Maddow: Michigan Gov. thinks Democracy is a problem (via Crooks and Liars).
Thom: Who is organizing the Republican War on Workers?
G.O.P. budget plan having some difficulties at home.
Mitt on Hanging Obama:
Ed and Pap: Boehner is corporate America’s bagman.
GritTV with Thomas Frank: What is happening in the town hall meetings this year?
Ann Telnaes: Privatizing Social Security.
Thom: Republicans organize like KKKrazy to lie.
The Carnival Barker:
- The Donald drops a few F-bombs.
- The Donald’s obscenity laced rant unbleeped (via Crooks and Liars).
- Sam Seder: Trump thinks outsourcing to China is bad…but his own clothing line is made there.
- Stephen: Obamas and The Donald (via Crooks and Liars).
- Ed and Pap: Trump is the New Village Idiot along with his birfer friends
- David Letterman on The Donald (via Slog).
- Young Turks: Another racist comment from Trump.
- John King: Debate with The Donald.
- One proud Carnival Barker (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Liberal Viewer: NBC Trump abortion privacy question made both look bad?
- Tweety: Trump’s sorry-ass voting record.
Cenk: Introducing potential radical G.O.P. candidate Rick Santorum.
Ann Telnaes: Sen. Kyl amends the record…
Oklahoma…apparently NOT OK:
- Young Turks: Oklahoma KKKrazy.
- Oklahoma Rep.: Women and Blacks ‘Lazy’.
White House: West Wing Week.
ONN: Troubled Democrats to undergo party counseling.
Newsy: Ummm…check your watch.
Sam Seder: Atlas bombs.
Long Form Birferism:
- Obama: “Ahh…Here.”
- Sam Seder: The Birth Certificate
- Thom wears a tin foil hat for World Net Daily
- Young Turks: Lawrence O’Donnell gives the Birfer Queen The Boot
- The Froot Loop® Brigade play with their new toy (via Crooks and Liars).
- Mark Fiore: The United States of Reality TV.
- Deathers ask, “Is Obama alive?”
- Newsy: Did Obama put the Birfer controversy to rest?
- Thom does Orly Taitz
- Maddow: Donald Trump and the racist roots of ‘birtherism’.
- O’Donnell savages the Birfer Queen.
- Tweety & friends: Obama wins
- Baratunde Thurston’sheartfelt message.
- Ed and Pap: Republicans suffer from shared psychotic disorder.
- Tweety: ‘Pitch-Fork’ White Nationalist Pat Buchanan says ‘Obama is affirmative action all the way’
- Thom goes to town on Philip J. Berg, Birfer Esquire.
- Cenk: Does the G.O.P. have a racism problem?
Sam Seder: Gov. Chris Christie revives the Xanadu Project.
Cenk: G.O.P. = The Gas and Oil Party.
Greenman: Climate denial crock of the week…the “trick”:
Ann Telnaes: The Republican’s trickle down economics.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
First off ask the databaze keepa for my “positive” Donald Trump comments. Puhleeze have him list them here. Donald is a showman. Also if you remember The Donald attacked Bush many times during the 2000 decade.
Maddow: Donald Trump and the racist roots of ‘birtherism’.
Rachel Maddow has another MadCow moment delivering racism.
And Darryl, you are getting worse and worse dwelling in Cenk and Maddow “racism” moments. Tired of researching the truth when you can ask the databaze keepa for the real racism rants posted on this blog?
1) What presidential campaign brought up Obama’s birthright? Hillary Rodham Clinton.
So you have to call Hillary an Obama racist. So you have to call Hillary an Obama birther. Imagine that. All those HA peeps who jockstrapped Hillary in her 2008 bid for president were secretly birther supporters. And you have to acknowledge Dr Rachel Maddow is a moron… Well we knew that.
2) Who was the first president to be challenged on his birthright? 21st President Chester A. Arthur, a WHITE GUY!
3) Who brought up a lawsuit challenging Obama’s birthright? Philip J Berg, a big PA Clinton jockstrap in 2008. BTW Look at who Berg challenged on SCOTUS? The Republican leaning ones. Oh my Another DUMMOCRAPT birther.
