Ann Telnaes: Justice Scalia limbers up for the busy June court schedule.
Taking Food out of the Mouths of the Poor:
- John Fugelsang: The revoltingly fake Christian of the week.
- Thom: Are Republicans heartless or just very bad at economics?
White House: West Wing Week.
Alex Wagner: Sen. Ted Cruz & the new generation of GOP flamethrowers.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: The Bromance is back.
Katrina vanden Heuvel: Why can’t Obama go Bulworth?:
Mark Fiore: The Re-Obamulator.
Young Turks: Note to Republicans—it ISN’T “packing the court” when you are filling vacancies.
Pap: Exposing the climate criminals.
The FAUX View of Bread-winning and the Place of Women in the Household:
- FAUX men FREAK OUT over female breadwinners.
- Young Turks: FAUX proudly doesn’t understand women or science.
- Sam Seder: FAUX’s Neanderthals express their view on the place of women
- One Minute News: The week in unnecessary misogyny
ONN: Week in review.
Liberal Viewer: Should schools suspend students for non-violent willful defiance?.
Mental Floss: 49 hoaxes people actually believed.
Young Turks: Who lies more…Republicans or Democrats?
Thom: Empirical proof that Republicans lie.
Bye, Bye, Bachmann:
- Sam Seder: Michele Bachman’s retirement is all too telling!
- TPM: The Day in Michelle (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Young Turks: All the reasons Michele isn’t leaving.
- Michele Bachmann retires from Congress.
- John FugelsangPlease don’t leave me, Michele Bachmann:
- Thom: Crazy alert with a Tea Party temptress.
- Maddow: Michele Bachmann’s Lengthy Catalog of Ridiculous Gaffes & Errors, Part I
- Maddow: Michele Bachmann’s Lengthy Catalog of Ridiculous Gaffes & Errors, Part II
- Sharpton: Teabaggers whose stars burned out.
- Young Turks: An ode To Michele Bachmann & her totally straight husband.
- Sam Seder: Without Michele, Who will be the craziest member of Congress
- Lawrence O’Donnell: ‘Fearless’ Tea bagger Michele Bachmann surrenders!.
Ann Telnaes: Congress takes a vacation.
Amy Tan performs at the White House.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Maverick McCain goes Rogue:
- Sam Seder: McCain skips Sunday talk shows to hang out with terrorists.
- Chris Hayes: Sen. John McCain sneaked into Syria to meet with kidnappers
Maddow: A flashback to 1997.
Young Turks: Who’s trying to poison the President?
Christian Nutjob “historian” David Barton: “You Can’t Drink Starbucks and Be Biblically Right” (via Slog).
Ann Telnaes: Eric Holder’s strange remorse.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Tesla and electric cars—why Republicans are dead wrong to bet against Obama.
Pap: Barriers must be lifted for American voters.
David Schuster: Letterman rips GOP Senator a new one.
- Sam Seder: Good news for Obamacare.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Tea Party town hall in Cincinnati unveils ‘stupid hysterics’ on IRS, ‘ObamaCare’
- Maddow: CNN Poll on Obamacare is widely misrepresented
- Sam Seder: Obamacare opposition isn’t what you think it is.
Obama speaks on college affordability.
Young Turks: Bill-O the Clown and Alex Jones have a cat fight.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Republicans using ‘scandals’ to avoid positive economic news.
Town Square: Will we ever end the war on terror?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Seem we can’t even fill out the vacancies on a Federal Court without obstruction. I wonder, are Republicans afraid that the balance of the DC Circuit will change, and judges from that court end up on the Supreme Court? Goodwin Liu was appointed to the 9th, GOP obstrycted, he asked to be withdrawn. He does sit on a court in San Francisco, just happens to be the California State Supreme Court.
Took this long to repeal this law?
By the way, Governor Sandoval is a Republican.
Gov. Brian Sandoval on Wednesday signed Senate Bill 506, which removes archaic language from a 1950s law passed during the Cold War era of constant tension between the United States and the Soviet Union.
The law allowed Nevada employees to fire anyone they expected might be a communist.
Since Nevada is a right-to-work state that allows at-will hiring and firing, the loss of this law won’t make any difference. Employers still can fire anyone for no reason at all unless the employee is protected by a labor contract.
Between each session, legislative lawyers scour through the Nevada Revised Statutes to look for obsolete laws that can be repealed. The communist law stuck out. Legislators laughed when they heard about the statute — which has not been enforced in at least 40 years — and approved it with just Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey, R-Reno, voting no.
That last part intrigued me. The Nevada Legislature has lawyers whose job it is to look for obsolete laws to repeal? Then again, it’s Carson City, not much going on.
I was surprised to see that Meghan Kelley spoke up about Lou Dobbs and his panel, but not Greta
I think I have heard her question what other’s on her network have said before.
The controversy in Toronto over the video of the mayor allegedly smoking crack, is taking it’s toll, on the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party. Mayor Ford has been a rising star, some credit him for helping the Federal Conservatives take a few seats in the Toronto Area that helped them get the majority government they wanted. He was supposedly eyeing a run for the Provincial Parliament, but that may be in jeopardy, and support for the Liberals is going up. Although after last month in BC, I have learned that in a system where the chief executive is determined by who has the most seats, you cannot trust a statewide(or in this case, provincewidr poll). Although right now, the Ontario Liberals are barely holding on, with a minority government, and hoping that they don’t lose the New Democrats on a confidence vote.
“I was surprised to see that Meghan Kelley spoke up about Lou Dobbs and his panel, but not Greta”
I believe Greta did speak out against Dobbs et al. I just didn’t find an interesting video covering it.
