John Oliver: Rand Paul defends his objections to Obamacare.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Patrick Keane: Violent history.
Sam Seder: Conservatives fear Megyn Kelly will turn FAUX News gay.
New Fronts in the G.O.P. War on Voters™:
- Ann Telnaes: N.C. Gov. signs voter ID bill.
- Sharpton: Republicans spin big-lies to defend their vote-rigging fraud
- Chris Hayes: N.C. GOP’s racist & restrictive voting bill betrays their fear of Blacks.
- Maddow: The G.O.P. war on voting, past and present, Part I
- Maddow: The G.O.P. war on voting, past and present, Part II
- Young Turks: Strick voter ID bill signed into law.
- The political and practical effects of the N.C. voter ID law.
- Sharpton: Voter suppression and racism and Rand Paul.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Rand Paul versus Hillary Clinton on voting rights.
Young Turks: God fails to help a Christian right-winger family fleeing the US by boat.
Congress is as unproductive as it is unpopular.
Meet the Republican candidate for N.J. Senate, Steve Lonegan.
Sam Seder: ‘Hillary can’t be President until al Qaeda has a woman leader,’ says nutjobber Donny Deutsch.
Pap: Ignorance is bliss for conservatives.
Army Corps and coal terminal:
White House: West Wing Week.
At Least Someone Listens!
- Stephen on Obama’s denial of NSA spying
- Young Turks: NSA breaks rules thousands of times a year.
John Fugelsang chats with Lewis Black about politicians.
Katrina vanden Heuvel: GOP War On Women™ rages on.
Obama: About Egypt.
Young Turks: How Congressmen are bought.
Sam Seder: Movie executive Rick Santorum thinks “Middle class” is “Marxism talk!”
- SlateTV: Rodeo clown mocks Obama.
- Martin Bashir: Republican’s Obama derangement syndrome.
- Sharpton: ‘Klans-man’ Steve Stockman(R-TX) invites ‘Obama Rodeo Clown’ to Texas
- Lawrence O’Donnell: White racist Teabaggers enjoy ‘Obama clown show’
Chris Hayes: The Republican allure of climate change denialism.
Tom: Even more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Pap: Right wing media’s downward spiral.
Kimmel: This Week in Unnecessary Censorship.
Sharpton: Post Romney, the Republican “re-branding” has failed…miserably.
Mental Floss: 37 odd college mascots.
Thanks, John:
- John Oliver thanks Anthony
- Daily Show: John Oliver gets a Correspondents’ send-off.
Mike Huckabee asks Ted Nuget to turn his hunting dogs lose on Dems (via Crooks and Liars).
Matt Lieb: Detained by Israeli security.
John Fugelsang: If you’re a Christian American who discriminates, you suck at both:
Republicans Self-deport for the Debates:
- Maddow: Republicans won’t hold primary debates on CNN and NBC, and other news of the day.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The GOP’s dream debate moderators are Limbaugh, Hannity & Mark Levin.
Sam Seder: Missouri Republican Rep. Paul Wieland believes Obamacare will cause his kids to HAVE SEX!.
Maddow: Gov. Bob McDonnell’s (R-VA) Rolex stinks of corruption.
Thom with some Good, some Bad, and some Very, Very Ugly.
Snowden holds a presser.
Pap: Progressives taking action against G.O.P. obstruction.
Stop and Frisk is Stopped and Frisked:
- Stephen takes on Stop and Frisk ruling.
- Young Turks: FAUX News suggests Black people need Stop and Frisk.
- John Oliver explains Stop and Frisk to White people.
- Sharpton: Republican clowns defend racist Stop and Frisk.
- Thom: Stop and Frisk Wall Street or Main Street?
- Young Turks: Bill-O-the-Clown claims stop and frisk claims are clueless and wrong.
Sam Seder: White House brings back solar panels.
Global warming: Republican global warming denialists’ outrageous reasoning.
Mark Fiore: Keystone clones.
Thom: Will D.C. be renamed “Reaganville”?
Changing Drug Policy:
- Seattle’s Hempfest.
- Sam Seder: DOJ’s new stance on low-level drugs.
- WA delays date for legal retailmarijuana stores to open
- Young Turks: Harsh US drug laws to change, says Eric Holder.
- One Minute News: Operation Orange Fingers.
Rev. Sharpton takes on G.O.P. Pseudoscience:
Ever wonder “What’s wrong with black people?”
Pap: The right wing assault on affordable healthcare.
Ann Telnaes: Coup? What Coup?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
What I find interesting about the Rodeo Clown Controversy, is that the Lt. Governor condemned it too. I expected Governor Nixon to be outraged, but the Lt. Governor is a Republican, and he was outraged too.
This was interesting, in Canada, a partisan cable news channel was denied must carry status on cable, by the Canadian Rasio and Television Commission. The CRTC has also said the rules they followed in making their decision need to be changed.
The outlet, Sun News Network, was accused by some of being Fox News Canada, a mouthpiece for the Harper Conservatives. The impression I get from the CBC is that they tru for balance. Although during the BC General Election, their were some accusations in comment threads of CBC British Columbia having in their coverage, former BC Liberal MLAs, not from the Federal party, but the provincial party which is a center right party.
