Sam Seder: RNC Chair threatens NBC and CNN.
Alex Wagner: Sen. Ted Cruz’s anti-Everything.
Maddow: Cuccinelli’s gift scandal.
The G.O.P. Presidential Field:
- Young Turks: Rick Perry doesn’t know what state he is in. (Denial?)
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Nutburger Rand Paul versus Chris Christie for 2016 nomination?
- Sam Seder: Rick Santorum’s showering “issue”.
- Young Turks: Newt Gingrich conveniently changes is position on war.
- John Oliver begs Donald Trump to run again (via Crooks and Liars).
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Mitt Romney weighs in on the Teabagger government shutdown.
- Young Turks: Mike Huckabee’s full-on Islamophobia.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
John Oliver: Still no accountability for the Big Banks (via Crooks and Liars).
Pap: The G.O.P. is eating itself alive.
John Oliver grills Sen. Gillibrand about Wall Street donations.
Sharpton: FAUX News and Republican food stamp racism.
Liz Cheney Commits Fraud:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Liz Cheney’s fraudulent Wyoming ‘fishing license’.
- Alex Wagner: Senate candidate Liz Cheney obtains Wyoming fishing license illegally.
Bill Maher: N.C. W.T.F.:
Thom: Liberal State Rep. infiltrates ALEC.
Pap: Racism still motivates the Tea Party.
Young Turks: Sanjay Gupta on weed.
Daily Show tries to have a “frank and open” discussion on race (via Crooks and Liars).
Sam Seder: Moral Mondays keep growing.
Maddow: Shrinking U.S. budget is spoiling G.O.P. talking points.
Sheriff Hairspray (R-WA-08) thinks about higher office.
Bashir: Reince, blather, repeat.
NSA Spying Intelligence Gathering:
- Obama’s presser.
- Mark Fiore: Fear Fresh.
- Ann Telnaes: Obama’s Leno whopper?
- Maddow: Obama proposes changes to surveillance program.
Young Turks: Sean Hannity’s propaganda machine is demoted.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Florida G.O.P. makes another attempt at voter purge .
Sharpton: Obama debunks G.O.P. healthcare lies.
Some Ag-related communications company interviews Rep. Susan DelBene (D-WA-01)
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: GOP continues to try and defund Obamacare.
Maddow: Ohio’s G.O.P. TRAPs Toledo’s last Abortion clinic.
John Fugelsang: Keep it up Tea Party:
Nutjob Rep. Gohmert: ‘Radical Islamists’ taking Spanish lessons ‘because we don’t fear Hispanics’ (via Crooks and Liars).
Red State Update: News of the Week Podcast episode 38.
Sharpton: Racist G.O.P. birfers call for ‘Muslim’ Obama’s impeachment.
Living Wage:
- Thom: If a business doesn’t pay a living wage, it shouldn’t exist.
- Ed: What is a minimum living wage?
- Pap and David Sirota: The conservative media’s minimum wage lie.
- Ann Telnaes: Walmart–Always Low Wages.
- Young Turks: Fast food restaurant proves a living wage is possible.
White House: Highlights from Obama’s Zillow interview.
Sharpton: Dead Voters? How about dead donors?
Alex Wagner: The Tea-bagger town hall “mating season” has began.
Maddow: Obamacare supporters trip up GOP’s town hall hate-meeting agendas.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting to see Dr. Gupta admit that he should not have dismissed the medicinal effects of marijuana. I had admired him in the past for his coverage from disaster areas. Sometimes between reports, he would be treating the injured.
In Orange County, California, Anaheim is studying a streetcar line. Disney is actively involved in the design, some may say too involved, but they will be a major destination on it, if built.
Missed this one.
@3 Republicans like Puffy have hijacked Christianity like little Nazi’s.
Is Reince PrebAss going to boycott FOX News?
Interesting Ezra Klein, talking about immigration from Mexico and the analysis of a Princeton professor, Doug Massey.
His theory is that the militarization at the border did a number of things to INCREASE the number of undocumented Mexican immigrants who stayed in this country.
The gist is, previously a porous border allowed migrants to return home relatively easily, and so there was back-and-forth – the draw of home is strong – but now, once across, people stay.
Also, in the past, most crossed at San Diego or El Paso, and stayed in California and Texas (and Illinois for some reason – I’m sure cheapshot will tie this in to machine politics later for us *eye roll*) – now the crossings have been pushed to more diverse and rural places, and the migrants have tended to go other places as well and settle more diversely.
It’s all quite interesting, and made me think of the Maginot Line – the series of fixed fortifications that the French built after WW1 to keep the Germans out – and which similarly failed miserably in 1940. I find it funny that the militarist Republicans are calling for technology that was obsolete in 1920 and to spends billions of dollars on it.
Again, it’s either all for show – red meat for the nativist/racist base, or it’s monumental stupidity. Again, every damn time – “Stupid or lying” is the inevitable place you get when analyzing Republicans/Teahaddists/Talibangelicals/Conservatives (modern iteration).
George Patton:
@ 6
Clearly, Lib Sci, Ezra Klein was speaking directly to you when he penned the title of his blog piece:
Everything you know about immigration is wrong
@ 6
Seriously, Lib Sci, Klein spends very little time discussing other potential reasons immigrants didn’t return, such as a widening gap between opportunity in the US and opportunity in Mexico.
If Mexico is falling further and further behind the US, economically, and if it’s easier and easier for immigrants in the US to send money back home, why should they return? You’re arguing that they have no trouble crossing in one direction, which the Border Patrol is trying to prevent, but that they fear crossing in the other direction, about which the Border Patrol couldn’t care less?
It’s a little disingenuous to criticize the effectiveness of the border safeguards favored by the right and simultaneously to blame those safeguards for increasing percentages of immigrants staying in the US. They either work or they don’t. You don’t get it both ways.
@ 6
“Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.”
I dunno. Seems to work pretty well in Israel. When there’s an existential threat, that technology ‘obsolete in 1920’ seems to be effective enough.
@ 6
Here’s a full-length Massey piece (Cato!). Dated mid-2005. So this isn’t a new concept.
Ahhh, the snide and stupid cheapshotBob has arrived.
You really shouldn’t wade into things you don’t grasp.
Here, let’s look…beginning of my second paragraph…
It’s a theory – I know you right-wingers have a hard time with science, and the notion that ideas happen and then are discussed, tested, challenged, refined. I was bringing Klein’s discussion of Massey’s theories because they’re interesting and provocative, and might be correct, or partially so. You, and puddybigot, too, seem to have an inability to grasp nuance, or counter-intuitive notions, or the possibility that ‘accepted wisdom’ might be wrong.
Look here…
See right there? That’s the point you’re missing – that militarized border defenses might be counter-productive to minimizing the number of undocumented Mexican immigrants who are staying – in the shadow economy. THAT’S THE POINT! Yes, I can criticize ‘border safeguards’ as being part of the problem – you don’t seem to grasp this. (I’m having deja vu all over again with you).