4) What leftist school could have been practicing racism way back in 1964? Harvard University.
Imagine that; an African black man hitting on those American white wimens in Hawaii and the advisor didn’t like that.
5) Remember is was Puddy who delivered the Clinton Iowa truth on how the Muslim rumor started…
6) Who again failed miserably and had a miserably failing show again? Rachel Maddow.
Another HA Epic Fail again!
They finally let you out huh Spuds? Looks like they still havent gotten the meds right.
Keep the faith Spuddy, it’s all you really have anyway.
Ahhhh the first ad hominem attack of the day… eh DeadToad? Drug addled attack too!
No commentary on the facts. The Toad, stupid and factless as usual.
Via artistdogboy’s site, Sugar: The Bitter Truth:
Zotz comment: Eye opening, lay level, practical exposition by an endocrinologist at UCSF. I highly recommend watching the video and sharing it widely — especially anyone you know with Type II diabetes, plans on becoming pregnant and using formula, or is struggling with obesity.
It’s the best, most value added hour and 30 minutes I’ve spent in a long, long time.
What facts. You are one of the least factual individuals that come in here. The original speculation on the birth certificate issue came out of a Chicago neo-nazi blogger, one Andy Martin, perennial candidate for Senate and President, who has written various screeds on the “radical Jews” controlling the mass media, the Jewish plot to control the US Court system and other such bullshit. The Hillary Clinton campaign floated the idea for a few days and then rapidly dropped it when they discovered the source. But of course the mentally ill set picked it up and ran with it. Mentally ill people are not renowned for their reasoning skills.
These are the same people who believe the Earth is flat, the moon landings were faked, and that professional wrestling is real. The folks who were raised on bologna, white bread, hotdogs, soda pop and cold sugared cereals. The folks who think “American” cheese is healthy. The people who for at least three generations now, have been eating plasticized, artificial foods and raising their kids on 8 hours of television per day. The fetal alcohol babies all grown up and raising the next generation to be the same low-intelligence, booze-addled retards they are.
You’re like those Jewish folks in Poland and Germany, who sought to protect themselves from the pogroms by denouncing and snitching on their neighbors who were hiding Jews.
Guess what Spudds, conservatives don’t even consider black folks to be humans. In fact, they assume that they are not, and everything they say is based on that presumption. I’ve seen it first-hand. The entirety of the birth certificate issue is based on race-hatred by the same people who you claim to support, the people who would gladly find a way to exterminate your race.
Yeah, he grew up DUMMOCRAPT. And he didn’t start the “birther movement” Good try though DeadToad. You are really coming out of your sheet metal shell.
Uhhh no they didn’t. Look up Party Unity My Ass, the PUMAs. Phil Berg started a lawsuit. Yeah try again DeadToad.
Da Fax are Da Fax!
Keep reading the left wing kook-aid!
Democrat, Republican. It doesn’t matter. Conservatives have no real party lines. The fact that the GOP has no become the party of openly racist nutballs doesn’t seem to faze you at all.
Conservative is just a polite term for Fascist. Whether they are Communists or Fascists, Conservatives are all the same.
The main difference between the Republicans and Democrats now is, while there are plenty of Conservative Democrats, there are absolutely no Liberal Republicans. The GOP has totally sold out to the Corporations , including foreign ones, that would see this country divided into privately held fiefdoms with no rule of law that can be applied to them.
The Democrats are not far behind.
Please more Cenk Uygur..
It drives Puddybud off his meds!
Good to see you’re still in fine “barking orders” form Puddybud..
Darryl will be sure to do your bidding.
@2 What facts? There aren’t any facts in #1.
Yawn, move along folks, nothing to see here. The wagon will be arriving shortly to return putznutz to the asylum. Just move along …
By Puddybud’s logic, Joe Farrah was raised a “DUMMOCRAPT” too. According to Puddybud, “DUMMOCRAPTS” snapped the ball but right wingers have done what? Snatched it and kept running and running and running with it.
