Geoff Tate: Fixing the economy.
Ann Telnaes: Life begins at conception.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Heritage Foundation, “Low IQ immigrants are parasites & their ‘unborn’ children will be too!”.
White House: West Wing Week.
Heavyweight Governor:
- Ann Telnaes: Gov. Chris Christie tries to lose weight.
- Sam SederChris Christie has some surgery.
- Alex Wagner: Weighing in for 2016.
- Young Turks: Is a thin Christie on the way?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Christie in 2016?
Maddow: Obama’s IRS scandal in context.
Sam Seder: Judge slams Obama administration over their right wing Plan B stance.
ONN: The week in review.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Another state falls to gay marriage.
Lush Rimbaugh:
- Sam Seder: Random Rush.
- Sharpton: Limbaugh is costing his employer big bucks.
- SlateTV: Limbaugh can’t get past Susan Fluke.
- John Fugelsang: Rush Limbaugh has chased away more sponsors than Lindsay Lohan at Betty Ford:
- Young Turks: Advertisers bail!
- Sam Seder: Has the Flush Rush movement finished Mr. Limbaugh?
The Point: Justice Sandra Day O’Connor regrets Bush v. Gore in 2000.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Alarming ineptitude revealed in care of U.S. nuclear arsenal.
Jon on the Jodi Arias coverage.
Sam Seder: Republican warmongers beating the war drums.
South Carolina is Still Crazy:
- Stephen mourns his sister’s loss.
- Sam Seder: Family values candidate Mark Sanford wins special election.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Why sex scandals no longer matter in U.S. politics.
- Alex Wagner: “Serial adulterer” S. Carolina’s Mark Sanford’s political comeback.
- Joy Behar on Rep. Elect Sanford.
Young Turks: Elizabeth Warren wants students to get bank rates on their loans.
Ann Telnaes: America the armed.
Maddow: G.O.P. war on student voters violates the law.
Mark Fiore: iEvade.
Thom: Should Obama send troops to Texas?
Benghazi Brouhaha:
- Jon on the FAUX News, GOP Benghazi theories: “You have no fucking idea!”
- Young Turks: Republicans try to take down Hillary before 2016.
- Maddow: GOP hopes on their lucky stars that Benghazi will be the scandal that sticks.
- Young Turks: Impeach Obama over Benghazi? Republicans hope so.
- Chris Hayes: Political hot air.
- John Fugelsang: Oliver North talks about a Benghazi(!!!!!) cover-up — and irony hangs itself:
- Sam: G.O.P. off the rails with Benghazzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiii.
- Maddow: fringe conspiracy theories part 1 and part 2
Young Turks: Enron CEO to get reduced prison term.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
What’s happening in Japan??
Oh that has to because of that austerity stuff that the trolls are into (like this fool).. Well let’s see (from the same article):
Oooooops! We’ll be watching this one.. And watching any trolls squirm like the worms they are!
What’s happening in Oregon?
Wow. Such different pricing for the exact same thing. I know which one I’d pick. Wisdom of the “free market” right?? Heh..
Oooops! It’s that “gubmint” getting in the way..
Look what all this socialism is doing:
Oh my! The consumer seems to be winning! What will batshit insane Limbaugh worshipping wingnuts do?
And last but not least:
The Puddybud Series: Back to the Salt Mines!
@2 Next thing you know, health insurance CEOs will have to scale their annual compensation back to 8 figures.
One thing I keep seeing and hearing is how the EPA is hurting the coal industry. Actually, clean air laws maybe part of it, but the market is helping, as natural gas is cleaner, and cheaper.The mines in Appalachia are hit hard, as I was reading the in the news section of this month’s TRAINS Magazine(June, 2013), it has led to CSX reassigning crews to other regions. Although, coal plants in the east are still getting deliveries, from Illinois and the Powder River Basin.
@ 5
Gas isn’t cleaner, in many ways it is filthier. People all over Pennsylvania and South Dakota are seeing their water supplies permanently destroyed by hydrofracking. The destruction is permanent. There is no way to clean out the benzene, diesel fuel and shit the drilling companies use to fracture the rock, and people are pumping brown water that burns, chemically and literally, instead of the pure clear water they were 10 years ago.
Really OWS Fraggy? From the NY Times no friend to anything conservative…
Hmmm… Try again OWS Fraggy!
Yes, sigh all you want OWS Fraggy… where is your PROOF? Got a link to your “commentary”? Puddy uses the well known leftist mouthpiece, so where is your link?
