Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
White House: West Wing Week.
The New and Improved G.O.P. War on Women™:
- Sam Seder: GOP lawmaker on men’s brains and women’s brains
- Maddow: Virginia Voters show signs of backlash against GOP anti-abortion extremism.
- Alex Wagner: Misogynist House Republicans advance another anti-abortion bill.
- Why are Republicans so fixated on rape and abortion?.
- Maddow: Republicans of Wisconsin Push Extreme Anti-abortion Laws:
- Sharpton: Wisconsin GOP misogynists push new ultrasound law
- Ann Telnaes: More Republican expertise on the female body.
- Sam Seder: FAUX guest implies Plan B promotes pedophiles
Thom: Even more of the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
John Oliver: Gaywatch…international edition.
John Fugelsang: He’s 83, single and worth $11billion…..
Young Turks: Ohio State Rep. Dan Ramos proposes a way to end Citizens United without going through Congress.
ONN: Week in Review.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Christmas in Texas and protection from the Gays.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Week in Review.
NSAy What?
- Ann Telnaes: Gathering metadata.
- Jonathan Mann: NSA is Listening
- Town Square: Is NSA mass surveillance Okay if Obama Does it?
- Young Turks: Record breaking hypocrisy at FAUX News
- Sam Seder: Sean Hannity’s hardcore flip-flopping on NSA surveillance
- Tap It: The NSA Slow Jam.
- Operation everyone talk like a terrorist all the time:
- Young Turks: Bill-O The Clown shows massive hypocrisy over NSA program
- Mark Fiore: United States of Surveillance.
- Ann Telnaes: Spying semantics.
Pap: America’s crumbling infrastructure.
Stephen: Wall Street Journal’s Dorothy Rabinowitz crazy op-ed (via Crooks and Liars).
White House: Celebrating Father’s Day.
Maddow: The GOP’s obsession with sodomy, voodoo, satanism, racism & bigotry.
Sharpton: Obama calls out Republican obstructionism
Issa Idiot:
- O’Donnell: ‘Car thief’ Darrell Issa’s IRS investigation is falling apart!.
- Thom: Is Darrell Issa a bad investigator, or just a big liar?
- Sharpton: ‘Car thief’ Darrell Issa flips on IRS employee interview transcripts
Jeb Bush on those “more fertile” immigrants.
John Oliver: On the media coverage of Edward Snowden.
Politico Playback: The week in late night.
Chris Hayes: Jan Brewer rips Arizona GOP apart over Medicaid expansion (via Crooks and Liars).
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Accepting the Medicaid expansion, I was wondering, would that hurt Governor Brewer’s chances at re-election, or higher office? Then again, there is a question on whether she can run for another term.
Iran is holding an election for Figurehead/President, and despite the odds, as of this hour, a centrist is in the lead. Remember, a council of clerics picks who can run, and it was mostly hard liners, and a reformist and a centrist. The reformist dropped out. Will be interesting to see if the results hold, thete were accusations of fraud last time, and the reform candidate from then is under house arrest.
Meanwhile, in Mississippi.
Yep, thats right. A miscarriage should be punishable by imprisonment if the mother cannot prove it was from a natural cause. Going back to the days when a woman would be handcuffed to the bed if she started miscarrying and went to the hospital to seek treatment.
Small Government, indeed.
Oh Lord have mercy… Larry O’Clownell Perfessa? Really? Misogynist? Sanctioned by Slate? So if it’s falling apart, why has Carter Hull, the IRS WA lawyer identified by Liz Hofacre retiring? Why did the IRS put Lois Lerner out to pasture? Why did the IRS push out Rulings and Agreements director Holly Paz?
Elijah Cummings hasn’t screamed much about publishing those transcripts after the Sunday shows…
Keep grasping for those straws, especially with Larry O’Clownell!
While still on PMSNBC, where is the Chris Hayes story claiming George Wallace was a Republican?
Oh wait… hardly anyone saw it… Nevermind!
Just think libtards… all that sexting by Anthony Weiner about his weiner is stored somewhere on some NSA computer… Oh wait it’s metadata!
Puddy will believe the Electronic Frontier Foundation over any libtard link on this blog all the time.
And using Sam Seder to attack Sean Hannity is laughable! Dayum laughable!
Carry on Perfessa with your Friday Night Comix!
Plan B should be readily available and used with frequency by women and girls everywhere.
