Sam Seder speaks with Katherine Harris about scandals.
The IRS/Tea Party Scandal:
- O’Donnell: The Republican ‘ignorance-fueled war’ on the IRS and Pres. Obama.
- Stephen: Boehner and the IRS/Tea Party scandal.
- Mark Fiore: Money for Nothin’.
- Jon asks, “What the hell happened?!?”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Real I.R.S. scandal. Part 1.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Real I.R.S. scandal. Part 2.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Conceited Sen Ted Cruz vs. the Republican Party he ‘does Not trust’.
White House: West Wing Week.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Happy Memorial Day.
Thom with some more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
The Daily Show catches up with Dylan Ratigan (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Obama’s War on War:
- ONN: Obama aims to limit civilian casualties with switch to Taser drones.
- Stephen: Obama’s Flying Deathbot Program.
- Maddow: End of war. Part 1
- Maddow: End of war. Part 2
- Sam Seder: Obama calls for repeal of AUMF
Jon does Bill-O the Clown.:
Young Turks: Jon pwns O’Reilly
Thom: The G.O.P. punks ABC News.
John Fugelsang: Barack Obama — Worst. Socialist. Ever.
Obama honors Carol King.
Young Turks: AZ Athiest lawmaker addresses House with his own prayer.
I5 Bridge Collapse:
- A bridge collapsed in Washington
- One Minute News: Collapse.
- Officials weigh-in
- A guy who ended up in the drink speaks.
- Maddow: Bridges and infrastructure
- Young Turks: Bridge collapse.
Young Turks: Historic ban overturned.
Alyona: Saluteghazi!!!
Sam Seder: Glenn Beck sees “false flag” atheist conspiracy in Blitzer question.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Transparent President:
- Jon: Priorties USA
- Ann Telnaes: The once transparent President.
Sharpton: The G.O.P.’s rebranding FAIL, as outreach extended to white supremacists!.
Mental Floss: 50 Common Misquotations.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Jon on Peggy Noonan (via Political Wire).
The Republican War on Women™:
- Ann Telnaes: Anti-Women Trash.
- Thom: Why some G.O.P. men should experience labor.
Thom: How electric cars save human lives.
John Fugelsang: Anthony Weiner is running for Mayor. Gentlemen, start your puns!
Maddow: Foolhardy budget cuts cripple government.
The Onion Week in Review.
Ann Telnaes: What the G.O.P. and the White House are NOT focused on.
Virginia is for Haters:
- Maddow: Social conservative extremists fill Virginia G.O.P. slate.
- The Virginia “Dream Team”
Bashir agrees with Ted Cruz on one thing.
Maddow: The GOP’s ‘Guantanamo closure’ road-block: .
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I like how fast BNSF, Amtrak, and the State of Washington agreed to get another frequency North of Everett. The emergency third trip, not too many details yet, will call at Edmonds, Everett, Stanwood, Mount Vernon, and Bellingham’s Fairhaven Station. Although it appears that they eill not be able to do it on the proposed schedule, I have always felt that Amtrak Cascades 510, which spends most of the day in Vancouver, then comes back as 517, could be put to better use, with a quick run South of the border.
As for rolling stock for the emergency schedule. They could use one of the newly delivered trains, maybe the mothballed Wisconsin trains, or rolling stock from elsewhere in the Amtrak system. Sometimes Amtrak has borrowed coaches from VIA Rail.
No details yet on when the third train to Bellingham will start.
As for the heckler at the President’s speech, I admire that it looked like he took the time to listen, it’s something that his predecessor would not do.
More of the same 2nd and 3rd tier loony libtards on display above. Now this is a Friday Night Extravaganza article!
You don’t think Code Pink Medea being there was “set up”? Puddy does!
Larry O’Clownell… Down 8% from a year ago when he was dredging the Pacific Ocean with his ratings. Monday May 13, the standard scoreboard day… Headline News KICKED Larry O’Clownell’s ASS; O’Clownell was DEAD LAST!
Guess who was first?
Why didn’t Dr Rachel ask Obummer where those shovel ready projects went?
Why didn’t Dr Rachel ask Obummer why did Obummer wasted all them $Billions in Porkulous and Son of Porkulous money on Obummer’s union buds?
Why didn’t Dr Rachel ask Obummer why did Obummer not put 400,000+ people to work on bridges or infrastructure as Obummer promised in 2009 when Obummer proposed those bills?
Maybe cuz Dr Rachel is also a libtard clown like O’Clownell!
Sadly you’ll never see a real opinion here on the Friday Night Comics Pages!
Sadly you’ll never see a real article on something useful here on the Friday Night Comics.
Didn’t y’all know Walmart gives to CAP, deliverers of ThinkProgress, the other left wrong blog of HA libtards? And all you HA libtards do is tear Walmart down.
And part of CAP is a 501c3 and the other part is 501c4 yet Tea Party groups can’t get 501c4 approvals. Imagine that!
The real IRS scandal is that both of the major political parties will use the IRS as a tool to promote their respective party’s goals. Republicans will use the IRS to further their goals just like the Democrats have.
Open a window, someone’s farting in here.
@9 “Democrats do it too!” Yawn …
I’ve been saying for years Democrats should behave like Republicans … but not this time. This was only some low-level employees doing what they thought was their job. (Auditors are paid to audit, and examiners are paid to examine.) No “enemies list,” no breakins, no wiretapping, no coverup here. Move along.
@ 10
It ain’t farts, it’s the stink of the breath of a nigger-hating black man.
I’m not a christian, I loathe religion. But this guy has something to say.
And he ain’t wrong.
As an atheist, I’ve said on these threads over and over, if the belief of my god-believing friends leads them to justice, to making the world a more peaceful, joyful, loving place, a more equitable place where we all lift one another up together, if that belief strives against hate and tyranny greed and fear, against violence and oppression and war, then I’m right there with them, shoulder to shoulder.