You’re great with the catchy, condescending, snide phrasing, but you’re missing the point entirely. *sigh*. The novel notion here is that creating a heightened barrier tends to keep those that cross from crossing back, where in the past, there was ebb-and-flow. Also, the heightened ‘security’ tends to disperse the crossing points, and therefore disperse the locations where said migrants ultimately settle. These are both important considerations in understanding how these communities move and settle and otherwise behave.
You say…
No, that’s not what Massey said. Think more subtly, cheapshot. You erect a severe barrier, and you may dissuade or capture a larger fraction on the initial crossing population, but those that do get across are now much more likely to stay across. You change the whole dynamics of the migratory patterns, in this way favoring staying once across.
(You really need to try harder with the ‘reading for meaning’ stuff, and not just jump to simple conclusions that lend themselves to snide comments. You’re making yourself look dumb.)
You also say this…
You seem to have failed to read Klein’s article (again, this reading comprehension thingy is really tripping you up). From that piece…
This, of course, calls into question the wisdom of further militarizing the US-Mexico border, from an entirely other perspective, one that doesn’t seem to be controversial – that the pressure for migration has drastically declined, and net undocumented migration is essentially nil at this point. See Pew study here (Watch out – data and graphs!!).
One is forced to ask, when there’s noncontroversial data that net undocumented migration is nil, and there’s evidence that militarization of the border doesn’t work anyway, why are the right-wingers (like yourself) so hot to spend billions on more guards and guns and walls???
Pandering to the base? The nativist, racist base? These guys? Or these (check out the nice Hitler salutes!)? Or these?
Are you in any of those pictures, cheapshot?
So that’s your criticism, that it’s ‘not new’? That’s a criticism how?
Care to share you thoughts on the Cato/Massey ariticle? Have you read the 15 page paper, and analyzed it, or just found a link and are posting it…to give that impression?
Does it provide new insight or critique of the Klein piece? Does it flesh out (I hope so) the Massey quotes and thoughts in the Klein piece?
Please share your thoughts…or haven’t you read it yet?
Over at DailyKos, in their round-up of state-level progressive blogs, is this, from Blue Oklahoma…
Are you writing for The Oklahoman now, cheapshot?
Hut Hut, throw me a long pass of Family Values.
Sponge Pants Bob must have had a hand in this.
More corruption over in Spokane at the hands of their new-ish mayor and former Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ lap dog David A. Condon
@ 14
Hut Hut, throw me a long pass …
If anyone around here could be considered a ‘wide receiver’, it’s you, gman.
When we give jail time to everyone who knowingly hires illegals, then the demand for their labor would dry up and they would have reason to come here.
@ 12
Just found the link. Had to go hunting for it. I actually do work for a living, even on Saturdays, and haven’t read it, yet.
As for it not being new, I would point out that based on what I have seen online, the guy is fairly prominent in his field. My point is that a theory, as you mentioned @ 11, that has been around for at least 8 years might be more than just that if it’s been carefully evaluated and perhaps validated by some objective criteria. Klein doesn’t provide any. So…..
Is it an old and discarded theory, resurrected by young Ezra because he needed a topic? Is it something I/we just haven’t spent much time on before, even though it’s currently a likely explanation for some of the demographic data we see?
I don’t know. I put it out there. Back to work.
@15. At floor 23, the first bank noticed there were no elevators, and yet they kept building….
@ 20
At floor 23, the first bank noticed there were no elevators, and yet they kept building….
Maybe they can just grant an elevator waiver, or put off construction for a year, like with Obamacare.
@14 and 17. It’s interesting how klassy Serial “Why can’t you see I’m the victim” Conn is, instead of agreeing that rape is bad, he attacks the messenger with gay insults. Why do you all think he would rather make gay insults than address the rape article?
@21 It’s fascinating how Serial “Why can’t you see I’m the victim” Conn will try to link anything stupid or bad to his pet flogging theme of the week? Why do you think he does that when it just makes him look stupid?
’cause he’s a prick?
@ 22-24
I suppose I could ask what the behavior of four men barely into adulthood has to do with family values. But then that would require gman to express an intelligent thought, and we know that’s a wasted effort.
Perhaps LibSci or NTfF could explain to me the link between the article and ‘family values’.
@ 23
…theme of the week
My theme this week is anniversaries.
On this date in 1945, one day after the Nagasaki bombing and four days after the one dropped on Hiroshima, Japan cried ‘Uncle’.
@25 Now THAT is a rational question, but notice you didn’t ask that until called out on on your homophobia.
@ 27
Oh please. When was the last time gman said anything worthy of anything more than derision?
Cheapshot, you didn’t respond to what gman said, or even the basis of his viewpoints; rather, as usual, you derided who he is, and what you imagine/fantasize are his sexual practices.
Here’s a correction:
@ 29
Little imagination is needed, alas. He’s provided plenty of TMI.
@19 “I actually do work for a living, even on Saturdays”
I’m so sorry you have to work, but thank you for supporting the lifestyles of capitalists like me.
@21 Just build them on the outside end walls like everybody else does nowadays. Easy retro fix.
Serial “Why can’t you see I’m the victim” Conn, every so often you make sense, but it is drowned out by all the small minded, cheap shot, sniveling, petty, racist, homophobic, greedy, ignorant crap you spew. Just say’n.
Besides the ongoing labor negotiations, BART is also expanding it’s network. Mostly in the South Bay. First an extension from Fremont to Warm Springs. Then another two phase extension that will eventually end up in Santa Clara. The first phase will be to Berryessa, but the srcond phase will be more expensive, with a tunnel in San Jose.
The Berryessa extension as it is called, is tricky. Santa Clara is an opt-out county, they had a chance to be in on the ground floor, but chose not to. This means, any BART facilities built in Santa Clara County, Santa Clara is on the hook for, but BART will operate and maintain.
Speaking of fraud and fishing expeditions …
GOP Candidate Sentenced for Felony Fraud After Changing Party Affiliation of 300 Democratic Voters, Casting Absentee Ballots in Their Name
funny, isn’t it
And Puddy bets 3/4’s if not all are Obummer goosesteppers. Did Bob Filner, or Eliot Spitzer give them pointers on how to treat wimens?
@36 maybe, or it could have been Vitner or Sanford or Larry Craig.
@36 oh and let’s not forget Newt baby.
@36 in other words the Family Values crowd.
Wow it seems McAuliffe could not take no! Hey it’s the NY Slimes the libtard daily record.
Yet, no coverage of this on the Friday Night Comix from Da Perfessa. We all know why too!
And of course this never made the Friday Night Comix either… Reid wants ObummerCare to fail too.
Truth… not found on Friday Night Comix… just 3rd and 4th tier libtard BOZOS!
