew Shepard to tell a larger truth – and move justice forward, passing the Hate Crimes Act and generally changing the atmosphere of this nation. We made this country a little better.
Contrariwise, the right uses myth and parable all the time, too.
Saint Ronald Reagan gave us Cadillac-driving, steak-eating welfare queens. Breitbart gives us (or rather their mouth-breathing trogs) the myth of ACORN and Planned Parenthood pimp and thugs.
They’re not trying to tell a larger truth, but rather nurture a crop of lies and hate, all in the service of hurting people. Their myths and parables service an agenda of the elite – that the poor are poor because they’re lesser to begin with, and should be given less assistance and support and opportunity, that there is a nefarious ‘other’ out there looking to take your stuff.
Puddybigot spends his hours and hours here shilling for the master, spewing lies and hatred and fear and bigotry, a sad, empty life.
Now onto Matthew Shepard…
Once again SCHMUCKO misses the point. SCHMUCKO attacks Breitbart. Why does Puddy need to visit the Advocate. Puddy doesn’t ascribe to their politics or actions. Puddy doesn’t need to go there. So this question arises… Did SCMHUCKO take some Steve’s Stupid Solution this spring?
So SCHMUCKO, what has been gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman’s continual Matthew Shepard argument? Shepard was killed by “straight heterosexuals“. This is why Puddy declares you more stooooooooooooooooooopid that HA’s juvenile unemployed moronic twit ASSHole arschloch. You never pay attention to what libtards write and then when confronted with their words you spin, twist, deflect and scream something totally not related.
It really sux to be SCHMUCKO!
Now onto SCHMUCKO’s comment #73. Puddy was comparing gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman’s Matthew Shepard’s killers were “straight heterosexual gay hating” people. SCHMUCKO misses the point again!
Thanks for playing SCHMUCKO… You continue contradict yourself each time you post this!
Sux to be you SCHMUCKO!
Meanwhile, in more news other than dealing with the self absorbed SCHMUCKO…
Seems CNN is trying to cover for Obummer diplomatic blunders…Typical of the slobbering msm and Crowley who gave Obummer cover in the debates last year and then admitted she made a mistake weeks later.
Isn’t that special? Churchlady puddybigot brings us recurrently rebutted climate skeptic Matt Ridley writing in the Wall Street Journal that…global warming ain’t that bad…or something.
There are so many layers of compromised credibility here that the mind boggles.
Puddybigot’s assertions are demolished here and here and here…
I love to watch the puddybigot try to spin away his gay-hate when the spotlight shines on him.
First SCHMUCKO… minorities can’t be bigots. So STRIKE #1. Nice spin spin spin SCHMUCKO. STRIKE #2. SCHMUCKO, you have no factual basis. STRIKE #3. Puddy has gleeeeeeeeeeman’s previous
Really sux to be SCHMUCKO and his feckless commentary!
The IPCC report SCHMUCKO… Keep screaming into a fan full of piss!
Still waiting for SCHMUCKO to reconcile this horseshit!
Where did SCHMUCKO find this?
Um, no.
You linked to a Wall Street Journal essay by a known climate change liar, purporting to reflect what he’d been leaked by an anonymous ‘climate scientist’.
Not the same as the IPCC report. Not by a mile.
Thanks for playing….***GONG***
The first paragraph of the article Puddy linked to was
It really sux to be SCHMUCKO! Steve’s Stupid Solution is strong in this libtard! Too much smegma on the brain!
SCHMUCKO runs away from items he’s clueless on!
Thanks for playing SCHMUCKO…***DING DING DING***
SCHMUCKO runs away from items he’s clueless on!
Still waiting for SCHMUCKO to discuss gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman’s “heterosexual hatred” in the Matthew Shepard case!
That fan full of piss must be tasty!
SCHMUCKO runs away from items he’s clueless on!
Continuing the #61 post. The person the police shot was a black man. He was in a car accident seeking help. Puddy bet the cop shooter was a white man!
To the HA Leadership,
Why do you want something 92% of Fed workers don’t want?
Oh look State ObummerCare in action in Minnesota.
Butt wait… Not so fast… Federal ObummerCare in was called secure in Minnesota.
What’s to discuss?
You’re a gay-hating bigot. Gay-hate is common in this culture, though becoming more unacceptable and rare, blessedly. It grows from both Bibul-thumping religious insanity and the macho-man ethos – that sends ripples of violence all through our society. Hatred like yours is what drives children to despair and suicide.
Is that what you mean by ‘heterosexual hatred’?
Fortunately not all straight people are fear- and hate-driven bigots like yourself.
I love the fact that this takes place in a Utah Home Depot, and that part of the community are teenage boys cheering two men kissing and committing to wed.