However, all too often, as we see in microcosm on these threads, when god-belief is a tool of hate, a club whose boundaries define who is saved and who will perish, a means for the sociopaths among us to define who is to be loathed and scapegoated, a means for uniting a group through shared fear and shared prejudice and shared ignorance, well, I’ll fight you with every ounce of my strength.
Your video, deathfrogg, is clearly of the first kind – good on him.
That’s my take, too, Roger.
The IRS is tasked with determining who actually gets the privilege of not paying their taxes, and part of that process is to determine the nature and activities of the group in question.
“Tea Party” and “Patriots” were ubiquitous terms self-applied to groups that appear overtly political – seems perfectly reasonable to use them in a triage process to help workflow of an overburdened and underfunded bureaucracy.
This is merely another example of right-wing whiners pleading victimhood in a public display of WATB behavior. A ginned up ‘scandal’ that the public appears not to be buying.
puddyidiot posted some National Review Online whining that linked to one of the letters the IRS sent to one of these organized bands of bumpkins, and the questions were completely innocuous. He (puddybigot) claimed they were asking about the contents of ‘prayers’ which were not among the questions in the linked letter. The IRS did ask an anti-choice group about their activities harassing clients of women’s – again, not using the word ‘prayer’ that I could see – perhaps this sort of organized misogyny is what passes for ‘prayer’ among the ‘faithful’.
Anyway, the maxim that whatever puddybigot writes is the opposite of truth continues to hold without exception.
@16 The rightwing base is like a lion that must be constantly fed fresh red meat. The GOP demagogues are trying to parlay universal dislike of the IRS (who wants to be audited?) into lion feed. And a manufactured scandal they can use in 2014 so they don’t have to campaign on real issues, because they always lose on the issues, because they’re wrong on the issues. But if they can’t get scandal crystals to grow in their petrie dish, they’ll settle for feeding the lion. The lion is hungry.
Yet the lion is shrinking. Their calculus grows ever more desperate.
@18 Having eaten their food base, they’re reduced to rooting in garbage cans like raccoons.
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
Last week the TSA confiscated 65 guns at airport security checkpoints, of which 54 were loaded and 19 had rounds in the chamber.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You don’t have to worry about hijackers anymore. The armed vigilantes sitting next to you, behind you, in front of you, and across the aisle from you will take care of it. Be prepared for rapid cabin decompression, though, and collateral casualties.
As for a temporary third frequency on Amtrak Cascades to Bellingham, their is precedent for using passenger trains as mitigation for a highway bridge collapse. Phoenix did it once. Also, during the recent carmageddon in Los Angeles,when I-405 was shut down, Amtrak California added service on the Pacific Surfliner, and so did Metrolink on some of it’s lines.
Besides Great Northern, then Burlington Northern, and Amtrak passenger service on this route, there was once an interurban light railway from Mount Vernon to Bellingham. It ceased operating in 1931. The owners wanted it to connect with the line in Everett(which they also owned) that ran into Seattle. The plan was for a network of interurban electric railways from the Canadian border to the Columbia river.
From the descriptions I am getting, looks like the third train will be cobbled together from spare SOUNDER coaches and locomotives. The 2 new trains are probably not ready yet.
Wow as Puddy said before OWS Fraggy is a real racist. Since you don’t know Puddy all you can do is throw stones!
Thanks for posting ya moron!
Just pull a Lois Lerner… I have done nothing wrong… Now I plead the 5th Amendment; the next time you are being audited!
Yep, they really are that stupid.
Mom was right. It’s gotta be a combination of a mass infection of toxoplasmosis or some sort of poisoning from all the petroleum products people have been eating for the last 60 years coupled with high levels of prenatal lead exposure.
Stupid, mean, pathologically unable to grasp even the most basic realities of how the world actually functions, and unable to learn anything that falls outside of the worldview they had developed by the time they were seven years old.
Utterly egocentric.
Explaining The GOP Obsession With IRSgate
“The IRS scandal has Republicans shifting into full Inspector Clouseau mode. They are convinced they are on the scent of something foul that will tie President Obama directly to the suppression of the Tea Party movement during the 2012 general election campaign. In the meantime, their former top-most concern, the sluggish economy, has been pushed onto the shoulder of the legislative highway. …
“Republicans, after all, know … dirty tricks. They are the party of the late Lee Atwater, who is celebrated as the father of gutter politicking. One veteran Republican fundraiser told me that he and his colleagues are asking themselves, ‘What would Lee have done if he had been running Obama’s 2012 campaign?'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: First, the GOP doesn’t give a damn about the economy and never did. They care about feathering their own nests and nothing else.
Second, the GOP’s paranoid obsession with IRS scrutiny of political groups’ applications for tax-exempt status is to be expected. After all these guys invented IRS harassment of political opponents. There’s nothing strange about Republicans thinking like Republicans. Never mind the only applicant denied tax-exempt status was a progressive group — facts only confuse them.
If this was, in fact, an orchestrated effort to harass Tea Party groups, then it’s about time Democrats gave Republicans a dose of their own medicine. Tea Partiers are far more deserving of IRS harassment than the peace activists of the ’60s were. They, at least, had a noble cause. The Tea Partiers are just a bunch of assholes.
@24 Yeah why don’t you try that and see what happens. Should be interesting. Let me know how it turns out.
@26 cont’d — I should also mention that Republicans are desperately searching for a way to rationalize Mittster’s otherwise inexplicable defeat. Yeah, it had to be Democratic harassment of Tea Party groups that cost them the election, it couldn’t have been his smarmy remarks about forty-seven percent of the electorate that knocked the stool from under him.
Business World Doubletalk
Writing about the new federal consumer protectio agency, Barron’s magazine identifies by name several financial industry malefactors:
“1. After a CFPB investigation with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Capital One Financial (ticker: COF) last July refunded $140 million to customers for deceptive sales tactics used by third-party call-center operators to get consumers to buy add-on products like payment-protection programs that assumed payments in the event of work disruption. The company apologized and said it was ‘committed to making it right.’