@9 So now you’re smarter than Patton? Uh-huh. Whatever.
These were pretty good until gunpowder artillery was invented:
One shot aimed at the base of the wall brings the whole wall down, then you simply walk across the rubble. You probably won’t encounter much resistance because most of the defenders will be under the rubble.
A fortification says, “Here I am, come get me.” There is no fortification on earth that modern weapons can’t make short work of. Even Republicans aren’t so stupid that they insist on spending billions to build castles or manufacture catapults and longbows.
I don’t think it was gunpowder, but rather the trebuchet.
From wikipedia…
I think they could stand off far enough to evade arrows, and lob half-ton rocks – I think that they would do some serious damage to cheapshot’s fixed fortifications in his bunker up on Whidbey.
The problem I had with the case, was that justice did not bother to investigate until they were forced. If it had been a black man who shot a white kid, they wouldn’t have acted the way the did.
Of course this didn’t make the Friday Night Comix… although this isn’t funny. Just more of the standard Muslim religion of “peace” attacks on people helping people.
Of course watch Libtard SCHMUCKO come to the acid throwers defense like he did with Tsanaev Brothers!
I love me some Hunter, over at DailyKos…
Do you suppose cheapshotBob is a grifter, or a griftee? We certainly know what the puddybigot is.
Tony Perkins, grifter extraordinaire…
Perkins is sending out a “survey”, with money ask, natch, that includes the following…
Is there nothing good these dimwits won’t try to destroy? They claim to be crusading against liberal thought control in the public schools, and in whining about that, demand instead mind-destruction via the enforced assimilation of right wing idiocy cult beliefs like “Intelligent Design”, “limited government”, the 6000-year-old universe, abstinence-only birth non-control, and an ever hysterical fear of TEH GAYZ!!
Good gawd these people are pathetic, though very dangerous.
Hunter again…
Yes, puddybigot, you are absolutely correct – what happened to those girls is a horror. In your anti-MOOSLUM bigotry, however, you miss the real evil here.
It is not Islam, per se, but rather intolerant, ignorant, violent fundamentalism, that in this case is only incidentally of the Muslim variety.
I am convinced that the only thing holding back our domestic whackadoodle bigots who embrace affirmative stupidity and hate, like you, for instance, is a liberal culture and a strong allegiance to the rule of law in this society, something we can thank enlightened, educated and tolerant people for, not Bibul-thumping religious cranks. Those evil acid-throwers probably think just like you do that that their enemies are going to burn in hell when their version of the imaginary sky daddy comes down and rescues them.
So puddybigot, peddle your hate somewhere else – you have vastly more in common with the ignorant and hateful acid-throwers than you do with anything resembling enlightened or wise or kind.
48)Well said.
Interesting piece about railroads and hauling crude. It may be here to stay, even if the Keystone XL pipeline is built.
On the latest TRAINS Magazine, columnist Don Phillips, a long time Washington Post reporter who covered transportation issues had a good column this month. About the railroad industry grudgingly accepting that the current situation may be long term. Also mentioned something interesting, the Bakken boom has saved some refineries on the East Coast, as foreign oil has become too costly. Foreign oil, it was mentioned, is traded on the North Sea Brent crude benchmark price, a little more expensive than the West Texas Intermediate price, which Bakken Crude is traded at.
Ah yes Maureen Dowd discussing a Hillary Presidency moment… Oh hell yes… Libtard SCHMUCKO said to ignore Maureen Dowd.
How much you wanna bet Travon Miller supports Obummer?
@41 Keep your capitalist mitts off my Medicare!
@51 I can hardly wait to watch the Republican tears flow the night Hillary is elected president.
@46 One comment attached to the linked article points out:
“It is far past the time when Muslims ‘of good will’, (and I know some), strongly and publicly renounced those who promote and partake in violence of this sort.”
There are many who try. The media, by and large, ignore them. “Man bites dog” is deemed more “newsworthy” than “Man pets dog”.
Mark Steyn nails it again… Sadly missing from the Friday Night Comix…
Once again all can see the abject loonacy of Libtard SCHMUCKO! Incidentally? Do Christians regularly throw acid on innocent girls? Do Jews regularly throw acid on innocent girls? Do tell SCHMUCKO. Name all the incidentallies!
Oh yeah BTW do Christians hack off the heads of innocents? Do Jews hack off the heads of innocents? Do tell SCHMUCKO. Name all the incidentallies!
Oh yeah BTW do Christians shoot the heads of innocents because they are embarassed by teenage girls? Do Jew shoot the heads of innocents because they are embarassed by teenage girls? Do tell SCHMUCKO. Name all the incidentallies!
1) This is the only muslim activity happening right now
2) There is no public denouncement from the fools at CAIR
3) Your kind (DUMMOCRAPTS) are afraid to call it as it is. As long as you make excuses they will continue to make victims out of people like these two young women.
4) Your kind, you especially, could not call the Tsarnaev brothers what they were/are… terrorists. You still make apologies for Dzhokhar even today!
Nuff said sucka!
Radical christians blow up buildings, assainate doctors, attemt to bomb gay nightclubs, kill gay men, and enact ever increasingly restrictive laws on female health. Give them time to work up to acid throwing.
@57 – It’s a pretty good chance that the dudes that killed Mathew Sheppard were Christians or Jews.
Now Puffy hides in silence, or he will respond to my comment about him hiding in silence without responding to my comment regarding Mathew Sheppard.
Puffy is a coward and exactly as described in post #48
@57 – when you going to get you some Acid to toss on people?
@57 –
great generalization. Who the hell is making apologies for Dzhokhar? You just throw shit out there that isn’t true.
How true – bunch of hypocrites.
I have a coworker and friend (I’ll qualify that with the statement that I’m not real close to him for all of the following reasons) who is a Republican, he grows tobacco in his spare time, he harvests about 5 acres a year. Aside from getting government subsidies to do so, he is your small government minded person. He also employees Jamaican illegal immigrants to harvest his crop. He not only doesn’t like immigrants (illegal or not) but he doesn’t talk about them too kindly. He doesn’t really talk too kindly about colored people in general.
Just one of those classic hypocritical Tea bagging idiots.
@57 Uncle Puddles,
Yes, Christians do slaughter innocents.
US Army soldiers fighting against “terrorism” slaughter innocents.
What did the “Christians” do in Afghanistan?
Gibbs used medical shears to sever several fingers that he kept as a form of human trophy collecting. He gave one of them to Holmes, who kept it dried in a Ziploc bag.
Is it true that the reason you are so stupidly bigoted and incapable of understanding a person’s religion is not a reason to suspect them is because Jason Richwine, former Heritage Foundation “scholar”, is right about the lack of intelligence your ethnicity brings you?
@47, me too.
Josh & the folks over at TPM catch this anecdote of American religious culture
Religious AZ Family Abandons US, Has to Get Rescued at Sea
Nothing says Christian love of life like a half-assed sea voyage.