To beat Obama, Hillary’s people were grasping at straws but dropped the bullshit quick. Right wingers on the other hand were only to happy to believe in something that was false.
Now how many times has Puddybud has used Farrah’s Wingnut Daily garbage?
∴ b links -h ‘*puddybud’ -d –summary – -r -f link_info,no_refs -s no_refs -R | grep ‘wnd \|worldnetdaily’
| wnd | 12 |
| worldnetdaily | 10 |
Wow 22 times. More times than he’s used,, newsmeat, bloomberg,, abcnews, pbs and so forth.
Sure is amazing how the truth hits home the real birther movement started from DUMMOCRAPTIC roots and the cockroaches scatter when the light of day shows the truth!
13 – We don’t run from the truth that right wingers suck because they believe in bullshit like birtherism Puddybud..
We EMBRACE it wholeheartedly.
And right wingers like Chris Christie suck because they believe in corporate welfare:
Yeah right. Cut money for teachers and public transporation but bail out failed private capital projects. Right wingers suck.
Besides Herm Cain, who and what does the puddybitch LIKE?
Anybody besides me notice he has no ideas, no “program”…nothing except everything and anything progressive is badbadbadbadbadbadbad.
Kind of nihilistic if you ask me.
Does he own a marmot by chance? Just askin’…
Where did I say I liked Herman Cain moronicrujaxidiot?
Ask your little brother yelling libby bonehead to search his databaze!
Remember it was racist DUMMOCRAPTS who reacted to Obama.
The truth is the truth!
You fucking liar…
hey puddybitch…the sky is blue.
17 – Heh. Cain must subscribe to a sect that Puddybud has a theological dispute with.
Obviously Cain is not paranoid of Sharia Law ENOUGH!
Is the hide the decline video a repeat? I feel like I’ve seen it on Hominid Views, but maybe it was something similar, or I’m making stuff up.
Puddybud’s been bragging about his kid going to an Ivy League school – to fulfill Daddy’s wishes for him to be the “Anti-Obama” I guess..
Funny that Puddybud is silent about Trump’s racism over a black person being able to get into the Ivy League on the merits!
@22 Of course he won’t criticize Trump. He’s a shill. I thought I saw a news item today about Trump Resorts filing bankruptcy again? Didn’t read the article, don’t know what it’s about. What’s becoming apparent, though, is that The Donald is as shockingly ignorant about governance issues as Palin is. Those two should be on the same ticket together, they’re a pair.
In other news, Gadhafi apparently survived an airstrike that killed several members of his family. That’s unfortunate, no one wants innocent casualties, but that guy doesn’t know when to quit.
City Pays $1.5M To Cop Victim’s Family
In case you didn’t see the Seattle Times this morning, Seattle has agreed to pay $1.5 million to the family of John T. Williams, who was killed by an unjustified police shooting. The cop, Ian Birk, wasn’t prosecuted but lost his job — and almost certainly will never work as a cop again. A million and a half bucks doesn’t bring the victim back to life, but at least will make life a little easier for his mother. Most important, it upholds the principle that every human life is valuable — even the life of a Native American street alcoholic whose lifestyle hurt no one except himself.
I feel bad about Gadhafi’s son and grandchildren, too. Believe me, I do. To avoid further unnecessary loss of innocent lives, Gadhafi should have his men paint a large bullseye on the ground, put up a large sign (visible from the air) saying “Here I Am”, stand in the middle of the bullseye, and wait. It shouldn’t take very long.
Really ylb? Projecting again? Such a stupid idiot.
Just ask the databaze keepa about me jock strapping Herman Cain.
27 – As usual, the chief hypocrite of these threads is trying to put his own shit on someone else.
If you’ve said something condemning Trump’s racism, link it. The database shows zilch.
You’ll support anyone who trips your moronic Obama derangement sickness.
Awww Puddybud “jockstraps” Herman Cain…
Wrong again yelling little boy. Why did I use Herman Cain there yelling little boy?
Once again you are an idiot!
Where has Trump been a racist yelling little boy?
Has he used racial slurs like headless lucy against me?