2. As a result of an inquiry that the CFPB conducted with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Discover Bank, a unit of Discover Financial Services (DFS), in September gave back $200 million to 3.5 million consumers and paid a $14 million fine. The regulators had found deceptive sales tactics in marketing add-on products like credit-monitoring and identity-theft protection. ‘We have worked hard to earn the loyalty of our card members, and we are committed to marketing our products responsibly,’ said David Nelms, Discover’s chairman and CEO, in a statement afterward.
3. On Oct. 1, American Express (AXP) repaid $85 million to customers after the state of Utah, the FDIC, and the CFPB revealed that the card company hadn’t reported settled debts to credit bureaus, and had charged unlawful late fees. AmEx says it cooperated fully with the investigators, and has strengthened internal compliance.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My point in posting this isn’t that banksters are crooks. Everyone already knows that. Rather, I want to highlight what several of America’s biggest consumer finance companies said for public consumption after they were caught stealing millions from their customers:
Capital One (stole $140 million): “We’re committed to making it right.”
Discover (stole $200 million): “We’re committed to marketing our products responsibly.”
American Express (stole $85 million): “We’re strengthening our internal compliance.”
Talk about putting lipstick on a pig! Their PR flacks must all have attended the same crisis management seminar — the one entitled, “What to tell the media when your CEO goes to jail.”
A very worthwhile read:
If Republicans had their way, we wouldn’t have a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and those companies would get away with stealing $425 million from their customers and be busily stealing more. Think about that before you vote.
@30 Have you noticed that when you post anything substantive with links and cites, you get no rebuttal from puddy, just
parrot screeching or dead silence?
@32 Roger,
Yes. His act has grown tirelessly stale; much like the outdated useless and boring (and perpetually fact challenged!) side he parrots.
From several,
The IRS and Libya stuff are all about winning more seats for the Republican Party in 2014 and 2016. Also, the Republicans’ 2016 goal is to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House forever.
It’s all politics. That’s all.
@34 Can you tell me something I don’t already know?
@30 I found this in the comment thread of the Atlantic article you linked to. It seems to really capture the essence of what the GOP has become:
“Republicans have abandoned all policy preferences for a series of resentments.”
Which is fine by me. I’m pulling for Joseph P. Riley, Jr. I think he’d be the first mayor elected president.
37)Before he was VP, Calvin Coolidge was Governor of Massachusetts, and before that, Mayor of Northampton, Mass.
Bad typing on my part, I meant going straight from being mayor to president. But, thanks for the info; I did not know that.
I’m also big on the mayor of LA, Antonio Villaraigosa.
Have you noticed when Puddy posts the truth of libtards y’all run run run.
Ol SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… Puddy doesn’t live on this blog 24×7 as you do! And when you post volumes of Pellets, Puddy skips by them!
And before the scandals happened what was Obummer plans to get Pelosi back into the leadership position? It was previously posted on HA!
Such stooooooooooopid political commentary above!
Well lessee DUMB Wabbit. Then there is this DUMB Wabbit! And the libtard ProPublica who spilled the beans… So you don’t think something smells DUMB Wabbit? How did ProPublica get hold of those CONFIDENTIAL forms Ol SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
Puddy forgot the quote above! Puddy posted this earlier and the Ol SENILE and DUMB Wabbit had nothing to say! Puddy wondered why? Now Puddy knows. When facts appear WABBIT scrams!
Now here’s something unique and different…
With what is being added to hslp with traffic mitigation while the bridge is repaired, and replaced, I got curious. As I said, it looks like Sounder coaches are going to be used in the interim. It’s all we got right now. The 2 new TALGO trains may not be ready, the first one only on April 15th, the second, arrived on Thursday(assuming all went well). They got spare locomotives, because of the inspection rules, have locomotives down every 90-180 days.(used to be 90, newer ones are reliable enough for 180 between mandated inspections), plus with Sound Transit, they just took delivery of three newer, more powerful ones. Rail Labor can be flexible.(One of the reasons why the Empire Builder has several engineer changes between Seattle and Shelby, Mt, is that the Engineers Union and Amtrak have agreed, 1 engineer in the cab if the shift is under 6 hours). It is the Federal Hours of Service Rule that are not, and the limit I believe is 12 hours. Another thing that has to be worked out, is whether they got spare engineers that have worked this route, that have operated passenger trains in the past. BNSF provides the crews for SOUNDER, I am not sure if they provide the engineers for Amtrak Cascades, and Amtrak has it’s own crews for most of it’s services.
Also, I was looking at SKagit Transit’s website, and it looks like they have managed to iron things out for their detours. 80X Bellingham-Mt. Vernon turns back at Chuckanut Park and Ride, Route 90X Mt. Vernon-Everett does not serve Chuckanut, and turns back at Skagit Station, with Route 208 connecting the two on the span that is the detour route. Making do with limited resources.
Whatever schedule they develop for the third train, since they will be using conventional equipment, will be slower. When I have rode on trains on the Pacific Northwest Corridor, I have seen three speed limit signs on the tracks, T, P, and F. F is for Freight, P is for Passenger, and T is for TALGO. The last one, really is different in curves. The passive tilting system allows the train to lean in the curves at high speed, which could be up to 79MPH.(For this track) Also, the line North of Seattle has a lot of single-track. When I took Amtrak to Vancouver a few years ago, the morning trip, 510, meets the southbound trip from Vancouver, 513(which continues to Portland) at South Mount Vernon. So most likely, this will be a slower schedule. One of the reasons that I would like to see the TALGO sets pressed into service on this one when they are ready, is the speed advantage.
CNN reports that James Sisnet, of Barbados, has passed away and says, “The government may make the national stadium available for his funeral.” Mr. Sisnet was a blacksmith by trade who retired in 1970 at the age of 70.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t know if Barbados has a social security system, but if it does, he bankrupted it. He probably didn’t have frequent medical bills, though.
@42 That org chart puts her six pay grades below the boss, which means if she’d worked for General Eisenhower on D-Day, she would’ve been an LST driver.
More information for the HA klown serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb!
Sux to be the moronic klown serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb. serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb runs to the nearest left wrong site and throws up horse manure from his arschloch!