You do realize that the vast majority of the folks who work at and fund the EFF are liberals, don’t you?
Thanks for the link, it’s a good break down of what’s going on and I plan on sharing it around.
LOL! Corrected.
Wow. Now PSilly worships klownservatives at the EFF..
I bet klownservatives at the EFF are quoted all the time in his beloved Breitbart, Sludge Report, Faux Snooze and other klownservative trash.
Hmmmm… Promise kept..
Wow. The health care cost curve, a big driver of deficits, is being bent.. The deficit is shrinking..
But this country still badly needs jobs..
And klownservatives are busy creating them holding bullshit witchhunt hearings…
@2 It looks like the Committee For Everything will let the centrist slip through so they can pretend Iran isn’t ruled by apocalyptic crazies. (Pulling that off will be harder for Wisconsin GOPers.)
@4 You know for sure Darryl Issa’s witchhunt is in its twitching death throes when even puddy is desperately sucking air.
@ 13
I find the thought of Spuddles desperately sucking anything to be hysterically funny.
Except Chris Hayes never said George Wallace was a Republican. The Republican designation was in an on-screen chyron created in the control booth. Hayes publicly set the record straight when he found out about it, something Fox News fails to do when repeatedly displaying a ‘D’ after the names of Republicans caught in numerous scandals.
‘Member about two years ago an astroturf group sprouted getting the morons on the right all upitty about “Keeping Obama’s Hands off our internet” by claiming that if Net Neutrality is adopted the internet would be LESS free? The argument went something like this and was sponsored by Freedomworks. “If we adopt rules that let internet carriers push THEIR content and refuse to carry other content THEN there will be more information available to the public.
I remember.
I first came across EFF in the 1990s when they were breaking down and lobbying for net neutrality rules. Suddenly EFF is a conservative cause?
Apropos of nothing.
15)Also, George Wallace changed in his later years. His third tenure as Governor was very different than his first. He apologized for his anti-civil rights actions. I don’t condone what he did in his early years as Governor, or even the event that led to the chqnge(Post 1972 was the period he changed).
12)That is what is happening, but they probably did not expect the reformist to drop out, and practically endorse the centrist. The hard liners are split. As I said, it’s an election for Figurehead more than an election for President. The fact that a former president was not allowed to run, and a previous reformist candidate has been under house arrest for awhile, shows who is in charge.
California is one step closer to extending the Capitol Corridor(Sacramento-Oakland-San Jose) to Salinas. This is a state-supported Amtrak route, but is the latest, most promising attempt to get commuter rail into Monterrey County. The original plan centered around extending the Caltrain from San Francisco from its southernmost terminus at Gilroy. CalTrain is more focused on improving the existing service, including San Francisco to San Jose electrification, which is moving forward, and grade separation.
Wait for it… Y’all see the entry soon enough from the serially and continually unemployed moron ylb
Yet Michael tells us earlier…
Can’t you libtards get your facts straight?
First where did Puddy claim Chris Hayes “SAID” it? Sheesh… don .equals. stooooooooooooopid!
Chris Hayes was RIDICULED on Twitter and then he set the record straight. Did he set the record straight on the next program?
Also as a conference presenter, Puddy reviews all material BEFORE going on stage. If Chris didn’t review his material before presenting it, pox on his house!
Where SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? These people either “retired” or were pastureized by the IRS! Cummings wants to “insulate” the whitey house from the IRS scandal and no one has heard of the interviews of Stephanie Cutter or Bob Bauer yet. Yes Cummings is playing politics and of course the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit being the HACK he claimed to the world would jackboot goosestep that way before the investigation is completed.
Then there is the case of OWS Racist Fraggy… Isn’t some young little seven year old female in chains screaming help from your basement?
See ya! Sux to be ya with thoughts like that!
Now this says it all…
Wait for it…
@8, @10 Ah….that made be hold my nose, go back and look. (As I suspect most HA’ers do, when Puddy has one of his bouts of mental dysentery I simply pass over his postings.) I’d suspect his confusion over this one is likely due to Larry Lessig’s having clerked under Scalia. Larry spent a lot of that time writing the software for the case-tracking system the Court has used ever since. I’d wager he did a really good job of making it difficult for his old boss to tamper with the records.
@17 Absolutely true, and I’ve always admired Gov. Wallace for dragging his fellow (white) Alabamians kicking and screaming into the 20th Century. Most likely he wouldn’t be happy about how they seem to have reverted since he left this world.