Oh, the puddybigot is having a sad…a mad, mad sad.
Let’s go back to the Tsarneav brothers, for a moment…that was when I started calling you ‘bigot’ if I recall correctly, and it was because of your naked bloodlust, your gleeful cackling at the thought of ‘enhanced interrogations’, and your unbridled hatred over their Islamic heritage.
Here’s a quote of a post of mine, from April 20, responding to you at that time…
I defended the legally innocent American citizen Dzhokhar Tsarnaev while you danced on the grave of our collective rights.
You, of course, began raving about MOOSLUM infiltration of the Obama Administration, and gave us this priceless list…
You actually ‘thought’ that this was some sort of self-evident proof of nefarious infiltration of our precious bodily fluids, but rather, you were putting an anti-MOOSLUM cherry on top of the white-American-male-worshipping sundae that you slurp down every day on these threads.
So, in answer to #4 in your post above, I never apologized for the Tsarnaev brothers, but you certainly cackled over the younger’s immanent torture and revealed your deep-seated bigotry.
Where did you learn to speak English? Were you homeschuld?
@57 (cont’d)
I love when puddybigot can’t resist sharing his anti-MOOSLUM hatred.
He never fully answered this question, made initially in reference to the Tsarnaev brothers, so I’ll ask again, this time in reference to the poor, hate-filled, ignorant Fundamentalists who threw acid on those innocent English girls in Zanzibar…
Eh, puddybigot, what does your Christian faith have to say? Isn’t this what your Jesus commanded us to do?
In answer to puddybigot’s series of questions, @57, in which he hopes to condemn those EVUL MOOSLUMS in light of the goodness of Christians and Jews, I would offer him this list of White American terrorists…
It’s from a Sirota article, here, and comes from a hot-linked list here that gives more information about each of the white dudes in question.
That Sirota article, which was excellent, in which he hoped that the then-uncaptured Marathon bomber was a white male, generated some serious consternation among our resident white supremacists, cheapshot and puddybigot.
And, I would reiterate, that when I shifted puddybigot’s accusation against MOOSLUMS to a focus on Fundamentalists, a major point is that that the only thing that restrains our domestic violence/hate-oriented Christian fundamentalists from similar acts (and is not always successful at this) is our rule of law, something for which we have liberal, tolerant, educated people to thank.
Just spent 112 minutes online with a very nice gentleman who does online sales for Dell. He’s based in Manila.
He had an answer to every single question.
We constructed a Dell laptop optimized for the latest speech recognition software version.
No idea why it’s necessary to hire some semi-literate American to do the job he did. He was great. My only criticism is that I had to request the solid-state hard drive rather than him suggesting it.
Last time I did this it was nearly $3500. This time, $1900.
@ 45
The problem I had with the case, was that justice did not bother to investigate until they were forced.
Er, a full investigation did occur and it was determined that charges were not warranted.
It wasn’t until the race-baiters came to town that an agenda-driven appointee decided to revise history with charges.
Don’t forget that the Not Guilty verdict on all options, including manslaughter, came AFTER the judge decided not to permit the contents of Trayvon Martin’s cell phone to be entered into evidence. Potential reversible error all over the place and he still was found Not Guilty of all potential charges.
Dead-tree journalism watch:
The Rockland County Times has learned that Rockland County Chief Editor Caryn McBride is among the casualties of the recent purge of 17 journalists and 26 total staffers at the Gannett-owned Journal News newspaper.
McBride gained fame earlier this year for her involvement in the Journal News gun map fiasco. Police reports indicated McBride had called the Clarkstown Police Department to notify them of torrents of angry phone calls and letters the newspaper received following the publication of the map.
The Rockland editor said she felt threatened by the complaints, but local police did not agree a credible threat against the safety of employees of the newspaper existed. Unsatisfied, McBride and other executives decided to hire armed guards to protect their property, causing an uproar due to the perceived hypocrisy of the avowed anti-gun editors hiring gun-toting men.
Too bad, so sad. One has to wonder how many extra staff members got the axe because of the circulation loss after that idiotic publication of the addresses of residents who lawfully owned guns.
Lefty own-goals are so common these days. Wonder who will buy the NYT. Mark Cuban, perhaps. And he could install Dennis Rodman as Publisher, which might be a step up.
Heh.. That’s some small dose of hate @ 51,52.. Ranks an SBD maybe..
Salt Mining must have been weak last night..
@70 Serial,
If you want a great computer at a reasonable price…
because it is not ‘necessary to hire some semi-literate American to do the job he did’. The best in the world are right here in Auburn.
Puget Systems offers the best support, bar none.
@ 74
Thanks for the suggestion.
Dell I bought pre-tax $1736
Same configuration on that site pre-tax $2380.00
In 23 years of owning computers I have had one 30″ monitor power supply go intermittent enough that it became useless and have had two hard-drives become corrupted and require replacement. That was all Mac stuff.
I think I’m good with a Dell.
@75 Of course you are.
Ahhh.. The great state of TexASS… Who cares about thirsty cattle and people?
There’s black gold in them thar formations! Klownservatives need gas guzzlers..
Awwwww. America’s top birfer lambastes bagger darling Ted Cruz:
I love it!!!!! Didn’t Cruz say his mom is an American citizen? I love that shit even more!
Whadya say to that gassy shithead (gs/ld/yd)???
@77, for you
Again who cares about this pollution shit?
Klownservative “jawb kweeaytohs” need to transport their asses in heavy iron..
79 – I like that! Thanks…
Hey, remember that phony North Pole turning ice into lakes story from a couple of weeks back?
The one that even the study author at UofW took pains to point out didn’t mean that ice is becoming water all over the North Pole?
AP comes out to retract their imagery:
Titlu : ELIMINATION North Pole Lake
Cue Gilda:
Damn! Serial RENEGER @82 has caught on to our grand Global Climate Change hoax designed to keep liberal commie loving scientists on top of the capitalist $$$$ pyramid!
Also, too starving polar bears are not a reason to be concerned.
Northern Hemisphere sea ice, 9Aug2013:
Unless a storm brews up like happened in late August and early September last year, there’s going to be about one-third more ice at the annual minimum than there was last year.
Jus’ sayin’.
Awwww… A Republican “radical feminist” goes off on bagger freak Steve King:
Bigoted views about latinos? Shit, our goto klownservative jerk for laughs around here would call that “facts” or “truth”.. Heh.. What a freak.. I love it when they dig their own graves..
@ 83
Hey MBS, go to that link and click on the photo for the full caption. You’ll get this:
From his lying position in death, Stirling said, the bear appears to simply have starved and died where he dropped, having been reduced to little more than skin and bone.
So from a photograph the ‘expert’ deduced he starved to death.
Using that rationale, these photographs:
must mean that Trayvon Martin laid down for a nap and died in his sleep.