No comment on the Pro Publica expose Ol SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? Now why is that?
Here’s why Puddy thinks Code Pink’s Medea was a setup…Point #1
Point #2
Remember when Medea went nutzo during Bush Administration pressers? Well she was so nice at Obummer’s presser. ere’s an example:
Oh yeah Medea’s co-pal was a bundler for Obummer!
LMAO!! Notice that the fiend once again pumped himself for labor in the salt mines..
HA is his ED therapy. Thanks for playing fool!
How come Obummer and Steadman Holder don’t uphold this statement…
Now that the WaPo is finally covering this scandal with some teeth, SCHMUCKO lost another non-FOX libtard news provider to FACTS. Oopsie… And…
Puddy posted this last week. Steadman Holder is going to investigate himself. Yeah right! That’s a laugh… of course that action is approved by Larry O’Clownell!
Did anyone understand what the serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb farted @52?
Bueller… Decoder Ring… Bueller
Every time you hear Gonzales insert Steadman Holder…
PuddyCommentary: Sounds like this sadministration today. Maybe Obummer told Steadman to take queues from Gonzales!
This should warm the HA libtards hearts… Dress Up Day in Milwaukee… land of Wisconsin libtards.
When you are a union that goes against Obummer, you won’t receive any invitations… or have your requests honored…
The real news that could have been posted on Friday Night!
Looks like Obummer and Steadman Holder went after a NY Times reporter for Stuxnet.
PuddyCOmmentary: But he’s on a normally friendly NY Times libtard msm site so Obummer and Steadman Holder didn’t go after and his seize Sanger’s telephone records or emails as they did with Fox News’ James Rosen and his parents in their silly overreach of power.
Do you think they were libtard teachers Ol SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@50 Are you illiterate in addition to stupid?
@59 Looks more like the handiwork of your friends. See, e.g.,
So how did Austan Goolsbee get the information so used by HA libtards on Koch Industries on this blog? From the IRS of course…
From HA
Nope Ol SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… this is a public school in libtard land!!!
Pro Publica Ol SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… no libtard tax approval forms were sent to Pro Publica, only conservative group tax approval forms. Again you miss the meaning of the question. Maybe Puddy should have put “IF” in the question you may have understood the request. Puddy realizes you are getting older each day, so Puddy guesses Puddy will have to write fewer words per line like OWS Fraggy needs.
@62 Typical puddy. He thinks the scandal isn’t that Koch Industries pays no taxes, but that Austan Goolsbee knows Koch Industries pays no taxes.
@64 Why do you ASSume I bother to read your horseshit? I have better things to do than waste my time staring at the incoherent dribblings of a babbling fool.
Puddy wonders how U.S. magistrate judge Alan Kay, feels about Steadman Holder lying to him about the James Rosen affidavit? Does the US magistrate judge have any recourse?
The now-revealed fact that Koch Industries pays no taxes raises an interesting question. If the Koch brothers pocket their billions of profits tax-free, which they do, why do they give a shit how much the government spends or what it’s spent on? They aren’t paying for it. That’s like complaining about dog license fees when you don’t own a dog. Kinda seems the Koches belong in the category of people who just like to hear themselves whine.
Stooooooooooopid and SENILE DUMB Wabbit… there was specific information Austan Goolsbee leaked that no one knew except the IRS. Now he’s in cover his ASS mode. And why wasn’t the IG report released SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? It was a FOIA request from 2011. What was there to hide?
The interesting questions are “how did the whitey house know” and “when did the whitey house know it” SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. That was released from a white house presser SENILE and DUMB Wabbit.
Nice attempt at truth and facts deflection!
And you complained when you “post” links Puddy runs? Your Pellets of “flatulence”?
@69 Oh my, what a scandal — Goolsbee leaked that Koch Industries, the antisocial right’s biggest funder and enabler, pays no taxes under the Republican Tax Code. Was that supposed to be a state secret? It seems so. What other cockroaches are lurking under the GOP’s sink? I’ll bet there’s a long list of crap a succession of GOP administrations and congresses pulled they don’t want anyone to know about.
Jesus. Someone is obviously self-medicating.
Makes me wonder how long it’ll be before he’s running naked in the streets trying to eat peoples faces off.
For discussion purposes — and I’m not alleging anything, it’s only a hypothetical for illustration purposes — let’s assume that at some point in the future someone in the Koch family is videotaped raping an unwilling goat in a state where a GOP legislature has passed a law against videotaping farm animal abuse. What’s the crime here? Raping the goat or taping the goat rape? Who’s the criminal, the raper, or the taper? This shows you how twisted Republican values and priorities are. And puddy’s values and priorities are just as twisted as the rest of ’em.
And above SCHMUCKO farted this…
PuddyCommentary: Puddy actually posted the affidavit which was used in the congressional hearings with the “fired” IRS Commissioner in the Open Thread, which of course SCHMUCKO skipped over. When real facts appear on this blog and SCHMUCKO can’t find refutation from Daily Kooks he:
1) Attacks Puddy in his typical ad hominem fashion looking so high and mighty
2) Attacks the source (See Alan Dershowitz attacks Friday) when others on HA hold them in high esteem
3) Dismisses the source
4) Creates a lying story with no factual basis to attempt persuasion to another of his insipid points
Above he used choice #4.
If it’s in the hands of the IRS it’s a state secret SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?
@70 “The interesting questions are “how did the whitey house know” and “when did the whitey house know it” SENILE and DUMB Wabbit.”
Yep, that’s your fucking speed. Fomented and brought to your computer screen by the same sick, twisted mindset of people who thought the “Abu Ghraib scandal” was someone spilling the beans about a Republican administration systematically (and illegally) torturing people on the orders of a Republican president who was lying to the world about it. This, of course, is the same political party that armed Central American terrorists who raped, kidnapped, tortured, and murdered American nuns.
Puddy, your problem is you’re on wrong side of everything. Anyone with normal sensibilities would give a medal and parade to the IRS employee who leaked that Koch Industries pays no taxes. They should name the IRS building after him and erect his statue in the foyer.