Another week of the Friday Night Comics from Da Perfessa presenting the 2nd and 3rd tier has been libtard leftists.
Sadly Puddy didn’t find any story about an alleged Hezbollah member trying to infiltrate the DoD? It’s on Breitbart…HEH HEH HEH HAR HAR HAR!
Sadly Puddy didn’t find any Pass The Popcorn story about Piers Morgan teasing Rachel MADdow on Twitter
and her lousy, plummeting, in the toilet ratings… PuddyCommentary… You know you aren’t “Leaning Forward” (more like Free Falling)” when Piers Morgan is taking shots at you for your ratings being in the toilet. Maybe Da Perfessa should use Piers Morgan!!!!! Puddy was thinking of the John Mayer tune but I realized MADdow doesn’t like guys, Jesus or America.
Sadly Puddy didn’t find anything on David Broken Axelrod calling Eric Holder’s probe on James Rosen disturbing… Now you know Axelrod’s comments were “sanctioned” by da whitey house!
Sadly Puddy find anything on Admiral Dennis Blair talking about sanctioned “leaks” to make Obummer’s sadministration look good vs. unsanctioned “leaks” where Holder personally approves and signs off on a witch hunt against James Rosen.
Wow Larry O’Clownell making a big whoop de doooo on Tesla. Tesla is the only DOE green company thus far to entirely pay off its government loans. Seems just about everyone else DEEEEEEEFAULTED to date! Puddy happy for Tesla… Puddy also knows they paid back the loan based on getting investors to pony approximately $1Billion in stock sales.
Sadly Puddy didn’t find anything on Karl Rove kicking Dick Durbin’s ASS with chronological FACTS
Another sad Friday evening of nothingness!
Shorter Puddy: Blah Blah Blah.
@7 Sounds more like a toilet flushing to me. Trouble is, it’s one of those where the shit never goes down the pipe, it keeps floating in the bowl.
By everybody you mean 2% right? Only in Puddy’s world does 2 = 100. The Energy Department’s loan program allocated $34B, it was expected that $10B would be lost (no word on why George Bush, supposedly an astute businessman, signed into law a bill where 30% was an acceptable loss). The current figure lost is about $700M, which is roughly 2% of the total amount. Currently, no other companies are in danger of defaulting. Repayment schedules for these loans are 10 or more years, Tesla paid theirs off early by selling stock and selling carbon credits issued by California.
The reason Solyndra lost money was because cheap Chinese imports were flooding the market. Only after Solyndra went bust did Congress put in place tariffs that stopped the Chinese. Too bad Congress didn’t do that first, could have saved the taxpayers money.
9)A tarriff would have helped Solyndra. It worked for Harley Davidson, so well, that after a few years, they asked for it to be dropped, because they did not need it.
The problem would be that in today’s climate, getting tarriffs imposed to prevent what foreign competitors were doing, would be a hard sell.
@ 10
Harley-Davidson asked for it to be dropped, because they started making all their castings, their wheels and almost all of their engines in China.
And those cheap Chinese products are breaking down in droves…
Too bad the krackpot klownservative kongress that Puddyklown loves to death did too little too late… Oh..
there was a bullshit “scandal” that needed to be served up first. Puddyklown loves those too.. Creates lots of jobs.
People always rag on government employees when the news is bad, but when they go above and beyond, it barely gets noticed. The crew of the ferry Spokane came to the rescue of a boat that had capsized in Kingston.
Shorter Fascist Pigsty…
Obama wants to sell the Tennessee Valley Authority, and Republicans are crying foul.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When you get right down to it, Red State Republicans are for capitalism except when they’re not, and are against gummint so-shu-lism except when they’re for it. Personally, I think selling TVA is a bad idea because it would set a precedent for selling BPA, too. Can you imagine BPA being owned by an Enron?
15)It is a bad precedent. I noticed the irony. The junior senator from Tennessee says it could be more efficient, but opposes full privatization.
Somebody please tell me Erick Erickson isn’t actually M-M-M-M-Max Headroom after six weeks of dinners at Macaroni Grill.
@3 Bullshit. Kelly says and does exactly what she’s told (and amply paid) to do. The intention was to attract the attention of a few “liberals” (primarily voyeuristic males) to watch for a few minutes, cause a minor bump in the ratings and expose a new mind or two to Fox’s stock-in-trade claptrap.
18)Like Karl Rove’s stunt on election night when Fox called Ohio for the President.
Interesting story on the company that is building the temporary span for I-5 across the Skagit. They had only just expanded into the Pacific Northwest.
Sadly, don rhymes with moron… A quick check would have found more than two…
Evergreen Solar ($24 million)*
SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
Solyndra ($535 million)*
Beacon Power ($69 million)*
AES’s subsidiary Eastern Energy ($17.1 million)
Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
SunPower ($1.5 billion)
First Solar ($1.46 billion)
Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
Amonix ($5.9 million)
National Renewable Energy Lab ($200 million)
Fisker Automotive ($528 million)
Abound Solar ($374 million)*
A123 Systems ($279 million)*
Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($6 million)
Johnson Controls ($299 million)
Schneider Electric ($86 million)
Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
ECOtality ($126.2 million)
Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills
Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
Range Fuels ($80 million)*
Thompson River Power ($6.4 million)*
Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
LSP Energy ($2.1 billion)*
UniSolar ($100 million)*
Azure Dynamics ($120 million)*
GreenVolts ($500,000)
Vestas ($50 million)
LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($150 million)
Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
Navistar ($10 million)
Satcon ($3 million)*
Butt don’t let facts get in the way of don being a moron! Because don the moron wrote
So where does don the moron get his facts? Daily Kooks?