So now the Tea Partiers are going after Senator Lamar Alexander. Very interesting, I wonder if he will go the way of Senators Bennett and Lugar?
Supposedly this is another Family Values man and Christian. Boy are they going down the tubes.
I’ll never look at a librarian the same again.
Some people would steal from their own mothers if they got the chance.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not saying this politician-wannabe stole from his own mother; that’s only an accusation made by the police, and he’s presumed innocent until convicted.
The Many, Many Jobs That Won’t Earn You Enough to Live in Your City
So what happens when a city becomes unaffordable to the people who keep it running?
And thus the discussion of a living wage….
Could you do me a little favor, and remind me to put on my glasses before reading this blog? I mean, I thought, for one brief, glorious and exciting second it said “Humpfest”! But no, it’s “hempfest”
Look, when a guy breeds camels, he doesn’t get many chances to show them off.
“Some people would steal from their own mothers if they got the chance.”
There’s no reason why I should feel a very unsettling amount of guilt reading that. None at all.
@ 8
A guy from my school told me last year, that you gotta watch out for those Arab Camel-Breeders. He spent the better part of three years in Iraq. He told me that you gotta watch out for those guys, they’ll sneak into your camp, jerk your fastest camel off real sly and go running off into the desert with the spunk in their hands.
Camel racing is big business there.
I wonder if Priebus will boycott FOX? He said that he also had a problem with NBC because an exec their donated to Hillary Clinton. Turns out so has Rupert Murdoch, among other Democrats.
@11. Of course not. That would be principled. If they are so scared of Hillary in 2013, they must be convinced she is gonna win.
Before the trolls mention it, yes, I did see the court ruling on the California High Speed Rail plan. A Sacramento judge did say that the CHSRA violated the wording of the 2008 bond measure, but stopped short of giving the plaintiffs the remedy they wanted. The judge wants additional arguments before he makes that ruling and no schedule has been set.
The CHSRA still plans to go ahead with work on the first segment later this year. I do see some problems with it, and both sides are not talking about one of the most challenging parts, the Tehachapi bottleneck. UP will not allow passenger trains, except if the Coast Starlight has to be diverted off the Coast Route, to use the existing Tehachapi crossing, due to freight congestion. This should have been one of the first phases of planning and construction. Existing Amtrak CaliforniaSan Joaquin trains from Oakland and Sacramento terminate in Bakersfield because of it.
A blogger that normally covers compatibility issues that the project will have with CalTrain on the SF Peninsula, did a guest post on the California High Speed Rail blog suggesting a shorter route via Tejon, but it bypasses the Antelope Valley communities of Palmdale and Lancaster.
12)Good point. They also are afraid of network projects where the script has not been written, and I heard one person involved is a Democrat who thinks Hillary is too corporatist. I wonder if ABC and CBS should do their own Hillary Clinton projects, in solidarity with the other networks.
Meanwhile in Florida, the SunRail project is in court for a different reason. The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen and the Florida AFL-CIO are suing to enforce an agreement as well. It dates back to the an agreement made in 2009 to only use Federally certified signalmen for the work on upgrading the signals on the tracks they bought from CSX. The contractor hired a subcontractor that was not.
SunRail is a commuter rail project between DeBary/Sanford and Orlando. Governor Scott tried to shut it down. Turns out that the project had the support of Orlando area Congressmember John Mica(R), and a major, deep pocket employer/tourist destination in the Orlando/Kissimmee area, that alsi has a theme park in Anaheim. The rolling stock, new coaches from Bombardier, and locomotives being refurbished by a company in Boise.
@7 It will only get worse until we drive all Republicans from public office, because they resent anyone getting paid for their labor.
Amtrak Cascades is the 8th busiest route on Amtrak, nesrled between the Empire Corridor(New York-Albany-Buffalo-Niagara Falls-Toronto) and the Hiawatha Corridor(Chicago-Milwaukee).
Wow.. What a kind klownservative krackpot krowd….
What a bunch of sick FUCKS! And their dear leader Desjarlais is a real hypocritical piece of work as many of us know.. Abortion for me but not for thee..
@18. I’m not surprised. Teabaggers booed a gay soldier and cheered when asked if a an uninsured man should die. They lack empathy, if it’s not happening to them, they don’t care.
I know that laws have to be followed, but is there absolutely no wiggle room?, no area of discretion? But that requires nuance and compromise. Tea baggers would primary the politician out of a job if he bent at all.
I wonder why people wanted the rules bent for the girl who needed lungs, but not for the girl who wanted to keep her father?
I wonder how much race plays a factor?
Y’know, as pleasantly quiffed as I am right now, I still can’t figger whether this is a TeaNut or what.
Jonesboro Arkansas. dumber’n fuckin dogshit.
18, 19 – I have a suggestion. There are millions of laws on the books in this country, so there’s a damn good chance every one of those Teabaggers has violated at least one of them. Let’s prosecute ’em all, and let the warden sort ’em out. As they’re being led away we’ll tell them, “The law is the law.”
@20 Hard to tell which conspiracy theory he’s sucking on.