*cough* klownservative bullshit *cough*…
@ 83
Seriously, MBS, it’s one thing to look at a photo and make a pronouncement.
It’s another to do some actual work:
Population ecology of polar bears in Davis Strait, Canada and Greenland
We analyzed 35 years of capture and harvest data from the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) subpopulation in Davis Strait, including data from a new study (2005–2007), to quantify its current demography. We estimated the population size in 2007 to be 2,158 ± 180 (SE), a likely increase from the 1970s.
That’s an increase of about 50% from status in 1993:
Nice try, though.
@ 87
Read it again, YLB. And thank you for the contribution.
I would like to thank all of you HA electricity rate-payers in WA state for subsidizing the purchase of my rooftop solar system with your add-on fees, assessed with each billing your utility sends. These fees go into a fund mandated by WA state, and pays solar panel owners 54 cents per kWh of energy produced by the panels. This is on top of the sales tax-free nature of the purchase to begin with, and the rebate from the utility, and the 30% tax credit from the federal government, and the MACRS on 85% of the purchase price of the system even though 30% of it was credited and another 5% was rebated.
Truly a gift.
Question is, will it be a sustainable gift?
Two weeks ago, the Czech government decided to end all subsidies for new renewable energy projects at the end of this year. “The reason for this law amendment is the rising financial burden for electricity consumers,” Prime Minister Jiri Rusnok said. “It threatens the competitiveness of our industry and raises consumers’ uncertainty about power prices.” In recent years, almost all EU member states also have begun the process of rolling back and cutting green subsidies.
Spain is a particularly cautionary tale. By failing to control the cost of guaranteed subsidies, the country has been saddled with €126bn of obligations to renewable-energy investors.
Now that the Spanish government has dramatically curtailed these subsidies, even retrospectively, more than 50,000 solar entrepreneurs face financial disaster and bankruptcy.
Europe’s experience with such idiocy suggests not. Of course, here in WA we’ve got a governor who is married to the concept, so I expect that through 2017, at least, the money tap remains open. In 2018 the system is paid off and the money by law is supposed to be paid until 2020, meaning I’ll realize some profit at your expense.
So thank you, fellow rate-payers. A gift I truly don’t deserve.
@88, etc
Good gawd you’re a moron, or worse.
From a 30-sec perusal of the abstract of your second link…
For one, this is a single population of Polar Bears. Second, a number of complex variables has their population presently high, though the scientists who study that include deteriorating ice conditions as one variable that would limit their population growth.
Haven’t you learned not to try to engage in a discussion of academic papers in the pursuit of your rightard agenda? It never ends well for you.
Moreover, nothing you’ve thrown out in an attempt to obfuscate will obscure the reality of anthropogenic climate change, which includes progressive shrinking of critical ice accumulations worldwide.
I would have thought you’d be intimately familiar with the notion of shrinkage. I guess you can’t shrink what’s already tiny.
@ 90
Governor Inslee’s book
available in Very Good condition for one cent.
I made sure to purchase from the vendor with the highest positive rating. It was a bonus that the vendor is in a red state.
70 more copies available for the same one cent (plus shipping, of course).
@ 91
Absolutely right it was a single population @ 88, LibSci.
But it was 2,157 +/- 180 SE, more polar bears than in the single photo provided by MBS @ 83.
So I believe it served its purpose.
Some populations are increasing, some are in decline, and for some there are not enough data to know – that saves us a he said, she said discussion.
The point, should you choose to acknowledge it, is that just like weather is not climate, a single snapshot viewed from a distance @ 82 @ 83 should not be applied broadly to a very complex topic.
Why aren’t you thanking moronic klownservatives like the Everett loon or the birfer moron gs who haunts these threads?? Or Rodney Tom or Tim Sheldon or whatever bagger loon politician that votes NO on everything that’s not a tax cut?
What gratitude to your own kind…
Your gloating post merely demonstrates, again, that you possess no principles.
Your contempt for the (very real) need to switch to renewable energy aside, I would think that if a person honestly held small-government beliefs, that the government was giving out too many non-sustainable handouts to undeserving people, that the health of our shared economy and shared society demanded that profligate spending cease, that you would be unable to avail yourself of such a boondoggle.
That assumes, of course, that there is some sort of self-respecting, honest and forthright human behind the ‘cheapshotBob’ persona.
There obviously isn’t.
We know what a racist, entitled, contemptible greedhead you really are, don’t we?
Or did you just buy it to impress your neighbors in South Whidbey?
Ah, more “Teach the Controversy” bullshit from cheapshotBob.
Keep it up, Bob, we’re all still laughing at you.
So Klownservative Bob is a member of the whine (about taxes) and cheez set in South Whidbey?
Just a few more years to go and he’ll be a member of the leisure class.. Will he wear a cravat and a skipper’s cap??? Does he have a hole in the water to shovel money into?
@ 95
Got it. I have a Prius and solar but I have them for the wrong reasons because I criticize some of the programs behind them. It’s wrong of me to point out that silicon-smelting is bad for the environment before solar panels can be good for the environment because Jay Inslee! It’s wrong of me to point out that money spent – $20,000 in my case – by various government and utility entities over the next five years to pay off my solar installation could instead by handed out as eight $2,500 rebates to people who buy a Prius, Honda, Ford, or other hybrid and would be far more beneficial to the environment because of the gasoline that wouldn’t be burned than the incremental benefit to the environment because of the 2200 or so kWh I won’t need this coming year because I bought and installed solar.
Fair enough.
How’s your solar project going, BTW, Lib Sci?
@ 97
Does he have a hole in the water to shovel money into?
Close, YLB.
I put bunches of holes in the ground to shove baby conifer trees into.
99 – A tree hugger?? How endearing.. Or is it a paranoiac privacy freak covering over the previous land owner’s fire hazard fetish or seasonal affective disorder…
Funny Bob.. Funny indeed.. Trees are good.. Solar panels are good.. Gloat away Bobby if it makes you feel good.
@ 101
Seeing the little trees taller this year than they were last year, and coming back after being thrashed each year by the deer, is what feels good, YLB.
Gotta go out and carry water some of the little fuckers now. Ciao.
Thanks for asking.
Just got done remodeling the basement for the teenager, which included tearing out the old forced air and replacing with MUCH higher efficiency boiler and radiant system, and insulating the hell out of the space, including all new windows. In the process, plumbed and wired up to attic for future PV and solar hot water. The new hot water tank – which is presently heated by the boiler, has two coils – one for the boiler, one for solar hook up.
So, infrastructure in place and will likely put the panels on the roof this fall or next spring.
Again, thanks for asking.
Will solar water be worth it when the kids leave and your use plummets? Extra energy going into the solar water heating system above what you actually need is useless, right? I couldn’t see a reason for doing solar hot water. And then there’s the potential for leakage…
A judge in San Francisco has granted Governor Brown’s request for a 60 day cooling off period in the ongoing negotiations between BART and it’s unions. The last strike before the current one, was in 1997, with a Republican Governor, Pete Wilson, by the way.