Has he called him specific names like headless lucy against me?
Long ago I asked are you really that stupid yelling little boy. Once again you prove me right yelling little boy!
31 – You use Cain like you use Beck in your stupid attacks – of course you’re a “jockstrap”! What a dumbass!
32 – By raising shit about Obama not releasing his transcripts idiot! Here Bob Schiefer calls it:
Read more celebrity gossip at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip......z1L4baHlM1
Ain’t Schiefer a Republican “jockstrap”?
33 – I don’t have to “ask” you why you’re stupid you fool! I’VE KNOWN THAT SINCE APRIL 2005!
Once again all can see how STUPID you are yelling little boy.
Bob Schieffer… “code words”?
Keep it up. Your comments are so depressing.
Watch… Pavlov calls it again… just like #34.
Six years of name-calling.
Six years of being obnoxious.
Six years of pasting braindead right wing bullshit.
Six years of batshit insanity like circle jerking with his own sock puppet or bragging about his weenie to the same sock puppet.
Six years of lying – “my word is my bond” – yeah right…
Going STRONG on seven..
Now THAT is depressing..
There yelling little boy goes ballistic when the going gets tough. His bullshit flies back into his face everyday in every way!
Everything in 36 is true fool..
We’ll celebrate your 7th anniversary a year from now.
It’s a lock. Stupid is as stupid does.
G’night silly!
Bachmann Calls Taxes ‘Holocaust’
Michelle Bachmann, the GOP’s queen of extreme, yesterday equated taxes with the Holocaust.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Never mind that taxes are at an all-time low, especially in the top brackets. Don’t let FACTS get in the way of a good rant, Babe!
On a much more serious note, Barron’s magazine this week blasted the Federal Reserve’s QE2 policy, claiming that infusing $600 billion into the money supply is creating inflation, not jobs.
Barron’s happens to be right, and I’ve been criticizing QE2 for months now. Expanding the money supply made sense when the financial crisis started. Back then, a frightened populace pulled some $3 trillion out of circulation and stuffed it in mattresses (or the Treasury-note equivalent). That giant sucking sound you heard in 2008 was the beginning of a deflationary vortex that would have sucked us into another Great Depression if the government hadn’t intervened by propping up banks and pouring money into circulation. That policy saved the world.
But things have changed since then. The world has been saved. Corporations are sitting on mountains of unspent cash. Bernanke, no matter how badly he wants to, can’t buy jobs by printing money. Companies could easily hire if demand was there.
The fresh money Bernanke is printing now goes straight into the stock market where it’s driving up equity prices, enriching those who least need help. The only thing it’s doing for the beleaguered working class is driving up prices of gas, food, and other consumer commodities — at a time when wages are stagnant or falling because of excess labor supply — which will put even more squeeze on consumer demand.
Lack of demand, not lack of capital, is what’s keeping unemployment high. Everyone knows this. So why is Bernanke pursuing a policy that further depresses demand by creating inflation in order to create even more surplus capital?
The Fed should stop QE2 in its tracks right now, and reverse direction by taking money out of circulation. The trick, all along, was knowing when to pump money into circulation AND knowing when to take it back out of circulation. Bernanke and the Fed got the first part right but they’re blowing the second part.
Wake up, Ben. You averted Great Depression 2.0. Now you have to avert Great Inflation 2.0. If you don’t, the rich will end up much richer, and the middle class will end up … well … not middle class anymore.
Hmmmm … isn’t that what Wall Street wants?
Don’t look for Bachmann to say anything intelligent about M1, M2, or M3. She doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground.
I decided to go to a real place to see what Michelle Bachmann really said… not the BS spin of PMSNBC!
Still waiting rujaxdipshithead!
Oh the no proof rujaxdipshithead fool@44 is at it again!
@43 You mean the part where she specifically refers to “the Holocaust” and then in her next breath calls taxes “a similar death and a similar taking away,” puddy?
Btw, thanks for the link although we didn’t really need it — MSNBC has exactly the same article, word-for-word, as the newspaper you linked to. Go ahead, admit it, you popped off about MSNBC without clicking on it or reading it. We all know that, so you might as well ‘fess up.