We own the future – puddybigot and his hate aren’t welcome there.
Puddybigot is claiming that his WSJ essay by an outed climate fraudster somehow is discussing the upcoming, unreleased latest iteration of the IPCC report.
He says this…
Yes, that’s the part where the fraudster was trying to appear authoritative. Read a little further…
The fraudster allegedly has seen a leak of part of the document.
Very authoritative, puddybigot.
Serve And Protect?
More like shoot first and ask questions later! A motorist who sought help at a nearby house after a wreck, then approached officers who responded to the homeowner’s 911 call, was shot dead by a trigger-happy cop, who has been charged with voluntary manslaughter.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The incident occurred in North Carolina, but I’m sure the fact the cop is white and the victim was black had nothing to do with this tragedy. It’s probably just another case of
over-militarizing our municipal police departments.
Awww too bad SCHMUCKO… You upset the IPCC isn’t gonna continue their 2007 position!
Sux to be you!
Puddy delivers the Google search of gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman’s claim of heterosexual hatred killed Matthew Shepard. SCHMUCKO asks one of his many insipid questions. Did SCHMUCKO check it out? Of course not. It would deflate his standard deflect, twist and obfuscate others commentary.
Now you all can see the empty suit called SCHMUCKO!
Keep repeating your comments. Maybe someone will read your repeated posts similar to how Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit incessantly repeats himself!
Oh Roger @913,
Puddy brought it at 8:05 and more at 3:50 PM. The old man asleep again? Too much reading left wrong sites?
So today, the Christian Sabbath, we have the puddybigot regaling us with a circus of gay-hatred, climate change denial, imaginary Iraqi WMDs, IRS voter suppression conspiracy theories, Glenn Beck the hero of GMO opposition, more gay-hate, Obama is releasing SEXXXX OFFENDERS!!11!!!, Obama the BLACK GUY has people in the executive branch who have guns!!!, BLACK GUY HAS GUNS!!, Obamacare (aka Herritage Foundation retread) is COMMUNISM!!!!, more gay-hate, more climate change denial….
…did I miss anything?
What a fucking idiot. A hate-infused, pustulous, fear-driven, white-cracker-wannabe buffoon dedicated in his service to the massah.
@97 As I’ve said before, I don’t read most of your crap, so how would I know you already posted about it? I have better things to do than wade through your countless spews.
@98 Well, at least he feels outraged by a trigger-happy white cop blowing away an unarmed black man who was only seeking assistance after being in a car wreck, so maybe Piddles has some vestige of feeling for his fellow human beings (or at least those belonging to his tribe).
Yes and now since Owebammas pick Larry Summers found out no one in the financial world except King Owebamma wanted his ass in the top fed job. He took the chickenshit way out by saying he didn’t want the job… Ha ha ha ha
The financial worlds reaction? Dow futures up 160 points…
Now since Owebamma didn’t get his way on attacking Syria and now now no Summers, the Dow is up nearly 500 points.
Imagine what would happen if Owebammascare is defended. We’d be at a Dow 20k
In Germany, a state election was held today in Bavaria, the last one heading into the Federal Election next Sunday. The good news for Chancellor Merkel, the Christian Social Union took about 48%, an outright majority. The bad news for Chancellor Merkel, her allies, the pro-market, liberal Free Democrats, got trounced, winning only 3.3%, and losing all their seats. It could be the coalition nobody in Berlin wants next week.
One of the reasons that Bavaria had the state election this week, is that they use a different method for the Landtag in Bavaria than the Bundestag uses. It’s still Mixed Member Proportional, but Bavaria uses an open list where the voter can pick a candidate within the party list. In the Federal election, the voter can only vote for a specific candidate on the district side, the party vote is a closed list.
Interesting, the tank cars involved in the Lac Megantic disaster, were not properly labelled. That is a big one, as the railroad, if they had known what was in the cars, could have done something about it, such as an empty boxcar as a buffer. What was not known, was the viscosity of the crude oil in the cars. The fracking fluids could also be a factor.
A description of the German voting system.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
A manhunt for an “active shooter” is underway at this hour at the Washington Navy Yard. Media sources report “several people injured.”
The un-elected, TeaBagger/Dictator in Detroit “shut the power off deliberately to teach the people of Detroit a lesson”.
The Future of the United States under a Fascist/TeaBagger President. They would do this to the whole Country if they got the chance. And they want that chance real bad.
Are Conservatives Really Going After Michelle Obama for Promoting Water?
More President derangement syndrome.
Does someone have the SCHMUCKO decoder ring…? Everything proffered by SCHMUCKO @98 are the standard deflection, twist and deranged lies caused by the moths flying around in his granite encased neanderthal cranial orifice!
Sux to be SCMUCKO!