BTW staying on that subject… Boston-Power Inc. from Massachusetts, is building a research and development center in Beijing and a battery manufacturing facility in Shanghai. Being that Mass is a true blue libtard state, voting for the likes of Elizabeth ‘Fauxcahontas’ Warren …, why are they bailing on Taxachusetts?
@21 Obviously you posted that list of government-funded businesses that went bust because a list of privately-funded businesses that went bust wouldn’t begin to fit on this blog.
Got proof unemployed salt licking moron ylb? Or another of your silly Saturday rants?Has Puddy broke 40,000 yet?
Puddy proved don is a moron! The guvmint funded list continues to grow! Puddy placed facts hurt libtard minds! It was very easy to find these values SENILE and DUMB Wabbit! So why you screaming about private companies? Did you forget it was Larry O’Clownell who used Tesla in his barely watched program?
Sux to be you SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
Roger Rabbit Quiz
The most controversial and frequently edited Wikipedia article is:
a) Climate change
b) Homosexuality
c) Barack Obama
d) Islam
e) George W. Bush
f) Jesus
g) Socialism
h) New York Yankees
g) Democratic Party
h) Republican Party
I) any of the above
J) all of the above
K) none of the above
Sweet find… Of course this would never be profiled on the Friday Night Comix!
Mrs Shulman works there of course!
Puddybigots list @21 is cribbed from here.
What he doesn’t say is that the asterisks denote those that received any public funding. It’s from an article that decries any green oriented endeavor. So his rebuttal…isn’t.
Moreover, he completely misses the point…some money, in perhaps the billions of dollars, out of tens of billions of dollars, is lost in an effort to fundamentally change the economy for the better, with potential massive benefit in terms of the environment and sustainability and avoidance of disruptions of lives of hundreds of millions of people….and he whines and bleats, while he uttered nary a peep when his people – the haters and the stupid – flushed 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 TRILLION dollars down the toilet in Irag – killing hundreds of thousands of innocents and thousands of our kids, and we as a people, tho ones who paid for this, got…nothing. Halliburton made out just fine, of course.
The stupidity he brings to these threads, coupled with the duplicity, is breathtaking.
Fuck you, puddybigot.
Ho-fucking-hum, puddybigot. The wife of Clarence Thomas, the buffoon on the Supreme Court is a nakedly partisan right wing operative, and drunk dialer – I haven’t heard you complaining about that.
You think it’s some big find that Breitbart *SNORT* has an article trying to tar someone for working for a just electoral system, whose husband was an IRS official? What about her right to participate in society and our economic system as she chooses? I suppose it would be different with you if she were lobbying to carry an AR-15 into the Capitol.
Fuck you, puddybigot.
What? You don’t have any brown people to hate on today? No MOOSLUMS!!!! to condemn for not praying like you do? Must be very sad for you.
Shooting Victim’s Parents Sue Gun Owner
A jackass who left guns and ammo laying around his house where his kids could get them is being sued by the neighbors whose 6-year-old son was killed by their 4-year-old son.
“Given Brandon’s horrific death, his suffering before he passed, and his extreme young age, not to mention the claims of both parents for their own emotional suffering, the case has a value well into seven figures,” Kevin Parsons, the Holt family’s attorney, told the newspaper.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Second Amendment may give you a right to keep and bear arms even if you’re a dolt who can’t be trusted with a toothbrush, but it doesn’t say you can’t be sued! Every gun owner whose carelessness results in the death of an innocent person should find himself in bankruptcy court.
30)The problem may be that the gun industry may have immunity from lawsuits.
My rather extensive search for news coming out of this weekend’s Mainstream Republicans of Washington Cascade Conference yielded no news despite the Saturday evening featured dinner speaker being failed WA Gov candidate Bobby Mac giving the talk on “How Washington State Republicans Will Win in Future Elections”
Looks like Republicans in Washington just aren’t mainstream.
Why does Puddy need to bring up anything on Virginia Thomas you jackASS SCHMUCKO? Since you brought it up… just what did Clarence and Virginia Thomas do you jackASS SCHMUCKO that compares to Mrs & Mrs IRS Scandal?
Oh and up yours you America hater!
Sad state of mindset… What you don’t have OWS Racist Fraggy and his p e d o p h i l i a thoughts to cheer on today?
Once again SCHMUCKO misses all points… Why? Because SCHMUCKO proves SCHMUCKO is an AMERICA HATING jackASS each day on HA!
Accuracy in Academia… a great site to ensure academia tells the truth on topics. That scares SCHMUCKO! If it doesn’t support SCHMUCKO’s libtard bent, can’t have that noooooooooooooooo!
don the moron claimed only $700 Million was lost by two FAYLURES… So SCHMUCKO finds the site and misquotes it of course being SCHMUCKO!
Notice he chose any. Now why was that? So when you add up those NINETEEN sites way more than $700 Million eh SCHMUCKO? So another EPIC FAYLE by SCHMUCKO. You are batting 1.000 in the EPIC FAYLE category lately with Mother Jones and checkmate rants and other “additional” comments like OWS Fraggy’s love of under aged humans from the other day!
Then you notice SCHMUCKO is a single rant SCHMUCK! SCHMUCKO has no comment on Boston-Power Inc. from Massachusetts building two locations in China! Why is that? If SCHMUCKO had a real enquiring mind instead of one fueled by HATRED he would have learned why:
PuddyCommentary: No Dr. Lampe-Onnerud, at the time the Obummer sadministration was in a re-erection cycle, putting forth lies about Republicans blocking the voting ability of minorities, women, and other groups. While these lies were parrotted in the lamestream libtard msm. they were using the IRS to make sure this was really happening to Tea Party and Conservative Christian groups. So no, Dr. Lampe-Onnerud, Obummer’s gang had no time for you and your AMERICAN jobs needs. Puddy wonders if Dr. Lampe-Onnerud is a Republican and that’s why Obummer’s sadministration had no time for her!