Bachmann also darkly asserted that future generations will pay 75% of their incomes to government in the form of taxes.
Let’s review:
Taxes, as a percentage of GDP, are at an all-time low.
Spending, as a percentage of GDP, is at a near-record high (exceeded only by WW2).
Low taxes + high spending = huge deficits.
And WHO is responsible for that? Not the Democrats. Clinton balanced the budget. Bush inherited Clinton’s balanced budget and turned his budget into record deficits by tripling the rate of growth in federal spending while slashing taxes for the ultra-rich (the rest of us got $300 rebate checks).
But don’t let FACTS get in the way of a good rant, putz. You’re amusing. In many ways, you’re the best clown act in center ring. We’d all hate to lose the entertainment value of your stupidity.
The only thing that’s really sad about your idiocy is they let you vote.
41 – Well, the money from QE2 did one interesting thing – it inflated the value of the Russell 2000. When was the last time that small cap stocks had a bull run?
Those are the companies that are most likely to make some kind of productivity breakthrough resulting in something the world might beat a path to – like a cheaper solar panel or some breakthrough process for reviving tired oil fields – lots of different things.
Things that in turn lead to increased demand for those products, more hiring and in turn more economic growth.
Japan has quantitative eased like crazy and I don’t see inflation being all that much of a problem there.
The Fed has already decided that they won’t ease again but as far as I know QE2 didn’t move the money aggregates all that much and some of the pundits in the financial press were wringing their hands over a Fed who might tighten too soon. Bernanke has already signaled that tightening might start happening after two more fomc meetings.
Well Roger Dumb Rabbit,
Somehow I remember many of your idiotic rants blown apart by me. Somehow your comedy about the King County Sheriff’s 2010 budget comes to mind. You are the ring master of a three ring circus of yourself, ylb and rujax. At least you are the main attraction.
Really? Somehow this was disproven by the leftist HA “economist” Don Joe with one of his links. With smoke and mirrors and accounting tricks per that link. Sweet discourse when a leftist site tears Clinton a new one. Also the other link from Don Joe and repeated by me proved many of the Clinton “jobs” were low paying jobs.
And their economy is like the US economy how ylb?
50 – They do everything our economy does save for one thing – THEY MAKE MORE STUFF.
If you get your miserable way, we’ll all end up passing pennies to each other at Wal-mart while those you “jockstrap” for live it up in style.
All for a pat on your stupid head!
I could make do somehow. If I needed a laugh I could look at the archives.
Bingo – the very definition of Raygunomics..
Actually we make more stuff than them.
54 – Manufactured goods per capita..
Darryl, thanks for taking the time to put all of this stuff together each week. Even my 9-year-old son (who is in the advanced 3rd grade and loves to ready), who is half-watching these videos this morning, is now wondering at the idiocy of right-wingers and Republicans. Also, I showed him comment 1 in this thread and he said, “Dad, that doesn’t make any sense at all!”
@49 Sloppy, putz, very sloppy.
“Somehow I remember many of your idiotic rants blown apart by me.”
Somehow I don’t.
@56 “Also, I showed him comment 1 in this thread and he said, “Dad, that doesn’t make any sense at all!””
It would help if putz could write in plain English instead of ebonics or whatever the hell you call people who can’t spell simple words like “to” and “the” but that’s asking too much of a rightwing idiot.
It would be better if you used your blocking software to protect your children from puddy. I’m not worried about him molesting them — he couldn’t figure out how — but they’re already exposed to enough chemical pollution in the atmosphere without also exposing them to ideological pollution in the blogosphere.
More tainted food is showing up in China including pork that’s so heavily tainted with bacteria that it glows in the dark!
President Obama will momentarily go on TV to announce the details of the U.S. military operation that succeeded in killing Osama bin Laden.
President Bush let Osama bin Laden escape from Tora Bora. President Obama just killed him. Republicans will do everything they can to spin this, but any way you slice it, this event is a huge boost to Obama’s re-election campaign.