Well well well…puddy…now that you’re posting on this thread, and not the 6/13 Open Thread, where we were discussing the scientific support for Intelligent Design, shall I assume you’re either conceding that argument, or just running away from your assertions…again?
Considering that there’s the Electronic Freedom Foundation, Evergreen Freedom Foundation, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, that all lay a claim to EFF it’s easy to get things mixed up
Way better than your silly ass..
Are you saying there are times you trust klownservatives LESS than liberals? Hard for thinking people to believe.
Slavish worship of right wing bullshit has been your record here.
Piddles goes where he knows nothing….surprise.
The kind of mistake you refer to is generated on a Chyron Maxine. (BTW, live Chyron Maxine operators make a pretty good living.) There is nothing to review as live news shows don’t rehearse. You don’t “practice” a talking head interview and then do it on-air. Live is Live. Besides, the host doesn’t have a live-on-air monitor in the studio. It’s distracting and would lead to too many NewsReaders having the Michelle “The Camera is actually over there” Bachman effect.
A Maxine is mostly pre-programed by the operator but has the ability to drop in new slates on the fly. The operator pulls up the image, signals the LP that it’s ready and the LP “mixes” the camera and the Maxine in the switcher when called by the EP or ND. Screw up your slates more than once or twice a year and a Chyron Op is probably looking for new work.
I’ve operated a Maxine live and it’s really stressful. Screw up a slate and you get an error like you describe. An error never noticed until it’s going out live because it’s never been rehearsed. In a grueling breaking news event like say 9-11 there will be tons of Maxine errors. Some of them even become conspiracy theories like extra buildings falling that were simply mis-identified by the Chyron Op.
I don’t get my jockey’s in a wad when Fox does it either but it would be nice to see them correct it on air occasionally but not all shows have Stat Boy like P.T.I on ESPN and cover the mistakes at the end of the show.
Here ends your lesson on a working live newsroom.
@22 You don’t expect me to side with a pasteurized car thief in this carnival, do you?
Ummm no… Your arguments get tedious so Puddy takes a break from your swill. Puddy comes back when Puddy wants!
checkmate goes stoooooooooooooopid again. This isn’t the first time PMSNBC had to eat crow through misidentification. Therefore, if Chris lives by live chyron maxine posts then he pays the price!
Notice the copy entry between 28 & 29? One from a libtard and the other from HA’s well known ASShole.
The libtard wins. Thanks for play ASShole. You lose again!
Piddles never realizes when he’s talking with zero intelligence.
In the extreme atmosphere of a newsroom pretending the host has any responsibility or oversight of the Chyron is like saying Pete Carrol is at fault if the play clock indicator on the scoreboard fails to start.
Stick to things you know…like the King James. Or the relationship between hammers and fake science.
Again checkmate… You don’t get it… PMSNBC was busted for a chyron maxine issue before. Ask the continually chronically serially unemployed moron ylb for the previous fiasco. You are a prime example of a leftist moron. Keep up the great work making excuses for leftist pinhead actions!
BTW continually chronically serially unemployed moron ylb Puddy trusts C|Net too!
Now which 3rd tier leftist moron recently said it was Fox News hypocrisy? At his rate he’ll be 4th tier real soon!
This says it all…
Wow a miracle that PSilly is concerned about the same things the ACLU has been fighting for years about..
Klownservative stupid about NAMBLA in 5,4,3,2…
Yeah it was “teach”..
See this Sean Inanity video:
I “notice” three comments in the “acceptance” hour..
Just a little “lift” was needed before salt mining duty..
Pavlov called it
Right on time. So predictable all the time! ACLU concerned with NAMBLA? Do tell serially and chronically continually unemployed moron ylb. Always such an arschloch. @34 sez it all!
Did listen to Sean back in 2006? Nope you are a dope. The issue in 2006 wasn’t the issue now. The NSA is more involved in snooping than it ever was before. It was Obummer who claimed in August 2007 Obummer’s sadmininstration would not be doing that .ever. So Sean is not being hypocritical serially and chronically coninually unemployed moron ylb! Butt as always you are HA’s biggest ASShole here!
Mining? Let’s mine for answers…
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why are you not working and providing like most men for their families?
3) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
4) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
5) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Will serially and chronically coninually unemployed moron ylb “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does he lounge at home on HA all day while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
Enquiring Minds want to know!