Wherein, again, puddybigot provides his own rebuttal, without realizing it.
Notably provided in the NYT and by puddybigot without citation.
However, here are some studies, with citations…
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)…
also PNAS…
This latter study didn’t show that fracking caused contamination, but rather showed that there were natural links between the shallow drinking water aquifers and the deep gas shales – which blows away the pro-fracker assertion that the differences in depth would keep drinking water safe.
Once again I have to thank God the Mother that I wasn’t born as stupid, easily-manipulated or hateful as puddybigot.
WOW…knuckledragging Christianists in Louisiana are getting state money for religious charter schools….
At one of them, Claiborn Christian Academy…
At another…
and another (same link)…
Puh-raise JAYZUS!!
Let’s make citizens as dumb as possible, and bend them to an irrational authority and make sure they do what they’re told. Under no circumstances let them get near “sinful” scientists. We’ll tax everyone and use those dollars to advance our agenda of ‘godly’ affirmative stupidity.
This is what the supposedly rational-in-real-life puddybigot agitates for on these threads every fucking day, and represents nothing less than an existential threat to democracy.
From one of puddybigot’s favorite sites, WorldNetDaily….
From TPM…
I think he’s just pissed that facts have a well known liberal bias.
Any time stupid people are shown their stupidity in clear terms, they lash out at the person revealing their stupidity. Ryan is merely pandering to the stupid people in his party who resent education and critical thinking (see post above about Christianist schools).
The march toward serfdom for the masses, and plutocracy for Ryan’s benefactors continues, and stupidity plays a big part in that strategy.
@7 If you light a match and the water tap in your kitchen sink bursts into flame, it must be an Act of God, right? Never mind the drilling rig down the street …
I think there’s nothing he won’t apologize or shill for, in the service of money/Republicans/plutocrats/Christianists.
@7 Crack Cocaine is good for you too.
6)The article was just describing the reasons for the recent slump in Appalachian Coal production. Natural Gas might seem cleaner than coal, but as you described, it still is dirty. The railroads are making money either way. The cover story was on Montana Rail Link, which operates from Sandpoint, Idaho to Livingston, Montana. Besides online traffic(locally generated), they also get overhead traffic from former track owner Burlington Northern(Now BNSF), and that includes the Boeing trains(moving 737 fuselages), coal to West Coast terminals(it is already coming through here, the terminal is just north of the Peace Arch), Bakken Crude to Washington refineries, but also a heavier cargo coming into Montana, wind turbines. The latter is so heavy, they have to run empty flatcars between cars with the turbines, to distribute it.
19 – Heh. How many of those routes are short lines?
Great time to be a mom and pop short line operator if you’re near those fracking fields.. Location, location, location.
20)The edition of the magazine I was talking about, just happens to be the annual Short Line and Regions issue. Iowa Pacific Holdings(which does not oen any railroads in Iowa, but does have one on the Pacific Coast) got started with a couple properties that Shortline conglomerate RailAmerica did not find profitable, then the frac sand boom came. Now the owner of Iowa Pacific Holdings is working on the passenger side, with a few tour open, a luxury operation hitching a ride on a few Amtrak runs. My favorite is Gennessee and Wyoming, a holding company that started as a 15mile long railroad serving a salt mine, and now owns 63 railroads on three continents, and among it’s Australian operations, is the Adelaide-Darwin line. It’s most recent acquisition, was RailAmerica. Still, the oil boom is benefiting short line operators, large and small.
So Heritage has descended to the eugenics level. Must be right, though, the Irish, the Italians, the assorted Bohunks never contributed anything except hordes of marginally functional children suitable only for scut work. And don’t get me going on those Negroes!
Isn’t Heritage also pro-war? Just about every war we have had since the Civil War, we have had at least one segment of the population having to fight two enemies. The one on battlefield, and racism and suspicion at home.
Looks like the saga of the Kings gets better. Besides the increased offer from Hansen, he and the Maloofs are working on a backup deal.;can=n
22, 23 – Heritage fired Jason Richwine yesterday. His contention that immigrants have sub IQs was too low even for their bar.
Apparently International Baccalaureate programs teach high school kids to be gay, satanist communists. I did not know this.
It’s fascinating to watch the transformation occurring within the GOP. They’re on the verge of purging homophobes and border vigilantes from their ranks. It’s amazing what the election drubbing did to their attitude. Maybe some big donors took the children out to the woodshed on Nov. 7 to remind them that the folks paying the party’s bills can’t get their drilling permits and tax breaks by re-electing the opponent. Unfortunately for Jason Richwine, he didn’t read the memo.