That’s you racist OWS Fraggy. You are the one who admitted to doing drugs. Need to see that comment again? Oh wait… You can ask HA’s serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb for a replay in serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb’s crazed databaze.
Remember you claimed Puddy is a “nigger-hating black man”! Except you don’t know about Puddy inner-city activities OWS Fraggy. And you’ll never know being the dipSHIT racist you are! Puddy never met a racist metal worker until Puddy started reading your racist bile on HA!
It’s illegal to leak anyone’s tax returns SENILE and DUMB Wabbit.
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
Why do you condone law breaking SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
Why do you applaud anything done illegally SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@76 Okay, let’s make it legal. Let’s pass a law requiring the IRS to publish the names of people and corporations who pay no taxes.
Was that one of you apoplectic moments SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. Or was that a Freudian slip comparing the DUMMOCRAPT Party of 1980 to the DUMMMOCRAPT Party of 2013? Oh my the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit lost it…
‘On This Day’ 1980: American Nuns Kidnapped, Raped & Murdered by U.S.-Trained Salvadoran Death Squad. It happened on Jimmy Carter’s watch!
You can find the link SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… Puddy easily found it. Another of your EPIC FAYLE comparisons!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@80 “It’s illegal to leak anyone’s tax returns SENILE and DUMB Wabbit.”
First of all, it’s not clear anyone’s tax returns were leaked. What seems to have been leaked is a simple conclusory fact: Koch Industries pays no taxes. That’s not the same as leaking the tax return.
But the main point, which you’re completely missing, is that it SHOULD be leaked. If guys who make billions of dollars a year PAY NO TAXES under the Republican Tax Code, the country should know that, because it shows the code needs to be changed. If a law or public policy is wrong, puddy, the public has a right to know about it. The Koches aren’t exactly ordinary, average citizens. They’re overtly trying to control legislative policy throughout our country and that makes their tax avoidance fair game.
You’d have to search under rocks to find anyone willing to defend the Koches paying no taxes. Someone kicked a rock and puddy crawled out.
@83 So now it’s un-American to expose billionaires who pay no taxes? Yeah, that’s about your speed, putz. See preceding posts. See especially #85 above.
PuddyCommentary… Notice how the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit has changed his tune again? Not with that specific presser presentation SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… There was too much real tax information leaked. Apparently you haven’t read the links. Wait… you don’t want to read the links!
Should? DUMMOCRAPTS and Republicans disagree with the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. Using the IRS gathered information illegally is against the law! Wasn’t that the second article of impeachment against Nixon?
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
Legally using proxy information and published year end reports no! Illegally using internally acquired IRS tax information yes!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@82 And who continued arming them after Carter was gone, putz? Did they stop kidnapping, torturing, and murdering people after Saint Ronnie ordered his henchmen to illegally smuggle arms to them? Oh, and didn’t Saint R. also give arms to the Iranian thugs who kidnapped American diplomats? You were saying something about un-American?
Puddy has no stake in that issue. Puddy is asking why does the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit condone using IRS gathered information in law breaking?
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
One thing we can be certain of is the Koches didn’t pay taxes to buy arms for Central American killers and Iran hostage-takers. Their hands are clean of that business. They merely cheered it on from the sidelines. The dirty job of paying for it was delegated to wage slaves making $25,000 a year.
You were the one who claimed Republicans were the ones in charge when the Nuns were raped, kidnapped, tortured, and murdered. But you see SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… you memory is failing you miserably. Maybe Mrs Wabbit needs to take that iron frying pan side your head again and the concussion will cause some internal processes to restart in the rabbit sized brain. They weren’t
as you claimed. They were killed by Salvadoran National Guardsmen! Historically Political EPIC FAYLE!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
Wow a new low for the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… Now the Koch Brothers condone Salvadoran National Guardsmen murdering Nuns? You are disgusting!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@90 For the same reason I condone leaking the Pentagon Papers and squealing on the human scum who committed and/or covered up My Lai and Abu Ghraib, dumbass. Here, I’ll spell it out for you. When rightwing swine who create a propaganda industry to bitch and moan about taxes don’t themselves pay any taxes, someone should blow the whistle on them, even if doing so is illegal. Because the bigger wrong here is that the Koches pay no taxes, not squealing on them, dumbass. Comprende? No, of course not. If racist cops clubbed some black guy half to death for running a stop sign, you’d be obsessed with the stop sign violation and you’d ignore the police brutality, because that’s your stupid mindset.
@ 79
Then you’ve never met a metalworker.
Spuddy, I have said this before, and I’ll say it again. I’ll type it in real slow for you.
Your “Tea Party” is a white supremacist, fascist political party.
Think about that for a second. There is no question of it. Sure, they use more subtle terms than they were back in the 1920s and 30s. They aren’t burning down little towns in Florida or Louisiana anymore.
If Barack Obama was a white man, the birth certificate issue would never have existed. If Barack Obama were white, connections to ACORN would never have been questioned. The Tea Party is a white nationalist, openly racist organization.
In the mid 1930’s, there were 8 million registered Fascist Party members in the United States. That included Henry Ford, Henri DuPont, Adolph Coors, Fred C. Koch, William R. Hearst, John P. Morgan Jr., Henry S. Morgan, Prescott Bush, Erle P. Halliburton and etc and etc and etc.
All the major industrialist and banking families of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The people whose fortunes originated in the slave trade and the use of slaves as their primary labor force.
They all consider the Black man to be morally and intellectually inferior to White folks. They continue that ideal to this day, and they continue to push for political action in that regard. Their actions in the Southern States bear that out. Their outright suppression of Black people’s voting rights is plain for everyone who chooses to look.
To them all you are is obsolete farm machinery or factory equipment.
If you think the Tea Party is so wonderful, why don’t you move to South Carolina or Mississippi or Alabama where it has total control of the State Legislatures?
@93 Did I say they condoned it? No. I only said they didn’t pay for it. They delegate the expenses for such things to the working classes.