If any klownservative krackpots of the kooky kongressional kaukus are truly opposed to this NSA snooping..
What legislative actions have they proposed to correct it?
Exactly.. 70 percent of HA-on-the-brain Saturday nights YOU ARE HERE!
You NEED this website like Limbaugh needs his fistfuls of little blue pills.
Bullshit! Hannity was bloviating about metadata then and in that tape doing the same now.. The first leak was about Verizon phone records!
It’s hilarious that you’re with the ACLU on this issue moron! Beck is too.. He called an NSA leaker a HERO! Turtleman in the Senate and many other KLOWNSERVATIVES HATE LEAKERS!
You’re twisted in KNOTS over this issue because you suffer terminal Obama Derangement Syndrome!
@34 sez it all!
moron! Again you nailed yourself perfectly. Will idiot be next? When the ACLU is right Puddy applauds them. The ACLU is taking an exception to Obummer’s overreach. You can’t comprehend that serially and chronically continually unemployed moron ylb
Once again all can see the serially and chronically continually unemployed moron ylb is agreeing with Puddy. Why is that? Puddy lives rent free in serially and chronically continually unemployed moron ylb’s leetle mind!
ROTFLRHMBBO! Thanks for playing…
Hannity was discussing metadata? Really? Didn’t your idol claim to end the warrantless wiretapping? Yes your idol has done way worse than GWB! The rest of your entries are useless and worthless drivel; direct from your arschloch as always! All arschloch all the time! Hate 24x7x365.25. Well being unemployed does turn you to hatred and class warfare commentary!
Puddy going to till the garden then will be visiting friends until this evening…
Gotta go vs. dealing with the serially and chronically continually unemployed moron ylb all morning!
HAHAHAHAHA!! ODS has you so twisted – you’ve twisted yourself into an ACLU lover.
Thanks for playing!
Second term President Obama took an oath to defend the Constitution..
All the spin from NSA and the FBI is that they’re compliant with the law.
I’m waiting for klownservatives to join with liberals like Wyden and Udall to challenge this.
I won’t hold my breath.
Will the tool pass out copies of “The Eye of Moloch”????
Major klownservative disconnect:
See the tool@46
I love it when they eat each other!
What I’m trying to get across to both sides, when Maxine errors happens its not usually bias. Unless of course the network in question refuses to make an on air correction.
The Chyron Op is usually someone with high accuracy fast typing. In a perfect world, the op could research everything given to them for accuracy but at an MSNBC or Fox he/she is someone in master control who probably spends three hours building slates for the four consecutive hours he/she is live on air for multiple shows. Most days you get your script and have half an hour to get it done.
Lots of news tech crew aren’t history junkies. True story, I told an editor once that I had finished the interview with James Earl Ray’s family and hr wanted to know if I asked what it’s like to live with Darth Vader. That guy now works at FNC. Dumb as a post but man he can turn a piece in Finak Cut in minutes.
“Wait for it…”
Would that be in reference to the “scientific proof” of intelligent design?
DUMMOCRAPT Dianne Feinstein vs DUMMOCRAPT Mark Udall…
Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRAPTS clash heads!
Never heard of it. Must be why you are a fool reading such trash!
And Obummer didn’t take the same oath in the first term?
You are such a fool!
Thanks for playing!
Can’t afford the Blue Angels, or White House visits. But damn we can afford all the fancy African, Hawaii, etc etc vacations. must be nice to be king.
I agree with the tool.. It’s trash!
Only total tools would pay for such garbage!
The truth hurts
@57. I notice you only complain when democrats do it.
But I’m sure you would LOVE to have the president be kidnapped.
Lead by example, a quality Obama never mastered!
Because you never got on?
I really liked how GW led us by example.
I was very impressed with his “My Pet Goat” reading skills.
The falling off the bicycle trick was good.
And his failed exit strategy is always good for laughs.
Um, yeah. GW was a much better President.
Obama has failed to get us into even 1 endless war.
17 trillion and counting…Duh. Great job in bankrupting this country.
Btw Owebammascare will fail from a gross lack of funding. Not a single funding provision will survive. 1099s for everything over $600 went down in flames, the Class Act component was thrown out as unaffordable, there are now enough votes to stop the gross taxing of Cadillac plans, and doctors are forming cash only clinics which by the way are grossly cheaper. Everything this guy touches ends up costing citizens more. From energy to healthcare, your plans will fail.