Meanwhile Doc Hastings is on the case!
Seems we’re into a new phase of the puddybigot performance…patriotism-baiting.
puddybigot, I don’t know if your rants here are for real, or are a deranged form of performance art – I suspect the latter – but regardless, your nasty, bigoted, dishonest, illogical, anti-science, hateful blatherings have take an appalling new turn – the lovely neo-fascism of the early 21st century Cheney administration.
Bravo, though it really was better in the original German.
SCHMUCKO… can’t you talk to the facts? BTW you purposely forgot “each day on HA!”
Apparently you can’t discuss those American hating facts! You haven’t proven you are a patriot SCHMUCKO. When Puddy provided continual proof of Brothers Tsanaev’s hatred you defend them. Therefore you hate America!
Oh and BTW SCHMUCKO… science proves intelligent design. Sux to be you! You received the stupid gene!
And SCHMUCKO brings up Clarence and Virginia Thomas as a counter to ex-IRS Commisioner Douglas Shulman and his leftist wife, Public Campaign’s senior program advisor Susan L. Anderson! So SCHMUCKO accuses Puddy of being “bigoted, dishonest, illogical”. So lessee here… Well well well, Clarence is black and Virginia is white. SCHMUCKO’s bigotry! Still waiting for SCHMUCKO to describe the “scandal” the Thomas’ were involved in like Shulman and Anderson! Dishonest commentary! Can’t deal with the presented facts so change the dynamic! That’s the illogical mind of SCHMUCKO.
That Mother Jones SMACKDOWN really hurt!
Sux to be SCHMUCKO!
So who is Public Campaign SCHMUCKO? Well you prolly know this being the moronic leftist you are but for the unintelligent… Facts from The Daily Caller:
Public Campaign was one of the few who positively jockstrapped the IRS and their anti-Tea Party actions. Now we all know why SCHMUCKO!
A video for SCHMUCKO…
Should anyone wander onto these threads and suspect that anything puddybigot writes might possibly be influenced, in the slightest way, by actual, um, facts, well, here’s a bit of a public service message…
-Puddy claimed that “everyone else DEEEEEEFAULTED” on their DOE green energy loans, in contrast to Tesla, in an attempt to cast aspersions on that seemingly quite successful loan program.
-In rebuttal, don, @9, using actual, you know, facts, and *GASP* numbers (not puddybigot’s strong suit), pointed out that, once again, puddybigot was full of shit.
-puddybigot responded @21 with a list of ‘green’ companies that had gone into bankruptcy, cribbed from some site called Accuracy in Academia. This list was provided by puddybigot as some sort of ‘nya’nya’ response, seeming to counter don’s accurate claim that only 2% of the DOE loans had been lost to bankruptcy. What puddybigot didn’t say was that the asterisks beside some of the companies denoted which had received any sort of public assistance, but the article, like most of what puddles links to was bereft of facts and didn’t say how much or what kind of public input.
Looking a bit closer at that list, there are 36 companies listed, 19 of which (or just over half – that’s for you, puddybigot) received “taxpayer funding”. The total value for all the companies listed was 10205.9 million, and those 19 with asterisks represent 3890.7 million.
We have no data as to how much of that 3890.7 million was provided by government assistance, nor how much actually came from the DOE program that was actually being discussed.
-This led to my counter @28 where I pointed out that puddybigot’s list had NOTHING MEANINGFUL TO SAY to counter don’s well-supported argument, that his list was off-topic and deliberately misleading, as is his style.
-@35 puddybigot slams me for hating on ‘Accuracy in Academia’ – though I had made no comment up to that point about the site, merely pointing out that the list he stole from them was non-responsive to don’s argument.
This is puddybigot in a nutshell – make inflammatory unsupported statements, and when countered with facts, act like a squid and squirt as much ink as possible to confuse the situation and derange any real conversation.
He’s an invertebrate (apologies to molluscs everywhere), an ink-squirting squid whose only real purpose seems to be a spinning, manic, deranged compulsion to post as many pointless nasty hateful rants as possible (and to brag about the rental cars he is allowed to drive), and then to slink away, presumably when his caregiver finds he’s gotten in to the computer cabinet again.
Oh please, PLEASE! provide a link, puddybigot.
You keep bringing that up as if it really happened – you are again full of shit, hoping that repeating the same lies will somehow lead to people believing you.
Again, it was better when Goering said it first in the original German.
So does your dashing behind the shield of crying “Racism!!” when it’s obviously not warranted make you a ‘race hustler‘, puddybigot? (Warning – link goes to Michelle Malkin’s site)
Just sayin’
For the slow-witted (that’s you, puddybigot), the comparison being made was with a government employee and his private sector partisan wife, something in the Shulmans’ case you consider to be some sort of scandal, though scratch she surface – and there’s your hypocrisy again.
I would further counter that the IRS dude in question, who left office last November, did nothing wrong, as has been discussed on these threads. His wife works for a non-partisan, non-profit that is dedicated to campaign finance reform and ‘clean money’ in politics – something you obviously loathe.
OK, I’ll admit it….I made a bad analogy. The Shulmans are a couple, one an honest and apparently competent public servant, and his wife is a private sector working for clear and fair elections.