I have to wonder again, is this puddybigot performance art a talk-bot? Or is there some very weird, very twisted human playing an even more twisted character?
You got it absolutely right above, RR, he’s on the wrong side of everything. Is anyone you’ve ever met, even the most loony Teahaddist, wrong about everything?
Has to be an act – no one is this stupid in real life.
Given that there isn’t an earnest, honest interlocutor behind the puddybigot performance, any time spent responding to his insanity is time wasted – time you’ll never get back.
@87 Show me the tax return that was leaked. I’ll settle for a link to a website that has posted the tax return that was leaked.
PuddyCommentary: So you are saying metal workers are racists? Puddy is sure The SMWIA, the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association would take offense to your posturing OWS Racist Fraggy! Do tell!
And the DUMMOCRAPT Party isn’t racist? Do tell!
@90 “Puddy has no stake in that issue.”
Then why are you defending them?
Well, at least the Koches can sleep at night knowing they didn’t pay for the bullets that killed those nuns.
Oh my SCHMUCKO arrived this morning… Everyone can see SCHMUCKO and the SENILE DUMB Wabbit both hate America. Law breaking is condoned by both except when it affects DUMMOCRAPT administrations, then you can’t have that!
Why do these two libtards hate America?
@97 ” … no one is this stupid in real life.”
I’d be careful about making blanket statements of that nature.
Law breaking SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… You condone it only when it affects Republican supporters.
Ever look in the mirror SCHMUCKO? Wanna review your Mother Jones Rant? How about the IRS Prayer Questions Rant?
Two recently stoooooooooopid real life rants by SCHMUCKO!
Wow SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… another twist and turn in your argument… The FOIA request hasn’t been fulfilled in almost two years. Then Austan Goolsbee made up some fantastic story about William Koch and his company… no real relationship to the other two Koch Brothers above. He’s in CYA mode now this IRS scandal is getting hotter!
Sux to be you!
@102 I see. The sanctity of tax returns is to be scrupulously respected, except when Republicans want to use them to harass people on their blacklist. An apologist for Republicans, who ignore the Constitution and laws with abandon whenever it suits their purposes, is lecturing me about finer points of law. I say sue me.
I love it when puddy complains about Democrats behaving like Republicans. We need to do that more often. Our whole problem is we’re too dainty. To fight gutter rats, you have to be a gutter rut. That’s just the way it is.
And the Koches certainly are gutter rats.
“Phil Dubose, a Koch employee who testified against the company, said he and his colleagues were shown by their managers how to steal and cheat, using techniques they called the Koch Method.”
Man you are a horse manure dropping a minute… Where did Puddy ever write that SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? Did Puddy condone Nixon’s IRS use?
Keep swimming in your own cesspool SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
DUMMOCRAPTS are in a league of their own!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@106 Oh, so Goolsbee didn’t leak a tax return, he just fabricated a tale of one. I see …
@111 ” … are in a league of their own!”
As I’ve pointed out, that’s our whole damn problem. We need to behave more like your team.
Keep fabricating a story SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. The IRS IG investigated it and created a report. The report hasn’t been released even after an FOIA request. Austan Goolsbee apologized about the leak and is in CYA mode. If Bush had ignored a FOIA request that long it would be all over HA each week!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@110 Of course you didn’t write about the GOP misusing the IRS whenever they get the chance. That’s the last thing a GOP apologist and asskisser like you would ever write about. You’d rather sweep it under a rug.
Nope You Dope, SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… DUMMOCRAPTS are way worse. Even Eugene Robinson of the WaPo is complaining about Obummer’s sadministration. Eugene Robinson is a lapdog of Obummer!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@114 “If Bush had ignored a FOIA request that long it would be all over HA each week!”
He’d have his lawyers fighting it in court, and he’d be denying it and lying about it. One thing I can guarantee is that you’ll never read about Republican scandals on Breitbart, Sludge, or Pudge’s sucky little blog.
For instance? Did Bush react like Obummer did? Here is Eugene Robinson’s commentary from the link Puddy gave earlier…
Bush didn’t do anything close to what Obummer has done!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@116 ” … are way worse”
You should audition for SNL.
Really SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? Do you ACTUALLY read DRUDGE?
He reports on everything!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@120 “He reports on everything!”
“Everything” is right, even stuff that isn’t true.
Can you link us to a Republican scandal broken by Sludge? No? I didn’t think so. The guy’s a propagandist just like you and me.
Meanwhile in other news… direct from the NY Times… Weiner and Clinton. Weiner’s wife can get access the Queen Hillary.
@118 “Bush didn’t do anything close to what Obummer has done!”
That’s true. He didn’t save the economy; he wrecked it. He didn’t get us out of two wars; he got us into them. He didn’t reduce the deficit; he ballooned it. He didn’t return jobs to America; he shipped them to China. He didn’t reduce poverty; he increased it. In fact, it’s hard to think of anything at all that Bush did besides cutting some brush on his ranch, while lollygagging on the taxpayers’ payroll.
@123 Weiner should forget about running for anything. His wife should be the candidate.
You can search it here since you claim Drudge doesn’t cover Republicans. Your assertion… you can prove it otherwise!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
Standard SENILE and DUMB Wabbit Deflection from the IRS Scandal. This has nothing to do with Boosh! See Eugene Robinson above again SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
@126 I take it your answer is no.
@127 You brought up Bush, dumbass.
It’s also puddy’s speed to call a Vietnam Veteran an America-hater. Why do you hate our veterans, Spuds? Did you also spit on my buddies at the airport when they came home?
Yes Puddy did in reference to the lack of an IRS scandal when the NY Times and WaPo leaked state secrets during the Bush Administration! You decided to deflect from the Obummer IRS Scandal with useless SENILE and DUMB Wabbit diatribes!
Puddy doesn’t. Ever heard of Fisher House? Ever heard of Wounded Warrior Project DUMBASS SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
Some more of charities Puddy supports! Great charities highlighted by Bill O’Reilly. So Puddy supports them too unlike libtards who don’t open their wallets!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? Sux to be you!