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority had a strike in 2000, with a Democratic Governor, Gray Davis, by the way, and it was way different. Bus, Light Rail, and Subway service was down for a month. The agreement was mediated by an outsider, Rev. Jesse Jackson.
In California, Transit operators and strikes, depend on the county. Most that were created by state legislation, laws banning such strikes would have to come from Sacramento. The San Francisco Municipal Railway is different, probably because it was not created by state legislation, as it dates back to 1912, with city ownership ever since. Back then, they were all privately owned, MUNI even had private competition up until 1944. The Charter of the City and County of San Francisco prohibits public employee strikes, that includes bus, streetcar, light rail, and cable car drivers and mechanics.
@91 “Haven’t you learned not to try to engage in a discussion of academic papers in the pursuit of your rightard agenda? It never ends well for you.”
This argument never has any effect on science deniers, for the obvious reason that they don’t respect scientific method or academia in the first place.
@98 So … you admit you’re taking government dole. I kinda figured all along you were.
@100 He’s probably growing Christmas trees to sell in his front yard to passersby.
To be a conservative: Gimme my solar panel government dole but dont raise my taxes a dime to pay for food stamps if others need to eat.
When a conservative takes advantages of what availabe thats just good sense but if some one poor takes advantage of what is availabe and they are leaches and takers and the program needs to be cut
Second Amendment Report
“A New Hampshire man used a handgun to shoot his 9-year-old son to death before taking his own life during supervised visitation at a YWCA office in the state’s largest city, officials said Sunday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t think this guy should’ve had a gun.
Some 9 year olds must be sacrificed so all unstable people can have access to guns.
Interesting way to liven up a campaign by going for the youth vote. The Social Democrats candidate for Chancellor is willing to go for the decriminalization of marijuana.
I guess anything to avoid the rumors that he will coalition with the Left Party. He has already closed the door on a Grand Coalition with the Christian Democrats. The polls show a Social Democrats/Greens/Left coalition is possible, as the Christian Democrats prefered coalition partner, the Free Democrats, also called the Liberals, are not in Good shape. The FDP has been polling between 4-7%, 5 or above is ok, 4, unless they win a district mandate, means that the FDP lawmakers may be packing up their offices in Berlin.
Especially other klownservatives..
Shit they of all people ought to know better!
What’s a few stomach grumbles compared to the SHAME, the HUMILIATION of cashing a “gubmint check”…
This is how Bob wants everyone to be united.
Here is an idea for Puffy.
Libtard SCHMUCKO, profesional test tube bottlewasher and those other HA DUMMOCRAPTS who DO NOT take in to task.
BTW Gleeeeeeman… Puddy not in your time zone. Sux to be you!
Goosestepping Jackbooted Schmuck!
Your continual poster boy for gays eh gleeeeeeeeeeman? Got proof on that comment? More HA libtard speculation.
The NSA under Obummer has already done this. But in their zeal somehow they missed the Brothers Tsarnaev. Cry Puddy a river Libtard SCHMUCKO.
That’s the best you got Fascist Pigsty?
So do atheists: who shit on cars, break windows, set buildings on fire, firebomb banks, rape women at OWS events, shoot people at OWS events, sling feces and piss on innocents.
Good try butt EPIC FAYLE!
@109 NTfF,
Being a conservative Republican in the 21st century means its ok to piggy up for all the guberment handouts you oppose.
Just remember, if you think it is wrong IOKIYAR.
So Puddy chose Ted Kaczynski… No mention of Christianity anywhere… So he must be a libtard atheist.
Puddy chose Byron De La Beckwith… DUMMOCRAPT!
Puddy chose Bobby Frank Cherry and Thomas Blanton and Herman Frank Cash and Robert Chambliss… all DUMMOCRAPTS
How many others fit that bill?
Kinda explodes that libtard SCHMUCKO supposition.
What a crock!
My uncle was at UC Berkeley with Ted Kaczynski for several years. Mr. Kaczynski was in fact, Jewish.
Liberal or Conservative doesn’t come into it, as he was a psychopath. Try reading his “manifesto” sometime. There’s something in it for everyone.
But, you being you, it is painfully obvious to everyone in here, that you never read anything that doesn’t reinforce your confirmation bias, even if you have to link to some obscure Blog written by a fellow schizophrenic and pathological liar.
How’s your 401K doing?
401(k)s are a sham
Duped by a DIY retirement dream, the elderly now face staggeringly low living standards
Oh shit! Well, at least your CEO will be ok.
Glenn Greenwald:
Mind-blowing.. Heh.. Our goto dope for laughs around here – his interwebs (bowel) movements are being tracked WAAAAAY beyond his worst nightmares..
By two term President Obama’s NSA…
How it sucks for him!
“Oh shit! Well, at least your CEO will be ok.”
That’s what’s really important.
@124 I’ve been saying for years now that 401(k)s suck and the only reason to put money in them is to get employer matching money. Purely in investment terms, 401(k)s stink.
The S&P 500 is up over 20% in the last 12 months. Unless your 401(k) is up 20% in that timeframe, you’d have been better off putting your money in a market-index ETF. If your 401(k) is up only 5% or 10% while the market is up 20%, you’re being robbed.
I’m not saying stock investing is easy. I’ve been doing it for 30 years and I work at it. Just like there are good companies and bad companies, there are good stocks and bad stocks, and you have to learn to tell them apart. Hint: Bad company usually means bad stock; the two tend to go together.
Employers have eliminated traditional pensions to cut their labor costs. They thought pensions were a great idea as long as they could ride the market and didn’t have to actually pay for their employees’ pensions. Of course, that didn’t last, so now they want to get rid of pensions.
Here’s what workers should do about that. Let’s say you have a job that nominally pays $60,000 a year but was really worth $80,000 because of the pension and health benefits. And let’s say the employer has decided to let you fend for yourself in terms of health care and retirement. Fine, you reply, pay me $80,000 and I’ll pay for my health care and retirement myself. If your boss refuses, just tell him you’re not willing to take a $20,000 pay cut and quit. I’m pretty sure he was paying you $80k because you were worth $80k in terms of how much money you made for him, and that he can’t replace the money you brought in for him by hiring someone else for $60k, or he wouldn’t have been paying you $80k. So if he tries to enrich himself by sticking you with a 25% pay cut, tell him to take his job and shove it, and don’t be afraid to walk out, because if you were worth $80k to him then you’re worth $80k to someone else. I’d bet on it.
@125 Man, I’ll bet Amy has some kind of fun checking up on her dates and boyfriends.
A dockyard worker who torched a Navy submarine, causing $400 million of damage, got 17 years.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder how many years Bradley Manning will get for embarrassing the U.S. government?