On the other hand, Clarence Thomas is an incompetent buffoon, only there to provide the execrable Antonin Scalia with a second vote, and his wife Ginny is a drunk-dialing nasty right-wing operator who claims to have been a group that uses mind control (no joke!).
OK, there’s no comparison that is appropriate between the Shulmans and the Thomases…my bad.
Oh it really happened SCHMUCKO! So let’s start with SCHMUCKO’s rant… And of course Puddy’s Response…
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… SCHMUCKO is an AMERICAN hating moron who can’t read or process facts!
Yes you do SCHMUCKO… AS Puddy found said list from Accuracy in Media… you can find the guvmint grants to date. Puddy did a few weeks ago and posted the link SCHMUCKO. You have 24 hour loony libtard moronic mindless moonbat memory malady! Ask your good bud serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb for the link replay!
The rest of your rant is pure SCHMUCKO gibberish. Just like your comaprison of Clarence and Virginia Thomas to Douglas Shulman and Susan Anderson. Now we know why Susan kept her maiden name!
HAHAHAHAHA! Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
Thank you for those links, puddybigot.
Again, you demonstrate yourself, better than any of us can, just how stupid/insane (you pick) you really are.
Just one more example, one you seemingly won’t let go, of your gleeful masturbation over what you perceive to be an argument, that to everyone else is confused, circular, non-sequiturous rambling incoherence.
Again, could you provide a link regarding your claim above that “science proves intelligent design”. Pretty please?
Of course SCHMUCKO… Thanks for agreeing you got skuuled. Now look at how you “couch” the conversation… SMACKDOWN! You have some very strange thought processes… now it’s masturbation. Projecting again? Psych 101 per Golfer Steve! Is that what you are doing this fine sunny Sunday morning? Sad so sad!
Well SCHMUCKO… Puddy going outside to tend to the garden this morning. You can carry on with your masturbation needs.
That’s precisely what DIDN’T happen, as we all know.
You keep spinning and spinning and spinning puddybigot – it’s what you do.
LOL!! Called it again.. The klownservative idiot @27 just couldn’t stay away..
It was peak hate hour… And there was salt mining to do later…
So YLB, I followed your link…and learned that there have been nearly 39000 comments by puddybigot – is that right??!!
Allowing 1 minute per post (average likely more than that), that’s 650 hours, or more that 27 entire days!!!
One whole month of his life, over the past eight years, spent posting illegible, hate-filled, stupidity-filled drivel.
I really do wonder about the voices he hears, the messages from Jesus about intelligent design and Clarence Thomas and hating MOOSLUMs he receives via his dental fillings.
Oh noze! What are these liberals doing to Seattle?
Seattle is leading the way being one of the nation’s most sustainable cities.
A Chilean judge has reopened an investigation into the apparent murder of Chilean poet and Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda.
Michael Townley, a former CIA agent and convicted killer, is a suspect in the case. Townley worked as an assassin for murderous Chilean dictator Auguste Pinochet, and also was involved in developing chemical weapons for Pinochet’s regime.
Townley, who has been implicated in several other high-profile assassinations, is being sheltered by the U.S. government under the federal witness protection program. He could be your next door neighbor for all you know.
Pinochet was one of several brutal South American dictators who were aided and abetted by the U.S. government. Richard Nixon, a Republican, was president at the time of Neruda’s death.
Funny how free-market capitalists are 100% in favor of
Big Brother Government when it suits their own nefarious purposes.
More bogus bs. Media Matters shot down the list of “failed” companies last year where CBS News had reported on companies that went bankrupt that didn’t even receive government funds.
The US Department of Energy website states just last week (as I did previously):
“Losses to date in the Department’s loan programs represent about 2 percent of the $34 billion portfolio and less than 10 percent of the $10 billion loan loss reserve that Congress set aside to cover expected losses in the programs.”
If that is false, I’m sure there would be a call from Republicans to investigate, don’t you think?
And the only reason Tesla paid back their loan early was because the feds put the screws to them, after they kept asking for repayment waivers (this from last September):
Heh. One month? You’re being toooo generous of course.. This buffoon’s life for the past eight years and way beyond has been consumed by right wing bullshit..
It’s too sad for words..
Not a good day for the for profit prison industry. It’s not really the free market if they are paying the judge to convict people.
Before going out to dinner with Mrs Puddy… It’s so good to see Puddy has “free rent” in the leetle mind of serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb.
Moron ylb… Puddy purposely posted one entry last night! Why? So you’d see it and jump like Pavlov’s dog. Did the serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb jump? Yes he did!
Thanks for playing fool! ROTFLRHMBBAO! The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Still has the dog collar on! Jump leetle doggie jump!
serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb lives for Puddy Posts! It’s too sad for words… That’s all serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb has left. No job, no prospects for a fulfilling life, self-induced mediocre life… just attack Puddy! Yeah that’s the ticket!
BTW serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb, Puddy had fun last week. Ever been there?
Looks like lawyers defending vigilante killer George Zimmerman intended to build their defense around character assassination of the dead victim who can’t defend himself, but the judge won’t let them, so they’ll have to try something else.
I’m having trouble getting into HA and receiving the usual “Resource Limit Is Reached” message right now. Looks like Spuddy Turds are clogging up the drain pipe again.
Bradley Manning: Hero Or Traitor?
Pfc. Bradley Manning will soon go on trial in a military court for leaking thousands of classified documents to Wikileaks. Manning says he was “disillused by behavior that did not seem worthy of the United States,” and especially decried the “bloodlust” of U.S. helicopter pilots who gunned down two Reuters journalists in Iraq. Manning has both defenders and detractors. The military has abused him while in their custody; a military court has already given him four months off any eventual sentence has compensation for that.