You betcha SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. You call for the breaking of US Laws only when it benefits DUMMOCRAPT sadministrations!
Why do you hate America SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
In other news.. Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News continues to swim upstream against the libtard DUMMOCRAPT ASS-kissing msm!
Did you know this about the Rhodes Brothers? No wonder Attkisson is blocked at CBS News!
So lessee what’s going on here…
Sharyl Atkisson, has been discussing leaving CBS since April. Puddy put it forth from Politico – leftist rag. Sharyl has been blocked on some of her Benghazi stories not getting airtime. Atkisson was hot on the trail of figuring out who, at the White House, rewrote the Benghazi talking points. She also was the lead CBS reporter on Fast and Furious.
Benjamin Rhodes who is Obama’s deputy national security adviser was involved in the Benghazi notes rewrite.
David Rhodes is the president of CBS News. David happens to be Sharyl Atkisson’s boss. Recently Sharyl was publicly castigated at CBS for her Benghazi coverage.
Oh BTW, Ben Rhodes’ brother is David Rhodes. No wonder Sharyl is being blocked from telling the truth at CBS News!
LOL!!! If it’s an act, it’s an act like Ronnie Raygun’s preznitcy was an act – role of a lifetime..
8 years and almost 40,000 comments strong!
Strong in the negative olfactory sense.
Just watching the 500, many lead changes, and a third of the field led. What a race, only to see a caution flag come out on the last three laps, giving the leader the checkered flag.
By the way, the wining car was powered by a Chevrolet engine.
@133 “You call for the breaking of US Laws only when it benefits DUMMOCRAPT sadministrations!”
You must be in favor of both parties breaking laws, then, because I’ve never seen you criticize Rethugs for doing it.
Now this is interesting. Ex-GOP senator and presidential candidate, patriot and war hero, Bob Dole says his party needs to be “closed for repairs.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’d disagree with Bob Dole on a lot of things, but I can’t argue with him there. Except maybe you could argue the GOP is sick beyond cure, and should be shot and put out of its misery.
Better check the threads with serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb since you are making another baseless accusation. Remember you said in this thread
SO how would you know SENILE and DUMB Wabbit?
See ya!
Oh my a serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron sighting @135… unemployed hate Hate HATE 24×7.
Sad sack of shit @135!
No debate commentary just unemployed hate Hate HATE 24×7.
Absolutely useless. Maybe that’s why he stays unemployed!
Another PMSNBC loser Melissa Harris-Perry. With horseshit like this, no wonder only HA libtards such as Da Perfessa watch this crap! Puddy gets his laughs from the ‘Nets!
One thing about Railroad Labor and Amtrak, is it has been flexible. Some of the big railroads use miles based compensation for engineers and conductors, Amtrak is time based. Also, Amtrak and the engineers union agreed on one engineer in the cab for 6 hour scheduled runs, which has created a couple engineer only crew districts. As for Amtrak Cascades 516 which was delayed Thursday night as BNSF went into CYA mode, from a map of Amtrak crew districts I found, might have the same crew from Portland to Vancouver B.C(or change in Seattle, depends on the schedule). Which if the delay had been longer, could have seen the need for a dog catch crew. The Federal maximum is 12hours.
Also, another example of flexibility is the separate agreement on the Auto Train, on board service crews are cross trained to do each other’s jobs(except drive the train, there are limits to flexibility on Amtrak). VIA Rail Canada has some interesting labor rules. They replaced the conductor with a second engineer in the cab. The main duty of the conductor with passengers was taken over by the service manager. Results were pretty good. One extra duty their engineers have, is loading baggage.
As for cross training crew members, one area where Rail Labor did not give, was in the maintenance shops. It is a highly skilled place, and over the years at most railroads, management and labor have learned that the craft distinctions work.
Do you really believe in all the crap you post here?
Or are just trying to disrupt HA?
Or are you a paid troll?
139) Problem is, that the GOP would not listen to him.
Hmmmm…sounds like it’s time for tax reform. How about a simple, flat rate system, for a change? Why does this stuff have to be so complicated?
One interesting aspect of a disaster, is that it can have unintended consequences. I have been keeping people on a railfan board of details on the impact Amtrak Cascades had on Thursday night, and the emergency third frequency being planned. The moderator brought up the Northridge Quake, and the damage it did to the freeways. Metrolink was in it’s infancy, and had to increase service, and even expand, overnight. Those extensions became permanent.
Did HA’s goatse reappear@144? YES
Did HA’s goatse write anything useful@144? NO!
Nothing new here… move along folks!
J. P. Morgan was one of the movers and shakers that brought about the Federal Reserve System. He (and the other banksters of the day) didn’t do this out of kindness and selflessness. The Federal Reserve was created to insure the continued existence of the big Northeastern banks. In short, “too big to fail” has been the mantra of the Federal Reserve and the federal government for over 100 years.
@146 Daydream much?
@149 Are you going somewhere with that?
From 150,
We could all ask you the same question.
From 151,
The system has been rigged in favor of the large money center banks for over a century and will continue to be so until we break up the large banks.
@135 Never in the history of slobber has so much drool accumulated in one place.
It looks like the goal is to get a temporary span up and running by the middle of June. Will that happen, even if the rules are suspended and permits are expedited, who knows, the way things work around here.
Let’s see if any environmental impact statement comes up!
Today’s Shooting Spree
“A man went on an early morning shooting spree across two Texas counties Sunday, killing a woman and injuring five other people — one of them the Concho County sheriff — before dying in a shootout with law enforcement, authorities said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another nut who shouldn’t have easy access to guns but does. Also, 17 Chicagoans have been shot this weekend, including a couple gunned down in an apparent road rage incident.
@155 You don’t have to be a jackass all the time, you know. You’re allowed to take breaks.
SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… Environmental impact statements appear all the time for things in America. You see SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… Puddy went there and looked…
Sux to be you KLOWN!
Why do I get the impression that SpuddlyPud is either:
A: A man with a 7 year old girl chained up in his basement, and goes around polishing all the doorknobs in his house every Friday night.