Spoken by one of the biggest leftist crackpots on HA.
Tell that to Libtard SCHMUCKO OWS Racist Fraggy.
Cry Puddy a river!
More gibberish from HA’s unemployed moron! So sad so sad! Just horse crap from the biggest arschloch around!
Dayum… Another load delivered on Friday by Obummer’s gang! This should get HA’s unemployed moron’s pink panties all in a tight wad…
Oh my… Can you say inflation? Oh my Holder’s Justice only inflated those supposed claims by 80% and 90% right HA libtards? How about viewing this another way HA morons? The real inflated percentages are way above to 500% and 900% respectively.
You libtards should thank Phil Mattingly and Tom Schoenberg of Bloomberg News! Do libtards remember this? Of course they don’t 24 hour moonbattic moronic memory malady!
Well it looks like it was all a lie, like so many other stories from this sadministration!
Oh wait… another phony scandal is brewing.
Wow, nine posts from our resident Young Earth Creationist, Fundamentalist Bibul-thumping MOOSLUM hater, and he says…
(I find it hilarious that the puddybigot has been calling people ‘goosesteppers’ lately….after I used that term on him several times in the past few weeks – I feel like a 3rd grade reading teacher. Mimicry is the highest form of praise!)
What’s really remarkable, though, is his desperate spinning – see @119, 121 – to apologize for white Christian violence in this country – the most common kind of terroristic violence, as we all know. You’d almost think the puddybigot was a wannabe white supremacist.
It’s funny, in a pathetic way, that puddybigot’s only defense, his only response to the extensive list of white American terrorists, is to pick out the murderer or Medgar Evers and the bombers of the Montgomery church – the murderers of 4 little girls – and call them ‘DUMMOCRAPTHHSS’.
What really ties those 5 together is their racism and Klan membership, part and parcel with a ostentatious Christianism, as anyone with a few functioning neurons could put together.
de la Beckwith was a member of the Greenwood Episcopal Church of the Nativity and a member of the KKK.
When Blanton, another KKK member, was convicted, he said…
I can’t find explicit information on the religiosity of the other three, but here’s the KKK’s website, and we all know how they do love their crosses!!
Here’s a quote…
I totally agree. The prosecution of financial crimes by big banks and their allies has been completely pathetic – Obama and his administration, including Holder, have been utterly insufficient and appear to be completely captured by the financial industry.
It’s clearly one of the biggest disappointments of the Obama Presidency.
If this is a big issue for you, puddybigot, why are you constantly ragging on OWS? They’re motivated by exactly the same issues that you’re railing about (appropriately) above.
Is it because you cannot stomach being an ally of a liberal/progressive/anti-‘Too Big to Fail’ group?
This is also part of Elizabeth Warren’s focus – consumer protection and the danger of ‘Too Big to Fail’ mentality toward financial institutions. Yet, you have only ever had nasty and malicious things to say about her. Why is that? If you are really concerned about the inadequacy of the Justice Department going after fraudsters, why do you attack those that would make things different?
Too bad Mr. Klynical Klown no longer haunts these threads.. Brush with mortality haunting his miserable ass perhaps?
The world’s dumbest idea:
What is the alternative?
MWS, my relatives are Western African. Well hung, quick footed and good looking! We can think on our feet and on our butts and we can easily use the Internet to dissect donk attacks.
My clueless father, I lost my virginity
today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case
cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut?
I equate HAs to the friends of Bob in the enzyte of commercials. We righties are Bob and you lefties look at what you are lacking.
Chuck Todd: Both sides now expect Romney to win Florida – Mediaite! Puddy said Jewish vote would be key! Y’all pooh pooh’d Puddy!
I didn’t follow the Zimmerman trial on the TEEVEE very much – try to avoid TEEVEE ‘news’ – so I never encountered this guy, Frank Taaffe, who it seems was one of Zimmerman’s most ardent and media-pervasive defenders.
Wow, he sure is something.
I wonder if cheapshotBob has a copy of the “Save the White People Handbook“? Puddybigot?
Wow, a real winner, that one.
I wonder if this guy would be angry, given his feelings about welfare and the undeserving sucking on the teat of society, if poor black people were putting solar panels on their houses with big giveaways from the government??
He has been caught quoting and approving an especially virulent white supremacist:
Jared Taylor discussed issues about New Orleans. I am talking about here, on HA you mooron!!! Oh since most of those issues are being proved true, now you are getting upset?
Jared Taylor wrote The Color of Crime back in the 1990s. You can read the pdf…
Here’s some of the filth Jared Taylor wrote about New Orleans:
Google it.. I won’t link to it.
Not surprising in the least, really. The puddybigot is a an exemplar of the house slave. Of course he’s a white supremacist. He worships conservative white Tallibangelical culture.
The conversations in his head must be some seriously fucked up shit.
Wow. the puddybigot actually wrote that stuff…amazing.
That is one sick motherfucker.
I like that fact that others have called him on his ‘Christianity’ that he wears so ostentatiously while spewing some of the nastiest, hateful-est bile.
Don’t y’all remember this crockola from Holder’s DOJ… No? Well it was Holder lumping all his small cases together and trumpeting it in his presser. Well it seems these little cases were nothing. Why? The big cases were Obummer’s handlers and big money donors. Can’t prosecute the hand that reerects you!
Puddy remembers the hue and cry from HA libtards… Google this ya morons… “Justice Department attorneys resign bush” and look at all the screaming over the politicization of Bush’s Justice Department. Well Holder has done much worse.
Oops… just another phony scandal!
Wow another visit into the crazed databaze. HA’s unemployed moron keeps shilling the same thing over and over. Puddy lives inside his head. Getting close to 200 attempts and the same number of EPIC FAYLES!
Remember when Jesus called them as Jesus saw them… No? Check out Matthew 23 Libtard SCHMUCKO!
Regarding HA’s unemployed moron above, what does he present to his children being an unemployed moron who lives on his wife’s dole? Welfare? How not to be him? Meanwhile, Puddy has two university graduates with no student loans because Puddy works hard; one gainfully employed and the other a 3rd year law student just offered a plum litigation position at a prestigious law firm next year.
So HA’s unemployed moron can shove it up his arschloch! Sux to be him!
Oh yes the third retread of a Jared Taylor attack. So sad unemployed moron! Even people who are distasteful are sometimes correct.
You can’t comprehend that!
Since Puddy knows Libtard SCHMUCKO didn’t read the comments in context here is one so you can see why HA’s unemployed moron is an ASSHOLE.
An CluelessASS: I guess you get a pass in Post#1 cuz you be a librul. You see I too am against teenagers getting fucking intimate. That’s for later in life. Yet, in your nanometerscopic mind, I guess when a child gets a hardon you say he’s ready for fucking. You see there is a big difference between fucking and love making. How can a teenager portent he or she is in love when they haven’t experienced anything yet except the abuse from a librul parent? Wake up and see life.