Here’s my take. On the one hand, we have laws regulating sensitive or potentially sensitive diplomatic and military information. There is a process for establishing procedures and criteria for determining what information our government and military services keep secret that involves Congress, the Department of Defense, the services, and commanders concerned with among other things the safety of their soldiers on the battlefield. In both the diplomatic and military services, trained personnel decide what information to classify and at what level of secrecy to classify it. They are given authority to do so, and are required to follow the established classification procedures and criteria. I have some personal experience with this because in Vietnam one of my jobs was working in a battalion intelligence section where I handled classified information, and I had the appropriate clearances and permissions to do so.
Deciding to make public information that our government has classified isn’t the prerogative of a private soldier. For that matter, it isn’t the prerogative of a general officer, either, if releasing it exceeds his authority and violates the protocols for handling such information. Even POTUS is expected to protect national secrets.
On the other hand, some will argue that civil disobedience is, in appropriate circumstances, a higher calling that supersedes the law. Without doubt, some laws deserve to be disobeyed, especially those that violate our fundamental civil liberties and were rammed through legislative bodies by special interests to hide their own evil conduct. A specific example of this is the so-called “ag-gag” laws passed by some states making it a crime for animal rights activists to film abuse of farm animals; those laws haven’t been court-tested yet, but they’re almost certainly unconstitutional, and it’s both reasonable and appropriate for someone to intentionally violate them in order to test their constitutionality in court.
Manning’s behavior is not in that category. Clearly, it’s not. Equally clearly, our government and military sometimes classify information that it shouldn’t. Covering up atrocities absolutely falls in this category. Those helicopter pilots who gunned down the Reuters journalists don’t deserve, and shouldn’t get, the cover of official secrecy; if they’re upset by the opprobrium that Manning’s disclosure of their behavior brought upon them by an outraged public, all I can say is they deserve no sympathy and will get none for me.
Manning is already convicted; he has pleaded guilty to 10 counts, and prosecutors will try him on more serious charges that could bring a longer sentence (of up to life in prison). Manning is not a spy who gave the names of covert agents to a hostile foreign power or vital military information to Al Qaeda. He exposed what he thought was wrongdoing by our government that our government wasn’t entitled to hide from the public it is (in theory) accountable to. Intent is always a factor under our criminal laws, and espionage charges are neither appropriate nor sustainable, because as I said he wasn’t a spy.
So what should our government and military do with a good-intentioned whistleblower who second-guessed the entire system for classifying information and took the law into his own hands? Neither he nor his supporters should expect him to get off scot free. And he won’t; because he has already pleaded guilty to some charges, he will have a conviction on his record, and the only remaining questions are what additional charges, if any, he will be convicted of and how much time, if any, he will serve in prison beyond time already served.
I don’t know how the military judge will come down on sentencing. That will depend on whether he’s found guilty on additional, more serious, charges. That’s a probability. He’s going to do prison time; of that I’m sure. My guess is he’ll get something less than life but more than 10 years, I doubt he’ll get a nominal 15 years and won’t have to serve it all. The military judge has to send a message that service members can’t decide for themselves, without authority, to declassify and disclose classified information — and she will do that. But no purpose is served by making Manning into a martyr, and my guess is she won’t. She’ll walk a middle ground that will make no one satisfied but will protect our government’s valid interests while recognizing that governments aren’t always in the right about what they do or their decision to keep it secret.
The difference between Fox News Women and MSNBC Women
PuddyCommentary… It seems MADdow and Brzezinski are clueless and that’s why they work in PMSNBC!
@59 That scandal should cost Pennsylvania billions of dollars. Every single one of those teens who was unjustly incarcerated by a corrupt judge lining his own pockets should get at least a million dollars from the state and prison company.
@65 You’re clueless and maybe that’s why you don’t work for NBC.
You do realize that you out yourself as incredibly sexist every time you write that, don’t you?
Of course you don’t…just like the depravity of your hatefulness is lost on you…MOOOOSLUMs, wimmin, other types of Christianists, non-Republicans, non-evangelicals…they’re all ‘other’ and all evul, huh puddybigot?
Because YOU NEED this website on Saturday nights. The “purpose” is to get it up for salt mining duty!
As you have for 70 percent of the other Saturday nights when you’re actively polluting these threads with your brain-damamged drivel.
You’ve owned yourself like a miserable fool!
“Fuck you puddybigot”
Forget that. He can go fuck himself.
Keep thinking that serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb.
Pavlov strikes again! And it only took one post to succeed! Puddy is getting better each day at this!
Sux to be you!
Like Puddy cares what you think SCHMUCKO? You are HAs America Hater! Anytime someone posts facts about America Hatred, you are there to support their America Hatred. When all you have left after being handed your silly ASS is this…
You know you lost the argument!
Waytogo Libtardo!
Oh SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… That’s the best you got?
Mediaite… is a left wing blog!
Looks like the IRS Scandal is firing on all 12 cylinders now…
And since Elijah Cummings has his operatives there at the questioning, Cummings can’t refute their testimony by going on PMSNBC and crying da blues to Rachel MADdow!
@73 The thing is, spudnutz, to work in media you have to get facts right and you’re not very good at that. Your place in life is helping solve the energy crisis by blowing methane.
If klownservatives get audited more often maybe it’s because they cheat more often.
Sieg HEIL!!
Keep up the patriot-baiting, puddybigot – you color yourself not just a MOOOSLUM-hater, and a woman-hater, and a gay-hater, but a snide little democracy-hating proto-Nazi Christianist.