The strange neighbor that runs chainsaws at 2 in the morning in his back bedroom, and the neighbors are all wondering what happens to their cats that are always disappearing?
@159 and when the police arrest him, all the relatives and neighbors will say that he never gave any suggestion that he was crazy as a loon or that he was a “good boy” and always was nice to the neighborhood kids.
@ 160
And he was a “christian” who gave to his church, kept his lawn perfect and never used a curse word in his life…
@159, 160, 161
I think he’s far more pedestrian than that.
He’s a run-of-the-mill Bibul-thumper, and that sense of tribalism colors all else – particularly his antipathy to anything he perceives as ‘liberal’ or ‘Democratic’ – he is a relentless, shameless shill and apologist for the right-wing – and no amount of perfidy from the right will dissuade him, not war-mongering resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, not the wholesale theft of the meager savings of tens of millions of working class Americans, not the ongoing and accelerating despoiling of the planet in the name of private profit on the part of the greedheads, not the naked bloodlust and hate for anything other than a power structure focused on old white Protestant men….nothing.
His ‘act’ here is an act – I have yet to meet anyone who can stay in character in person to the degree that puddybigot does on these threads, as I said above, no one is that stupid in real life, not even the guy playing ‘puddy’.
He’s merely a fear-driven, end-times awaitin’, deluded bloodthirsty Christianist tribe member, convinced of the lies his preacherman tells him, blissfully ignorant of the hate and harm he professes, of the insanity he call for, of the injustice he defends, of the vicious racism he apologizes for….he just gets his little rocks off spending hours and hours here pretending he’s crazier than he really is – but it’s only a matter of degree…
Come to think of it, I think the only honest thing he has written here – and he does it with come consistency – is his bragging about his job, and the petty perqs he thinks are grand luxuries – I think it’s an interesting view into the mind of our little puddybigot, how special he feels when the expense account assistant manager allows him to rent a modestly larger Ford product, or stay in a Marriott while he’s out on an errand for his employer – this may be the only truly honest thing he’s written, and it’s tellingly pathetic.
@158 If you are truly worried about the environment (ha!) then let’s start by scraping the asbestos out of your skull.
Puddy the environmentalist. That’s a good one! It shows how wingnuts exploit absolutely everything for a partisan advantage. They’d rape their own mothers if they thought they could get a dollar or a vote from it.
@161 Yeah, you gotta watch out for neighbors who mow their grass and never swear in public. They’re probably Republicans.
Today is Memorial Day, a holiday set aside to honor our military men, women, and rabbits, especially those who didn’t return. (Sniffle)
Here’s a heartwarming story:
Cry Me A River Dep’t
A self-described revolutionary who hijacked a plane to Cuba in 1984 wants to come home.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nah, he and Castro deserve each other, and he should stay in his adopted country until he drops dead or they get tired of him and shoot him.
I agree.
Also, 15 years before that, those were happening on a regular basis.
Only from the mind of OWS Racist Fraggy. Project much? Now he has p e d o p h i l e thoughts. Who knew? Other HA libtards knew. Notice their agreement above. HA libtards, such sick people
You are one sick MOFO OWS Racist Fraggy!
I called you a motherfucker several times the other day, puddybigot, and here you are calling someone a MOFO!
Mimicry is the highest form of praise! The puddypersona picking up the words of others – it’s part of the programming!!
One thing is very certain… when Puddy posts facts about DUMMOCRAPTS… HA libtards run and go ad hominem. What else is there to do. Their leetle minds EXPLODE! There is always something stooopid in the mind of a libtard!
Take SCHMUCKO for example. SCHMUCKO’s it’s only Fox News house of cards has fallen down. Bob Schieffer attacks Obummer mouthpiece. Sharyl Attkisson’s Fast and Furious and Benghazi reports are blocked. Then we find out why… CBS News President’s leetle brother works in the whitey house press office. Jake Tapper questions whitey house misstatements. Eugene Robinson, well-known Obummer ASS-kisser takes Fox News James Rosen’s side, shocking Obummer’s friends. Puddy posts all these facts. SCHMUCKO’s head explodes… SCHMUCKO runs to Daily Kooks… has no answer… so SCHMUCKO attacks Puddy. Puddy don’t care… Puddy continues to post DUMMOCRAPT actions… especially from libtard msm sources. This speaks directly about libtards.
Once again you have a big “head” SCHMUCKO. Remember cockroaches? Puddy been using cockroaches since 2007. Did you check with serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb SCHMUCKO? Go on and ask serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb to replay the crazed databaze SCHMUCKO! Well how long do you think Puddy been using MOFO.. mofo?
A long MOFO time!
SCHMUCKO cheers OWS Racist Fraggy’s p e d o p h i l i a commentary.
Why does he do that? SCHMUCKO is as sick as OWS Racist Fraggy! Two sick mofos!
Then there is wharfrat? What is a wharf rat? Something that visits DeadHead concerts who have chosen to live drug and alcohol free? Really… and you are a libtard? Who knew? Well you cheer OWS Racist Fraggy’s p e d o p h i l i a commentary. U R a sick mofo too!
LMAO!!! So this is how a batshit insane right wing klownservative loon spends his 3 day weekend..
Btw nice “date night” last Sat… LOL!
Here’s something that’ll make his pin head explode:
HA HA HA… Klownservatives suck!
@174 And now the IRS “scandal” is blowing up in their faces.
Klownservatives don’t just suck, they inhale!!
Good to see serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb continues to allow Puddy to live “rent free” in serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb’s leetle mind!
Sux to be serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb. Lessee… Mrs Puddy and Puddy saw Star Trek and Oblivion. What did serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb do? Prolly nuthin much at all.
Also something lost on the serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb… Puddy wants people off unemployment. Puddy would like to see even the stoooooooopid serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb get a job. Butt we know that won’t happen… He would rather cruise left wrong sites than find a job! That’s HA’s serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb… HA’s primary unemployed loser! Even OWS Racist Fraggy is trying to make something out of his life serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb! You prove you love being unemployed!