If I remember, you said you were around 30 with two children. I have no idea if you have a girl but let’s assume so. She comes home at 13 and says: “My clueless father, I lost my virginity today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut? Oh… that’s right she’s the offspring of a librul, she can do anything she wants! Well in my case I told both sons, no premarital sex is off limits. You have no idea what love is and grow into your body and mind. Check out what God’s creation has in store for you. When you find the right one God will let you know!
That’s the big difference between you and me cluelessASS. I parent my children. Libruls let them run wild. Just go to a restaurant and watch the wild children. Ask the parents are you a librul and listen carefully. You’ll probably see them exit to their car with Kerry/Edwards stickers on the bumpers.
GBS, how would you react if your daughters did what I suggested above? I bet you’d knock some sense into them. Oops… there would be a call to DSHS for child abuse from one of cluelessASS’ buddies.
Now the whole context is known. This is why HA’s unemployed moron is an ASSHOLE! Sux to be him! Just an unemployed moronic ASSHOLE living vicariously on others’ comments and EPICALLY FAYLING too!
Dayum, this is one of Puddy’s best! Since Puddy knows Libtard SCHMUCKO didn’t read the comments in context here is one so you can see why HA’s unemployed moron is an ASSHOLE.
Again clueless, you deflect and obscure. If you remember what I said about you and rujax, you two were referring to something similar. What I do vs. Christ did has no bearing on this argument. I am not Him and only your side tries to make the “perfect” association. I ask Him and His Spirit to guide me. What guides a lefty besides full hatred of Bush? I’d say nothing else!
I equate HAs to the friends of Bob in the enzyte of commercials. We righties are Bob and you lefties look at what you are lacking.
Now the whole context is known. BDS is strong in this one! This is why HA’s unemployed moron is an ASSHOLE! Sux to be him! Just an unemployed moronic ASSHOLE living vicariously on others’ comments and EPICALLY FAYLING too!
It really sux to be an unemployed moronic ASSHOLE !
Full of facts and truth… an anathema to Libtard SCHMUCKO!
Great for you and your kids.
I’m not going to comment on the family of posters here, just as I hate when cheapshotBob makes smarmy commentary about my kids.
What I loathe, however, is your incessant attacks on YLB regarding his family and domestic arrangements.
I have no idea what his family life is like, who works, how the kids are thriving, who might stay home to parent, how roles and duties are balanced – and I doubt you do either.
Regardless, you put on display the nastiest, most caustic contempt for him, and in the process merely emphasize what a small-minded, misogynistic, hateful, creepy little person you are.
So what if YLB is the stay-home parent – why is this offensive, if true? Because he’s a man, and your narrow little fear-driven notions of what roles people should play at home and at work cannot assimilate this fact?
Well just fuck off, puddybigot.
What kind of snide little creep attacks a person for who their family is and how they live with and love each other?
Oh, I know – a tallibangelical asswipe croaking about his wonderful job and his petty perqs and duties, a bigoted hate-filled Bibul-thumping pinhead who thinks his Sky Daddy is going to smite his enemies for him, a deluded fool who believes in magical teleporting penguins and 6000-year old Earth, a hate-filled buffoon who cackles about torturing brown MOOSLUM kids and who is terrified of people who have the bravery and authenticity to be true to themselves.
Fuck off, puddybigot.
Wow – yet another total evasion.
SO Christ’s COMMANDMENT to love your neighbor as yourself just doesn’t count?
You only have to ‘ask for guidance’ and then get to do whatever-the-hell nasty, hateful thing you like – as we witness EVERY SINGLE DAY on these threads?
How fucking convenient. I guess I should have know – the KKK are all about their Christian faith, aren’t they?
(It’s OK if you’re a Christianist Tallibangelical)
148)Well said. This is the 21st century.
I see puddybigot is spewing all over the other thread – clearly won’t touch the indictment @149.
Rather than ‘indictment’ maybe he should see it as an invitation to live the Christian values he so often brays on about.
Heh.. This old thread has some choice shit..
Wow. The skygod guides this?
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc ~/.ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘obummer’ | cut -f1,4,5
obummer count 1564
The skygod “guides” almost 40,000 comments of this klownservative buffoon’s crap?
And no “context” about circle jerking with his own sockpuppet MWS.. That was classic..
Dayum Libtard SCHMUCKO… You don’t tell Puddy what to do evah.
1) You are no paragon of virtue.
2) Being a libtard means hate hate hate
3) HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron has been hating since Puddy arrived.
4) Sux to be you!
5) Take your own words and F-off the blog forever!
6) Shove it!
7) Taliban – Your fall back crutch when you run out of inane things to “think” about. Well if Puddy thought like them we would you be now moron? Stoooooooooooooooopid!
8) No one in their “right” mind would listen to an idiot like you.
9) You seem to forget the 179+ times HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE has attempted to use the crazed databaze in an attack. Puddy leave no attack UNANSWERED!
Still displaying that BDS eh HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron? Sux to be you and that worthless life you still choose to lead!
You are certifiably stoooooooooooopid Libtard SCHMUCKO. Puddy takes umbrage to his incessant class warfare attacks. This is a “man” with a sick mind. HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE would rather catalog people’s comments on a blog than find a job. This is why you are stooooooooooooooopid SCHMUCKO. Apparently that which is very visible to others is invisible to you!
Puddy has no narrow minded role issues. You are the one with the narrow mind. Puddy calls out HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron because he chooses his lifestyle then rails on others who want to improve their life lot as takers. Puddy has not taken anything from HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron except some grief which Puddy returns in spades!
Oh SCHMUCKO, Puddy been really busy so this is first chance to revisit this thread.
Puddy takes no advice from SCHMUCKO ever. You are way too leftist loony to be anyone’s life coach! Puddy sees being an atheist is all about hate hate hate! You prove that in spades!
Sux to be you.
@154, 155, 156, 157
I get, from the apoplectic response, the vein-bulging anger, the spittle-flecked screen, that you indeed recognize the portrait I’ve painted of you, and on some level, however unconscious, you recognize what a nasty, hate-filled, buffooninsh wretch you are.
Your welcome.
Use this instruction well – no one knows how much time they have on this earth, and it’s never too late to start acting with love and with integrity.
Good luck.
You’re welcome.
As always you are wrong again SCHMUCKO. Delusional to the core!
Try as you might, you’ll never be right. Tiny rhyme takes no time. Such a sad sack of an atheist. Reverts back to the same themes because that’s all SCHMUCK knows!
Thanks himself. What a jerk!
Wait for it… Pavlov calls it.
Ummm…no. I was correcting a spelling error I made in the referenced post. I thought that was obvious. Maybe I overestimated you.
Huh? Is that all it takes to wind you up and make you GO???
Well, not that we didn’t know that allready but..