Ballot Fraud, the handiwork of DUMMOCRAPTS… has another DUMMOCRAPT in trouble… Hmmm… will SCHMUCKO find his reBUTTal on Daily Kooks?
PuddyCommentary… And you think this is a random “event”? Hell no! Garcia also worked to defeat Allen West, who lost by less than 2,000 votes and who complained about voter fraud at the time!
So Allen West claimed voter fraud last year and libtards like SCHMUCKO discounted it.
Now maybe those extremely high evidentiary hurdles can be overcome and it can be proven Allen West lost by shenanigans of Jeffrey Garcia! We’ll see. BTW libtards, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernández Rundle is a long time DUMMOCRAPT.
So how does she know absentee voting is problematic? Enquiring minds want to know?
BTW, puddybigot, are you ever going to come up with some support – like a link, or perhaps an essay – for your contention above that “science proved intelligent design”?
Or are you just going to run away from that, too, squid?
Written from the fingers of Mr Wrong of Cuyahoga County, Ohio and Stafford County Virginia.
Yeah right SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
Don’t need to… Puddy posted links from previous conversations and all you did was run to Richard Dawkins who won’t debate Intelligent Design people. See ya. Sux to be you!
Went over to the idiot libtard Digby for Puddy’s weekly review of his horse manure and found this interesting entry… Why did SCHMUCKO a prime reader, skip over this and not post it?
PuddyCommentary: Poor Digby. He misses the major point. CNN has balanced their approach after they went PMSNBC-like and their ratings tanked so they went back attempted to copy Fox News. It has at least brought back some viewers. But the daily wall-to-wall empty headed show entries from the PMSNBC KLOWNs is a losing proposition with the three scandals happening in the Obummer Sadministration. You can spin silk out of shit unless you are a leftist libtard on HA who loves to watch those KLOWNS!
No, of course you don’t – you don’t do debate, do you?
No, puddybigot, you’re ABSOLUTELY wrong – “science” (something you wouldn’t recognize if it hit you over your pointy little head) – has not “proven” intelligent design.
Reputable scientists consider ‘intelligent design’ to be a fraud, a poorly-thought-out veneer to cover the even more crazy ‘creation science’, both merely cmouflage for magical religious belief systems posing as something else – all in an effort to be Trojan horses aimed at the science education of youngsters.
Intelligent design is religious propaganda for the dim-witted, like puddybigot, the ink-squirting squid who won’t stand his ground when called on his insane statements.
Coward, and hater – though I suppose those go together, don’t they, bigot?
Digby is a woman, you moron.
It’s interesting, about media, and the triumphalism that puddybigot is blaring constantly…the left-leaning media will never have Fox’s ratings, I think, because Fox caters to old, frightened, angry with people who, after having cashed their Social Security checks, and gotten home from the doctors that Medicare pays for, have the time and wherewithal to sit at home watching TV and get riled up about the government taking their stuff.
That is, until those old, frightened, angry white people die off – that’s the biggest threat to Fox, though the feel-good suburban Prosperity Gospel megachurches are doing their part to indoctrinate a new generation of greedy white self-satisfied haters for Fox to cater to.
I see that after posting all morning, when I really called puddybigot to put up or shut up about Intelligent Design…he ran away..SQUIRT SQUIRT invertebrate inky boy!!
Imagine Howard Cosell’s voice: There goes SCHMUCKO There goes SCHMUCKO… prancing around claiming victory like SCHMUCKO likes to do! Attacks others who disagree with his “theories” as charlatans and half-wits because they view science differently!
And that’s why FOX NEWS WINS the 25-54 year old demographic! 25 year olds cashing their “Social Security checks” after they “gotten home from the doctors that Medicare pays for”.
Dayum SCHMUCKO thanks for the funny!
You’re the only one who prances, puddybigot. Now come on, how us all where “science” proved Intelligent Design.
So Digby is a woman. Who cares? The post was hilarious about libtards! Puddy only visits Digby once a week at best so Puddy has a clue what you fart each day SCHMUCKO!
There are claims NJ DUMMOCRAPT Senator Frank Lautenberg has died. If so Puddy and Mrs Puddy say condolences to the family.
Breaking News
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) died this morning, leaving a Senate vacancy.
SCOTUS has upheld DNA swabs of arrestees as a reasonable police procedure, doesn’t require search warrant. That’s the only major SCOTUS decision today.
You’re soooo precious, puddybigot, but this seems to provide a different, um, analysis than you do…
These relative increases for Fox, meanwhile, come off of their unprecedented lows earlier in the year.
As with everything puddybigot writes, scratch the surface, and you find him not understanding what the real story is…..he can’t help it, he’s just in a bit over his head, and we should help him, and pity him, really.
Here’s another take on Fox losing the younger demographic that puddybigot was guffawing about above…he really doesn’t understand this complicated stuff, and may want to stick to his Bibul, or something simpler….wouldn’t want him embarrassing himself….oops! too late for that!
PuddyCommentary… Need Puddy say more. PMSNBC is the place for very badly biased commentary! Of course Da Perfessa will disagree. It’s where he gets his Friday Night Comix “News”!
Butt to add to SCHMUCKO’s funny above… even in the article NY Times disagress with SCHMUCKO ANALysis
Dayum more comedy! The problem with PMSNBC is they are the last bastion lapdogs for Obummer and his sadministration. They proudly carry on for pretty much everything libtard and maybe that song has played out. Why? PMSNBC won’t report a negative story until PMSNBC is left with no choice, as the IRS Scandal. Then PSMNBC KLOWNS will continue make excuses for each issue while CNN, ABC, and CBS admittedly start digging!