@ 25, 27 RR
The only reason they asked him to quit was that he openly said what they’re all thinking anyway, and it made them look bad. These Organizations like American for Prosperity and Council for Conservative Citizens and Heritage are racist, neo-nazi groups thinly disguised as legitimate political organizations. They are die-hard Fascists, and eugenics is but one aspect of their philosophy of turning Government over to private companies to divide the country up into private fiefdoms.
Government by the people, for the people, and of the people is their sworn enemy. They are the ownership class, and they believe that ownership concept should include people, to use as they please, and dispose of when they are no longer useful.
Here’s Michele Bachmann saying that 9/11 was God’s Judgement:
Isn’t that the same thing that got wingers all up in arms when Rev. Jeremiah Wright said it? God damn America?
Oh, wait! Rev. Jeremiah Wright said that God was damning America for slavery. That’s why it as bad when Rev. Jeremiah Wright said it.
@ 28
“They are the ownership class, and they believe that ownership concept should include people, to use as they please, and dispose of when they are no longer useful.”
Actually, the don’t really want to own people. They just want to own the fruits of other people’s labor without having to pay for it. They figured out how to do that after the civil war.
29)I wonder if Bachmann will be in saying the same thing, after a vote in St. Paul this week. On Marriage Equality, rounding up enough DFL and moderate GOP votes in the State House was seen as the tough battle. That one was cleared. Ironically, it’s her quest for a State Constitutional Ban on marriage equality that may have made last weeks vote possible. While the GOP had both houses of the legislature, they put the measure on the ballot. Before the jokes about her husband get started, I heard she does have a gay relative, and they don’t speak to each other that much. Hsr stepsister, who she has used in negative ways in her campaigns in the past.
Turkey is warning Syria about car bombs going off in border towns. The US and NATO have condemmed the attacks, and are standing by Ankara. Now, I wonder if Turkey will be asking for Article 5 of the North Atlantic Charter to be invoked? They have flirted with it in recent months but backed down. Article 5, was first invoked by the NATO Council on September 11, 2001, if anybody was wondering what Article 5 means.
Interesting on last week’s bus crash.The bus bus had just been inspected last week. Also, it’s of a type that is no longer in production, but only 5 years ago. Due to declining orders, and most high floors falling out of favor, Gillig pulled the Phantom from production in 2008.
@16 “If you light a match and the water tap in your kitchen sink bursts into flame, it must be an Act of God”
Or an old episode of Ernie Kovacs’ program.
Interesting letter to the editor editin the Green Bay paper about yesterday’s National Train Day, suggesting adding service to Green Bay. I was thinking, too bad Governor Walker will make sure that does not happen.
Governors Walker and Kasich cut out some key links in a potential regional network.
@30 Good point. The “Cheap Labor Conservatives” (with appropriate attribution to Roger) may well have come up with somethings even better than slavery for those who profit from the labor of others–they don’t have to feed or shelter them.
Amtrak is showing off the new Electric Locomotives for the Northeast Corridor. They will replace the AEM-7 and HHP-8 locomotives. Replacing electric locomotives has been hit and miss. The AEM-7s were the second attempt to replace the venerable ex-PRR GG-1s.With several long distance and state supported trains continuing on to Richmond, too bad they can’t extend the electric territory, CSX owns that trackage, Mtrak ownership rnds in DC.
Amtrak ownership endef at DC, had a few problems with the edit feature and the tablet.
@36 Actually, the attribution belongs to this guy.
Looks like a big union vote is coming up in Portland on June 6-7.
“Managers of the corporate giant, which makes airplane and gas turbine parts, have fought off unionization before. They oppose the current bid to bring a union to Portland-area plants …. But this time Precision faces determined employees who say they’re fed up with working mandatory weekend overtime shifts on short notice, toiling in some cases for weeks or months at a stretch. … Precision worker Rod Scott … said managers penalize workers for taking sick days, change policies without notice, withdraw benefits and set impossible production targets.”
Treat your employees like dirt, get a union. Simple as that.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (pat. pend.) exercising his Second Amendment Rights (TM):
“[A] University of Oregon graduate student has been arrested for shooting guns into the ceiling of his campus-area house. …
“Investigators say they found at least 39 bullet holes in his ceiling, and later seized several firearms and other evidence from inside the house.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe he smoked some really bad weed and thought he saw German dive bombers coming at him. They were only fruit flies.