@79 The numbskull actually said that? I know he’s stupid, but I didn’t think he was that stupid.
So, puddybigot….where is that ‘evidence’ that ‘science’ ‘proved’ Intelligent Design???
What to make of spuds plagiarizing Roger Rabbit’s format and style? He’s not exactly reeking of originality this morning.
I’m going to be in and out of here because I’ve got important stock market business this morning. That’s why I’m up at 6:30 AM. I usually sleep in.
@97 Numbnuts doesn’t realize the trend of science is in the other direction — that the universe could have created itself from nothing. That’s hard to reconcile with intelligent design.
Yes, RR, the numbskull actually said that. I’ve been DYING to read the links to the evidence for that…just DYING. Probably something that his 6000-year-old Earth preacherman told him over the weekend, and when puddles got himself into a froth above, couldn’t help but ‘testify’ to his ‘truth’.
Did you see SCHMUCKO screaming about a 5% drop when PMSNBC had a 20% drop? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And of course SCHMUCKO claims Puddy doesn’t get it. FOX NEWS STILL HAS a better 25-54 DEMOGRAPHIC than PMSNBC.
Will SCHMUCKO ever get facts? Prolly not. SCHMUCKO still thinks Puddy disagreed with Mother Jones!
Well off to work! See ya SCHMUCKO.
Wait for it… SCHMUCKO will make some wild ass claim about Puddy leaving!
It’s what he does…I’ve noticed that if I use a relatively unusual word or phrase, that it will appear a short time later in puddybigot’s posts.
He’s not very smart, and likely has been copying the more capable people around him for some time.
@100 What should we expect next from puddyspigot, square atoms?
Run away bigot simpleton….I’ll guess I’ll get that ‘proof’ about science and ‘Intelligent Design’ later, huh?
BTW, you still seem not to understand the discussion about the Mother Jones article….we’re really beginning to grasp, in this community, how limited your capabilities really are.
He should put this stuff in a book. It would sell like hotcakes. You don’t have to know anything to get published. Being entertaining is good enough for print, and imbeciles are good at that.
I still wonder what possess puddybigot to post here?
Day after day, many posts per day, of regurgitated right wing swill and slop that he so clearly has swallowed without question, without skepticism, without thought or analysis. All of it presented on a backdrop of hatred for anyone not like him – or perhaps not like how he identifies – angry frightened peon in the service of old rich white people – hating on empowered women, and brown people, and thinking people, and gay people, and people who don’t pray like he does, and on and on.
He really is rather child-like, isn’t he, doing what he’s told to do, in the service of….something? Deeply, deeply weird.
Puddy came back just to see what SCHMUCKO wrote above…
See Puddy called it.
Oh my SCHMUCKO generalities… You claimed Puddy disagreed with the article. WRONG AGAIN! Howard Cosell reappears: There goes SCHMUCKO There goes SCHMUCKO… It was you who wrongly claimed Puddy was disagreeing with the article, YOU of limited mental capabilities! Try to spin silk out of your putrid shit all you want. EPIC FAYLE! All Puddy did was take serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb attack for using Mother Jones and claiming conservatives lived in poverty in the Suburbs and that was their problem. Yet when you look at the voting records of those three cities Puddy proved they were many more DUMMOCRAPTS living in poverty in those suburbs voting for OBUMMER and other DUMMOCRAPTS. This was MISSED by the slow Neanderthal mind of SCHMUCKO! He misses a lot! So who is the slow grasping moron of limited mental capabilities? SCHMUCKO. Who tried to claim a 5% drop in the 25-54 demographic was catastrophic while PMSNBC had a 20% drop int he same demographic? SCHMUCKO!
Sadly this passes as leftist libtard intelligence on HA!
Oh My we see the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit crying about Puddy using HAR HAR HAR! Maybe Puddy is mocking you SENILE and DUMB Wabbit! Mock… look it up. Puddy not copying your “style” SENILE and DUMB Wabbit! Too many unanswered “IF”s! Remember that one SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
ROTFLRHMBBAO! The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! The SENILE and DUMB Wabbit is upset over the use of HAR HAR HAR!
@106 I’ve noticed a recurring pattern of making statements that appear to say one thing, and then when someone calls him on it, he claims to have said something else. It’s a setup game like we played in junior high.
Oh a tag team match between the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit and SCHMUCKO!
Well review the PuddyPosts SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. Run to the serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb and ask for a crazed databaze replay! Except you can’t and won’t! If you had a clue: “Clue to the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit for $100 Alex”, Puddy recently reposted what Puddy originally posted for that link. Since you missed it, how can the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit claim his latest shit storm above?
Puddy would like stay to view this crap shoot between these two “erudite” KLOWNS! Puddy has to work!
@110 “Puddy has to work!”
I’m so sorry. I feel bad for you. I don’t have to work. You should’ve been a Capitalist like me. You’re screwed.
Oh, just took smaller kid to school – back now for a bit…and I have to ask, AGAIN…
When will we be getting a reference to that ‘proof’, puddybigot???
I CAN’T WAIT to read it…..bwahahahahahaahaaa!!
Yes, indeed. Puddybigot is deeply, shamelessly dishonest.
There are many analogies for his behavior – I’ve likened him to the creepy guy with no friends who crashes a party and makes a fool of himself. Or the behavior you describe is like playing Whack-A-Mole. Or the squid analogy – both because puddybigot appears to be spineless, and he squirts a dense ink of meaningless word salad when confronted with facts.
There’s no reason to engage him, except as a diversion over one’s morning coffee, or to get him riled up and get him spinning*spinning*spinning……
Sheltered workshop.